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Experiences on Use of State Estimator in Power System Operations (Power Electronics and Power Systems)
by Sarma Ndr Nuthalapati Veera Raju VinnakotaThis book brings together successful case studies on the practical use of state estimators at both the transmission and distribution system levels in the power industry. Contributions are written by an international group of utility industry experts who have designed and implemented state estimators for managing their grid operations in real-time, providing readers with a solid background in the theoretical and functional aspects of running, supporting, and maintaining the operation of state estimators on an ongoing basis. Experiences on Use of State Estimator in Power System Operations provides a comprehensive picture of state estimators in a practical setting and is a valuable hands-on reference for system operators and engineers who need to enhance their understanding of the use of state estimation in utility operations.
Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change
by Ricardo BonachoExperiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change contains papers on gastronomy, food design, sustainability, and social practices research as presented at the 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference (EFOOD 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 28-30 April 2022). The contributions explore potential solutions to current problems in the food system, and outline scenarios on the future of food and nutrition. The book aims at academics and professionals that interact with the food sector.
Experiencing Food: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies (EFOOD 2019), 28-30 November 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
by Ricardo Bonacho Maria José Pires Elsa Cristina Carona de Sousa LamyExperiencing Food: Designing Sustainable and Social Practices contains papers on food, sustainability and social practices research, presented at the 2nd International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies, held November 28-30, 2019, at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. The conference and resulting papers reflect on interdisciplinarity as not limited to the design of objects or services, but seeking awareness towards new lifestyles and innovative approaches to food sustainability.
Experiencing Food, Designing Dialogues: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies (EFOOD 2017), Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-21, 2017
by Ricardo Bonacho Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa Cláudia Viegas João Paulo Martins Maria José Pires Sara Velez EstêvãoFOOD and interdisciplinary research are the central focus of the 1st International Conference on Food Design and Food Studies: Experiencing Food, Designing Dialogues, reflecting upon approaches evidencing how interdisciplinarity is not limited to the design of objects or services, but seeks awareness towards new lifestyles and innovative ways of dealing with food. This book encompasses a wide range of perspectives on the state of the art and research in the fields of Food and Design, making a significant contribution to further development of these fields. Accordingly, it covers a broad variety of topics from Designing for/with Food, Educating People on Food, Experiencing Food and other Food for Thought.
Experiential Learning Design: Theoretical Foundations and Effective Principles
by Colin BeardExperiential Learning Design comprehensively demonstrates the key theories and applications for the design of experiential approaches to learning and training. Learning is gradually moving away from management and delivery of content, and toward experiences that encourage learners to engage and take greater responsibility for their own progress. This book’s empirically sound, multi-disciplinary approach balances technical-rational and artistic-intuitive design elements to accommodate the complex, fluctuating capacities of human learning. In-depth chapters cover design principles, social and environmental factors in learning, the importance of senses and emotions, and links between body and brain. This bold, unique perspective shift will enrich the work of learning scientists, instructional designers, educational technologists, and beyond.
Experiential Learning in Engineering Education
by Alan L. SteeleExperiential Learning presents an evolving form of education that fundamentally involves "learning by doing" and having students reflect on the work. The book discusses these recent developments pertaining to the use of experiential learning in engineering education. Covering a range of innovations in experiential learning, the book explores development in laboratories, in-class and problem-based learning, project work and society-based aspects, including Indigenous elements in the curriculum. It includes case studies and examples sourced from institutions around the world. Features Focuses on recent and practical aspects of implementing experiential learning to help improve engineering education Offers an examination of the undergraduate experience, which leads to professional certification Includes a chapter on lessons in other professional education areas, such as medicine and health care, business and social work A broad readership will find value in this book, including faculty who teach undergraduate engineering courses, engineering education researchers, industry partners that provide co-op experience and developers of training modules for practicing engineers.
Experiment-Based Structural Mechanics
by Kyung-Jae Shin Swoo-Heon LeeThis textbook demonstrates theoretical principles and actual cases of structural mechanics. This book explains basic definitions of beam, frame, and truss which are widely used in the field of structure mechanics and also shows important engineering tests such as moment distribution, characteristics of member section, analysis of a truss, analysis of a statically indeterminate structure, and principle of bending resistance of concrete section. These contents can help many students to figure out the resistance principle of a structure through simple model tests, dynamics, reinforced concrete structure, steel frame structure and understand how dynamic computational equation is mathematically used in structure mechanics.
Experiment Design for Civil Engineering: Methods and Examples
by Francis J. Hopcroft Abigail J. CharestExperiment Design for Civil Engineering provides guidance to students and practicing civil engineers on how to design a civil engineering experiment that will produce useful and unassailable results. It includes a long list of complete experiment designs that students can perform in the laboratory at most universities and that many consulting engineers can do in corporate laboratories. These experiments also provide a way to evaluate a new design against an existing experiment to determine what information is most appropriate in each section and how to format the data for the most effective outcome. Interpretation of output data is discussed, along with uncertainty, as well as optimal presentation of the data to others. The content of the first 8 chapters is similar in format to authors' recent title, Experiment Design for Environmental Engineering: Methods and Examples (CRC Press, 2022) and has been revised for civil engineers. This textbook: Fills in the gap in ABET requirements to teach experiment design. Provides a standardized approach to experiment design that can work for any experiment. Includes completed experiment designs suitable for college laboratory and professional applications. Shows how to organize experimental data as it is collected to optimize usefulness. Provides templates for design of the experiment and for presenting the resulting data to technical and nontechnical audiences or clients.
Experiment Design for Environmental Engineering: Methods and Examples
by Francis J. Hopcroft Abigail CharestExperiment Design for Environmental Engineering provides a wide range of practical environmental engineering laboratory experiments for implementation by students in a university laboratory or by practicing professionals in the field, along with an extensive discussion on how to design an experiment that will provide meaningful and useful data, how to interpret the data generated from an experiment, and how to present those data to an audience of other students or professionals. The example experiments provide a way to evaluate a new design against an existing experiment to determine what information is most appropriate in each section and how to format the data for the most effective outcome. Features Fills in the gap in ABET requirements to teach students how to design experiments and includes key elements for a successful design Covers experiments for a wide range of environmental engineering topics Provides standardized approach that includes a basic background to the concepts and step-by-step procedure for conducting the experiment Explains designs that are suitable for college laboratory and professional applications Shows how to organize experimental data as it is collected to optimize usefulness Provides templates for design of the experiment and for presenting the resulting data to technical and nontechnical audiences or clients
Experiment-Driven Product Development: How to Use a Data-Informed Approach to Learn, Iterate, and Succeed Faster
by Paul RissenImproving your craft is a key skill for product and user experience professionals working in the digital era. There are many established methods of product development to inspire and focus teams—Sprint, Lean, Agile, Kanban—all of which focus on solutions to customer and business problems. Enter XDPD, or Experiment-Driven Product Development—a new approach that turns the spotlight on questions to be answered, rather than on solutions.Within XDPD, discovery is a mindset, not a project phase. In Experiment-Driven Product Development, author Paul Rissen introduces a philosophy of product development that will hone your skills in discovery, research and learning. By guiding you through a practical, immediately applicable framework, you can learn to ask, and answer, questions which will supercharge your product development, making teams smarter and better at developing products and services that deliver for users and businesses alike. When applying the XDPD framework within your organization, the concept of an experiment—a structured way of asking, and answering, questions—becomes the foundation of almost everything you do, instilling a constant sense of discovery that keeps your team inspired. All types of activities, from data analysis to writing software, are seen through the lens of research. Rather than treating research as a separate task from the rest of product development, this book approaches the entire practice as one of research and continuous discovery.Designing successful experiments takes practice. That’s where Rissen’s years of industry expertise come in. In this book, you are given step-by-step tools to ensure that meaningful, efficient progress is made with each experiment. This approach will prove beneficial to your team, your users, and most importantly, to your product’s lasting success.Experiment-Driven Product Development offers a greater appreciation of the craft of experimentation and helps you adapt it in your own context. In our modern age of innovation, XDPD can put you ahead. Go forth and experiment!What You Will LearnKnow how to approach product development in a leaner, more efficient wayUnderstand where and when experiments can be useful, and how they fit into pre-existing organization environments and processesRealize why you should be thinking about the simplest, useful thing rather than the minimum, viable productDiscover how to break down feature and design ideas into the assumptions and the premises that lie behind themAppreciate the importance of designing your experiments, and the statistical concepts that underpin their successMaster the art of communicating the results of experiments back to stakeholders, and help the results guide what happens nextWho This Book is ForProfessionals working in digital product design and development, user experience, and service design. This book is best suited for those who work on digital products every day and want to adopt better approaches to gaining knowledge about their users, what works, and what does not work.
Experimental Aerodynamics: An Introductory Guide (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)
by Bruno Chanetz Jean Délery Patrick Gilliéron Patrick Gnemmi Erwin R. Gowree Philippe PerrierThis book presents experimental techniques in the field of aerodynamics, a discipline that is essential in numerous areas, such as the design of aerial and ground vehicles and engines, the production of energy, and understanding the wind resistance of buildings. Aerodynamics is not only concerned with improving the performance and comfort of vehicles, but also with reducing their environmental impact. The book provides updated information on the experimental and technical methods used by aerodynamicists, engineers and researchers. It describes the various types of wind tunnels – from subsonic to hypersonic – as well as the problems posed by their design and operation. The book also focuses on metrology, which has allowed us to gain a detailed understanding of the local properties of flows, and examines current developments toward creating a methodology combining experiments and numerical simulations: the computer-assisted wind tunnel. Lastly, it offers an overview of experimental aerodynamics based on a prospective vision of the discipline, and discusses potential futures challenges. The book can be used as a textbook for graduate courses in aerodynamics, typically offered to students of aerospace and mechanical engineering programs, and as a learning tool for professionals and engineers in the fields of aerodynamics, aeronautics and astronautics automobile.
Experimental Aerodynamics
by Stefano Discetti; Andrea IaniroExperimental Aerodynamics provides an up to date study of this key area of aeronautical engineering. The field has undergone significant evolution with the development of 3D techniques, data processing methods, and the conjugation of simultaneous measurements of multiple quantities. Written for undergraduate and graduate students in Aerospace Engineering, the text features chapters by leading experts, with a consistent structure, level, and pedagogical approach. Fundamentals of measurements and recent research developments are introduced, supported by numerous examples, illustrations, and problems. The text will also be of interest to those studying mechanical systems, such as wind turbines.
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4
by Wendy C. Crone Carlos E. Ventura Cosme FurlongExperimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2012 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the fourth volume of seven from the Conference, brings together 54 contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Experimental and Applied Mechanics, including papers on: Fracture & FatigueMicroscale & Microstructural Effects in Fatigue & FractureMaterial ApplicationsComposite Characterization Using Digital Image Correlation TechniquesMulti-Scale Simulation and Testing of CompositesResidual StressInverse Problems/Hybrid MethodsNano-CompositesMicrostructure Material CharacterizationModeling and Uncertainty QuantificationImpact Behavior of Composites
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6
by Nancy Sottos Robert Rowlands Kathryn DannemannExperimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, the sixth volume of eight from the Conference, brings together contributions to important areas of research and engineering The collection presents early findings and case studies on a wide range of topics, including: Advances in Residual Stress Measurement Methods Residual Stress Effects on Material Performance Inverse Problems and Hybrid Techniques Thermoelastic Stress Analysis Infrared Techniques Research in Progress Applications in Experimental Mechanics
Experimental and Computational Investigations in Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNNTech 2020 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #153)
by Nenad Mitrovic Goran Mladenovic Aleksandra MitrovicThis proceedings book is a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented at the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies (CNNTech2020) held at Zlatibor, Serbia, from 29th June to 2nd July 2020. The book discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the engineering techniques. Researchers from academia and industry present their original work and exchange ideas, experiences, information, techniques, applications and innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical and process engineering, experimental techniques, numerical methods and new technologies.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Advanced Materials and Structures
by Andreas Öchsner Holm AltenbachThe idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to experimental and numerical investigations of advanced materials and structures. The contributions cover the field of mechanical, civil and materials engineering, ranging from new modelling and simulation techniques, advanced analysis techniques, optimization of structures and materials and constitutive modelling. Well known experts present their research on damage and fracture of material and structures, materials modelling and evaluation up to image processing and visualization for advanced analyses and evaluation.
Experimental and Numerical Investigations in Materials Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNNTech 2018 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #54)
by Nenad Mitrovic Milos Milosevic Goran MladenovicThis book provides a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented at the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies (CNNTech2018), held in Zlatibor, Serbia from 4 to 6 July 2018. The book discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of engineering techniques. Researchers from academia and the industry share their original work and exchange ideas, experiences, information, techniques, applications and innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical and process engineering, experimental techniques, numerical methods and new technologies.
Experimental and Numerical Study of Dynamics of Premixed Hydrogen-Air Flames Propagating in Ducts
by Huahua XiaoThis thesis offers important new insights into and a deeper understanding of premixed flame instabilities and hydrogen safety. Further, it explains the underlying mechanisms that control the combustion processes in tubes. The author's previous scientific accomplishments, which include a series of high-quality publications in the best journals in our field, Combustion and Flame and International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, are very impressive and have already made a significant contribution to combustion science.
Experimental and Numerical Study of Glass Façade Breakage Behavior under Fire Conditions: Fire Safety Engineering (Springer Theses)
by Yu WangThis book presents the comprehensive results of experimental and numerical investigations of glass façade breakage behavior under fire conditions. First of all, full-scale frame and point-supported glass façades, incorporating single, double and coated glazing, were tested under pool fire conductions. The results determined the effects of different glass frames, types of glass, and thermal shocks on breakage behavior. Small-scale tests, using the Material Testing System (MTS) 810, Netzsch Dilatometer and FE-SEM, were also performed at different temperatures to determine the basic mechanical properties of glazing.In addition, a three-dimensional dynamic model was developed to predict stress distribution, crack initiation and propagation, and has since been employed to identify the breakage mechanisms of different types of glass façade. The numerical results showed very good agreement with the experimental results and verified the model’s ability to accurately predict breakage. Lastly, a theoretical model based on incident heat flux was developed to predict the breakage time and heat transfer in glazing, which served to reveal the nature of interactions between fire and glass.
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Strength and Stability of Soil
by A.Z. Khasanov Z.A. KhasanovThis work presents the experimental results of the strength of sands and clay soils in the following conditions: plane shear, triaxial stress state, with passive and active loading. The obtained experimental results are compared with existing theories of strength and the reasons for their non-conformity are identified. Experimental data on the determination of the position of shear surfaces with active and passive resistance of soils is analysed. A new concept of the theory of soil strength is considered, which allows to take into account the fundamental parameters of the strength of soils: the angle of internal friction, specific adhesion, and lateral pressure ratio. Given analytical expressions allow one to determine the stress state at the sites rejected with respect to the main stresses. The definition of the physical essence of the concept of lateral pressure coefficient for soils is given. Also described are the results of experiments to determine the critical load on soil having the shape of a truncated cone, where the angles of deflection of the shear surfaces have been experimentally determined, on the basis of which analytical expressions have been obtained that allow prediction of the critical load. The book provides methods for solving various geotechnical problems using the theory of soil strength proposed by the authors. The book is intended for professionals working in the fields of soil mechanics and geotechnics, as well as for students and academics in engineering, earth and soil sciences and construction.
Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials
by Leif A. Carlsson Donald F. Adams R. Byron PipesOver the last three decades, the evolution of techniques for the experimental testing of composite materials has struggled to keep up with the advances and broadening areas of application of the composite materials themselves. In recent years, however, much work has been done to consolidate and better understand the test methods being used. Finally
Experimental Comparisons of Usability Evaluation Methods: A Special Issue of Human-Computer Interaction
by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.This special issue contains essays regarding the CHI '95 conference, which featured a panel titled, Discount or Disservice? Discount Usability Analysis: Evaluation at a Bargain Price or Simply Damaged Merchandise? Wayne Gray, who organized the panel, presented a controversial critique of studies that had evaluated various usability evaluation methods (UEMs). The level of interest in this discussion led Gray to propose a review article that dealt with the issues in a more systematic fashion. The resulting essay, written by Gray and his collaborator Marilyn Salzman, conducted an in-depth review of a series of influential studies that used experimental methods to compare a variety of UEMs. Gray and Salzman's analysis was framed using Cook and Campbell's (1979) well-known discussion of various forms of validity. They used this to evaluate numerous details of these comparative studies, and they concluded that the studies fell short on the criteria by which good experimental studies are designed and interpreted.
Experimental Design: From User Studies to Psychophysics
by Douglas W. Cunningham Christian WallravenAs computers proliferate and as the field of computer graphics matures, it has become increasingly important for computer scientists to understand how users perceive and interpret computer graphics. Experimental Design: From User Studies to Psychophysics is an accessible introduction to psychological experiments and experimental design, covering th
Experimental Design and Process Optimization
by null Maria Isabel Rodrigues null Antonio Francisco IemmaExperimental Design and Process Optimization delves deep into the design of experiments (DOE). The book includes Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD), fractional factorial, and Plackett and Burman designs as a means to solve challenges in research and development as well as a tool for the improvement of the processes already implemented. Appr
Experimental Evidence and Theoretical Approaches in Unsaturated Soils
by A. Tarantino C. MancusoThis volume presents the work of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers on unsaturated soil mechanincs. Topics covered include: innovative experimental techniques; new experimental data on compacted, collapsible and swelling soils; and advances in constitutive modelling.