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Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures: Testing, Sensing, Monitoring, and Control (Resilience and Sustainability in Civil, Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering Systems)
by Jian Zhang, Zhishen Wu, Mohammad Noori, and Yong LiExperimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures: Testing, Sensing, Monitoring, and Control covers a wide range of topics in the areas of vibration testing, instrumentation, and analysis of civil engineering and critical infrastructure. It explains how recent research, development, and applications in experimental vibration analysis of civil engineering structures have progressed significantly due to advancements in the fields of sensor and testing technologies, instrumentation, data acquisition systems, computer technology, computational modeling and simulation of large and complex civil infrastructure systems. The book also examines how cutting-edge artificial intelligence and data analytics can be applied to infrastructure systems. Features: Explains how recent technological developments have resulted in addressing the challenge of designing more resilient infrastructure Examines numerous research studies conducted by leading scholars in the field of infrastructure systems and civil engineering Presents the most emergent fields of civil engineering design, such as data analytics and Artificial Intelligence for the analysis and performance assessment of infrastructure systems and their resilience Emphasizes the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to develop the modeling, analysis, and experimental tools for designing more resilient and intelligent infrastructures Appropriate for practicing engineers and upper-level students, Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Structures: Testing, Sensing, Monitoring, and Control serves as a strategic roadmap for further research in the field of vibration testing and instrumentation of infrastructure systems.
Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik und Wärme, 6. Auflage
by Wolfgang DemtröderMECHANIK und WÄRME ist der erste von vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik von Professor Demtröder. Die Lehrinhalte des ersten Semesters Physik werden anschaulich und leicht verständlich, dabei aber möglichst quantitativ präsentiert. Durchgerechnete Beispiele im Text, Kapitelzusammenfassungen sowie Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Schluss des Buches helfen dabei, den Stoff zu bewältigen, und regen zu eigener Mitarbeit an. Wichtige Definitionen und Formeln, alle Abbildungen und Tabellen wurden zweifarbig gestaltet. Farbtafeln zu ausgesuchten Themen tragen zum Spaß an diesem Buch bei. Die sechste Auflage wurde neu bearbeitet und aktualisiert.
Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik und Wärme, 7. Auflage
by Wolfgang Demtröder"Mechanik und Wärme" ist der erste von vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik von Professor Demtröder. Die Lehrinhalte des ersten Semesters Physik werden anschaulich und leicht verständlich, dabei aber möglichst quantitativ präsentiert. Wichtige Definitionen und Formeln, alle Abbildungen und Tabellen wurden zweifarbig gestaltet. Durchgerechnete Beispiele im Text, Kapitelzusammenfassungen sowie Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Schluss des Buches helfen dabei, den Stoff zu bewältigen, und regen zu eigener Mitarbeit an. Die siebte Auflage wurde neu bearbeitet, korrigiert und weitgehend aktualisiert.
Experimentalphysik 2: Elektrizität und Optik, 6. Auflage
by Wolfgang DemtrödeDie komplett neu überarbeitete und ergänzte 6. Auflage der Elektrizität und Optik ist der zweite von vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik von Professor Demtröder. Durchgerechnete Beispiele im Text, Kapitelzusammenfassungen sowie Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Schluß des Buches helfen dabei, den Stoff zu bewältigen, und regen zu eigener Mitarbeit an. Die Lehrinhalte des zweiten Semesters Physik werden nach dem Konzept des ersten Bandes leicht verständlich und dabei möglichst quantitativ präsentiert. Wichtige Definitionen und Formeln sowie alle Abbildungen und Tabellen wurden zweifarbig gestaltet, um das Wesentliche deutlicher herauszustellen. Viele Illustrationen sowie einige Farbtafeln zu ausgesuchten Themen tragen zum Spaß an diesem Buch bei. Die neue Auflage wurde auf das Bachelor-Studium optimiert.
Experimentalphysik 2: Elektrizität Und Optik
by Wolfgang DemtröderDer zweite von vier Bänden zur Experimentalphysik vermittelt die Lehrinhalte des zweiten Semesters Physik. Durchgerechnete Beispiele im Text, Kapitelzusammenfassungen sowie Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlichen Lösungen am Schluss des Buchs helfen Studierenden, den Stoff zu bewältigen und regen zu aktiver Mitarbeit an. Definitionen und Formeln sowie alle Abbildungen und Tabellen wurden zweifarbig gestaltet, um das Wesentliche deutlicher herauszustellen. Die komplett überarbeitete und ergänzte 6. Auflage wurde für das Bachelor-Studium optimiert.
Experimentation Methodology for Engineers (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Frank A. Coutelieris Antonios KanavourasThis book delivers a methodological approach on the experimentation and/or simulation processes from the disclaiming hypothesis on a physical phenomenon to the validation of the results. The main benefit of the book is that it discusses all the topics related to experimentation and validation of the outcome including state-of-the-art applications and presents important theoretical, mathematical and experimental developments, providing a self-contained major reference that is appealing to both the scientists and the engineers. At the same time, these topics are encountered in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. As a first step, it presents the theoretical and practical implications on the formation of a hypothesis, considering the existing knowledge collection, classification and validation of the particular areas of experimenting interest. Afterwards, the transition from the knowledge classes to the experimentation parameters according to the phenomena evolution contributors and the systemic properties of the descriptors are discussed. The major experimenting requirements focus on the conditions to satisfy a potential disclaim of the initial hypothesis as conditions. Furthermore, the experimentation outcome, as derived via the previous experimentation process set-up, would be validate for the similarities among the existing knowledge and derived new one. The whole methodology offers a powerful tool towards the minimization of research effort wastes, as far as it can identify the lacks of knowledge, thus the areas of interest where the current research has to work on. The special features of this book are (a) the use of state-of-the-art techniques for the classification of knowledge, (b) the consideration of a realistic systemic world of engineering approached phenomena, (c) the application of advanced mathematical techniques for identifying, describing and testing the similarities in the research results and conclusions, and (d) the experimental investigation of relevant phenomena.
Experimentation, Validation, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers
by Hugh W. Coleman W. Glenn SteeleHelps engineers and scientists assess and manage uncertainty at all stages of experimentation and validation of simulations Fully updated from its previous edition, Experimentation, Validation, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, Fourth Edition includes expanded coverage and new examples of applying the Monte Carlo Method (MCM) in performing uncertainty analyses. Presenting the current, internationally accepted methodology from ISO, ANSI, and ASME standards for propagating uncertainties using both the MCM and the Taylor Series Method (TSM), it provides a logical approach to experimentation and validation through the application of uncertainty analysis in the planning, design, construction, debugging, execution, data analysis, and reporting phases of experimental and validation programs. It also illustrates how to use a spreadsheet approach to apply the MCM and the TSM, based on the authors’ experience in applying uncertainty analysis in complex, large-scale testing of real engineering systems. Experimentation, Validation, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, Fourth Edition includes examples throughout, contains end of chapter problems, and is accompanied by the authors’ website www.uncertainty-analysis.com. Guides readers through all aspects of experimentation, validation, and uncertainty analysis Emphasizes the use of the Monte Carlo Method in performing uncertainty analysis Includes complete new examples throughout Features workable problems at the end of chapters Experimentation, Validation, and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, Fourth Edition is an ideal text and guide for researchers, engineers, and graduate and senior undergraduate students in engineering and science disciplines. Knowledge of the material in this Fourth Edition is a must for those involved in executing or managing experimental programs or validating models and simulations.
Experimente rund um die Kunststoffe des Alltags
by Georg SchwedtJoghurtbecher, Frischhaltefolien, Plastikbeutel, Parkbänke, Wärmedämmungs- und Verpackungsmaterialien und, und, und ... ohne Kunststoffe geht es in unserem Alltag nicht! Georg Schwedt, erfolgreicher Sach- und Lehrbuchautor, präsentiert ein neues und in seiner Thematik einzigartiges Experimente-Buch. Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten wirbt Georg Schwedt für die Chemie. Den Aufbau und Betrieb mehrerer Mitmachlabors hat er maßgeblich initiiert und mitgestaltet - die daraus gewonnene Erfahrung fließt auch in die Gestaltung jedes der mehr als 70 Experimente ein. Wie in seinen anderen Experimentierbüchern sind die Materialien - die Palette reicht von Biopolymeren bis zu vollsynthetischen Kunststoffen - problemlos zu besorgen und die Untersuchungen sind ungefährlich und einfach nachzuvollziehen. Wie kann man das Material eines Joghurtbechers von dem eines Zahnputzbechers unterscheiden? Was kann man mit dem Superabsorber einer Babywindel so alles Sinnvolles anstellen? Nach der Lektüre dieses Buches wissen Sie mehr! Und den Spaß beim lehrreichen Experimentieren gibt es kostenlos dazu! Ein Buch für Lehrer und Schüler der Mittel- und Oberstufe, Dozenten, Studenten und überhaupt für Alle an Chemie Interessierte.
Experimentelle Einführung in die Elektrochemie: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Theorie
by Joachim DohmannDas vorliegende Buch vermittelt wichtige Grundlagen der Elektrochemie. Hierzu zählen - die Entstehung von Ladungsträgern- die Mechanismen des Ladungstransports- die Grundlagen der Elektrolyse- Elektrochemische Untersuchungsmethoden- Elektrochemische Spannungsquellen- industrielle AnwendungenDie Zusammenhänge werden anhand zahlreicher einführender Experimente erläutert. Neben einer kurzen Einführung in die jeweiligen theoretischen Vorstellungen werden experimentelle Aufbauten beschrieben, Ergebnisse mitgeteilt und interpretiert. Besondere Kenntnisse in den Fächern Chemie, Physik oder Elektronik werden nicht vorausgesetzt.Die ZielgruppenDas Buch wendet sich an Studierende der Fachrichtungen Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik, Versorgungstechnik, Energietechnik und Umwelttechnik an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Zudem wendet es sich an Ingenieure dieser Bereiche, die Grundkenntnisse der Elektrochemie erwerben möchten. Das Buch wendet sich ferner an Studierende des Lehramts im Fach Chemie sowie an Chemielehrer der Sekundarstufe II.
Experimentierbare Digitale Zwillinge: Konvergenz von Simulation und Realität
by Michael SchluseDer Digitale Zwilling ist einer der maßgeblichen technologischen Trends des Jahrzehnts. Simulationstechnik erweckt Digitale Zwillinge zum Leben und macht ihr Verhalten erfahrbar und analysierbar. Aus Digitalen Zwillingen werden Experimentierbare Digitale Zwillinge (EDZ), d.h. Digitale Zwillinge zusammengeführt mit Simulationstechnik bzw. betrachtet aus der Perspektive der Simulationstechnik. Der in diesem Buch eingeführte Experimentierbare Digitale Zwilling schließt die Lücke zwischen Model-based Systems Engineering und Simulation und hebt das Potenzial moderner Modellierungs- und (Co-) Simulationsansätze. Er beschreibt Semantik, Struktur, Verhalten und Interaktion seines Realen Zwillings. Seine domänenübergreifende Interaktion mit weiteren Experimentierbaren Digitalen Zwillingen ermöglicht die umfassende Abbildung von Systemen von Mechatronischen/Cyber-Physischen Systemen; seine Vernetzung mit Realen Zwillingen führt Simulation und Realität symbiotisch zusammen. Dies ist Grundlagefür vielfältige EDZ-Methoden zum interdisziplinären, domänen-, system-, prozess-, anwendungs- und lebenszyklusübergreifenden Einsatz Digitaler Zwillinge.
Experimenting for Sustainable Transport: The Approach of Strategic Niche Management (Transport, Development and Sustainability Series)
by Johan Schot Remco Hoogma Rene Kemp Bernhard TrufferTechnological change is a central feature of modern societies and a powerful source for social change. There is an urgent task to direct these new technologies towards sustainability, but society lacks perspectives, instruments and policies to accomplish this. There is no blueprint for a sustainable future, and it is necessary to experiment with alternative paths that seem promising. Various new transport technologies promise to bring sustainability benefits. But as this book shows, important lessons are often overlooked because the experiments are not designed to challenge the basic assumptions about established patterns of transport choices. Learning how to organise the process of innovation implementation is essential if the maximum impact is to be achieved - it is here that strategic niche management offers new perspectives. The book uses a series of eight recent experiments with electric vehicles, carsharing schemes, bicycle pools and fleet management to illustrate the means by which technological change must be closely linked to social change if successful implementation is to take place. The basic divide between proponents of technological fixes and those in favour of behavioural change needs to be bridged, perhaps indicating a third way.
Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion
by Dirk Roekaerts Amsini Sadiki Bart MerciThis book reflects the outcome of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion held in 2009 in Corsica (France). The focus is on reporting the progress of experimental and numerical techniques in two-phase flows, with emphasis on spray combustion. The motivation for studies in this area is that knowledge of the dominant phenomena and their interactions in such flow systems is essential for the development of predictive models and their use in combustor and gas turbine design. This necessitates the development of accurate experimental methods and numerical modelling techniques. The workshop aimed at providing an opportunity for experts and young researchers to present the state-of-the-art, discuss new developments or techniques and exchange ideas in the areas of experimentations, modelling and simulation of reactive multiphase flows. The first two papers reflect the contents of the invited lectures, given by experts in the field of turbulent spray combustion. The first concerns computational issues, while the second deals with experiments. These lectures initiated very interesting and interactive discussions among the researchers, further pursued in contributed poster presentations. Contributions 3 and 4 focus on some aspects of the impact of the interaction between fuel evaporation and combustion on spray combustion in the context of gas turbines, while the final article deals with the interaction between evaporation and turbulence.
Experiments and Simulations in Advanced Manufacturing (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)
by Panagiotis Kyratsis J. Paulo DavimThis book presents the latest advances in manufacturing from both the experimental and simulation point of view. It covers most aspects of manufacturing engineering, i.e. theoretical, analytical, computational and experimental studies. Experimental studies on manufacturing processes require funds, time and expensive facilities, while numerical simulations and mathematical models can improve the efficiency of using the research results. It also provides high level of prediction accuracy and the basis for novel research directions.
Experiments and Video Analysis in Classical Mechanics (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)
by Vitor L. B. de JesusThis book is an experimental physics textbook on classical mechanics focusing on the development of experimental skills by means of discussion of different aspects of the experimental setup and the assessment of common issues such as accuracy and graphical representation. The most important topics of an experimental physics course on mechanics are covered and the main concepts are explored in detail. Each chapter didactically connects the experiment and the theoretical models available to explain it. Real data from the proposed experiments are presented and a clear discussion over the theoretical models is given. Special attention is also dedicated to the experimental uncertainty of measurements and graphical representation of the results. In many of the experiments, the application of video analysis is proposed and compared with traditional methods.
Experiments In Physical Optics
by M. Francon N. Krauzman J.P. Mathieu M. MayExperiments in physical optics for undergraduate and graduate classes. Provides the theoretical basis of each experiment and describes the apparatus required and necessary adjustments. Most of the experiments require only lenses, prisms, mirrors, and polarizers, and can be projected on a lecture screen or viewed by television.
Experiments in Topology
by Stephen Barr"A mathematician named KleinThought the Moebius band was divine.Said he: 'If you glueThe edges of two,You'll get a weird bottle like mine.' " -- Stephen BarrIn this lively book, the classic in its field, a master of recreational topology invites readers to venture into such tantalizing topological realms as continuity and connectedness via the Klein bottle and the Moebius strip. Beginning with a definition of topology and a discussion of Euler's theorem, Mr. Barr brings wit and clarity to these topics:New Surfaces (Orientability, Dimension, The Klein Bottle, etc.)The Shortest Moebius StripThe Conical Moebius StripThe Klein BottleThe Projective Plane (Symmetry)Map ColoringNetworks (Koenigsberg Bridges, Betti Numbers, Knots)The Trial of the Punctured TorusContinuity and Discreteness ("Next Number," Continuity, Neighborhoods, Limit Points)Sets (Valid or Merely True? Venn Diagrams, Open and Closed Sets, Transformations, Mapping, Homotopy)With this book and a square sheet of paper, the reader can make paper Klein bottles, step by step; then, by intersecting or cutting the bottle, make Moebius strips. Conical Moebius strips, projective planes, the principle of map coloring, the classic problem of the Koenigsberg bridges, and many more aspects of topology are carefully and concisely illuminated by the author's informal and entertaining approach.Now in this inexpensive paperback edition, Experiments in Topology belongs in the library of any math enthusiast with a taste for brainteasing adventures in the byways of mathematics.
Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods
by Maria Margarida Cortez Vieira Peter HoIn chemical engineering and related fields, a unit operation is a basic step in a process. For example in milk processing, homogenization, pasteurization, chilling, and packaging are each unit operations which are connected to create the overall process. A process may have many unit operations to obtain the desired product. The book will cover many different unit operations as they apply to food processing.
Expert Clouds and Applications: Proceedings of ICOECA 2021 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #209)
by Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt I. Jeena Jacob Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam Ivan IzoninThis book features original papers from International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2021), organized by GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India during February 18–19, 2021. It covers new research insights on artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, sustainability, and knowledge-based expert systems. The book discusses innovative research from all aspects including theoretical, practical, and experimental domains that pertain to the expert systems, sustainable clouds, and artificial intelligence technologies.
Expert Clouds and Applications: Proceedings of ICOECA 2022 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #444)
by I. Jeena Jacob Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam Robert BestakThe book features original papers from International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2022), organized by GITAM School of Technology, Bangalore, India, during 3–4 February 2022. It covers new research insights on artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, sustainability, knowledge-based expert systems. The book discusses innovative research from all aspects including theoretical, practical, and experimental domains that pertain to the expert systems, sustainable clouds, and artificial intelligence technologies.
Expert Clouds and Applications: Proceedings of ICOECA 2023 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #673)
by I. Jeena Jacob Selvanayaki Kolandapalayam Shanmugam Ivan IzoninThe book features original papers from International Conference on Expert Clouds and Applications (ICOECA 2023), organized by RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, India, during February 9–10, 2023. It covers new research insights on artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, sustainability, and knowledge-based expert systems. The book discusses innovative research from all aspects including theoretical, practical, and experimental domains that pertain to the expert systems, sustainable clouds, and artificial intelligence technologies. The thrust of the book is to showcase different research chapters dealing with the design, development, implementation, testing and analysis of intelligent systems, and expert clouds, and also to provide empirical and practical guidelines for the development of such systems.
Expert Knowledge and Its Application in Landscape Ecology
by Chris J. Johnson Ajith H. Perera C. Ashton DrewTypically, landscape ecologists use empirical observations to conduct research and devise solutions for applied problems in conservation and management. In some instances, they rely on advice and input of experienced professionals in both developing and applying knowledge. Given the wealth of expert knowledge and the risks of its informal and implicit applications in landscape ecology, it is necessary to formally recognize and characterize expert knowledge and bring rigor to methods for its applications. In this context, the broad goal of this book is to introduce the concept of expert knowledge and examine its role in landscape ecological applications. We plan to do so in three steps: First we introduce the topic to landscape ecologists, explore salient characteristics of experts and expert knowledge, and describe methods used in capturing and formalizing that knowledge. Second, we present examples of research in landscape ecology from a variety of ecosystems and geographic locations that formally incorporate expert knowledge. These case studies address a range of topics that will interest landscape ecologists and other resource management and conservation professionals including the specific roles of expert knowledge in developing, testing, parameterizing, and applying models; estimating the uncertainty in expert knowledge; developing methods of formalizing and incorporating expert knowledge; and using expert knowledge as competing models and a source of alternate hypotheses. Third, we synthesize the state of knowledge on this topic and critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating expert knowledge in landscape ecological applications. The disciplinary subject areas we address are broad and cover much of the scope of contemporary landscape ecology, including broad-scale forest management and conservation, quantifying forest disturbances and succession, conservation of habitats for a range of avian and mammal species, vulnerability and conservation of marine ecosystems, and the spread and impacts of invasive plants. This text incorporates the collective experience and knowledge of over 35 researchers in landscape ecology representing a diverse range of disciplinary subject areas and geographic locations. Through this text, we will catalyze further thought and investigations on expert knowledge among the target readership of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in landscape ecology.
Expert Knowledge-based Inspection Systems: Inspection, Diagnosis, and Repair of the Building Envelope
by Jorge de Brito Clara Pereira José D. Silvestre Inês Flores-ColenThis book provides a novel approach to building pathology in current buildings. Drawing on the available literature, hands-on experience and fieldwork inspections, it presents a systematic perspective on the pathology of the building envelope. The book addresses natural stone claddings, adhesive ceramic tiling, renders, painted surfaces, External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), architectural concrete surfaces, windows and doors framing, and claddings for pitched and flat roofs. In addition to highlighting selected materials and construction elements, the book proposes a global classification system for defects and their probable causes, together with in situ diagnosis methods and repair techniques. It also identifies the relationships between defects and causes, diagnosis methods and repair techniques, and the interdependence between different defects, presenting these relations in the form of correlation matrices. Support files with detailed information and an inspection form are also provided. Selected case studies are presented to illustrate the value of a guidance system in fieldwork. Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide, particularly for researchers, building inspectors, civil engineers, architects and maintenance planners.
Expert System for Fatigue Crack Growth Predictions Based on Fatigue Crack Closure (KAIST Research Series)
by Ji-Ho Song Chung-Youb KimThis book demonstrates fatigue crack growth under random loading graphically. This state-of-the-art monograph introduces an expert system for crack growth predictions, particularly based on crack closure. The system is developed after years of research by the authors by using the Math-type software consisting of 5 parts. This system is unique as it is fundamentally different from previous systems as it focuses on fatigue crack growth predictions based on fatigue crack closure. This book can be a useful guide for practicing engineers, researchers, and students in the fields of mechanical, aerospace, or civil engineering.
Expert Systems: Introduction to First and Second Generation and Hybrid Knowledge Based Systems
by null Chris NikolopoulosOffering an introduction to the field of expert/knowledge based systems, this text covers current and emerging trends as well as future research areas. It considers both the system shell and programming environment approaches to expert system development.
Expert Systems and Geographic Information Systems for Impact Assessment
by Agustin Rodriguez-Bachiller John GlassonImpact Assessment is becoming part and parcel of an increasing number of development proposals in the UK and Europe. As the practice of Impact Assessment develops it becomes more standardized and good practice starts to be defined. However, the quality of Impact Assessment is still far from satisfactory. Expert Systems and GIS for Impact Assessment