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Exploring Diversity in Engineering and Technology for Knowledge and Innovation (Advanced Structured Materials #215)
by Andreas Öchsner Azman Ismail Fatin Nur Zulkipli Ahmad Fitriadhy Sayyid Zainal Abidin Syed AhmadThis book offers research result which covers a wide range of topics, including sediment transportation in rivers, efficient adsorption processes, renewable energy, structural resilience, and environmental studies. Researchers explore various areas, including the stability of fishing vessels, the impact of mining on riverbeds, traditional navigation methods, medical procedures, advanced materials, and the utilization of artificial intelligence in data analysis. These comprehensive papers also address structural analysis, chloride-induced damage assessment, and the potential of soy biodiesel in marine engines. It concludes with discussions on probabilistic models, sustainable aquaculture, planning for renewable energy, and the integration of technology in environmental monitoring. This diverse compilation underscores the unwavering pursuit of knowledge and innovation across scientific and engineering disciplines, offering promise for a brighter and more technologically advanced future.
Exploring Drafting
by John R. Walker Bernard D. MathisExploring Drafting is designed for use in introductory drafting courses at any instructional level. This text provides a strong foundation in drafting fundamentals and teaches essential manual (traditional) and CAD drafting skills. Coverage includes detailed instruction on geometric constructions, orthographic projection, and dimensioning practices. The text covers techniques and procedures used in creating multiview drawings, section views, auxiliary views, pictorial views, and pattern developments. End-of-chapter drawing problems reinforce the chapter content and help students build problem-solving skills. Exploring Drafting features a colorful, highly illustrated design to promote student interest.
Exploring Drafting: Fundamentals Of Drafting Technology
by John R. Walker Bernard D. MathisExploring Drafting has been extensively revised to provide improved and expanded CAD drafting content, while retaining its strong emphasis on drafting fundamentals and basic drafting techniques. It introduces the basic drawing practices and skills used by drafters. Designed for introductory drafting students at any instructional level, this textbook teaches the fundamentals used to create drawings. It shows students how to apply sketching methods, line conventions, and industry standards to solve drawing problems. The book provides instruction on geometric constructions, orthographic views, dimensioning, pictorial drawing, pattern development, and computer-aided drafting (CAD). It introduces students to common drafting tools and the basic applications of CAD. This textbook emphasizes the importance of learning basic manual skills before progressing to CAD applications. Coverage addresses the practices and techniques used in a variety of different drafting disciplines, including mechanical drafting, architectural drafting, electrical and electronics drafting, welding drafting, and graphic design. Numerous examples of drawings from industry are presented in this heavily illustrated text.
Exploring Drafting: Teaching Package Worksheets
by John R. Walker Bernard D. Mathis Shauna Ann ScribnerNIMAC-sourced textbook
Exploring Drafting
by John R. Walker Bernard D. Mathis Shauna Ann ScribnerExploring Drafting is designed for use in introductory courses as it stresses fundamental skills appropriate for beginning drafting students at any instructional level and teaches both manual and CAD drafting skills. Coverage includes basic geometric constructions, orthographic projection, and dimensioning practices. Techniques and procedures used in creating Multiview drawings, sectional views, pictorial views, and pattern developments are taught. The end-of-chapter drawing problems help student build problem-solving skills and practice drafting techniques. The text follows ASME practices and serves as an ADDA approved publication.
Exploring Drafting: Worksheets
by John R. Walker Bernard D. Mathis Shauna Ann ScribnerThe Exploring Drafting Worksheets are designed to enrich and reinforce the material presented in the textbook Exploring Drafting. The worksheets are intended to help develop manual drafting abilities. Problems selected from the text are presented in order of increasing difficulty. Using these worksheets helps eliminate repetitive drawing, enabling you to get directly into problem-solving situations.
Exploring Electronic Health Records
by Foltz LankischUsing electronic health records accurately and effectively is critical to patient safety. This text teaches students about electronic health records across a variety of delivery systems, making it ideal for all allied health students, regardless of their career focus. To meet the needs of different types of learners, the courseware includes a wealth of images and figures; plus hands-on exercises such as interactive tutorials, assessments using a realistic EHR system, presentations, Web research, and more.
Exploring Electron–Neutrino–Argon Interactions (Springer Theses)
by Krishan V. MistryThis thesis explores the electron-neutrino and antineutrino cross section on argon using the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber detector.With only a handful of electron neutrino cross section measurements in the hundred MeV to GeV range to date and only one of them on argon as the target nucleus: the result from the ArgoNeuT experiment, there is a need for new, large statistics, electron-neutrino cross section measurements. The precise knowledge of the electron neutrino cross section is fundamental for tests of lepton universality, making meaningful interpretations of neutrino oscillations and beyond the Standard Model search experiments involving electron neutrinos. Moreover, the appearance of electron neutrinos in a beam of predominantly muon neutrinos is the key signature in searches for sterile neutrinos in short-baseline experiments and measurements of Charge-Parity violation in long-baseline oscillation experiments.The measurements in this thesis utilize the NuMI neutrino beamline which is highly off-axis to the MicroBooNE detector but provides a rich source of electron-neutrinos. Critical to the measurement of the cross section is a detailed understanding of the flux of neutrinos at MicroBooNE and the uncertainties associated with it. The neutrino flux prediction tools used for the on-axis NuMI experiments are described and studied in detail for their implementation in the case of MicroBooNE. These tools will form the foundation for many future measurements using the NuMI beam at MicroBooNE.With the use of argon as a target for studying neutrino interactions, the large size of the nucleus introduces nuclear effects which impact the kinematics and multiplicities of the particles produced in the initial interaction. Such effects are complicated to model and are currently an active area of research with various models and neutrino generators available. The measurements in this thesis compare the electron-neutrino argon cross section to several neutrino generators with differing physics models. These comparisons provide important information in the modelling of neutrino interactions with nuclei such as argon.The target audience for this thesis is aimed at particle physics graduate students, particularly in the field of neutrino physics working with noble element time-projection chambers.
Exploring Engineering: An Introduction to Engineering and Design
by Philip Kosky Robert Balmer William Keat George WiseThe book presents the emerging challenges engineers face in a wide range of areas as they work to help improve our quality of life. In this textbook, the authors explain what engineers actually do, from the fundamental principles that form the basis of their work to the application of that knowledge within a structured design process. The text itself is organized into three parts: Lead On, Minds On, Hands On. This organization allows the authors to give a basic introduction to engineering methods, then show the application of these principles and methods, and finally present a design challenge. This book is an ideal introduction for anyone interested in exploring the various fields of engineering and learning how engineers work to solve problems.
Exploring Environmental Change Using an Integrative Method
by Mark LemonThis text draws upon 'complex systems' thinking to introduce a policy-related integrative method for diagnosing and managing environmental change. This conveys how existing intellectual resources can be exploited to explore environmental decision issues without resoring to such devices as 'meta-methods' or 'meta-disciplines'.
Exploring Environmental Ethics: An Introduction (Aess Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies And Sciences Ser.)
by Kimberly K. SmithThis book is designed as a basic text for courses that are part of an interdisciplinary program in environmental studies. The intended reader is anyone who expects environmental stewardship to be an important part of his or her life, as a citizen, a policy maker, or an environmental management professional. In addition to discussing major issues in environmental ethics, it invites readers to think about how an ethicist's perspective differs from the perspectives encountered in other environmental studies courses. Additional topics covered include corporate social responsibility, ecological citizenship, property theory, and the concept of stewardship as a vocation.
Exploring Food and Nutrition for Key Stage 3
by Yvonne Mackey Bev SaunderCombine the essential ingredients that will develop knowledge, understanding and cooking skills through Key Stage 3, so students are ready for the new GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition. With topics linked directly to the new GCSE specifications, Exploring Food and Nutrition helps you to build knowledge and understanding of key concepts and introduce important terminology as your students progress through Key Stage 3, providing a solid foundation for the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE.- Develop topic understanding through Key Stage 3, drawing on subject content at GCSE, with engaging, carefully timed and level-appropriate lessons- Build food preparation and cooking skills required at GCSE with 'Skills focus': from basic skills at Year 7 through to more advanced techniques in Year 9- Encourage subject interest with suggested activities and 'Find out more' research features for each topic, that are appropriate for your students in years 7, 8 and 9- Ensure nutritional understanding with clear explanation of the up-to-date terminology, data and concepts that students will need to know in order to apply the principles of healthy eating - Monitor and measure student progress with knowledge check questions provided for every topic
Exploring Food and Nutrition for Key Stage 3
by Yvonne Mackey Bev SaunderCombine the essential ingredients that will develop knowledge, understanding and cooking skills through Key Stage 3, so students are ready for the new GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition. With topics linked directly to the new GCSE specifications, Exploring Food and Nutrition helps you to build knowledge and understanding of key concepts and introduce important terminology as your students progress through Key Stage 3, providing a solid foundation for the Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE.- Develop topic understanding through Key Stage 3, drawing on subject content at GCSE, with engaging, carefully timed and level-appropriate lessons- Build food preparation and cooking skills required at GCSE with 'Skills focus': from basic skills at Year 7 through to more advanced techniques in Year 9- Encourage subject interest with suggested activities and 'Find out more' research features for each topic, that are appropriate for your students in years 7, 8 and 9- Ensure nutritional understanding with clear explanation of the up-to-date terminology, data and concepts that students will need to know in order to apply the principles of healthy eating - Monitor and measure student progress with knowledge check questions provided for every topic
Exploring High-Temperature Superconductivity in the YBCO System: From Theory to Experiments (SpringerBriefs in Materials)
by Keltoum KhallouqThe book explores the properties and behaviors of high-critical-temperature superconductors in the yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) system, looking specifically at Y0.5Ln0.5BaSrCu3O6+z compounds, where Ln represents rare earth elements like europium (Eu), samarium (Sm), and (neodymium) Nd. Structured into several chapters, it navigates through key aspects of superconductivity and its characterization. Starting with an introduction to the discovery of high-critical-temperature superconductors and their far-reaching applications, it sheds light on unresolved questions in materials physics, particularly concerning the behavior of the copper(II)-oxide (CuO2) planes and the introduction of additional electronic holes. Emphasizing the pivotal role of the CuO2 planes in shaping material properties above the critical temperature, it also delves into the history of superconductivity, properties of superconducting materials, and various types of superconductors. Phenomenological theories like the London theory, Ginzburg-Landau theory, and Abrikosov's theory of the mixed state in type II superconductors are discussed, along with conventional theories such as the BCS theory and Josephson junctions. The book provides an overview of experimental techniques used to characterize structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of superconductor compounds, including X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and magnetometry. Focusing on the structural, magnetic, and electrical properties of Y0.5Ln0.5BaSrCu3O6+z compounds, along with the effects of substitutions and thermal treatments, the book aims to achieve several objectives. These include a comparative study of superconducting and structural properties under various thermal treatments and isovalent substitutions, analysis of magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity as functions of temperature, investigation of the evolution of mixed-state properties with changing temperatures, and utilization of the Rietveld crystallographic refinement method to establish correlations between interatomic distances and critical temperatures. Additionally, the book presents the synthesis of studied compounds through solid-state reactions and subsequent thermal treatments, including annealing under oxygen and argon atmospheres. The results of these treatments are discussed in relation to improvements in irreversibility lines, magnetic shielding, and grain quality.
Exploring Horizons for Domestic Animal Genomics: Workshop Summary
by Board On Agriculture Natural ResourcesA report on Exploring Horizons for Domestic Animal Genomics
Exploring Image Binarization Techniques
by Nabendu Chaki Soharab Hossain Shaikh Khalid SaeedThe book focuses on an image processing technique known as binarization. It provides a comprehensive survey over existing binarization techniques for both document and graphic images. A number of evaluation techniques have been presented for quantitative comparison of different binarization methods. The book provides results obtained comparing a number of standard and widely used binarization algorithms using some standard evaluation metrics. The comparative results presented in tables and charts facilitates understanding the process. In addition to this, the book presents techniques for preparing a reference image which is very much important for quantitative evaluation of the binarization techniques. The results are produced taking image samples from standard image databases.
Exploring Information Superiority
by John E. Boon Walter L. Perry David SignoriAssessing how technology contributes to information superiority and decision dominance a major challenge, in part because it demands quantitative measures for what are usually considered qualitative concepts. The authors have developed a mathematical framework to aid these efforts. Additional work, such as data fitting, experimentation, linking decisions and actions, historical analysis, and gaming will further advance knowledge in this area.
Exploring Macroscopic Quantum Mechanics in Optomechanical Devices
by Haixing MiaoRecent state-of-the-art technologies in fabricating low-loss optical and mechanical components have significantly motivated the study of quantum-limited measurements with optomechanical devices. Such research is the main subject of this thesis. In the first part, the author considers various approaches for surpassing the standard quantum limit for force measurements. In the second part, the author proposes different experimental protocols for using optomechanical interactions to explore quantum behaviors of macroscopic mechanical objects. Even though this thesis mostly focuses on large-scale laser interferometer gravitational-wave detectors and related experiments, the general approaches apply equally well for studying small-scale optomechanical devices. The author is the winner of the 2010 Thesis prize awarded by the Gravitational Wave International Committee.
Exploring Mathematics and Science Teachers' Knowledge: Windows into teacher thinking
by Hamsa Venkat Marissa Rollnick John Loughran Mike AskewGlobally, mathematics and science education faces three crucial challenges: an increasing need for mathematics and science graduates; a declining enrolment of school graduates into university studies in these disciplines; and the varying quality of school teaching in these areas. Alongside these challenges, internationally more and more non-specialists are teaching mathematics and science at both primary and secondary levels, and research evidence has revealed how gaps and limitations in teachers’ content understandings can lead to classroom practices that present barriers to students’ learning. This book addresses these issues by investigating how teachers’ content knowledge interacts with their pedagogies across diverse contexts and perspectives. This knowledge-practice nexus is examined across mathematics and science teaching, traversing schooling phases and countries, with an emphasis on contexts of disadvantage. These features push the boundaries of research into teachers’ content knowledge. The book’s combination of mathematics and science enriches each discipline for the reader, and contributes to our understandings of student attainment by examining the nature of specialised content knowledge needed for competent teaching within and across the two domains. Exploring Mathematics and Science Teachers’ Knowledge will be key reading for researchers, doctoral students and postgraduates with a focus on Mathematics, Science and teacher knowledge research.
Exploring Minecraft: Ethnographies of Play and Creativity (Palgrave Games in Context)
by Larissa Hjorth Ingrid Richardson Hugh Davies William BalmfordThis book directs critical attention to one of the most ubiquitous and yet under-analyzed games, Minecraft. Drawing on three years of ethnographic fieldwork into mobile games in Australian homes, the authors seek to take Minecraft seriously as a cultural practice. The book examines how Minecraft players engage in a form of gameplay that is uniquely intergenerational, creative, and playful, and which moves ambivalently throughout everyday life. At the intersection of digital media, quotidian literacy, and ethnography, the book situates interdisciplinary debates around mundane play through the lens of Minecraft. Ultimately, Exploring Minecraft seeks to coalesce the discussion between formal and informal learning, fostering new forms of digital media creativity and ethnographic innovation around the analysis of games in everyday life.
Exploring Modeling with Data and Differential Equations Using R
by John ZobitzExploring Modeling with Data and Differential Equations Using R provides a unique introduction to differential equations with applications to the biological and other natural sciences. Additionally, model parameterization and simulation of stochastic differential equations are explored, providing additional tools for model analysis and evaluation. This unified framework sits "at the intersection" of different mathematical subject areas, data science, statistics, and the natural sciences. The text throughout emphasizes data science workflows using the R statistical software program and the tidyverse constellation of packages. Only knowledge of calculus is needed; the text’s integrated framework is a stepping stone for further advanced study in mathematics or as a comprehensive introduction to modeling for quantitative natural scientists. The text will introduce you to: modeling with systems of differential equations and developing analytical, computational, and visual solution techniques. the R programming language, the tidyverse syntax, and developing data science workflows. qualitative techniques to analyze a system of differential equations. data assimilation techniques (simple linear regression, likelihood or cost functions, and Markov Chain, Monte Carlo Parameter Estimation) to parameterize models from data. simulating and evaluating outputs for stochastic differential equation models. An associated R package provides a framework for computation and visualization of results. It can be found here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/demodelr/index.html.
Exploring Natural Hazards: A Case Study Approach
by Darius Bartlett Ramesh SinghThe Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 has identified four priority areas for Disaster Risk Reduction: understanding disaster risk; strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk; investing in disaster risk reduction for resilience and enhancing disaster preparedness for effective response; and to "Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Although tremendous progress has been made in recent decades in understanding the workings of the Earth systems and, in particular, its impacts on and responses to human actions, there remains a continuing and pressing need for knowledge that will allow society to simultaneously reduce exposure to global environmental hazards, while also meeting economic development goals. Exploring Natural Hazards: A Case Study Approach, contributes to the knowledge showcasing advanced practices for the monitoring of natural hazards. Through each case study, the book examines mainly hazards arising from processes within the hydrosphere and atmosphere, triggered or exacerbated by inputs to and transfers of energy between environmental components. It discusses the causes of these phenomena, and ways in which improved policy making, sometimes coupled with the application of appropriate modern technologies, can help to reduce people’s exposure to harm. Discussing challenges, lessons learned and recommendations, this book provides a snapshot of issues related to tropical cyclones and typhoons, desertification, floods, lightning as a hazard and the need for alert systems. It is a valuable resource for practitioners and professionals alike, for researchers, students and others who work at the intersection between environmental hazards, sustainable development and social justice.
Exploring New Horizons and Challenges for Social Studies in a New Normal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Educational Issues, (ICOSSEI 2021), Malang City, Indonesia, 7 July 2021
by IdrisThe new standards and changes exist in social science studies. Covid 19, especially in Indonesia, at the end of 2019, has an impact on changes in every sector of life. This change is a form of community adaptation. Therefore, this conference aims to explore theoretical and practical developments of the social sciences, to build academic networks while gathering academics from various research institutes and universities. This book provides the new standard and encourages many thoughts in theoretical and empirical studies in the social field. The scope that can be generated in this standard includes patterns, opportunities, and challenges in social science, learning to new standards, learning innovation, and implementing new learning standards in Indonesia, which was adopted in the form of the Merdeka Belajar program. The study results will fill the gaps in knowledge in the new social life and social science. Therefore, this book aims to mediate the researchers in the same field to discuss and find solutions to current issues in the social field and build cooperation and synergy in creative ideas to work together to create joint research. This book will be interesting to students, scholars, and practitioners who have a deep concern in social science. It is futuristic with a lot of practical insights for the students, faculty, and practitioners. Since the contributors are from across the globe, it is fascinating to see the global benchmarks.
Exploring Operations Research with R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Series in Operations Research)
by Jim DugganExploring Operations Research with R shows how the R programming language can be a valuable tool – and way of thinking – which can be successfully applied to the field of operations research (OR). This approach is centred on the idea of the future OR professional as someone who can combine knowledge of key OR techniques (e.g., simulation, linear programming, data science, and network science) with an understanding of R, including tools for data representation, manipulation, and analysis. The core aim of the book is to provide a self-contained introduction to R (both Base R and the tidyverse) and show how this knowledge can be applied to a range of OR challenges in the domains of public health, infectious disease, and energy generation, and thus provide a platform to develop actionable insights to support decision making.Features Can serve as a primary textbook for a comprehensive course in R, with applications in OR Suitable for post-graduate students in OR and data science, with a focus on the computational perspective of OR The text will also be of interest to professional OR practitioners as part of their continuing professional development Linked to a Github repository including code, solutions, data sets, and other ancillary material
Exploring Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership: Summary of a Convocation
by Steve OlsonMany national initiatives in K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education have emphasized the connections between teachers and improved student learning. Much of the discussion surrounding these initiatives has focused on the preparation, professional development, evaluation, compensation, and career advancement of teachers. Yet one critical set of voices has been largely missing from this discussion - that of classroom teachers themselves. To explore the potential for STEM teacher leaders to improve student learning through involvement in education policy and decision making, the National Research Council held a convocation in June 2014 entitled "One Year After Science's Grand Challenges in Education: Professional Leadership of STEM Teachers through Education Policy and Decision Making. " This event was structured around a special issue of Science magazine that discussed 20 grand challenges in science education. The authors of three major articles in that issue - along with Dr. Bruce Alberts, Science's editor-in-chief at the time - spoke at the convocation, updating their earlier observations and applying them directly to the issue of STEM teacher leadership. The convocation focused on empowering teachers to play greater leadership roles in education policy and decision making in STEM education at the national, state, and local levels. "Exploring Opportunities for STEM Teacher Leadership" is a record of the presentations and discussion of that event. This report will be of interest to STEM teachers, education professionals, and state and local policy makers.