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Exploring Robotics with ROBOTIS Systems
by Chi N. ThaiThis book presents foundational robotics concepts using the ROBOTIS BIOLOID and OpenCM-904 robotic systems, and is suitable as a curriculum for a first course in robotics for undergraduate students or a self-learner. It covers wheel-based robots, as well as walking robots. Although it uses the standard "Sense, Think, Act" approach, communications (bot-to-bot and PC-to-bot) programming concepts are treated in more depth (wired and wireless ZigBee/BlueTooth). Algorithms are developed and described via ROBOTIS' proprietary RoboPlus IDE, as well as the more open Arduino-based Embedded C environments. Additionally, web-based multimedia materials are used for illustrating robotics concepts, code implementations and videos of actual resulting robot behaviors. Advanced sensor interfacing for gyroscope, inertial measuring unit, foot pressure sensor and color camera are also demonstrated.
Exploring Robotics with ROBOTIS Systems
by Chi N. ThaiThis book presents foundational robotics concepts using the ROBOTIS BIOLOID and OpenCM-904 robotic systems, and is suitable as a curriculum for a first course in robotics for undergraduate students or a self-learner. It covers wheel-based robots, as well as walking robots. Although it uses the standard "Sense, Think, Act" approach, communications (bot-to-bot and PC-to-bot) programming concepts are treated in more depth (wired and wireless ZigBee/BlueTooth). Algorithms are developed and described via ROBOTIS' proprietary RoboPlus IDE, as well as the more open Arduino-based Embedded C environments. Additionally, web-based multimedia materials are used for illustrating robotics concepts, code implementations and videos of actual resulting robot behaviors. Advanced sensor interfacing for gyroscope, inertial measuring unit, foot pressure sensor and color camera are also demonstrated.
Exploring The Role Of Antiviral Drugs In The Eradication Of Polio: Workshop Report
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesExploring the Role of Antiviral Drugs in the Eradication of Polio: Workshop Report, is a report of a workshop in which experts evaluated whether an antiviral drug against poliovirus would be helpful in the final stages of the global polio eradication campaign. The World Health Organization currently plans to stop using oral polio vaccine three years after the detection of the last case of transmission of wild polio virus. This is because the vaccine contains live, weakened polio viruses that can spread and revert to virulence in populations that have not been immunized. Under this plan, an antiviral drug could be useful to control any polio outbreaks caused by a vaccine-derived virus that might occur after vaccination ends and the number of unimmunized people in the world steadily increases. The report recommends that planning and development of such drugs should be initiated now. It identifies several promising targets for drug development and outlines the steps needed for planning for clinical trials and regulatory approval.
Exploring Science Through Science Fiction (Science and Fiction)
by Barry B. LuokkalaHow does Einstein’s description of space and time compare with Doctor Who? Can James Bond really escape from an armor-plated railroad car by cutting through the floor with a laser concealed in a wristwatch? What would it take to create a fully intelligent android, such as Star Trek’s Commander Data? Exploring Science Through Science Fiction addresses these and other intriguing questions, using science fiction as a springboard for discussing fundamental science concepts and cutting-edge science research. It includes references to original research papers, landmark scientific publications and technical documents, as well as a broad range of science literature at a more popular level. The revised second edition includes expanded discussions on topics such as gravitational waves and black holes, machine learning and quantum computing, gene editing, and more. In all, the second edition now features over 220 references to specific scenes in more than 160 sci-fi movies and TV episodes, spanning over 100 years of cinematic history. Designed as the primary text for a college-level course, this book will appeal to students across the fine arts, humanities, and hard sciences, as well as any reader with an interest in science and science fiction.Praise for the first edition:"This journey from science fiction to science fact provides an engaging and surprisingly approachable read..." (Jen Jenkins, Journal of Science Fiction, Vol. 2 (1), September 2017)
Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning
by Anwar AhmedThis book is an attempt to pay deliberate attention to some silences on issues of social, cultural, and political importance that have remained unattended in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Using an analytical framework developed by the French philosopher and cultural theorist Michel de Certeau, the author demonstrates how silences can actively shape the boundaries of a scholarly field. He argues that a “geography of the forgotten” in the field of CALL undermines the transformative and social justice potential of language teaching by using digital technologies. The book will appeal to graduate students, teacher educators, and academic researchers who are looking for fresh perspectives and innovative ideas for integrating technologies into the curriculum and pedagogy of language education.
Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography
by Christopher D. LloydExploring Spatial Scale in Geography provides a conceptual and practical guide to issues of spatial scale in all areas of the physical and social sciences. Scale is at the heart of geography and other spatial sciences. Whether dealing with geomorphological processes, population movements or meteorology, a consideration of spatial scale is vital.Exploring Spatial Scale in Geography takes a practical approach with a core focus on real world problems and potential solutions. Links are made to appropriate software environments with an associated website providing access to guidance material which outlines how particular problems can be approached using popular GIS and spatial data analysis software.This book offers alternative definitions of spatial scale, presents approaches for exploring spatial scale and makes use of a wide variety of case studies in the physical and social sciences to demonstrate key concepts, making it a key resource for anyone who makes use of geographical information.
Exploring Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
by Rahul Saxena Mahipal Jadeja Vikrant BhatejaThe book focuses on mathematical modelling of COVID-19 pandemic using the Susceptible, Infectious, and Recovered (SIR) model. The predictive modelling of the disease, with the exact facts and figures, provides a ground to reason about growing trends and its future trajectory. The book emphasizes on how the pandemic actually spreads out, lockdown impact analysis, and future course of actions based on mathematical calculations. Moreover, since COVID-19 spread outburst has been twice, the intensity studies and comparative analysis of the two waves of COVID-19 are another interesting feature of the book content. The book is a knowledge base for various researchers and academicians to dive into the detailing of the COVID spread (mathematical) model and understand how it could be explored to draw outcomes. To represent the factual information and analytical results effectively, graphical and diagrammatic representations have been appended at appropriate places. To keep the explanation simple and yet concrete, mathematical concepts have also been introduced; to carry out analysis to generate results for understanding the viral dynamics.
Exploring Synergies and Trade-offs between Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals
by V. Venkatramanan Shachi Shah Ram PrasadThe existential environmental crisis prompted the United Nations to formulate the Millennium Development Goals at the turn of the 21st century in order to embark on an era of sustainable development. The progress and deficiencies in achieving the Millennium Development Goals provided impetus to the intelligentsia and policymakers to map out the pertinent goals for a sustainable growth trajectory for humanity and the planet. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was adopted in September 2015, took the shape of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. In effect, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals focus on protecting the earth's life support systems for intra- and inter-generational equity and for development that is rooted in sustainability science. Attaining these goals is an uphill task; nevertheless, scientific knowledge, trans and interdisciplinary inquiries, concerted global action and capacity building would provide an enabling environment for achieving the SDGs. This book explores the synergies and trade-offs between climate change management and other SDGs. It highlights the policy imperatives as well as the interrelations between combating climate change and its impacts (SDG 13) and food and nutritional security (SDG 2), water security (SDG 6), soil security (SDG 15), energy security (SDG 7), poverty eradication (SDG 1), gender equality (SDG 5), resilient infrastructure (SDG 9), and sustainable and resilient cities (SDG 11).
Exploring the DataFlow Supercomputing Paradigm: Example Algorithms for Selected Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)
by Veljko Milutinovic Milos KotlarThis useful text/reference describes the implementation of a varied selection of algorithms in the DataFlow paradigm, highlighting the exciting potential of DataFlow computing for applications in such areas as image understanding, biomedicine, physics simulation, and business.The mapping of additional algorithms onto the DataFlow architecture is also covered in the following Springer titles from the same team: DataFlow Supercomputing Essentials: Research, Development and Education, DataFlow Supercomputing Essentials: Algorithms, Applications and Implementations, and Guide to DataFlow Supercomputing.Topics and Features: introduces a novel method of graph partitioning for large graphs involving the construction of a skeleton graph; describes a cloud-supported web-based integrated development environment that can develop and run programs without DataFlow hardware owned by the user; showcases a new approach for the calculation of the extrema of functions in one dimension, by implementing the Golden Section Search algorithm; reviews algorithms for a DataFlow architecture that uses matrices and vectors as the underlying data structure; presents an algorithm for spherical code design, based on the variable repulsion force method; discusses the implementation of a face recognition application, using the DataFlow paradigm; proposes a method for region of interest-based image segmentation of mammogram images on high-performance reconfigurable DataFlow computers; surveys a diverse range of DataFlow applications in physics simulations, and investigates a DataFlow implementation of a Bitcoin mining algorithm.This unique volume will prove a valuable reference for researchers and programmers of DataFlow computing, and supercomputing in general. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students will also find that the book serves as an ideal supplementary text for courses on Data Mining, Microprocessor Systems, and VLSI Systems.
Exploring the Dynamics of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Africa: A Cross-Country and Interdisciplinary Approach (Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development)
by Hassan Qudrat-UllahThis book explores the potential of renewable energy sources to promote sustainable development in Africa, with a specific focus on Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, South Africa, and Algeria. It delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by various renewable and clean energy technologies, including nuclear power, liquefied petroleum gas, bamboo biomass gasification, and geothermal energy, in addressing the energy needs of African nations. Additionally, the book assesses the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of renewable energy projects and evaluates their alignment with the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals.Using a combination of theoretical and empirical methods, such as scenario-based modeling, techno-economic feasibility analysis, stakeholder theory, and panel data analysis, the book provides a comprehensive assessment of the renewable energy sector in Africa. Its interdisciplinary and cross-country approach, as well as its incorporation of innovative concepts like social innovation and bamboo-based development, makes it a unique resource.This book is valuable for undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, university research libraries, research centers, and anyone interested in understanding how renewable energy can contribute to a more resilient and prosperous Africa.
Exploring the Early Digital (History of Computing)
by Thomas HaighChanges in the present challenge us to reinterpret the past, but historians have not yet come to grips with the convergence of computing, media, and communications technology. Today these things are inextricably intertwined, in technologies such as the smartphone and internet, in convergent industries, and in social practices. Yet they remain three distinct historical subfields, tilled by different groups of scholars using different tools. We often call this conglomeration “the digital,” recognizing its deep connection to the technology of digital computing. Unfortunately, interdisciplinary studies of digital practices, digital methods, or digital humanities have rarely been informed by deep engagement with the history of computing.Contributors to this volume have come together to reexamine an apparently familiar era in the history of computing through new lenses, exploring early digital computing and engineering practice as digital phenomena rather than as engines of mathematics and logic. Most focus on the period 1945 to 1960, the era in which the first electronic digital computers were created and the computer industry began to develop. Because digitality is first and foremost a way of reading objects and encoding information within them, we are foregrounding topics that have until now been viewed as peripheral in the history of computing: betting odds calculators, card file systems, program and data storage, programmable calculators, and digital circuit design practices. Reconceptualizing the “history of computing” as study of the “early digital” decenters the stored program computer, repositioning it as one of many digital technologies.
Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and 21st Century Skills: A Workshop Summary
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesAn emerging body of research suggests that a set of broad "21st century skills"--such as adaptability, complex communication skills, and the ability to solve non-routine problems--are valuable across a wide range of jobs in the national economy. However, the role of K-12 education in helping students learn these skills is a subject of current debate. Some business and education groups have advocated infusing 21st century skills into the school curriculum, and several states have launched such efforts. Other observers argue that focusing on skills detracts attention from learning of important content knowledge. To explore these issues, the National Research Council conducted a workshop, summarized in this volume, on science education as a context for development of 21st century skills. Science is seen as a promising context because it is not only a body of accepted knowledge, but also involves processes that lead to this knowledge. Engaging students in scientific processes--including talk and argument, modeling and representation, and learning from investigations--builds science proficiency. At the same time, this engagement may develop 21st century skills. Exploring the Intersection of Science Education and 21st Century Skills addresses key questions about the overlap between 21st century skills and scientific content and knowledge; explores promising models or approaches for teaching these abilities; and reviews the evidence about the transferability of these skills to real workplace applications.
Exploring the Landscape of Scientific Literacy (Teaching and Learning in Science Series)
by Cedric LinderScientific literacy is part of national science education curricula worldwide. In this volume, an international group of distinguished scholars offer new ways to look at the key ideas and practices associated with promoting scientific literacy in schools and higher education. The goal is to open up the debate on scientific literacy, particularly around the tension between theoretical and practical issues related to teaching and learning science. Uniquely drawing together and examining a rich, diverse set of approaches and policy and practice exemplars, the book takes a pragmatic and inclusive perspective on curriculum reform and learning, and presents a future vision for science education research and practice by articulating a more expansive notion of scientific literacy.
Exploring the Nexus of Geoecology, Geography, Geoarcheology and Geotourism: Proceedings of the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018 (Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation)
by Ezzoura Errami Haroun Chenchouni Fernando Rocha Luisa SabatoThis edited volume is based on the best papers accepted for presentation during the 1st Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-1), Tunisia 2018. The book is of interest to all researchers in the fields of Environmental Sciences, Geoecology, Agroforestry, Geography, Geoarcheology and Geotourism. The Mediterranean Basin, Middle East and surrounding regions are ecologically unique due to large differences in climatic, geographical, and geological features, which grant countries of these regions with significant socio-economic potentials in terms of fertile agricultural lands, rich natural resources, and the existence of strategic resources such as crude oil and natural gas. However, the valuation of ecosystem functions, goods and services of natural and cultural heritages and bioressources of these regions is still little known. This volume offers an overview of the latest information and ideas on the physical environment of these regions, assessment and monitoring of natural bioressources including flora and fauna, and the use of cutting-edge methods for the development of sustainable agricultural systems. It gives also new socio-economic insights on geotourism and archaeology. Main topics include:1. Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Agrisilvicultural Systems2. Environmental Impacts and Restoration Ecology of Natural and Agricultural Habitats3. Investigations and Applications in Environmental Biotechnology4. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Marine Biodiversity and Terrestrial Paleobiodiversity5. Socio-economics of Geotourism and Archaeology
Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges
by Anthony J. MasysThis bookprovides international perspective for those studying or working in thesecurity domain, from enforcement to policy. It focuses on non-traditionalthreats in a landscape that has been described as transnational in nature andincorporates natural disasters, gang violence, extremism and terrorism, amongstother issues. Chapters provide innovative thinking on themes includingcyber security, maritime security, transnational crime, human security,globalization and economic security. Relevanttheoretical frameworks are presented and readers are expertly guided throughcomplex threats, from matters pertaining to health security which pose threats notonly to humans but also have significant national security implications, toissues regarding critical infrastructure vulnerability and the complexity ofunderstanding terrorist operations. Authors reveal how emerging uncertaintiesregarding global critical infrastructure and supply chain security, foodsecurity, and health security are linked to the notion of human security. Securityprofessionals, policy makers and academics will all gain from the insights,strategies and perspectives in this book. It builds understanding of thedeepening and broadening domain of security studies and provides a valuablereference text for courses on security studies and international relations.
Exploring the Theory, Pedagogy and Practice of Networked Learning
by David Mcconnell Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld Vivien HodgsonThis book will be based on a selection of high quality research papers presented at the Networked Learning Conference, May3-4, 2010. The Networked Learning Conference is an international, research-based conference. Since its inception in 1998 the conference has developed a strong following by international researchers. In addition it is well supported by practitioners, managers and learning technologists interested in contributing to and hearing about research in this area. The conference is considered a major event in the international 'technology enhanced learning' conference circuit. This edited volume presents cutting edge research that will explore current trends and advances in research on networked learning, technology enhanced learning and e-learning.
Exploring the Use of Eye Gaze Controlled Interfaces in Automotive Environments
by Pradipta BiswasThis book provides a concise study of eye gaze tracking as a direct controller of electronic displays and interfaces inside cars and other vehicles. The author explores the prospect of controlling a vehicle's internal system via the drivers' eye gaze and for the vehicles to analyse and respond to a drivers' change in cognitive load too. New algorithms tackling micro-saccadic eye movements and the inaccuracy in eye gaze tracking for controlling on-screen pointers are presented and explored. Multimodal fusion algorithms involving eye gaze and finger tracking systems are presented and validated and important results have been obtained on gaze controlled interfaces and visual responses whilst encountering oncoming road hazards. A set of user trials to validate the algorithms involving driving simulators are also presented by the author. Exploring the Use of Eye Gaze Controlled Interfaces in Automotive Environments would of great importance to researchers and designers alike, within the fields of automotive design and engineering, human-computer interaction (HCI) and intelligent interfaces.
Exploring the Value of Electricity
by P.E. GellingsThis book discusses the role electricity plays in sustaining and improving the quality of life. The author elucidates the numerous approaches to estimating value, including electricity’s contribution toward the U.S. Gross Domestic Product; its role in medicine, and its ability to power communications. Traditional measures such the cost of outages, the impact of storms, the cost of restoring power systems after storms, the Value of Lost Load (VOLL), consumer Willingness to Pay (WTP) to avoid outages, and consumer surveys are covered extensively. In addition, the book speculates on life without electricity and how society may have evolved without it.
Exploring the World with the Laser
by Dieter Meschede Thomas Udem Tilman EsslingerThis edition contains carefully selected contributions by leading scientists in high-resolution laser spectroscopy, quantum optics and laser physics. Emphasis is given to ultrafast laser phenomena, implemenations of frequency combs, precision spectroscopy and high resolution metrology. Furthermore, applications of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics are widely covered. This book is dedicated to Nobel prize winner Theodor W. H#65533;nsch on the occasion of his 75th birthday. The contributions are reprinted from a topical collection published in Applied Physics B, 2016.
Exploring Water with Young Children
by Karen Worth Ingrid ChalufourLooking at science in a new way, Exploring Water with Young Children focuses children's explorations to help deepen their understanding of water and its properties--including concepts related to water's flow, appearance and effect on objects. The third unit in the Young Scientist Series, this field-tested curriculum supports the early development of important science inquiry skills such as questioning, investigating, discussing and formulating ideas and theories.Karen Worth is a graduate-level instructor in the early childhood education department at Wheelock College.Ingrid Chalufour has designed and conducted training programs for a variety of early childhood staff for more than 35 years. Both authors live in Newton, Massachusetts.
Exploring Water with Young Children, Trainer's Guide
by Ingrid Chalufour Karen WorthThe trainer's guide serves as an indispensable handbook for trainers and administrators interested in introducing staff to the Exploring Water with Young Children curriculum--from planning to implementation. From exploring sinking and floating to using books to extend science learning, seven basic and eight advanced workshops develop staff members' understanding of science and inquiry teaching skills. The guide also includes strategies for supporting teachers over time through mentoring and guided discussions, as well as an extensive resource list.
Exploring The World Through Cartography
by Classical MultiMediaExploring the World Through Cartography
Explosion-Proof Equipment in Hazardous Area
by Arvind Kumar SinghThis book provides a comprehensive overview of hazardous areas containing explosive gases, vapors, and combustible dust. It also discusses about the different types of protection techniques used in explosion-proof electrical equipment. This book further provides guidance on how to deal with electrical explosions caused by fires due to arcs and sparks caused by a failure in the design, manufacture, selection, installation, or maintenance of electrical equipment. Among the topics covered in this book are overview of hazardous areas, various types of protection available, mechanisms for explosion pressure to build inside flameproof enclosures, concept of preventing explosions in flammable and dusty environments, unique features of explosion-proof motors, process of testing and certifying explosion-proof equipment in India and abroad, and mechanisms for the initiation and prevention of explosions resulting from non-electric sources. The book also discusses topics such as the selection, installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical equipment. In addition, this book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, petroleum engineering, mining engineering, and testing laboratories that test and certify explosion-proof equipment.
Explosion Risk of Solid Biofuels (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
by Nieves Fernandez-Anez Blanca Castells Somoza Isabel Amez Arenillas Javier Garcia-TorrentThis book consists of two parts, the first of which focuses on combustible solids, and the second on the industrial position concerning these materials. It includes practical data and information on all biomass sources, from woodchips to sewage sludge, as well as mixtures. Biomass materials are rapidly becoming a fundamental energy source, and their consumption will surpass that of fossil fuels in the near future. The risk of explosion of biomass dust materials can lead to massive economic and human losses worldwide, and applies to every facility that produces, processes or handles these materials. A better understanding of the risk could help reduce the number of accidents; until now, however, no book has been published on the subject. This book is the first to gather the latest information, both from the authors and from other researchers, while also providing explanations and clarifications of how to correctly determine the most relevant parameters and use them to ensure safer environments. It was written in clear, straightforward language to make it accessible for a broad range of readers, from students to senior researchers.
Explosion Vented Equipment System Protection Guide
by Robert C. ComerThis book provides complete step by step instruction, practical examples, guidance, and worksheets to meet the needs of a company licensed or competent unlicensed engineer that, by education or experience, understands the concepts presented in this book. This book will help engineers ensure that their company is in compliance with the new standard of dust collection systems by mitigating the exposed risks. The data is presented in tables and graphs along with examples that are based on actual, proven, practical designs to clearly illustrate application of the information provided. The book is broken down into two parts. Part 1 details structural analysis and design for reinforcing dust handling systems including Design criteria and general theory, Dust collector wall, roof and hopper sections, Access doors, hinges and latches, explosion vent ducts, blast deflectors, and filter bag cage design, Explosion vent duct weather covers, etc. Part 2 covers explosion relief elements and explosion flowing pressure analyses.