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The Extraction and Refining of Metals (Materials Science And Technology Ser.)

by Colin Bodsworth

The Extraction and Refining of Metals provides a novel approach to the science and technology of both ferrous and non-ferrous metal production. Rather than the traditional treatment in which one metal at a time is considered, this new approach, which examines several metals at a time, reveals more clearly the versatility and limitations of each of the main types of process. The restrictions imposed on the selection of the process routes by thermodynamic and kinetic factors and by economic and environmental constraints are examined in detail. The conservation of energy and materials is emphasized and illustrated by the description of new and improved extraction methods.The types of mathematical models that are being developed for computer control of production operations are indicated, and worked examples demonstrate relevant thermodynamic and mass balance calculations.

Extraction and Representation of Prosody for Speaker, Speech and Language Recognition

by Leena Mary

Extraction and Representation of Prosodic Features for Speech Processing Applications deals with prosody from speech processing point of view with topics including: The significance of prosody for speech processing applicationsWhy prosody need to be incorporated in speech processing applicationsDifferent methods for extraction and representation of prosody for applications such as speech synthesis, speaker recognition, language recognition and speech recognitionThis book is for researchers and students at the graduate level.

Extraction, Characterization, and Functional Assessment of Bioactive Compounds (Methods and Protocols in Food Science)

by María Figueiredo González Patricia Reboredo Rodríguez Elena Martínez Carballo

This volume details methods and procedures on extraction, characterization, and functional assessment of bioactive compounds. Chapters guide readers through bioactive compounds, development, testing and characterization of phenolic compounds, and other compounds. Written in the format of the Methods and Protocols in Food Science series, the chapters include an introduction to the respective topic, list necessary materials and reagents, detail well-established and validated methods for readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and contain notes on how to avoid or solve typical problems. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Extraction, Characterization, and Functional Assessment of Bioactive Compounds aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.

Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion

by Elizabeth Carolyn Miller

How literature of the British imperial world contended with the social and environmental consequences of industrial miningThe 1830s to the 1930s saw the rise of large-scale industrial mining in the British imperial world. Elizabeth Carolyn Miller examines how literature of this era reckoned with a new vision of civilization where humans are dependent on finite, nonrenewable stores of earthly resources, and traces how the threatening horizon of resource exhaustion worked its way into narrative form.Britain was the first nation to transition to industry based on fossil fuels, which put its novelists and other writers in the remarkable position of mediating the emergence of extraction-based life. Miller looks at works like Hard Times, The Mill on the Floss, and Sons and Lovers, showing how the provincial realist novel’s longstanding reliance on marriage and inheritance plots transforms against the backdrop of exhaustion to withhold the promise of reproductive futurity. She explores how adventure stories like Treasure Island and Heart of Darkness reorient fictional space toward the resource frontier. And she shows how utopian and fantasy works like “Sultana’s Dream,” The Time Machine, and The Hobbit offer imaginative ways of envisioning energy beyond extractivism.This illuminating book reveals how an era marked by violent mineral resource rushes gave rise to literary forms and genres that extend extractivism as a mode of environmental understanding.

Extraction of Nuclear and Non-ferrous Metals

by Sujay Kumar Dutta Dharmesh R. Lodhari

This book presents a comprehensive overview of non-ferrous metallurgy, especially its core principles and fundamental aspects, in a concise form. The book covers all basic concepts and definitions related to metal extraction, and provide succinct summaries of relevant metallurgical processes. It also covers the scientific and engineering aspects of nuclear processes and features special chapter on ultra-high-purity metals. The book employs a step-by-step approach, is written in an easy-to-understand style, and discusses significance of core concepts. As such, it not only offers a valuable guide for professionals and researchers working in the areas of metallurgy, mining, and chemical engineering, but can also be used as a core text in both graduate and professional coursework.

Extraction of Prosody for Automatic Speaker, Language, Emotion and Speech Recognition (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)

by Leena Mary

This updated book expands upon prosody for recognition applications of speech processing. It includes importance of prosody for speech processing applications; builds on why prosody needs to be incorporated in speech processing applications; and presents methods for extraction and representation of prosody for applications such as speaker recognition, language recognition and speech recognition. The updated book also includes information on the significance of prosody for emotion recognition and various prosody-based approaches for automatic emotion recognition from speech.

Extraction of Semiconductor Diode Parameters: A Comparative Review of Methods and Materials

by Richard Ocaya

This book presents a comprehensive treatise on the extraction of semiconductor diode parameters using various methods. Its focus is on metal-semiconductor, metal-insulator-semiconductor, and p-n junction diodes, covering a wide range of metals and semiconductors, including elemental, compound, organic, and nanostructured materials. By bringing together these methods in one place, this book provides a much-needed standardized point of reference for the field. The methods used for device characterization have spread widely but not yet critically compared and contrasted. This book aims to bridge this gap by offering a comparative review of the methods and providing the most accurate information on current developments. The result is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners who seek to optimize their use of semiconductor diodes in their work. With its thorough coverage and critical analysis, this book fills a large void in the field of semiconductor device characterization. It is an essential reference for anyone interested in the extraction of semiconductor diode parameters using a variety of methods.

Extraction Optimization in Food Engineering (Food Science and Technology)

by Constantina Tzia George Liadakis

The only comprehensive source on extraction process optimization, this book details the installation, construction, development, modeling, control, and economics of conventional and specialized extraction systems in the food processing industry. It supplies case studies for illustration of specific extraction systems in commercial food production.

Extractive Farming or Bio Farming?: Making a Better Choice for the 21st Century (SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science)

by Kodoth Prabhakaran Nair

Global farming is at a crucial juncture in its evolution. Over 9000 years ago, humanity shifted from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to stationary agriculture, sparking the “Agricultural Revolution” and putting soil at the forefront of agricultural focus. However, contemporary farming practices have seen an extreme shift in focus from the original revolution, that is, from tending plants to highly chemical-centric and extractive farming methods known as the “green revolution”. In this process, soil has paid a heavy environmental price, with a substantial amount of land becoming unsuitable for agriculture over the past century. The 1992–93 World Resources Report by the United Nations issued alarming conclusions, revealing that nearly 10 million hectares of the world’s best farmlands have been destroyed by human activity, including the green revolution. Additionally, over 1.2 billion hectares of land worldwide have suffered serious damage and can only be restored at a great cost. This loss of soil capability can result in significant food shortages in the next two to three decades. One significant impact of this issue is that as usual, people in the disadvantaged nations will bear the brunt of the consequences. Approximately two-thirds of the seriously eroded land is located in Asia and Africa, with around 25% of the cropped land in Central America being moderately to severely damaged. The percentage of affected land in North America is relatively low, at only 4.4%. Soil degradation is the primary cause for the dramatic decline in food production in 80 developing countries during the past decade, with nearly 40% of global farming conducted on small parcels of land measuring 1 hectare or less. This situation is characterized by ignorance and poverty. In India alone, more than 120.40 million hectares of the total 328.73 million hectares of geographical area have suffered from degraded soils due to the green revolution. The State of Punjab, known as the “cradle of Indian green revolution” is a clear example of this environmental hazard, specifically in relation to soil resources. Thousands of hectares in this region cannot sustain plant growth without significant investment in soil reclamation, resulting in a substantial drain of national resources. All of this, proves beyond a shadow of doubt, the critical role that soil plays in human sustenance.

Extractive Metallurgy 2: Metallurgical Reaction Processes (Wiley-iste Ser.)

by Alain Vignes

The Extractive Metallurgy series is devoted to the extraction of metals from ores and other sources, their refining to the state of either liquid or solid metal, and the various processes needed to carry out these operations. Using the methodology of chemical reaction engineering, this second volume in the series examines on the metallurgical reaction processes used in the extraction and refining operations, covering pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, halide, and electro-metallurgical processes. It provides valuable information on the technologies and processes engineers encounter in industrial production.

Extractive Metallurgy 2

by Alain Vignes

The Extractive Metallurgy series is devoted to the extraction of metals from ores and other sources, their refining to the state of either liquid or solid metal, and the various processes needed to carry out these operations. Using the methodology of chemical reaction engineering, this second volume in the series examines on the metallurgical reaction processes used in the extraction and refining operations, covering pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, halide, and electro-metallurgical processes. It provides valuable information on the technologies and processes engineers encounter in industrial production.

Extractive Metallurgy 3

by Alain Vignes

Extractive metallurgy is the art and science of extracting metals from their ores and refining them. The production of metals and alloys from these source materials is still one of the most important and fundamental industries in both developed and developing economies around the world. The outputs and products are essential resources for the metallic, mechanical, electromagnetic, electrical and electronics industries (silicon is treated as a metal for these purposes).This series is devoted to the extraction of metals from ores, concentrates (enriched ores), scraps, and other sources and their refining to the state of either liquid metal before casting or to solid metals. The extraction and refining operations that are required may be carried out by various metallurgical reaction processes.Extractive Metallurgy 1 deals with the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics of the reaction processes. Extractive Metallurgy 2 focuses on pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, halide and electro-metallurgical (conversion) processes. Extractive Metallurgy 3 deals with the industrial processing operations, technologies, and process routes, in other words the sequence of steps or operations used to convert the ore to metal. Processes and operations are studied using the methodology of "chemical reaction engineering".As the fundamentals of the art and science of Extractive Metallurgy are infrequently taught as dedicated university or engineering schools courses, this series is intended both for students in the fields of Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering who want to acquire this knowledge, and also for engineers put in charge of the operation of an industrial production unit or the development of a new process, who will need the basic knowledge of the corresponding technology.

Extractive Metallurgy of Niobium

by A.K. Suri

The growth and development witnessed today in modern science, engineering, and technology owes a heavy debt to the rare, refractory, and reactive metals group, of which niobium is a member. Extractive Metallurgy of Niobium presents a vivid account of the metal through its comprehensive discussions of properties and applications, resources and resource processing, chemical processing and compound preparation, metal extraction, and refining and consolidation. Typical flow sheets adopted in some leading niobium-producing countries for the beneficiation of various niobium sources are presented, and various chemical processes for producing pure forms of niobium intermediates such as chloride, fluoride, and oxide are discussed. The book also explains how to liberate the metal from its intermediates and describes the physico-chemical principles involved. It is an excellent reference for chemical metallurgists, hydrometallurgists, extraction and process metallurgists, and minerals processors. It is also valuable to a wide variety of scientists, engineers, technologists, and students interested in the topic.

Extractive Metallurgy of Rare Earths

by Nagaiyar Krishnamurthy Chiranjib Kumar Gupta

New Edition Now Covers Recycling, Environmental Issues, and Analytical DeterminationEmploying four decades of experience in the rare metal and rare earths industry, the authors of Extractive Metallurgy of Rare Earths, Second Edition present the entire subject of rare earth elements with depth and accuracy. This second edition updates the most impor

Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things

by Charles Panati

Astonishing stories behind 500 everyday items, expressions, and customs—from Kleenex to steak sauce, Barbie Dolls to honeymoons.For lovers of facts, students of popular culture, history buffs, and science enthusiasts, the foremost specialist on everything tells us how and why hundreds of the everyday items, expressions, and customs we take for granted came into existence. Learn the fascinating discovery stories behind over 500 phenomena, including:How chewing gum and Silly Putty began as substitutes for rubberHow the potato chip emerged from an act of pique on the part of a Native American named CrumWhy April Fool’s Day started out as New Year’s Eve, a joke in itselfHow the song “Happy Birthday to You” began as a kindergarten jingle titled “Good Morning to All”How the zipper was one man’s attempt to make obsolete not buttons . . . but shoelacesHow the newlywed husband came to the aid of his accident-prone bride with the invention of the Band-AidHow the hotdog began as an outlawed Roman sausage and received its name at a New York baseball gameHow Drs. Fallopius and Condom made strides in inventing and popularizing a male means of birth controlHow the original Goldilocks was a disgruntled, gray-haired crone, tortured by the three bearsHow Ketchup came from the Romans, Tabasco sauce from an exiled New Orleans banker, Mayonnaise from a French duke, and A.1. Steak Sauce from a royal chef named Brand And many, many more in this carefully organized, delicious compendium of little-known facts—guaranteed to amaze, absorb, amuse, and delight.

Extrapolation Practice for Ecotoxicological Effect Characterization of Chemicals

by Keith R. Solomon Theo C. M. Brock Dick De Zwart Scott D. Dyer Leo Posthuma Sean Richards Hans Sanderson Paul Sibley Paul J. Van Den Brink

A wide-ranging compilation of techniques, Extrapolation Practice for Ecotoxicological Effect Characterization of Chemicals describes methods of extrapolation in the framework of ecological risk assessment. The book, informally known as EXPECT, identifies data needs and situations where these extrapolations can be most usefully applied, makin

Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth

by Avi Loeb

Harvard’s top astronomer lays out his controversial theory that our solar system was recently visited by advanced alien technology from a distant star. In late 2017, scientists at a Hawaiian observatory glimpsed an object soaring through our inner solar system, moving so quickly that it could only have come from another star. Avi Loeb, Harvard’s top astronomer, showed it was not an asteroid; it was moving too fast along a strange orbit, and left no trail of gas or debris in its wake. There was only one conceivable explanation: the object was a piece of advanced technology created by a distant alien civilization. In Extraterrestrial, Loeb takes readers inside the thrilling story of the first interstellar visitor to be spotted in our solar system. He outlines his controversial theory and its profound implications: for science, for religion, and for the future of our species and our planet. A mind-bending journey through the furthest reaches of science, space-time, and the human imagination, Extraterrestrial challenges readers to aim for the stars—and to think critically about what’s out there, no matter how strange it seems. <P><P> <b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Extraterrestrial Influence on Climate Change

by Saumitra Mukherjee

Climate change has been addressed since last decade based on the influence of human activities like production of industrial effluents, land use changes and other activities due to development of the society. These are very important issues no doubt but the activities due to the influence of extraterrestrial phenomena have not been given its due importance. An attempt is being made here to understand the influence of extraterrestrial activities as one of the important factors of climate change has been attempted here. The influence of Sun and distant stars on the environment of the earth has been studied during the cyclic changes in the Sun as well as episodic changes in the environment due to the effect of other celestial objects in between Sun-Earth environment. The study has been carried out based on the changes within the Sun as well as changes during the solar eclipse. During these extraterrestrial changes it has been observed that the earth changes in its atmosphere as well as geosphere, which may have local effect but the increase of these local effect in large scale may contribute to the climate change. Solar radiation drives atmospheric circulation. Since solar radiation represents almost all the energy available to the Earth, accounting for solar radiation and how it interacts with the atmosphere and the Earth's surface is fundamental to understanding the Earth's energy budget.

Extremal Optimization: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications

by Yong-Zai Lu Yu-Wang Chen Min-Rong Chen Peng Chen Guo-Qiang Zeng

Extremal Optimization: Fundamentals, Algorithms, and Applications introduces state-of-the-art extremal optimization (EO) and modified EO (MEO) solutions from fundamentals, methodologies, and algorithms to applications based on numerous classic publications and the authors’ recent original research results. It promotes the movement of EO from academic study to practical applications. The book covers four aspects, beginning with a general review of real-world optimization problems and popular solutions with a focus on computational complexity, such as "NP-hard" and the "phase transitions" occurring on the search landscape. Next, it introduces computational extremal dynamics and its applications in EO from principles, mechanisms, and algorithms to the experiments on some benchmark problems such as TSP, spin glass, Max-SAT (maximum satisfiability), and graph partition. It then presents studies on the fundamental features of search dynamics and mechanisms in EO with a focus on self-organized optimization, evolutionary probability distribution, and structure features (e.g., backbones), which are based on the authors’ recent research results. Finally, it discusses applications of EO and MEO in multiobjective optimization, systems modeling, intelligent control, and production scheduling. The authors present the advanced features of EO in solving NP-hard problems through problem formulation, algorithms, and simulation studies on popular benchmarks and industrial applications. They also focus on the development of MEO and its applications. This book can be used as a reference for graduate students, research developers, and practical engineers who work on developing optimization solutions for those complex systems with hardness that cannot be solved with mathematical optimization or other computational intelligence, such as evolutionary computations.

Extreme: Outer Space

by Paul Beck

Explore outer space from our solar system to the edges to the universe! Extreme: Outer Space pairs the most bizarre and mind-blowing facts about our planets with breathtaking images!

Extreme 3-D: Outer Space

by Paul Beck

Explore outer space from our solar system to the edges to the universe! Extreme 3-D: Outer Space pairs the most bizarre and mind-blowing facts about our planets with breathtaking images--all in 3-D!

Extreme and Rare Sports: Performance Demands Drivers Functional Foods And Nutrition

by Sourya Datta Debasis Bagchi

Two crucial components of a healthy life are nutrition and exercise. The importance of appropriate diet, food and nutrition are extremely important to be successful in sports, and, especially, in extreme sports. Extreme sport is an activity where a participant must demonstrate both mental and physical skills. This type of activity provides an adrenaline rush to individuals who are part of the "community of extreme sportsmen." Extreme sports provide opportunity for individuals to be active and fit with added enjoyment of partaking in a fun activity. Extreme sports in conjunction with proper nutrition helps to boost immunity and resistance against common infections. Studies have also exhibited that sports and exercise activities help in managing effective work-life balance as well. Extreme and Rare Sports: Performance Demands, Drivers, Functional Foods, and Nutrition provides a comprehensive treatise on extreme sports emphasizing the importance of nutrition and research-driven nutraceutical supplements in injury prevention and treatment. The book presents information on the nutritional requirements of sports activities on land, in water, or with high altitude-base. It covers a wide variety of definitions, philosophies, thoughts and practices involved with structurally diverse extreme sports. Features: Discusses specific food and nutritional requirements in extreme sports Provides information on the importance of functional foods, nutrition and structurally diverse phytonutrients for different sports Features information on Olympic and diverse extreme sports Details the importance of hydration and use of gelatin; skeletal muscle damage and recovery from eccentric contractions; and information on dietary supplements and antioxidants Presents analysis on growth, marketing, techniques, and future of extreme sports

Extreme Environment Electronics (Industrial Electronics #10)

by John D. Cressler H. Alan Mantooth

Unfriendly to conventional electronic devices, circuits, and systems, extreme environments represent a serious challenge to designers and mission architects. The first truly comprehensive guide to this specialized field, Extreme Environment Electronics explains the essential aspects of designing and using devices, circuits, and electronic systems intended to operate in extreme environments, including across wide temperature ranges and in radiation-intense scenarios such as space. The Definitive Guide to Extreme Environment Electronics Featuring contributions by some of the world’s foremost experts in extreme environment electronics, the book provides in-depth information on a wide array of topics. It begins by describing the extreme conditions and then delves into a description of suitable semiconductor technologies and the modeling of devices within those technologies. It also discusses reliability issues and failure mechanisms that readers need to be aware of, as well as best practices for the design of these electronics. Continuing beyond just the "paper design" of building blocks, the book rounds out coverage of the design realization process with verification techniques and chapters on electronic packaging for extreme environments. The final set of chapters describes actual chip-level designs for applications in energy and space exploration. Requiring only a basic background in electronics, the book combines theoretical and practical aspects in each self-contained chapter. Appendices supply additional background material. With its broad coverage and depth, and the expertise of the contributing authors, this is an invaluable reference for engineers, scientists, and technical managers, as well as researchers and graduate students. A hands-on resource, it explores what is required to successfully operate electronics in the most demanding conditions.

Extreme Events and Natural Hazards

by Vijay P. Dimri Daniel N. Baker A. Surjalal Sharma Armin Bunde

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 196.Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective examines recent developments in complexity science that provide a new approach to understanding extreme events. This understanding is critical to the development of strategies for the prediction of natural hazards and mitigation of their adverse consequences. The volume is a comprehensive collection of current developments in the understanding of extreme events. The following critical areas are highlighted: understanding extreme events, natural hazard prediction and development of mitigation strategies, recent developments in complexity science, global change and how it relates to extreme events, and policy sciences and perspective. With its overarching theme, Extreme Events and Natural Hazards will be of interest and relevance to scientists interested in nonlinear geophysics, natural hazards, atmospheric science, hydrology, oceanography, tectonics, and space weather.

Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications

by Alik Ismail-Zadeh Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi Andrzej Kijko Kuniyoshi Takeuchi Ilya Zaliapin Alik Ismail-Zadeh Jaime Urrutia Fucugauchi Andrzej Kijko Kuniyoshi Takeuchi

This book presents a unique, interdisciplinary approach to disaster risk research, combining cutting-edge natural science and social science methodologies. Bringing together leading scientists, policy makers and practitioners from around the world, it presents the risks of global hazards such as volcanoes, seismic events, landslides, hurricanes, precipitation floods and space weather, and provides real-world hazard case studies from Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific region. Avoiding complex mathematics, the authors provide insight into topics such as the vulnerability of society, disaster risk reduction policy, relations between disaster policy and climate change, adaptation to hazards, and (re)insurance approaches to extreme events. This is a key resource for academic researchers and graduate students in a wide range of disciplines linked to hazard and risk studies, including geophysics, volcanology, hydrology, atmospheric science, geomorphology, oceanography and remote sensing, and for professionals and policy makers working in disaster prevention and mitigation.

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