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Eye Gaze in Intelligent User Interfaces

by Cristina Conati Thomas Bader Yukiko I. Nakano

Remarkable progress in eye-tracking technologies opened the way to design novel attention-based intelligent user interfaces, and highlighted the importance of better understanding of eye-gaze in human-computer interaction and human-human communication. For instance, a user's focus of attention is useful in interpreting the user's intentions, their understanding of the conversation, and their attitude towards the conversation. In human face-to-face communication, eye gaze plays an important role in floor management, grounding, and engagement in conversation. Eye Gaze in Intelligent User Interfaces draws on ideas from a number of contributors working on how attentional information can be applied to novel intelligent interfaces. Part I focuses on analyzing human eye gaze behaviors to reveal characteristics of human communication and cognition; Part II addresses estimation and prediction of the cognitive state of the users using gaze information; and Part III presents proposals of novel gaze-aware interfaces which integrate eye-trackers as a system component. The contributions highlight a direction for the future of human-computer interaction, and discuss issues in human attentional behaviors and face-to-face communication which are essential in designing gaze aware interactive interfaces.

Eye in the Sky

by Dwayne Day

Presenting the full story of the CORONA spy satellites' origins, Eye in the Sky explores the Cold War technology and far-reaching effects of the satellites on foreign policy and national security. Arguing that satellite reconnaissance was key to shaping the course of the Cold War, the book documents breakthroughs in intelligence gathering and achievements in space technology that rival the landing on the moon.

Eye Movement Research: An Introduction to its Scientific Foundations and Applications (Studies in Neuroscience, Psychology and Behavioral Economics)

by Christoph Klein Ulrich Ettinger

This edited volume presents fundamentals as well as applications of oculomotor methods in industrial and clinical settings. The topical spectrum covers 1.) basics and background material, 2.) methods such as recording techniques, markov models, Lévy flights, pupillometry and many more, as well as 3.) a broad range of applications in clinical and industrial settings. The target audience primarily comprises research experts and practitioners, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.

The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence

by null Matteo Pasquinelli

A social history of AI that finally reveals its roots in the spatial computation of industrial factories and the surveillance of collective behaviour.What is AI? A dominant view describes it as the quest "to solve intelligence," a solution supposedly to be found in the secret logic of the mind or in the deep physiology of the brain, such as in its complex neural networks.The Eye of the Master argues, to the contrary, that the inner code of AI is shaped not by the imitation of biological intelligence, but the intelligence of labour and social relations, as it is found in Babbage's "calculating engines" of the industrial age as well as in the recent algorithms for image recognition and surveillance.The idea that AI may one day become autonomous (or "sentient", as someone thought of Google's LaMDA) is pure fantasy. Computer algorithms have always imitated the form of social relations and the organisation of labour in their own inner structure and their purpose remains blind automation.The Eye of the Master urges a new literacy on AI for scientists, journalists and new generations of activists, who should recognise that the "mystery" of AI is just the automation of labour at the highest degree, not intelligence per se.

Eye of the Storm: NASA, Drones, and the Race to Crack the Hurricane Code

by Amy Cherrix

Ten million Americans live in hurricane danger zones, but how do we know if or when to evacuate? We must predict both when a storm will strike and how strong it will be. A daring NASA earth science mission may have finally found a way to crack this hurricane code.Dr. Scott Braun is the principal investigator for the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel mission (HS3), which flies repurposed military drone over hurricanes so that scientists can gather data. But the stakes are high and time is running out.In the first Scientists in the Field book entirely about weather, meet the NASA team on the cutting edge of meteorological field science.

The Eye of War: Military Perception from the Telescope to the Drone

by Antoine Bousquet

How perceptual technologies have shaped the history of war from the Renaissance to the present From ubiquitous surveillance to drone strikes that put “warheads onto foreheads,” we live in a world of globalized, individualized targeting. The perils are great. In The Eye of War, Antoine Bousquet provides both a sweeping historical overview of military perception technologies and a disquieting lens on a world that is, increasingly, one in which anything or anyone that can be perceived can be destroyed—in which to see is to destroy. Arguing that modern-day global targeting is dissolving the conventionally bounded spaces of armed conflict, Bousquet shows that over several centuries, a logistical order of militarized perception has come into ascendancy, bringing perception and annihilation into ever-closer alignment. The efforts deployed to evade this deadly visibility have correspondingly intensified, yielding practices of radical concealment that presage a wholesale disappearance of the customary space of the battlefield. Beginning with the Renaissance’s fateful discovery of linear perspective, The Eye of War discloses the entanglement of the sciences and techniques of perception, representation, and localization in the modern era amid the perpetual quest for military superiority. In a survey that ranges from the telescope, aerial photograph, and gridded map to radar, digital imaging, and the geographic information system, Bousquet shows how successive technological systems have profoundly shaped the history of warfare and the experience of soldiering. A work of grand historical sweep and remarkable analytical power, The Eye of War explores the implications of militarized perception for the character of war in the twenty-first century and the place of human subjects within its increasingly technical armature.

Eye Wonder: Space

by Simon Holland Mary Ling Carole Stott

Open your eyes to a world of discovery. Travel from Earth to the ends of the known universe. Space is a colorful first guide to astronomy packed with facts about space exploration, the solar system, planets, stars, galaxies, and much more. Dramatic, atmospheric photography provides a wealth of visual information. Packed with facts and written in an accessible style, Eye Wonders are the perfect educational start for young children. A groundbreaking reference series specially developed for younger children aged five plus. In a stunning style departure for DK, wonderful photography shows subjects within their natural setting, offering a whole new level of information through powerful images. Vocabulary is accessible to children aged five plus, with the meanings of new, subject-related words clearly explained. The series provides an excellent knowledge base on the natural world for children starting to learn. The combination of breathtaking visuals and informative, accurate text will hook even those children who usually avoid books.

Eye Wonder: Open Your Eyes to a World of Discovery (Eye Wonder)

by Carole Stott

Open your eyes to a world of discovery. Travel from Earth to the ends of the known universe. Space is a colorful first guide to astronomy packed with facts about space exploration, the solar system, planets, stars, galaxies, and much more. Dramatic, atmospheric photography provides a wealth of visual information. Packed with facts and written in an accessible style, Eye Wonders are the perfect educational start for young children. A groundbreaking reference series specially developed for younger children aged five plus. In a stunning style departure for DK, wonderful photography shows subjects within their natural setting, offering a whole new level of information through powerful images. Vocabulary is accessible to children aged five plus, with the meanings of new, subject-related words clearly explained. The series provides an excellent knowledge base on the natural world for children starting to learn. The combination of breathtaking visuals and informative, accurate text will hook even those children who usually avoid books.

Eyes In The Sky: The Secret Rise of Gorgon Stare and How It Will Watch Us All

by Arthur Holland Michel

The fascinating history and unnerving future of high-tech aerial surveillance, from its secret military origins to its growing use on American citizensEyes in the Sky is the authoritative account of how the Pentagon secretly developed a godlike surveillance system for monitoring America's enemies overseas, and how it is now being used to watch us in our own backyards. Whereas a regular aerial camera can only capture a small patch of ground at any given time, this system—and its most powerful iteration, Gorgon Stare—allow operators to track thousands of moving targets at once, both forwards and backwards in time, across whole city-sized areas. When fused with big-data analysis techniques, this network can be used to watch everything simultaneously, and perhaps even predict attacks before they happen. In battle, Gorgon Stare and other systems like it have saved countless lives, but when this technology is deployed over American cities—as it already has been, extensively and largely in secret—it has the potential to become the most nightmarishly powerful visual surveillance system ever built. While it may well solve serious crimes and even help ease the traffic along your morning commute, it could also enable far more sinister and dangerous intrusions into our lives. This is closed-circuit television on steroids. Facebook in the heavens. Drawing on extensive access within the Pentagon and in the companies and government labs that developed these devices, Eyes in the Sky reveals how a top-secret team of mad scientists brought Gorgon Stare into existence, how it has come to pose an unprecedented threat to our privacy and freedom, and how we might still capitalize on its great promise while avoiding its many perils.

Eyewitness: Los planetas (DK Eyewitness)

by DK

¡Observa de cerca la Tierra, el Sistema Solar y el espacio a través de impactantes imágenes!¿De dónde vienen los cometas? ¿Por qué Plutón ahora está clasificado como un planeta enano? ¿Qué son los exoplanetas? Explora los planetas rocosos y enanos, gigantes gaseosos, asteroides, cometas y otros muchos cuerpos del Sistema Solar y encuentra las respuestas a estas y muchas más preguntas en este emocionante recorrido por la Tierra y el espacio. Este libro de astronomía para niños, incluye:-Fotografías a todo color, datos interesantes e información veraz y contrastada.-Diagramas, estadísticas y cronogramas.-Un glosario y una línea temporal para ubicar la información más relevante en la historia espacial.-Relatos de expertos en la materia que han sido testigos de sucesos del espacio.-Un póster de los planetas del Sistema SolarDescubre los secretos del espacio, los últimos equipos de exploración espacial y a los científicos detrás de descubrimientos tanto antiguos como nuevos con esta completa guía visual. Aprende qué planetas se encuentran dentro del cinturón de asteroides, lleno de pequeños trozos de roca, cuántas lunas tiene Júpiter y qué son los anillos helados de Saturno.Un recurso imprescindible tanto para niños curiosos mayores de 9 años con ganas de aprender sobre el espacio así como para profesores y padres que quieran ofrecerles apoyo.Packed with stunning photography, Eyewitness Planets explores Earth’s neighborhood, space and the Solar System.Become an eyewitness to the fascinating world of outer space, in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of Earth and its neighborhood with this spectacular planetary guide. Children will be mesmerized by this eyewitness view from Mercury to Neptune, of the rocky planets, gas giants, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, and other bodies that make up our Solar System.This unique, beautifully illustrated guide reveals the secrets of space, examining the latest space exploration equipment, and the scientists behind discoveries both ancient and new. Using striking full-color photographs and illustrations, discover where comets come from, learn why Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, and much more.Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on planets, you can expect to find:- A fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new "eyewitness" feature.- Amazing facts, updated diagrams, statistics, and timelines.- Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field.Eyewitness Planets introduces the ultimate guide to our Earth’s neighbors, exploring the bodies that make up our Solar System. Children can learn about the Asteroid Belt that runs between Mars and Jupiter filled with small pieces of rock that were left over from when the planets were forming, the icy rings of Saturn and the many moons of Jupiter. This all-emcompassing Solar System guide is a must-have for curious children aged 9+ with a thirst for learning, as well as teachers, parents and librarians.

Eyewitness Planets (DK Eyewitness)

by DK

Take a tour of Earth and its neighborhood with this spectacular planetary guide.Know more about the eight planets in the Solar System, from the small, rocky ones to the gas giants. Surf along the icy rings of Saturn and count the many moons of Jupiter. Explore the Asteroid Belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter and is filled with small pieces of rock that were left over when planets were forming. Then venture further out and find out why Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, discover where comets come from, and much more.Filled with stunning computer-generated images and the most up-to-date images from NASA and ESA taken by probes, Eyewitness Planets takes you as close as you can get to the objects in our Solar System.Series Overview: Each revised Eyewitness book retains the stunning artwork and photography from the groundbreaking original series, but the text has been reduced and reworked to speak more clearly to younger readers. Still on every colorful page: vibrant annotated photographs and the integrated text-and-pictures approach that makes Eyewitness a perennial favorite of parents, teachers, and school-age kids.

Eyewitness Universe (DK Eyewitness)

by DK

Whether your child has a special interest in space exploration or the origins of the universe, or you want to supplement classroom curriculum about the universe by making more resources available to your child outside of school, Eyewitness: Universe is the ideal choice for learning more about the universe. DK's Eyewitness series is perfect for children. It engages both readers and visual learners by presenting information with a combination of photography, small nuggets of information, and fact-packed annotation so children can really dig into topics without becoming overwhelmed. One picture at a time, Eyewitness books teach big subjects in easy ways. We've revamped our Eyewitness series to be even better with solid facts, shorter texts, more emphasis on images, and fresh new learning sections, making Eyewitness books the perfect way to encourage curiosity in your child or to supplement classroom learning.

F# for Scientists

by Don Syme Jon Harrop

"This work strikes a balance between the pure functional aspects of F# and the object-oriented and imperative features that make it so useful in practice, enable .NET integration, and make large-scale data processing possible."--Thore Graepel, PhD, Researcher, Microsoft Research Ltd.Over the next five years, F# is expected to become one of the world's most popular functional programming languages for scientists of all disciplines working on the Windows platform. F# is free and, unlike MATLAB® and other software with numerical/scientific origins, is a full-fledged programming language.Developed in consultation with Don Syme of Microsoft Research Ltd.--who wrote the language--F# for Scientists explains and demonstrates the powerful features of this important new programming language. The book assumes no prior experience and guides the reader from the basics of computer programming to the implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms.F# for Scientists begins with coverage of introductory material in the areas of functional programming, .NET, and scientific computing, and goes on to explore:Program structureOptimizationData structuresLibrariesNumerical analysisDatabasesInput and outputInteroperabilityVisualizationScreenshots of development using Visual Studio are used to illustrate compilation, debugging, and interactive use, while complete examples of a few whole programs are included to give readers a complete view of F#'s capabilities.Written in a clear and concise style, F# for Scientists is well suited for researchers, scientists, and developers who want to program under the Windows platform. It also serves as an ideal supplemental text for advanced undergraduate and graduate students with a background in science or engineering.

F Is for Farm

by Ashley Marie Mireles

An A through Z primer that brings kids to a modern farm!

F**k Fast Fashion: 101 ways to change how you shop and help save the planet

by The F Team

Did you know that over 300,000 tonnes of clothing are sent to landfill in the UK alone every year? And that the industry's carbon emissions are bigger than the world's flight and shipping footprints combined? But, it's OK...YOU CAN MAKE A CHANGEIn this book, you'll find 101 simple tips and tricks you as an individual can do in your everyday life to shop better and help save the planet. Governments, retailers and organisations around the world are finally starting to take action, but while we wait, let's get started. In this proactive illustrated book, you'll find 101 simple ways to change your spending habits covering: - SHOPPING: e.g. unless you live within walking distance of the shop, buy online! Delivery vans act like public transport for clothes so are much better for the environment than us driving to shops individually. - BUYING e.g. think 30 - would you wear this at least 30 times?- WEARING e.g. don't overfill your washing machine! It causes your clothes to rub together so they fade faster.- REUSING e.g. upcycle old clothes with new buttons or even embroidery if you're crafty.We've said NO to plastic, it's time to say the same to fast fashion.

F**k Plastic: 101 ways to free yourself from plastic and save the world

by The F Team

Is the thought of the 51 trillion pieces of plastic in our oceans keeping you up at night? Don't panic! The war on plastic has begun and you can help! In this book you'll find 101 little things you as an individual can do to avoid single-use plastics and help save the world.Governments, brands and corporations around the globe are on the case to solve the plastic epidemic, but whilst we wait for the effects of those initiatives to trickle through and alternatives to plastic to be found, let's hit the ground running. In this proactive illustrated book, you'll find 101 simple ways to cut plastic from:-FOOD AND DRINK e.g. freeze fresh veg rather than buying frozen, and buy beeswax wrap over clingfilm- AROUND THE HOUSE e.g. buy bars of soap instead of hand dispensers and swap scourers for natural cloths- YOUR LIFESTYLE e.g. how to have a plastic-free party and find good plastic-free make-upTogether we can save our oceans - and we will!

F6F Hellcat at War (The At War Series)

by Cory Graff

This guide traces the history of the US Navy’s premier WWII fighter plane with archival photos, tech specs and illustrations.F6F Hellcat at War follows the story of this iconic aircraft from its early development to its distinguished combat career in the Pacific. While the F6F was not the fastest or most maneuverable fighter, aviators loved their trusty Hellcats because they were incredibly tough, marvelously powerful, and easy to fly. In the last two years of war, the Hellcat dominated the skies over the Pacific, stopping Japan’s once-vaunted A6M Zero and tallying a victory-to-loss ratio of over 19 to 1. Through compelling accounts, never-before-seen photographs, and detailed drawings, F6F Hellcat at War tells the story of one of the war’s most successful yet underappreciated fighter aircraft.

FAA Airman Knowledge Private Pilot Test Guide

by Jeppesen

Supplement your studying with this test guide that comes loaded with all of the FAA recreational and private pilot airplane knowledge test questions, along with the correct answers, detailed explanations, and study references. Features Subject areas are organized by top and coordinate with the Private Pilot Manual Three-hole punched sheets can be easily removed Unique sliding mask allows you to "self test" Full-color charts just like the ones found in the FAA test

Fab: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop--from Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication

by Neil Gershenfeld

What if you could someday put the manufacturing power of an automobile plant on your desktop? According to Neil Gershenfeld, the renowned MIT scientist and inventor, the next big thing is personal fabrication-the ability to design and produce your own products, in your own home, with a machine that combines consumer electronics and industrial tools. Personal fabricators are about to revolutionize the world just as personal computers did a generation ago, and Fab shows us how.

Fab Labs: Innovative User

by Serge Le Roux Laure Morel

FabLabs are talked of as being the new industrial revolution, favouring a culture of "Do it yourself" and pushing collaboration as the natural environment for the creative and the innovative. This book is the result of a collaboration between the director of a laboratory (Laure Morel) specializing in the study of the processes of innovation and design, and a considered economist (Serge Le Roux) specializing in the relations between technologies, work and territory. The outcome is a look on the real-life experience of users put in an entrepreneur's position.

Faba Bean: Chemistry, Properties and Functionality

by Sneh Punia Bangar Sanju Bala Dhull

Faba bean is a species of flowering plant in the Fabaceae family and the fourth most widely grown winter season legume after pea, chickpea, and lentil. The nutritional profile of faba beans is excellent as they contain an adequate quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and various polyphenols. Faba bean seeds are a rich source of carbohydrates and starch. Because of higher amylose content than cereal starches, legume starches provide distinctive properties such as high gelation temperature, fast retro-gradation, high resistant starch and gel elasticity to food systems. Faba bean has been a beneficial source of protein in food products worldwide for centuries and continues to be highly produced and consumed to this day. Faba bean Chemistry, Properties and Functionality studies the global status and production of faba bean food products plus their agronomy, nutritional value and potential medicinal applications. The agrarian conditions are studied in full, as are postharvest practices. The chemical makeup of faba bean is a major focus, especially in relation to nutrient composition and quality. Chapters in this text focus on anti-nutritional attributes, antioxidants and bioactive compounds plus the effects of processing, storage and cooking on their nutritional value. Starch and its modification, structure, properties and industrial applications are covered, as is protein, genetic improvement and functional product formulation. The text also looks at the future perspectives of this valuable plant and food source. To date, no reference works have exclusively covered faba bean. This book provides a much-needed single source reference point for researchers looking to gain knowledge on this important plant and its use in high protein, health-beneficial food products.

Faber & Kell's Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings

by Doug Oughton Steve Hodkinson Richard M Brailsford

For over 70 years, Faber & Kell's has been the definitive reference text in its field. It provides an understanding of the principles of heating and air-conditioning of buildings in a concise manner, illustrating practical information with simple, easy-to-use diagrams, now in full-colour. This new-look 11th edition has been re-organised for ease of use and includes fully updated chapters on sustainability and renewable energy sources, as well as information on the new Building Regulations Parts F and L. As well as extensive updates to regulations and codes, it now includes an introduction that explains the role of the building services engineer in the construction process. Its coverage of design calculations, advice on using the latest technologies, building management systems, operation and maintenance makes this an essential reference for all building services professionals.

Fabric and Fiber Inventions: Sew, Knit, Print, and Electrify Your Own Designs to Wear, Use, and Play With

by Kathy Ceceri

In this book you'll create your own fabric inventions as you learn to make wearables, playthings, and decorative items using textile arts--both old and new. Easy projects using will get you started knitting, adding color to your wardrobe with silkscreen and batik, and transforming old clothing into useful items. Then you'll find out how soft circuits can give your creations personality with light, sound, and motion. Fabric and Fiber Inventions will show you how to turn everyday materials into unique designs everybody will love.

Fabric Manufacturing Technology: Weaving and Knitting

by K. Thangamani S. Sundaresan

This book gives reader a brief idea about the processes involved in fabric formation methods namely weaving and knitting including various mechanisms involved starting from the primitive handlooms to the latest shuttle less loom and from the hand knitting to ultra-modern electronic knitting machines. Various design aspects involved in producing the different types of woven and knitted fabrics are dealt with comprehensively. Techno-economics of the latest weaving and knitting machines have been described including applications of woven and knitted fabrics for medical field, automotive engineering, aeronautical engineering, protective clothing, and so forth. Features: Covers principles involved in the numerous operations of weaving and knitting process. Gives basic understanding of fabric production, quality control and production. Provides summary of the fabric manufacturing process of weaving, knitting and non-wovens. Discusses principles of mechanisms as well as the present-day machinery details with illustrations. Explores latest development on knitting production by whole garment (Shima Seiki) and Knit and Wear (Stoll), CAD/CAM production and simulation of woven fabrics. This book aims at Senior Undergraduate students in Textile Processing and Fabric Manufacturing.

The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World

by Virginia Postrel

From Paleolithic flax to 3D knitting, explore the global history of textiles and the world they weave together in this enthralling and educational guide.The story of humanity is the story of textiles -- as old as civilization itself. Since the first thread was spun, the need for textiles has driven technology, business, politics, and culture.In The Fabric of Civilization, Virginia Postrel synthesizes groundbreaking research from archaeology, economics, and science to reveal a surprising history. From Minoans exporting wool colored with precious purple dye to Egypt, to Romans arrayed in costly Chinese silk, the cloth trade paved the crossroads of the ancient world. Textiles funded the Renaissance and the Mughal Empire; they gave us banks and bookkeeping, Michelangelo's David and the Taj Mahal. The cloth business spread the alphabet and arithmetic, propelled chemical research, and taught people to think in binary code.Assiduously researched and deftly narrated, The Fabric of Civilization tells the story of the world's most influential commodity.

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