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The Fabry-Perot Interferometer: History, Theory, Practice and Applications
by M VaughanThe Fabry-Perot Interferometer: History, Theory, Practice and Applications presents an invaluable introduction to the Fabry-Perot interferometer, including a brief overview of its history, a look at its applications, and plenty of practical advice on how to use the instrument.
Face Detection and Recognition: Theory and Practice
by Asit Kumar Datta Madhura Datta Pradipta Kumar BanerjeeFace detection and recognition are the nonintrusive biometrics of choice in many security applications. Examples of their use include border control, driver's license issuance, law enforcement investigations, and physical access control.Face Detection and Recognition: Theory and Practice elaborates on and explains the theory and practice of face de
Face Recognition Technology: Compulsory Visibility and Its Impact on Privacy and the Confidentiality of Personal Identifiable Images (Law, Governance and Technology Series #41)
by Ian BerleThis book examines how face recognition technology is affecting privacy and confidentiality in an era of enhanced surveillance. Further, it offers a new approach to the complex issues of privacy and confidentiality, by drawing on Joseph K in Kafka’s disturbing novel The Trial, and on Isaiah Berlin’s notion of liberty and freedom. Taking into consideration rights and wrongs, protection from harm associated with compulsory visibility, and the need for effective data protection law, the author promotes ethical practices by reinterpreting privacy as a property right. To protect this right, the author advocates the licensing of personal identifiable images where appropriate.The book reviews American, UK and European case law concerning privacy and confidentiality, the effect each case has had on the developing jurisprudence, and the ethical issues involved. As such, it offers a valuable resource for students of ethico-legal fields, professionals specialising in image rights law, policy-makers, and liberty advocates and activists.
Face the Wind and Fly (The Heartlands Series)
by Jenny HarperShe builds wind farms, he detests them. Can they ever generate love?After fifteen happy years of marriage, Kate Courtenay discovers that her charismatic novelist husband is spending more and more of his time with a young fan. She throws herself into her work, a controversial wind farm that's stirring up tempers in the local community. Sparks fly when she goes head to head against its most outspoken opponent, local gardener Ibsen Brown - a man with a past of his own. But a scheme for a local community garden brings the sparring-partners together, producing the sort of electricity that threatens to short-circuit the whole system.
Face-to-Face Communication over the Internet
by Arvid Kappas Nicole C. KrämerSocial platforms such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter have rekindled the initial excitement of cyberspace. Text-based, computer-mediated communication has been enriched with face-to-face communication such as Skype, as users move from desktops to laptops with integrated cameras and related hardware. Age, gender and culture barriers seem to have crumbled and disappeared as the user base widens dramatically. Other than simple statistics relating to e-mail usage, chatrooms and blog subscriptions, we know surprisingly little about the rapid changes taking place. This book assembles leading researchers on nonverbal communication, emotion, cognition and computer science to summarize what we know about the processes relevant to face-to-face communication as it pertains to telecommunication, including video-conferencing. The authors take stock of what has been learned regarding how people communicate, in person or over distance, and set the foundations for solid research helping to understand the issues, implications and possibilities that lie ahead.
Facebook: The Inside Story
by Steven LevyHe has had unprecedented access to Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg for three years. And now renowned tech writer Steven Levy delivers the definitive history of one of America&’s most powerful and controversial companies: Facebook.In his sophomore year of college, Mark Zuckerberg created a simple website to serve as a campus social network. The site caught on like wildfire, and soon students nationwide were on Facebook. Today, Facebook is nearly unrecognizable from Zuckerberg&’s first, modest iteration. It has grown into a tech giant, the largest social media platform and one of the most gargantuan companies in the world, with a valuation of more than $576 billion and almost 3 billion users, including those on its fully owned subsidiaries, Instagram and WhatsApp. There is no denying the power and omnipresence of Facebook in American daily life. And in light of recent controversies surrounding election-influencing &“fake news&” accounts, the handling of its users&’ personal data, and growing discontent with the actions of its founder and CEO, never has the company been more central to the national conversation. Based on hundreds of interviews inside and outside the company, Levy&’s sweeping narrative digs deep into the whole story of the company that has changed the world and reaped the consequences.
Facebook Society: Losing Ourselves in Sharing Ourselves
by Roberto SimanowskiFacebook claims that it is building a “global community.” Whether this sounds utopian, dystopian, or simply self-promotional, there is no denying that social-media platforms have altered social interaction, political life, and outlooks on the world, even for people who do not regularly use them. In this book, Roberto Simanowski takes Facebook as a starting point to investigate our social-media society—and its insidious consequences for our concept of the self.Simanowski contends that while they are often denounced as outlets for narcissism and self-branding, social networks and the practices they cultivate in fact remake the self in their image. Sharing is the outsourcing of one’s experiences, encouraging unreflective self-narration rather than conscious self-determination. Instead of experiencing the present, we are stuck ceaselessly documenting and archiving it. We let our lives become episodic autobiographies whose real author is the algorithm lurking behind the interface. As we go about accumulating more material for the platform to arrange for us, our sense of self becomes diminished—and Facebook shapes a subject who no longer minds. Social-media companies’ relentless pursuit of personal data for advertising purposes presents users with increasingly targeted, customized information, attenuating cultural memory and fracturing collective identity. Presenting a creative, philosophically informed perspective that speaks candidly to a shared reality, Facebook Society asks us to come to terms with the networked world for our own sake and for all those with whom we share it.
Facebooking the Anthropocene in Raja Ampat: Technics and Civilization in the 21st Century (KAIROS)
by Bob Ostertag Robert OstertagFacebooking the Anthropocene in Raja Ampat is a deeply intimate look at the cataclysmic shifts between humans, technology, and the so-called natural world. Despite the breakneck pace of both technological advance and environmental collapse, Bob Ostertag explores how we ourselves are changing as fast as the world around us—from how we make music, to how we have sex, to what we do to survive, and who we imagine ourselves to be. And though the environmental crisis terrifies and technology overwhelms, Ostertag finds enough creativity, compassion, and humor in our evolving behavior to keep us laughing and inspired as the world we are building overtakes the world we found. A true polymath who covered the wars in Central America during the 1980s and then published more than 20 CDs of music, 5 books on startlingly eclectic subjects, and a feature film, Ostertag fuses his travels as a touring musician with his journalist's eye for detail and the long view of a historian. Wander the world both physical and intellectual with him. Watch Buddhist monks take selfies while meditating. Ponder artificial intelligence with street kids in Java. Talk sex with porn stars who have never in their lives had sex off camera. Watch DJs who make millions of dollars pretend to turn knobs in front of crowds of thousands. Play World of Warcraft on remote Asia islands with indigenous people. Shiver with families huddling through the stinging Detroit winter without heat or electricity. Meet Spice Islanders who have never seen flushing toilets yet have gay hookup apps on their smartphones. Our best writers have struggled with how to address the catastrophes of our time without looking away. Ostertag succeeds where others have failed, with the moral acuity of Susan Sontag, the technological savvy of Lewis Mumford, and the biting humor of Jonathan Swift.
Facets of Noise: Effects in Classical and Quantum Systems (Fundamental Theories of Physics #214)
by Debraj Das Shamik GuptaThis book provides a captivating journey through the realms of classical and quantum systems as it unravels the profound influence that noise may have on their static and dynamic properties. The first part of the book offers succinct yet enlightening discussions on foundational topics related to noise. The second part focuses on a variety of applications, where a diverse spectrum of noise effects in physical systems comes to life, meticulously presented and thoughtfully analyzed. Whether you are a curious student or a dedicated researcher, this book is your key to gaining invaluable insights into noise effects in physical systems. “The book has the merit of presenting several topics scattered in the literature and could become a very useful reference.” Giovanni Jona-Lasinio, Sapienza – Università di Roma, Italy
Fachenglisch für BioTAs und BTAs
by Ursula SteinerMit diesem Buch lernst du einfach und schnell das englische Fachvokabular, das du für deine vielfältigen Aufgaben als BIOTA oder BTA brauchst. In der Forschung werden internationale Kooperationen immer wichtiger, und eine gute Basis an Fachenglisch ist Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche globale Zusammenarbeit. Der Inhalt des Buches orientiert sich am Berufsschullehrplan des Landes Baden-Württemberg; gleichzeitig bietet es auch für Studierende der Biotechnologie oder anderer naturwissenschaftlicher Fächer einen einfachen Einstieg in die englische Fachsprache. Spannende Texte zu Fachinhalten bilden den Einstieg in jedes Kapitel. Ein breites Repertoire an praktischen Übungen wie Lückentexte, Multiple-Choice-Fragen und Hörverstehensaufgaben helfen dir anschließend, das neue Vokabular zu verstehen. Mit der Springer Nature Flashcard App kannst du dann ganz bequem auf deinem Handy oder am PC üben und dein Wissen überprüfen, egal ob zuhause oder unterwegs.
Fachwissen für Brandschutzhelfer
by Wolfgang J. FriedlUm sich als Brandschutzhelfer/in zu qualifizieren, ist eine Ausbildung nach DGUV Information 205-023 erforderlich. Dies kann durch eine Präsenzschulung erfolgen, oftmals entfernt vom eigenen Wohnort und vom Arbeitsplatz, mit Anreise, ggf. Übernachtung und Abreise. Dies ist nicht nur meist mit einem erheblichen organisatorischen und zeitlichen Aufwand, sondern auch mit hohen Kosten und einer Umweltbelastung verbunden. Dieses Buch erspart Ihnen all dies: Durch die gebündelte Vermittlung aller relevanten Inhalte, veranschaulicht durch zahlreiche Fotos, Tipps, Schadenschilderungen und Praxisbeispiele, mit abschließenden kurzen Prüfungsfragen, sind Sie am Ende dieses Buchs als Brandschutzhelfer/in qualifiziert. Parallel zu diesem Buch bietet der gleichnamige Online-Kurs weitergehende Informationen und Videos. Buch und Kurs enthalten dieselben Inhalte, welche auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise vermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Vorwort.
Fachwörterbuch Feuerwehr und Brandschutz: Deutsch-Englisch/Englisch-Deutsch
by Torsten SchmiermundDieses Fachwörterbuch wurde speziell für die Feuerwehr zusammengestellt. Es kann jedoch auch von Brandschutzingenieuren und Angehörigen der Rettungsdienste und des Katastrophenschutzes gut genutzt werden. In diesem Wörterbuch sind mehr als 14 000 Begriffe aus den Bereichen Bauwesen, Bergsteigen/Höhenrettung, Biologie, Brandschutz, Chemie, Erster Hilfe, Explosionsschutz, Fahrzeugtechnik, Feuerwehr, Funktechnik, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Industrie, Katastrophenschutz, Materialkunde, Medizin, Notfallmedizin, Nukleartechnik, Physik, Technik, Werkzeuge und Wissenschaft erfasst. Ein Anhang mit den über 500 enthaltenen Abkürzungen, dem Buchstabieralphabet und Umrechnungen amerikanisch-britischer Größen und Einheiten runden das Buch ab. This technical dictionary was compiled especially for the fire brigade. However, it can also be put to good use by fire protection experts and members of the emergency services and civil protection. This dictionary covers more than 14 000 terms from the fields of construction, mountaineering/altitude rescue, biology, fire protection, chemistry, first aid, explosion protection, vehicle technology, fire brigade, radio technology, engineering, industry, disaster control, material science, medicine, emergency medicine, nuclear technology, physics, technology, tools and science. An appendix with more than 500 abbreviations, the spelling alphabet and conversions of American-British quantities and units are completing this book.
Facilitated Transport Membranes (Green Energy and Technology)
by Sarah Farrukh Xianfeng Fan Takeshi Matsuura Syed Shujaat KarimThis book highlights the importance of Facilitated Transport Membranes (FTMs) for the application of carbon capture, covering its introduction, gas transport phenomena and models, reaction mechanisms, industrial applications such as bio-gas upgradation, flue gas separation, hydrogen gas and natural gas purification, fabrication methods of both FTMs and their carrier mediums, testing/characterization techniques, techno-analysis with up-to-date trends and the future outlooks. Climate change and environmental impacts are resulted due to greenhouse gases, particularly CO2. The industrial revolution is currently causing the augmented emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, various technologies are being looked at to overcome these problems. In which, membrane technology is key among them and is envisaged for many industrial applications, especially for gas separations and carbon capture. Considering this, FTMs are being actively investigated due to their remarkable gas separation performance.This book describes the working principle of FTMs and includes case studies to explore their impact on different industrial applications. Also, the book highlights how FTMs are reshaping science to capture CO2 for reducing climate and environmental impacts.
Facilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective
by Diego Vazquez Brust James J. Cordeiro Joseph SarkisFacilitating Sustainable Innovation through Collaboration, takes an unusually international perspective of sustainable innovation with contributions from Australia, Europe, and North America. Prominent policy makers, scientific researchers and practitioners in this field provide various inputs and analyses relating to the development of sustainable innovations. It is expected that policy makers, organizations, individual researchers, students and even communities can further develop and implement concepts and practices by drawing on the variety of projects and theoretical foundations presented in this volume.
Facilitating the Development and Use of Interactive Learning Environments
by CHARLES P. BLOOM; R. BOWEN LOFTINIntelligent tutoring technology is on the verge of a breakthrough into the mainstream of training and education. Over the past 25 years, researchers have learned not only what it takes to develop an effective intelligent tutoring system (ITS), but also what it takes to deploy and use one--the true barometer of a technology's success. This volume brings together a cross-section of ITS researchers from academia, industry, and the government to talk about their experiences in ITS development and technology transfer, both successful and unsuccessful. Section 1 is devoted to detailed descriptions of tools and methods ITS developers can employ during development to facilitate technology adoption. It includes discussions of the paradigmatic change in learning and instructional design that ITS fosters, techniques for gathering design information for ITS domains where empirical or knowledge-based methods are inappropriate, and the conduct of cost-benefits analyses to facilitate ITS funding decisions. Sections 2 and 3 offer numerous case studies of ITS deployment from both industry and the government. All of these case studies--regardless of outcome--provide valuable insights into the dos and don'ts of ITS technology transfer. This volume will be an invaluable resource for all researchers and developers of ITS, as well as for managers and personnel in education and training organizations who must adopt and use ITS technology, and information systems and computing support organization professionals who must support it if it is to succeed.
Facilities Change Management
by Edward FinchModern organisations are subject to continual change - technologies evolve, organisational structures are modified, people and underlying cultures are transformed. Yet the facilities that organisations occupy are static and can impede the changes that are essential to organisational survival. The response to change in terms of property and support services is often too little too late - leading to facilities that do not support organisational reality. The facilities management team is thus constantly challenged to bridge the gap between what an organisation has and what it needs. Facilities Change Management is a practical evaluation of the management of change for facilities managers and related professions. It considers: the forces of change affecting facilities decisions the obstacles to change at a resource level and human level the effective implementation of change the human aspect of change Each of these is considered in relation to modern facilities management issues. The discussion will enable practising facilities managers, project managers, surveyors, service providers and architects to understand, engage with and manage facilities change effectively at a strategic level. Through real-life case studies it demonstrates the complexities of change and hidden elements of change that may undermine carefully planned projects.
Facilities Design
by Sunderesh S. HeraguDedicated to the proper design, layout, and location of facilities, this definitive textbook outlines the main design and operational problems that occur in manufacturing and service systems, explains the significance of facility design and planning problems, and describes how mathematical models can be used to help analyze and solve them. Combining theory with practice, this revised textbook presents state-of-the-art topics in materials handling, warehousing, and logistics along with real-world examples that emphasize the importance of modeling and analysis when determining a solution to complex facility design problems. Facilities Design, Fifth Edition includes a balanced coverage of modeling as well as applications of layout, materials handling, and warehousing. It presents automated materials handling along with queuing, queuing networks, and basic simulation modeling. The new edition introduces new material that includes topics such as supply chain designing and management, aggregate planning, and transportation, logistics, and distribution. The new edition will continue to provide access to available software and data files from the author’s own website for many of the numerical examples contained in the book. A solutions manual, PowerPoint slides, and figure, slides are available for qualified textbooks adoptions. The book addresses facilities design and layout problems in manufacturing systems and covers layout, logistics, supply chain, aggregate planning, warehousing, and materials handling. The new edition continues to explain the ins and outs of facility planning and design and is an ideal textbook for students and a reference for professionals.
Facilities Management: Theory and Practice
by Keith AlexanderThis text provides an overview of the interdisciplinary nature of facilities management. It discusses the framework within which facilites managers should operate and the key requirements of their task.
Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective
by Michaela Hellerforth Edmond RondeauFacilities @ Management Reference work describing the evolution of Facilities Management from a global perspective as experienced by the leaders in the field With valuable insights from over fifty diverse contributors from all around the world, Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective describes the evolution of the Facilities Management (FM) internationally, discussing the past, present, and future of a profession that has grown significantly over the last forty years. The contributors are made up of industry professionals, many of whom are the founders of the profession, and members from academia teaching future FM leaders. This edited work is a Facilities Management anthology, with a focus on reviewing the origin of the industry through best practices and lessons learned from some of the sharpest minds in the field. Facilities @ Management: Concept, Realization, Vision - A Global Perspective includes information on: Handling legal compliance, strategic policies, and overall best practices to ensure a successful career in the field Understanding practical guidance for the role of Facilities Management in the world’s biggest challenges, including sustainability and climate change Building systems and equipment through strong technical knowledge, project management, and communication and interpersonal skills Managing a diverse range of stakeholders and contractors and adapting to changing technologies, regulatory requirements, and socio-political and ecological challenges With unique firsthand insight, including case studies, from thought leaders in FM from 16 countries around the world, this book is ideal for practicing FM professionals as well as students and researchers involved in the field.
Facilities Management: Innovation and Performance
by Keith Alexander, Brian Atkin, Jan Bröchner and Tore I. HaugenFacilities Management sets out a new framework for the discipline of facilities management which challenges many of the norms and which sets out new methods for optimising the performance of a business. Successful facilities managers need a range of skills and need to be able to devise a range of innovative strategies for the future of the organisations in which they work.This new book follows on directly from Keith Alexander's ground-breaking textbook Facilities Management and focuses on four new themes which have been identified as keys to the new strategy: organisational change and learning, innovation, performance and the knowledge workplace.
Facilities Management and Corporate Real Estate Management as Value Drivers: How to Manage and Measure Adding Value
by Per Anker Jensen and Theo van der VoordtFacilities Management (FM) and Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) are two closely related and relatively new management disciplines with developing international professions and increasing academic attention. Both disciplines have from the outset a strong focus on controlling and reducing cost for real estate, facilities and related services. In recent years there has been a change towards putting more focus on how FM/CREM can add value to the organisation. This book is driven by the need to develop a widely accepted and easily applicable conceptual framework of adding value by FM and CREM. It presents the state of the art of theoretical knowledge and empirical evidence about the impact of buildings and facilities on 12 value parameters and how to manage and measure these values. The findings are connected to a new Value Adding Management model. The book is research based with a focus on guidance to practice. It offers a transdisciplinary approach, integrating academic knowledge from a variety of different fields with practical experience. It also includes 12 interviews with practitioners, shedding light as to how they manage adding value in practice. This is a much needed resource for practitioners, researchers and teachers from the field of FM and CREM, as well as students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Facilities Management and the Business of Managing Assets
by Danny Then Shiem-Shin Tan Teng HeeThe importance of facilities management to the effective operation of all businesses is now widely accepted. Where there continues to be debate is on what constitutes a successful approach, and how much attention it should be given within an overall business plan. Drawing on both research and current practice, this book provides a systematic, innovative, and business-focused approach to the management of facilities assets. The reader will discover why and how to use facility assets to achieve business goals and strategies by aligning them as a resource. Striking a balance between management and technical aspects, the book covers: the basics of facilities asset management and the key elements of a systematic management approach the key supporting capabilities for facilities management as a business function a framework for considering strategic alignment of facilities assets and associated services with business needs the role of life-cycle asset management and its contribution to business resource management. The message of this book and the benefits it can bring to businesses everywhere make it essential reading for executives as well as facilities managers. Its detailed explanations of all of the key concepts involved, and lists of recommended further reading also make it an excellent resource for those new to the industry, and for students of property or facilities management.
Facilities Management and the Business of Space
by Wes McGregorEssential reading for building owners, facilities managers, architects and surveyors, this book will also prove useful on business management and facilities management courses, and for those studying architecture, surveying and real estate management.
Facilities Management Handbook
by Frank BootyNow in this fourth edition, the Facilities Management Handbook has been fully updated from the acclaimed previous editions, continuing its status as an invaluable resource to those working in facilities management, whether just starting out or as seasoned campaigners and practitioners. Information is presented in a clear and logical way, offering easy-to-find advice and best practice information that’s essential in guaranteeing the safe, efficient and cost-effective running of any facilities function. Many sections have been completely revised, such as the chapters on complying with health and safety and property law. Other information on workplace facilities has been brought completely up to date in line with legal compliance and strategic policies to create a reliable and accurate overview of the role of today’s facilities manager. This up-to-date and revised handbook will be a key guide for the changing times that are ahead.
Facilities Management Models, Methods and Tools: Research Results for Practice
by Per JensenThis book presents research tested models, methods and tools that can make the work of the facilities manager more robust and sustainable, help long-term strategic planning and support students and practitioners in FM to improve the way they approach and deal with challenges in practice. The 34 models, methods and tools are presented in relation to five typical challenges for facilities managers: Strategy development Organisational design Space planning Building projects Optimisation The chapters are short and concise, presenting a central illustration of one model, method or tool with explanatory text and short, exemplary case studies. Each chapter includes references to further reading, and the book includes a keyword index. Essential reading for all involved in the management of built assets, this book bridges the gap between robust academic research and practical industry tools. It can also be used as a handy student reference.