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Facilities Planning and Design

by Alberto Garcia-Diaz J. MacGregor Smith(Deceased)

​This updated, expanded, second edition includes new software methodologies and algorithms providing students with a more comprehensive knowledge base in addition to facilitating and making the project component of the textbook more efficient and effective. It further increases emphasis on manufacturing. Retaining its class-tested pedagogy, the book is concerned with the principles of facilities planning and their application to service, business, and product manufacturing operations. Equipping undergraduate students with the fundamentals of facilities planning, design, location and material handling, especially as they apply to industrial manufacturing facilities, the book is ideal for a range of university settings offering courses on facilities planning.

Facility Layout: Mathematical Optimization Techniques and Engineering Applications (EURO Advanced Tutorials on Operational Research)

by Miguel F. Anjos Manuel V.C. Vieira

This book presents a structured approach to develop mathematical optimization formulations for several variants of facility layout. The range of layout problems covered includes row layouts, floor layouts, multi-floor layouts, and dynamic layouts. The optimization techniques used to formulate the problems are primarily mixed-integer linear programming, second-order conic programming, and semidefinite programming. The book also covers important practical considerations for solving the formulations. The breadth of approaches presented help the reader to learn how to formulate a variety of problems using mathematical optimization techniques. The book also illustrates the use of layout formulations in selected engineering applications, including manufacturing, building design, automotive, and hospital layout.

Facility Management: Grundlagen, Informationstechnologie, Systemimplementierung, Anwendungsbeispiele

by Jens Nävy

Industrie- und Wohnungsunternehmen verwalten ihre Gebäude, Anlagen und Grundstücke mit Hilfe des Facility Management (FM). Dieses Buch informiert über die Informationstechnologie im FM. Das Computer Aided Facility Management (CAFM) bildet dabei den Schwerpunkt. Gegenüber der 3. Auflage sind die Marktübersicht und Ausführungen dazu aktualisiert. Der Autor betreibt selber beratend die Professionalisierung der Gebäude- und Immobilienbewirtschaftung.

Facility Management Practices: Empirical Cases in Developing Countries

by Solomon Pelumi Akinbogun Clinton Ohis Aigbavboa Oluwaseun Tope Akinbogun

This book explores the management of public facilities and the wider issues around it, with examples from educational, health facilities, and public spaces. Human activities in every economy are require facilities that must be effectively managed for optimal performance. Facility management in the public and private sector in developing countries requires close examination to explain the reasons for things go wrong. From the economist’s point of view, some facilities are better provided by public sector to maintain inclusivity and protect the social welfare of vulnerable people. For example, in Nigeria, a good number of public facilities such as schools and health facilities are under-performing because of poor and ineffective management. This provides an opportunity for the private sector. However, a majority of the population remains deprived of access because of lack of affordability. The research in this book was carried out to assess what could be done to ensure that essential services are not left entirely in the private sector and scope out possible synergies between the public and private. The book is useful to policy makers at all levels of the public and private sectors.

Facility Manager's Handbook

by Joseph F. Gustin

The "bricks and mortar" issues of facility management - HVAC, lighting, electrical, plumbing, space allocation, security and grounds maintenance - continue to be at the core the facility manager's role. However, the processes involved in addressing these areas have become more complex. The proliferation of regulatory mandates, worker compensation issues, increased employee litigation, and violence in the workplace have redefined the role of the facility manager beyond "gatekeeper" to that of full-scale operations manager. Today's corporations, organizations, and business partnerships invest heavily in their physical plants. It naturally follows that they expect to maximize the return on their investment. Facility managers are seen as the catalysts for ensuring that optimal return.The Facility Manager's Handbook addresses all of these issues, and provides a multitude of tested ideas, procedures and examples for successfully and cost-effectively managing facility operations. Written in a plain-language, reader-friendly style, it provides a panoramic view of the process by isolating the key areas the facility manager must address, including real estate, space and change management, indoor air quality, emergency preparedness and response planning, communications systems, regulatory mandates and more.

Facing the Heat Barrier: A History of Hypersonics (NASA History)

by T. A. Heppenheimer

This volume from The NASA History Series presents an overview of the science of hypersonics, the study of flight at speeds at which the physics of flows is dominated by aerodynamic heating. The survey begins during the years immediately following World War II, with the first steps in hypersonic research: the development of missile nose cones and the X-15; the earliest concepts of hypersonic propulsion; and the origin of the scramjet engine. Next, it addresses the re-entry problem, which came to the forefront during the mid-1950s, showing how work in this area supported the manned space program and contributed to the development of the orbital shuttle.

Facing the Unexpected in Flight: Human Limitations and Interaction with Technology in the Cockpit

by Jean Pinet

Airline pilots often have to face sudden, unexpected situations that can become potentially dangerous. They are trained to deal with these situations, but sometimes the lack of time before the situation deteriorates and the associated stress can compromise their basic cognitive sequence and lead to a serious incident or even an accident. This book

Factor X

by Michael Angrick Andreas Burger Harry Lehmann

Factor X: Re-source--Designing the Recycling Society explores the role of recycling in efforts to achieve the sustainable world envisioned in the Federal Environment Ministry's Resource Efficiency Programme, known as ProgRess. The chapters build a roadmap to a Recycling Society in which the decoupling of resource consumption and economic growth is accomplished.

Factories of the Future: Technological Advancements in the Manufacturing Industry

by Chandan Deep Singh Harleen Kaur

FACTORIES OF THE FUTURE The book provides insight into various technologies adopted and to be adopted in the future by industries and measures the impact of these technologies on manufacturing performance and their sustainability. Businesses and manufacturers face a slew of demands beyond the usual issues of staying agile and surviving in a competitive landscape within a rapidly changing world. Factories of the Future deftly takes the reader through the continuous technology changes and looks ten years down the road at what manufacturing will mostly look like. The book is divided into two parts: Emerging technologies and advancements in existing technologies. Emerging technologies consist of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 themes, machine learning, intelligent machining, advanced maintenance, reliability, and green manufacturing. The advances of existing technologies consist of digital manufacturing, artificial intelligence in machine learning, Internet of Things, product life cycle, and the impact of factories on the future of manufacturing performance of the manufacturing industries. Readers will find in this illuminating book: A comprehensive discussion of almost all emerging technologies, including “green” manufacturing; An overview of the social, economic, and technical aspects of these technologies; An explanation of these technological advancements on manufacturing performance, through case studies and other analytical tools.

Factors Affecting the Removal of Ammonia from Air on Carbonaceous Materials

by Camille Petit

Air pollution related to the release of industrial toxic gases, represents one of the main concerns of our modern world owing to its detrimental effect on the environment. To tackle this growing issue, efficient ways to reduce/control the release of pollutants are required. Adsorption of gases on porous materials appears as a potential solution. However, the physisorption of small molecules of gases such as ammonia is limited at ambient conditions. For their removal, adsorbents providing strong adsorption forces must be used/developed. In this study, new carbon-based materials are prepared and tested for ammonia adsorption at ambient conditions. Characterization of the adsorbents' texture and surface chemistry is performed before and after exposure to ammonia to identify the features responsible for high adsorption capacity and for controlling the mechanisms of retention. The characterization techniques include: nitrogen adsorption, thermal analysis, potentiometric titration, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Electron Microscopy. The results obtained indicate that ammonia removal is governed by the adsorbent's surface chemistry. On the contrary, porosity (and thus physisorption) plays a secondary role in this process, unless strong dispersive forces are provided by the adsorbent. The surface chemistry features responsible for the enhanced ammonia adsorption include the presence of oxygen-(carboxyl, hydroxyl, epoxy) and sulfur- (sulfonic) containing groups. Metallic species improve the breakthrough capacity as well as they lead to the formation of Lewis acid-base interactions, hydrogen-bonding or complexation. In addition to the latter three mechanisms, ammonia is retained on the adsorbent surface via Brønsted acid-base interactions or via specific reactions with the adsorbent's functionalities leading to the incorporation of ammonia into the adsorbent's matrix. Another mechanism involves dissolution of ammonia in water when moisture is present in the system. Even though this process increases the breakthrough capacity of a material, it provides rather weak retention forces since ammonia dissolved in water is easily desorbed from the adsorbent's surface.

Factors Governing Tin Whisker Growth

by Erika R Crandall

Tin (Sn) whiskers are electrically conductive, single crystal eruptions that grow from Sn film surfaces. Their high aspect ratio presents reliability problems for the electronics industry due to bridging and metal arcing, leading to malfunctions and catastrophic failures in many electronic systems (including satellite and defense sectors). Due to legislation in the EU, Japan, and the U.S., mandating a gradual shift from lead (Pb)-based to lead-free solders and board finishes, there has been a reemergence of Sn whiskers. Continuing reports of Sn whisker induced failures coupled with the lack of an industry-accepted understanding of whisker growth and/or test methods to identify whisker prone products has made pure/high Sn substitutes a risky proposition in high reliability systems. This thesis is designed to clarify and control the fundamental mechanisms that govern whisker formation. The research focuses on reproducible "laboratory" created whiskers under a variety of rigorously controlled environmental factors such as film thickness, film stress, substrate material, gas environment, and humidity exposure, which are known to play a significant role in whisker production. The ultimate question of how to impede and/or prevent whisker growth is also addressed and shows that whisker prevention is possible via hard metal capping films, which are impenetrable by whiskers.

The Factory

by Catherine Egan

Step inside the Factory in this suspenseful exploration of power, exploitation, and the nature of time that Kirkus calls a "gripping, fast-paced story with a cliffhanger ending," and a "complex beginning to what will surely be a sought-after series"!Thirteen-year-old Asher Doyle is no stranger to misfortune. Bullied at school and struggling with problems at home, he dreams of the day he can leave it all behind him. That's when he receives an unexpected opportunity: an invitation to join the Factory -- a top-secret research facility that's supposedly developing renewable energy -- and Asher will be paid handsomely for his participation. It seems like the answer to all his problems.But not everything is as it seems at the Factory. The other kids in the program are tired and sullen, almost as if they've had the life sucked out of them, and the staff members are clearly hiding something. What's more, Asher discovers he wasn't chosen at random; someone in the program desperately wants him to participate. Asher can't help but feel that whatever the Factory is doing, it's not what he or any of the other kids signed up for.To Asher's horror, it turns out that the Factory isn't developing renewable energy at all. So what is the Factory up to, more important, why? As conditions in the Factory worsen, Asher must team up with the other kids to uncover the sinister truth behind the experiment -- and his personal connection to it -- before someone gets seriously hurt.

Factory Information Systems: Design and Implementation for Cim Management and Control (Manufacturing Engineering And Materials Processing Ser. #23)

by John Gaylord

This book tells how to develop a successful factory information system to manage and control computer integrated manufacturing (CIM)operations. It is directed and dedicated to those people who are involved in the preservation and enhancement of historical manufacturing strength.

Factory Operations: Planning and Instructional Methods (Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering, Second Edition)

by Richard Crowson

Volume two of the second edition of the comprehensive Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering illuminates the role of the manufacturing engineer as the key component of factory operation. The focus is on the planning and instruction duties that are critical to successful operations management, which fall upon the manufacturing engineer who may be unf

Facts of Matter and Light: Ten Physics Experiments that Shaped Our Understanding of Nature

by Christian Maes

. The main aim of this book is to shine a spotlight on key experiments and their crucial importance for advancing our understanding of physics. Physics is an empirical science, and experiments have always been a driving force in the development of our understanding of nature. Facts matter. In that sense, the book attempts to be complementary to the many popularizations of theoretical physics, and to counterbalance the frequent emphasis there on more speculative ideas.Experimental physics is also an essential pillar in physics teaching, as well as helping broader audiences to better understand important concepts, particularly in challenging fields such as relativity or quantum physics, where our common sense intuition often fails.Readers are taken on an historical journey, starting with “Free Fall” and culminating in “Spooky Action at a Distance”. En route they will encounter many important branches of physics, whose main ideas and theoretical description will be given a more empirical meaning. At the end, the reader is invited to reflect on what could be exciting and important directions for fundamental physics. All readers with an undergraduate degree in physical sciences or engineering will enjoy and learn much from this stimulating and original text.

Fading and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications

by Stefan Panic Mihajlo Stefanovic Jelena Anastasov Petar Spalevic

Fading and Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications will help readers stay up to date with recent developments in the performance analysis of space diversity reception over fading channels in the presence of cochannel interference. It presents a unified method for computing the performance of digital communication systems characterized by a variety of modulation and detection types and channel models. The book includes coverage of multichannel reception in various fading environments, influence of cochannel interference, and macrodiversity reception when channels are simultaneously affected by various types of fading and shadowing.

Fading and Shadowing in Wireless Systems

by P. Mohana Shankar

The study of signal transmission and deterioration in signal characteristics as the signal propagates through wireless channels is of great significance. The book presents a comprehensive view of channel degradation arising from fading and shadowing. Various statistical models including simple, hybrid, compound, complex and cascaded ones are presented with detailed derivations along with measures to quantify the deterioration such as the amount of fading, error rates and outage probabilities. The models range from the Rayleigh and Rician through Suzuki, generalized K, cascaded and alpha-mu and similar ones. This is followed by the analysis of mitigation of fading and shadowing through diversity (simple, hybrid, micro- and macro- level) and combining algorithms. The density and distribution functions, error rates and outages are derived and results analyzed to quantify the improvements. The effects of co-channel interference before and after the implementation of diversity are also analyzed. To facilitate easy understanding of the models and analysis, the background information in terms of probability and random variables is presented with relevant derivations of densities of linear and nonlinear transformation of random variables, the sums, products, ratios as well as order statistics of random variables of all types. The book also provides material on digital modems of interest in wireless systems. Thus, the book with 1100+ equations and 350+ Matlab generated figures and tables is an ideal source for students, educators, researchers and professionals in wireless communications allowing access to information currently unavailable.

Fading and Shadowing in Wireless Systems

by P. Mohana Shankar

The study of signal transmission and deterioration in signal characteristics as the signal propagates through wireless channels is of great significance. The book presents a comprehensive view of channel degradation arising from fading and shadowing. Various statistical models including simple, hybrid, compound, complex and cascaded ones are presented with detailed derivations along with measures to quantify the deterioration such as the amount of fading, error rates and outage probabilities. The models range from the Rayleigh and Rician through Suzuki, generalized K, cascaded and alpha-mu and similar ones. This is followed by the analysis of mitigation of fading and shadowing through diversity (simple, hybrid, micro- and macro- level) and combining algorithms. The density and distribution functions, error rates and outages are derived and results analyzed to quantify the improvements. The effects of co-channel interference before and after the implementation of diversity are also analyzed. To facilitate easy understanding of the models and analysis, the background information in terms of probability and random variables is presented with relevant derivations of densities of linear and nonlinear transformation of random variables, the sums, products, ratios as well as order statistics of random variables of all types. The book also provides material on digital modems of interest in wireless systems. Thus, the book with 1100+ equations and 350+ Matlab generated figures and tables is an ideal source for students, educators, researchers and professionals in wireless communications allowing access to information currently unavailable.

Fahrdynamik der Schienenfahrzeuge: Grundlagen der Leistungsauslegung sowie der Energiebedarfs- und Fahrzeitberechnung

by Martin Kache

Das Buch stellt anschaulich und aktuell fahrdynamische Zusammenhänge dar. Es beschreibt deren Bewegungsverhalten in Längsrichtung und den damit verbundenen Leistungs-, Energie- und Zeitbedarf. Fahrdynamische Fragestellungen sind eng mit der Auslegung von Antriebs- und Bremsanlagen von Fahrzeugen sowie der Formgebung der Fahrzeuge und Fragen der Aerodynamik verbunden. Das Buch liefert Kenntnisse über fahrdynamische Grundlagen und hilft dabei, sich in dem komplexen Gebiet der Fahrdynamik des Schienenverkehrs zurecht zu finden. Anhand zahlreicher Verständnisfragen und Rechenaufgaben am Ende eines jeden Kapitels kann das erlernte Wissen vertieft werden.Zusatzmaterialien mit Hintergrundwissen und fahrdynamischen Daten sowie Lösungen zu den Rechenaufgaben sind auf der Verlagshomepage über einen Link beim jeweiligen Kapitel abrufbar.

Fahrerassistenzsysteme 2018: Von der Assistenz zum automatisierten Fahren 4. Internationale ATZ-Fachtagung Automatisiertes Fahren (Proceedings)

by Torsten Bertram

Der Tagungsband zur ATZlive-Veranstaltung "Fahrerassistenzsysteme 2018" thematisiert in Vorträgen u.a. welche fahrfremden Tätigkeiten der Fahrer im automatisierten Modus wie ausüben darf und wie sich die SAE-Level 3 und 4 voneinander abgrenzen lassen. Weitere Aspekte sind der Fahrer (Mensch) in der Interaktion mit dem Fahrzeug (Maschine) sowie die damit verbundenen Interdependenzen.Die Tagung ist eine unverzichtbare Plattform für den Wissens- und Gedankenaustausch von Forschern und Entwicklern aller Unternehmen und Institutionen, um wichtige Impulse für ihre tägliche Arbeit zu erhalten.

Fahrerlose Transportsysteme: Eine Fibel - mit Praxisanwendungen - zur Technik - für die Planung

by Günter Ullrich Thomas Albrecht

Dieses Fachbuch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über das moderne Organisationsmittel der Intralogistik. Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) sind flurgebundene Systeme, die innerbetrieblich innerhalb und/oder außerhalb von Gebäuden eingesetzt werden. Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre drängt das FTS erfolgreich in fast alle Branchen der Industrie und in viele öffentliche Bereiche, wie z. B. Krankenhäuser. Es werden die technologischen Standards von allen FTS-relevanten Komponenten und Funktionen erläutert sowie zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele z. B. aus der Automobilindustrie, Elektro- und Lebensmittelindustrie vorgestellt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die an den VDI-Richtlinien angelehnte praxisnahe Planung solcher Intralogistik-Systeme einschließlich Hinweisen und Tipps für ein erfolgreiches Projektmanagement bei der Einführung eines FTS. Die vorliegende Auflage wurde komplett überarbeitet, neu strukturiert und spiegelt die rasanten Entwicklungen in der Technik und den Märkten wider.

Fahrerlose Transportsysteme: Die FTS-Fibel - zur Welt der FTS/AMR - zur Technik - mit Praxisanwendungen - für die Planung - mit der Geschichte

by Günter Ullrich Thomas Albrecht

Dieses Fachbuch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die moderne Intralogistik mit Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen (FTS). Diese flurgebundenen Systeme werden seit über 60 Jahren innerbetrieblich in fast allen Branchen der Industrie sowie in vielen öffentlichen Bereichen, wie z. B. Krankenhäusern, eingesetzt. Das Buch zeigt, wie vielfältig die Anwendungen sind und welche technologischen Standards zur Verfügung stehen. Dabei werden zahlreiche Umsetzungen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen, wie beispielsweise Automobil-, Elektro-, Pharma und Lebensmittelindustrie vorgestellt. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die ganzheitliche Planung solcher Systeme, die ausführlich mit allen Planungsschritten beschrieben wird, angereichert durch zahlreiche wertvolle Hinweise. Die vierte Auflage wurde vollständig überarbeitet und geht auf aktuelle Entwicklungen ein, wie standardisierte Datenschnittstellen, autonome Funktionen zur Flexibilisierung oder neue Anwendungen in öffentlich zugänglichen Bereichen. In diesem Zuge werden Sinnhaftigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der neuen Entwicklungen ebenfalls beleuchtet.

Fahrradpiktogramme auf der Fahrbahn: Ein Beitrag zu Flächengerechtigkeit und Verkehrssicherheit in beengten Verhältnissen (Verkehrspsychologie)

by Stefanie Ruf

Fahrradpiktogramme auf der Fahrbahn können genutzt werden, um Radfahrende in beengten Verhältnissen auf ihr Recht, auf der Fahrbahn zu fahren, aufmerksam zu machen. Gleichzeitig dienen sie als Hinweis für Kfz-Fahrende, auf Radfahrende auf der Fahrbahn vorbereitet zu sein und diesen rücksichtsvoll zu begegnen. International sind sicherheitsförderliche Effekte der Maßnahmen gut belegt, eine Untersuchung im deutschen Verkehrskontext stand bisher jedoch noch aus. Stefanie Ruf begleitet die Umsetzung von Piktogrammen in verschiedenen deutschen Kommunen mit Vorher-Nachher-Befragungen im Feld sowie mit einer ergänzenden kontrollierten Online-Befragung. Ihre Erkenntnisse zeigen, dass Fahrradpiktogramme auf der Fahrbahn auch in Deutschland einen Beitrag zu Flächengerechtigkeit und Verkehrssicherheit leisten können, gleichzeitig werden auch wichtige Einschränkungen diskutiert.

Fahrtests unter Realbedingungen: Sicherheitsvalidierung nach ISO 26262 (essentials)

by Lars Schnieder Meike Jipp

Fahrerassistenz, Fahrzeugautomation und vernetzte Systeme beschreiben die Zukunft der Automobilität und schüren die Erwartung essentiell verbesserter Verkehrssicherheit. Meike Jipp und Lars Schnieder verknüpfen eine ingenieurmäßige Sichtweise, die durch funktionale Sicherheit (ISO 26262:2018) und sichere Sollfunktion (ISO/PAS 21448:2019) geprägt ist, mit der Perspektive der Ingenieurpsychologie, die mithilfe sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden menschzentrierte Automobilität sicher zu gestalten versucht. Der Mensch wird je nach Automationsgrad als Rückfallebene mit im Gesamtsystem berücksichtigt und auch zukünftig bei der Gestaltung vernetzter Systeme, die ihr Verhalten aufeinander abstimmen, eine zentrale Rolle spielen.​Die Autoren: Prof. Dr. Meike Jipp forscht am Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e.V. im Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik. Dr.-Ing. Lars Schnieder ist als Geschäftsführer einer Software-Entwicklungsfirma für das Geschäftsfeld Sicherheitsbegutachtung verantwortlich.

Fahrwerk (Handbuch Rennwagentechnik #4)

by Michael Trzesniowski

In diesem Buch lernt der Leser die wesentlichen Unterschiede zum Pkw durch die nach Baugruppen aufgeteilte Analyse kennen. So erhält er das Rüstzeug, die erworbenen detaillierten Kenntnisse in die Konstruktion und Entwicklung von Wettbewerbsfahrzeugen einzubringen. Das Fahrwerk bestimmt wohl wie keine andere Baugruppe das Fahrverhalten und damit die „DNA“ eines Rennfahrzeugs. Beginnend beim Reifen – dem entscheidenden mechanischen Bauteil – werden alle Bauelemente der Radaufhängung inklusive Lenkung sowie Bremsanlage vorgestellt und besprochen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Doppelquerlenker- und Federbeinachsen. Die Konstruktion von Radaufhängungen beginnt mit kinematischen Betrachtungen, führt über Bauteilauslegung zu fahrdynamischen Betrachtungen des Gesamtfahrzeugs. Letztendlich sollen die Maximalkräfte der Reifen in Quer- und Umfangsrichtung ausgeschöpft werden und das Fahrzeug dabei beherrschbar bleiben. Durch die detaillierte, in die Tiefe gehende Darstellung ist das Werk für den interessierten Motorsport-Enthusiasten ebenso geeignet wie für den in der Praxis stehenden Ingenieur, der sich den Fragen rund um Rennfahrwerke zuwendet. Das Formelmaterial ist so aufbereitet, dass das Buch auch als Nachschlagwerk eingesetzt werden kann.

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