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Family Farms and the Conservation of Agrobiodiversity in Cuba: Food Security and Nature (Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity)

by Urbano Fra Paleo Leonor Castiñeiras

This highly original volume investigates and documents the complex interactions between small family farms and Man and Biosphere Reserves in Cuba. Covering over two decades of research in agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Cuba, this book provides a unique case study about sustainable agriculture. It shows how the agricultural biodiversity maintained in situ by family farms within those protected areas provides a strategic source of crop genetic resources, including seeds and planting materials, as well as agroecological knowledge and practices. Agricultural practices within and around the Biosphere Reserves have helped to promote local food security through healthier and more diverse food production, while contributing to the conservation of biodiversity and of ecosystems. The book also reports on the adoption of transdisciplinary methods, combining ecological, agronomic, and socio-economic research, along with participatory methods involving farmers in research to document ethnobotanical and farmer knowledge, revealing rich spots of agrobiodiversity maintained in landscapes, seed systems, and nurseries managed by farmers. It covers a range of ecosystems and biocultural landscapes from arid tropics, tropical hillsides and savannas, montane rainforests, and coastal areas. It examines how family farms in diverse Cuban ecosystems use biodiversity, agro-ecological knowledge, and techniques while sustaining natural and farming landscapes in a scenario of climate change, frequent disasters, and socio-economic and policy changes. This book will be most suitable for those studying or interested in farming practices, biodiversity conservation, food security, agrobiodiversity, and sustainable development, as well as in Cuban studies.

The Family Lawyer

by James Patterson

<P>From the world's #1 bestselling writer--3 pulse-pounding novels in one book! <P>THE FAMILY LAWYER with Robert Rotstein: Matthew Hovanes is living a parent's worst nightmare: his young daughter is accused of bullying another girl into suicide. But this loving father is also a skilled criminal defense attorney. And something here doesn't add up... <P>NIGHT SNIPER with Christopher Charles: Cheryl Mabern is the NYPD's most brilliant detective--and the most damaged. Now she must confront her darkest fears to stop a calculating killer committing random murders. <P>THE GOOD SISTER with Rachel Howzell Hall: Her beloved sister's cheating husband has been found dead. Now, Dani Lawrence must decide if she will help the investigation that could put her sister away...or obstruct it by any means necessary. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Family Projects for Smart Objects: Tabletop Projects That Respond to Your World

by John Keefe

"The Internet of Things" is the new buzzphrase, but what is it? A toaster that texts? The fitness band on your wrist? The camera in an infant's room? Sure, it's all of those things. But it's also your phone: an ultra-sophisticated sensor and communications system in your pocket or purse--capable of tracking your steps, capturing an image, or calling an Uber. And it is actually not hard or expensive to make a sensing, communicating object yourself. Doing so can be rewarding, fun, and even useful. This book teaches the basics of building sensors and communicating objects through a series of practical, demonstrative, and fun activities.

Family Urban Agriculture in Russia

by Louiza M. Boukharaeva Marcel Marloie

The book results from research carried out by the authors since 1999 on urban gardening collectives in Russia, then from the extension of this research towards collective urban gardening in France, with some investigations in other European Union Member States and Brazil. This research was carried out within the framework of Kazan University (currently, the Institute of Administration and Territorial Development of the Federal University of Kazan) and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). It enabled the creation of an international research network entitled Sustainable Development of Cities: the Relationship between City-Dwellers and Nature. This research was developed with help from a three-year research contract (October 2009 - September 2012) with the GESSOL programme of the French Ministry of Ecology, on the theme of the use of urban and peri-urban soils for the sustainable development of cities. The final report of this research contract provides the basis for the book.


by Jilly Gagnon

Debut author Jilly Gagnon bursts onto the scene with a story equal parts bite and romance, perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Jennifer E. Smith, about falling for someone in front of everyone. In this modern day love story: Girl likes boy. Girl snaps photo and posts it online. Boy becomes insta-famous. And what starts out as an innocent photo turns into a whirlwind adventure that forces them both to question whether fame—and love—are worth the price…and changes both of their lives forever. Told from alternating points of view, #famous captures the sometimes-crazy thrill ride of social media and the equally messy but wonderful moments of liking someone in real life.

Famous Bridges (Into Reading, Level O #88)

by Annette Smith

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> Do you know the difference between a viaduct and an aqueduct? Or where the Golden Gate, Forth, Tower, or Chapel Bridges are? Learn about some of the oldest, longest, most beautiful, and most impressive bridges in the world. You'll be amazed!

Famous Problems of Geometry and How to Solve Them (Dover Books on Mathematics)

by Benjamin Bold

It took two millennia to prove the impossible; that is, to prove it is not possible to solve some famous Greek problems in the Greek way (using only straight edge and compasses). In the process of trying to square the circle, trisect the angle and duplicate the cube, other mathematical discoveries were made; for these seemingly trivial diversions occupied some of history's great mathematical minds. Why did Archimedes, Euclid, Newton, Fermat, Gauss, Descartes among so many devote themselves to these conundrums? This book brings readers actively into historical and modern procedures for working the problems, and into the new mathematics that had to be invented before they could be "solved."The quest for the circle in the square, the trisected angle, duplicated cube and other straight-edge-compass constructions may be conveniently divided into three periods: from the Greeks, to seventeenth-century calculus and analytic geometry, to nineteenth-century sophistication in irrational and transcendental numbers. Mathematics teacher Benjamin Bold devotes a chapter to each problem, with additional chapters on complex numbers and analytic criteria for constructability. The author guides amateur straight-edge puzzlists into these fascinating complexities with commentary and sets of problems after each chapter. Some knowledge of calculus will enable readers to follow the problems; full solutions are given at the end of the book.Students of mathematics and geometry, anyone who would like to challenge the Greeks at their own game and simultaneously delve into the development of modern mathematics, will appreciate this book. Find out how Gauss decided to make mathematics his life work upon waking one morning with a vision of a 17-sided polygon in his head; discover the crucial significance of eπi = -1, "one of the most amazing formulas in all of mathematics." These famous problems, clearly explicated and diagrammed, will amaze and edify curious students and math connoisseurs.

Fan-Out Wafer-Level Packaging

by John H. Lau

This comprehensive guide to fan-out wafer-level packaging (FOWLP) technology compares FOWLP with flip chip and fan-in wafer-level packaging. It presents the current knowledge on these key enabling technologies for FOWLP, and discusses several packaging technologies for future trends. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) employed their InFO (integrated fan-out) technology in A10, the application processor for Apple’s iPhone, in 2016, generating great excitement about FOWLP technology throughout the semiconductor packaging community. For many practicing engineers and managers, as well as scientists and researchers, essential details of FOWLP – such as the temporary bonding and de-bonding of the carrier on a reconstituted wafer/panel, epoxy molding compound (EMC) dispensing, compression molding, Cu revealing, RDL fabrication, solder ball mounting, etc. – are not well understood. Intended to help readers learn the basics of problem-solving methods and understand the trade-offs inherent in making system-level decisions quickly, this book serves as a valuable reference guide for all those faced with the challenging problems created by the ever-increasing interest in FOWLP, helps to remove roadblocks, and accelerates the design, materials, process, and manufacturing development of key enabling technologies for FOWLP.

Fano Resonances in Optics and Microwaves: Physics and Applications (Springer Series in Optical Sciences #219)

by Eugene Kamenetskii Almas Sadreev Andrey Miroshnichenko

This book discusses the development of Fano-based techniques and reveals the characteristic properties of various wave processes by studying interference phenomena. It explains that the interaction of discrete (localized) states with a continuum of propagation modes leads to Fano interference effects in transmission, and explores novel coherent effects such as bound states in the continuum accompanied by collapse of Fano resonance. Originating in atomic physics, Fano resonances have become one of the most appealing phenomena of wave scattering in optics, microwaves, and terahertz techniques. The generation of extremely strong and confined fields at a deep subwavelength scale, far beyond the diffraction limit, plays a central role in modern plasmonics, magnonics, and in photonic and metamaterial structures. Fano resonance effects take advantage of the coupling of these bound states with a continuum of radiative electromagnetic waves. With their unique physical properties and unusual combination of classical and quantum structures, Fano resonances have an application potential in a wide range of fields, from telecommunication to ultrasensitive biosensing, medical instrumentation and data storage. Including contributions by international experts and covering the essential aspects of Fano-resonance effects, including theory, modeling and design, proven and potential applications in practical devices, fabrication, characterization and measurement, this book enables readers to acquire the multifaceted understanding required for these multidisciplinary challenges.

Fans: Aerodynamic Design - Noise Reduction - Optimization

by Thomas Carolus

This textbook combines in a unique concept the design and construction of radial and axial fans with the problem of noise generation as well as its mitigation already in the fan development stage. The aim is to describe selected, easily applicable methods of aerodynamic design and noise prediction and to demonstrate their physical principles. Exercises with solutions facilitate understanding. The completely revised and expanded edition now also includes guidance on selecting fans for a given task, simulation-based optimization methods for fan design, and psychoacoustic methods that can be used to measure the quality of fan noise.This book is a translation of the original German 4th edition Ventilatoren by Thomas Carolus, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Fantasies of Virtual Reality: Untangling Fiction, Fact, and Threat (Strong Ideas)

by Marcus Carter Ben Egliston

The fantasies that underpin common perceptions of Virtual Reality—and what we need to know about VR&’s potential risks as well as its opportunities.Virtual reality is the next new frontier for Silicon Valley. Mark Zuckerberg, who has overseen Meta&’s investment of billions into VR, pitches it as the next dominant computing paradigm. More than just a gaming technology, VR is top of mind for academics, tech reportage, and industry evangelists who all see the potential for VR to revolutionize fields such as education and health, as well as the way we work and communicate. But will VR achieve all this? In Fantasies of Virtual Reality, Marcus Carter and Ben Egliston strip bare the tech industry&’s vision of a future dominated by immersive VR experiences, challenging the utopian promises of this technology&’s potential.Carter and Egliston offer a critical account of VR in a variety of contexts, from gaming to human resources to policing and the military. They argue that while VR does hold significant potential, the overhyped expectations surrounding it, from achieving true empathetic understanding to transforming traditional education and office work, are often overstated and fraught with issues of privacy, control, and exclusion. What&’s more, there is nothing truly virtual about virtual reality: VR is deeply entrenched in the material world, driven by tangible technological, economic, and social logics.An accessible introduction to this emerging technology, Fantasies of Virtual Reality is essential reading for anyone interested in what VR can really do—and what is just plain fantasy.

Fantastic Failures: True Stories of People Who Changed the World by Falling Down First

by Luke Reynolds

Even the most well-known people have struggled to succeed! Find out what they learned and how they turned their failures into triumphs with this engaging and youthful guide on how to succeed long term. <P><P>There is a lot of pressure in today’s society to succeed, but failing is a part of learning how to be a successful person. In his teaching career, Luke Reynolds saw the stress and anxiety his students suffered over grades, fitting in, and getting things right the first time. <P><P>Fantastic Failures helps students learn that their mistakes and failures do not define their whole lives, but help them grow into their potential. Kids will love learning about some of the well-known people who failed before succeeding and will come to understand that failure is a large component of success. <P><P>With stories from people like J. K. Rowling, Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, Sonia Sotomayor, Vincent Van Gogh, Julia Child, Steven Spielberg, and Betsy Johnson, each profile proves that the greatest mistakes and flops can turn into something amazing. Intermixed throughout the fun profiles, Reynolds spotlights great inventors and scientists who discovered and created some of the most important medicines, devices, and concepts of all time, including lifesaving vaccines and medicines that were stumbled upon by mistake.

Fantastic Farm Machines

by Cris Peterson David R. Lundquist

The day-to-day business of growing and harvesting crops for food is brought to dramatic life in this Nebraska Children's Agriculture Book of the Year as children see farmers and their machinery hard at work. Farmers lifted and hauled, cut and chopped, plowed and planted, waters and mowed by hand or with horses and simple equipment--until the first tractor appeared. Now there are tractors with eight wheels and tires big enough to stand in, skid steers with buckets for lifting, and sprayers that look like huge prehistoric birds, as well as many other modern computerized farming machines. Here's a look at farm machinery in the modern age.

Fantastic Fireworks

by Liz Huyck

Have you ever wondered how fireworks work? This article gives you information about how these spectacular shows are created.

FAR/AIM 2017: Federal Aviation Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (Far/aim Ser.)

by Federal Aviation Administration

Learn to fly a plane according to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulationsThe most complete guide to the rules of aviation accessible anywhere Contains all of the information needed to operate safely in US airspace and is fully updatedIf you are an aviation enthusiast or an aviator, you need to have the newest edition of the FAR/AIM. In the most recent edition of the FAR/AIM, produced by the FAA, all procedures, illustrations, and regulations are up-to-date and reflect current FAA data. Learn about takeoffs and landings, land navigation, how to aid climb, world flight patterns, flying rolls, academic liftoff, and more. This useful reference book is a critical resource for all members of the aviation community, including aspiring pilots seeking a concrete background in the rules, procedures, and requirements of flight training. This manual also includes: A study guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsStandard instrument proceduresA pilot/controller glossaryParachute operationsThe NASA Aviation Safety reporting formAirworthiness standards for products and partsImportant FAA contact information

FAR/AIM 2018: Federal Aviation Regulations And Aeronautical Information Manual (includes Changes 1 And 2) (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)

by Federal Aviation Administration

All the information you need to operate safely in US airspace, fully updated.If you’re an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In today’s environment, there is no excuse for ignorance of the rules of the US airspace system. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current FAA data. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the aviation community, as well as for aspiring pilots looking to get a solid background in the rules, requirements, and procedures of flight training. Not only does this manual present all the current FAA regulations, it also includes:A study guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsA pilot/controller glossaryStandard instrument proceduresParachute operationsAirworthiness standards for products and partsThe NASA Aviation Safety reporting formImportant FAA contact informationThis is the most complete guide to the rules of aviation available anywhere. Don’t take off without the FAR/AIM!

FAR/AIM 2019: Up-to-date Faa Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)

by Federal Aviation Administration

All the information you need to operate safely in US airspace, fully updated.If you’re an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In today’s environment, there is no excuse for ignorance of the rules of the US airspace system. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current FAA data. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the aviation community, as well as for aspiring pilots looking to get a solid background in the rules, requirements, and procedures of flight training. Not only does this manual present all the current FAA regulations, it also includes:A study guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsA pilot/controller glossaryStandard instrument proceduresParachute operationsAirworthiness standards for products and partsThe NASA Aviation Safety reporting formImportant FAA contact informationThis is the most complete guide to the rules of aviation available anywhere. Don’t take off without the FAR/AIM!

FAR/AIM 2020: Up-to-Date FAA Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)

by Federal Aviation Administration

All the Information you Need to Operate Safely in US Airspace, Fully Updated If you&’re an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In today&’s environment, there is no excuse for ignorance of the rules of the US airspace system. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current FAA data. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the aviation community, as well as for aspiring pilots looking to get a solid background in the rules, requirements, and procedures of flight training. Not only does this manual present all the current FAA regulations, it also includes: A study guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsA pilot/controller glossaryStandard instrument proceduresParachute operationsAirworthiness standards for products and partsThe NASA Aviation Safety reporting formImportant FAA contact informationThis is the most complete guide to the rules of aviation available anywhere. Don&’t take off without the FAR/AIM!

FAR/AIM 2021: Up-to-Date FAA Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)

by Federal Aviation Administration

All the Information you Need to Operate Safely in US Airspace, Fully Updated If you&’re an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In today&’s environment, there is no excuse for ignorance of the rules of the US airspace system. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current FAA data. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the aviation community, as well as for aspiring pilots looking to get a solid background in the rules, requirements, and procedures of flight training. Not only does this manual present all the current FAA regulations, it also includes: A study guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsA pilot/controller glossaryStandard instrument proceduresParachute operationsAirworthiness standards for products and partsThe NASA Aviation Safety reporting formImportant FAA contact informationThis is the most complete guide to the rules of aviation available anywhere. Don&’t take off without the FAR/AIM!

FAR/AIM 2022: Up-to-Date FAA Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM Federal Aviation Regulations)

by Federal Aviation Administration

All the Information You Need to Operate Safely in US Airspace, Fully Updated If you&’re an aviator or aviation enthusiast, you cannot be caught with an out-of-date edition of the FAR/AIM. In the newest edition of the FAR/AIM, all regulations, procedures, and illustrations are brought up to date to reflect current federal regulations and FAA data, policies, and advisories. This handy reference book is an indispensable resource for members of the aviation community, as well as for aspiring pilots looking to get a solid background in the rules, requirements, and procedures of flight. Not only does this manual present current FAA information, it also includes: A guide for specific pilot training certifications and ratingsA pilot/controller glossaryStandard instrument proceduresParachute operationsAirworthiness standards for aircraft and partsFlight and pilot school informationImportant FAA contact detailsThis is the most complete guide to the rules of aviation available anywhere. Don&’t take off without the FAR/AIM!

Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy

by Philip Tinnefeld Christian Eggeling Stefan W. Hell

This book describes developments in the field of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy or nanoscopy. In 11 chapters, distinguished scientists and leaders in their respective fields describe different nanoscopy approaches, various labeling technologies, and concrete applications. The topics covered include the principles and applications of the most popular nanoscopy techniques STED and (f)PALM/STORM, along with advances brought about by fluorescent proteins and organic dyes optimized for fluorescence nanoscopy. Furthermore, the photophysics of fluorescent labels is addressed, specifically for improving their photoswitching capabilities. Important applications are also discussed, such as the tracking and counting of molecules to determine acting forces in cells, and quantitative cellular imaging, respectively, as well as the mapping of chemical reaction centers at the nano-scale. The 2014 Chemistry Nobel Prize® was awarded for the ground-breaking developments of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy. In this book, which was co-edited by one of the prize winners, readers will find the most recent developments in this field.

The Far North:

by A. P. Isaev Elena I. Troeva M. M. Cherosov N. S. Karpov

Outside Russia very little is known about the terrestrial ecology, vegetation, biogeographical patterns, and biodiversity of the enormously extensive ecosystems of Yakutia, Siberia. These systems are very special in that they function on top of huge layers of permafrost and are exposed to very severe and extreme weather conditions, the range between winter and summer temperatures being more than 100 degrees C. The soils are generally poor, and human use of the vegetation is usually extensive. Main vegetation zones are taiga and tundra, but Yakutia also supports a special land and vegetation form, caused by permafrost, the alas: more or less extensive grasslands around roundish lakes in taiga. All these vegetation types will be described and their ecology and ecophysiological characteristics will be dealt with. Because of the size of Yakutia, covering several climatic zones, and its extreme position on ecological gradients, Yakutia contains very interesting biogeographical patterns, which also will be described. Our analyses are drawn from many years of research in Yakutia and from a vast body of ecological and other literature in Russian publications and in unpublished local reports. The anthropogenic influence on the ecosystems will be dealt with. This includes the main activities of human interference with nature: forestry, extensive reindeer herding, cattle and horse grazing, etc. Also fire and other prominent ecological factors are dealt with. A very important point is also the very high degree of naturalness that is still extant in Yakutia's main vegetation zones.

Far Side of the Moon: The Story Of Apollo 11's Third Man

by Alex Irvine Ben Bishop

*Junior Library Guild Selection 2017* A unanimous selection to the 2018 Maverick Graphic Novel List! This graphic retelling of the Apollo 11 moon-landing mission follows astronaut Michael Collins, commander of the lunar orbiter, to the far side of the moon. When the Earth disappears behind the moon, Collins loses contact with his fellow astronauts on the moon’s surface, with mission control at NASA, and with the entire human race, becoming more alone than any human being has ever been before. In total isolation for 21 hours, Collins awaits word that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have managed to launch their moon lander successfully to return to the orbiter—a feat never accomplished before and rendered more problematic by the fuel burn of their difficult landing. In this singularly lonely and dramatic setting, Collins reviews the politics, science, and engineering that propelled the Apollo 11 mission across 239,000 miles of space to the moon. Fountas & Pinnell Level U <P><P> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

Far Side of the Moon: Apollo 8 Commander Frank Borman and the Woman Who Gave Him Wings

by Liisa Jorgensen

The decades-long love story of a NASA commander and the leader of the Astronaut Wives ClubFar Side of the Moon is the untold, fully authorized story of the lives of Frank and Susan Borman. One was a famous astronaut—an instrumental part of the Apollo space program—but the other was just as much a warrior. This real-life love story is far from a fairy tale. Life as a military wife was beyond demanding, but Susan always rose to the occasion. When Frank joined NASA and was selected to command the first mission to orbit the moon, that meant putting on a brave face for the world as her husband risked his life for the space race. The pressure and anxiety were overwhelming, and eventually Susan's well-hidden depression and alcoholism finally came to light. Frank had to come to terms with how his "mission above all else" mentality contributed to his wife's suffering. As Susan healed, she was able to begin helping others who suffered in silence from mental illness and addiction.Discover how Frank and Susan's love and commitment to each other is still overcoming life's challenges, even beyond their years as an Apollo commander and the founder of the Astronaut Wives Club.

A Far-Sighted Look at Glasses

by Michael Gerber

Have you ever wondered where glasses came from? This comic takes a fun look at the invention of glasses starting with the Greeks and Romans. Then it looks at attempts by the Spanish, Chinese, French, and even inventor Ben Franklin to improve the design.

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