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Fatigue and Fracture of Fibre Metal Laminates
by René AlderliestenThis book contributes to the field of hybrid technology, describing the current state of knowledge concerning the hybrid material concept of laminated metallic and composite sheets for primary aeronautical structural applications. It is the only book to date on fatigue and fracture of fibre metal laminates (FMLs). The first section of the book provides a general background of the FML technology, highlighting the major FML types developed and studied over the past decades in conjunction with an overview of industrial developments based on filed patents. In turn, the second section discusses the mechanical response to quasi-static loading, together with the fracture phenomena during quasi-static and cyclic loading. To consider the durability aspects related to strength justification and certification of primary aircraft structures, the third section discusses thermal aspects related to FMLs and their mechanical response to various environmental and acoustic conditions.
Fatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures: Contributions from ICMFM XX and KKMP2021 (Structural Integrity #24)
by Grzegorz Lesiuk Szymon Duda José A. F. O. Correia Abílio M. P. De JesusThis book presents selected contributions from ICMFM XX and the Polish National Conference—KKMP. The XX International Colloquium on Mechanical Fatigue of Metals (ICMFM XX) was organized on 15–17 September 2021, in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, in Wrocław City, Poland, in a remote form. Its aim was to facilitate and encourage the exchange of knowledge and experiences among the different communities involved in both basic and applied research in the field of fatigue of metals, looking at the problem of fatigue from a multiscale perspective, and exploring analytical and numerical simulative approaches, without losing the perspectives of the application. The Polish National Conference—KKMP 2021—was organized remotely with 50–80 prominent international participants from the fracture mechanics community.
Fatigue and Fracture of Nanostructured Materials
by Pasquale CavaliereThis book describes the main approaches for production and synthesis of nanostructured metals and alloys, taking into account the fatigue behavior of materials in additive manufactured components. Depending on the material type, form, and application, a deep discussion of fatigue properties and crack behavior is also provided. Pure nanostructured metals, complex alloys and composites are further considered. Prof. Cavaliere’s examination is supported by the most up-to-date understanding from the scientific literature along with a thorough presentation of theory. Bringing together the widest range of perspective on its topic, the book is ideal for materials researchers, professional engineers in industry, and students interested in nanostructured materials, fracture/fatigue mechanics, and additive manufacturing.Describes in detail the relevance of nanostructures in additive manufacturing technologies;Includes sufficient breadth and depth on theoretical modelling of fatigue and crack behavior for use in the classroom;Identifies many open questions regarding different theories through experimental finding;Contextualizes the latest scientific results for readers in industry.
Fatigue and Fracture of Weldments: The Ibess Approach For The Determination Of The Fatigue Life And Strength Of Weldments By Fracture Mechanics Analysis
by Uwe Zerbst Mauro Madia Benjamin Schork Jonas Hensel Pawel Kucharczyk DesireTchoffo Ngoula Didi Tchuindjang Julian Bernhard Carla BeckmannThis book provides a comprehensive and thorough guide to those readers who are lost in the often-confusing context of weld fatigue. It presents straightforward information on the fracture mechanics and material background of weld fatigue, starting with fatigue crack initiation and short cracks, before moving on to long cracks, crack closure, crack growth and threshold, residual stress, stress concentration, the stress intensity factor, J-integral, multiple cracks, weld geometries and defects, microstructural parameters including HAZ, and cyclic stress-strain behavior. The book treats all of these essential and mutually interacting parameters using a unique form of analysis.
Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering
by J. J. Xiong R. A. ShenoiFatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering is an attempt to present an integrated and unified approach to reliability determination of fatigue and fracture behaviour, incorporating probability, statistics and other related areas. A series of original and practical approaches, are suggested in Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering, including new techniques in determining fatigue and fracture performances. It also carries out an investigation into static and fatigue properties, and into the failure mechanisms of unnotched and notched CFR composite laminates with different lay-ups to optimize the stacking sequence effect. Further benefits include: a novel convergence-divergence counting procedure to extract all load cycles from a load history of divergence-convergence waves;practical scatter factor formulae to determine the safe fatigue crack initiation and propagation lives from the results of a single full-scale test of a complete structure; anda nonlinear differential kinetic model for describing the dynamical behaviour of an atom at a fatigue crack tip.Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering is intended for practising engineers in marine, civil construction, aerospace, offshore, automotive and chemical industries. It is also useful reading for researchers on doctoral programmes, and is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in any mechanically-oriented engineering discipline.
Fatigue Crack Growth in Rubber Materials: Experiments and Modelling (Advances in Polymer Science #286)
by Gert Heinrich Reinhold Kipscholl Radek StočekThe book summarizes recent international research and experimental developments regarding fatigue crack growth investigations of rubber materials. It shows the progress in fundamental as well as advanced research of fracture investigation of rubber material under fatigue loading conditions, especially from the experimental point of view. However, some chapters will describe the progress in numerical modeling and physical description of fracture mechanics and cavitation phenomena in rubbers. Initiation and propagation of cracks in rubber materials are dominant phenomena which determine the lifetime of these soft rubber materials and, as a consequence, the lifetime of the corresponding final rubber parts in various fields of application. Recently, these phenomena became of great scientific interest due to the development of new experimental methods, concepts and models. Furthermore, crack phenomena have an extraordinary impact on rubber wear and abrasion of automotive tires; and understanding of crack initiation and growth in rubbers will help to support the growthing number of activities and worldwide efforts of reduction of tire wear losses and abrasion based emissions.
Fatigue Design: Life Expectancy of Machine Parts
by Eliahu ZahaviModern analytical theories of fatigue coupled with a knowledge of processing effects on metals make up the sound basis for designing machine parts that are free from unexpected failure. Fatigue Design: Life Expectancy of Machine Parts provides the information and the tools needed for optimal design. It highlights practical approaches for effectively solving fatigue problems, including minimizing the risk of hidden perils that may arise during production processes or from exposure to the environment.The material is presented with a dual approach: the excellent coverage of the theoretical aspects is accented by practical illustrations of the behavior of machine parts. The theoretical approach combines the fundamentals of solid mechanics, fatigue analysis, and crack propagation. The chapters covering fatigue theories are given special emphasis, starting with the basics and progressing to complicated multiaxial nonlinear problems.The practical approach concentrates on the effects of surface processing on fatigue life and it illustrates many faceted fatigue problems taken from case studies. The solutions demonstrate the authors' detailed analyses of failure and are intended to be used as preventive guidelines. The cases are a unique feature of the book. The numerical method used is the finite element method, and is presented with clear explanations and illustrations.Fatigue Design: Life Expectancy of Machine Parts is an extremely valuable tool for both practicing design engineers and engineering students.
Fatigue Design of Marine Structures
by Inge LotsbergFatigue Design of Marine Structures provides students and professionals with a theoretical and practical background for fatigue design of marine structures including sailing ships, offshore structures for oil and gas production, and other welded structures subject to dynamic loading such as wind turbine structures. Industry expert Inge Lotsberg brings more than forty years of experience in design and standards-setting to this comprehensive guide to the basics of fatigue design of welded structures. Topics covered include laboratory testing, S-N data, different materials, different environments, stress concentrations, residual stresses, acceptance criteria, non-destructive testing, improvement methods, probability of failure, bolted connections, grouted connections, and fracture mechanics. Featuring 20 chapters, 300 diagrams, 47 example calculations, and resources for further study, Fatigue Design of Marine Structures is intended as the complete reference work for study and practice.
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
by Laurence Davaine Luis Borges Alain NussbaumerThis volume addresses the specific subject of fatigue, a subject not familiar to many engineers, but still relevant for proper and good design of numerous steel structures. It explains all issues related to the subject: Basis of fatigue design, reliability and various verification formats, determination of stresses and stress ranges, fatigue strength, application range and limitations. It contains detailed examples of applications of the concepts, computation methods and verifications.
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1 - 9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures
by ECCS - European Convention for Constructional SteelworkThis volume addresses the specific subject of fatigue, a subject not familiar to many engineers, but still relevant for proper and good design of numerous steel structures. It explains all issues related to the subject: Basis of fatigue design, reliability and various verification formats, determination of stresses and stress ranges, fatigue strength, application range and limitations. It contains detailed examples of applications of the concepts, computation methods and verifications.
Fatigue, Durability, and Fracture Mechanics: Proceedings of Fatigue Durability India 2019 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by S. Seetharamu Thimmarayappa Jagadish Ravindra R. MalagiThis book presents selected papers presented during Fatigue Durability India 2019. The contents of this volume discuss advances in the field of fatigue, durability, and fracture, and cover mechanical failure and its applications. The chapters cover a wide spectrum of topics, including design, engineering, testing and computational evaluation of the components or systems for fatigue, durability, and fracture mechanics. The contents of this book will appeal not only to academic researchers, but also to design engineers, failure analysts, maintenance engineers, certification personnel, and R&D professionals involved in a wide variety of industries.
Fatigue in Aviation: A Guide to Staying Awake at the Stick (Studies In Aviation Psychology And Human Factors Ser.)
by John Caldwell J. Lynn CaldwellThis updated edition includes fatigue and sleep definitions as well as strategies for the measurement and assessment of fatigue. The aviation performance, mood, and safety problems associated with sleep restriction and circadian disruptions in operational settings are highlighted. The biological bases of fatigue are discussed so that the reader can understand that it is a real physiological phenomenon and not 'just a state of mind'. Both traditional and newly-developed scientifically-valid countermeasures are presented, and a variety of data from diverse sources are included to provide readers with a 'toolbox' from which they can choose the best solutions for the fatigue-related problems that exist in their unique operational context. In addition, an essential overview of Fatigue Risk Management Systems is included to provide the basic structure necessary to build and validate a modern, integrated approach to successful fatigue management. The book is of interest to aviation crews in both civilian and military sectors--managers as well as pilots, flight crews, and maintainers. It aims to be user-friendly, although scientific information is included to help the reader fully understand the 'fatigue phenomenon' from an evidence-based perspective as well as to enhance the reader's appreciation for the manner in which various counter-fatigue interventions are helpful.
Fatigue Life Analyses of Welded Structures: Flaws
by Tom Lassen Naman RéchoAvoiding or controlling fatigue damage is a major issue in the design and inspection of welded structures subjected to dynamic loading. Life predictions are usually used for safe life analysis, i.e. for verifying that it is very unlikely that fatigue damage will occur during the target service life of a structure. Damage tolerance analysis is used for predicting the behavior of a fatigue crack and for planning of in-service scheduled inspections. It should be a high probability that any cracks appearing are detected and repaired before they become critical. In both safe life analysis and the damage tolerance analysis there may be large uncertainties involved that have to be treated in a logical and consistent manner by stochastic modeling. This book focuses on fatigue life predictions and damage tolerance analysis of welded joints and is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the common practice used for safe life and damage tolerance analysis with reference to rules and regulations. The second part emphasises stochastic modeling and decision-making under uncertainty, while the final part is devoted to recent advances within fatigue research on welded joints. Industrial examples that are included are mainly dealing with offshore steel structures. Spreadsheets which accompany the book give the reader the possibility for hands-on experience of fatigue life predictions, crack growth analysis and inspection planning. As such, these different areas will be of use to engineers and researchers.
Fatigue Life of Riveted Steel Bridges
by null Björn ÅkessonMany old riveted railway bridges are replaced too soon due to a general lack of knowledge about the expected life span. This indicates the need for more information on fatigue and brittle fracture of riveted bridges. This book unveils extensive research and literature results on riveted bridges' fatigue live and shows how to take fatigue properly i
Fatigue Limit in Metals
by Claude BathiasIs there a fatigue limit in metals? This question is the main focus of this book. Written by a leading researcher in the field, Claude Bathias presents a thorough and authoritative examination of the coupling between plasticity, crack initiation and heat dissipation for lifetimes that exceed the billion cycle, leading us to question the concept of the fatigue limit, both theoretically and technologically. This is a follow-up to the Fatigue of Materials and Structures series of books previously published in 2011. Contents 1. Introduction on Very High Cycle Fatigue. 2. Plasticity and Initiation in Gigacycle Fatigue. 3. Heating Dissipation in the Gigacycle Regime. About the Authors Claude Bathias is Emeritus Professor at the University of Paris 10-La Defense in France. He started his career as a research engineer in the aerospace and military industry where he remained for 20 years before becoming director of the CNRS laboratory ERA 914 at the University of Compiègne in France. He has launched two international conferences about fatigue: International Conference on the Fatigue of Composite Materials (ICFC) and Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF). This new, up-to-date text supplements the book Fatigue of Materials and Structures, which had been previously published by ISTE and John Wiley in 2011. A thorough review of coupling between plasticity, crack priming, and thermal dissipation for lifespans higher than a billion of cycle has led us to question the concept of fatigue limit, from both the theoretical and technological point of view. This book will address that and more.
Fatigue of Beta Processed and Beta Heat-treated Titanium Alloys
by Simon Barter Russell WanhillThis publication reviews most of the available literature on the fatigue properties of β annealed Ti-6Al-4V and titanium alloys with similar microstructures. The focus is on β processed and β heat-treated alloys because β annealed Ti-6Al-4V has been selected for highly loaded and fatigue-critical structures, including the main wing-carry-through bulkheads and vertical tail stubs, of advanced high-performance military aircraft. An important aspect of the review is a concise survey of fatigue life assessment methods and the required types of fatigue data. This survey provides the background to recommendations for further research, especially on the fatigue behaviour of β annealed Ti-6Al-4V under realistic fatigue load histories, including the essential topic of short/small fatigue crack growth. Such research is required for independent fatigue life assessments that conform to the aircraft manufacturer's design requirements, and also for life reassessments that most probably will have to be made during the service life of the aircraft.
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites
by Thomas Keller Anastasios P. VassilopoulosFatigue has long been recognized as a mechanism that can provoke catastrophic material failure in structural applications and researchers are now turning to the development of prediction tools in order to reduce the cost of determining design criteria for any new material. Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites explains these highly scientific subjects in a simple yet thorough way. Fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composite materials and structural components is described through the presentation of numerous experimental results. Many examples help the reader to visualize the failure modes of laminated composite materials and structural adhesively bonded joints. Theoretical models, based on these experimental data, are demonstrated and their capacity for fatigue life modeling and prediction is thoroughly assessed. Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites gives the reader the opportunity to learn about methods for modeling the fatigue behavior of fiber-reinforced composites, about statistical analysis of experimental data, and about theories for life prediction under loading patterns that produce multiaxial fatigue stress states. The authors combine these theories to establish a complete design process that is able to predict fatigue life of fiber-reinforced composites under multiaxial, variable amplitude stress states. A classic design methodology is presented for demonstration and theoretical predictions are compared to experimental data from typical material systems used in the wind turbine rotor blade industry. Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites also presents novel computational methods for modeling fatigue behavior of composite materials, such as artificial neural networks and genetic programming, as a promising alternative to the conventional methods. It is an ideal source of information for researchers and graduate students in mechanical engineering, civil engineering and materials science.
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Claude Bathias André PineauThe design of mechanical structures with improved and predictable durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading experts in the field, this book (which is complementary to Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design, also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. The book deals with crack initiation, crack growth, low-cycle fatigue, gigacycle fatigue, shorts cracks, fatigue micromechanisms and the local approach to fatigue damage, corrosion fatigue, environmental effects and variable amplitude loadings, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of mechanical, structural, civil, design, nuclear, and aerospace engineering as well as materials science.
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Design and Damage (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Claude Bathias André PineauThe design of mechanical structures with predictable and improved durability cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of fatigue damage and more specifically the relationships between the microstructure of materials and their fatigue properties. Written by leading researchers in the field, this book, along with the complementary books Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals and Application to Damage and Design (both also edited by Claude Bathias and André Pineau), provides an authoritative, comprehensive and unified treatment of the mechanics and micromechanisms of fatigue in metals, polymers and composites. Each chapter is devoted to one of the major classes of materials or to different types of fatigue damage, thereby providing overall coverage of the field. This book deals with multiaxial fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue, fretting-fatigue, influence of defects on fatigue life, cumulative damage and damage tolerance, and will be an important and much used reference for students, practicing engineers and researchers studying fracture and fatigue in numerous areas of materials science and engineering, mechanical, nuclear and aerospace engineering.
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals (Wiley-iste Ser.)
by Claude Bathias André PineauFatigue and fracture result in billions of dollars of damage each year. This book examines the various causes of fatigue including crack growth, defects, temperature, environmental, and corrosion.
Fatigue of Materials III: Advances and Emergences in Understanding
by T. S. Srivatsan Raghavan Srinivasan M. Ashraf ImamThis volume contains papers presented in the third international symposium titled Fatigue of Materials: Advances and Emergences in Understanding held during the Materials Science and Technology 2014 meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, in October 2014. The book contains contributions from engineers, technologists, and scientists from academia, research laboratories, and industries. The 19 papers are divided into five topical areas: Session 1: Aluminum Alloys Session 2: Ferrous Materials I Session 3: Ferrous Materials II Session 4: Composite Materials Session 5: Advanced Materials Session 6: Modeling The papers cover a broad spectrum of topics that represent the truly diverse nature of the subject of fatigue as it relates to the world of materials.
Fatigue of Textile and Short Fiber Reinforced Composites
by Atul Jain Stepan Lomov Valter CarvelliThis book covers several aspects of the fatigue behavior of textile and short fiber reinforced composites. The first part is dedicated to 2D and 3D reinforced textile composites and includes a systematic description of the damage evolution for quasi-static and tensile-tensile fatigue loadings. Acoustic emissions and digital image correlation are considered in order to detect the damage modes' initiation and development. The acoustic emission thresholds of the quasi-static loading are connected to the "fatigue limit" of the materials with distinctions for glass and carbon reinforcements. The second part is devoted to the fatigue behavior of injection molded short fiber reinforced composites. Experimental evidence highlights the dependence of their fatigue response on various factors: fiber and matrix materials, fiber distribution, environmental and loading conditions are described. A hybrid (experimental/simulations) multi-scale method is presented, which drastically reduces the amount of experimental data necessary for reliable fatigue life predictions.
Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications, Third Edition
by Richard D. O'BrienLike the previous editions, this comprehensive reference to fats and oils of commercial food products provides detailed coverage of raw material sources, processing, formulation, quality control, and finished products. Including the most-up-to-date data and interpretation, this third edition features the latest processing procedures along with the effects of new ingredients, processing, and formulation on applications. It also includes an expanded guide for troubleshooting and problem solving. Building upon the practical aspects of the first edition, this complete reference is an ideal source for personnel and students of the fats and oils industry and the food processing industry.
Fats in Food Technology (Sheffield Food Technology Ser.)
by Kanes K. RajahFats are present in some form in the vast majority of processed foods we consume, as well as in many ‘natural’ products. Changes in consumer behaviour, centered around an increased emphasis on healthy food consumption, mean that it is more important than ever for food scientists to understand the properties, roles and behaviours that fats play in food and in diets. Fats in Food Technology, Second Edition is an in-depth examination of the roles and behaviours of fats in food technology and the benefits that they impart to consumers. It considers both fats that are naturally present in foods (such as milk fat in cheese) and fats that have been added to improve physical, chemical and organoleptic properties (like cocoa butter in chocolate). Newly revised and updated, the book contains useful information on the market issues that have driven change and the disciplines that have helped to regulate the trade and use of fats and oils in food technology. Drawing on the recent literature as well as the personal R&D experiences of the authors, the book highlights those areas where potential efficiencies in processing and economy in the cost of raw materials can be made. Issues concerning health, diet and lifestyle are covered in dedicated chapters. This book will be useful to anyone in industry and research establishments who has an interest in the technology of fat-containing food products, including scientists in the dairy, spreads, bakery, confectionery and wider food industries, as well those involved in the production of edible oils.
Fatty Acids in Foods and their Health Implications (Food Science and Technology)
by Ching Kuang ChowSince the publication of the bestselling second edition, mounting research into fatty acids reveals new and more defined links between the consumption of dietary fats and their biological health effects. Whether consuming omega-3 to prevent heart disease or avoiding trans fats to preserve heart health, it is more and more clear that not only the qu