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Showing 24,376 through 24,400 of 71,647 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of High Temperature Materials 854443 Peter K. Liaw 9781118787748 2011 Contains images
Fatigue and Fracture of Fibre Metal Laminates 1657665 René Alderliesten 9783319562278 2017 Contains images
Fatigue and Fracture of Materials and Structures: Contributions from ICMFM XX and KKMP2021 (Structural Integrity #24) 4586785 Grzegorz Lesiuk Szymon Duda José A. F. O. Correia Abílio M. P. De Jesus 9783030978228 2022 Contains images
Fatigue and Fracture of Nanostructured Materials 3891835 Pasquale Cavaliere 9783030580889 2021 Contains images
Fatigue and Fracture of Weldments: The Ibess Approach For The Determination Of The Fatigue Life And Strength Of Weldments By Fracture Mechanics Analysis 2336618 Uwe Zerbst Mauro Madia Benjamin Schork Jonas Hensel Pawel Kucharczyk DesireTchoffo Ngoula Didi Tchuindjang Julian Bernhard Carla Beckmann 9783030040734 2019 Contains images
Fatigue and Fracture Reliability Engineering 645258 J. J. Xiong R. A. Shenoi 9780857292186 2011 Contains images
Fatigue Crack Growth in Rubber Materials: Experiments and Modelling (Advances in Polymer Science #286) 3969017 Gert Heinrich Reinhold Kipscholl Radek Stoček 9783030689209 2021 Contains images
Fatigue Design: Life Expectancy of Machine Parts 5602469 Eliahu Zahavi 9781351448819 1996 Contains images
Fatigue Design of Marine Structures 1377768 Inge Lotsberg 9781316653128 2016 Contains images
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures 4257862 Laurence Davaine Luis Borges Alain Nussbaumer 9783433601204 2011 Contains images
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1 - 9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures 3294416 ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork 9783433608814 2018 Contains images
Fatigue, Durability, and Fracture Mechanics: Proceedings of Fatigue Durability India 2019 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering) 3993376 S. Seetharamu Thimmarayappa Jagadish Ravindra R. Malagi 9789811547799 2021 Contains images
Fatigue in Aviation: A Guide to Staying Awake at the Stick (Studies In Aviation Psychology And Human Factors Ser.) 4449791 John Caldwell J. Lynn Caldwell 9781317136231 2016 Contains images
Fatigue Life Analyses of Welded Structures: Flaws 3294107 Tom Lassen Naman Récho 9781118614709 2006 Contains images
Fatigue Life of Riveted Steel Bridges 6405502 null Björn Åkesson 9781136943560 2010 Contains images
Fatigue Limit in Metals 3294079 Claude Bathias 9781118648728 2013 Contains images
Fatigue of Beta Processed and Beta Heat-treated Titanium Alloys 1376056 Simon Barter Russell Wanhill 9789400725249 2011 Contains images
Fatigue of Fiber-reinforced Composites 662311 Thomas Keller Anastasios P. Vassilopoulos 9781849961813 2011 Contains images
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Damage and Design (Wiley-iste Ser.) 3294192 Claude Bathias André Pineau 9781118616895 2010 Contains images
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Application to Design and Damage (Wiley-iste Ser.) 3294298 Claude Bathias André Pineau 9781118617229 2011 Contains images
Fatigue of Materials and Structures: Fundamentals (Wiley-iste Ser.) 3294434 Claude Bathias André Pineau 9781118623374 2008 Contains images
Fatigue of Materials III: Advances and Emergences in Understanding 988668 T. S. Srivatsan Raghavan Srinivasan M. Ashraf Imam 9781119041504 2014 Contains images
Fatigue of Textile and Short Fiber Reinforced Composites 1512402 Atul Jain Stepan Lomov Valter Carvelli 9781119413455 2017 Contains images
Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications, Third Edition 6067369 Richard D. O'Brien 9781040069561 2009 Contains images
Fats in Food Technology (Sheffield Food Technology Ser.) 3294055 Kanes K. Rajah 9781118788769 2014 Contains images

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