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Fault-Tolerant Design
by Elena DubrovaThis textbook serves as an introduction to fault-tolerance, intended for upper-division undergraduate students, graduate-level students and practicing engineers in need of an overview of the field. Readers will develop skills in modeling and evaluating fault-tolerant architectures in terms of reliability, availability and safety. They will gain a thorough understanding of fault tolerant computers, including both the theory of how to design and evaluate them and the practical knowledge of achieving fault-tolerance in electronic, communication and software systems. Coverage includes fault-tolerance techniques through hardware, software, information and time redundancy. The content is designed to be highly accessible, including numerous examples and exercises. Solutions and powerpoint slides are available for instructors.
Fault-Tolerant Digital Microfluidic Biochips
by Paul Pop Mirela Alistar Elena Stuart Jan MadsenThis book describes for researchers in the fields of compiler technology, design and test, and electronic design automation the new area of digital microfluidic biochips (DMBs), and thus offers a new application area for their methods. The authors present a routing-based model of operation execution, along with several associated compilation approaches, which progressively relax the assumption that operations execute inside fixed rectangular modules. Since operations can experience transient faults during the execution of a bioassay, the authors show how to use both offline (design time) and online (runtime) recovery strategies. The book also presents methods for the synthesis of fault-tolerant application-specific DMB architectures. · Presents the current models used for the research on compilation and synthesis techniques of DMBs in a tutorial fashion; · Includes a set of "benchmarks", which are presented in great detail and includes the source code of most of the techniques presented, including solutions to the basic compilation and synthesis problems; · Discusses several new research problems in detail, using numerous examples.
Fault-Tolerant Traction Electric Drives: Reliability, Topologies and Components Design (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Igor Bolvashenkov Hans-Georg Herzog Flyur Ismagilov Vyacheslav Vavilov Lev Khvatskin Ilia Frenkel Anatoly LisnianskiThis concise book focuses on the reliability of traction electrical drives. The first chapter presents the Lz-transform approach for the comparative analysis of the fault tolerance of multi-motor electrical drives with multi-phase traction motors. The second chapter then provides an estimate of the value of the operational availability and performance of a diesel–electric multi-drive propulsion system, while the third chapter introduces the concept of a more electric aircraft. Lastly, the fourth chapter analyzes the requirements for multi-phase permanent-magnet motors applicable in various aircraft systems.
Fault Trees
by Nikolaos LimniosFault tree analysis is an important technique in determining the safety and dependability of complex systems. Fault trees are used as a major tool in the study of system safety as well as in reliability and availability studies. The basic methods – construction, logical analysis, probability evaluation and influence study – are described in this book. The following extensions of fault trees, non-coherent fault trees, fault trees with delay and multi-performance fault trees, are also explained. Traditional algorithms for fault tree analysis are presented, as well as more recent algorithms based on binary decision diagrams (BDD).
Fauna in Soil Ecosystems: Recycling Processes, Nutrient Fluxes, and Agricultural Production (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment)
by Gero BenckiserOffers an integrated presentation of the microbial, agronomic and recycling aspects of soil faunal potentials, emphasizing agricultural ecosystems and furnishing methods for modelling food webs. The text covers morphology, reproduction, abundances, basic requirements, competition, predation, parasitism, nutrient cycling and phytopathological intera
A Favored Place: San Juan River Wetlands, Central Veracruz, A.D. 500 to the Present
by Alfred H. SiemensI doubt there is a wetland environment anywhere in the Americas inhabited, used, and modified as long as San Juan Basin, and by as many cultures with different technologies. This story needs to be told. --William E. Doolittle, Professor of Geography, University of Texas at Austin The wetlands of the San Juan Basin in Central Veracruz, Mexico, have been a favored place since the fifth century A. D. , when Prehispanic people built an extensive network of canals and raised fields that allowed for almost year-round agriculture. Alfred Siemens' discovery of the remains of this network in the 1970s led him to uncover fifteen centuries of land-use history in the region. This book contains a full record of his findings. Siemens organizes his history of the San Juan Basin around the question: What relationships exist between Prehispanic agriculture and the production systems of the tropical lowlands in our own time? This focus allows him to chart the changes in human perceptions and uses of the landscape, from the Prehispanic wetland agricultural system to the drained pastures of today's cattle ranches. Amplified with air oblique photography, maps, and tables, and enriched with data from archaeology and colonial archives, this is an authoritative historical geography of a wetland landscape. Or, in the author's more modest words, It seems to me that what I have here is a biography of a swamp.
Faxed: The Rise and Fall of the Fax Machine (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)
by Jonathan CoopersmithThe intriguing story of the rise and fall—and unexpected persistence—of the fax machine illustrates the close link between technology and culture.Co-Winner of the Hagley Prize in Business History of the Business History ConferenceFaxed is the first history of the facsimile machine—the most famous recent example of a tool made obsolete by relentless technological innovation. Jonathan Coopersmith recounts the multigenerational, multinational history of the device from its origins to its workplace glory days, in the process revealing how it helped create the accelerated communications, information flow, and vibrant visual culture that characterize our contemporary world.Most people assume that the fax machine originated in the computer and electronics revolution of the late twentieth century, but it was actually invented in 1843. Almost 150 years passed between the fax’s invention in England and its widespread adoption in tech-savvy Japan, where it still enjoys a surprising popularity. Over and over again, faxing’s promise to deliver messages instantaneously paled before easier, less expensive modes of communication: first telegraphy, then radio and television, and finally digitalization in the form of email, the World Wide Web, and cell phones. By 2010, faxing had largely disappeared, having fallen victim to the same technological and economic processes that had created it. Based on archival research and interviews spanning two centuries and three continents, Coopersmith’s book recovers the lost history of a once-ubiquitous technology. Written in accessible language that should appeal to engineers and policymakers as well as historians, Faxed explores themes of technology push and market pull, user-based innovation, and "blackboxing" (the packaging of complex skills and technologies into packages designed for novices) while revealing the inventions inspired by the fax, how the demand for fax machines eventually caught up with their availability, and why subsequent shifts in user preferences rendered them mostly passé.
FDA and Intellectual Property Strategies for Medical Device Technologies
by Gerald B. Halt John C. Donch Amber R. Stiles Lisa Jenkins VanLuvanee Brandon R. Theiss Dana L. BlueThis book offers comprehensive, easy to understand guidance for medical device technology innovators on how to work through the United States FDA regulatory review process, while also providing insight on the various intellectual property concerns that many medical device innovators face. In the first portion of this book, readers are introduced to important concepts concerning FDA compliance for medical devices, as well as strategies for successfully navigating the FDA regulatory review process. Specifically, the first portion discusses the expansive range of medical devices and then walks through the most common routes to market: the PMA and 510(k) application processes. In the second portion of this book, readers are introduced to the various types of intellectual property rights that are available for medical device technology inventions and innovations, and can explore ways to overcome unique intellectual property challenges faced by many medical device technology innovators. In the third portion of the book, specific strategies are discussed to navigate the interface between the FDA regulatory process and the process of obtaining intellectual property protection. This book also includes a number of descriptive examples, case studies and scenarios to illustrate the topics discussed, and is intended for use by medical device designers, developers and innovators.
FDA and USDA Nutrition Labeling Guide: Decision Diagrams, Check
by Tracy A. AltmanFDA and USDA Nutrition Labeling Guide: Decision Diagrams, Checklists, and Regulations provides hands-on information and guidelines for understanding federal nutrition labeling requirements. This plain English analysis of FDA and FSIS labeling rules contains diagrams and tables and cites specific regulations. Decision diagrams walk the reader through volumes of information and make sense out of complicated regulatory processes. Checklists for managing information for developing specific labels help the reader track regulatory changes and document regulation applicability to company products. The RegFinder index references not only the text, but also provides hundreds of regulatory citations.
FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time-Modulated Dielectric Medium (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
by Debdeep SarkarThis book presents a detailed analytical and computational electromagnetic (CEM) treatment of guided electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in independently time-varying dielectric medium, using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation technique. The contents provide an extensive literature review, explaining the importance of time-varying media (temporal photonic crystals) in new exotic applications that involve rich EM phenomena such as parametric amplification, frequency conversion, non-reciprocal gain, electromagnetic energy accumulation, temporal coating and temporal aiming (beam-forming). A one-dimensional (1D) FDTD simulation paradigm is then formulated in this book, starting from Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions. The issues of hard/soft source realizations, perfectly matched layers (PMLs), choice of simulation parameters (cell-size and time-stepping) are thoroughly explained through new visualization tools. This book provides a unique combination of rigorous analytical techniques, several FDTD simulation examples with reproducible source-codes, and new visualization/post-processing mechanisms. The contents of this book should prove to be useful for students, research scholars, scientists and engineers, working in the field of applied electromagnetics, and aiming to design cutting-edge microwave/optical devices based on time-varying medium.
FDTD Modeling of EM Field inside Microwave Cavities
by Shiv Narayan K. M. Divya V. Krushna KanthThis book deals with the EM analysis of closed microwave cavities based on a three-dimensional FDTD method. The EM analysis is carried out for (i) rectangular microwave ovens and (ii) hybrid-cylindrical microwave autoclaves at 2. 45 GHz. The field distribution is first estimated inside domestic rectangular ovens in xy-, yz-, and zx-plane. Further, the RF leakage from the oven door is determined to study the effect of leakage radiation on wireless communication at 2. 45 GHz. Furthermore, the EM analysis of the autoclave is carried out based on 3D FDTD using staircase approximation. In order to show the capability of autoclaves (excited with five source) for curing the aerospace components and materials, the field distribution inside autoclave cavity is studied in presence of aerospace samples. The FDTD based modelling of oven and autoclave are explained with the appropriate expressions and illustrations.
FE Civil Review
by Michael R. LindeburgMichael R. Lindeburg PE’s FE Civil Review offers complete coverage of the NCEES Civil FE exam knowledge areas and the relevant elements—equations, figures, and tables—from the NCEES FE Reference Handbook. With concise explanations of thousands of equations, and hundreds of figures and tables, the FE Civil Review contains everything you need to successfully prepare for the Civil FE exam. The FE Civil Review organizes the Handbook elements logically, grouping related concepts that the Handbook has in disparate locations. All Handbook elements are featured in blue boxes for easy identification, familiarizing you with the only reference you will have on exam day. Equations, and their associated variations and values, are clearly presented. Descriptions are succinct and supported by exam-like example problems, with step-by-step solutions to reinforce the theory and application of fundamental concepts. Thousands of terms are indexed to facilitate cross-referencing.
FE Computation on Accuracy Fabrication of Ship and Offshore Structure Based on Processing Mechanics
by Hong ZHOU Jiangchao WANGThis book provides insight on processing mechanics during ship and offshore structure, and researchers, scientists, and engineers in the field of manufacturing process mechanics can benefit from the book. This book is written by subject experts based on the recent research results in FE computation on accuracy fabrication of ship and offshore structures based on processing mechanics. In order to deal with actual engineering problems during construction of ship and offshore structure, it proposes advanced computational approaches such as thermal elastic–plastic and elastic FE computations and employed to examine physical behavior and clarifies generation mechanism of mechanical response. As such, this book provides valuable knowledge, useful methods, and practical algorithms that can be considered in manufacturing process mechanics.
FE Mechanical Exam Prep: The Most Complete And Practical Study Guide To Get Ready For The Current Exam In 2 Weeks And Pass It On First Try (1000+ Ncees Aligned Practice Problems Included)
by Elite Prep Academy Davin GoldenbergGet Ready for The Fe Mechanical Exam in 2 Weeks and Pass It On First Try Do you want to get to the exam day with the confidence to pass on the first try, stand out from your peers, and secure your best future as a licensed engineer? The Elite Prep Academy Finally Makes Public the Ultimate ALL-IN-ONE Guide that Has Already Enabled Thousands of Aspiring Licensed Professionals Securing a Stable and Fulfilling Engineer’s Career - If You Fail the Fe Mechanical Exam On First Attempt Your Chances To Pass It On Second Try Drop Down To 35% - According to the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying, the average FE Exam pass rate is 71%, but it drops incredibly down to 35% for those retaking the exam a second time! - This suggests that failing the FE exam will get you caught in a vicious circle of repeated attempts and failures from which it will be really difficult to break free, thus making it vital to pass on first try - That’s why the Elite Prep Academy with the help of one of the most successful exam coaches David Goldberg, created the FE Mechanical Exam Prep study guide, the most complete and practical study guide to get ready for the FE mechanical exam in 2 weeks and pass it on your first try In This Fully Updated Guide, You’ll Get: - The Most Detailed FE Mechanical Exam Review - Complete Break-Down of Every Exam’s Knowledge Area - NCEES Handbook Aligned Topics, Formulas and Principles - Detailed Explicative Graphics, Tables and Diagrams - Effective Strategies to Master the NCEES Handbook Navigation - The Most Complete FE Mechanical Exam Practice - 1000+ NCEES Aligned Practice Problems and Answers - Real-Life Exam Experience to Boost Your Improvement - Complete Practice for All the Exam Knowledge Areas - Adaptable and Motivating 2 Weeks Study Plan - Access to Our NCEES Aligned Private Platform - FE Mechanical Key Video Lessons - FE Mechanical Problems & Answers - FE Mechanical Printable Flashcards
The Fear Index (Bride Series)
by Robert HarrisAt the nexus of high finance and sophisticated computer programming, a terrifying future may be unfolding even now. Dr. Alex Hoffmann's name is carefully guarded from the general public, but within the secretive inner circles of the ultrarich he is a legend. He has developed a revolutionary form of artificial intelligence that predicts movements in the financial markets with uncanny accuracy. His hedge fund, based in Geneva, makes billions. But one morning before dawn, a sinister intruder breaches the elaborate security of his lakeside mansion, and so begins a waking nightmare of paranoia and violence as Hoffmann attempts, with increasing desperation, to discover who is trying to destroy him. Fiendishly smart and suspenseful, The Fear Index gives us a searing glimpse into an all-too-recognizable world of greed and panic. It is a novel that forces us to confront the question of what it means to be human--and it is Robert Harris's most spellbinding and audacious novel to date.
Fearless Flyer: Ruth Law and Her Flying Machine
by Heather LangA National Science Teachers Association Best STEM BookDiscover a thrilling moment in history when pioneering aviator Ruth Law attempted to do what no other aviator had done before: fly nonstop from Chicago to New York. On November 19, 1916, at 8:25 a.m., Ruth Law took off on a flight from Chicago to New York City that aviation experts thought was doomed. Sitting at the controls of her small bi-plane, exposed to the elements, Law battled fierce winds and numbing cold. When her engine ran out of fuel, she glided for two miles and landed at Hornell, New York. Even though she fell short of her goal, she had broken the existing cross-country distance record. And with her plane refueled, she got back in the air and headed for New York City where crowds waited to greet her. This story is perfect to share during Women's History Month or anytime during the year!
The Fearless World of Professional Safety in the 21st Century
by Scott GesingerProfessional safety is in danger of extinction. Safety professionals have become complacent and unfocused, ignorantly relying on an 80-year-old paradigm. Lazy gimmicks are substituted for the hierarchy of controls meant to be the foundation of the profession. A $10,000 investment in posters makes zero improvement in safety; a $10,000 investment in machine guarding upgrades can save lives. By blending philosophy, history, and psychology, The Fearless World of Professional Safety in the 21st Century is revolutionary, offering an innovative approach with creative solutions to move a safety program past the malarkey that has devalued professional safety for decades. Using humor and professional experience within a discussion of historical events and published scientific findings, Scott Gesinger explores the history of how current safety practices developed and why these must change if the profession is to survive the 21st century. He discusses new professional philosophies based on best practices in industry, historical examples, scientific research outside of safety, and proven approaches from other disciplines which can successfully guide safety professionals into the future. Gesinger provides a book for every safety professional that is candid, plain-speaking, and eminently approachable, while at the same time provides information that is new, challenging, and engaging.
The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor: My Years at the CDC
by William W. FoegeWilliam H. Foege, one of the most respected leaders in global public health, takes readers on a tour of his time at the CDC.In its seventy years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has evolved from a malaria control program to an institution dedicated to improving health for all people across the world. The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor is a revealing account of the CDC’s development by its former director, public health luminary William H. Foege.Dr. Foege tells the stories of pivotal moments in public health, including the eradication of smallpox (made possible due in part to Foege’s research) and the discovery of Legionnaires’ disease, Reye syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, and HIV/AIDS. With good humor and optimism, he recounts the various crises he surmounted, from threats of terrorist attacks to contentious congressional hearings and funding cuts. Highlighting the people who made possible some of public health’s biggest successes, Foege outlines the work required behind the scenes and describes the occasional tensions between professionals in the field and the politicians in charge of oversight. In recent years, global public health initiatives have come from unanticipated sources. Giants in the field now include President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, who promote programs aimed at neglected diseases. Melinda and Bill Gates have invigorated the field through research and direct program support, especially in the area of vaccine-preventable diseases. And the Merck Mectizan program has dramatically reduced river blindness in Africa. Foege has been involved in all of these efforts, among others, and he brings to this book the knowledge and wisdom derived from a long and accomplished career. The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor is an inviting but unvarnished account of that career and offers a plethora of lessons for those interested in public health.
Feasibility Model of Solar Energy Plants by ANN and MCDM Techniques
by Mrinmoy Majumder Apu K. SahaThis Brief highlights a novel model to find out the feasibility of any location to produce solar energy. The model utilizes the latest multi-criteria decision making techniques and artificial neural networks to predict the suitability of a location to maximize allocation of available energy for producing optimal amount of electricity which will satisfy the demand from the market. According to the results of the case studies further applications are encouraged.
Feasibility of Using Mycoherbicides for Controlling Illicit Drug Crops
by Committee on Mycoherbicides for Eradicating Illicit Drug CropsThe control of illicit-drug trafficking and drug use is a difficult and complex process that involves a variety of prevention, control, treatment, and law enforcement strategies. Eradication strategies for controlling illicit-drug crops are used to target the beginning of the drug-supply chain by preventing or reducing crop yields. Mycoherbicides have been proposed as an eradication tool to supplement the current methods of herbicide spraying, mechanical removal, and manual destruction of illicit-drug crops. Some people regard them as preferable to chemical herbicides for controlling illicit-drug crops because of their purported specificity to only one plant species or a few closely related species. As living microorganisms, they have the potential to provide long-term control if they can persist in the environment and affect later plantings. Research on mycoherbicides against illicit-drug crops has focused on three pathogens: Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cannabis for cannabis (Cannabis sativa), F. oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli for coca (Erythroxylum coca and E. novogranatense), and Crivellia papaveracea or Brachycladium papaveris (formerly known as Pleospora papaveracea and Dendryphion penicillatum, respectively) for opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). Feasibility of Using Mycoherbicides for Controlling Illicit Drug Crops addresses issues about the potential use of the proposed mycoherbicides: their effectiveness in eradicating their target plants; the feasibility of their large-scale industrial manufacture and delivery; their potential spread and persistence in the environment; their pathogenicity and toxicity to nontarget organisms, including other plants, fungi, animals, and humans; their potential for mutation and resulting effects on target plants and nontarget organisms; and research and development needs. On the basis of its review, the report concludes that the available data are insufficient to determine the effectiveness of the specific fungi proposed as mycoherbicides to combat illicit-drug crops or to determine their potential effects on nontarget plants, microorganisms, animals, humans, or the environment. However, the committee offers an assessment of what can and cannot be determined at the present time regarding each of the issues raised in the statement of task.
Featherweight 221: The Perfect Portable And Its Stitches Across History
by Nancy Johnson-SrebroA comprehensive history of the treasured Singer sewing machine from the author of Big Block One-Star Quilts by Magic.Enjoy an entertaining look at the history of the Featherweight sewing machine with this expanded third edition updated with the latest research. It’s packed with photos, stories, and handy information, like how to date and troubleshoot your machine. It’s a fun read for quilters, Featherweight owners, and history buffs.
The Feathery Tribe
by Daniel LewisAmateurs and professionals studying birds at the end of the nineteenth century were a contentious, passionate group with goals that intersected, collided and occasionally merged in their writings and organizations. Driven by a desire to advance science, as well as by ego, pride, honor, insecurity, religion and other clashing sensibilities, they struggled to absorb the implications of evolution after Darwin. In the process, they dramatically reshaped the study of birds. Daniel Lewis here explores the professionalization of ornithology through one of its key figures: Robert Ridgway, the Smithsonian Institution’s first curator of birds and one of North America’s most important natural scientists. Exploring a world in which the uses of language, classification and accountability between amateurs and professionals played essential roles, Lewis offers a vivid introduction to Ridgway and shows how his work fundamentally influenced the direction of American and international ornithology. He explores the inner workings of the Smithsonian and the role of collectors working in the field and reveals previously unknown details of the ornithological journalThe Aukand the untold story of the color dictionaries for which Ridgway is known.
Feature and Dimensionality Reduction for Clustering with Deep Learning (Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning)
by Frederic Ros Rabia RiadThis book presents an overview of recent methods of feature selection and dimensionality reduction that are based on Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) for a clustering perspective, with particular attention to the knowledge discovery question. The authors first present a synthesis of the major recent influencing techniques and "tricks" participating in recent advances in deep clustering, as well as a recall of the main deep learning architectures. Secondly, the book highlights the most popular works by “family” to provide a more suitable starting point from which to develop a full understanding of the domain. Overall, the book proposes a comprehensive up-to-date review of deep feature selection and deep clustering methods with particular attention to the knowledge discovery question and under a multi-criteria analysis. The book can be very helpful for young researchers, non-experts, and R&D AI engineers.
Feature Engineering and Computational Intelligence in ECG Monitoring
by Chengyu Liu Jianqing LiThis book discusses feature engineering and computational intelligence solutions for ECG monitoring, with a particular focus on how these methods can be efficiently used to address the emerging challenges of dynamic, continuous & long-term individual ECG monitoring and real-time feedback. By doing so, it provides a “snapshot” of the current research at the interface between physiological signal analysis and machine learning. It also helps clarify a number of dilemmas and encourages further investigations in this field, to explore rational applications of feature engineering and computational intelligence in ECG monitoring. The book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the field of biomedical engineering, ECG signal processing, and intelligent healthcare.
Feature Extraction in Medical Image Retrieval: A New Design of Wavelet Filter Banks
by Aswini Kumar Samantaray Amol D. RahulkarMedical imaging is fundamental to modern healthcare, and its widespread use has resulted in creation of image databases. These repositories contain images from a diverse range of modalities, multidimensional as well as co-aligned multimodality images. These image collections offer opportunity for evidence-based diagnosis, teaching, and research. Advances in medical image analysis over last two decades shows there are now many algorithms and ideas available that allow to address medical image analysis tasks in commercial solutions with sufficient performance in terms of accuracy, reliability and speed. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is an image search technique that complements the conventional text-based retrieval of images by using visual features, such as color, texture, and shape, as search criteria. This book emphasizes the design of wavelet filter-banks as efficient and effective feature descriptors for medical image retrieval.Firstly, a generalized novel design of a family of multiplier-free orthogonal wavelet filter-banks is presented. In this, the dyadic filter coefficients are obtained based on double-shifting orthogonality property with allowable deviation from original filter coefficients. Next, a low complex symmetric Daub-4 orthogonal wavelet filter-bank is presented. This is achieved by slightly altering the perfect reconstruction condition to make designed filter-bank symmetric and to obtain dyadic filter coefficients. In third contribution, the first dyadic Gabor wavelet filter-bank is presented based on slight alteration in orientation parameter without disturbing remaining Gabor wavelet parameters. In addition, a novel feature descriptor based on the design of adaptive Gabor wavelet filter-bank is presented. The use of Maximum likelihood estimation is suggested to measure the similarity between the feature vectors of heterogeneous medical images. The performance of the suggested methods is evaluated on three different publicly available databases namely NEMA, OASIS and EXACT09. The performance in terms of average retrieval precision, average retrieval recall and computational time are compared with well-known existing methods.