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Showing 24,476 through 24,500 of 71,667 results

Feedback Control in Systems Biology

by Carlo Cosentino Declan Bates

Like engineering systems, biological systems must also operate effectively in the presence of internal and external uncertainty-such as genetic mutations or temperature changes, for example. It is not surprising, then, that evolution has resulted in the widespread use of feedback, and research in systems biology over the past decade has shown that

Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion (Automation and Control Engineering #28)

by Eric R. Westervelt Jessy W. Grizzle Christine Chevallereau Jun Ho Choi Benjamin Morris

Bipedal locomotion is among the most difficult challenges in control engineering. Most books treat the subject from a quasi-static perspective, overlooking the hybrid nature of bipedal mechanics. Feedback Control of Dynamic Bipedal Robot Locomotion is the first book to present a comprehensive and mathematically sound treatment of feedback design for achieving stable, agile, and efficient locomotion in bipedal robots.In this unique and groundbreaking treatise, expert authors lead you systematically through every step of the process, including:Mathematical modeling of walking and running gaits in planar robotsAnalysis of periodic orbits in hybrid systemsDesign and analysis of feedback systems for achieving stable periodic motionsAlgorithms for synthesizing feedback controllersDetailed simulation examplesExperimental implementations on two bipedal test bedsThe elegance of the authors' approach is evident in the marriage of control theory and mechanics, uniting control-based presentation and mathematical custom with a mechanics-based approach to the problem and computational rendering. Concrete examples and numerous illustrations complement and clarify the mathematical discussion. A supporting Web site offers links to videos of several experiments along with MATLAB® code for several of the models. This one-of-a-kind book builds a solid understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of truly dynamic locomotion in planar bipedal robots.

Feedback Control of MEMS to Atoms: Feedback Control Of Mems To Atoms (Mems Reference Shelf Ser.)

by Jason J. Gorman Benjamin Shapiro

Control from MEMS to Atoms illustrates the use of control and control systems as an essential part of functioning integrated systems. The book is organized according to the dimensional scale of the problem, starting with micro-scale systems and ending with atomic-scale systems. Similar to macro-scale machines and processes, control systems can play a major role in improving the performance of micro- and nano-scale systems and in enabling new capabilities that would otherwise not be possible. However, the majority of problems at these scales present many new challenges that go beyond the current state-of-the-art in control engineering. This is a result of the multidisciplinary nature of micro/nanotechnology, which requires the merging of control engineering with physics, biology and chemistry.

Feedback Control Systems Analysis and Design: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions

by Mehdi Rahmani-Andebili

This study guide is designed for students taking courses in feedback control systems analysis and design. The textbook includes examples, questions, and exercises that will help electrical engineering students to review and sharpen their knowledge of the subject and enhance their performance in the classroom. Offering detailed solutions, multiple methods for solving problems, and clear explanations of concepts, this hands-on guide will improve student’s problem-solving skills and basic and advanced understanding of the topics covered in these courses.

Feedback Control Theory (Dover Books on Electrical Engineering)

by Allen R. Tannenbaum John C. Doyle Bruce A. Francis

An excellent introduction to feedback control system design, this book offers a theoretical approach that captures the essential issues and can be applied to a wide range of practical problems. Its explorations of recent developments in the field emphasize the relationship of new procedures to classical control theory, with a focus on single input and output systems that keeps concepts accessible to students with limited backgrounds. The text is geared toward a single-semester senior course or a graduate-level class for students of electrical engineering.The opening chapters constitute a basic treatment of feedback design. Topics include a detailed formulation of the control design program, the fundamental issue of performance/stability robustness tradeoff, and the graphical design technique of loopshaping. Subsequent chapters extend the discussion of the loopshaping technique and connect it with notions of optimality. Concluding chapters examine controller design via optimization, offering a mathematical approach that is useful for multivariable systems.

Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment (Advances in Industrial Control)

by Kaan M.A. Özbay Pushkin Kachroo

This book develops a methodology for designing feedback control laws for dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) exploiting the introduction of new sensing and information-dissemination technologies to facilitate the introduction of real-time traffic management in intelligent transportation systems. Three methods of modeling the traffic system are discussed:partial differential equations representing a distributed-parameter setting;continuous-time ordinary differential equations (ODEs) representing a continuous-time lumped-parameter setting; anddiscreet-time ODEs representing a discrete-time lumped-parameter setting.Feedback control formulations for reaching road-user-equilibrium are presented for each setting and advantages and disadvantage of using each are addressed. The closed-loop methods described are proposed expressly to avoid the counter-productive shifting of bottlenecks from one route to another because of driver over-reaction to routing information.The second edition of Feedback Control Theory for Dynamic Traffic Assignment has been thoroughly updated with completely new chapters:a review of the DTA problem and emphasizing real-time-feedback-based problems;an up-to-date presentation of pertinent traffic-flow theory; anda treatment of the mathematical solution to the traffic dynamics.Techinques accounting for the importance of entropy are further new inclusions at various points in the text.Researchers working in traffic control will find the theoretical material presented a sound basis for further research; the continual reference to applications will help professionals working in highway administration and engineering with the increasingly important task of maintaining and smoothing traffic flow; the extensive use of end-of-chapter exercises will help the graduate student and those new to the field to extend their knowledge.

Feedback in Analog Circuits

by Agustin Ochoa

This book describes a consistent and direct methodology to the analysis and design of analog circuits with particular application to circuits containing feedback. The analysis and design of circuits containing feedback is generally presented by either following a series of examples where each circuit is simplified through the use of insight or experience (someone else's), or a complete nodal-matrix analysis generating lots of algebra. Neither of these approaches leads to gaining insight into the design process easily. The author develops a systematic approach to circuit analysis, the Driving Point Impedance and Signal Flow Graphs (DPI/SFG) method that does not require a-priori insight to the circuit being considered and results in factored analysis supporting the design function. This approach enables designers to account fully for loading and the bi-directional nature of elements both in the feedback path and in the amplifier itself, properties many times assumed negligible and ignored. Feedback circuits are shown to be directly and completely handled with little more effort than that for open loop designs. · Enables deep, functional understanding of feedback in analog circuits; · Describes a new, systematic approach to circuit analysis using Driving Point Impedance and Signal Flow Graphs (DPI/SFG); · Includes corrections to both the 'opening the loop' and Bode Return Ratio Methods.

Feedback, Nonlinear, and Distributed Circuits (The Circuits and Filters Handbook, 3rd Edition)

by Wai-Kai Chen

Upon its initial publication, the Handbook of Circuits and Filters broke new ground. It quickly became the resource for comprehensive coverage of issues and practical information that can be put to immediate use. Not content to rest on his laurels, editor Wai-kai Chen divided the second edition into volumes, making the information easily accessible and digestible. In the third edition, these volumes have been revised, updated, and expanded so that they continue to provide solid coverage of standard practices and enlightened perspectives on new and emerging techniques. Feedback, Nonlinear, and Distributed Circuits draws together international contributors who discuss feedback amplifier theory and then move on to explore feedback amplifier configurations. They develop Bode’s feedback theory as an example of general feedback theory. The coverage then moves on to the importance of complementing numerical analysis with qualitative analysis to get a global picture of a circuit’s performance. After reviewing a wide range of approximation techniques and circuit design styles for discreet and monolithic circuits, the book presents a comprehensive description of the use of piecewise-linear methods in modeling, analysis, and structural properties of nonlinear circuits highlighting the advantages. It describes the circuit modeling in the frequency domain of uniform MTL based on the Telegrapher’s equations and covers frequency and time domain experimental characterization techniques for uniform and nonuniform multiconductor structures. This volume will undoubtedly take its place as the engineer's first choice in looking for solutions to problems encountered in the analysis and behavior predictions of circuits and filters.

Feedback Strategies for Wireless Communication

by Berna Özbek Didier Le Ruyet

This book explores the different strategies regarding limited feedback information. The book analyzes the impact of quantization and the delay of CSI on the performance. The author shows the effect of the reduced feedback information and gives an overview about the feedback strategies in the standards. This volume presents theoretical analysis as well as practical algorithms for the required feedback information at the base stations to perform adaptive resource algorithms efficiently and mitigate interference coming from other cells.

Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers

by Karl Johan Aström Richard M. Murray

<p>This book provides an introduction to the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems. It is an ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, and is indispensable for researchers seeking a self-contained reference on control theory. Unlike most books on the subject, Feedback Systems develops transfer functions through the exponential response of a system, and is accessible across a range of disciplines that utilize feedback in physical, biological, information, and economic systems. <p>Karl Åström and Richard Murray use techniques from physics, computer science, and operations research to introduce control-oriented modeling. They begin with state space tools for analysis and design, including stability of solutions, Lyapunov functions, reachability, state feedback observability, and estimators. The matrix exponential plays a central role in the analysis of linear control systems, allowing a concise development of many of the key concepts for this class of models. Åström and Murray then develop and explain tools in the frequency domain, including transfer functions, Nyquist analysis, PID control, frequency domain design, and robustness. They provide exercises at the end of every chapter, and an accompanying electronic solutions manual is available. Feedback Systems is a complete one-volume resource for students and researchers in mathematics, engineering, and the sciences. <p> <li>Covers the mathematics needed to model, analyze, and design feedback systems <li>Serves as an introductory textbook for students and a self-contained resource for researchers <li>Includes exercises at the end of every chapter <li>Features an electronic solutions manual <li>Offers techniques applicable across a range of disciplines</li>

Feeding a Hungry Planet

by James Lang

Rice is the food crop the world depends on most. In Feeding a Hungry Planet, James Lang demonstrates how research has benefited rice growers and increased production. He describes the life cycle of a rice crop and explains how research is conducted and how the results end up growing in a farmer's field. Focusing on Asia and Latin America, Lang explores lowland and upland rice systems, genetics, sustainable agriculture, and efforts to narrow the gap between yields at research stations and those on working farms. Ultimately, says Lang, the ability to feed growing populations and protect fragile ecologies depends as much on the sustainable on-site farm technologies as on high-yielding crop varieties. Lang views agriculture as a chain of events linking the farmer's field with the scientist's laboratory, and he argues that rice cultivation is shaped by different social systems, cultures, and environments. Describing research conducted by the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines and by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Colombia, he shows how national programs tailor research to their own production problems. According to Lang, the interaction of research programs, practical problem solving, and local extension efforts suggests a new model for international development.

Feeding and Management of Foals and Growing Horses

by Markku Saastamoinen

This volume offers the latest research-based findings to equip professionals involved in the breeding and raising of horses. Contributions were carefully selected and prepared by leading experts in their fields. The collection starts with a discussion of pregnant and lactating mares, followed by details on foal development, nutritional requirements, and feeding practices under different conditions. Special sections on young horses in training, parasite control as well as on health risks related to nutrition and exercise round off this unique and easy-to-read reference.Today’s horses perform variety of roles and there are many categories of horses based on their breed, size and use, making adequate nutrition challenging. This book considers the links between health, proper dietary treatment and management practices to increase our understanding of the needs of growing horses. In addition, it highlights various innovations in equine nutrition and management to ensure animal wellbeing.Veterinarians, animal nutritionist, and all stakeholders and people working in the horse industry will benefit from the presented knowledge. This book fills a literature gap to prevent health consequences and strengthen performance and physical development in equines.

Feeding Britain: Our Food Problems and How to Fix Them (Pelican Books)

by Tim Lang

How does Britain get its food? Why is our current system at breaking point?How can we fix it before it is too late?British food has changed remarkably in the last half century. As we have become wealthier and more discerning, our food has Europeanized (pizza is children's favourite food) and internationalized (we eat the world's cuisines), yet our food culture remains fragmented, a mix of mass 'ultra-processed' substances alongside food as varied and good as anywhere else on the planet.This book takes stock of the UK food system: where it comes from, what we eat, its impact, fragilities and strengths. It is a book on the politics of food. It argues that the Brexit vote will force us to review our food system. Such an opportunity is sorely needed. After a brief frenzy of concern following the financial shock of 2008, the UK government has slumped once more into a vague hope that the food system will keep going on as before. Food, they said, just required a burst of agri-technology and more exports to pay for our massive imports.Feeding Britain argues that this and other approaches are short-sighted, against the public interest, and possibly even strategic folly. Setting a new course for UK food is no easy task but it is a process, this book urges, that needs to begin now.'Tim Lang has performed a public service' Simon Jenkins, Sunday Times

Feeding Frenzy: Feeding Frenzy (Killer Species #2)

by Michael P. Spradlin

An action-packed series from Michael P. Spradlin. Each book covers a genetically engineered super-predator wreaking havoc on the environment.Time has passed since anyone's heard from Dr. Catalyst. Emmet and Calvin have even begun to think that the crazed scientist might be gone for good.But then, on a trip to snorkel off the Florida coast, one of their friends is nearly drowned by an underwater monster, with endless rows of razor-sharp teeth. No one is quite sure what they saw. Was it a moray eel? A giant barracuda? There's only one thing Emmet knows for certain. Dr. Catalyst is back. And this time, he's out for revenge.

Feeding in Domestic Vertebrates: From Structure to Behaviour

by V. Bels

Aimed at advanced students and researchers, this volume reviews current knowledge about feeding in domestic vertebrates. Early chapters outline the feeding structures and mechanisms of mammals and birds. Subsequent chapters discuss feeding behavior in particular species, such as chickens, pigs, rabbits, horses, herbivores, ruminants, and even ostriches. Feeding issues relating to free-range poultry and pigs are also addressed. Editor Bels is affiliated with the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. Distributed in the U. S. by Oxford U. Press. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Fascinating Life Sciences)

by Ian Q. Whishaw Vincent Bels

This book provides students and researchers with reviews of biological questions related to the evolution of feeding by vertebrates in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Based on recent technical developments and novel conceptual approaches, the book covers functional questions on trophic behavior in nearly all vertebrate groups including jawless fishes. The book describes mechanisms and theories for understanding the relationships between feeding structure and feeding behavior. Finally, the book demonstrates the importance of adopting an integrative approach to the trophic system in order to understand evolutionary mechanisms across the biodiversity of vertebrates.

The Feeding of Nations: Redefining Food Security for the 21st Century

by Mark Gibson

In the last decade, the world has grown richer and produced more food than ever before. Yet in that same period, hunger has increased and 925 million remain underfed and malnourished. Exploring this troubling paradox, The Feeding of Nations: Re-Defining Food Security for the 21st Century offers a glimpse into how the simple aspiration of global foo

Feeds for the Aquaculture Sector: Current Situation and Alternative Sources (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

by Gabriella Caruso Teresa Bottari Sergio Ragonese Lucrezia Genovese Giulia Maricchiolo Francesco Gai Laura Gasco

This Brief discusses potential alternative sources for feeds in aquaculture fish diet, and explains that the future of aquaculture’s development is dependent on the costs of fishmeal and fish oil. Considering that the increasing costs of traditional feeds constrain this development, research is looking into alternatives, which can ensure adequate nutrition for animals’ growth. This work reviews the use of alternative plant, microbial and insect protein sources, evaluating in particular their impact on growth, nutrient digestibility, fillet quality traits and sensorial perception in the most important farmed marine and freshwater fish species. The Brief specifically summarizes the pros and cons of plant oils from oilseeds, which can on the one hand be a sustainable substitute for fish oil, but which are on the other hand less rich in omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. The feeding might therefore result in an undesired reduced nutritional value of the flesh of farmed fish. The authors also explore the possible use of fishery discards as potential aquaculture feed source. Since the landing of by-catch will with the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) become obligatory (instead of simply returning it to the sea, often dead), suitable uses of what must not be used for human consumption can be investigated. The authors give an outlook whether this might become a sensible alternative to improve the management of discards and create more sustainable fisheries. The Brief also addresses the issues of additives to aquafeeds, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but also immunostimulants and enzymes. The authors discuss which effects these additives may have on fish growth, welfare, reproduction and health status in aquacultures.

Feedstock-based Bioethanol Fuels. I. Non-Waste Feedstocks: Starch, Sugar, Grass, Wood, Cellulose, Algae, and Biosyngas-based Bioethanol Fuels

by Ozcan Konur

This book aims to inform readers about the recent developments in production, evaluation, and utilization of bioethanol fuels from non-waste feedstocks. It covers the production of bioethanol fuels from first generation starch feedstocks and sugar feedstocks, grass biomass, wood biomass, cellulose, biosyngas, and third generation algae. In this context, there are nine key sections where the first four chapters cover the production of bioethanol fuels from feedstocks at large and non-waste feedstocks. This book shows that pretreatments and hydrolysis of the non-waste feedstocks, fermentation of hydrolysates, and separation and distillation of bioethanol fuels are the fundamental processes for bioethanol fuel production from these non-waste feedstocks with the exception of the biosyngas feedstocks. This book is a valuable resource for the stakeholders primarily in the research fields of energy and fuels, chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, agricultural sciences, food science and engineering, materials science, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, plant sciences, water resources, economics, business and management, transportation science and technology, ecology, public, environmental, and occupational health, social sciences, toxicology, multidisciplinary sciences, and humanities among others

Feedstock-based Bioethanol Fuels. II. Waste Feedstocks: Agricultural, Food, Industrial, Urban, Forestry, and Lignocellulosic Waste-based Bioethanol Fuels

by Ozcan Konur

This book provides an overview of research on the production of bioethanol fuels from waste feedstocks such as second-generation residual sugar and starch feedstocks, food waste, industrial waste, urban waste, forestry waste, and lignocellulosic biomass at large with 17 chapters. In this context, there are eight sections where the first two chapters cover the production of bioethanol fuels from waste feedstocks at large. This book is the fourth volume in the Handbook of Bioethanol Fuels (Six-Volume Set). It shows that pretreatments and hydrolysis of the waste feedstocks, fermentation of hydrolysates, and separation and distillation of bioethanol fuels are the fundamental processes for bioethanol fuel production from these waste feedstocks. This book is a valuable resource for stakeholders primarily in research fields of energy and fuels, chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, biotechnology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering, agricultural sciences, food science and engineering, materials science, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, plant sciences, water resources, economics, business and management, transportation science and technology, ecology, public, environmental and occupational health, social sciences, toxicology, multi-disciplinary sciences, and humanities among others.

Feedstocks for Sustainable Biodiesel Production: Characterization, Selection, and Optimization

by Modestus O. Okwu Chinwe P. Okonkwo

Complete and practical guidance on using biodegradable feedstocks for biodiesel production Feedstocks for Sustainable Biodiesel Production: Characterization, Selection, and Optimization helps readers understand the advantages, challenges, and potential of different biodegradable feedstock options that can be used in biodiesel production, covering methods of feedstock sourcing extraction, environmental concerns, cost-benefit aspects, practical applications, and more. Specific biodegradable feedstocks covered in this text include chrysobalamus icaco, cussonia bateri, elaeis guineensis, waste cooking oils, moringa oleifera, jatropha curcas, chlorophyceae (unicellular green algae), fucus vesiculosus (micro algae), afzelia africana, cucurbita pepo, hura crepitans, cuyperus esculentus, colocynthus vulgaris, and others. This book explores topics such as: Key characteristics of biodiesel, using biodiesel as an alternative to petroleum diesel, and a review of the latest industry standards, practices, and trends Basis of the selection of specific (including nonedible) feedstocks for different applications and the addition of new, innovative feedstocks in recent years Specific sustainability benefits of nonedible feedstocks, which can be grown on abandoned land where they do not compete with food crops Government policies aimed at finding fossil fuel alternatives which will increase biodegradable feedstock adoption Experimental and predictive modeling of biodiesel produced from novel feedstocks using computational intelligence techniques Providing both core foundational knowledge on the subject as well as insight on how to practically transition away from fossil fuels, this book is an essential reference for engineering professionals with a specific interest in biodiesel production, sustainability, renewable energy, and environmental conservation.

The Feel of Algorithms

by Minna Ruckenstein

Why do we feel excited, afraid, and frustrated by algorithms?The Feel of Algorithms brings relatable first-person accounts of what it means to experience algorithms emotionally alongside interdisciplinary social science research, to reveal how political and economic processes are felt in the everyday. People’s algorithm stories might fail to separate fact and misconception, and circulate wishful, erroneous, or fearful views of digital technologies. Yet rather than treating algorithmic folklore as evidence of ignorance, this novel book explains why personal anecdotes are an important source of algorithmic knowledge. Minna Ruckenstein argues that we get to know algorithms by feeling their actions and telling stories about them. The Feel of Algorithms shows how taking everyday algorithmic emotions seriously balances the current discussion, which has a tendency to draw conclusions based on celebratory or oppositional responses to imagined future effects. An everyday focus zooms into experiences of pleasure, fear, and irritation, highlighting how political aims and ethical tensions play out in visions, practices, and emotional responses. This book shows that feelings aid in recognizing troubling practices, and also calls for alternatives that are currently ignored or suppressed.

Feeling Mediated: A History of Media Technology and Emotion in America (Critical Cultural Communication #31)

by null Brenton J. Malin

New technologies, whether text message or telegraph,inevitably raise questions about emotion. New forms of communication bring withthem both fear and hope, on one hand allowing us deeper emotional connectionsand the ability to forge global communities, while on the other promptinganxieties about isolation and over-stimulation. FeelingMediated investigates the larger context of such concerns, considering bothhow media technologies intersect with our emotional lives and how our ideasabout these intersections influence how we think about and experience emotionand technology themselves.Drawing on extensive archival research, Brenton J. Malin exploresthe historical roots of much of our recent understanding of mediated feelings,showing how earlier ideas about the telegraph, phonograph, radio, motionpictures, and other once-new technologies continue to inform our contemporarythinking. With insightful analysis, FeelingMediated explores a series of fascinating arguments about technology andemotion that became especially heated during the early 20th century. These debates, which carried forward andtransformed earlier discussions of technology and emotion, culminated in a setof ideas that became institutionalized in the structures of American mediaproduction, advertising, social research, and policy, leaving a lasting impact onour everyday lives.

Fehler vor, während und nach der Wärmebehandlung von Stahl

by Peter Sommer

Eine Vielzahl an Stahlbauteilen wird zur Eigenschaftsveränderung einer Wärmebehandlung unterzogen. ​Dieses praxisbezogene Buch gibt einen anschaulichen Überblick über die unterschiedlichen Einflussbereiche im Lebenszyklus solcher Produkte - von der Konstruktion bis zum Einsatz. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele wird aufgezeigt, welche Fehlerquellen im Zusammenhang mit einer Wärmebehandlung auftreten können und wie diese vermieden werden. Dabei schöpft der Autor aus seiner jahrzehntelangen Erfahrung im Bereich der technischen Schadensanalyse und bietet Studierenden wie Praktiker*innen eine wertvolle Hilfestellung.

Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse: Methode zur vorbeugenden, systematischen Qualitätsplanung unter Risikogesichtspunkten (essentials)

by Ekbert Hering Alexander Schloske

Die Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse (FMEA) ist ein mächtiges Werkzeug des präventiven Qualitäts- und Risikomanagements. Mit ihrer Hilfe lässt sich im Vorfeld der Produktentwicklung bzw. der Produktionsplanung systematisch analysieren, welche potenziellen Fehler es gibt, wie gravierend diese Fehler für den Kunden sind und wie groß die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Auftretens und des Entdeckens der Fehler sind. Daraus lässt sich das Risiko abschätzen. Dies geschieht durch eine Risikoprioritätszahl bzw. in einer Risikomatrix. Für nicht akzeptable Risiken werden Optimierungsmaßnahmen zur Fehlervermeidung und/oder Fehlerentdeckung vorgenommen. Deren Wirksamkeit zur Qualitätsverbesserung wird bewertet. An einem Beispiel mit Softwareunterstützung wird die Methode praxisnah und direkt umsetzbar vorgestellt.Die Autoren:Dr. rer. nat. Dr. rer. pol. Dr. h.c. Ekbert Hering lehrt und forscht an der Hochschule Aalen. Er ist Verfasser erfolgreicher Fachbücher in renommierten Verlagen. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schloske forscht in der Abteilung Nachhaltige Produktion und Qualität am Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA), Stuttgart.

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