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Feinrechen in der Abwasserreinigung: Planung Und Störungsfreier Betrieb Für Kommunale Kläranlagen (Wasser: Ökologie Und Bewirtschaftung Ser.)
by Thomas UckschiesDer Fokus des Buches liegt auf der Rechengutelimination aus dem Rohabwasser. Dieses Verfahren der Fest-Flüssigtrennung ist ein Teil der mechanischen Abwasserbehandlung, der allein in Deutschland auf ca. 10.000 Kläranlagen eingesetzt wird. Die Vorgaben zur Auslegung der Feinrechen sind allerdings veraltet. Auf der Basis von Daten von 250 Kläranlagen werden neue Vorgaben zur Feinrechenauslegung abgeleitet. Untermauert werden diese Vorgaben durch Ergebnisse digitaler Simulationen und eigene Messungen in Feinrechengerinnen.
Felix Taylor Adventures 2-Book Bundle: Laughing Wolf / Fortuna
by Nicholas MaesFor the first time, the Felix Taylor Adventures are available as together in this two-book bundle. Short-listed for the Snow Willow Young Reader’s Choice Award and the Manitoba Young Reader’s Choice Award. "An entertaining and thoughtful read that will please fans of sci-fi and historical fiction alike." - Caitlin Campbell, CM magazine Fortuna - Felix Taylor Adventure #2 (NEW!) Just when Felix thought the 23rd century was returning to normal, Felix and Caroline must follow a stranger back in time and stop them before Felix’s world turns to dust. Laughing Wold - Felix Taylor Adventure #1 When a mysterious plague places humanity on the brink of eradication, Felix must project back in time and retrieve the only possible cure, a flower common in ancient Rome, but extinct for more than 2,000 years.
FEM and Micromechatronics with ATILA Software
by Kenji UchinoStudents preparing to work with mechatronics, particularly with highly precise and smart actuators, face the challenge of designing and analyzing devices without formal and practical guidance in computer techniques. Finally there is a textbook that is as practical as it is authoritative: Kenji Uchino's FEM and Micromechatronics with ATILA Software.Ideal for Today's Computer-Based CurriculaEvery aspect of this book reflects its focus on being easy to use, easy to teach from, and above all, easy to implement. The first half of the text outlines the theory needed to develop and design smart actuators and transducers, while the second half walks students step-by-step through the software implementation using seven extensive examples. Even the book's lay-flat binding makes it easy for students to follow the text while working simultaneously at a computer. The companion CD-ROM supplies a free educational version of ATILA-Light.Unified Coverage for Integrated TechnologiesCovering the myriad challenges posed by smart transducers, the author introduces the fundamentals of piezoelectric and magnetostrictive devices, practical materials, device designs, drive and control techniques, and typical applications. Numerous problems and examples give students ample opportunity to put the concepts into practice.Outlining a complete treatment in 30 convenient 75 minute lessons, FEM and Micromechatronics with ATILA Software is a unique classroom text that students will continue to use throughout their entire careers.
Femina Problematis Solvendis—Problem solving Woman: A History of the Creativity of Women
by David H. CropleyThis book explores the history of modern human creativity/innovation, highlighting examples of solutions to basic human’ needs that have been developed over time. The title – Femina Problematis Solvendis – is a play on the scientific classifications of humans (Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo sapiens), but with special focus on inventions pioneered by women (“femina”) and is intended to suggest that a defining characteristic of modern humans is our fundamental ability to solve problems (i.e., problem-solving woman = Femina problematis solvendis), Written by David H. Cropley, an internationally recognised expert on creativity and innovation, it also builds on his previous book “Homo Problematis Solvendis –Problem-solving Man”, published in 2019. The book explores innovations over ten distinct “ages” of human history, beginning with “prehistory”, and moving up to the present “information age”. Each era is covered by a dedicated chapter that describes three key innovations that were either definitely invented by a woman or can be plausibly attributed to a female inventor. The book’s focus on female inventors also serves to highlight some of the ways women have been treated in societies over time.
Feminist Institutionalism and Gendered Bureaucracies: Forestry Governance in Nepal
by Soma Pillay Wendy Wright Radha WagleThis book examines the processes for the inclusion of women, and the role of women employees in Nepal’s forestry bureaucracy. The book adopts a “gender lens” drawn from feminist institutionalism and is framed around the following four objectives: evaluating the effectiveness of current legislative and policy frameworks for the inclusion of women in the Nepalese forest bureaucracy; examining the dynamics of organizational culture, formal and informal institutions, and structure and agency in and around forest bureaucracy in Nepal; assessing power relations in forestry institutions focusing on influential participation of women forestry professionals in the bureaucratic structure; and gaining insights about the alternative space of feminist institutionalism in connection with women inclusive forest bureaucracy.Findings in the book inform and extend feminist institutionalism perspectives by applying it to a context which remains under explored, providing insights on the efficacy of public sector cultural change, especially as it relates to those areas within bureaucracies less in a position to adopt the changes mandated by society and principles of good governance.
Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls: Feminist Interpretations Of John Rawls (Re-Reading the Canon)
by Ruth AbbeyIn Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls, Ruth Abbey collects eight essays responding to the work of John Rawls from a feminist perspective. An impressive introduction by the editor provides a chronological overview of English-language feminist engagements with Rawls from his Theory of Justice onward. Abbey surveys the range of issues canvassed by feminist readers of Rawls, as well as critics’ wide disagreement about the value of Rawls’s corpus for feminist purposes. The eight essays that follow testify to the continuing ambivalence among feminist readers of Rawls. From the perspectives of political theory and moral, social, and political philosophy, the contributors address particular aspects of Rawls’s work and apply it to a variety of worldly practices relating to gender inequality and the family, to the construction of disability, to justice in everyday relationships, and to human rights on an international level. The overall effect is to give a sense of the broad spectrum of possible feminist critical responses to Rawls, ranging from rejection to adoption.Aside from the editor, the contributors are Amy R. Baehr, Eileen Hunt Botting, Elizabeth Brake, Clare Chambers, Nancy J. Hirschmann, Anthony Simon Laden, Janice Richardson, and Lisa H. Schwartzman.
Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls (Re-Reading the Canon)
by Ruth AbbeyIn Feminist Interpretations of John Rawls, Ruth Abbey collects eight essays responding to the work of John Rawls from a feminist perspective. An impressive introduction by the editor provides a chronological overview of English-language feminist engagements with Rawls from his Theory of Justice onward. Abbey surveys the range of issues canvassed by feminist readers of Rawls, as well as critics’ wide disagreement about the value of Rawls’s corpus for feminist purposes. The eight essays that follow testify to the continuing ambivalence among feminist readers of Rawls. From the perspectives of political theory and moral, social, and political philosophy, the contributors address particular aspects of Rawls’s work and apply it to a variety of worldly practices relating to gender inequality and the family, to the construction of disability, to justice in everyday relationships, and to human rights on an international level. The overall effect is to give a sense of the broad spectrum of possible feminist critical responses to Rawls, ranging from rejection to adoption.Aside from the editor, the contributors are Amy R. Baehr, Eileen Hunt Botting, Elizabeth Brake, Clare Chambers, Nancy J. Hirschmann, Anthony Simon Laden, Janice Richardson, and Lisa H. Schwartzman.
Feminist Philosophy and Emerging Technologies (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy)
by Mary L. Edwards S. Orestis PalermosThis volume explores urgent questions surrounding the bidirectional relationship between feminist philosophy and emerging technologies. It underlines the exigency of feminist philosophical reflections on the design, use, and understanding of emerging technologies and at the same time accentuates how emerging technologies can uniquely impact the shape of future feminist critique and intervention. While feminist philosophers have attended to problems posed by a few specific technologies that emerged in the previous century—especially reproductive technologies—broader philosophical questions concerning the challenges various new technologies present to feminism have yet to receive the sustained, critical attention they deserve. Feminist Philosophy and Emerging Technologies responds to this problem. It is divided into two sections. Section 1 provides theoretical considerations about the links between feminist philosophy and philosophy of technology (broadly construed) by developing–against the background of emerging technologies–methodological approaches and guidance for bringing those two fields of philosophical research together. Section 2 is dedicated to analyses of specific emerging technologies and user trends, their relation to extant structures of oppression, and to bringing to the fore various ways in which a feminist philosophy of technology can impact the design of current and future technologies. Feminist Philosophy and Emerging Technologies is an excellent resource for scholars and advanced students working in feminist philosophy, philosophy of technology, ethics, political philosophy, feminist theory, gender and cultural studies, and science and technology studies.
Feminist Technical Communication: Apparent Feminisms, Slow Crisis, and the Deepwater Horizon Disaster
by Erin ClarkFeminist Technical Communication introduces readers to technical communication methodology, demonstrating how rhetorical feminist approaches are vital to the future of technical communication. Using an intersectional and transcultural approach, Erin Clark fuses the well-documented surge of work in feminist technical communication throughout the 1990s with the larger social justice turn in the discipline. The first book to situate feminisms and technical communication in relationship as the focal point, Feminist Technical Communication traces the thread of feminisms through technical communication’s connection to social justice studies. Clark theorizes “slow crisis,” a concept made readable to technical communicators by apparent feminisms that can help technical communicators readily recognize and address social justice problems. Clark then applies this framework to the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, an extended crisis that has been publicly framed by a traditional view of efficiency that privileges economic impact. Through rich description of apparent feminist information-gathering techniques and a layered analysis this study offers application far beyond this single disaster, making available new crisis-response possibilities that consider the economy without eliding ecological and human health concerns. Feminist Technical Communication offers a methodological approach to the systematic interrogation of power structures that operate on hidden misogynies. This book is useful to technical communicators, scholars of technical communication and rhetoric, and readers interested in gender studies and public health and is an ideal text for graduate-level seminars focused on feminisms, social justice, and cultural studies.
Feminist Technology (Women, Gender, and Technology)
by Linda L. Layne Sharra Vostral Kate BoyerIs there such a thing as a "feminist technology"? If so, what makes a technology feminist? Is it in the design process, in the thing itself, in the way it is marketed, or in the way it is used by women (or by men)? In this collection, feminist scholars trained in diverse fields consider these questions by examining a range of products, tools, and technologies that were specifically designed for and marketed to women. Evaluating the claims that such products are liberating for women, the contributors focus on case studies of menstrual-suppressing birth control pills, home pregnancy tests, tampons, breast pumps, Norplant, anti-fertility vaccines, and microbicides. In examining these various products, this volume explores ways of actively intervening to develop better tools for designing, promoting, and evaluating feminist technologies. Recognizing the different needs and desires of women and acknowledging the multiplicity of feminist approaches, Feminist Technology offers a sustained debate on existing and emergent technologies that share the goal of improving women's lives. Contributors are Jennifer Aengst, Maia Boswell-Penc, Kate Boyer, Frances Bronet, Shirley Gorenstein, Anita Hardon, Deborah G. Johnson, Linda L. Layne, Deana McDonagh, and Sharra L. Vostral.
Femtocells: Secure Communication and Networking (River Publishers Series In Communications Ser.)
by Marcus WongWith Femtocell popularities and deployments on the rise, a number of Femtocell security breach has been reported as a result of pre-standards versions of Femtocells that did not conform to published standards or implemented as a result of lack of understanding of basic security principles. A considerable amount of effort has been devoted, both in industry forums and standards developing organizations, towards creating technical specifications for the architecture, operational, and security of the Femtocells. Security remains on the minds of operators as the traditionally closed operator core network opens up with the Femtocells extending into the homes of users and potential hackers with more and more powerful tools. Technical topics discussed in the book include:• UMTS/LTE Femtocell security and threat analysis;• CDMA Femtocell security;• WiMAX Femtocell security;• LIPA and SIPTO security;• Small Cells;Femtocells: Secure Communication and Networking provides an in-depth analysis and research results on the security design of Femtocells based on UMTS, LTE, CDMA and WiMAX access technologies. Threat analysis, security requirements as well as security mechanisms used to counter the threats and potential attacks are provided in details covering every aspect of Femtocell security. Femtocells: Secure Communication and Networking is ideal for personnel in communication, networking and security industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in network security, computer science, operational research, electrical engineering and telecommunication systems and the Internet.
by Jie Zhang Guillaume De La RocheThis book provides an in-depth guide to femtocell technologiesIn this book, the authors provide a comprehensive and organized explanation of the femtocell concepts, architecture, air interface technologies, and challenging issues arising from the deployment of femtocells, such as interference, mobility management and self-organization. The book details a system level simulation based methodology addressing the key concerns of femtocell deployment such as interference between femto and macrocells, and the performance of both femto and macrocell layers. In addition, key research topics in interference modeling and mitigation, mobility management and Self-Organizing Network (SON) are highlighted. The authors also introduce HNB/HeNB standardization in 3GPP.. Furthermore, access methods (closed, open and hybrid), applications, timing synchronization, health issues, business models and security are discussed. The authors also provide a comparison between femtocells and other indoor coverage techniques such as picocells, repeaters, distributed antenna systems and radio over fiber. Lastly, both CDMA and OFDMA based femtocells are covered.Key Features:Provides a comprehensive reference on femtocells and related topics Offers the latest research results on femtocells based on simulation and measurements Gives an overview of indoor coverage techniques such as picocells, repeaters, distributed antenna systems, radio over fiber and femtocells Includes chapters on femtocell access network architecture, air interface technologies (GSM, UMTS, HSPA, WiMAX and LTE), femtocell simulation, interference analysis and mitigation in femto/macrocell networks, mobility management in femto/macrocell networks, femtocell self-organization and other key challenges such as timing synchronization and security faced by femtocell deployment Points to over 240 references from 3GPP, The Femto Forum, journals and conference proceedings This book will be an invaluable guide for RF engineers from operators, R&D engineers from femtocells hardware manufacturers, employees from regulatory bodies, radio network planners, academics and researchers from universities and research organizations. Students undertaking wireless communications courses will also find this book insightful.
Femtosecond Laser 3D Micromachining for Microfluidic and Optofluidic Applications
by Koji Sugioka Ya ChengFemtosecond lasers opened up new avenue in materials processing due to its unique features of ultrashort pulse width and extremely high peak intensity. One of the most important features of femtosecond laser processing is that strong absorption can be induced even by materials which are transparent to the femtosecond laser beam due to nonlinear multiphoton absorption. The multiphoton absorption allows us to perform not only surface but also three-dimensionally internal microfabrication of transparent materials such as glass. This capability makes it possible to directly fabricate three-dimensional microfluidics, micromechanics, microelectronics and microoptics embedded in the glass. Further, these microcomponents can be easily integrated in a single glass microchip by the simple procedure using the femtosecond laser. Thus, the femtosecond laser processing provides some advantages over conventional methods such as traditional semiconductor processing or soft lithography for fabrication of microfluidic, optofludic and lab-on-a-chip devices and thereby many researches on this topic are currently being carried out. This book presents a comprehensive review on the state of the art and future prospects of femtosecond laser processing for fabrication of microfluidics and optofludics including principle of femtosecond laser processing, detailed fabrication procedures of each microcomponent and practical applications to biochemical analysis.
Femtosecond Laser Filamentation
by See Leang ChinWhen a powerful femtosecond laser pulse propagates in an optical medium, self-focusing occurs. This book reviews the current up-to-date understanding of the physics of propagation leading to the self-transformation of the laser pulse into a white light laser pulse during self-focusing and filamentation. The physics of multiple filamentation and competition will be discussed. Its capability to melting glasses inside the filaments is observed which explains the physics of wave guide writing. Its potential applications in atmospheric sensing and material processing together with possible future challenges in the interaction of such self-transformed white light laser pulses with atoms and molecules will be treated. Nonlinear optics such as third harmonic generation in the filaments with self-phase locking will also be discussed.
Femtosecond Laser Shaping: From Laboratory to Industry (Optical Sciences and Applications of Light)
by Marcos DantusExpensive, delicate, and difficult to operate, femtosecond lasers have already won two Nobel Prizes and created multi-billion dollar industries. As these lasers break out of laboratories for use in real-world large-scale applications, the number of people using them increases. This book provides a fresh perspective on femtosecond lasers, discussing how they are soon to become a universal light source, spanning any timescale and generating any wavelength of light. Starting from the basics of light itself, this book presents in an everyday manner, with clear illustrations and without formulas, what makes this class of lasers so versatile and the future of many more applications. Many of the subjects covered in this book are described in plain words for the first time.
Femtosekundenlaser: Einführung in die Technologie der ultrakurzen Lichtimpulse
by Klemens JesseDas Buch beschreibt die Grundlagen der Femtosekundenlaser, d.h. Strahlungsquellen mit ganz neuen Möglichkeiten in Technik, Chemie, Produktion und Medizin. Neben etablierten Verfahrenstechniken kommen modernste Einsatzgebiete des Zeitmikroskops, das zur direkten Beobachtung von Elektronen dient, zur Sprache. In der Chemie und Biologie geschehen optische Übergänge durch optische Anregung auf ganz bestimmten Zeitskalen, und der Femtosekundenlaser kann dabei helfen, die schnellsten Zeitbereiche dieser untersuchten Übergänge präzise aufzulösen. Neben den neuartigen Gebieten Femtochemie, Femtonik und Attowissenschaften werden spezielle Anwendungen an der Grenze von Forschung und Theorie erläutert. 1999 gab es den Nobelpreis für Ahmed Zewail für seine Erfolge um das Gebiet der Femtochemie. Am 20. Dezember 2013 hat die UN-Generalversammlung das Jahr 2015 als „Internationales Jahr des Lichts und der lichtbasierten Technologien“ ausgerufen. Das Jahr des Lichts „soll an die Bedeutung von Licht als elementare Lebensvoraussetzung für Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen und daher auch als zentraler Bestandteil von Wissenschaft und Kultur erinnern“. Heute gilt die Femtosekundentechnologie als der Innovations- und Wirtschaftsmotor der Zukunft und wird viele Arbeitsplätze in der Industrie sichern helfen. Neben der Zahn- und Krebsmedizin sowie Augenheilkunde ist der Femtosekundenlaser auch bei industriellen Anwendungen nicht mehr wegzudenken. Man kann Werkstoffstrukturen im Nanometerbereich mit einem Ti:Saphir-Femtosekundenlaser herstellen. Ein Ausblick auf das nächste Technik-Zeitalter – das des Lichts – wird mit einem abschließenden kleinen Lexikonteil und Literaturzitaten gegeben.
Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients
by George A. BurdockSince publication of the first edition in 1971, Fenaroli's Handbook of Flavor Ingredients has remained the standard reference for flavor ingredients throughout the world. Each subsequent edition has listed more flavor ingredients and allied substances, including those conferred food additive status, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by
Fences for Pasture & Garden
by Gail DamerowWhether you’re trying to protect your garden from wildlife predators or want to keep your livestock from wandering too far, effective fencing can bring welcome peace of mind. Covering the pros and cons of a variety of fencing types, Gail Damerow shows you how to build a fence that works for your needs. With clearly illustrated instructions for building wire fences, rail fences, electric fences, woven fences, and more, you’ll soon be creating effective enclosures that are guaranteed to save you time, money, and worry.
Fencing for Conservation
by Michael J. Somers Matthew HaywardThe conflict between increasing human population and biodiversity conservation is one of the IUCN's key threatening processes. Conservation planning has received a great deal of coverage and research as a way of conserving biodiversity yet, while theoretically successful, it has never been tested. Simple lines on maps to illustrate conservation areas are unlikely to be successful in the light of human encroachment. It may be that some form of overt display is necessary to ensure the protection of reserves. This may be signage, presence of guards/rangers or physical fencing structures. The need for some form of barrier goes beyond restricting human access. The megafauna of Africa pose a genuine threat to human survival. In southern Africa, fences keep animals in and protect the abutting human population. Elsewhere, fencing is not considered important or viable. Where poverty is rife, it won't take much to tip the balance from beneficial conservation areas to troublesome repositories of crop-raiders, diseases and killers. Conversely, in New Zealand fences are used to keep animals out. Introduced species have decimated New Zealand's endemic birds, reptiles and invertebrates, and several sites have been entirely encapsulated in mouse-proof fencing to ensure their protection. Australia faces the same problems as New Zealand, however surrounds its national parks with cattle fences. Foxes and cats are free to enter and leave at will, resulting in rapid recolonisation following poisoning campaigns. How long will these poison campaigns work before tolerance, aversion or resistance evolves in the introduced predator populations?
Fennema's Food Chemistry
by Srinivasan Damodaran Kirk L. ParkinThis latest edition of the most internationally respected reference in food chemistry for more than 30 years, Fennema’s Food Chemistry, 5th Edition once again meets and surpasses the standards of quality and comprehensive information set by its predecessors. All chapters reflect recent scientific advances and, where appropriate, have expanded and evolved their focus to provide readers with the current state-of-the-science of chemistry for the food industry. This edition introduces new editors and contributors who are recognized experts in their fields.The fifth edition presents a completely rewritten chapter on Water and Ice, written in an easy-to-understand manner suitable for professionals as well as undergraduates. In addition, ten former chapters have been completely revised and updated, two of which receive extensive attention in the new edition including Carbohydrates (Chapter 3), which has been expanded to include a section on Maillard reaction; and Dispersed Systems: Basic considerations (Chapter 7), which includes thermodynamic incompatibility/phase separation concepts.Retaining the straightforward organization and accessibility of the original, this edition begins with an examination of major food components such as water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes. The second section looks at minor food components including vitamins and minerals, colorants, flavors, and additives. The final section considers food systems by reviewing basic considerations as well as specific information on the characteristics of milk, the postmortem physiology of edible muscle, and postharvest physiology of plant tissues.
Fenugreek: Biology and Applications
by M. Naeem Tariq Aftab M. Masroor A. KhanThis contributed volume brings together an inclusive collection of information about the medicinal crop fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). Fenugreek is one of the medicinal plants important in the management of diabetes and contributes greatly in the alternative systems of medicine. These beneficial properties of fenugreek are covered in here. Further, this book explores the agronomy, biotechnology, genomics and biochemistry aspects of the crop. This book is of interest to teachers, researchers, agronomists and biochemists. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for graduate students of agriculture and pharmacology. National and international agricultural scientists, policy makers will also find this to be a useful read.
Fenugreek: The Genus Trigonella
by Georgios A. PetropoulosFenugreek presents an in-depth review on the Genus Trigonella and particularly the species T. foenum-graecum L. (fenugreek). It is written by experts and includes chapters describing the genus' botany, physiology, cultivation, breeding, nutrition, pest-disease and weed control. The chemical constituents of the species of Trigonella, their pharmacol
Fermentation: Effects on Food Properties (Chemical & Functional Properties of Food Components)
by Bhavbhuti M. Mehta Afaf Kamal-Eldin Robert Z. IwanskiA large variety of food products all over the world are prepared by the fermentation of various raw materials. Fermentation: Effects on Food Properties explores the role of fermentation reactions in the chemical, functional, and sensory properties of food components as well as their effect on food component content and biological activity. Emphasiz
Fermentation and Algal Biotechnologies for the Food, Beverage and Other Bioproduct Industries (Multidisciplinary Applications and Advances in Biotechnology)
by James Chukwuma OgbonnaThis book covers a range of important topics on dairy and fermented foods and microalgae biotechnologies for food, beverage and bioproduct industries. The topics range from traditionally fermented African foods, fermentation technologies for large-scale industrial enzyme production to microalgae cultivation and nutraceuticals in Africa, etc. The editors provide detailed information on approaches towards harnessing indigenous bioresources for food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation, industrial enzyme production, environmental remediation and healthcare delivery. The book will be useful reference material for scientists and researchers working in the field of dairy and food biotechnology, fermentation technology, enzyme biotechnology, algal biotechnology and cultivation systems, biofuels and other bioproducts from algal biomass and underutilized and novel African food sources. Emphasizes recent advances in biotechnologies that could ameliorate the high-level global food insecurity through fermentation technologies applicable to traditional African indigenous and underutilized novel foods, algal biotechnology and value-added bioproducts Provides detailed information on how to harness indigenous bioresources including microalgae for food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation, industrial enzyme production, environmental remediation and healthcare delivery Introduces new frontiers in the area of large-scale enzyme production using fermentation biotechnologies and their applications in the food and beverage industries Discusses current biotechnologies applicable in the food, beverage and bioproduct industries James Chukwuma Ogbonna, Ph.D., is a Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology, and Director, National Biotechnology Development Agency, South East Zonal Biotechnology Centre, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. Sylvia Uzochukwu, Ph.D., is a Professor of Food Science and Biotechnology, and Director, Biotechnology Centre, Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. Emeka Godfrey Nwoba, Ph.D., is a research scholar at the Algae Research & Development Centre, Murdoch University, Western Australia. Charles Oluwaseun Adetunji, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology, and Director of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, Edo State University Uzairue, Nigeria. Nwadiuto (Diuoto) Esiobu, Ph.D., is a Professor of Microbiology and Biotechnology at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, USA, and the President and Founder of Applied Biotech Inc. and ABINL, Abuja, Nigeria. Abdulrazak B. Ibrahim, Ph.D., is a Capacity Development Expert at the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), and Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. Benjamin Ewa Ubi, Ph.D., is a Professor of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology and Director, Biotechnology Research and Development Centre, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria.
Fermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology, Fourth Edition
by E. M. El-Mansi Jens Nielsen David Mousdale Ross P. CarlsonFermentation Microbiology and Biotechnology, 4th Edition explores and illustrates the broad array of metabolic pathways employed for the production of primary and secondary metabolites, as well as biopharmaceuticals. This updated and expanded edition addresses the whole spectrum of fermentation biotechnology, from fermentation kinetics and dynamics to protein and co-factor engineering. It also sheds light on the new strategies employed by industrialist for increasing tolerance and endurance of microorganisms to the accumulation of toxic wastes in microbial-cell factories. The new edition builds upon the fine pedigree of its earlier predecessors and extends the spectrum of the book to reflect the multidisciplinary and buoyant nature of this subject area. Key Features Covers the whole spectrum of the field from fermentation kinetics to control of fermentation and protein engineering. Includes case studies specifically designed to illustrate industrial applications and current state-of-the-art technologies. Presents the contributions of eminent international academics and industrial experts. Offers new chapters addressing: The prospects and the role of bio-fuels refineries, Control of metabolic efflux to product formation in microbial-cell factories and Improving tolerance of microorganisms to toxic byproduct accumulation in the fermentation vessel.