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Fundamentals of Work Measurement: What Every Engineer Should Know
by Anil Mital Anoop Desai Aashi MitalThis book will provide a quick reference on Work Measurement. While the nature of the work may differ, measuring work is fundamental to any industrial or service activity. It’s needed to determine such things as the amount a person should be paid, how much time should it take to perform an activity, what is an acceptable days’ work, or how any two or more methods or designs compare. This book provides non-industrial engineers with the why and the how work is measured in order to perform their jobs.
Fundamentals of Yarn Winding
by Milind KoranneThis book focuses on the fundamental aspects of yarn winding from a broader perspective. Supplemented with self-explanatory labelled diagrams and photographs, the subject matter of this book includes – Principles of winding systems Winding package parameters Yarn tension during winding Package driving and yarn traversing Winding package faults and remedies Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Bhutan)
Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications of Polymer Nanocomposites
by Koo Joseph H.This book is focused primarily on polymer nanocomposites, based on the author's research experience as well as open literature. This text is divided into three parts. Part I - Fundamentals, Processing, and Characterizations - consists of an introduction to nanotechnology, an overview of commonly used nanomaterials, their origins, manufacturing, properties, and current and potential applications as well as the basics of polymer matrices and composites, selection of resin matrix and nanomaterials, processing, and characterizing of multifunctional polymer nanocomposites. Part II - Multifunctional Properties and Applications - consists of seven chapters that discuss the important properties as well as current applications of these polymer nanocomposites. Part III - Concerns and Outlook - consists of two chapters that discuss the environmental and health impacts for nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites. The environmental health and safety aspects of nanomaterials and polymer nanocomposites, risk assessment and safety standards, and fire toxicity of polymer nanocomposites are studied. In the final chapter, a brief overview of opportunities, trends, and challenges of polymer nanocomposites are included. Throughout the book, the theme is developed that polymer nanocomposites are a whole family of polymeric materials whose properties are capable of being tailored to meet specific applications. This volume serves as a general introduction to students and researchers just entering the field and to scholars from other subfields seeking information.
Fundamentals, Sensor Systems, Spectral Libraries, and Data Mining for Vegetation
by Prasad S. Thenkabail, John G. Lyon and Alfredo HueteWritten by leading global experts, including pioneers in the field, the four-volume set on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Second Edition, reviews existing state-of-the-art knowledge, highlights advances made in different areas, and provides guidance for the appropriate use of hyperspectral data in the study and management of agricultural crops and natural vegetation. Volume I, Fundamentals, Sensor Systems, Spectral Libraries, and Data Mining for Vegetation introduces the fundamentals of hyperspectral or imaging spectroscopy data, including hyperspectral data processes, sensor systems, spectral libraries, and data mining and analysis, covering both the strengths and limitations of these topics. This book also presents and discusses hyperspectral narrowband data acquired in numerous unique spectral bands in the entire length of the spectrum from various ground-based, airborne, and spaceborne platforms. The concluding chapter provides readers with useful guidance on the highlights and essence of Volume I through the editors’ perspective. Key Features of Volume I: Provides the fundamentals of hyperspectral remote sensing used in agricultural crops and vegetation studies. Discusses the latest advances in hyperspectral remote sensing of ecosystems and croplands. Develops online hyperspectral libraries, proximal sensing and phenotyping for understanding, modeling, mapping, and monitoring crop and vegetation traits. Implements reflectance spectroscopy of soils and vegetation. Enumerates hyperspectral data mining and data processing methods, approaches, and machine learning algorithms. Explores methods and approaches for data mining and overcoming data redundancy; Highlights the advanced methods for hyperspectral data processing steps by developing or implementing appropriate algorithms and coding the same for processing on a cloud computing platform like the Google Earth Engine. Integrates hyperspectral with other data, such as the LiDAR data, in the study of vegetation. Includes best global expertise on hyperspectral remote sensing of agriculture, crop water use, plant species detection, crop productivity and water productivity mapping, and modeling.
Funding and Financing Transport Infrastructure: Business Models to Enhance and Enable Financing of Infrastructure in Transport (Spon Research)
by Athena Roumboutsos Hans Voordijk Aristeidis PanteliasThis book seeks to enhance understanding of the impacts of project setup and its implementation environment on project performance by leveraging information from the study of a rich set of European transport infrastructure project cases. It puts forward a system’s view of project delivery and aims to serve as a strategic tool for decision makers and practitioners. The proposed approach is not limited to specific stakeholder views. On the contrary, it allows stakeholders to formulate their own strategies based on an holistic set of potential implementation scenarios. Furthermore, by including cases of projects that have been influenced by the recent financial crisis, the book aims to capitalise on experiences and provide guidelines as to the design and implementation of resilient projects delivered both through traditional as well as Public Private Partnership (PPP) models. Finally, the book proposes a new Transport Infrastructure Resilience Indicator and a corresponding project rating system that can be assessed with an eye to the future, ultimately aiming to support the successful delivery of transport infrastructure projects for all stakeholders involved.
Fungal Biopolymers and Biocomposites: Prospects and Avenues
by Sunil K. Deshmukh Mukund V. Deshpande Kandikere R. SridharThe book covers an overview of fungal polymers, fungal mycelial biomass, and their applications besides providing a detailed account of various opportunities. This book also includes information on developments in mycotechnology related to fashion, furnishing, construction, packaging, mycelial-based bricks, construction binder, cementing materials, and so on. Other aspects include the value of chitin, chitosan, hydrophobins, lignocellulosic composites, oil recovery, biosurfactants and bioemulsifiers, nanofibers from pullulan, exopolymeric substances, bioresins, and biocomposites. Additional topics covered in the book include self-healing fungal concrete (which could help to build repairs) and recipe to inhibit fruit body formation, for living fungal biomaterial manufacture. There is no comprehensive book other than – some reviews, which addressed very brief historical developments and preliminary aspects of fungal biopolymers. Written by experts in their field from countries like Australia, India, USA, Germany, Turkey, Philippines, Oman, Belgium, Italy, Egypt, Brazil, and the United Kingdom, the chapters discuss at length applications of filamentous fungi in sustainable industrial pursuits and industrial developments with environmental safety. This book will be useful for students, teachers, researchers, and scientists in botany, microbiology, life sciences, biotechnology, agriculture and, industries that extensively use fungi for the production of value-added products.
Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applications (Mycology Ser. #Vol. 21)
by Dilip K. AroraContributions from 80 world-renowned authorities representing a broad international background lend Fungal Biotechnology in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Applicationsfirst-class information on the biotechnological potential of entomopathogenic fungi and ergot alkaloids, applications of Trichoderma in disease control, and the d
Fungal Cellulolytic Enzymes: Microbial Production And Application
by Yinbo Qu Xu FangThe book provides an overview of the current knowledge on cellulolytic enzymes and their applications. It summarizes the mechanisms of synthesis and hydrolysis of cellulolytic enzymes, industrial fungal strains, genetic engineering of fungal strains and application of cellulolytic enzymes. This book will be a useful reference for researchers and bioengineering experts engaged in lignocelluloses biodegradation, biomass utilization, enzyme production and fungal molecular biology.
Fungal Endophytes Volume I: Biodiversity and Bioactive Materials
by Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam Synan F. AbuQamarThis book explores the ecology and evolutionary dynamics of fungi. It focuses on identifying new metabolites extracted from endophytic fungi through genetic methods and bioassay-guided isolation. Detailed procedures for producing fungal endophyte metabolites for commercial use are also discussed. This book covers the diverse traits of fungal endophytes and their interactions with host plants, providing tactical insights into how these organisms can be utilized to their full potential in pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial applications. This interdisciplinary reference is suitable for students and researchers in fields such as materials science, biology, plant science, microbiology, plant physiology and biotechnology. It is also useful for agri-food environmental scientists and agrochemical companies. In addition, the book offers valuable information for industrial scientists working on the synthesis and application of fungal secondary metabolites in plant science.
Fungal Machines: Sensing and Computing with Fungi (Emergence, Complexity and Computation #47)
by Andrew AdamatzkyThis unique book explores fungi as sensors, electronic devices, and potential future computers, offering eco-friendly alternatives to traditional electronics. Fungi are ancient, widely distributed organisms ranging from microscopic single cells to massive mycelium spanning hectares. They possess senses similar to humans, detecting light, chemicals, gases, gravity, and electric fields. It covers fungal electrical activity, sensors, electronics, computing prototypes, and fungal language. Authored by leading experts from diverse fields, the book is accessible to readers of all backgrounds, from high-schoolers to professors. It reveals the remarkable potential of fungal machines while minimizing environmental impact.
Fungal Metabolites for Agricultural Applications: Biostimulation and Crop Protection by Fungal Biotechnology (Fungal Biology)
by Jorge Poveda Óscar Santamaría Jorge Martín-GarcíaThis book delves into the fascinating world of fungal metabolites and their biotechnological potential for sustainable agriculture. Through this book, readers will learn about the production and characterization of metabolites by endophytic and rhizospheric fungi, including filamentous fungi like Trichoderma, Penicillium, and Aspergillus, as well as mycorrhizal fungi and yeasts. The chapters cover topics such as the promotion of plant growth, increased tolerance to abiotic stresses, and biological control through the application of fungal metabolites. Expert contributors provide an in-depth analysis of how these metabolites can be produced in bioreactors or applied directly as agricultural bioinoculants. Particular attention is given to the environmental and health benefits of using fungal metabolites in crop improvement. Researchers in the field of agricultural biotechnology, plant sciences, and environmental sustainability will find this book invaluable. It offers a comprehensive discussion from biological, chemical, and applied perspectives, making it a must-read for anyone interested in advancing sustainable agriculture practices.
Fungal Nanobionics: Principles and Applications
by Ram Prasad Vivek Kumar Manoj Kumar Shanquan WangFungal nanobionics has great prospects for developing new products with industrial, agriculture, medicine and consumer applications in a wide range of sectors. The fields of chemical engineering, agri-food, biochemical, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics and medical device development all employ fungal products, with fungal nanomaterials currently used in a wide range of applications, ranging from drug development to food industry and agricultural sector. The fungal agents emerge as an environmentally friendly, clean, non‐toxic agent for the biogenic metal nanoparticles and employs both intracellular and extracellular methods. The simplicity of scaling up and downstream processing and the presence of fungal mycelia affording an increased surface area provide key advantages. In addition, the larger spectrum of synthesized nanoparticle morphologies and the substantially faster biosynthesis rate in cell-free filtrate (due to the higher amount of proteins secreted in fungi) make this a particularly enticing route. Understanding the diversity of fungi in assorted ecosystems, as well as their interactions with other microorganisms, animals and plants, is essential to underpin real and innovative technological developments and the applications of metal nanoparticles in many disciplines including agriculture, catalysis, and biomedical biosensors. Importantly, biogenic fungal nanoparticles show significant synergistic characteristics when combined with antibiotics and fungicides to offer substantially greater resistance to microbial growth and applications in nanomedicine ranging from topical ointments and bandages for wound healing to coated stents.
Fungal Pathogenesis in Plants and Crops: Molecular Biology and Host Defense Mechanisms, Second Edition (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment)
by P. VidhyasekaranDramatic progress in molecular biology and genetic engineering has recently produced an unparalleled wealth of information on the mechanisms of plant and pathogen interactions at the cellular and molecular levels. Completely revised and expanded, Fungal Pathogenesis in Plants and Crops: Molecular Biology and Host Defense Mechanisms, Second Edition
Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques
by Kinda Alraiss Rachel Barker Victoria Barton Lucy Carson-Taylor David Cooke Ashleigh Elliot David Galsworthy Steve Hendry Anthony Kermode Paul Kirk Michael Long Aiga Ozolina Ana Pérez-Sierra Belinda Phillipson Matthew J Ryan David Smith Christopher Thornton Jenny Tomlinson Joan WebberThis substantially updated edition now in full colour provides key techniques used when working with fungal and fungal-like plant pathogens. As a practical manual it also deals with disease recognition, detection and identification of fungi, plus methods to characterise and curate fungi and handle them under quarantine and quality assurance systems. Furthermore, this new edition includes significant updates with respect to: - Greater awareness and concern internationally about plant health and biosecurity. - Molecular biology - next generation sequencing and in-field detection. - Improved opportunities for surveillance and detection in diverse substrates. - Changes in taxonomy and reference to current fungal plant pathogens. - New chapters on tree health, and public awareness, outreach and communications. Fungal Plant Pathogens: Applied Techniques, 2nd edition provides a valuable guide to investigating fungal plant diseases and interpreting laboratory findings for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students, extension plant pathologists, consultants and advisers in agriculture, forestry and horticulture, and the food supply chain.
Fungal Plant Pathogens
by Kelvin Hughes Jenny Tomlinson David Galsworthy Christopher Thornton Belinda Phillipson Paul Beales Charles Lane David Cooke Matthew RyanCovering the key techniques used when working with fungal plant pathogens, this practical manual deals with recognition of disease symptoms, detection and identification of fungi and methods to characterise them well as curation, quarantine and quality assurance. The book is unique in its practical focus, providing an overview of both traditional and emerging methods and their applications, and detailed protocols on completion techniques such as microscopy, PCR, ELISA, freeze drying and DNA storage. Fungal Plant Pathogens provides a valuable guide to investigating fungal plant diseases and interpreting laboratory findings for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students, extension plant pathologists, consultants and advisers in agriculture and horticulture and the food supply chain.
Fungi: Applications and Management Strategies (Progress in Mycological Research #3)
by Sunil K. Deshmukh J. K. Misra Jalpa P. Tewari Tamas PappThe book deals with the application of fungi and the strategic management of some plant pathogens. It covers fungal bioactive metabolites, with emphasis on those secondary metabolites that are produced by various endophytes, their pharmaceutical and agricultural uses, regulation of the metabolites, mycotoxins, nutritional value of mushrooms, prospecting of thermophilic and wood-rotting fungi, and fungi as myconano factories. Strategies for the management of some plant pathogenic fungi of rice and soybean have also been dealt with. Updated information for all these aspects has been presented and discussed in different chapters.
Fungi and Food Spoilage
by John I. Pitt Ailsa D. HockingThe first three editions of Fungi and Food Spoilage established, then consolidated, a reputation as the leading book on foodborne fungi. It details media and methods for isolation and identification, descriptions of species, and information on their physiology, ecology and mycotoxin formation. It is an invaluable reference for food microbiologists investigating fungal food spoilage problems, both in field crops and processed foods, and the likelihood of mycotoxin production in either.The Fourth Edition incorporates major differences from the Third: multiple changes in nomenclature due to changes in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants; many taxonomic changes due to improvements in, and more widespread application of, molecular methods in taxonomy; the introduction of colour colony photographs where appropriate; and a new chapter on mycotoxins.The introductory chapters of the book deal with the ecology of food spoilage, and provide an overview of how food processing, packaging and storage parameters influence fungal growth. A subsequent chapter overviews the fundamentals of naming and classifying fungi. Morphological methods and media suitable for low cost and effective isolation, enumeration and identification of foodborne fungi are provided, together with many more specialised media and techniques. The major part of the book provides keys, descriptions and illustrations of all yeasts and filamentous fungi commonly encountered in foods. Other known characteristics of the species, including physiology and ecology are included. Chapters on the types and species of fungi likely to be found in fresh, harvested and variously processed foods are followed by a new chapter on mycotoxins, both major and minor, their sources, both fungal and food, and their implications for human health.The broad and practical nature of the coverage will appeal to microbiologists, mycologists and biotechnologists in the food industry, as well scientists in academic, research and public health institutions.Drs Pitt and Hocking worked for CSIRO Food for more than 100 years combined. Both are now retired from CSIRO: Dr Pitt continues to work part time with Microbial Screening Technologies, a biodiscovery company.
Fungi and Food Spoilage
by John I. Pitt Ailsa D. HockingThis is the third edition of the definitive work on fungi in foods covering identification, isolation, enumeration, taxonomy, physiology and mycotoxin formation. High quality halftones provide a book of great value to food microbiologists, mycologists, food scientists and technologists and all those involved in food quality and safety.
Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass
by Christian P. KubicekHarnessing fungi's enzymatic ability to break down lignocellulolytic biomass to produce ethanol more efficiently and cost-effectively has become a significant research and industrial interest. Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass provides readers with a broad range of information on the uses and untapped potential of fungi in the production of bio-based fuels.With information on the molecular biological and genomic aspects of fungal degradation of plant cell walls to the industrial production and application of key fungal enzymes, chapters in the book cover topics such as enzymology of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin degradation. Edited by a leading researcher in the field, Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass will be a valuable tool in advancing the development and production of biofuels and a comprehensive resource for fungal biologists, enzymologists, protein chemists, biofuels chemical engineers, and other research and industry professionals in the field of biomass research.
Fungi and their Role in Sustainable Development: Current Perspectives
by Joginder Singh Praveen GehlotThis book illustrates the multiple roles of fungi in everyday life. Fungi are the large group of organisms with tremendous diversity and economic importance. Their ability to produce commercially efficient useful products makes them the vulnerable sustainable tool for the future generation. This book describes a systems approach and provides a means to share the latest developments and advances about the benefits of fungi including their wide application, traditional uses, modern practices, along with designing of strategies to harness their potential. The chapters are organized with data, providing information related to different sustainable aspects of fungi in agriculture, its cultivation and conservation strategies, industrial and environmental utilization, advanced bioconversion technologies and modern biotechnological interventions. Updated information and current opinion related to its application for sustainable agriculture, environment, and industries as futuristic tools have been presented and discussed in different chapters. The book also elucidates a comprehensive yet a representative description of the challenges associated with the sustained application of fungi to achieve the goals of sustainability.
Fungi as Bioremediators
by Ajit Varma Ebrahim Mohammadi Goltapeh Younes Rezaee DaneshBiological remediation methods have been successfully used to treat polluted soils. While bacteria have produced good results in bioremediation for quite some time now, the use of fungi to decontaminate soils has only recently been established. This volume of Soil Biology discusses the potentials of filamentous fungi in bioremediation. Fungi suitable for degradation, as well as genetically modified organisms, their biochemistry, enzymology, and practical applications are described. Chapters include topics such as pesticide removal, fungal wood decay processes, remediation of soils contaminated with heavy and radioactive metals, of paper and cardboard industrial wastes, and of petroleum pollutants.
Fungi in Extreme Environments: Ecological Role and Biotechnological Significance
by Sonia M. Tiquia–Arashiro Martin GrubeOver the last decades, scientists have been intrigued by the fascinating organisms that inhabit extreme environments. These organisms, known as extremophiles, thrive in habitats which for other terrestrial life-forms are intolerably hostile or even lethal. Based on such technological advances, the study of extremophiles has provided, over the last few years, ground-breaking discoveries that challenge the paradigms of modern biology. In the new bioeconomy, fungi in general, play a very important role in addressing major global challenges, being instrumental for improved resource efficiency, making renewable substitutes for products from fossil resources, upgrading waste streams to valuable food and feed ingredients, counteracting life-style diseases and antibiotic resistance through strengthening the gut biota, making crop plants more robust to survive climate change conditions, and functioning as host organisms for production of new biological drugs. This range of new uses of fungi all stand on the shoulders of the efforts of mycologists over generations. The book is organized in five parts: (I) Biodiversity, Ecology, Genetics and Physiology of Extremophilic Fungi, (II) Biosynthesis of Novel Biomolecules and Extremozymes (III) Bioenergy and Biofuel synthesis, and (IV) Wastewater and biosolids treatment, and (V) Bioremediation.
Fungi in Fuel Biotechnology (Fungal Biology)
by Gholamreza Salehi Jouzani Meisam Tabatabaei Mortaza AghbashloDue to the huge quantity and diverse nature of their metabolic pathways, fungi have great potential to be used for the production of different biofuels such as bioethanol, biobutanol, and biodiesel. This book presents recent advances, as well as challenges and promises, of fungal applications in biofuel production, subsequently discussing plant pathogenic fungi for bioethanol and biodiesel production, including their mechanisms of action. Additionally, this book reviews biofuel production using plant endophytic fungi, wood-rotting fungi, fungal biocontrol agents, and gut fungi, and it investigates highly efficient fungi for biofuel production and process design in fungal-based biofuel production systems. Finally, life cycle assessment of fungal-based biofuel production systems are discussed in this volume.
Fungi of Antarctica: Diversity, Ecology and Biotechnological Applications
by Luiz Henrique RosaThis book focuses on the fungi found in one of the most pristine regions on Earth: Antarctica. It discusses the fungal occurrence in all substrates of the region, including soil, seawater, lake and marine sediments, rocks, ice, and snow. It also addresses the impact of climate changes on these organisms, the genomic techniques developed to study them, and how a number of compounds, such as antibiotics and enzymes, produced by the Antarctic fungi can be used in medicine, agriculture and the chemical industry.
Fungicides in Crop Protection
by Richard Oliver H HewittPlant pathogenic fungi cause devastating damage to crop production worldwide. The growing global population necessitates reduced crop losses to improve food security, and the control of fungal plant pathogens is vital to help maintain food production. Providing a concise and balanced review of fungicides used in crop protection, this book describes the science of fungicide use, selection and resistance within the context of farming situations. Major updates and additions reflecting the emergence of two new classes of fungicides (strobilurins and SDHI) and the increased incidence of fungicide resistance are included in this new edition, which also discusses legislative requirements to reduce fungicide applications, and current trends in fungicide use.