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Funktionalität und Standardunterstützung von IoT-Software-Plattformen: HMD Best Paper Award 2019 (essentials)

by Sebastian Lempert Alexander Pflaum

​Derzeit konkurrieren über 450 Anbieter von IoT-Software-Plattformen miteinander, die Komplexität und die unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften dieser Plattformen führen zu einem intransparenten Markt. Folglich stehen Unternehmen, die eine IoT-Anwendung unter Weiternutzung ihrer bestehenden IT-Infrastruktur umsetzen wollen, vor der Herausforderung, die für diesen unternehmensspezifischen Anwendungsfall am besten geeignete IoT-Plattform aus einer Vielzahl von Kandidaten auszuwählen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden Unternehmen durch das vorliegende Buch in die Lage versetzt, die Funktionalität und Standardunterstützung der am Markt verfügbaren IoT-Plattformen schnell zu verstehen und untereinander zu vergleichen.

Funktionelles Zusammenspiel von Gehirn und Herz: Von der Physiologie zur fortgeschrittenen Methodik der Signalverarbeitung und -modellierung

by Vincenzo Catrambone Gaetano Valenza

Diese Monographie bietet einen systemübergreifenden Austausch und eine modalitätsübergreifende Untersuchung des Zusammenspiels von Gehirn und Herz. Das Zusammenspiel von Gehirn und Herz (Brain-Heart Interplay, BHI) ist ein hochgradig interdisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Thema, das sich von der Physiologie des zentralen/autonomen Nervensystems, insbesondere des zentral-autonomen Netzwerks, bis hin zu fortgeschrittener Signalverarbeitung und Modellierung zur Quantifizierung seiner Aktivität erstreckt. Motiviert durch klinische Befunde und unterstützt durch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neurophysiologie, untersucht diese Monographie zunächst die Definition grundlegender Quantifizierer des Zusammenspiels von Gehirn und Herz und geht dann zu fortgeschrittenen Methoden für die Bewertung von Gesundheits- und Krankheitszuständen über. Der nicht-invasive Einsatz von Techniken zur Überwachung des Gehirns, einschließlich des Elektroenzephalogramms und der funktionellen Magnetresonanztomographie, wird zusammen mit der Überwachung der Herzschlagdynamik durch Pulsoximeter und EKG-Signale beschrieben.Das Buch richtet sich insbesondere an biomedizinische Ingenieure und Mediziner mit Fachkenntnissen in Statistik und/oder Signalverarbeitung. Aber auch Forscher in den Bereichen Kardiologie, Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Neurowissenschaften im Allgemeinen können sich für dieses Buch interessieren.

Funktions- und Reglersynthese auf der Basis lokaler Modellnetze

by Roland Clauß

Der Autor untersucht eine Methode zur Realisierung modellbasierter Funktionsentwicklung im industriellen Umfeld und der damit einhergehenden zeitlichen Ristrektionen eines Entwicklungsprojekts. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der Systemidentifikation (datenbasierten Modellbildung) statischer oder dynamischer nichtlinearer Systeme, die auf der Basis lokaler Modellnetze realisiert wird. Für die Strukturoptimierung der Modellnetze werden zwei neue Ansätze vorgestellt, die eine hohe Effizienz und Genauigkeit bei der Modellbildung aufweisen. Der Autor integriert im nächsten Schritt die identifizierten Modelle in verschiedene beschränkte prädiktive Mehrgrößenregler eines Wärmepumpensystems und zeigt eine Strategie auf, um das System im geschlossenen Regelkreis effizient auszulegen und zu validieren.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Stockholm: The Adrenaline Fueled Adventures of an Accidental Scientist

by Robert Lefkowitz Randy Hall

The rollicking memoir from the cardiologist turned legendary scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize that revels in the joy of science and discovery.Like Richard Feynman in the field of physics, Dr. Robert Lefkowitz is also known for being a larger-than-life character: a not-immodest, often self-deprecating, always entertaining raconteur. Indeed, when he received the Nobel Prize, the press corps in Sweden covered him intensively, describing him as &“the happiest Laureate.&” In addition to his time as a physician, from being a "yellow beret" in the public health corps with Dr. Anthony Fauci to his time as a cardiologist, and his extraordinary transition to biochemistry, which would lead to his Nobel Prize win, Dr. Lefkowitz has ignited passion and curiosity as a fabled mentor and teacher. But it's all in a days work, as Lefkowitz reveals in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Stockholm, which is filled to the brim with anecdotes and energy, and gives us a glimpse into the life of one of today's leading scientists.

Furan Polymers and their Reactions

by Alessandro Gandini Talita M. Lacerda

FURAN POLYMERS AND THEIR REACTIONS Understand furan polymers and their roles in industrial production Furans are platform chemicals from biomass which have a range of functions in the production of solvents, biofuels, and monomers for industrial polymer synthesis. As the search for sustainable industrial processes makes biomass resources ever more vital, a more detailed understanding of these compounds and their industrial uses has never been more critical. Furan Polymers and their Reactions surveys these crucial compounds and their contributions to polymer synthesis. It discusses the biorefinery of furans, identifies furfural and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural as the key furan monomer precursors for different polymer synthetic processes, and analyzes all the major reactions furans undergo during these processes and the structures, properties and applications of the ensuing materials. The results are a vital contribution to the growing field of renewable industry. Furan Polymers and their Reactions readers will also find: Detailed analysis of key polymerization reactions such as the Diels-Adler reaction, chain-growth and step-growth polymerizations, as well as the chemical modifications of some of these polymers. An authorial team with decades of combined experience in furan chemistry and polymer synthesis Furan Polymers and their Reactions is an essential resource for researchers and professionals in industrial engineering, polymer science, and biotechnology, as well as for any industry professionals working with platform chemicals or polymer synthesis.

Furnace Tapping 2022 (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Dean Gregurek Joalet D. Steenkamp Quinn G. Reynolds Gerardo Alvear Flores Hugo Joubert Phillip J. Mackey

No pyrometallurgical smelter can operate without some form of tapping system. It is the one thing all smelters have in common. This collection discusses this meeting point of the science, technology, and skill involved in this process. The tap-hole design process includes a set of design criteria, which need to be revised as the results of laboratory, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and time-and-motion studies become available. The tap-hole life cycle is considered in this volume, with authors addressing the requirements for installation and operability as well as for maintenance. Matters such as online monitoring of the tap-hole wear, handling of liquid products, and extraction of fumes are all discussed. Although much has been done to make the tapping process as automatic as possible, tapping of smelters cannot be done without labor. Tap floor operators work in harsh environments where safety is of utmost importance. Selection of suitable personnel and intensive training is required and is discussed in this collection.

Furniture Manufacturing: A Production Engineering Approach (Design Science and Innovation)

by Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam

This volume covers all aspects of furniture manufacturing from a production engineering perspective. It takes a step-by-step pedagogical approach, dwelling on details which must be understood at every process, as the furniture makes its way through the factory shop floor. The content highlights the global industry, and discusses furniture design and manufacturing systems. The chapters also discuss every stage of the manufacturing process until the finished product is packaged. There is also emphasis on strength design of furniture, furniture testing, environmental compliance, and automation. The contents also discuss the optimization of furniture manufacturing through a mathematical approach and highlights the current global trends impacting the furniture manufacturing industry, especially the circular economy and Industry 4.0. This volume will a useful resource to those in academia and industry.^

Further Advances in Internet of Things in Biomedical and Cyber Physical Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #193)

by Valentina E. Balas Vijender Kumar Solanki Raghvendra Kumar

This book covers the further advances in the field of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system with recent applications. It is covering the various real-time, offline applications, and case studies in the field of recent technologies and case studies of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system with recent technology trends. In the twenty-first century, the automation and management of data are vital, in that, the role of the Internet of things proving the potential support. The book is consisting the excellent work of researchers and academician who are working in the domain of emerging technologies, e.g., Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system. The chapters cover the major achievements by solving and suggesting many unsolved problems, which am sure to be going to prove a strong support in industries towards automation goal using of the Internet of things, biomedical engineering and cyber physical system.

Further Electrical and Electronic Principles

by C R Robertson

Further Electrical and Electronic Principles is a core text for pre-degree courses in electrical and electronic engineering courses. The coverage of this new edition has been brought in line with the specialist unit 'Further Electrical Principles' of the 2007 BTEC National Engineering specification from Edexcel. As the book follows a logical topic progression rather than a particular syllabus, it is also suitable for other Level 3 students on vocational courses such as Vocational AS/A Level, City & Guilds courses and NVQs.More advanced material has also been included, making this text also suitable for HNC/HND and foundation degree courses.Each chapter starts with learning outcomes tied to the syllabus. All theory is explained in detail and backed up with numerous worked examples. Students can test their understanding with end of chapter assignment questions for which answers are provided. The book also includes suggested practical assignments and handy summaries of equations. In this new edition, the layout has been improved and colour has been added to make the book more accessible for students.The textbook is supported with a free companion website featuring supplementary worked examples and additional chapters.

Fused Deposition Modeling: Strategies for Quality Enhancement (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Fredrick Madaraka Mwema Esther Titilayo Akinlabi

In this book, fused deposition modeling (FDM) is described with focus on product quality control and enhancement. The book begins by introducing the basics of FDM and its associated process parameters. Then, strategies for quality control and enhancement are described using case studies of both original results by the authors and from published literature. Resolution and print orientation, multi-objective optimizations and surface engineering are identified and discussed as the strategies for enhancing the quality of FDM products in this book.

Fused Deposition Modeling Based 3D Printing (Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology)

by Harshit K. Dave J. Paulo Davim

This book covers 3D printing activities by fused deposition modeling process. The two introductory chapters discuss the principle, types of machines and raw materials, process parameters, defects, design variations and simulation methods. Six chapters are devoted to experimental work related to process improvement, mechanical testing and characterization of the process, followed by three chapters on post-processing of 3D printed components and two chapters addressing sustainability concerns. Seven chapters discuss various applications including composites, external medical devices, drug delivery system, orthotic inserts, watertight components and 4D printing using FDM process. Finally, six chapters are dedicated to the study on modeling and optimization of FDM process using computational models, evolutionary algorithms, machine learning, metaheuristic approaches and optimization of layout and tool path.

Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication

by Lydia Sloan Cline

Learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device. Fusion 360 software lets you design, analyze, and print your ideas. Free to students and small businesses alike, it offers solid, surface, organic, direct, and parametric modeling capabilities.Fusion 360 for Makers is written for beginners to 3D modeling software by an experienced teacher. It will get you up and running quickly with the goal of creating models for 3D printing and CNC fabrication.Inside Fusion 360 for Makers, you'll find:Eight easy-to-understand tutorials that provide a solid foundation in Fusion 360 fundamentalsDIY projects that are explained with step-by-step instructions and color photosProjects that have been real-world tested, covering the most common problems and solutionsStand-alone projects, allowing you to skip to ones of interest without having to work through all the preceding projects firstDesign from scratch or edit downloaded designs. Fusion 360 is an appropriate tool for beginners and experienced makers.

Fusion 360 for Makers: Design Your Own Digital Models for 3D Printing and CNC Fabrication

by Lydia Sloan Cline

Learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to digitally model your own original projects for a 3D printer or a CNC device.

A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Emerging Cyber Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #210)

by Pardeep Kumar Ahmed Jabbar Obaid Korhan Cengiz Ashish Khanna Valentina Emilia Balas

This book aims at offering a unique collection of ideas and experiences mainly focusing on the main streams and merger of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) for a wide slice of the communication and networking community. In the era when the world is grappling with many unforeseen challenges, scientists and researchers are envisioning smart cyber systems that guarantee sustainable development for a better human life. The main contributors that destined to play a huge role in developing such systems, among others, are AI and IoT. While AI provides intelligence to machines and data by identifying patterns, developing predictions, and detecting anomalies, IoT performs as a nerve system by connecting a huge number of machines and capturing an enormous amount of data. AI-enabled IoT, therefore, redefines the way industries, businesses, and economies function with increased automation and efficiency and reduced human interaction and costs.This book is an attempt to publish innovative ideas, emerging trends, implementation experience, and use-cases pertaining to the merger of AI and IoT. The primary market of this book is centered around students, researchers, academicians, industrialists, entrepreneurs, and professionals working in electrical/computer engineering, IT, telecom/electronic engineering, and related fields. The secondary market of this book is related to individuals working in the fields such as finance, management, mathematics, physics, environment, mechatronics, and the automation industry.

Fusion of Hard and Soft Control Strategies for the Robotic Hand

by Cheng-Hung Chen Desineni Subbaram Naidu

An in-depth review of hybrid control techniques for smart prosthetic hand technology by two of the world’s pioneering experts in the field Long considered the stuff of science fiction, a prosthetic hand capable of fully replicating all of that appendage’s various functions is closer to becoming reality than ever before. This book provides a comprehensive report on exciting recent developments in hybrid control techniques—one of the most crucial hurdles to be overcome in creating smart prosthetic hands. Coauthored by two of the world’s foremost pioneering experts in the field, Fusion of Hard and Soft Control Strategies for Robotic Hand treats robotic hands for multiple applications. Itbegins withan overview of advances in main control techniques that have been made over the past decade before addressing the military context for affordable robotic hand technology with tactile and/or proprioceptive feedback for hand amputees. Kinematics, homogeneous transformations, inverse and differential kinematics, trajectory planning, and dynamic models of two-link thumb and three-link index finger are discussed in detail. The remainder of the book is devoted to the most promising soft computing techniques, particle swarm optimization techniques, and strategies combining hard and soft controls. In addition, the book: Includes a report on exciting new developments in prosthetic/robotic hand technology, with an emphasis on the fusion of hard and soft control strategies Covers both prosthetic and non-prosthetic hand designs for everything from routine human operations, robotic surgery, and repair and maintenance, to hazardous materials handling, space applications, explosives disposal, and more Provides a comprehensive overview of five-fingered robotic hand technology kinematics, dynamics, and control Features detailed coverage of important recent developments in neuroprosthetics Fusion of Hard and Soft Control Strategies for Robotic Hand is a must-read for researchers in control engineering, robotic engineering, biomedical sciences and engineering, and rehabilitation engineering.

The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in Health Care (Internet of Things)

by Patrick Siarry M. A. Jabbar Rajanikanth Aluvalu Ajith Abraham Ana Madureira

This book reviews the convergence technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare and how they can help all stakeholders in the healthcare sector. The book is a proficient guide on the relationship between AI, IoT and healthcare and gives examples into how IoT is changing all aspects of the healthcare industry. Topics include remote patient monitoring, the telemedicine ecosystem, pattern imaging analytics using AI, disease identification and diagnosis using AI, robotic surgery, prediction of epidemic outbreaks, and more. The contributors include applications and case studies across all areas of computational intelligence in healthcare data. The authors also include workflow in IoT-enabled healthcare technologies and explore privacy and security issues in healthcare-based IoT.

Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms: Theory and Applications (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #236)

by Ioannis K. Hatzilygeroudis George A. Tsihrintzis Lakhmi C. Jain

This book aims at updating the relevant computer science-related research communities, including professors, researchers, scientists, engineers and students, as well as the general reader from other disciplines, on the most recent advances in applications of methods based on Fusing Machine Learning Paradigms. Integrated or Hybrid Machine Learning methodologies combine together two or more Machine Learning approaches achieving higher performance and better efficiency when compared to those of their constituent components and promising major impact in science, technology and the society. The book consists of an editorial note and an additional eight chapters and is organized into two parts, namely: (i) Recent Application Areas of Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms and (ii) Applications that can clearly benefit from Fusion of Machine Learning Paradigms. This book is directed toward professors, researchers, scientists, engineers and students in Machine Learning-related disciplines, as the hybridism presented, and the case studies described provide researchers with successful approaches and initiatives to efficiently address complex classification or regression problems. It is also directed toward readers who come from other disciplines, including Engineering, Medicine or Education Sciences, and are interested in becoming versed in some of the most recent Machine Learning-based technologies. Extensive lists of bibliographic references at the end of each chapter guide the readers to probe further into the application areas of interest to them.

Fusion's Promise: How Technological Breakthroughs in Nuclear Fusion Can Conquer Climate Change on Earth (And Carry Humans To Mars, Too)

by Matthew Moynihan Alfred B. Bortz

For over 60 years, scientists and engineers have been trying to crack a seemingly intractable problem: how to build practical devices that exploit nuclear fusion. Access to electricity has facilitated a standard of living that was previously unimaginable, but as the world’s population grows and developing nations increasingly reap the benefits of electrification, we face a serious global problem: burning fossil fuels currently produces about eighty percent of the world's energy, but it produces a greenhouse effect that traps outgoing infrared radiation and warms the planet, risking dire environmental consequences unless we reduce our fossil fuel consumption to near zero in the coming decades. Nuclear fusion, the energy-producing process in the sun and stars, could provide the answer: if it can be successfully harnessed here on Earth, it will produce electricity with near-zero CO2 byproduct by using the nuclei in water as its main fuel. The principles behind fusion are understood, but the technology is far from being fully realized, and governments, universities, and venture capitalists are pumping vast amounts of money into many ideas, some highly speculative, that could lead to functioning fusion reactors. This book puts all of these attempts together in one place, providing clear explanations for readers who are interested in new energy technologies, including those with no formal training in science or engineering. For each of the many approaches to fusion, the reader will learn who pioneered the approach, how the concept works in plain English, how experimental tests were engineered, the future prospects, and comparison with other approaches. From long-established fusion technologies to emerging and exotic methods, the reader will learn all about the idea that could eventually constitute the single greatest engineering advance in human history.

Future: A Recent History

by Lawrence R. Samuel

The history of our attitudes toward the possibilities of tomorrow:&“A fascinating trek through American future visions from the 1920s to the present.&” —Lori C. Walters, Ph.D., University of Central Florida The future is not a fixed idea but a highly variable one that reflects the values of those who are imagining it. By studying the ways that visionaries imagined the future—particularly that of America—in the past century, much can be learned about the cultural dynamics of the times. In this social history, Lawrence R. Samuel examines the future visions of intellectuals, artists, scientists, businesspeople, and others to tell a chronological story about the history of the future in the past century. He defines six separate eras of future narratives from 1920 to the present day, and argues that the milestones reached during these years—especially related to air and space travel, atomic and nuclear weapons, the women&’s and civil rights movements, and the advent of biological and genetic engineering—sparked the possibilities of tomorrow in the public&’s imagination, and helped make the twentieth century the first century to be significantly more about the future than the past. The idea of the future grew both in volume and importance as it rode the technological wave into the new millennium, and the author tracks the process by which most people, to some degree, have now become futurists as the need to anticipate tomorrow accelerates.

Future Active: Media Activism and the Internet (Media.culture Ser.)

by Graham Meikle

First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Future Air Force Needs For Survivability

by National Research Council of the National Academies

A key technical issue for future Air Force systems is to improve their ability to survive. Increased use of stealth technology is proposed by many to be the major element in efforts to enhance survivability for future systems. Others, however, suggest that the high cost and maintenance required of stealth technology make increased speed potentially more productive. To help address this issue, the Air Force asked the NRC to investigate combinations of speed and stealth that would provide U.S. aircraft with a high survival capability in the 2018 period, and to identify changes in R&D plans to enable such aircraft. This report presents a review of stealth technology development; a discussion of possible future missions and threats; an analysis of the technical feasibility for achieving various levels of stealth and different speeds by 2018 and of relevant near-term R&D needs and priorities; and observations about the utility of speed and stealth trade-offs against evolving threats.

The Future Air Navigation System: Communications, Navigation, Surveillance – Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) (Routledge Revivals)

by Vincent P. Galotti

First published in 1997, this volume responds to the increase in air traffic, as there has been a great deal of work by the nations of the world, under the auspices of ICAO, toward developing the concept for a future air navigation infrastructure to serve worldwide civil aviation efficiency. Even though the concept is well described and implementation is beginning, only technical manuals are available to advance the systems concept. This book describes the global vision for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) and is the first text of its kind dedicated solely to Communications Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management and the CNS/ATM systems concept. In addition to the technical issues associated with CNS/ATM, the book also examines institutional, economic, labour and Human Factors issues. It is designed as a text usable in the classroom environment in universities and aviation technical schools.

The Future Air Navigation System: Communications, Navigation, Surveillance – Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) (Routledge Revivals Ser.)

by Vincent P. Galotti

In view of the increase in air traffic, there has been a great deal of work by the nations of the world, under the auspices of ICAO, toward developing the concept for a future air navigation infrastructure to serve worldwide civil aviation efficiency. Even though the concept is well described and implementation is beginning, only technical manuals are available to advance the systems concept. This book describes the global vision for the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) and is the first text of its kind dedicated solely to Communications Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management and the CNS/ATM systems concept. In addition to the technical issues associated with CNS/ATM, the book also examines institutional, economic, labour and Human Factors issues. It is designed as a text usable in the classroom environment in universities and aviation technical schools.

Future Automotive Production Conference 2022 (Zukunftstechnologien für den multifunktionalen Leichtbau)

by Klaus Dröder Thomas Vietor

This book comprises the proceedings of the conference “Future Automotive Production 2022”, which took place in Wolfsburg. The conference focused on hybrid lightweight design, which is characterized by the combination of different materials with the aim of improving properties and reducing weight. In particular, production technologies for hybrid lightweight design were discussed, new evaluation methods for the ecological assessment of hybrid components were presented and future-oriented approaches motivated by nature for the development of components, assemblies and systems were introduced.Lightweight design is a key technology for the development of sustainable and resource-efficient mobility concepts. Vehicle manufacturers operate in an area of conflict between customer requirements, competition and legislation. Material hybrid structures, which combine the advantages of different materials, have a high potential for reducing weight, while simultaneously expanding component functionality. The future, efficient use of function-integrated hybrid structures in vehicle design requires innovations and constant developments in vehicle and production technology. There is a great demand, especially with regard to new methods and technologies, for "affordable" lightweight construction in large-scale production, taking into account the increasing requirements with regard to variant diversity, safety and quality.

Future Autonomous Road Vehicles

by Joseph Giacomin

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, present and future of autonomous road vehicles for professionals and students.Split into three parts, the first section of the book brings together the key historical developments in autonomous road vehicle design and the primary explorations of the design possibilities from science fiction. This historical analysis draws upon significant test vehicles from history and explores their roles as landmarks in the evolution of the field. In addition, it also reviews the history of science fiction and outlines the key speculations about autonomous road vehicles which emerged from that world. In the second section of the book, Joseph Giacomin introduces five of the most popular future-facing speculative approaches used by designers. In doing so, he identifies the major user-facing challenges which affect ideation, product design, service design and business modelling. In the final part, science fiction prototyping is identified as the speculative approach best suited to autonomous road vehicle application. Connecting theory with practice, Giacomin provides examples of sixteen science fiction prototypes, which cover a comprehensive range of physical, psychological, sociological and ethical design challenges.Written as an accessible guide for design practitioners and students, this book will be of use to those interested in the psychological, sociological and ethical factors involved in automotive design, human-centred design, industrial design and technology.

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