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The Future of Entertainment: From Movies to Virtual Reality (What the Future Holds)
by M. M. EbochFrom stage productions to television to movies, humans have always been entertained by a good story. But how might entertainment change in the future? From immersive virtual reality games to social media with 3-D holograms, readers can find out what cool new technologies might change the way they are entertained.
The Future of Fossil Fuels: From Hubbert's Peak (Princeton Shorts #4)
by Kenneth S. DeffeyesAs debates about the effects of fossil fuels on our climate and foreign policy intensify, the question of just how much longer we can depend on this finite source of energy becomes more and more pressing. This selection from Hubbert's Peak, the leading book on the limits of our oil supply, forecasts what the future will bring for fossil fuels and what the alternatives are likely to be. Princeton Shorts are brief selections excerpted from influential Princeton University Press publications produced exclusively in eBook format. They are selected with the firm belief that while the original work remains an important and enduring product, sometimes we can all benefit from a quick take on a topic worthy of a longer book. In a world where every second counts, how better to stay up-to speed on current events and digest the kernels of wisdom found in the great works of the past? Princeton Shorts enables you to be an instant expert in a world where information is everywhere but quality is at a premium. The Future of Fossil Fuels does just that.
The Future of Gas Networks: The Role of Gas Networks in a Low Carbon Energy System (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
by Meysam Qadrdan Muditha Abeysekera Jianzhong Wu Nick Jenkins Bethan WinterThis book investigates the role of gas networks in future low-carbon energy systems, and discusses various decarbonisation pathways, providing insights for gas network operators, developers, and policy makers. As more countries around the world move towards low-carbon energy systems and increase their exploitation of renewable energy sources, the use of natural gas and the associated infrastructure is expected to undergo a substantial transformation. As such there is a great uncertainty regarding the future role of gas networks and how they will be operated in coming years.The topics addressed include:Fundamentals of gas network operationThe impact of variable renewable electricity generation on the operation and expansion of gas networksThe impact of decarbonising heat supplies on gas networksOpportunities and challenges of utilising gas networks to transport alternative low-carbon gases such as bio-methane and hydrogen
The Future of Genetically Modified Crops
by William Butz Felicia WuThe world is now on the cusp of a new agricultural revolution, the so-called Gene Revolution, in which genetically modified (GM) crops are tailored to address chronic agricultural problems in certain regions of the world. This monograph report investigates the circumstances and processes that can induce and sustain this new agricultural revolution. The authors compare the Green Revolution of the 20th century with the GM crop movement to assess the agricultural, technological, sociological, and political differences between the two movements.
The Future of Geography: How the Competition in Space Will Change Our World (Politics of Place #4)
by Tim MarshallFrom the New York Times bestselling author of Prisoners of Geography and leading geopolitics expert comes an &“insightful, hopeful, and endlessly fascinating&” (Daily Express) book on today&’s space race—including the increasingly tense power struggle between the US, China, and Russia and what it means for all of us here on Earth.Spy satellites orbiting the moon. Space metals worth more than most countries&’ GDP. People on Mars within the next ten years. This isn&’t science fiction—it&’s reality. Humans are venturing up and out, and we&’re taking our competitive spirit with us. Soon, what happens in space will shape human history as much the mountains, rivers, and seas have impacted civilizations around the world. It&’s no coincidence that Russia, China, and the USA are leading the way. The next fifty years will change the face of global politics and the world order as we know it. In this must-read work, bestselling author Tim Marshall navigates the new astropolitical reality to show how we got here and where we&’re heading. Extensively researched, &“thought-provoking&” (Popular Science), and drawing on the latest information from intelligence, government, and civilian institutions, this book provides a detailed, clear account of the new space race, the power rivalries, and how technology, economics, and war have a ripple effect on everyone across the globe. Written with all the insight and wit that have made Marshall one of the world&’s most popular and trusted writer on geopolitics, The Future of Geography is an essential read about global power, politics, and the future of humanity.
The Future of Governance: A Radical Introduction to Law
by Roger BrownswordThis book offers a radically different introduction to law, one that reflects the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapid technological developments of our time.Traditionally, law has been about historic principles and rules and their application to a particular set of facts; and courts, judges, and disputes have been central to the legal enterprise. Against this approach, this book highlights four radical and revisionist ideas: by bringing modern technologies into the foreground; by presenting law as one particular mode of governance in a larger picture of governance that now includes technological modalities; by insisting that we have to think outside the traditional doctrinal box to engage with a broad range of governance questions; and by emphasising that human communities cannot flourish without good governance to which both lawyers and law are central. These four radical threads are woven into a discussion of the modern landscape of law, and together they offer a distinctly contemporary contribution to the quest for good governance. The challenge for lawyers now, the book maintains, is to contribute to thinking, both locally and globally, about how we take advantage of the opportunities presented by the newest technology, without compromising the essential conditions for human life and co-existence, and without losing what we value in law’s governance.This book is aimed at students who are studying law at university and legal academics, and others, interested in the current and future impact of technology on law.
The Future of Happiness: 5 Modern Strategies for Balancing Productivity and Well-Being in the Digital Era
by Amy BlanksonTechnology, at least in theory, is improving our productivity, efficiency, and communication. The one thing it's not doing is making us happier. We are experiencing historically high levels of depression and dissatisfaction. But we can change that. Knowing that technology is here to stay and will continue to evolve in form and function, we need to know how to navigate the future to achieve a better balance between technology, productivity, and well-being. Technology can drive—not diminish—human happiness. In The Future of Happiness, author Amy Blankson, cofounder of the global positive psychology consulting firm GoodThink, unveils five strategies successful individuals can use, not just to survive—but actually thrive—in the Digital Age: Stay Grounded to focus your energy and increase productivity Know Thyself through app-driven data to strive toward your potential Train Your Brain to develop and sustain an optimistic mindset Create a Habitat for Happiness to maximize the spaces where you live, work, and learn Be a Conscious Innovator to help make the world a better place By rethinking when, where, why, and how you use technology, you will not only influence your own well-being but also help shape the future of your community. Discover how technologies can transform the idea of "I'll be happy when . . ." to being happy now.
The Future of Health: How Digital Technology Will Make Care Accessible, Sustainable, and Human
by Roberto AscioneLearn how the future of medicine is being unlocked—one digital innovation at a time The Future of Health is an insightful and comprehensive overview of the past, present, and future of digital health. Accomplished health innovation leader Roberto Ascione delivers a practical exploration of how the latest digital technologies are transforming the practice of medicine and redefining health itself by making it more accessible, sustainable, and human. The book includes practical, real-world examples from the United States, Asia, and Europe of technology applications, companies, and start-up that have changed—or will change—our relationship with our health and the healthcare system. Readers will also find: How our health is becoming increasingly consumer and connected while technology is empowering patients in completely new ways and deeply transforming the doctor-patient relationship Discussions of how the training of medical professionals, particularly doctors, has changed—or needs to change—to meet the new digital reality Examinations of how new technologies will allow doctors to dodge many of the administrative and regulatory burdens they currently face each day Treatments of the ability of new technologies to unlock new, holistic ways of practicing medicine, with a focus on latest developments such as Digital Therapeutics and Virtual Reality Reflections on how digital health is fostering a shift “from cure to care” and will unleash a human-sized future for a more accessible, ubiquitous, and sustainable healthcare The Future of Health is required reading for medical practitioners and the managers of pharmaceutical companies. It will also earn a place in the libraries of medical device companies and healthcare entrepreneurs seeking an incisive treatment of the impact of digital technology on all aspects of healthcare. Also, the general public, interested in understanding how to take better control of their own health through digital technologies, will find this book insightful and easy to comprehend.
The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies: Materials Science (Advanced Structured Materials #179)
by Rocco Furferi Rodorico Giorgi Kate Seymour Anna PelagottiThis book presents selected work from the Florence Heri-Tech, a conference focused on the use of innovative technologies and methods for analyzing, managing, and preserving cultural heritage. This book presents chapters on the chemical and physical advancement in the development of new materials and methods for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. It also covers trends in conservation and restoration technology: biotechnology, nanotechnology, tailored materials, and physical technologies. The reader also finds information on methods and instruments for the conservation diagnosis and treatments.
The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies: Design, Simulation and Monitoring (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
by Rocco Furferi Lapo Governi Yary Volpe Francesco Gherardini Kate SeymourThis book gathers a selection of contributions dealing with the application of mechanical engineering for preserving and managing cultural heritage. It covers advanced techniques for 3D survey, modeling and simulation, reconstruction, data management as well as advanced diagnostics and testing methods. It highlights strategies to foster sustainability, inclusivity, energy saving and waste reuse in preventive conservation of historical buildings and sculptures, and large heritage sites. Based on contributions presented at the 3rd Florence Heri-Tech International Conference, held on May, 16-18, 2022, in Firenze, Italy, this book offers a timely source of information concerning engineering methods in heritage for both researchers and professionals in the field.
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality, and Our Destiny Beyond Earth
by Michio Kaku<P> The #1 bestselling author of The Future of the Mind traverses the frontiers of astrophysics, artificial intelligence, and technology to offer a stunning vision of man's future in space, from settling Mars to traveling to distant galaxies. <P> Formerly the domain of fiction, moving human civilization to the stars is increasingly becoming a scientific possibility--and a necessity. Whether in the near future due to climate change and the depletion of finite resources, or in the distant future due to catastrophic cosmological events, we must face the reality that humans will one day need to leave planet Earth to survive as a species. <P> World-renowned physicist and futurist Michio Kaku explores in rich, intimate detail the process by which humanity may gradually move away from the planet and develop a sustainable civilization in outer space. He reveals how cutting-edge developments in robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology may allow us to terraform and build habitable cities on Mars. He then takes us beyond the solar system to nearby stars, which may soon be reached by nanoships traveling on laser beams at near the speed of light. Finally, he brings us beyond our galaxy, and even beyond our universe, to the possibility of immortality, showing us how humans may someday be able to leave our bodies entirely and laser port to new havens in space. <P>With irrepressible enthusiasm and wonder, Dr. Kaku takes readers on a fascinating journey to a future in which humanity may finally fulfill its long-awaited destiny among the stars. <P><b> A New York Times Bestseller</b>
The Future of Immortality: Remaking Life and Death in Contemporary Russia (Princeton Studies in Culture and Technology #23)
by Anya BernsteinA gripping account of the Russian visionaries who are pursuing human immortalityAs long as we have known death, we have dreamed of life without end. In The Future of Immortality, Anya Bernstein explores the contemporary Russian communities of visionaries and utopians who are pressing at the very limits of the human.The Future of Immortality profiles a diverse cast of characters, from the owners of a small cryonics outfit to scientists inaugurating the field of biogerontology, from grassroots neurotech enthusiasts to believers in the Cosmist ideas of the Russian Orthodox thinker Nikolai Fedorov. Bernstein puts their debates and polemics in the context of a long history of immortalist thought in Russia, with global implications that reach to Silicon Valley and beyond. If aging is a curable disease, do we have a moral obligation to end the suffering it causes? Could immortality be the foundation of a truly liberated utopian society extending beyond the confines of the earth—something that Russians, historically, have pondered more than most? If life without end requires radical genetic modification or separating consciousness from our biological selves, how does that affect what it means to be human?As vividly written as any novel, The Future of Immortality is a fascinating account of techno-scientific and religious futurism—and the ways in which it hopes to transform our very being.
The Future of Law and eTechnologies
by Tanel Kerikmäe Addi RullThis book presents groundbreaking discussions on e-residency,cryptocurrencies, scams, smart contracts, 3D printing, software agents, digitalevidence and e-governance at the intersection of law, legal policies and moderntechnologies. The reader benefits from cutting-edge analyses that offer ideasand solutions to some of the most pressing issues caused by e-technologies. This collection is a useful tool for law and IT practitioners and aninspiring source for interdisciplinary research. Besides serving as a practicalguideline, this book also reflects theoretical dimensions of futureperspectives, as new technologies are not meant to change common values but toaccommodate them.
The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment
by David RogersOf the 100 companies named to Fortune magazine’s list of the world’s largest companies in 1956, only 29 of those companies remain on that list. Many lost their way because they failed to recognize the changes taking place, or were too big to react quickly enough to shifting market conditions. Supplying Lean practitioners with a formal process for keeping up with technological advancements and shifting business requirements, The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment provides the tools to survive and prosper through the current business environment. It introduces cutting-edge business solutions from the fields of chemical engineering, aircraft production, and business psychology, and explains how to integrate these concepts with proven Lean principles. The book begins by providing a foundation in essential Lean concepts, including Deming and Juran, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, the Toyota Production System, and New Six Sigma. Next, it reports on the latest advances in process understanding. By analyzing changing attitudes within the system, it illustrates how new products are being developed using updated Lean thinking. In addition, it provides examples that demonstrate the impact of e-commerce on Lean production systems. Incorporating the green agenda to Lean thinking, the text supplies the insight to safely navigate your company through a shifting business landscape while reducing your impact on raw materials and the environment. By following the principles discussed in this book, you will not only increase your company’s chances of achieving long-term survival but will position your organization to capitalize on the economic upturn on the horizon.
The Future of Liquified Natural Gas in a Decarbonising World (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies)
by Omran Al-KuwariThis book analyses the role of liquified natural gas in a decarbonising world and presents the most significant energy-transition options and implications for the liquified natural gas industry.Major investments and developments in technology have been made in recent years in an attempt to meet global demand, but energy systems require radical new pathways to meet climate goals in line with the Paris Agreement. This book explores the role of liquified natural gas in the context of the global energy transition, arguing that liquified natural gas has a role to play in terms of resources, the gas market, energy-transition dynamics/regime status, and geopolitical powers. Using a bespoke meta-framework grounded in institutional theory and case studies, the book examines how institutional, political, and resource characteristics affect liquified natural gas use. The book also explores implications for liquified natural gas exporters in the context of the energy transition and analyses the characteristics of liquified natural gas compared with pipeline gas. The multiple case study approach examines the role of natural gas in Japan, the UK, and China, three countries in different stages of the energy transition, to determine potential pathways for exporters. Utilising a multi-method procedure for data collection, including data analysis, in-depth interviews, and direct observations, the book concludes with findings on the potential role of liquified natural gas in various future stages of the energy transition.Written by an industry expert, this book will be of value to students, researchers, and academics interested in energy studies, decarbonisation studies, and environmental studies more broadly.
The Future of Long COVID: A Threatcasting Approach (Synthesis Lectures on Threatcasting)
by Melissa SmallwoodThis book provides an overview of Long COVID, the chronic illness and disability that can result from COVID-19 infection in 20–30% of survivors. It approaches the topic through its larger social, political, and historical context utilizing the Threatcasting methodology for scenario-based foresight. The book brings together multiple perspectives on Long COVID, such as patient experiences, healthcare system impacts, historical frameworks, and the information ecosystem surrounding COVID to explore the long-term structural implications of Long COVID beyond the current acute crisis. It is intended to be a guide for policy makers, healthcare providers, researchers, and anyone whose work will play a role in mitigating the long tail of COVID-19. Framing the pandemic within a historical and political framework while approaching Long COVID from the future-casting perspective, this book seeks to disentangle the issues posed by Long COVID from the current moment and is intended to establish new ways of thinking about and preparing for similar complex, over-the-horizon potential threats. The first book to apply the Threatcasting framework to a public-health issue like COVID-19Draws together multiple perspectives of Long COVID that were previously discussed independently within their fieldsComprehensively examines the history and future of Long COVID
The Future of Looking Back
by Richard BanksWhat will we leave behind in this new digital age? As digital technology takes an ever-increasing role in our lives, one question is how we'll manage our collections after we're gone. What takes the place of shoeboxes full of pictures and dog-eared record albums? Get an inside look at Microsoft researcher Richard Banks's thinking about how we might manage the digital artifacts and content we're creating now--and how we might pass on or inherit these kinds of items in the future. About the Microsoft Research Series At Microsoft Research, we're driven to imagine and to invent. Our desire is to create technology that helps people realize their full potential, and to advance the state of the art in computer science. The Microsoft Research series shares the insights of Microsoft researchers as they explore the new and the transformative.
Future of Management: Proceedings of ICMR-2024
by Koustubh Kanti RayIn response to unparalleled challenges and opportunities, the scope of management is undergoing a profound transformation. Organisations must adapt and innovate in order to flourish in an era characterised by rapid technological advancements, climate change, shifting demographics, and evolving social norms. The three pillars of modern management— sustainability, diversity, and inclusivity—reflect a comprehensive approach that prioritises the well-being of people and the planet over short-term profits and reflects a commitment to social responsibility. In the current era of management, sustainability has emerged as a critical issue. Organisations must incorporate ethical considerations into their decision-making processes, reduce their carbon footprints, and implement eco-conscious practices as the effects of climate change become more severe. According to Paul Polman, the former CEO of Unilever, “Sustainability is not a charity; it is a business case.”
The Future of Manufacturing: The Italian Roadmap (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)
by Rosanna Fornasiero Tullio A. M. TolioThis book is an open access publication. This book explores innovation paths for improving the positioning of the manufacturing sector in the international arena. The roadmap is the result of intense work over two years, during which companies, universities, research bodies, and associations came together to build a systemic vision for the themes of research and technological innovation with a medium to long term outlook. The work is based on a collaborative framework whereby top-down analysis of the global development trends and scenarios generating the challenges for manufacturing is integrated with a bottom-up approach that engages the Cluster's members in bringing forward their research needs. The roadmap's proposal is structured along 7 strategic action lines designed to face the challenges from the market such as personalized production, industrial sustainability, valorization of humans in factories, high efficiency, and to seize and develop the opportunities offered by enabling technologies such as innovative production processes, evolving and reconfigurable processes, cybersecurity, AI, and digital platforms.
The Future of Metaverse in the Virtual Era and Physical World (Studies in Big Data #123)
by Aboul Ella Hassanien Ashraf Darwish Mohamed TorkyThis book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the Metaverse's basics, development, and optional applications such as 3D virtual dressing room-based user-friendly Metaverse, the use of Metaverse in the healthcare and environment sectors as well as the ethics of the Metaverse and digital virtual environments. Part two presents some chapters that discuss emerging technologies in the Metaverse world including IoT, digital twining, and artificial intelligence and shows its impact on climate change. The third part contains chapters discussing cybersecurity in the Metaverse including blockchain technology opportunities and applications and the threat of the digital humanities in the Metaverse. The book is suitable for students and academics aiming to build up their background on the Future of the Metaverse in the Virtual Era and Physical World.
The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution Is Transforming Currencies and Finance
by Eswar S. PrasadA cutting-edge look at how accelerating financial change, from the end of cash to the rise of cryptocurrencies, will transform economies for better and worse. We think we’ve seen financial innovation. We bank from laptops and buy coffee with the wave of a phone. But these are minor miracles compared with the dizzying experiments now underway around the globe, as businesses and governments alike embrace the possibilities of new financial technologies. As Eswar Prasad explains, the world of finance is at the threshold of major disruption that will affect corporations, bankers, states, and indeed all of us. The transformation of money will fundamentally rewrite how ordinary people live. Above all, Prasad foresees the end of physical cash. The driving force won’t be phones or credit cards but rather central banks, spurred by the emergence of cryptocurrencies to develop their own, more stable digital currencies. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies themselves will evolve unpredictably as global corporations like Facebook and Amazon join the game. The changes will be accompanied by snowballing innovations that are reshaping finance and have already begun to revolutionize how we invest, trade, insure, and manage risk. Prasad shows how these and other changes will redefine the very concept of money, unbundling its traditional functions as a unit of account, medium of exchange, and store of value. The promise lies in greater efficiency and flexibility, increased sensitivity to the needs of diverse consumers, and improved market access for the unbanked. The risk is instability, lack of accountability, and erosion of privacy. A lucid, visionary work, The Future of Money shows how to maximize the best and guard against the worst of what is to come.
The Future of Mountain Agriculture
by Stefan MannMountain agriculture is a socially and culturally unique system, but also a regionally important economic sector. In a globalising world, it is clear that fertile areas on all continents will always be used to produce large quantities of agricultural products in order to feed the world and, increasingly, provide biomass as a source of energy. It is far less clear, however, how land use in steep and more peripheral regions will evolve. By definition, farmland in mountain areas is more difficult to work because of steep slopes and missing accessibility. Climate conditions and poor soil quality often add to these adverse conditions. Through overcoming limited views from one region only or from one discipline, this book intends to draw a first truly international perspective on the issue of mountain farming.
Future of Networks: Modern Communication Infrastructure (Synthesis Lectures on Communications)
by Dhiman Deb ChowdhuryThis book provides a comprehensive discussion about the trends in network transformation towards intelligent networks and what the future holds for communication infrastructure. The author unveils the interplay of technologies and technological know-how that are shaping the industry. Delving into the evolution of networking infrastructures from static to dynamic and intelligent, this book explores how these advancements are enhancing user experiences, driving digital transformation in businesses, and revolutionizing the way the world connects. Covering trends in networking technologies, advances in SOCs, cloud networking, automation, network insights (telemetry and observability), container networking, network security, and AI infrastructure, readers will gain valuable insights into the cutting-edge technologies shaping the landscape of communication infrastructure. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or a newcomer to the field, this book offers an invaluable resource for understanding the latest advancements and future directions in networking technology.
The Future of Oil as a Source of Energy
by The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and ResearchWhat is the future of oil as a primary source of energy? Is the world moving inexorably towards the end of the oil era? This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the future of oil by assessing the present realities and prospects of the oil sector, tracing the growth of alternative and renewable energy sources and examining the impact of environmental concerns. The volume also focuses on aspects of energy quality in the ongoing energy transition, highlights new technological developments in the oil industry and suggests ways to ensure price stability in the oil market.
The Future of Packaging: From Linear to Circular
by Tom SzakyOnly 35 percent of the 240 million metric tons of waste generated in the United States alone gets recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This extraordinary collection shows how manufacturers can move from a one-way take-make-waste economy that is burying the world in waste to a circular, make-use-recycle economy. Steered by Tom Szaky, recycling pioneer, eco-capitalist, and founder and CEO of TerraCycle, each chapter is coauthored by an expert in his or her field. From the distinct perspectives of government leaders, consumer packaged goods companies, waste management firms, and more, the book explores current issues of production and consumption, practical steps for improving packaging and reducing waste today, and big ideas and concepts that can be carried forward.Intended to help every business from a small start-up to a large established consumer product company, this book serves as a source of knowledge and inspiration. The message from these pioneers is not to scale back but to innovate upward. They offer nothing less than a guide to designing ourselves out of waste and into abundance.