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Future Trends in Biomedical and Health Informatics and Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, ICBHI 2019, 17-20 April 2019, Taipei, Taiwan (IFMBE Proceedings #74)

by Kang-Ping Lin Ratko Magjarevic Paulo De Carvalho

This book gathers the proceedings of the IV International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (ICBHI 2019), held on 17-20 April, 2019, in Taipei, Taiwan. Contributions span a range of topics, including medical imaging, biosignal processing, biodata management and analytics, public and personalized health systems, mobile health applications and many more. The IV conference edition gave a special emphasis to cybersecurity issues and cutting-edge medical devices, as it is reflected in this book, which provides academics and professionals with extensive knowledge on and a timely snapshot of cutting-edge research and developments in the field of biomedical and health informatics.

Future Trends in Biotechnology

by Jian-Jiang Zhong

Systems Metabolic Engineering: The Creation of Microbial Cell Factories by Rational Metabolic Design and Evolution, by Chikara Furusawa, Takaaki Horinouchi, Takashi Hirasawa, Hiroshi Shimizu Impacts of Quorum Sensing on Microbial Metabolism and Human Health, by Yang-Chun Yong, Jian-Jiang Zhong CHO Glycosylation Mutants as Potential Host Cells to Produce Therapeutic Proteins with Enhanced Efficacy, by Peiqing Zhang, Kah Fai Chan, Ryan Haryadi, Muriel Bardor, Zhiwei Song Cell-Free Biosystems for Biomanufacturing, by Chun You, Y.-H. Percival Zhang Lipid Bilayer Membrane Arrays: Fabrication and Applications, by Xiaojun Han, Guodong Qi, Xingtao Xu, Lei Wang RNA Aptamers: A Review of Recent Trends and Applications, by Kyung-Nam Kang, Yoon-Sik Lee

Future Trends in Microelectronics

by Alexander Zaslavsky Serge Luryi Jimmy Xu

Leaders in the field predict the future of the microelectronics industryThis seventh volume of Future Trends in Microelectronics summarizes and synthesizes the latest high-level scientific discussions to emerge from the Future Trends in Microelectronics international workshop, which has occurred every three years since 1995. It covers the full scope of cutting-edge topics in microelectronics, from new physical principles (quantum computing, correlated electrons), to new materials (piezoelectric nanostructures, terahertz plasmas), to emerging device technologies (embedded magnetic memories, spin lasers, and biocompatible microelectronics).An ideal book for microelectronics professionals and students alike, this volume of Future Trends in Microelectronics:Identifies the direction in which microelectronics is headed, enabling readers to move forward with research in an informed, efficient, and profitable mannerIncludes twenty-nine contributor chapters by international authorities from leading universities, major semiconductor companies, and government laboratoriesProvides a unified, cohesive exploration of various trends in microelectronics, looking to future opportunities, rather than past successes

Future Trends in Microelectronics: Journey into the Unknown

by Alexander Zaslavsky Jimmy Xu Serge Luryi

Presents the developments in microelectronic-related fields, with comprehensive insight from a number of leading industry professionals The book presents the future developments and innovations in the developing field of microelectronics. The book's chapters contain contributions from various authors, all of whom are leading industry professionals affiliated either with top universities, major semiconductor companies, or government laboratories, discussing the evolution of their profession. A wide range of microelectronic-related fields are examined, including solid-state electronics, material science, optoelectronics, bioelectronics, and renewable energies. The topics covered range from fundamental physical principles, materials and device technologies, and major new market opportunities. Describes the expansion of the field into hot topics such as energy (photovoltaics) and medicine (bio-nanotechnology) Provides contributions from leading industry professionals in semiconductor micro- and nano-electronics Discusses the importance of micro- and nano-electronics in today's rapidly changing and expanding information society Future Trends in Microelectronics: Journey into the Unknown is written for industry professionals and graduate students in engineering, physics, and nanotechnology. Serge Luryi, PhD, is a Distinguished Professor and Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Stony Brook University, as well as the Director of New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Sensor Systems. He has worked in microelectronics for over 30 years, published over 250 papers and has been awarded 53 US patents. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, of the American Physical Society, and of the Optical Society of America. Jimmy Xu, PhD, is the Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. '32 University Professor of Engineering and Physics at Brown University. Prior to 1999, he was the James Ham Chair of Optoelectronics, as well as the Director of the Nortel Institute for Telecommunications at the University of Toronto. He has worked in microelectronics for over 30 years. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, APS, Guggenheim Foundation, IEEE, and the Institute of Physics. Alex Zaslavsky, PhD, is a Professor of Engineering and Physics at Brown University. During 2009-2012 he was a Visiting Senior Chair of Excellence at the Nanosciences Foundation in Grenoble, France. He has worked in microelectronics for over 25 years and has published over 130 journal papers and book chapters. He has been an editor of the Solid State Electronics international journal since 2003.

Future Trends in Production Engineering

by Eckart Uhlmann Günther Schuh Reimund Neugebauer

To meet and adapt to the current and future trends and issues in technology and society, the science committee of The German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP) continues to define future topics for production technology. These themes represent not only the key focus for the scientific work of the WGP, but also the central themes of the first annual conference in June 2011, whose paper is publically available in this volume. Such themes, including electric mobility, medical technology, lightweight construction, and resource efficiency, as well as mass production ability have all been identified as future, large-scale, and long-term drivers of change. Future trends influence changes sustainably and fundamentally; they permeate society, technology, economics, and value systems and have an effect in virtually all areas of life. The WGP has, as part of its research, established for itself the goal of not only observing these emerging changes, but also of supervising and influencing their development in order to ensure steady progress, secure sustainability, and shape the future.

Future U.S. Security Relationships with Iraq and Afghanistan

by Frederic Wehrey Theodore W. Karasik Dalia Dassa Kaye David E. Thaler Jennifer D. Moroney

The authors describe possible regional security structures and bilateral U.S. relationships with Iraq and Afghanistan. They recommend that the United States offer a wide range of security cooperation activities to compatible future governments in Kabul and Baghdad but should also plan to hedge against less-favorable contingencies. They emphasize that the U.S. Air Force should expect to remain heavily tasked for the foreseeable future.

The Future Use of Nordic Forests

by Erik Westholm Karin Beland Lindahl Florian Kraxner

Diverse as they are in their histories and in the organization of their forest sectors, most Nordic countries have this in common: their economies and cultures are substantially based on the utilization of various forest resources. This book explores Nordic forest futures and presents research results that form part of a scientific foundation for considering how to balance the functions of forests. It is particularly concerned with global trends that may affect the future use of boreal forests. Chapters investigate inter-alia the growing world population and the expected economic growth in countries with huge populations, and assess the resulting pressure on all land-based resources. Authors examine the urgent need for solutions to the energy crisis, consider worrying climate scenarios and provide a global outlook on bioenergy futures. Readers will discover how these developments will and must influence long-term strategic decisions on the future use of Nordic forests. The challenges and possible responses for future forest governance and forestry issues emerge, as the chapters go on to consider the multiple pressures in particular on the Swedish Forestry Model, among other themes. "By bringing together a distinguished group of internationally renowned scientists representing a diverse set of disciplines covering political science, geography, rural development, forest economics, history, and geo-sciences, this book constitutes an exceptionally profound and thoughtful futures study. " - Alexander Buck, Executive Director, International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO)

Future Visions on Biomedicine and Bioinformatics 2

by Andrew Marsh Lodewijk Bos Denis Carroll Luis Kun Laura M. Roa

Swamy Laxminarayan was an outstanding researcher active in many diverse fields of science and technology. He was one of the most prominent biomedical scientists and his ideas influenced the Biomedical Technology substantially. This book tries to provide an overview on the multiple achievements of Swamy Laxminarayan. It presents a collection of his most outstanding publications and an overview on his outstanding life. This Volume is the second part of the liber amicorum in Memory of Swamy Laxminarayan.

Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First-Century Warfare

by John B. Alexander

The nature of warfare has changed! Like it or not, terrorism has established a firm foothold worldwide. Economics and environmental issues are inextricably entwined on a global basis and tied directly to national regional security. Although traditional threats remain, new, shadowy, and mercurial adversaries are emerging, and identifying and locating them is difficult. Future War, based on the hard-learned lessons of Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia, Panama, and many other trouble spots, provides part of the solution.Non-lethal weapons are a pragmatic application of force, not a peace movement. Ranging from old rubber bullets and tear gas to exotic advanced systems that can paralyze a country, they are essential for the preservation of peace and stability. Future War explains exactly how non-lethal electromagnetic and pulsed-power weapons, the laser and tazer, chemical systems, computer viruses, ultrasound and infrasound, and even biological entities will be used to stop enemies. These are the weapons of the future.

Future War: Preparing for the New Global Battlefield

by Robert H. Latiff

An urgent, prescient, and expert look at how future technology will change virtually every aspect of war as we know it and how we can respond to the serious national security challenges ahead. Future war is almost here: battles fought in cyberspace; biologically enhanced soldiers; autonomous systems that can process information and strike violently before a human being can blink. A leading expert on the place of technology in war and intelligence, Robert H. Latiff, now teaching at the University of Notre Dame, has spent a career in the military researching and developing new combat technologies, observing the cost of our unquestioning embrace of innovation. At its best, advanced technology acts faster than ever to save the lives of soldiers; at its worst, the deployment of insufficiently considered new technology can have devastating unintended or long-term consequences. The question of whether we can is followed, all too infrequently, by the question of whether we should. In Future War, Latiff maps out the changing ways of war and the weapons technologies we will use to fight them, seeking to describe the ramifications of those changes and what it will mean in the future to be a soldier. He also recognizes that the fortunes of a nation are inextricably linked with its national defense, and how its citizens understand the importance of when, how, and according to what rules we fight. What will war mean to the average American? Are our leaders sufficiently sensitized to the implications of the new ways of fighting? How are the attitudes of individuals and civilian institutions shaped by the wars we fight and the means we use to fight them? And, of key importance: How will soldiers themselves think about war and their roles within it? The evolving, complex world of conflict and technology demands that we pay more attention to the issues that will confront us, before it is too late to control them. Decrying what he describes as a "broken" relationship between the military and the public it serves, Latiff issues a bold wake-up call to military planners and weapons technologists, decision makers, and the nation as a whole as we prepare for a very different future.

Future Water Priorities for the Nation: Directions For The U. S. Geological Survey Water Mission Area

by National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine

Solving problems related to use of water resources will be of paramount importance in coming decades as increasing pressure from growing populations, climate change, extreme weather, and aging water-related infrastructure threaten water availability and quality. The Water Mission Area (WMA) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has a long-established reputation for collecting and delivering high-quality, unbiased scientific information related to the nation’s water resources. WMA observations help inform decisions ranging from rapid responses during emergencies such as hurricanes, floods, and forest fires, to the long-term management of water resources. Produced at the request of USGS, this report identifies the nation’s highest-priority water science and resources challenges over the next 25 years. Future Water Priorities for the Nation summarizes WMA’s current water science and research portfolio, and recommends strategic opportunities for WMA to more effectively address the most pressing challenges.

The Future We Left Behind

by Mike A. Lancaster

Thousands of years in the future, the divide between humanity and technology has become nearly unrecognizable. Each thought, each action is logged, coded, backed up. Data is as easily exchanged through the fiber-optic-like cables that extend from fingertips as it might be through ordinary conversation. It's a brave new world: A world that the Straker Tapes say is a result of many human "upgrades." But no one is sure whether the Straker Tapes are a work of fiction or an eerie peek into an unimaginable past. Nearly sixteen-year-old Peter Vincent has been raised to believe that everything that the backward Strakerites cling to is insane—an utter waste of time and potential. Since his father is David Vincent, genius inventor of the artificial bees that saved the world's crops and prevented massive famine, how could Peter believe anything else? But when Peter meets Alpha, a Strakerite his own age, suddenly the theories about society-upgrades don't sound quite so crazy, especially when she shows him evidence that another upgrade is imminent. And worse, there may be a conspiracy by the leaders of the establishment to cover it up. A conspiracy spearheaded by Peter's own father. Gripping and full of unexpected twists, The Future We Left Behind takes the unsettling questions raised in Human.4 and flips them entirely. What if we knew that the very way we live was about to be changed in an instant, and we could stop it? And what if everything we are sure we know is entirely wrong?

The Future Will Be BS Free

by Will McIntosh

In this terrifyingly timely tale for fans of The Eye of Minds, a teen and his group of friends find themselves on the run after using a genius lie-detector contraption to expose their corrupt government.In a Putin-esque near-future America, the gifted and talented high school has just been eliminated, and Sam and his friends have been using their unexpected free time to work on a tiny, undetectable, utterly reliable lie detector. They're all in it for the money--except Theo, their visionary. For Theo, it's about creating a better world. A BS-free world, where no one can lie, and the honest will thrive.Just when they finish the prototype and turn down an offer to sell their brainchild to a huge corporation, Theo is found dead. Greedy companies, corrupt privatized police, and even the president herself will stop at nothing to steal the Truth App. Sam sets his sights on exposing all lies and holding everyone accountable.But he and his friends quickly realize the costs of a BS-free world: the lives of loved ones, and political and economic stability. They now face a difficult question: Is the world capable of operating without lies, or are lies what hold it together?"Deserving of comparisons to The Hunger Games." --Kirkus"This compelling, action-packed story will have readers eagerly turning pages...Give to fans of Cory Doctorow's Little Brother." --SLJ"The action is nonstop from beginning to end..a BS-free way to present a deep and fundamental question." --Booklist

The Future X Network: A Bell Labs Perspective

by Marcus K. Weldon

We are at the dawn of an era in networking that has the potential to define a new phase of human existence. This era will be shaped by the digitization and connection of everything and everyone with the goal of automating much of life, effectively creating time by maximizing the efficiency of everything we do and augmenting our intelligence with knowledge that expedites and optimizes decision-making and everyday routines and processes.The Future X Network: A Bell Labs Perspective outlines how Bell Labs sees this future unfolding and the key technological breakthroughs needed at both the architectural and systems levels. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to a major area of change and the network and systems innovation required to realize the technological revolution that will be the essential product of this new digital future.

Futureproof: 9 reglas para los humanos en la era de la automatizacion

by Kevin Roose

¿Qué significa ser humano en un mundo construido cada vez más por y para máquinas? Las máquinas ya están aquí; la automatización está sustituyendo los trabajos de las personas, la inteligencia artificial se ha colocado en el centro de los negocios y de nuestras vidas, y los algoritmos dan forma a todo lo que nos rodea. EnFutureproof: 9 reglas para los humanos en la era de la automatización, Kevin Roose rechaza la creencia popular de que paracompetir con las máquinas tenemos que parecernos a ellas: hipereficientes, basadas en datos, caballos de batalla al servicio del código. En su lugar, sostiene que debemos dejar a las máquinas ser máquinas y enfocarnos en hacer las actividades creativas, inspiradoras y con sentido que nos distinguen como seres humanos. Para lograrlo, nos comparte nueve lecciones para reflexionar, sobrevivir al cambio tecnológico y proteger nuestro futuro: Regla 1. Sé sorprendente, sociable y excepcional. Regla 2. Resiste el embate de las máquinas. Regla 3. Haz a un lado tus dispositivos. Regla 4. Deja huella. Regla 5. No seas un punto de conexión. Regla 6. Trata la IA como si fuera un ejército de chimpancés. Regla 7. Construye redes grandes y pequeñas. Regla 8. Aprende humanidades para la era de las máquinas. Regla 9. Arma a los rebeldes. Una visión pragmática y esperanzadora sobre cómo podemos defendernos del paso arrasador de la automatización y cómo alcanzar el éxito en la era de las máquinas al convertirnos en humanos irremplazables.

Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation

by Kevin Roose

'Kevin Roose provides a clear, compelling strategy for surviving the next wave of technology with our jobs - and souls - intact... Futureproof is the survival guide you need' Charles Duhigg, The Power of HabitIn this timely, counterintuitive, and highly practical guide to the age of A.I. and automation, a New York Times technology columnist argues that the key to success is making yourself more human, not less.The machines are here. After decades of sci-fi doomsaying and marketing hype, advanced A.I. and automation technologies have leapt out of research labs and Silicon Valley engineering departments and into the center of our lives. The world's biggest corporations are racing to automate jobs, and some experts predict that A.I could put millions of people out of work. But all is not lost. With a little effort, we can become futureproof. In Futureproof: 9 Rules for Machine-Age Humans, New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose lays out an optimistic vision of how people can thrive in the machine age by rethinking their relationship with technology, and making themselves irreplaceably human.

Futureproof: 9 reglas para los humanos en la era de la automatizacion

by Kevin Roose

«Una guía concisa, esclarecedora y sofisticada para defender los valores humanos en la nueva era de las máquinas.» The New York Times Book Review Las máquinas ya están aquí. Los algoritmos dan forma a todo lo que nos rodea: los programas que vemos, la música que escuchamos, los productos que compramos o las relaciones que creamos. Y mientras seguimos inmersos en el eterno debate de si la automatización destruirá nuestros puestos de trabajo, ignoramos una pregunta importante: ¿Qué significa ser humano en un mundo diseñado cada vez más por y para las máquinas? En Futureproof: 9 reglas para los humanos en la era de la automatización, el columnista de The New York Times Kevin Roose rechaza la creencia popular de que para competir con las máquinas tenemos que parecernos a ellas: hipereficientes esclavos de los datos. Mantiene, en cambio, que debemos enfocarnos en desarrollar las actividades creativas, inspiradoras y relevantes que nos distinguen como seres humanos. Roose revela los secretos de las personas y las organizaciones que han sobrevivido al cambio tecnológico y explica cómo podemos proteger nuestro futuro con lecciones como: Regla 1. Sé sorprendente, sociable y excepcional Regla 2. Resiste el embate de las máquinas Regla 3. Haz a un lado tus dispositivos Regla 4. Deja huella Regla 5. No seas un punto de conexión Regla 6. Trata la IA como si fuera un ejército de chimpancés Regla 7. Construye redes grandes y pequeñas Regla 8. Aprende humanidades para la era de las máquinas Regla 9. Arma a los rebeldes Una guía pragmática y esperanzadora sobre cómo defendernos del avance arrasador de las máquinas y prosperar en la era de la automatización convirtiéndonos en humanos irremplazables. Reseñas:«Una clara y convincente estrategia para superarla siguiente ola de la tecnología con nuestros trabajos (y almas) intactos. Tanto si eres optimista como pesimista sobre el futuro, Futureproof es la guía de supervivencia que necesitas.»Charles Duhigg, autor de Más agudo, más rápido y mejor y El poder de los hábitos «Kevin Roose nos enseña cómo las personas podemos hacer frente individualmente al cambio tecnológico anteponiendo siempre la humanidad.»Andrew Yang, candidato demócrata a la presidencia de EEUU y defensor de la renta básica universal

Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation

by Kevin Roose

'Kevin Roose provides a clear, compelling strategy for surviving the next wave of technology with our jobs - and souls - intact... Futureproof is the survival guide you need' Charles Duhigg, The Power of HabitIn this timely, counterintuitive, and highly practical guide to the age of A.I. and automation, a New York Times technology columnist argues that the key to success is making yourself more human, not less.The machines are here. After decades of sci-fi doomsaying and marketing hype, advanced A.I. and automation technologies have leapt out of research labs and Silicon Valley engineering departments and into the center of our lives. The world's biggest corporations are racing to automate jobs, and some experts predict that A.I could put millions of people out of work. But all is not lost. With a little effort, we can become futureproof. In Futureproof: 9 Rules for Machine-Age Humans, New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose lays out an optimistic vision of how people can thrive in the machine age by rethinking their relationship with technology, and making themselves irreplaceably human.(P) 2021 Penguin Random House Audio

Futureproof: 9 Rules for Surviving in the Age of AI

by Kevin Roose

A practical, deeply reported survival guide for the age of AI, written by the New York Times tech columnist who has introduced millions to the promise and pitfalls of artificial intelligence. &“Artificial intelligence can be terrifying, but Kevin Roose provides a clear, compelling strategy for surviving the next wave of technology with our jobs—and souls—intact.&”—Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit It&’s time to get real about AI. After decades of hype and sci-fi fantasies, AI—artificial intelligence—is leaping out of research labs and into the center of our lives. Millions of people now use tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 to write essays, create art and finish coding projects. AI programs are already beating humans in fields like law, medicine and entertainment, and they&’re getting better every day. But AI doesn&’t just threaten our jobs. It shapes our entire human experience, steering our behavior and influencing our choices about which TV shows to watch, which clothes to buy, and which politicians to vote for. And while many experts argue about whether a robot apocalypse is near, one critical question has gone unanswered: In a world where AI is ascendant, how can humans survive and thrive? In Futureproof: 9 Rules for Humans in the Age of Automation, New York Times technology columnist Kevin Roose shares the secrets of people and organizations that have successfully navigated waves of technological change, and explains what skills are necessary to stay ahead of the curve today, with lessons like • Be surprising, social, and scarce• Resist machine drift• Leave handprints• Demote your devices• Treat AI like a chimp army Roose rejects the conventional wisdom that in order to compete with AI, we have to become more like robots ourselves—hyper-efficient, data-driven workhorses. Instead, he says, we should focus on being more human, and doing the kinds of creative, inspiring, and meaningful things even the most advanced algorithms can&’t do.

Futures in Mechanics of Structures and Materials

by Thiru Aravinthan Hao Wang Warna Karu Karunasena

Futures in Mechanics of Structures and Materials is a collection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 20th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials (ACMSM20, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, 2 - 5 December 2008) by academics, researchers and practicing engineers mainly from Austral

Futures Research and Environmental Sustainability: Theory and Method

by James K. Lein

This book explores the challenges of presenting sustainability as a more actionable or practical concept and identifying approaches that might offer useful assistance in addressing the temporal and spatial representation of sustainability. The underlying premise of this book is that sustainability is a state realized in the future. In that future there is a geographic arrangement of society and economy that agrees with its environmental setting. This future perspective introduces a little examined subject area that can lend significant content to the sustainability challenge: Futures Research.

Futuring Design Education, Volume 1: Proceedings of the Futuring Design Education (FDE) 2024 (Design Science and Innovation)

by Aneesha Sharma Ravi Poovaiah

This book presents select proceedings of the two-day conference titled Futuring Design Education (FDE 2024), and it examines the transformation of design knowledge, the evolving spaces of learning, and the ecosystems of teaching and learning. The topics covered include the pedagogical model of design education, the experiments, and technological advances that impact design education. The book also discusses the roles and challenges of learning spaces, remote learning in digital spaces, and synchronous and asynchronous learning tools. The book will also look at the social contexts in design pedagogy, cultural affiliations and alignments and will allude to any new learning frameworks for design education. The book can be a valuable reference for design educators, design researchers, and professionals interested in design education.

Futuring Design Education, Volume 2: Proceedings of the Futuring Design Education (FDE) 2024 (Design Science and Innovation)

by Aneesha Sharma Ravi Poovaiah

This book presents select proceedings of the two-day conference titled Futuring Design Education (FDE 2024), and it examines the transformation of design knowledge, the evolving spaces of learning, and the ecosystems of teaching and learning. The topics covered include the pedagogical model of design education, the experiments, and technological advances that impact design education. The book also discusses the roles and challenges of learning spaces, remote learning in digital spaces, and synchronous and asynchronous learning tools. The book will also look at the social contexts in design pedagogy, cultural affiliations and alignments and will allude to any new learning frameworks for design education. The book can be a valuable reference for design educators, design researchers, and professionals interested in design education.

Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies: Select Proceedings of VICFCNT 2021, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #995)

by Shien-Kuei Liaw N. Subhashini Morris. A. G. Ezra

This book presents select proceedings of the Virtual International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (VICFCNT 2021). It covers various domains in communication engineering and networking technologies. This volume comprises recent research in areas like cyber-physical systems, acoustics, speech & video signal Processing, and the Internet of Things. This book is a collated work of academicians, researchers, and industry personnel from the international arena. This book will be useful for researchers, professionals, and engineers working in the core areas of electronics and communication.

Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies: Select Proceedings of VICFCNT 2020 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #792)

by A. Sivasubramanian Prasad N. Shastry Pua Chang Hong

This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies (CFCNT 2020) conducted at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai. It covers various domains in communication engineering and networking technologies. This volume comprises of recent research in areas like optical communication, optical networks, optics and optical computing, emerging trends in photonics, MEMS and sensors, active and passive RF components and devices, antenna systems and applications, RF devices and antennas for microwave emerging technologies, wireless communication for future networks, signal and image processing, machine learning/AI for networks, internet of intelligent things, network security and blockchain technologies. This book will be useful for researchers, professionals, and engineers working in the core areas of electronics and communication.

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