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G. Evelyn Hutchinson and the Invention of Modern Ecology

by Nancy G. Slack

Stephen J. Gould declared G. Evelyn Hutchinson the most important ecologist of the twentieth century. E.O. Wilson pronounced him "one of the few scientists who could unabashedly be called a genius." In this fascinating book, Nancy G. Slack presents for the first time the full life story of this brilliant scientist who was also a master teacher, a polymath, and a delightful friend and correspondent. Based on full access to Hutchinson's archives and extensive interviews with him and many who knew him, the author evaluates his important contributions to modern ecology and his profound influence as a mentor. Filled with information available nowhere else, the book draws a vibrant portrait of an original scientific thinker who was also a man of remarkable personal appeal.

G. V. Schulz: Leben und Forschen eines Polymer-Pioniers im 20. Jahrhundert

by Sebastian Seiffert

Prof. Dr. Günther Viktor Schulz, ein bedeutender Wissenschaftler des 20. Jahrhunderts, prägte ganz wesentlich das Gebiet der Polymerchemie. Sein Leben und Wirken in den Wirren dieser Epoche war erfüllt von wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen und schicksalhaften Begegnungen. Das vorliegende Werk stellt eine private Niederschrift seiner persönlichen Lebens- und Arbeitserinnerungen bereit.

Gac Fruit: Advances in Cultivation, Utilization, Health Benefits and Processing Technologies

by Servan Ersan Chuyen V. Hoang Tien Huynh Van Anh Le Cang H. Mai Judith Müller-Maatsch Dao T. Nguyen Sophie E. Parks Huan Phan-Tai Huu Tai Pham Ngoc T.M Ta Xuan T. Tran

Gac fruit, Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng, is rich in nutrients such as carotenoids (particularly ß-carotene and lycopene), fatty acids, vitamin E, polyphenol compounds and flavonoids. This book provides the latest research on this fruit, from cultivation through to novel processing technologies for health products. It addresses several techniques for propagation and cultivation in order to increase the production and quality of Gac fruit, including traditionally used parts of the fruit (aril) and those whose value has not yet been maximized (peel, pulp and seed). This plant has the potential to be a high value crop, particularly as parts of the fruit can be processed into nutrient supplements and natural colorants. Currently only the aril is commercially harvested, and this presents opportunities for upcycling the rest of the fruit. As such, this book contains special emphasis on: · Improving yield and fruit quality. · Extraction methods of Gac oil rich in ß-carotene and lycopene from the aril and peel. · Encapsulation of Gac oil and applications in various food products. · Nutritional values and bioactive compounds of Gac pulp and peel. · Processing and utilization of Gac seeds. · The market for Gac target products. Practical applied technologies such as microwave drying, heat pump drying, freeze drying, ultrasound assisted extraction, supercritical CO2 extraction, encapsulation techniques are all presented. This is an essential reference text for academics, researchers and graduate students in Gac fruit cultivation, food processing, science and nutrition. Product developers in health food and health supplements will also find it valuable.


by Nicolas Freeling

From an Edgar award winner, this thriller about a physicist forced to make an A-bomb is &“a splendid account of the excesses of science and bureaucracy&” (The New York Times). An American physicist working in Hamburg, Jim Hawkins is on his way home from his job at a German nuclear institute when he is rammed off the road and abducted by terrorists. Drugged and taken to a secret location, he wakes to find himself being held hostage alongside his terrified wife and daughters. With nothing else to do but comply with the terrorists&’ demands, Jim begins to build a weapon powerful enough to destroy the world. The target: a conference in Lake Geneva, where heads of state are meeting, even as news of his abduction has reached the ears of the American president, only to be dismissed as rumor. Will anyone be able to convince the world leaders of the threat in time? &“Freeling moves from straight suspense to a science thriller and keeps his kinkiness intact. . . . Brilliant.&” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review

Gadget Disasters: Learning from Bad Ideas (Fantastic Fails)

by Elizabeth Pagel-Hogan

See some of the world's greatest gadget disasters from the palm of your hand. Find out how each gadget failed, what went wrong with its design or manufacture, and what programmers learned from their mistakes.

Gadget Girl (Into Reading, Level T #63)

by Carmel Reilly Wayne Bryant

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Gadget Interessanti (Come fare... #28)

by Owen Jones

Gli articoli presenti in questo ebook sono suggerimenti e consigli su gadget, strumenti interessanti anche per gli adulti e argomenti simili. Tuttavia, il libro dovrebbe essere considerato nella sua totalità. Il testo è composto su diversi livelli: spero che troverai le sue informazioni utili, e inoltre, comprandolo, potrai anche usarne i contenuti nelle tue pubblicazioni.

The Gadget War

by Betsy Duffey

MEET THE GADGET WHIZ.. Kelly Sparks has forty-three inventions to her credit -- and she's only in third grade! Just name a problem, and in no time Kelly will come up with a gadget to solve it. But when Albert Einstein Jones walks into Kelly's class, he becomes Kelly's stickiest problem yet! Albert's been to Young Inventor's Camp, and he's determined to prove who the real gadget whiz is. This is sure to be a mastermind fight to the finish!

Gadgets and Games: Design and Engineering for STEM (Design and Engineering for STEM)

by Chris Oxlade

Did you know that all gadgets and games have a life cycle? That's what we call the stages from their design, manufacture, and sale to their use, maintenance, and disposal. This book explains what happens during these stages, such as prototyping, the sourcing of components, the production process, the decisions made by designers and engineers, and recycling.

Gadgets Interessantes (Como fazer... #28)

by Owen Jones

Gadgets Interessantes Olá e obrigado por comprar este ebook chamado "Gadgets Interessantes". Espero que você ache as informações prestativas, úteis e lucrativas. As informações contidas neste e-book sobre vários tipos de gadgets, brinquedos para adultos e assuntos relacionados estão organizadas em 16 capítulos com cerca de 500 a 600 palavras cada. Espero que seja do interesse de quem gosta de tecnologia moderna e de gadgets. Como um bónus adicional, concedo-lhe a permissão para usar o conteúdo no seu próprio site ou nos seus próprios blogs e newsleters, embora seja melhor se antes você os reescrever com as suas próprias palavras. Você também pode dividir o livro e revender os artigos. De facto, o único direito que você não tem é revender ou doar o livro como ele lhe foi entregue. Se você tiver algum comentário, deixe-o na empresa onde você comprou este livro. Você também encontrará mais livros como este por lá. Agradecemos novamente por adquirir este ebook, Saudações, Owen Jones

Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-scale Permaculture

by Toby Hemenway

"Gaia" (not in the glossary) refers to the view that the Earth is a living, interconnected organism. The associate editor of The Permaculture Activist, who gardens in Southern Oregon, treats gardens as backyard ecosystems. The book includes organic garden design illustrations, and such useful information as the differences between immature and mature ecosystems, a garden designer's checklist, plants for attracting wildlife, and resources. Annotation c. Book News, Inc. , Portland, OR (booknews. com)

Gaia's Web: How Digital Environmentalism Can Combat Climate Change, Restore Biodiversity, Cultivate Empathy, and Regenerate the Earth

by Karen Bakker

A riveting exploration of one of the most important dilemmas of our time: will digital technology accelerate environmental degradation, or could it play a role in ecological regeneration?At the uncanny edge of the scientific frontier, Gaia&’s Web explores the promise and pitfalls the Digital Age holds for the future of our planet. Instead of the Internet of Things, environmental scientist and tech entrepreneur Karen Bakker asks, why not consider the Internet of Living Things? At the surprising and inspiring confluence of our digital and ecological futures, Bakker explores how the tools of the Digital Age could be mobilized to address our most pressing environmental challenges, from climate change to biodiversity loss. Interspersed with ten elegiac, enigmatic parables, each of which is based on an existing technology, Gaia&’s Web evokes the conundrums we face as the World Wide Web intertwines with the Web of Life.A new generation of innovators is deploying digital technology to come to the aid of the planet, using spy satellites to track down environmental criminals, inviting animals to the Metaverse, and biohacking Frankenstein-like biobots as environmental sentinels. But will they end up doing more harm than good? In an engaging take on conservation technology, Bakker looks at the digital tech applications to environmental issues from predatory harvesting of environmental data to human bycatch and eco-surveillance capitalism. If we address these issues and mobilize digitally mediated forms of citizen science, she argues, digital tech could help reverse environmental harms and advance environmental sustainability. And in the process, Big Tech might be transformed for the better.With its uniquely broad scope—combining insights from computer science, ecology, engineering, environmental science, and environmental law—Gaia&’s Web introduces profoundly novel ways of addressing our most pressing environmental challenges—mitigating climate change, protecting endangered species—and creating new possibilities for ecological justice by empowering nonhumans to participate in environmental regulation.

Gain-Cell Embedded DRAMs for Low-Power VLSI Systems-on-Chip

by Pascal Meinerzhagen Adam Teman Robert Giterman Noa Edri Andreas Burg Alexander Fish

This book pioneers the field of gain-cell embedded DRAM (GC-eDRAM) design for low-power VLSI systems-on-chip (SoCs). Novel GC-eDRAMs are specifically designed and optimized for a range of low-power VLSI SoCs, ranging from ultra-low power to power-aware high-performance applications. After a detailed review of prior-art GC-eDRAMs, an analytical retention time distribution model is introduced and validated by silicon measurements, which is key for low-power GC-eDRAM design. The book then investigates supply voltage scaling and near-threshold voltage (NTV) operation of a conventional gain cell (GC), before presenting novel GC circuit and assist techniques for NTV operation, including a 3-transistor full transmission-gate write port, reverse body biasing (RBB), and a replica technique for optimum refresh timing. Next, conventional GC bitcells are evaluated under aggressive technology and voltage scaling (down to the subthreshold domain), before novel bitcells for aggressively scaled CMOS nodes and soft-error tolerance as presented, including a 4-transistor GC with partial internal feedback and a 4-transistor GC with built-in redundancy.

Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations

by Carl C. Gaither Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither

This unprecedented collection of 27,000 quotations is the most comprehensive and carefully researched of its kind, covering all fields of science and mathematics. With this vast compendium you can readily conceptualize and embrace the written images of scientists, laymen, politicians, novelists, playwrights, and poets about humankind's scientific achievements. Approximately 9000 high-quality entries have been added to this new edition to provide a rich selection of quotations for the student, the educator, and the scientist who would like to introduce a presentation with a relevant quotation that provides perspective and historical background on his subject. Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, Second Edition, provides the finest reference source of science quotations for all audiences. The new edition adds greater depth to the number of quotations in the various thematic arrangements and also provides new thematic categories.

Galaxies, Galaxies! (New & Updated Edition)

by Gail Gibbons

Planet Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy, the cloudy band of light that stretches clear across the night sky. How many galaxies are there in the universe? For years astronomers thought that the Milky Way was the universe. Now we know that there are billions of them. Gail Gibbons takes the reader on a journey light-years away.

Galaxies, Galaxies! (Third Edition)

by Gail Gibbons

Learn about the newest discoveries in the Milky Way and beyond in this updated edition from nonfiction master Gail Gibbons.Planet Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy, the cloudy band of light that stretches clear across the night sky. How many galaxies are there in the universe? For years astronomers thought that the Milky Way was the universe. Now we know that there are billions of them. Gail Gibbons takes the reader on a journey light-years away.This updated edition vetted by an expert introduces young readers to our own galaxy the Milky Way and beyond. Learn how ancient people invented the telescope and began studying the Milky Way to the modern technology astronomers use to study other galaxies.Gail Gibbon&’s easy-to-read text and clearly labeled illustrations welcomes young readers to learn how telescopes work, about the different types of galaxies, how many galaxies we know of today, and more.

Galbraith's Building and Land Management Law for Students

by Michael Stockdale Rebecca Mitchell Stephen Wilson Simon Spurgeon Russell Hewitson Mick Woodley

Ideal for first year Undergraduate students taking law modules on Construction, Surveying, Planning and Engineering courses, Galbraith’s Building and Land Management Law for Students is an excellent overview of the key legal issues in the construction industry. Clearly written and wide ranging coverage of key legal principles by construction lecturers and professionals, this textbook highlights the need for students on construction related courses to access information on how the law relates to them, without getting into the dry, heavy detail of the full scale legal texts. This sixth edition has been fully updated and covers the latest JCT Standard Form Building Contract requirements and key EU directives, including Corporate Manslaughter, Employment Law, Tenant Planning Law regulations and Health and Safety acts.

Galileo: A Very Short Introduction

by Stillman Drake

In a startling reinterpretation of Galileo's trial, Stillman Drake advances the hypothesis that Galileo's prosecution and condemnation by the Inquisition was caused not by his defiance of the Church but by the hostility of contemporary philosophers. Galileo's own beautifully lucid arguments are used in this volume to show how his scientific method was utterly divorced from the Aristotelian approach to physics; it was based on a search not for causes but for laws. Galileo's methods had an overwhelming significance for the development of modern physics, and they led to a final parting of the ways between science and philosophy. Now, in this extraordinary and concise introduction, Drake provides a stimulating view of Galileo's life and works, providing a fresh perspective on Galileo's methodology and his final incrimination.

Galileo: Pioneer Scientist

by Stillman Drake

Since publication of Stillman Drake?s landmark volume, Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography, new and exciting information has come to light about this towering figure in the history of Western science. Drawing largely from Galileo?s manuscript working papers, Drake now adds a wealth of detail to the story. Among the findings he presents in this volume are the steps that led to discovery of the pendulum law and the law of fall, by which Galileo opened the road to modern physics; Galileo?s path to the new astronomy of Copernicus, closely linked to his first essays in physics; his subsequent misgivings and final reassurances provided by the telescope. Drake focuses on Galileo?s pioneering work in physics, previously unknown, and shows that time has not diminished its value. He also considers some of the factors that played a part in the development of physics, its classical Greek beginnings, the medieval interlude, the contribution of some of Galileo?s contemporaries, and the resistance of others to his new science of motion. We see in a new light the relation of that science to modern dynamics, created by Newton half a century later. Galileo is better known as an astronomer than as a modern physicist. Drake sheds new light here too as he explores Galileo?s pioneer invention of satellite astronomy, his sighting of Neptune two and one-half centuries before that planet was identified, and his proposal of a cosmogony based on speeds of freely falling bodies. With this book Drake confirms Galileo as the first recognizably modern scientist, in both his methods and results.

Galileo: And the Science Deniers

by Mario Livio

A fresh interpretation of the life of Galileo Galilei, one of history&’s greatest and most fascinating scientists, that sheds new light on his discoveries and how he was challenged by science deniers. &“We really need this story now, because we&’re living through the next chapter of science denial&” (Bill McKibben).Galileo&’s story may be more relevant today than ever before. At present, we face enormous crises—such as the minimization of the dangers of climate change—because the science behind these threats is erroneously questioned or ignored. Galileo encountered this problem 400 years ago. His discoveries, based on careful observations and ingenious experiments, contradicted conventional wisdom and the teachings of the church at the time. Consequently, in a blatant assault on freedom of thought, his books were forbidden by church authorities. Astrophysicist and bestselling author Mario Livio draws on his own scientific expertise to provide captivating insights into how Galileo reached his bold new conclusions about the cosmos and the laws of nature. A freethinker who followed the evidence wherever it led him, Galileo was one of the most significant figures behind the scientific revolution. He believed that every educated person should know science as well as literature, and insisted on reaching the widest audience possible, publishing his books in Italian rather than Latin. Galileo was put on trial with his life in the balance for refusing to renounce his scientific convictions. He remains a hero and inspiration to scientists and all of those who respect science—which, as Livio reminds us in this gripping book, remains threatened even today.

Galileo: Watcher of the Skies

by David Wootton

&“Demonstrates an awesome command of the vast Galileo literature . . . [Wootton] excels in boldly speculating about Galileo&’s motives&” (The New York Times Book Review). Tackling Galileo as astronomer, engineer, and author, David Wootton places him at the center of Renaissance culture. He traces Galileo through his early rebellious years; the beginnings of his scientific career constructing a &“new physics&”; his move to Florence seeking money, status, and greater freedom to attack intellectual orthodoxies; his trial for heresy and narrow escape from torture; and his house arrest and physical (though not intellectual) decline. Wootton also reveals much that is new—from Galileo&’s premature Copernicanism to a previously unrecognized illegitimate daughter—and, controversially, rejects the long-established belief that Galileo was a good Catholic. Absolutely central to Galileo&’s significance—and to science more broadly—is the telescope, the potential of which Galileo was the first to grasp. Wootton makes clear that it totally revolutionized and galvanized scientific endeavor to discover new and previously unimagined facts. Drawing extensively on Galileo&’s voluminous letters, many of which were self-censored and sly, this is an original, arresting, and highly readable biography of a difficult, remarkable Renaissance genius. Selected as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title in the Astronautics and Astronomy Category &“Fascinating reading . . . With this highly adventurous portrayal of Galileo&’s inner world, Wootton assures himself a high rank among the most radical recent Galileo interpreters . . . Undoubtedly Wootton makes an important contribution to Galileo scholarship.&” —America magazine &“Wootton&’s biography . . . is engagingly written and offers fresh insights into Galileo&’s intellectual development.&” —Standpoint magazine

Galileo and Satellite Navigation (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology)

by Alessandro De Angelis

This book explores the Galilean method for geolocation, placing it in historical and astronomical context. It bridges the techniques developed by the Greeks and medieval astronomers with later innovations like precision clocks, 20th-century wireless technology, and space-based navigation. The primary source is the twenty-volume National Edition of the Works of Galileo (published 1890-1909 by Antonio Favaro) and the update edited by Michele Camerota and Patrizia Ruffo in 2019, which includes previously unpublished documents on Galileo's negotiations with the Spanish government for selling his longitude-determining method at sea. This book inspired the 2024 "International Research Day in the World," focused on geolocation, organized by the Italian Permanent Delegation to International Organizations in Paris. In collaboration with Museo Galileo in Florence and Sorbonne Université, the event featured the exhibition “Galileo and Satellite Navigation,” showcased at the Pierre et Marie Curie Campus in Paris (June 13-28, 2024), and later at the Italian Institutes of Culture in Prague and Amsterdam, and at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada.

Galileo and the Equations of Motion

by Dino Boccaletti

This book is intended as a historical and critical study on the origin of the equations of motion as established in Newton's Principia. The central question that it aims to answer is whether it is indeed correct to ascribe to Galileo the inertia principle and the law of falling bodies. In order to accomplish this task, the study begins by considering theories on the motion of bodies from classical antiquity, and especially those of Aristotle. The theories developed during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance are then reviewed, with careful analysis of the contributions of, for example, the Merton and Parisian Schools and Galileo's immediate predecessors, Tartaglia and Benedetti. Finally, Galileo's work is examined in detail, starting from the early writings. Excerpts from individual works are presented, to allow the texts to speak for themselves, and then commented upon. The book provides historical evidence both for Galileo's dependence on his forerunners and for the major breakthroughs that he achieved. It will satisfy the curiosity of all who wish to know when and why certain laws have been credited to Galileo.

Galileo and the Scientific Revolution

by Laura Fermi Gilberto Bernardini

An absorbing account of the origins of modern science as well as a biography of the revolutionary thinker, this inspiring book was co-written by a former director of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics and a historian of science (who was also the wife of physicist Enrico Fermi). It begins in Galileo's youth, with his return to his native city of Pisa to train as a physician. Instead, the student became captivated by the power of mathematical reasoning — an interest that led him to apply mathematical logic to natural events and, ultimately, to invent the concept of experimentation. Galileo's progress from student to teacher to scientific innovator is traced, with particular emphasis on his experiments with building and refining telescopes and his unprecedented observations of the moon and planets. The dramatic results of his findings, including his refutation of Aristotelian theory and his support of Copernican doctrine, are related in full, along with his clash with the papal inquisition and his tragic demise under house arrest. Written with a warm appreciation for the wonders of Galileo's achievements and with impeccable scholarship, this book concludes with a survey of the scientist's remarkable legacy. 12 figures. Appendix. Bibliography. Index.

Galileo Galilei’s “Two New Sciences”: for Modern Readers (History of Physics)

by Alessandro De Angelis

This book aims to make Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) accessible to the modern reader by refashioning the great scientist's masterpiece "Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences" in today's language. Galileo Galilei stands as one of the most important figures in history, not simply for his achievements in astronomy, physics, and engineering and for revolutionizing science and the scientific method in general, but also for the role that he played in the (still ongoing) drama concerning entrenched power and its desire to stifle any knowledge that may threaten it. Therefore, it is important that today's readers come to understand and appreciate what Galilei accomplished and wrote. But the mindset that shapes how we see the world today is quite different from the mindset -- and language -- of Galilei and his contemporaries. Another obstacle to a full understanding of Galilei's writings is posed by the countless historical, philosophical, geometrical, and linguistic references he made, along with his often florid prose, with its blend of Italian and Latin. De Angelis' new rendition of the work includes translations of the original geometrical figures into algebraic formulae in modern notation and allows the non-specialist reader to follow the thread of Galileo's thought and in a way that was barely possible until now.

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