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Games to Play and Games not to Play: Strategic Decisions via Extensions of Game Theory (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #469)

by Uri Weiss Joseph Agassi

This book contributes to the theoretical discussions of equilibria that rest on error―in which we include mistaken choices of games to play. Extant game theory recommends diverse strategies (plans of actions) for various given games, particularly those in Nash equilibria, in which no player benefits from one-sided strategy alteration. The literature also refers to the design of games that fit given goals. This is the mechanism design theory; its function is to serve social planners ignorant of the preferences of the people intended to play them.Our study of games avoidance adds to game theory the meta-game of choosing what game to play and what game to avoid playing, and that both players and planners can generate. This comprises a shift from the maximalist position that aims to maximize possible profit to the minimalist one that aims at minimizing possible loss. This shift depends on the question, considering the public interest, what set of games is it advisable to encourage? Obviously, it is advisable to encourage playing some groups of games such as trade, as well as to discourage playing other groups of games such as wars. This shift makes the theory much more applicable to social science: usually, choosing what game to play is less practical than choosing what game not to play. This invites legislation and similar incentives; their study should aim at the improvement of their usefulness.Discussing the possibility of changing both game and strategy renders game theory part-and-parcel of social science. For this mathematical models will not do: it requires a clear distinction between describing options and explaining situations. Explanations may enhance efforts at improvement.

Games Wizards Play (Young Wizards #10)

by Diane Duane

Every eleven years, Earth's senior wizards hold the Invitational: an intensive three-week event where the planet's newest, sharpest young wizards show off their best and hottest spells. Wizardly partners Kit Rodriguez and Nita Callahan, and Nita's sister, former wizard-prodigy Dairine Callahan, are drafted in to mentor two brilliant and difficult cases: for Nita and Kit, there’s Penn Shao-Feng, a would-be sun technician with a dangerous new take on managing solar weather; and for Dairine, there's shy young Mehrnaz Farrahi, an Iranian wizard-girl trying to specialize in defusing earthquakes while struggling with a toxic extended wizardly family that demands she perform to their expectations. Together they're plunged into a whirlwind of cutthroat competition and ruthless judging. Penn's egotistical attitude toward his mentors complicates matters as the pair tries to negotiate their burgeoning romance. Meanwhile, Dairine struggles to stabilize her hero-worshipping, insecure protégée against the interference of powerful relatives using her to further their own tangled agendas. When both candidates make it through to the finals stage on the dark side of the Moon, they and their mentors are flung into a final conflict that could change the solar system for the better . . . or damage Earth beyond even wizardly repair.

Gamification Design for Educational Contexts: Theoretical and Practical Contributions

by Armando Toda Alexandra I. Cristea Seiji Isotani

Have you ever wondered how to best add game-like elements to your (online) courses? What makes some game features desirable, and others boring? This book covers gamification design in educational domains. It is aimed at practitioners, researchers and academics alike. Gamification design is a recent and relevant topic in many domains; however, it is not well explored in the domain of education, with only a few frameworks available and most of these being only academic (e.g., theoretical) and not addressing practical issues related to education practitioners (e.g., teachers and instructors). The book is divided into 3 parts, in part 1 we explain some basic concepts related to gamification and gamification design, its importance for the education domain, possible negative effects if gamification design is neglected, and aspects that are still not encompassed by this field. Following, part 2 focus on explaining data-driven gamification design concepts as well as a research framework on how to use data mining algorithms to analyze and interpret data to generate strategies that can be used in education domain. It also presents a conceptual framework on how to apply those strategies in the education domain, focusing on the teacher and instructor; Finally, part 3 presents discussions regarding the concepts covered in the book, as well as possible research directions

Gamification in Education and Business

by Torsten Reiners Lincoln C. Wood

This book is dedicated to applied gamification in the areas of education and business, while also covering pitfalls to avoid and guidelines needed to successfully implement for a project. Using different theoretical backgrounds from various areas including behavioral economics, game theory, and complex adaptive systems, the contributors aim to help readers avoid common problems and difficulties that they could face with poor implementation. The book's contributors are scholars and academics from the many areas where the key theory of gamification typically comes from. Ultimately, the book's goal is to help bring together the theories from these different disciplines to the field of practice in education and business. The book is divided into four parts: Theory, Education, Business, and Use Cases. Part I provides a foundation on the theory of gamification and offers insight into some of the outstanding questions that have yet to be addressed. In Part II, the application and value that gamification can bring within the education sector is examined. The book then changes focus in Part III to spotlight the use of gamification within business environments. The topics also cover educational aspects like improved learning outcomes, motivation, and learning retention at the workplace. Finally Part IV concentrates on the applications and use of gamification through a series of case studies and key elements that are used in real situations to drive real results.

Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidases: Structure and Function

by Immacolata Castellano Antonello Merlino

Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidases (γ-GTs) are members of the N-terminal nucleophile hydrolase superfamily, enzymes that cleave the γ-glutamyl amide bond of glutathione to liberate cysteinylglycine. The released γ-glutamyl group can be transferred to water (hydrolysis) or to amino acids or short peptides (transpeptidation). γ-GT plays a key role in the gamma glutamyl cycle by regulating the cellular levels of the antioxidant glutathione, hence it is a critical enzyme in maintaining cellular redox homeostasis.γ-GT is upregulated during inflammation and in several human tumors, and it is involved in many physiological disorders related to oxidative stress, such as Parkinson's disease and diabetes. Furthermore, this enzyme is used as a marker of liver disease and cancer. This book covers current knowledge about the structure-function relationship of γ-GTs and gives information about applications of γ-GTs in different fields ranging from clinical biochemistry to biotechnology and biomedicine.

Gamma Ray Imaging: Technology and Applications

by Junwei Du Krzysztof Kris Iniewski

This book will provide readers with a good overview of some of the most recent advances in the field of detector technology for gamma-ray imaging, especially as it pertains to new applications. There will be a good mixture of general chapters in both technology and applications in medical imaging and industrial testing. The book will have an in-depth review of the research topics from world-leading specialists in the field. The conversion of the gamma-ray signal into analog/digital value will be covered in some chapters. Some would also provide a review of CMOS chips for gamma-ray image sensors.

Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys: Science and Technology

by Fritz Appel Jonathan David Paul Michael Oehring

The first book entirely dedicated to the topic emphasizes the relation between basic research and actual processing technologies. As such, it covers complex microstructures down to the nanometer scale, structure/property relationships and potential applications in key industries. From the contents: * Constitution * Thermophysical Constants * Phase Transformations and Microstructures * Deformation Behaviour * Strengthening Mechanisms * Creep * Fracture Behaviour * Fatigue * Oxidation Resistance and Related Issues * Alloy Design * Ingot Production and Component Casting * Powder Metallurgy * Wrought Processing * Joining * Surface Hardening * Applications and Component Assessment

Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys 2014

by Fritz Appel Junpin Lin Dennis Dimiduk Young-Won Kim Wilfried Smarsly

This book is a collection of papers presented at the 4th International Symposium on Gamma TiAl Alloys (ISGTA 2014) that was held in conjunction with the 2014 Annual Meeting of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. Papers discuss and assess advances in application and implementation experience in current alloys, fundamentalaspects in current gamma alloy materials technology, new processes development and assessment, and emerging new alloys, their potentials and limitations, and breakthroughs. Papers that originated in the panel discussion of the symposium are intended to help the scientific community realize the limitations of current alloys materials and processes and discuss possible solutions. Six topic areas selected for this purpose included: Wrought-processed alloys: status, dilemmas and pathways to futureCast alloys for aero engine applications: status, issues, and barriers to advancesCast alloys for turbocharger wheels: status and barriers to widespread applicationsEmerging new alloys: justification, potentials, status, and futureNovel processes: justification, potential vs. realization issues, and futureFuture applications and realistic pathways to them

GaN and Related Materials

by 9789056995171

Presents views on current developments in heat and mass transfer research related to the modern development of heat exchangers. Devotes special attention to the different modes of heat and mass transfer mechanisms in relation to the new development of heat exchangers design. Dedicates particular attention to the future needs and demands for further development in heat and mass transfer. GaN and related materials are attracting tremendous interest for their applications to high-density optical data storage, blue/green diode lasers and LEDs, high-temperature electronics for high-power microwave applications, electronics for aerospace and automobiles, and stable passivation films for semiconductors. In addition, there is great scientific interest in the nitrides, because they appear to form the first semiconductor system in which extended defects do not severely affect the optical properties of devices. This series provides a forum for the latest research in this rapidly-changing field, offering readers a basic understanding of new developments in recent research. Series volumes feature a balance between original theoretical and experimental research in basic physics, device physics, novel materials and quantum structures, processing, and systems.

GaN and Related Materials II

by Stephen J. Pearton

The first GaN and Related Materials covered topics such as a historical survey of past research, optical electrical and microstructural characterization, theory of defects, bulk crystal growth, and performance of electronic and photonic devices. This new volume updates old research where warranted and explores new areas such as UV detectors, microw

GaN and SiC Power Devices: From Fundamentals to Applied Design and Market Analysis (Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology)

by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio

This book provides a single-source reference for any reader requiring basic and advanced information on wide bandgap semiconductors and related design topics. Focusing on practicability, it explains the principles of GaN and SiC semiconductors, manufacturing, characterization, market and design for key applications.

GaN-Based Laser Diodes

by Wolfgang G. Scheibenzuber

The emergence of highly efficient short-wavelength laser diodes based on the III-V compound semiconductor GaN has not only enabled high-density optical data storage, but is also expected to revolutionize display applications. Moreover, a variety of scientific applications in biophotonics, materials research and quantum optics can benefit from these versatile and cost-efficient laser light sources in the near-UV to green spectral range. This thesis describes the device physics of GaN-based laser diodes, together with recent efforts to achieve longer emission wavelengths and short-pulse emission. Experimental and theoretical approaches are employed to address the individual device properties and optimize the laser diodes toward the requirements of specific applications.

GaN Power Devices for Efficient Power Conversion

by Alex Lidow Michael de Rooij John Glaser Alejandro Pozo Shengke Zhang Marco Palma David Reusch Johan Strydom

An up-to-date and concise review of GaN transistor design and applications In the newly revised fourth edition of GaN Power Devices for Efficient Power Conversion, a team of distinguished researchers and practicing engineers deliver a concise and effective new guide to designing small, energy-efficient, and inexpensive products with GaN transistors. This new edition covers all relevant new GaN technology advancements, allowing students and practicing engineers to get, and stay ahead of, the curve with GaN device and circuit technology. You’ll explore applications including DC to DC converters, solar inverters, motor drive controllers, satellite electronics, and LiDAR devices. The 4th edition offers critical updates for space applications, vertical GaN, and driving transistors and integrated circuits. New chapters on reliability testing advancements, device wear out mechanisms, thermal management, and the latest developments in monolithic integration round out the book. Readers will also find: The latest updates on significant technology improvements, like integrated circuits, reliability studies, and new applicationsComprehensive explorations of integrated circuit construction, characteristics, reliability results, and applicationsPractical discussions of specific circuit designs, layout, and thermal dissipation when designing power conversion systemsChapters written by practicing expert leaders in the power semiconductor field and industry pioneers Perfect for practicing power conversion engineers, GaN Power Devices for Efficient Power Conversion will also benefit electrical engineering students and device scientists in the field of power electronics.

GaN Technology: Materials, Manufacturing, Devices and Design for Power Conversion

by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio

This book provides an extensive examination of the practical implementations and theoretical foundations of circuit design with Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices. Designed with scientists and engineers in mind, the advanced studies detailed in this book provide invaluable insights into new methodologies and approaches, serving as a comprehensive guide for those embarking on innovative design endeavors.

Gandhi's Printing Press

by Isabel Hofmeyr

At the same time that Gandhi, as a young lawyer in South Africa, began fashioning the tenets of his political philosophy, he was absorbed by a seemingly unrelated enterprise: creating a newspaper. Gandhiâe(tm)s Printing Press is an account of how this project, an apparent footnote to a titanic career, shaped the man who would become the world-changing Mahatma. Pioneering publisher, experimental editor, ethical anthologistâe"these roles reveal a Gandhi developing the qualities and talents that would later define him. Isabel Hofmeyr presents a detailed study of Gandhiâe(tm)s work in South Africa (1893âe"1914), when he was the some-time proprietor of a printing press and launched the periodical Indian Opinion. The skills Gandhi honed as a newspapermanâe"distilling stories from numerous sources, circumventing shortages of typeâe"influenced his spare prose style. Operating out of the colonized Indian Ocean world, Gandhi saw firsthand how a global empire depended on the rapid transmission of information over vast distances. He sensed that communication in an industrialized age was becoming calibrated to technological tempos. But he responded by slowing the pace, experimenting with modes of reading and writing focused on bodily, not mechanical, rhythms. Favoring the use of hand-operated presses, he produced a newspaper to contemplate rather than scan, one more likely to excerpt Thoreau than feature easily glossed headlines. Gandhiâe(tm)s Printing Press illuminates how the concentration and self-discipline inculcated by slow reading, imbuing the self with knowledge and ethical values, evolved into satyagraha, truth-force, the cornerstone of Gandhiâe(tm)s revolutionary idea of nonviolent resistance.

The Ganga

by Pranab Kumar Parua

The geo-hydro-morphometry of the river Ganges has a history of long and wide variations as the river is continuously fed by the high Himalayas hill ranges, the highest in the world. The river is categorized as an international one, passing through several independent countries. The major flow of the river used to flow through the branch river, Bhagirathi-Hooghly on the banks of which both city and port of Calcutta (now renamed Kolkata) are situated. However, due to massive tectonic and morphological changes, the flow through the branch river has gradually decreased resulting in enormous damages to the port and the city. After more than a century of investigations on the probable causes of deterioration and its remedies, a barrage across the river had been constructed near a place called Farakka in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal, India for diversion of a part of lean season flow (40,000 cu secs) from the parent river to the branch river for the resuscitation of the branch river and revitalization of the port of Calcutta. The turmoil started since the construction of barrage between 1965-1975 and the major neighbouring countries, India and Bangladesh, were locked in the dispute over sharing the water of the parent river. After several rounds of discussions at different levels between the two countries, short-term agreements were signed two times, one in 1977 and the other in 1985, and finally one long term Treaty was signed in 1996 between the two countries in an atmosphere of peaceful co-existence. Audience: The book will be of interest to researchers and scientists, professionals and policymakers in water resources management and environmental science, conservation policy and development research.

Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Waters: Advances in Development and Management

by Mahesh Chandra Chaturvedi

Once a prosperous region, the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river basin-inhabited by about a tenth of the world's population-is currently one of the poorest. Large-scale socioeconomic development is urgently needed to ensure the sustainability of the region, and the management of water resources is a crucial part of this. Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna

Gangs, Pseudo-Militaries, and Other Modern Mercenaries: New Dynamics in Uncomfortable Wars (International and Security Affairs Series #6)

by Max G. Manwaring Edwin G. Corr John T. Fishel

<p>As the first decade of the twenty-first century has made brutally clear, the very definitions of war and the enemy have changed almost beyond recognition. Threats to security are now as likely to come from armed propagandists, popular militias, or mercenary organizations as they are from conventional armies backed by nation-states. In this timely book, national security expert Max G. Manwaring explores a little-understood actor on the stage of irregular warfare—the gang. <p>Since the end of the Cold War, some one hundred insurgencies or irregular wars have erupted throughout the world. Gangs have figured prominently in more than half of those conflicts, yet these and other nonstate actors have received little focused attention from scholars or analysts. This book fills that void. <p>Employing a case study approach, and believing that shadows from the past often portend the future, Manwaring begins with a careful consideration of the writings of V. I. Lenin. He then scrutinizes the Piqueteros in Argentina, gangs in Colombia, private armies in Mexico, Hugo Chavez's use of popular militias in Venezuela, and the looming threat of Al Qaeda in Western Europe. <p>As conventional warfare is increasingly eclipsed by these irregular and “uncomfortable” wars, Manwaring boldly diagnoses the problem and recommends solutions that policymakers should heed.</p>

The Gannet's Gastronomic Miscellany

by Killian Fox The Gannet

A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017 'This is the first physical manifestation of a much-loved online magazine that is a monument to Fox's obsessions. One for the bedside table.' - FINANCIAL TIMES 'This book is the product of a ludicrously obsessive and greedy mind - it is therefore an utter joy.' - JAY RAYNER 'Your consummate culinary guide' - THE GUARDIAN 'A vital work from a keen mind full to brimming with wonderful thoughts and ideas.' - JEREMY LEE 'The most original, entertaining and downright fascinating book.' - DAVE BROOM 'Exercise caution before you buy this book. In fact, be careful about even flipping it open. You think Instagram is addictive? Ha. This book is as essential and educational as it is delightful and weird, and I need someone to come rescue me immediately because I cannot seem to put the damn thing down.' - JEFF GORDINIER, FOOD & DRINKS EDITOR, ESQUIRE MAGAZINE 'Going beyond the usual food fixations, the book is presented in a fresh, visually inventive style that will appeal to anyone with even a passing interest in food.' - DARINA ALLEN, IRISH EXAMINER gannetnoun1. a large seabird with mainly white plumage, which catches fish by plunging into the water.2. British informal, a greedy person.The Gannet's Gastronomic Miscellany goes beyond the usual food fixations. Presented in a fresh, visually inventive style, it will appeal to anyone with a passing interest in food - which, in this gastronomy-obsessed age, is pretty much all of us.In this compendious hotpot of a book you'll find a guide to creating a hit food profile on Instagram, a cross-section of a tiffin box, an explainer on craft beer, the origin story of Chicken Marengo, a list of millennia-old products that are still edible today (should you be brave enough to try Irish bog butter or Ancient Egyptian honey) and many more delightful nuggets of information.

Ganoderma: Cultivation, Chemistry, and Medicinal Applications, Volume 2

by Krishnendu Acharya Somanjana Khatua

For the past two millennia, Ganoderma has been prized as the "mushroom of immortality" in ancient Asian cultures, owing to its health benefits. Modern research has further revealed that the genus is rich in bioactive components, including polysaccharides and triterpenoids, uncovering various medicinal prospects both in vitro and in vivo. Clinical trials conducted so far have emphasized the safe and effective use of the mushrooms, with a particular focus on Ganoderma lucidum. Currently, the Ganoderma-based industry is witnessing a significant surge, offering a plethora of dietary and medicinal products. Recognizing the impact of these developments, the book Ganoderma: Cultivation, Chemistry, and Medicinal Applications Volume 2 aims to consolidate the latest information on the macrofungi, emphasizing its bioactive compounds, diverse therapeutic effects, and industrial applications.Key Features: This book provides a thorough exploration of Ganoderma polysaccharides, unraveling their chemical composition, structure, and potential health benefits. Comprehensive coverage is provided to understand antimicrobial properties of the medicinal mushrooms. The text also delves into the potential role of Ganoderma in safeguarding against various skin diseases, accompanied by discussions on underlying mechanisms. A detailed examination of Ganoderma includes its potential cardioprotective effects, encompassing impacts on blood pressure, cholesterol level, and overall heart function. This book also provides an in-depth analysis of the capacity of the macrofungi to stimulate the immune system. The volume encompasses findings related to the impact of Ganoderma on prevention or mitigation of neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, it contributes to the understanding of medicinal applications by exploring Ganoderma-based nanoparticles, offering novel insights into potential therapeutic avenues. A comprehensive overview of the Ganoderma-inspired industry highlights its diverse contributions ranging from dietary supplements, cosmeceuticals, and nutricosmetics to healthcare products.

Ganoderma Diseases of Tropical Crops

by Dr Carmel A Pilotti Paul Bridge

The fungal genus Ganoderma includes around 80 currently recognized species that are widely distributed in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions, and cause disease in a range of economically important perennial crops and tree-like plants. Ganoderma root and lower stem rots have a significant impact on yields from crops including oil palm, coconut, beverage crops, Acacia and rubber. The identification of species responsible for stem and butt rots is often ambiguous as closely related species may only be distinguished by subtle morphological differences. Within species there can be considerable morphological plasticity and this can make morphology-based identification difficult, particularly for species described from a single specimen. Molecular techniques are helping to slowly resolve Ganoderma taxonomy but it will be some time (if ever) before the taxonomy is fully resolved. This book brings together information on Ganoderma species that are reported to be responsible for crop diseases in tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and covers taxonomy, biology, genetics, aetiology, epidemiology and control. This book is an essential resource for researchers in Ganoderma in crop science and tropical agriculture, as well as practitioners and industry.

GANs for Data Augmentation in Healthcare

by Arun Solanki Mohd Naved

Computer-Assisted Diagnostics (CAD) using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model has become an important technology in the medical industry, improving the accuracy of diagnostics. However, the lack Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data leads to the failure of the depth study algorithm. Medical records often different because of the cost of obtaining information and the time-consuming information. In general, clinical data are unreliable, the training of neural network methods to distribute disease across classes does not yield the desired results. Data augmentation is often done by training data to solve problems caused by augmentation tasks such as scaling, cropping, flipping, padding, rotation, translation, affine transformation, and color augmentation techniques such as brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue.Data Augmentation and Segmentation imaging using GAN can be used to provide clear images of brain, liver, chest, abdomen, and liver on MRI. In addition, GAN shows strong promise in the field of clinical image synthesis. In many cases, clinical evaluation is limited by a lack of data and/or the cost of actual information. GAN can overcome these problems by enabling scientists and clinicians to work on beautiful and realistic images. This can improve diagnosis, prognosis, and disease. Finally, GAN highlights the potential for location of patient information with data. This is a beneficial clinical application of GAN because it can effectively protect patient confidentiality. This book covers the application of GANs on medical imaging augmentation and segmentation.

Ganzheitliche Gestaltung mobiler Arbeit (ifaa-Edition)

by ifaa – Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V.

Das zunehmende Interesse an mobiler Arbeit sowohl bei Unternehmen als auch bei Beschäftigten führt auf betrieblicher Ebene zu Gestaltungsherausforderungen. Aufgrund des heterogenen Verständnisses von mobiler Arbeit und den unterschiedlichen Motivationen der Beteiligten erscheint "die eine beste Lösung" zur Einführung von mobiler Arbeit im Betrieb nicht realistisch. Bereits gemachte Praxiserfahrungen untermauern diese These. Es existieren zwar vielfältige Unterstützungstools, die auch genutzt werden (können), diese Checklisten, Handlungshilfen etc. adressieren in der Regel aber nur ein relevantes Thema von vielen, bei der Einführung von mobiler Arbeit, die es zu bewältigen gilt. Vor diesem Hintergrund hat das ifaa – Institut für angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft e. V. ein Rahmenkonzept entwickelt, das die ganzheitliche Gestaltung und Einführung mobiler Arbeit in den Blick nimmt und die Betriebe bei der Einführung mobiler Arbeit unterstützt.

Ganzheitliche Projektabwicklung: Konsequent partnerschaftlich - integrativ - kollaborativ

by Sandra Ibrom

Ganzheitliche Projektabwicklung ist eine grundlegend neue Philosophie und Herangehensweise wie Baurojekte jeder Größenordnung menschlich und daher auch wirtschaftlich erfolgreich abgewickelt werden können. Dabei wird aktuelles Management-, Führungs- sowie Kommunikationswissen zusammengeführt und durch radikal vereinfachte und kooperationsfreundliche Vertragsgestaltungen rechtlich gestützt. Sie ist die Grundlage einer neuen Kultur in der Projektabwicklung. Durch den umfassenden mediativen Ansatz wird der notwendige Umkehrprozess ermöglicht, weg von dem bisherigen Gegeneinander und hin zu einer für alle Beteiligten und Betroffenen gewinnbringenden Zusammenarbeit. So macht Arbeiten in Bauprojekten wieder Spaß und ermöglicht nachhaltige Wertschöpfung im und durch das Projekt.

Ganzheitlicher Produktentstehungsprozess für die Zulieferindustrie

by Uwe Dombrowski Alexander Karl

Der Produktentstehungsprozess erfordert auch von kleinen und mittleren Lieferanten zunehmend eine übergreifende Koordination. Dies resultiert zum einen aus den steigenden Anforderungen an den Produktentstehungsprozess, zum anderen verlagern Unternehmen einen wachsenden Anteil ihrer Entwicklungsleistung auf Lieferanten. Um signifikante Verbesserungen im Bereich der Entwicklungszeit, -kosten sowie -qualität zu erzielen, ist eine systematische Integration der Lieferanten notwendig. Zur Steigerung der Effektivität und Effizienz ist es erforderlich, dass alle Partner innerhalb des Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks nach gleichen Prinzipien und Methoden arbeiten. Bestehende Lean Development-Ansätze der Hersteller müssen auf Lieferanten übertragen, angepasst und deren Schnittstellen zwischen Hersteller und Lieferanten ausgestaltet werden. Das Buch liefert strukturiert und übersichtlich wichtige Grundlagen und studiengestützte Informationen zur Optimierung dieser Zusammenarbeit.

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