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Ganzheitliches Life Cycle Management

by Christoph Herrmann

Wenn Unternehmen die Anforderungen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung umsetzen, stehen sie vor der zentralen Aufgabe, Produkte und Prozesse lebensphasenübergreifend zu betrachten. Der Autor stellt die Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten des Life Cycle Managements vor und unterscheidet zwischen lebensphasenbezogenen Disziplinen wie z. B. dem Produkt- und Produktions-Management sowie lebensphasenübergreifenden Disziplinen (z. B. Informations- und Wissensmanagement). Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und Abbildungen dienen der Veranschaulichung der Inhalte.

Ganzheitliches Produktionsmanagement: Strategischer Rahmen und operative Umsetzung

by Uwe Dombrowski Philipp Krenkel

Die Produktion stellt einen entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor zur Herstellung diversifizierter, kundenindividueller Produkte dar. Wesentlich sind die Kundenorientierung, die Vermeidung von Verschwendung und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Produktionsprozesse. Hierfür ist eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Produktionsmanagements notwendig, wobei es vielzählige Handlungsfelder zu berücksichtigen gilt. In diesem Fachbuch werden diese Handlungsfelder des Produktionsmanagements praxisgerecht und methodisch-strukturiert beschrieben. Ausgehend von der Ausarbeitung einer Produktionsstrategie erfolgt die Beschreibung der Umsetzung und Verbesserung des operativen Produktionsmanagements. Detailliert wird auf die elementaren Grundlagen wie Technologiemanagement, Lean Production, Supply Chain Management, Facility Management, Human Resource Management und weiteres eingegangen. Da sich die Produktionsmethoden und -verfahren in den vergangenen Jahren maßgeblich verändert haben, erhält der Leser darüber hinaus fundiert beschriebene Einblicke in aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen des Produktionsmanagements. Eine besondere Rolle nehmen hierbei Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien bzw. die Industrie 4.0 ein.

Garbage in the Garden State (CERES: Rutgers Studies in History)

by Jordan P. Howell

Garbage in the Garden State is the only book to examine the history of waste management in New Jersey. The state has played a pioneering role in the overall trajectory of waste management in the US. Howell's book is unique in the way that it places the contemporary challenges of waste management into their proper historical context – for instance, why does the system for recycling seem to work so poorly? Why do we have so many landfills in New Jersey, but also simultaneously not enough landfills or incinerators? Howell acknowledges that New Jersey is sometimes imagined, particularly by non-New Jerseyans, as a giant garbage dump for New York and Philadelphia. But every place has had to struggle with the challenges of waste management. New Jersey's trash history is in fact more interesting and more important than most. New Jersey’s waste history includes intensive planning, deep-seated political conflict, organized crime, and literally every level of state and federal judiciary. It is a colorful history, to say the least, and one that includes a number of firsts with regard to recycling, comprehensive planning, and the challenging economics of trash.

Garbage Wars: The Struggle For Environmental Justice In Chicago (Urban And Industrial Environments Ser.)

by David Pellow

In Garbage Wars, the sociologist David Pellow describes the politics of garbage in Chicago. He shows how garbage affects residents in vulnerable communities and poses health risks to those who dispose of it. He follows the trash, the pollution, the hazards, and the people who encountered them in the period 1880-2000. What unfolds is a tug of war among social movements, government, and industry over how we manage our waste, who benefits, and who pays the costs. Studies demonstrate that minority and low-income communities bear a disproportionate burden of environmental hazards. Pellow analyzes how and why environmental inequalities are created. He also explains how class and racial politics have influenced the waste industry throughout the history of Chicago and the United States. After examining the roles of social movements and workers in defining, resisting, and shaping garbage disposal in the United States, he concludes that some environmental groups and people of color have actually contributed to environmental inequality. By highlighting conflicts over waste dumping, incineration, landfills, and recycling, Pellow provides a historical view of the garbage industry throughout the life cycle of waste. Although his focus is on Chicago, he places the trends and conflicts in a broader context, describing how communities throughout the United States have resisted the waste industry's efforts to locate hazardous facilities in their backyards. The book closes with suggestions for how communities can work more effectively for environmental justice and safe, sustainable waste management.

Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash

by Edward Humes

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist takes readers on a surprising tour of America's biggest export, our most prodigious product, and our greatest legacy: our trash <P><P> The average American produces 102 tons of garbage across a lifetime and $50 billion in squandered riches are rolled to the curb each year. But our bins are just the starting point for a strange, impressive, mysterious, and costly journey that may also represent the greatest untapped opportunity of the century. <P> In Garbology, Edward Humes investigates trash--what's in it; how much we pay for it; how we manage to create so much of it; and how some families, communities, and even nations are finding a way back from waste to discover a new kind of prosperity. Along the way , he introduces a collection of garbage denizens unlike anyone you've ever met: the trash-tracking detectives of MIT, the bulldozer-driving sanitation workers building Los Angeles' Garbage Mountain landfill, the artists residing in San Francisco's dump, and the family whose annual trash output fills not a dumpster or a trash can, but a single mason jar.<P> Garbology reveals not just what we throw away, but who we are and where our society is headed. Waste is the one environmental and economic harm that ordinary working Americans have the power to change--and prosper in the process.<P> Garbology is raising awareness of trash consumption and is sparking community-wide action through One City One Book programs around the country.<P> It is becoming an increasingly popular addition to high school and college syllabi and is being adopted by many colleges and universities for First Year Experience programs.

The Garden Farmer

by Francine Raymond

Garden Plants Taxonomy: Volume 1: Ferns, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms (Monocots)

by Bijan Dehgan

Horticulture has remained far behind in understanding of botanical principles. Recent phylogenetic (DNA-based) reorganization of higher plants has revolutionized taxonomic treatments of all biological entities, even when morphology does not completely agree with their organization. This book is an example of applying principals of botanical phylogenetic taxonomy to assemble genera, species, and cultivars of 200 vascular plant families of ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms that are cultivated for enhancement of human living space; homes, gardens, and parks. The emphases are on cultivated species but examples of some plants are often shown in the wild and in landscapes. In providing descriptions, it is assumed that students and other interested individuals have no background in general botany (plant characteristics), or nomenclature. Fundamental features of all plant groups discussed are fully illustrated by original watercolor drawings or photographs. Discussion of the families is grounded on recent botanical phylogenetic treatments, which is based on common ancestry (monophyly). Of course, phylogenetic taxonomy is not a new concept, and was originally based on morphological characteristics; it is the DNA-based phylogeny that has revolutionized modern biological classifications. In practical terms, this book represents the horticultural treatment that corresponds to phylogenetic-based botanical taxonomy, to which is added cultigens and cultivated genera and species. Hence, the harmony between horticultural and botanical taxonomy. This book covers phylogenetic-based taxonomy of Ferns, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms (Monocots). A companion volume covers Angiosperms (Eudicots).

Gardening Under Lights: The Complete Guide for Indoor Growers

by Leslie F. Halleck

“If you want to grow plants indoors, you need this book.” —Niki Jabbour, author and staff writer at savvygardening.comGardening Under Lights is a highly-detailed, accessible guide for seed starters, plant collectors, houseplant fans, and anyone who wants to successfully garden indoors any time of the year. You’ll learn the basics of photosynthesis, the science of light, how to accurately measure how much light a plant needs, and details about the most up-to-date tools and gear available. Also included are tips and techniques for helping ornamental plants (like orchids, succulents, bonsai, and more) and edible plants (arugula, cannabis, oregano, tomatoes, and more) thrive indoors. Whether you are a vegetable gardener who wants to extend the growing season, a balcony gardener short on outdoor space, or a specialty plant collector, Gardening Under Lights is a must-have.

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times (Mother Earth News Books for Wiser Living #5)

by Steve Solomon

The decline of cheap oil is inspiring increasing numbers of North Americans to achieve some measure of backyard food self-sufficiency. In hard times, the family can be greatly helped by growing a highly productive food garden, requiring little cash outlay or watering. Currently popular intensive vegetable gardening methods are largely inappropriate to this new circumstance. Crowded raised beds require high inputs of water, fertility and organic matter, and demand large amounts of human time and effort. But, except for labor, these inputs depend on the price of oil. Prior to the 1970s, North American home food growing used more land with less labor, with wider plant spacing, with less or no irrigation, and all done with sharp hand tools. But these sustainable systems have been largely forgotten. Gardening When It Counts helps readers rediscover traditional low-input gardening methods to produce healthy food. Designed for readers with no experience and applicable to most areas in the English-speaking world except the tropics and hot deserts, this book shows that any family with access to 3-5,000 sq. ft. of garden land can halve their food costs using a growing system requiring just the odd bucketful of household waste water, perhaps two hundred dollars worth of hand tools, and about the same amount spent on supplies -- working an average of two hours a day during the growing season.

Gardening with Chickens: Plans and Plants for You and Your Hens

by Lisa Steele

“Beautifully photographed and filled with eye-catching illustrations” this guide to raising chickens alongside vegetables “will become an instant classic” (Niki Jabbour, author of Groundbreaking Food Gardens and The Year Round Vegetable Gardener).Welcome to a world where chickens and gardens coexist! Join Lisa Steele, chicken-keeper extraordinaire and founder of Fresh Eggs Daily, on a unique journey through the garden. Start by planning your garden and learning strategies and tips for keeping your plants safe while they grow. Plant with purpose, choosing from a dozen plans for theme gardens such as Orange Egg Yolks or Nesting Box Herbs. Or choose a design that’s filled with edibles—sharing the bounty with your family and your feathered friends. Then comes the fun part: enjoy the harvest, even let the chickens graze! Lisa’s friendly writing, together with inspirational photos and illustrations, will have you rolling up your sleeves and reaching for your gardening tools. Lisa also covers a range of topics about chicken-keeping, including:- Chickens and composting- Using chickens to aerate and till- Coop window boxes- Plants to avoid when you have chickens- Lists of the most valuable crops and herbs- Advice on how to harvest and use many of the plants- And much more!Whether you’re an experienced chicken keeper, master gardener, or just getting into these two wonderful hobbies, Gardening with Chickens is an indispensable guide for a harmonious homestead.“Can a garden—especially a tempting vegetable garden—peacefully coexist with hungry, inquisitive chickens?. . . . It’s a smart subject for a book, and the answer, says Gardening With Chickens author Lisa Steele, is that they can not only coexist, but each can benefit the other.” —GardenSmartTV

Gardening with Emma: Grow and Have Fun: A Kid-to-Kid Guide

by Emma Biggs Steven Biggs

Thirteen-year-old Emma Biggs is passionate about gardening and eager to share her passion with other kids!Gardening with Emma is a kid-to-kid guide to growing healthy food and raising the coolest, most awesome plants while making sure there’s plenty of fun. With plants that tickle and make noise, tips for how to grow a flower stand garden, and suggestions for veggies from tiny to colossal, Emma offers a range of original, practical, and entertaining advice and inspiration. She provides lots of useful know-how about soil, sowing, and caring for a garden throughout the seasons, along with ways to make play spaces among the plants. Lively photography and Emma’s own writing (with some help from her gardening dad, Steve) capture the authentic creativity of a kid who loves to be outdoors, digging in the dirt. This publication conforms to the EPUB Accessibility specification at WCAG 2.0 Level AA.

Gardens of New Spain

by William W. Dunmire

When the Spanish began colonizing the Americas in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, they brought with them the plants and foods of their homeland—wheat, melons, grapes, vegetables, and every kind of Mediterranean fruit. Missionaries and colonists introduced these plants to the native peoples of Mexico and the American Southwest, where they became staple crops alongside the corn, beans, and squash that had traditionally sustained the original Americans. This intermingling of Old and New World plants and foods was one of the most significant fusions in the history of international cuisine and gave rise to many of the foods that we so enjoy today. Gardens of New Spain tells the fascinating story of the diffusion of plants, gardens, agriculture, and cuisine from late medieval Spain to the colonial frontier of Hispanic America. Beginning in the Old World, William Dunmire describes how Spain came to adopt plants and their foods from the Fertile Crescent, Asia, and Africa. Crossing the Atlantic, he first examines the agricultural scene of Pre-Columbian Mexico and the Southwest. Then he traces the spread of plants and foods introduced from the Mediterranean to Spain’s settlements in Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California. In lively prose, Dunmire tells stories of the settlers, missionaries, and natives who blended their growing and eating practices into regional plantways and cuisines that live on today in every corner of America.

Garment Sizing and Pattern Making (SDGs and Textiles)

by Muhammad Qamar Khan Yasir Nawab Ick Soo Kim

This book investigates the best possibilities of garments constructions through proper pattern techniques which can enhance the efficiency of organization and minimize the wastage of materials within sustainable developments. It also enhances the importance of sizing system for brands & suppliers for development of garment fit, garment comfort and durable garments. It also covers the many practical areas, such as education and skill development, improved garment quality, standardization and consistency, innovation and customization, reducing wastage, cost savings, improved fit and customer satisfaction, cross-disciplinary applications, accessibility and global impact, industry advancements, etc. In conclusion, this is a comprehensive book on garment sizing and pattern making, which has a substantial impact on the fashion and clothing industry, from education and skill development to improved product quality, standardization, and sustainability. It plays a vital rolein shaping the future of fashion design and production and empowers the designers for the best entrepreneur.

Gas Adsorption in Metal-Organic Frameworks: Fundamentals and Applications

by T. Grant Glover and Bin Mu

This text discusses the synthesis, characterization, and application of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for the purpose of adsorbing gases. It provides details on the fundamentals of thermodynamics, mass transfer, and diffusion that are commonly required when evaluating MOF materials for gas separation and storage applications and includes a discussion of molecular simulation tools needed to examine gas adsorption in MOFs. Additionally, the work presents techniques that can be used to characterize MOFs after gas adsorption has occurred and provides guidance on the water stability of these materials. Lastly, applications of MOFs are considered with a discussion of how to measure the gas storage capacity of MOFs, a discussion of how to screen MOFs to for filtration applications, and a discussion of the use of MOFs to perform industrial separations, such as olefin/paraffin separations. Throughout the work, fundamental information, such as a discussion on the calculation of MOF surface area and description of adsorption phenomena in packed-beds, is balanced with a discussion of the results from research literature.

Gas Allocation Optimization Methods in Artificial Gas Lift

by Ehsan Khamehchi Mohammad Reza Mahdiani

This Brief offers a comprehensive study covering the different aspects of gas allocation optimization in petroleum engineering. It contains different methods of defining the fitness function, dealing with constraints and selecting the optimizer; in each chapter a detailed literature review is included which covers older and important studies as well as recent publications. This book will be of use for production engineers and students interested in gas lift optimization.

Gas and Particle Phase Measurements of Atmospheric Organic Compounds

by Douglas A. Lane

It is becoming increasingly important to understand how and why semivolatile atmospheric pollutants partition between gas phase and particulate matter in the atmosphere. In this text the world's leading researchers in the field explain the significance of gas/particle ratios; physical and chemical parameters determining how semivolatiles partition in the atmosphere; how gas/particle ratio measurements are made; what artefacts occur during sampling; and novel new techniques and instruments for obtaining artefact-free results. Intended to be a reference book and a guide for those who study the gas/particle ratios of semivolatile atmospheric compounds. This book will be of interest to beginners in the field as well as those who have been involved in the field for many years and would like, in a single reference text, a comprehensive compendium of what is known about the theory and practice of gas/particle phase measurements.

Gas Cleaning Processes in Refining Technology (Petroleum Refining Technology Series)

by James G. Speight

This book focuses on the various refinery processes that are used for gas cleaning operations. By understanding the use of gas cleaning processes, this book will satisfy the needs of engineers and scientists at all levels from academia to the refinery and help them understand the initial various processes. This accessible guide is written for managers, professionals, and technicians as well as graduate students transitioning into the refining industry.Key Features: Describes gas streams produced in a crude oil refinery and from non-refinery feedstocks. Covers gas condensate, gas from biomass, waste and landfill waste, and details categorization by types of contaminants and by removal method. Provides an extensive glossary. Discusses the future of gas cleaning operations and the evolution of the industry. This series of eight books is designed to present descriptions of (1) the development of technologies for a variety of feedstocks (including the viscous feedstocks which are often referred to as heavy feedstocks) utilizing advanced pre-treatment processing and hydrotreating, (2) an analysis of the catalyst deactivation mechanism for developing optimum technologies for processing feedstocks with low reactivity, (3) the development of advanced technologies applicable to the viscous feedstocks, (4) the development of advanced hydrocracking processes for heavy feedstock upgrading, (5) the development of innovative upgrading processes for the viscous feedstocks, and (6) the role of biomass in the future refinery. Furthermore, each book is a stand-alone volume that will bring the reader further up to date and adds more data as well as processing options that may be the processes of the evolving twenty-first century. As the eighth book in the series, this book will focus on the various refinery processes that are used for gas cleaning operations.The target audience includes engineers, scientists, and students who want an update on crude oil processing and the direction of the industry in the next 50 years. Such personnel include (1) professionals in the refining industry, (2) technicians in the refining industry, (3) industry management personnel who need to understand the various processes and the role of these process in producing the desired feedstocks for further processing and the use of solvents to produce saleable products, and (4) the academic staff and graduate students who are moving into the refining industry. Any non-technical readers, with help from the extensive glossary, will also benefit from the series.

Gas Discharge and Gas Insulation

by Dengming Xiao

This book presents a comprehensive overview of research on environmentally friendly insulating gases, in response to the urgent calls for developing alternatives to SF6 due to the increasing awareness of the threat it poses as a greenhouse gas. It covers gas dielectrics, SF6 and its mixtures, and potential alternative gases, providing fundamental information on gas discharge and gas insulation and especially focusing on the development of new environmentally friendly insulating gases over the last decade. The book begins by describing the insulating and arcing characteristics of SF6, followed by an introduction to the gas dielectrics performance of SF6 gas mixtures with buffer gases. The latest findings on new environmentally friendly insulating gases are described in detail, and suggestions for practical application are also provided. Graduate students and teachers involved in high-voltage and insulation engineering can use the book as teaching material. Researchers working in plasma science, laser action and related applied physics fields can also benefit from the book's analytical approach and detailed data; engineers from the fields of electric power operation systems and electrical manufacturing will find it a valuable reference work for solving practical problems.

Gas Hydrate in Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage: Technological, Economic, and Environmental Aspects

by Bhajan Lal Anipeddi Manjusha

This book offers a deep insight into gas hydrate-based carbon capture, transportation, and storage technology as a solution to decarbonization. The key aspects of carbon capture & storage technologies are discussed together with their advantages and status of development and commercialization. The authors delve into intricacies of gas hydrate reactor design, provide a review on the Techno-Economic Aspects (TEA), expound critical safety considerations and elucidate upon the regulatory mandates shaping the landscape of decarbonization initiatives.Gas Hydrate in Carbon Capture, Transportation and Storage: Technological, Economic, and Environmental Aspects is an essential resource for all academicians, researchers, flow assurance engineers, industry professionals and students working in this field.

Gas Installation Technology

by Andrew S. Burcham Stephen J. Denney Roy D. Treloar

Understand the core competencies of gas installation with this accessible textbook Gas operatives in the UK must be Gas Safe registered, suitably qualified and assessed as competent in the aspect of gas work that they wish to undertake. Qualification is gained by means of an industry recognised Managed Learning Programme or a gas aligned National Vocational Qualification (NVQ/SNVQ). Periodic renewal thereafter is by means of the National Accredited Certification Scheme (ACS). Gas Installation Technology is the definitive textbook for students enrolled in any of these courses. Now fully updated to reflect new standards and the most up to date best practices, it remains the indispensable reference for anyone working in the gas industry. Readers of the third edition of Gas Installation Technology will find: Coverage of commercial, domestic, and LPG installations New or updated material on 'net zero' targets, climate change, and other aspects of the gas industry's future Notes and examples within each chapter to facilitate learning Gas Installation Technology is ideal for students in gas installation or plumbing courses, as well as for professional gas installers renewing their certification. Coverage of commercial, domestic, and LPG installations New or updated material on 'net zero' targets, climate change, and other aspects of the gas industry's future Notes and examples within each chapter to facilitate learning

Gas Insulated Substations (IEEE Press)

by Hermann J. Koch

GAS INSULATED SUBSTATIONS An essential reference guide to gas-insulated substations The second edition of Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) is an all-inclusive reference guide to gas insulated substations (GIS) and its advanced technologies. Updated to the latest technical developments and applications, the guide covers basic physics of gas insulated systems, SF6 insulating gas and its alternatives, safety aspects and factors to choose GIS. GIS technology, its modular structure, control and monitoring systems, testing, installation rules and guidelines for operation, specification, and maintenance. Detailed information on various types for GIS, with 14 reference project explanations and three extensive case studies give information for the best solutions of practical applications. Special solutions using mobile substations concepts, mixed technology switchgear (MTS) with air and gas insulated technology, underground substations, and the use of special GIS substation buildings e.g., shopping centers, parking lots, city parks, business complexes’ or subway stations are explained. Future developments of GIS technology are shown for the next steps in alternatives to SF6, low power instrument transformers, and digitalization of substations. A new chapter explains advanced technologies applied to GIS projects which cover the following; environmental issues for the substation permission process, insulation coordination studies for the network requirements including very fast transients, project scope development, risk-based asset management, health and safety impact, electromagnetic fields, SF6 decomposition byproducts and condition assessment. Disruptive development steps in gas insulated substations technologies are also covered in this second edition. Vacuum breaking and switching technology for rated voltages of up to 500 kV is explained in detail with its physical background. Principle function and possible implementation of low power instrument transformers (LPIT) are explained and examples of applications are given. The principles of digital twin for gas insulated substations (GIS) and gas insulated transmission lines (GIL) are explained in theory and project applications show the practical use and advantage. The wide and fast-growing technical field of offshore GIS applications for AC and DC is explained on many examples and gives information on special requirements when getting offshore. Theoretical requirements on DC gas insulated systems, methods of testing, prototype installation tests, modular design features, and advantages in applications are given. Finally, impact and advantages of digital substations using GIS are explained. Key features: Written by leading GIS experts involved in development and project applications Discusses practical and theoretical aspects Detailed material of GIS for new and experienced GIS users, and project planners Invaluable guide to practicing electrical, mechanical and civil engineers as well as third- and fourth-year electric power engineering students

Gas Insulated Substations

by Hermann J. Koch

Comprehensive reference covering all aspects of gas insulated substations including basic principles, technology, use & application, design, specification, testing and ownership issuesThis book provides an overview on the particular development steps of gas insulated high-voltage switchgear, and is based on the information given with the editor's tutorial. The theory is kept low only as much as it is needed to understand gas insulated technology, with the main focus of the book being on delivering practical application knowledge. It discusses some introductory and advanced aspects in the meaning of applications.The start of the book presents the theory of Gas Insulated Technology, and outlines reliability, design, safety, grounding and bonding, and factors for choosing GIS. The third chapter presents the technology, covering the following in detail: manufacturing, specification, instrument transformers, Gas Insulated Bus, and the assembly process. Next, the book goes into control and monitoring, which covers local control cabinet, bay controller, control schemes, and digital communication. Testing is explained in the middle of the book before installation and energization. Importantly, operation and maintenance is discussed. This chapter includes information on repair, extensions, retrofit or upgrade, and overloading. Finally applications are covered along with concepts of layout, typical layouts, mixed technology substations, and then other topics such as life cycle assessment, environmental impact, and project management. A one-stop, complete reference text on gas insulated substations (GIS), large-capacity and long-distance electricity transmission, which are of increasing importance in the power industry todayDetails advanced and basic material, accessible for both existing GIS users and those planning to adopt the technologyDiscusses both the practical and theoretical aspects of GISWritten by acknowledged GIS experts who have been involved in the development of the technology from the start

Gas Insulated Transmission Lines (GIL)

by Hermann Koch

Gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) is an established high voltage technology used when environmental or structural considerations restrict the use of overhead transmission lines. With an overview on the technical, economical and environmental impact and power system implications of GIL, this guide provides a complete understanding of its physical design, features and advantages. The author illustrates how to evaluate when GIL would be the best solution during the planning sequence and how to apply GIL in the electricity power network.Other key features include:operation and maintenance requirements with information on repair processes, duration, and different monitoring systems enabling the achievement of reliable and safe operation;a wide variety of realized applications from across the world over the past 35 years, illustrating typical fields of application through descriptions of real projects that the author has worked on; andfuture application possibilities in a smart transmission network, used for solving power transmission problems.This is an essential reference for engineers involved in planning and executing bulk power transmission projects overground, in tunnels or buried. It offers a concise summary of all areas of the subject and is the perfect aid for utility power engineers, consulting engineers and manufacturers worldwide.

Gas Lasers (Optical Science and Engineering)

by Masamori Endo and Robert F. Walter

Lasers with a gaseous active medium offer high flexibility, wide tunability, and advantages in cost, beam quality, and power scalability. Gas lasers have tended to become overshadowed by the recent popularity and proliferation of semiconductor lasers. As a result of this shift in focus, details on modern developments in gas lasers are difficult to find. In addition, different types of gas lasers have unique properties that are not well-described in other references. Collecting expert contributions from authorities dealing with specific types of lasers, Gas Lasers examines the fundamentals, current research, and applications of this important class of laser.It is important to understand all types of lasers, from solid-state to gaseous, before making a decision for any application. This book fills in the gaps by discussing the definition and properties of gaseous media along with its fluid dynamics, electric excitation circuits, and optical resonators. From this foundation, the discussion launches into the basic physics, characteristics, applications, and current research efforts for specific types of gas lasers: CO lasers, CO2 lasers, HF/DF lasers, excimer lasers, iodine lasers, and metal vapor lasers. The final chapter discusses miscellaneous lasers not covered in the previous chapters.Collecting hard-to-find material into a single, convenient source, Gas Lasers offers an encyclopedic survey that helps you approach new applications with a more complete inventory of laser options.

The Gas Mask in Interwar Germany: Visions of Chemical Modernity (Science in History)

by Peter Thompson

Exploring the history of the gas mask in Germany from 1915 to the eve of the Second World War, Peter Thompson traces how chemical weapons and protective technologies like the gas mask produced new relationships to danger, risk, management and mastery in the modern age of mass destruction. Recounting the apocalyptic visions of chemical death that circulated in interwar Germany, he argues that while everyday encounters with the gas mask tended to exacerbate fears, the gas mask also came to symbolize debates about the development of military and chemical technologies in the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. He underscores how the gas mask was tied into the creation of an exclusionary national community under the Nazis and the altered perception of environmental danger in the second half of the twentieth century. As this innovative new history shows, chemical warfare and protection technologies came to represent poignant visions of the German future.

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