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Gasotransmitters Signaling in Plant Abiotic Stress: Gasotransmitters in Adaptation of Plants to Abiotic Stress (Signaling and Communication in Plants)
by Mehar Fatma Zebus Sehar Nafees A. KhanThis book deals with the gasotransmitters signaling in redox reactions and homeostasis for the adaptation of plants to unfavorable abiotic stress environments. There are lots of interesting chapters in this book that cover both research and educational objectives. This book serves as a reference illustrated book for all who are interested in the regulation of gasotransmitters and redox homeostasis in agriculture. Maintenance of redox homeostasis strengthens the potentiality of plants to resist abiotic stress conditions through the enhanced antioxidant system and the subsequent impact on other signaling molecules. The book presents novel outcomes and implications in plant biology concerning the study of different types of gasotransmitters signaling such as nitric oxide (NO), ethylene, hydrogen sulfide (H2S), etc. under diverse abiotic stresses in one place. The chapters of the book discuss the recent progress and current perspectives on the role of gasotransmitters relevance to plant functions and adaptations to abiotic stresses, the influence of gasotransmitters on the physiology of plants with respect to abiotic stress tolerance, gasotransmitters and omics for abiotic stress tolerance, advancement in the biology of gasotransmitters in regulating salinity and drought stress response in plants, new insights of gasotransmitters and cellular redox homeostasis in plants and the chapter also deliberate the emerging role of gasotransmitters in regulating redox homeostasis for plant stress management. This book is the first comprehensive book covering all aspects and advancements in the biology of gasotransmitters in redox homeostasis conferring different abiotic stress tolerance, from which readers from all backgrounds can get benefitted. This book will appeal to researchers, students, scientific societies, agriculturists, etc.
Gasotransmitters Signaling in Plants under Challenging Environment (Plant in Challenging Environments #5)
by Tariq Aftab Francisco J. CorpasAbiotic stressors, such as drought, extreme temperatures, heavy metals, or high salinity, are causing huge crop losses worldwide. These abiotic stressors are expected to become more extreme, less predictable, and more widespread in the near future. The harm of abiotic stresses includes the disruption of cellular redox homeostasis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, and oxidative stress in the plant. Plants have different mechanisms to fight stress, and these mechanisms are responsible for maintaining the required homeostasis in plants. Research on gasotransmitters is rapidly expanding and knowledge regarding the potential of gasotransmitters in biology and medicine is accumulating. Over the past few decades, the roles of these signaling molecules, especially NO and H2S, have been extensively studied for their application in plants. Recently, the emissions of endogenous gasotransmitters in plants have been widely studied and analyzed, thereby providing information to facilitate our understanding of new gasotransmitters signaling pathways. Given the multidimensional role of these signaling molecules, research over the past decades in mitigating abiotic stresses in plant biology and from an agriculture point of view, we intend to bring forth a comprehensive volume “Gasotransmitters Signaling in Plants under Challenging Environment". We are hopeful that this comprehensive volume will furnish the requisite of all those who are working or have an interest in the proposed topic
Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Nutrition Desk Reference
by Paul C. H. LiWhile the gastrointestinal tract ingests, digests, and absorbs nutrients, the liver transforms nutrients, synthesizes plasma proteins, and detoxifies bacteria and toxins absorbed from the gut. It is therefore not surprising that gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases have a major impact on the nutritional state of the individual. Integrating nutriti
Gastrophysics: The New Science of Eating
by Charles SpenceThe science behind a good meal: all the sounds, sights, and tastes that make us like what we're eating—and want to eat more.Why do we consume 35 percent more food when eating with one other person, and 75 percent more when dining with three? How do we explain the fact that people who like strong coffee drink more of it under bright lighting? And why does green ketchup just not work? The answer is gastrophysics, the new area of sensory science pioneered by Oxford professor Charles Spence. Now he's stepping out of his lab to lift the lid on the entire eating experience—how the taste, the aroma, and our overall enjoyment of food are influenced by all of our senses, as well as by our mood and expectations. The pleasures of food lie mostly in the mind, not in the mouth. Get that straight and you can start to understand what really makes food enjoyable, stimulating, and, most important, memorable. Spence reveals in amusing detail the importance of all the “off the plate” elements of a meal: the weight of cutlery, the color of the plate, the background music, and much more. Whether we’re dining alone or at a dinner party, on a plane or in front of the TV, he reveals how to understand what we’re tasting and influence what others experience. This is accessible science at its best, fascinating to anyone in possession of an appetite. Crammed with discoveries about our everyday sensory lives, Gastrophysics is a book guaranteed to make you look at your plate in a whole new way.
Gasturbinenanlagen: Komponenten - Betriebsverhalten - Auslegung - Berechnung
by Walter Bitterlich Ulrich LohmannDieses Lehrbuch zeigt sehr verständlich und umfangreich die technisch/energetische und wirtschaftliche Berechnung einer modernen Gasturbinenanlage und stellt auch Zahlenmaterial und Ergebnisse bereit. Die Berechnungsgrundlagen schließen den Dampfteil der gegenwärtig überwiegend eingesetzten kombinierten Gas- und Dampfturbinenanlagen (GuD) ausführlich mit ein. Neu hinzugekommen sind die, meist mehrwelligen, Flugtriebwerke. Die neue Auflage wurde überarbeitet und an einigen Stellen inhaltlich ergänzt.
Gated Communities and the Digital Polis: Rethinking Subjectivity, Reality, Exclusion, and Cooperation in an Urban Future (Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements)
by Kon Kim Heewon ChungThis edited collection provides an alternative discourse on cities evolving with physically and virtually networked communities—the ‘digital polis’—and offers a variety of perspectives from the humanities, media studies, geography, architecture, and urban studies. As an emergent concept that encompasses research and practice, the digital polis is oriented toward a counter-mapping of the digital cityscape beyond policing and gatekeeping in physical and virtual gated communities. Considering the digital polis as offering potential for active support of socially just and politically inclusive urban circumstances in ways that mirror the Greek polis, our attention is drawn towards the interweaving of the development of digital technology, urban space, and social dynamics. The four parts of this book address the formation of technosocial subjectivity, real-and-virtual combined urbanity, the spatial dimensions of digital exclusion and inclusion, and the prospect of emancipatory and empowering digital citizens. Individual chapters cover varied topics on digital feminism, data activism, networked individualism, digital commons, real-virtual communalism, the post-family imagination, digital fortress cities, rights to the smart city, online foodscapes, and open-source urbanism across the globe. Contributors explore the following questions: what developments can be found over recent decades in both physical and virtual communities such as cyberspace, and what will our urban future be like? What is the ‘digital polis’ and what kinds of new subjectivity does it produce? How does digital technology, as well as its virtuality, reshape the city and our spatial awareness of it? What kinds of exclusion and cooperation are at work in communities and spaces in the digital age? Each chapter responds to these questions in its own way, navigating readers through routes toward the digital polis.Chapter "Introduction - The digital polis and its practices: Beyond gated communities" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Gateway to Engineering
by George Rogers Michael Wright Ben YatesProject Lead the Way, Inc. (PLTW) is a pioneer in the development of project- and problem-based curriculum for middle school technology and engineering education. The all-new Gateway to Engineering text now offers the perfect tool for mastering Project Lead the Way's objectives, by introducing young students to the process of design, the importance of engineering graphics, and applications of electricity and electronics, mechanics, energy, communications, automation/robotics, manufacturing processes and control systems/computer programming This text will help students build a solid foundation in technological literacy while they study engineering-related careers and educational pathways. Everyday examples show how engineers and their innovations affect the world around them. A strong technical focus is complemented by a clear, straightforward writing style. Coverage of social impacts of new technologies will allow students to explore possibilities for career pathways in engineering and engineering technology.
Gateways to Science: Grade 5
by Janis Massey MacomberGateways to Science for Grade 5 is a textbook written for fifth grade scientists. Are you a scientist? Yes, you are. A scientist reads, studies, and does science. With this book, you will experience hands-on activities, interesting reading passages, and group investigations. Get ready to think, plan, question, explore, and observe the world of science.
The Gatherer (The Gatherer Series #1)
by Colleen WinterOne woman&’s brilliant invention unleashes a high-tech plague against humanity in this explosive eco-science-fiction thriller. Storm Freeman gave the world a miracle. She designed The Gatherer to draw electromagnetic energy from the air and disperse free and infinite electricity to rural and underprivileged communities. Her invention helped people but devalued power industries. Some revered Storm as a deity. Others saw her as an eco-terrorist. Then the miracle became a curse. The Gatherer unleashed a plague that damaged the human electrical system, bringing pain, suffering—and eventual death—to anyone continually exposed to the technology. Stricken herself, Storm goes into exile, desperate to find a cure—and destroy her invention. But there are people in the government and in the corporation that funded The Gatherer who refuse to publicly acknowledge the connection between the device and the spreading plague. And they will stop at nothing to find Storm and use her genius for military applications . . .
Gauge Invariance Approach to Acoustic Fields
by Woon Siong GanThis book highlights the symmetry properties of acoustic fields and describes the gauge invariance approach, which can be used to reveal those properties. Symmetry is the key theoretical framework of metamaterials, as has been demonstrated by the successful fabrication of acoustical metamaterials. The book first provides the necessary theoretical background, which includes the covariant derivative, the vector potential, and invariance in coordinate transformation. This is followed by descriptions of global gauge invariance (isotropy), and of local gauge invariance (anisotropy). Sections on time reversal symmetry, reflection invariance, and invariance of finite amplitude waves round out the coverage.
The Gauntlet
by Megan ShepherdPerfect for fans of Scott Westerfeld and The Maze Runner, The Gauntlet is the gripping finale to the thrilling and addictive Cage series about teens abducted from Earth by an otherworldly race—from Megan Shepherd, the New York Times bestselling author of the Madman’s Daughter series. Cora and her friends have escaped the Kindred station and landed at Armstrong—a supposed safe haven on a small moon—where they plan to regroup and figure out how to win the Gauntlet, the challenging competition to prove humanity’s intelligence and set them free. But Armstrong is no paradise; ruled by a power-hungry sheriff, it’s a violent world where the teens are enslaved and put to work in mines. As Nok’s due date grows closer, and Mali and Leon journey across space to rescue Cassian, the former inhabitants of the cage are up against impossible odds.With the whole universe at stake, Cora will do whatever it takes, including pushing her body and mind to the breaking point, to escape Armstrong and run the Gauntlet. But it isn’t just a deranged sheriff she has to overcome: the other intelligent species—the Axion, Kindred, Gatherers, and Mosca—all have their own reasons to stop her. Not knowing who to trust, Cora must rely on her own instincts to win the competition, which could change the world—though it might destroy her in the process.
Gcec 2017: Proceedings Of The 1st Global Civil Engineering Conference (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #9)
by Biswajeet PradhanThis book gathers the proceedings of the 1st Global Civil Engineering Conference, GCEC 2017, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on July 25–28, 2017. It highlights how state-of-the-art techniques and tools in various disciplines of Civil Engineering are being applied to solve real-world problems. The book presents interdisciplinary research, experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insights that will advance civil engineering methods. The scope of the book spans the following areas: Structural, Water Resources, Geotechnical, Construction, Transportation Engineering and Geospatial Engineering applications.
Gear Accuracy: A Treatise on Gear Noise Excitation, Vibration Generation, and Dynamics of Operation (Mechanical Engineering Series)
by Stephen P. RadzevichThis book provides a comprehensive profile the range of developments in gear science and gear engineering mainly those related to noise emission and vibration generation. The problem of noise emission and vibration generation is a challenging one. This scientific and engineering problem requires efforts of gear experts of different areas, and it got no satisfactory solution yet. Gear experts of different countries (USA, Israel, Poland, and Ukraine) have contributed to this volume. The latest accomplishments in scientific theory of gearing, gear design, production, inspection, and application are covered by this volume. The readers’ attention is focused mainly on the achievements in the field that lead to a significant reduction of gear noise excitation and vibration generation in gearing of all designs, namely, in parallel-axes gearing, in intersected-axes gearing, and in crossed-axes gearing. The concept of geometrically-accurate gearing (parallel-axes gearing, intersected-axes gearing, and crossed-axes gearing) is lays in the foundation of the undertaken research on gear noise emission and vibration generation. To the best possible extent, the kinematical and geometrical components of the problem under consideration are outlined at the beginning of this volume of the book when the accuracy of gears are discussed. The illustration of the various aspects of the problem is provided in the rest sections of the book volume. In particular, the readers’ attention is focused here also on the key problems, the poor knowledge of the scientific theory of gearing may lead to. This latter issue arouses even in leading gear manufacturing companies. The bottom line is as follows: In order to succeed in solving the noise excitation, and the vibration generation problem in gearing, high level of proficiency in the scientific theory of gearing is a must, as this theory provides the user with an in-depth understanding of meshing of the gear teeth, as well as with powerful tools to solve gear problems of this sort in cases when something goes wrong.
Gear Cutting Tools: Science and Engineering, Second Edition
by Stephen P. RadzevichGear Cutting Tools: Fundamentals of Design and Computation, Second Edition, presents the DG/K-based method of surface generation, a practical mathematical method for designing gear cutting tools with optimal parameters. The text addresss gear cutting tool evolution, and proceeds to scientific classification for all types of gear machining meshes before discussing optimal cutting tool designs. Designs currently used and those being planned are covered, and the approach allows for development of scientific predictions and optimal designs. Solutions appear in analytical form and/or graphical form, with a wealth of new figures added, and new appendices offer additional data for readers.
Gear Cutting Tools: Science and Engineering
by Stephen P. RadzevichThis new edition of Gear-Cutting Tools has been updated with revised chapters and illustrations as well as additional, new material with the aim to provide a systematic and comprehensive discussion on modern designs, kinematics, and cutting geometry of gear-cutting tools.This book presents the DG/K-based method of surface generation—a practical mathematical method for designing gearcutting tools with optimal parameters. The text addresses the evolution of gear-cutting tools and scientific classification for all types of gear machining meshes before discussing optimal cutting tool designs. Designs currently used and those being planned are covered, and the approach allows for the development of scientific predictions and optimal designs. Solutions appear in analytical form and/or graphical form, with a wealth of new figures added, and new appendices offer additional data for readers.This is an essential reading for engineers who work in the field of gear-cutting, especially those involved in the manufacturing of autos, aircraft, agriculture machines, and metal-cutting machines. This book would also be relevant to various mechanical engineering courses for graduate students, such as machine elements, machine and mechanism science, and theory of machines and mechanisms.
Gear Drive Systems: Design and Application (Mechanical Engineering #20)
by Peter LynwanderThis outstanding reference provides the complete range of practical and theoretical information - with over 250 detailed illustartions, fugures and table- needed to design, manufacture and operate reliable, efficient gear drive systems, emphasizing parallel shaft and planetary units with spur and helical gearing.
Gear Heads: The Turbulent Rise of Robotic Sports
by Brad StoneIn the early nineties, a visionary special-effects guru named Marc Thorpe conjured a field of dreams different from any the world had seen before: It would be framed by unbreakable plastic instead of cornstalks; populated not by ghostly ballplayers but by remote-controlled robots, armed to the steely teeth, fighting in a booby-trapped ring. If you built it, they'd come all right. In Gearheads, Newsweek technology correspondent Brad Stone examines the history of robotic sports, from their cultish early years at universities and sci-fi conventions to today's televised extravaganzas -- and the turmoil that threatened the whole enterprise almost from the beginning. By turns a lively historical narrative, a legal thriller, and an exploration of a cultural and technological phenomenon, Gearheads is a funny and fascinating look at the sport of the future today.
Gear Noise and Vibration (Mechanical Engineering)
by J. Derek SmithBased on over 40 years of consultation and teaching experience, Gear Noise and Vibration demonstrates logical gear noise and vibration approaches without the use of complex mathematics or lengthy computation methods. The second edition offers new and extended discussions on high- and low-contact ratio gears, lightly loaded gears, planetary and spli
Gears: Volume 1: Geometric and Kinematic Design (Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics #10)
by Vincenzo VulloThe book explores the geometric and kinematic design of the various types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, also considering the problems concerning their cutting processes. The cylindrical spur and helical gears are first considered, determining their main geometric quantities in the light of interference and undercut problems, as well as the related kinematic parameters. Particular attention is paid to the profile shift of these types of gears either generated by rack-type cutter or by pinion-rack cutter. Among other things, profile-shifted toothing allows to obtain teeth shapes capable of greater strength and more balanced specific sliding, as well as to reduce the number of teeth below the minimum one to avoid the operating interference or undercut. These very important aspects of geometric-kinematic design of cylindrical spur and helical gears are then generalized and extended to the other examined types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, such as: straight bevel gears; crossed helical gears; worm gears; spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Finally, ordinary gear trains, planetary gear trains and face gear drives are discussed. Includes fully-developed exercises to draw the reader's attention to the problems that are of interest to the designer, as well as to clarify the calculation procedure Topics are addressed from a theoretical standpoint, but in such a way as not to lose sight of the physical phenomena that characterize the various types of gears which are examined The analytical and numerical solutions are formulated so as to be of interest not only to academics, but also to designers who deal with actual engineering problems concerning the gears
Gears: Volume 2: Analysis of Load Carrying Capacity and Strength Design (Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics #11)
by Vincenzo VulloThis book explores the geometric and kinematic design of the various types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, also considering the problems concerning their cutting processes. The cylindrical spur and helical gears are first considered, determining their main geometric quantities in the light of interference and undercut problems, as well as the related kinematic parameters. Particular attention is paid to the profile shift of these types of gears either generated by rack-type cutter or by pinion-rack cutter. Among other things, profile-shifted toothing allows to obtain teeth shapes capable of greater strength and more balanced specific sliding, as well as to reduce the number of teeth below the minimum one to avoid the operating interference or undercut. These very important aspects of geometric-kinematic design of cylindrical spur and helical gears are then generalized and extended to the other examined types of gears most commonly used in practical applications, such as straight bevel gears; crossed helical gears; worm gears; spiral bevel and hypoid gears. Finally, ordinary gear trains, planetary gear trains and face gear drives are discussed. This is the most advanced reference guide to the state of the art in gear engineering. Topics are addressed from a theoretical standpoint, but in such a way as not to lose sight of the physical phenomena that characterize the various types of gears which are examined. The analytical and numerical solutions are formulated so as to be of interest not only to academics, but also to designers who deal with actual engineering problems concerning the gears
Gears: Volume 3: A Concise History (Springer Series in Solid and Structural Mechanics #12)
by Vincenzo VulloThis book provides a compact history of gears, by summarizing the main stages of their development and the corresponding gradual acquisition of engineering expertise, from the antiquity to the Renaissance and the twentieth century. This brief history makes no claim to be exhaustive, since the topic is so extensive, complex and fascinating that it deserves an entire encyclopedia. Despite its brevity, the book debunks a number of popular misconceptions, such as the belief that the first literary description of a gear was supplied by Aristotle. It disproves not only this myth, but also other peremptory statements and/or axiomatic assumptions that have no basis in written documents, archaeological findings or other factual evidence. The book is chiefly intended for students and lecturers, historians of science and scientists, and all those who want to learn about the genesis and evolution of this topic.
Gears and Gear Drives
by Damir T. JelaskaUnderstanding how gears are formed and how they interact or ‘mesh’ with each other is essential when designing equipment that uses gears or gear trains. The way in which gear teeth are formed and how they mesh is determined by their geometry and kinematics, which is the topic of this book. Gears and Gear Drives provides the reader with comprehensive coverage of gears and gear drives. Spur, helical, bevel, worm and planetary gears are all covered, with consideration given to their classification, geometry, kinematics, accuracy control, load capacity and manufacturing. Cylindrical gear geometry is the basis for dealing with any gear drives, so this is covered in detail. Key features: Contains hundreds of 2D and 3D figures to illustrate all types of gears and gear drives, including planetary and worm gears Includes fundamental derivations and explanations of formulae Enables the reader to know how to carry out accuracy control and load capacity checks for any gear drive Includes directions for the practical design of gears and gear drives Covers DIN and ISO standards in the area Gears and Gear Drives is a comprehensive reference for gears and gear drive professionals and graduate students in mechanical engineering departments and covers everything important to know how to design, control and manufacture gear drives.
Gears and Gear Drives
by Damir T. JelaskaUnderstanding how gears are formed and how they interact or 'mesh' with each other is essential when designing equipment that uses gears or gear trains. The way in which gear teeth are formed and how they mesh is determined by their geometry and kinematics, which is the topic of this book. Gears and Gear Drives provides the reader with comprehensive coverage of gears and gear drives. Spur, helical, bevel, worm and planetary gears are all covered, with consideration given to their classification, geometry, kinematics, accuracy control, load capacity and manufacturing. Cylindrical gear geometry is the basis for dealing with any gear drives, so this is covered in detail. Key features:Contains hundreds of 2D and 3D figures to illustrate all types of gears and gear drives, including planetary and worm gearsIncludes fundamental derivations and explanations of formulaeEnables the reader to know how to carry out accuracy control and load capacity checks for any gear driveIncludes directions for the practical design of gears and gear drivesCovers DIN and ISO standards in the area Gears and Gear Drives is a comprehensive reference for gears and gear drive professionals and graduate students in mechanical engineering departments and covers everything important to know how to design, control and manufacture gear drives.
Gears in Design, Production and Education: A Tribute to Prof. Veniamin Goldfarb (Mechanisms and Machine Science #101)
by Natalya Barmina Evgenii TrubachevThis book is the fourth volume in the series devoted to gear engineering and computer-aided design, production, testing and education. It comprises fundamental and applied research contributions by scientists and gear experts from all the world and covers recent developments and historical achievements in various spheres of mechanical engineering related to different kinds of gears, transmissions, and drive systems. It gathers contributions describing the advanced approaches to research, design, testing and production of practically all common and new kinds of gears for a vast number of advanced applications. Special attention is paid to issues of higher education in the field of gears. The book is intended as a tribute to professor Veniamin Goldfarb (1941-2019), one of the world-known leaders in the field of gear research, education and production, who contributed much to the active international cooperation of gear experts and to promotion of MMS science. The introductory chapter of this book relates his research to major developments in the field of mechanisms and machine science and outlines important contributions that he made within the period of 1964-2019.
Gears To Go
by Vijaya Khisty BodachGears are simple machines that can make up an even bigger machine, like a robot or a clock! Read on to learn about how gears make work easier.