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Gender in Agriculture
by Agnes R. Quisumbing Ruth Meinzen-Dick Terri L. Raney André Croppenstedt Julia A. Behrman Amber PetermanThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) produced a 2011 report on women in agriculture with a clear and urgent message: agriculture underperforms because half of all farmers--women--lack equal access to the resources and opportunities they need to be more productive. This book builds on the report's conclusions by providing, for a non-specialist audience, a compendium of what we know now about gender gaps in agriculture.
Gender in AI and Robotics: The Gender Challenges from an Interdisciplinary Perspective (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #235)
by Jordi VallverdúWhy AI does not include gender in its agenda? The role of gender in AI, both as part of the community of agents creating such technologies, as well as part of the contents processed by such technologies is, by far, conflictive. Women have been, again, obliterated by this fundamental revolution of our century. Highly innovative and the first step in a series of future studies in this field, this book covers several voices, topics, and perspectives that allow the reader to understand the necessity to include into the AI research agenda such points of view and also to attract more women to this field. The multi-disciplinarity of the contributors, which uses plain language to show the current situation in this field, is a fundamental aspect of the value of this book. Any reader with a genuine interest in the present and future of AI should read it.
Gender in Music Production (Perspectives on Music Production)
by Russ Hepworth-Sawyer Jay Hodgson Liesl King Mark MarringtonThe field of music production has for many years been regarded as male-dominated. Despite growing acknowledgement of this fact, and some evidence of diversification, it is clear that gender representation on the whole remains quite unbalanced. Gender in Music Production brings together industry leaders, practitioners, and academics to present and analyze the situation of gender within the wider context of music production as well as to propose potential directions for the future of the field. This much-anticipated volume explores a wide range of topics, covering historical and contextual perspectives on women in the industry, interviews, case studies, individual position pieces, as well as informed analysis of current challenges and opportunities for change. Ground-breaking in its synthesis of perspectives, Gender in Music Production offers a broadly considered and thought-provoking resource for professionals, students, and researchers working in the field of music production today.
Gender Inclusive Engineering Education (Routledge Research in Education)
by Julie Mills Mary Elizabeth Ayre Judith GillWomen continue to comprise a small minority of students in engineering education and subsequent employment, despite the numerous initiatives over the past 25 years to attract and retain more women in engineering. This book demonstrates the ways in which traditional engineering education has not attracted, supported or retained female students and identifies the issues needing to be addressed in changing engineering education to become more gender inclusive. This innovative and much-needed work also addresses how faculty can incorporate inclusive curriculum within their courses and programs, and provides a range of exemplars of good practice in gender inclusive engineering education that will be immediately useful to faculty who teach engineering students.
Gender Inequalities: GIS Approaches to Gender Analysis
by Esra OzdenerolGender inequality is entrenched in the cultural, political, and market systems that operate at household, community, and national levels. Overarching global changes in access to markets, climatic conditions, and the availability of natural resources intensify disparities in income, assets, and power among genders. This book explains these gender dynamics at macro and micro levels through GIS and spatial analysis. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the current role of GIS in the context of gender inequalities, how it still exists globally despite substantial national and international measures that have been taken toward gender equality. It illustrates global and country-level maps of measures of gender inequalities, such as gender equality index, access to basic education, health and life expectancy, equality of economic opportunity, and political empowerment. The global case studies provided in the consequent chapters explore the world of gender inequalities and get directly involved with some of the GIS and mapping applications. Chapter 2 investigates how GIS can be adapted for the criminal justice response to domestic violence (DV) and to eliminate gender-based violence. Chapter 3 discusses applying GIS and spatial analysis to the prevalence and incidence mapping of intimate partner violence (IPV) and geospatial factors that influence help-seeking and resource availability. Chapter 4 discusses the spatial disparity of gender-representation across industry types in the United States. Chapter 5 explores the social and environmental injustice experienced by female migrant workers at Guiyu town, China, in the context of both environmental pollution and governance. Chapter 6 presents a social vulnerability index to identify spatial patterns of social vulnerability and gender inequalities among Mexican households. Chapter 7 presents the United States’ opioid crisis over the past two decades and analysis of mortality by gender, race, age, and urbanicity. Chapter 8 discusses the commitment to "leave no one behind" as the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and identifies inequalities among women and girls by mapping multiple deprivations in Pakistan. Chapter 9 discusses the long-standing challenges in establishing gender parity in the transportation workforce in the United States. Chapter 10 presents a study that utilizes geospatial statistical tools and state-level admission data to examine gender inequalities in higher-education enrollment in Nigeria and investigates the key factors on enrollment. This book fosters engagement with the newest mapping and GIS application in contemporary issues regarding gender inequalities and nurtures recognition of how institutional global, everyday, and intimate spaces are inherently gendered, classed, raced, and sexualized. It demonstrates the spatiality of the politics of gender difference, and the contributions of GIS and spatial analysis to the struggles for equality and social justice. A unique work that Lays out a step-by-step approach to identify relevant GIS applications, spatial methods, data collection, and mapping techniques for gender inequalities research Has a strong international and global perspective. The author is well-informed in global perspectives Investigates the patterns/processes and indicators driving gender inequality at various temporal scales and at comparably detailed resolutions Illustrates finer-scale case studies, appropriate for local programs and interventions, as well as global scale studies contributing to international and national-level policy discussions on gender inequality Since gender inequality is a research area that is very wide and with strands into many academic traditions, this book is aimed at different and diverse academics/research. It is written for geographers, public health practitioners, sociologists, epidemiologists, criminologists, politicians, economists, environmentalists, G
Gender Integration in NATO Military Forces: Cross-national Analysis (Gender in a Global/Local World)
by Lana ObradovicNumerous states have passed gender integration legislation permanently admitting women into their military forces. As a result, states have dramatically increased women’s numbers, and improved gender equality by removing a number of restrictions. Yet despite changes and initiatives on both domestic and international levels to integrate gender perspectives into the military, not all states have improved to the same extent. Some have successfully promoted gender integration in the ranks by erasing all forms of discrimination, but others continue to impede it by setting limitations on equal access to careers, combat, and ranks. Why do states abandon their policies of exclusion and promote gender integration in a way that women’s military participation becomes an integral part of military force? By examining twenty-four NATO member states, this book argues that civilian policymakers and military leadership no longer surrender to parochial gendered division of the roles, but rather support integration to meet the recruitment numbers due to military modernization, professionalization and technological advancements. Moreover, it proposes that increased pressure by the United Nations to integrate gender into security and NATO seeking standardization and consistency on the international level, and women’s movements on the domestic level, are contributing to greater gender integration in the military.
Gender Issues In Farming Systems Research And Extension
by Susan V. Poats Marianne Schmink Anita SpringThis book is the product of an international conference hosted by the Women in Agricultural Development (WIAD) Program at the University of Florida in 1986. The purpose of WIAD program is to promote an understanding of gender and its relevance for agricultural development processes.
Gender, Power and Politics in Agriculture: Revisiting Theory and Practice
by Jemimah Njuki Hale Ann Tufan Vivian Polar Hugo Campos Monifa Morgan-BellThis is a open access book. In the agriculture sector, the language of gender integration often ignores the politics and the power dynamics that are central to critical, and feminist, analysis of gender relations. This volume explores largely neglected topics such as power dynamics, masculinities, gendered social norms, feminist research practice, intersectionality, critical analysis of tools and more, that are fundamental to shifting the entrenched power dynamics and politics of gender research in agriculture. The purpose of this book is to reduce the gap existing between theory, methods, and practice of gender relations in agriculture and agricultural research. Through an in-depth analysis of current processes in agriculture and drawing on existing experiences in other sectors, it seeks to create pathways for learning, catalyzing change and positive impact on gender equity and social inclusion. This volume seeks to bring forth a change in how gender relations in agriculture are researched, practiced and taught.
Gender Reboot: Reprogramming Gender Rights in the Age of AI
by Eleonore Fournier-TombsThis book explores gender norms and women’s rights in the age of AI. The author examines how gender dynamics have evolved in the spheres of work, self-image and safety, and education, and how these might be reflected in current challenges in AI development. The book also explores opportunities in AI to address issues facing women, and how we might harness current technological developments for gender equality. Taking a narrative tone, the book is interwoven with stories and a reflection on the raising young children during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes both expert and personal interviews to create a nuanced and multidimensional perspective on the state of women’s rights and what might be done to move forward.
Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence (The Feminist Imagination - Europe and Beyond)
by Ayşe Gül AltinayThe Introduction of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315584225 The twentieth century has been a century of wars, genocides and violent political conflict; a century of militarization and massive destruction. It has simultaneously been a century of feminist creativity and struggle worldwide, witnessing fundamental changes in the conceptions and everyday practices of gender and sexuality. What are some of the connections between these two seemingly disparate characteristics of the past century? And how do collective memories figure into these connections? Exploring the ways in which wars and their memories are gendered, this book contributes to the feminist search for new words and new methods in understanding the intricacies of war and memory. From the Italian and Spanish Civil Wars to military regimes in Turkey and Greece, from the Armenian genocide and the Holocaust to the wars in Abhazia, East Asia, Iraq, Afghanistan, former Yugoslavia, Israel and Palestine, the chapters in this book address a rare selection of contexts and geographies from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives. In recent years, feminist scholarship has fundamentally changed the ways in which pasts, particularly violent pasts, have been conceptualized and narrated. Discussing the participation of women in war, sexual violence in times of conflict, the use of visual and dramatic representations in memory research, and the creative challenges to research and writing posed by feminist scholarship, Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories will appeal to scholars working at the intersection of military/war, memory, and gender studies, seeking to chart this emerging territory with ’feminist curiosity’.
Gender–Technology Relations
by Hilde G. CorneliussenThrough empirical material as well as theoretical discussions, this book explores developments in gender-technology relations from the 1980s to today. The author draws on her long-lasting research in the field, providing insight in both historical and more recent discussions of gender in relation to computers and computing.
Gene and Cell Therapy: Biology and Applications
by Giridhara R. JayandharanRecent advances in stem cell biology, nanotechnology and gene therapy have opened new avenues for therapeutics. The availability of molecular therapeutics that rely on the delivery of DNA, RNA or proteins, harnessing enhanced delivery with nanoparticles, and the regenerative potential of stem cells (adult, embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells) has had a tremendous impact on translational medicine. The chapters in this book cover a range of strategies for molecular and cellular therapies for human disease, their advantages, and central challenges to their widespread application. Potential solutions to these issues are also discussed in detail. Further, the book addresses numerous advances in the field of molecular therapeutics that will be of interest to the general scientific community. Lastly, the book provides specific examples of disease conditions for which these strategies have been transferred to the clinic. As such, it will be extremely useful for all students, researchers and clinicians working in the field of translational medicine and molecular therapeutics.
Gene Delivery (Biomaterial Engineering)
by Huayu Tian Xuesi ChenGene therapy has been regarded as a great potential for specific treatment of gene-related human diseases, such as cancer, genetic and epidemic diseases. Gene therapy refers to the biomedical technology that inserts normal or therapeutic exogenous genes into target cells to repair or replace defective genes in target cells, so as to achieve the purpose of treating diseases. Efficient gene delivery systems are the crucial roles for successful implementation of gene therapy. This book provides a platform for young scholars and students to systematically understand the preparation and characterization of the existing non-viral gene delivery systems, as well as providing a technology platform for clinical gene therapy
Gene Drives at Tipping Points: Precautionary Technology Assessment and Governance of New Approaches to Genetically Modify Animal and Plant Populations
by Arnim Von Gleich Winfried SchröderThis open access book reports on a pilot project aiming at collecting information on the socio-ecological risks that could arise in the event of an uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered organisms into the environment. The researchers will, for instance, be taking a closer look at genetically engineered oilseed rape, genetically engineered olive flies as well as plants and animals with so-called gene drives. The book mainly adresses researchers.
Gene Editing in Plants: CRISPR-Cas and Its Applications
by Ashwani Kumar Sudipti Arora Shinjiro Ogita Yuan-Yeu Yau Krishnendu MukherjeeThis book is a collection of information about applying CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing in plants. The main focus of this book is to address the recent advances and future prospects of CRISPR-Cas technology in crops.Genome editing technology is important because it can be used to improve plant traits. The earlier genome-engineering tools, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) are complicated to design and not flexible. The novel genome editor, CRISPR-Cas systems, has advantages over ZFNs and TALENs. The advantages are simple and easy to design precision in targeting and efficiency. Due to its precision and simplicity, the CRISPR-Cas technology has rapidly become the most popular genome-editing platform in life-science fields. CRISPR-Cas technology has been used widely for human gene therapy to treat diseases and for plant breeding programs for crop improvement.This book is of interest and useful to genome-editing professionals, plant breeders, horticulturists, field-level extension workers, nurserymen, planters, ecologists, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers.
Gene Editing, Law, and the Environment: Life Beyond the Human (Law, Science and Society)
by Irus BravermanTechnologies like CRISPR and gene drives are ushering in a new era of genetic engineering, wherein the technical means to modify DNA are cheaper, faster, more accurate, more widely accessible, and with more far-reaching effects than ever before. These cutting-edge technologies raise legal, ethical, cultural, and ecological questions that are so broad and consequential for both human and other-than-human life that they can be difficult to grasp. What is clear, however, is that the power to directly alter not just a singular form of life but also the genetics of entire species and thus the composition of ecosystems is currently both inadequately regulated and undertheorized. In Gene Editing, Law, and the Environment, distinguished scholars from law, the life sciences, philosophy, environmental studies, science and technology studies, animal health, and religious studies examine what is at stake with these new biotechnologies for life and law, both human and beyond.
Gene Machine: The Race to Decipher the Secrets of the Ribosome
by Venki RamakrishnanA Nobel Prize-winning biologist tells the riveting story of his race to discover the inner workings of biology's most important molecule"Ramakrishnan's writing is so honest, lucid and engaging that I could not put this book down until I had read to the very end."--Siddhartha Mukherjee, author of The Emperor of All Maladies and The Gene Everyone has heard of DNA. But by itself, DNA is just an inert blueprint for life. It is the ribosome--an enormous molecular machine made up of a million atoms--that makes DNA come to life, turning our genetic code into proteins and therefore into us. Gene Machine is an insider account of the race for the structure of the ribosome, a fundamental discovery that both advances our knowledge of all life and could lead to the development of better antibiotics against life-threatening diseases. But this is also a human story of Ramakrishnan's unlikely journey, from his first fumbling experiments in a biology lab to being the dark horse in a fierce competition with some of the world's best scientists. In the end, Gene Machine is a frank insider's account of the pursuit of high-stakes science.
Gene Pool Diversity and Crop Improvement
by Vijay Rani Rajpal S. Rama Rao S. N. RainaThe world population is estimated to reach to more than 10 billion by the year 2050. These projections pose a challenging situation for the agricultural scientists to increase crops productivity to meet the growing food demands. The unavailability and/or inaccessibility to appropriate gene pools with desired traits required to carry out genetic improvement of various crop species make this task formidable for the plant breeders. Incidentally, most of the desired genes reside in the wild genetic relatives of the crop species. Therefore, exploration and characterization of wild genetic resources of important crop species is vital for the efficient utilization of these gene pools for sustainable genetic improvements to assure food security. Further, understanding the myriad complexities of genic and genomic interactions among species, more particularly of wild relatives of crop species and/or phylogenetically distant germplasm, can provide the necessary inputs to increase the effectiveness of genetic improvement through traditional and/or genetic engineering methods. This book provides comprehensive and latest insights on the evolutionary genesis of diversity, access and its utilization in the evolution of various crop species. A comprehensive account of various crops, origin, exploitation of the primary, secondary and tertiary gene pools through breeding, biosystematical, cytogenetical and molecular phylogenetical relationships, and genetic enhancement through biotechnological interventions among others have been provided as the necessary underpinnings to consolidate information on the effective and sustainable utilization of the related genetic resources. The book stresses upon the importance of wild germplasm exploration, characterization and exploitation in the assimilation of important crop species. The book is especially intended for students and scientists working on the genetic improvement of crop species. Plant Breeders, Geneticists, Taxonomists, Molecular Biologists and Plant Biotechnologists working on crop species are going to find this book very useful.
The Gene Revolution: GM Crops and Unequal Development
by Sakiko Fukuda-ParrWhether or not to embrace GM technologies is a fundamental and politically charged question facing humanity in the 21st century, particularly in light of rapidly growing populations and the unknown future impacts of climate change. The Gene Revolution is the first book to bridge the gap between the ?naysayers? and ?cheerleaders? and look at the issues and complexities facing developing and transitional countries over decisions about GM in light of the reality of what is happening on the ground. The first part of the volume looks at the rise of GM crops, commercialization and spread of the technology and the different positions of the USA and the European Union on the GM question and the effect of global markets. The second part consists of country perspectives from Argentina, Brazil, China, India and South Africa, which provide insight into the profound challenges these countries face and the hard choices that have to be made. The final part takes the analysis a step further by comparing developing and transitional country experiences, and charts a future course for government policy on GM that supports growth, sustainability and equity for the many billions of people affected worldwide.
GeNeDis 2020: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1338)
by Panayiotis VlamosThe 4th World Congress on Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (GeNeDis 2020) focuses on the latest major challenges in scientific research, new drug targets, the development of novel biomarkers, new imaging techniques, novel protocols for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, and several other scientific advances, with the aim of better, safer, and healthier aging. Computational methodologies for implementation on the discovery of biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases are extensively discussed. This volume focuses on the sessions from the conference regarding computational biology and bioinformatics.
GeNeDis 2022: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1424)
by Panagiotis VlamosThe 5th World Congress on Genetics, Geriatrics and Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (GeNeDis 2022) focuses on the latest major challenges in scientific research, new drug targets, the development of novel biomarkers, new imaging techniques, novel protocols for early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, and several other scientific advances, with the aim of better, safer, and healthier aging. Computational methodologies for implementation on the discovery of biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases are extensively discussed. This volume focuses on the sessions from the conference regarding computational biology and bioinformatics.
Genentech: The Beginnings of Biotech
by Hughes Sally SmithIn the fall of 1980, Genentech, Inc. , a little-known California genetic engineering company, became the overnight darling of Wall Street, raising over $38 million in its initial public stock offering. Lacking marketed products or substantial profit, the firm nonetheless saw its share price escalate from $35 to $89 in the first few minutes of trading, at that point the largest gain in stock market history. Coming at a time of economic recession and declining technological competitiveness in the United States, the event provoked banner headlines and ignited a period of speculative frenzy over biotechnology as a revolutionary means for creating new and better kinds of pharmaceuticals, untold profit, and a possible solution to national economic malaise. Drawing from an unparalleled collection of interviews with early biotech players, Sally Smith Hughes offers the first book-length history of this pioneering company, depicting Genentech's improbable creation, precarious youth, and ascent to immense prosperity. Hughes provides intimate portraits of the people significant to Genentech's science and business, including cofounders Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson, and in doing so sheds new light on how personality affects the growth of science. By placing Genentech's founders, followers, opponents, victims, and beneficiaries in context, Hughes also demonstrates how science interacts with commercial and legal interests and university research, and with government regulation, venture capital, and commercial profits. Integrating the scientific, the corporate, the contextual, and the personal, Genentech tells the story of biotechnology as it is not often told, as a risky and improbable entrepreneurial venture that had to overcome a number of powerful forces working against it.
General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines: Principles and Practice
by Yi Du Ming Cheng Peng Han Honghui WenGeneral Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines Introducing a new theory for electrical machines Air-gap magnetic field modulation phenomena have been widely observed in electrical machines. This book serves as the first English-language overview of these phenomena, as well as developing systematically for the first time a general theory by which to understand and research them. This theory not only serves to unify analysis of disparate electrical machines, from conventional DC machines, induction machines, and synchronous machines to unconventional flux-switching permanent magnet machines, Vernier machines, doubly-fed brushless machines etc., but also paves the way towards the creation of new electrical machine topologies. General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines includes both overviews of key concepts in electrical machine engineering and in-depth specialized analysis of the novel theory itself. It works through the applications of the developed theory before proceeding to both qualitative analysis of the theory’s operating principles and quantitative analysis of its parameters. Readers will also find: The collective experience of four award-winning authors with long records of international scholarship on this subject Three separate chapters covering the principal applications of the theory, with detailed examples Discussion of potential innovations made possible by this theory General Airgap Field Modulation Theory for Electrical Machines is an essential introduction to this theory for postgraduates, researchers, and electrical engineers.
The General and the Genius: Groves and Oppenheimer ? The Unlikely Partnership that Built the Atom Bomb
by James KunetkaTwo ambitious men. One historic mission. With a blinding flash in the New Mexico desert in the summer of 1945, the world was changed forever. The bomb that ushered in the atomic age was the product of one of history's most improbable partnerships. The General and the Genius reveals how two extraordinary men pulled off the greatest scientific feat of the twentieth century. Leslie Richard Groves of the Army Corps of Engineers, who had made his name by building the Pentagon in record time and under budget, was made overlord of the impossibly vast scientific enterprise known as the Manhattan Project. His mission: to beat the Nazis to the atomic bomb. So he turned to the nation's preeminent theoretical physicist, J. Robert Oppenheimer--the chain-smoking, martini-quaffing son of wealthy Jewish immigrants, whose background was riddled with communist associations--Groves's opposite in nearly every respect. In their three-year collaboration, the iron-willed general and the visionary scientist led a brilliant team in a secret mountaintop lab and built the fearsome weapons that ended the war but introduced the human race to unimaginable new terrors. And at the heart of this most momentous work of World War II is the story of two extraordinary men--the general and the genius.
General Aspects of Applying Generative AI in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges
by Mohamed Lahby Yassine Maleh Antonio Bucchiarone Satu Elisa SchaefferThis book explores the transformative impact of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) on teaching and learning, examining how recent advancements in GenAI are revolutionizing educational practices across disciplines. The book is organized into three parts: an overview of GenAI in education, its application in diverse educational contexts, and future perspectives on how educators and GenAI can interface. The first part addresses the pressing concerns within the educational landscape, both the bridges GenAI allows us to build and the remaining as well as the emerging gaps. The middle part explores specific academic disciplines, such as history, sports medicine, mathematics, engineering, and the humanities, dissecting the influence of GenAI on each. The final part looks ahead, discussing the ethical implications, the evolving role of prompting, and innovative frameworks for personalized learning. By presenting a balanced view of the opportunities that are now within reach through GenAI and the challenges such leaps pose to the way we learn and teach, this book allows interested educators to learn from the early-adopting contributors to fruitfully and responsibly integrate such technologies into their pedagogical practices. It serves as a resource for anyone interested in the future of educational practices and research of education, offering insights that can spark further exploration and discussion within the academic community and educational policy makers.