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The Generalized Multipole Technique for Light Scattering: Recent Developments (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics #99)
by Thomas Wriedt Yuri EreminThis book presents the Generalized Multipole Technique as a fast and powerful theoretical and computation tool to simulate light scattering by nonspherical particles. It also demonstrates the considerable potential of the method. In recent years, the concept has been applied in new fields, such as simulation of electron energy loss spectroscopy and has been used to extend other methods, like the null-field method, making it more widely applicable. The authors discuss particular implementations of the GMT methods, such as the Discrete Sources Method (DSM), Multiple Multipole Program (MMP), the Method of Auxiliary Sources (MAS), the Filamentary Current Method (FCM), the Method of Fictitious Sources (MFS) and the Null-Field Method with Discrete Sources (NFM-DS). The Generalized Multipole Technique is a surface-based method to find the solution of a boundary-value problem for a given differential equation by expanding the fields in terms of fundamental or other singular solutions of this equation. The amplitudes of these fundamental solutions are determined from the boundary condition at the particle surface. Electromagnetic and light scattering by particles or systems of particles has been the subject of intense research in various scientific and engineering fields, including astronomy, optics, meteorology, remote sensing, optical particle sizing and electromagnetics, which has led to the development of a large number of modelling methods based on the Generalized Multipole Technique for quantitative evaluation of electromagnetic scattering by particles of various shapes and compositions. The book describes these methods in detail.
Generalized Predictive Control And Bioengineering (Series in Systems and Control)
by M Mahfouf D. A. LinkensPredictive control is a powerful tool in dealing with those processes with large time delays. Generalized Predictive Control GPC is the most popular approach to the subject, and this text discusses the application of GPC starting with the concept of long-range predictive control and its need in medicine particularly automated drug deliveries.; The concept of adaptation is also emphasized with respect to patient-to-patient parameter variations. Subsequent chapters discuss interactions, comparisons and various aspects of GPC. The book concludes by putting into perspective the generic nature of the architecture built around GPC and which provides model-based fault diagnosis with control.
Generalized Principle of Pattern Multiplication and Its Applications (Modern Antenna)
by Junping Geng Chaofan Ren Kun Wang Erwei Liu Jing ZhangThis book investigates in detail the generalized principle of the pattern multiplication (GPPM) and its application to new phased array with high performances. It introduces the generalized element factor (GEF) to small aperture with multi-modes. Based on the GEF, the GPPM can be used to construct the wide-angle scanning array with the dual-port phase mode antenna. Further, a dual-port phase mode SSPPs antenna is proposed to scan in 3D free space. It is extended to two kinds of 1D arrays with 4 elements; both of them perform good 3D scanning with high gain and large range, which will improve future radar design and wireless communication. This book proposes a new method to develop the potentialities of the GPPM and the new phase array. And the readers can study the method or ideas of the GEF, GPPM, even graft the methods to new phase mode antenna and array. It is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in new phase mode antenna and array technology, researchers investigating high-performance antenna, and antenna design engineers working on phase array applications.
Generalized Sylvester Equations: Unified Parametric Solutions
by null Guang-Ren DuanProvides One Unified Formula That Gives Solutions to Several Types of GSEsGeneralized Sylvester equations (GSEs) are applied in many fields, including applied mathematics, systems and control, and signal processing. Generalized Sylvester Equations: Unified Parametric Solutions presents a unified parametric approach for solving various types of GSEs
Generating Analog IC Layouts with LAYGEN II
by Nuno C. Lourenço Ricardo M. Martins Nuno C.G. HortaThis book presents an innovative methodology for the automatic generation of analog integrated circuits (ICs) layout, based on template descriptions and on evolutionary computational techniques. A design automation tool, LAYGEN II was implemented to validate the proposed approach giving special emphasis to reusability of expert design knowledge and to efficiency on retargeting operations.
Generating Electricity Using Photovoltaic Solar Plants in Iraq
by Miqdam Tariq Chaichan Hussein A. KazemThis book focuses on solar energy and its applications in Iraq and its neighboring countries. Iraq suffers from electricity shortages and faces many challenges to meet and overcome current and future increases in electrical demand. Although Iraq relies primarily on petroleum as an energy source, many scientists agree that the future of energy efficiency and safety will rely heavily on the implementation of green and renewable energies. This book is aimed at researchers, policymakers, and students and discusses how PV systems can be successfully implemented in order to reduce dependency on fossil fuel resources.Contains case studies and examples to enhance practical application of the technologies presented;Presents actual adopted Iraqi PV projects;Explains the use and application of photovoltaic cells.
Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development
by The National Academy of SciencesTen years after the sequencing of the human genome, scientists have developed genetic tests that can predict a person's response to certain drugs, estimate the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, and make other predictions based on known links between genes and diseases. However, genetic tests have yet to become a routine part of medical care, in part because there is not enough evidence to show they help improve patients' health. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) held a workshop to explore how researchers can gather better evidence more efficiently on the clinical utility of genetic tests. Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development compares the evidence that is required for decisions regarding clearance, use, and reimbursement, to the evidence that is currently generated. The report also addresses innovative and efficient ways to generate high-quality evidence, as well as barriers to generating this evidence. Generating Evidence for Genomic Diagnostic Test Development contains information that will be of great value to regulators and policymakers, payers, health-care providers, researchers, funders, and evidence-based review groups.
Generating Micro- and Nanopatterns on Polymeric Materials
by Aránzazu Del Campo Eduard ArztNew micro and nanopatterning technologies have been developed in the last years as less costly and more flexible alternatives to phtolithograpic processing. These technologies have not only impacted on recent developments in microelectronics, but also in emerging fields such as disposable biosensors, scaffolds for tissue engineering, non-biofouling coatings, high adherence devices, or photonic structures for the visible spectrum. This handbook presents the current processing methods suitable for the fabrication of micro- and nanostructured surfaces made out of polymeric materials. It covers the steps and materials involved, the resulting structures, and is rounded off by a part on applications. As a result, chemists, material scientists, and physicists gain a critical understanding of this topic at an early stage of its development.
Generating Wind Power
by Niki WalkerPeople have been using the wind's energy for thousands of years to travel, power machinery, generate electricity, and for agriculture. Generating Wind Power will teach young readers about the benefits of harnessing the wind for everyday use. This fascinating new book explains how electricity is made from the wind and where wind power is used today on wind farms and in private homes.
Generation and Application of High Power Microwaves
by R A Cairns A D R Phelps P OsborneWritten at the graduate level, Generation and Application of High Power Microwaves discusses the basic physics of the generation of microwave and radiofrequency waves in the megawatt power range and the application of these ideas to a range of devices such as klystrons, gyrotrons, and free electron lasers. The book also contains chapters covering the transmission of the power through waveguides and the problems associated with mode conversion in transmission lines. The main application area covered is the heating and current drive in tokamaks and other devices for research into controlled nuclear fusion. Other applications of high power microwave technology are not neglected, and among those discussed are multiple charged ion and soft x-ray sources, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, advanced materials processing, millimeter wave radar, and supercolliders.
Generation and Parametric Amplification of Few‐Cycle Light Pulses at Relativistic Intensities (Springer Theses)
by Alexander KesselThis book reports on the development of a pioneering light source architecture of the so-called Petawatt Field Synthesizer (PFS) system, which is based on short-pulse pumped, optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA), driven by a homemade, 1-ps diode-pumped Yb:YAG. At a few-cycle pulse duration of the amplified pulses, this architecture yields record levels of peak power and temporal contrast, the latter boasting a 100-times faster rise time from the noise level to peak intensity of the pulse compared to conventional laser systems. This allows investigation of the true laser–solid interaction without premature plasma expansion and without lossy pulse cleaning by e.g. plasma mirrors. The book describes several concepts for the generation of broadband, high-energy and high-contrast seed pulses, as well as the OPCPA development, few-cycle pulse compression and contrast characterization in a concise and insightful manner. The theory chapter serves as an excellent and accessible primer on OPCPA and other nonlinear interactions, while the experimental parts provide an excellent description of the challenges of developing such a novel architecture and some of the innovative solutions to overcome them.
Generation and Update of a Digital Twin in a Process Plant
by Josip Stjepandić Johannes Lützenberger Philipp KremerThis book covers the most important subjects of digital twin in a process plant, including foundations, methods, achievements, and applications in a brownfield environment. Besides offering a variety of applications and procedural variants from research and industrial practice, this book also provides a comprehensive insight into holistic plant planning. It also discusses the challenges that currently exist in different application areas. This book would be of interest to industry professionals and researchers in industrial and manufacturing engineering.
Generation, Detection and Processing of Terahertz Signals (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #794)
by Aritra Acharyya Arindam Biswas Palash DasThis book contains detailed descriptions and associated discussions regarding different generation, detection and signal processing techniques for the electrical and optical signals within the THz frequency spectrum (0.3–10 THz). It includes detailed reviews of some recently developed electronic and photonic devices for generating and detecting THz waves, potential materials for implementing THz passive circuits, some newly developed systems and methods associated with THz wireless communication, THz antennas and some cutting-edge techniques associated with the THz signal and image processing. The book especially focuses on the recent advancements and several research issues related to THz sources, detectors and THz signal and image processing techniques; it also discusses theoretical, experimental, established and validated empirical works on these topics. The book caters to a very wide range of readers from basic science to technological experts as well as students.
Generation Digital
by Kathryn C. MontgomeryChildren and teens today have integrated digital culture seamlessly into their lives. For most, using the Internet, playing videogames, downloading music onto an iPod, or multitasking with a cell phone is no more complicated than setting the toaster oven to "bake" or turning on the TV. In Generation Digital,media expert and activist Kathryn C. Montgomery examines the ways in which the new media landscape is changing the nature of childhood and adolescence and analyzes recent political debates that have shaped both policy and practice in digital culture. The media have pictured the so-called "digital generation" in contradictory ways: as bold trailblazers and innocent victims, as active creators of digital culture and passive targets of digital marketing. This, says Montgomery, reflects our ambivalent attitude toward both youth and technology. She charts a confluence of historical trends that made children and teens a particularly valuable target market during the early commercialization of the Internet and describes the consumer-group advocacy campaign that led to a law to protect children's privacy on the Internet. Montgomery recounts--as a participant and as a media scholar--the highly publicized battles over indecency and pornography on the Internet. She shows how digital marketing taps into teenagers' developmental needs and how three public service campaigns--about sexuality, smoking, and political involvement--borrowed their techniques from commercial digital marketers. Not all of today's techno-savvy youth are politically disaffected; Generation Digitalchronicles the ways that many have used the Internet as a political tool, mobilizing young voters in 2004 and waging battles with the music and media industries over control of cultural expression online. Montgomery's unique perspective as both advocate and analyst will help parents, politicians, and corporations take the necessary steps to create an open, diverse, equitable, and safe digital media culture for young people.
Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and Childhood in the Age of the Internet (The\mit Press Ser.)
by Kathryn C. MontgomeryThe role that children and youth play in the emerging digital media culture; as consumers targeted by marketing campaigns, as creators of their own digital culture, and as political participants.Children and teens today have integrated digital culture seamlessly into their lives. For most, using the Internet, playing videogames, downloading music onto an iPod, or multitasking with a cell phone is no more complicated than setting the toaster oven to "bake" or turning on the TV. In Generation Digital, media expert and activist Kathryn C. Montgomery examines the ways in which the new media landscape is changing the nature of childhood and adolescence and analyzes recent political debates that have shaped both policy and practice in digital culture.The media has pictured the so-called "digital generation" in contradictory ways: as bold trailblazers and innocent victims, as active creators of digital culture and passive targets of digital marketing. This, says Montgomery, reflects our ambivalent attitude toward both youth and technology. She charts a confluence of historical trends that made children and teens a particularly valuable target market during the early commercialization of the Internet and describes the consumer-group advocacy campaign that led to a law to protect children's privacy on the Internet. Montgomery recounts—as a participant and as a media scholar—the highly publicized battles over indecency and pornography on the Internet. She shows how digital marketing taps into teenagers' developmental needs and how three public service campaigns—about sexuality, smoking, and political involvement—borrowed their techniques from commercial digital marketers. Not all of today's techno-savvy youth are politically disaffected; Generation Digital chronicles the ways that many have used the Internet as a political tool, mobilizing young voters in 2004 and waging battles with the music and media industries over control of cultural expression online.Montgomery's unique perspective as both advocate and analyst will help parents, politicians, and corporations take the necessary steps to create an open, diverse, equitable, and safe digital media culture for young people.
Generation of Energy from Municipal Solid Waste: Circular Economy and Sustainability
by Abdelkader Anouzla Salah SouabiThis book endeavors to critically assess and analyze the latent energy potential inherent within waste materials, thereby reframing the conventional perception of garbage from being solely a detrimental source of environmental pollution to being recognized as a viable and sustainable energy source. Furthermore, this book provides an extensive and meticulously curated database that serves as an invaluable resource to guide stakeholders in selecting the most appropriate and effective methodologies for waste disposal, whilst facilitating the generation of renewable energy that can significantly contribute to energy sustainability. In undertaking this comprehensive evaluation, the book highlights the transformative possibilities of waste management practices. It underscores the broader implications for environmental conservation and the advancement of renewable energy technologies in contemporary society. The text comprises 17 chapters on waste management with clean energy generation (heat, CH4, H2, diesel, petrol, methanol, ethanol, etc.) that experts in the field have suggested. Energy from trash may be recovered, which results in a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and the creation of new recovery technologies. Lowering environmental pollution is an intelligent approach to ensure national energy security and combat the trend toward global warming.
Generation of Surfaces: Kinematic Geometry of Surface Machining
by Stephen P. RadzevichA commonly used practice in industry is the machining of sculptured part surfaces on a multiaxis numerical control (NC) machine. While this practice is vital, it is also a costly aspect of the surface generation process. After investing more than 40 years of research into the theory of part surface generation, the author of Generation of Surfaces:
Generation Robot: A Century of Science Fiction, Fact, and Speculation
by Terri FavroGeneration Robot covers a century of science fiction, fact and, speculation—from the 1950 publication of Isaac Asimov’s seminal robot masterpiece, I, Robot, to the 2050 Singularity when artificial and human intelligence are predicted to merge. Beginning with a childhood informed by pop-culture robots in movies, in comic books, and on TV in the 1960s to adulthood where the possibilities of self-driving cars and virtual reality are daily conversation, Terri Favro offers a unique perspective on how our relationship with robotics and futuristic technologies has shifted over time. Peppered with pop-culture fun-facts about Superman’s kryptonite, the human-machine relationships in the cult TV show Firefly, and the sexual and moral implications of the film Ex Machina, Generation Robot explores how the techno-triumphs and resulting anxieties of reality bleed into the fantasies of our collective culture.Clever and accessible, Generation Robot isn’t just for the serious, scientific reader—it’s for everyone interested in robotics and technology since their science-fiction origins. By looking back at the future she once imagined, analyzing the plugged-in present, and speculating on what is on the horizon, Terri Favro allows readers the chance to consider what was, what is, and what could be. This is a captivating book that looks at the pop-culture of our society to explain how the world works—now and tomorrow.
Generation, Transmission, Detection, and Application of Vortex Beams (Optical Wireless Communication Theory and Technology)
by Xizheng KeThis book focuses on the key technologies supporting orbital-angular-momentum multiplexing communication: generation, transmission, detection, and application of vortex beams. A series of methods for generating vortex beams are described and compared in detail. Laguerre-Gaussian and Bessel-Gaussian beams are taken as examples to introduce the transport properties of vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence. The authors show that superposition of vortex beam state, interference, diffraction, and grating can realize the detection of the topological charge of vortex beams. The authors also introduce the application of vortex beams in optical communication and the transmission characteristics of partially coherent vortex beams in atmospheric turbulence. Finally, the authors describe vortex beam information exchange and channel reconstruction.
Generation Z: What It's Like to Grow up in the Age of Likes, LOLs and Longing
by The Washington PostAn in-depth profile of the digital native generation from the Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper. For the generation after Millennials, technology has been the only way of life since birth. These children are the first group to have their formative moments chronicled on Facebook, to grow up surrounded by the ubiquity of smartphones, and most important, to navigate a social landscape ruled by the internet. With this lifestyle comes a host of issues that prior generations never dealt with, including cyberbullying, alienation from peers with greater access to technology, and an increasing vulnerability to online sexual predators. This series of articles from the Washington Post delves into the everyday lives of American kids and teenagers. With its exploration of the unique pressures and complications of living an online life (and most of life online), this collection is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of Generation Z.
Generations of Reason: A Family's Search for Meaning in Post-Newtonian England
by Joan L. RichardsAn intimate, accessible history of British intellectual development across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, through the story of one family This book recounts the story of three Cambridge-educated Englishmen and the women with whom they chose to share their commitment to reason in all parts of their lives. The reason this family embraced was an essentially human power with the potential to generate true insight into all aspects of the world. In exploring the ways reason permeated three generations of English experience, this book casts new light on key developments in English cultural and political history, from the religious conformism of the eighteenth century through the Napoleonic era into the Industrial Revolution and prosperity of the Victorian age. At the same time, it restores the rich world of the essentially meditative, rational sciences of theology, astronomy, mathematics, and logic to their proper place in the English intellectual landscape. Following the development of their views over the course of an eventful one hundred years of English history illuminates the fine structure of ways reason still operates in our world.
Generative Adversarial Learning: Architectures and Applications (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #217)
by Vasile Palade Roozbeh Razavi-Far Ariel Ruiz-Garcia Juergen SchmidhuberThis book provides a collection of recent research works addressing theoretical issues on improving the learning process and the generalization of GANs as well as state-of-the-art applications of GANs to various domains of real life. Adversarial learning fascinates the attention of machine learning communities across the world in recent years. Generative adversarial networks (GANs), as the main method of adversarial learning, achieve great success and popularity by exploiting a minimax learning concept, in which two networks compete with each other during the learning process. Their key capability is to generate new data and replicate available data distributions, which are needed in many practical applications, particularly in computer vision and signal processing. The book is intended for academics, practitioners, and research students in artificial intelligence looking to stay up to date with the latest advancements on GANs’ theoretical developments and their applications.
Generative AI and Cyberbullying
by Ravindra DasEver since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in 2020, the world has transformed itself greatly. For example, not only is the near-99% remote workforce now a reality, but businesses today are taking incident response and disaster recovery much more seriously these days as well. But another area that has blossomed in the last couple of years has been that of Generative AI. It is actually a subfield of artificial intelligence, which has been around since the 1950s.But Gen AI (as it is also called) has been fueled by the technology of ChatGPT, which has been developed and created by OpenAI. Given the GPT4 algorithms Gen AI is powered by, an end user can merely type in, or even speak into the platform a query, and an output that is specific to that query will be automatically generated. The answer (or "output") can be given as a text, video, image, or even an audio file.The scalability and diversity of Gen AI has allowed it to be used in a myriad of industries and applications. But although it has been primarily designed to serve the greater good, it can also be used for very nefarious purposes, such as online harassment and Cyberbullying.In this particular book, we actually take the good side of Gen AI and provide an overview as to how it can be used to help combat Cyberbullying. This book is broken down into the following topics: What Cyberbullying is all about How Gen AI can be used to combat Cyberbullying An overview into Gen AI Advanced topics into Gen AI Conclusions
Generative AI: Current Trends and Applications (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1177)
by Khalid Raza Naeem Ahmad Deepak SinghThis comprehensive volume focuses on the latest advancements in Generative AI, including state-of-the-art techniques and models that are pushing the boundaries of what is possible. It covers recent developments in areas such as Generative AI models, transfer learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) highlighting their potential to revolutionize content generation and creative applications including OpenAI, LangChain, NLTK and their practical implementations across diverse domains. The volume provides insights into emerging research areas, novel architectures, and innovative approaches in Generative AI, giving searchers a glimpse into the exciting future of the field. The aim is to offer readers a deep understanding of Generative AI and how it can be harnessed to tackle complex real-world challenges.
Generative AI for Academics
by Mark CarriganThis is your indispensable guide to navigating the rise of generative AI as an academic. It thoughtfully explores rapidly evolving AI capabilities reshaping higher education, examining challenges and ethical dilemmas across the sector. It provides useful strategies for using generative AI in your scholarly work while upholding professional standards. This practical guidance addresses four core areas of academic work: Thinking: How to use generative AI to augment individual and collaborative scholarly thinking that can assist in developing novel ideas and advancing impactful projects Collaborating: Explore how generative AI can be used as a research assistant, coordinating teams and enhancing scholarly cooperation Communicating: Cautioning against over-reliance, examine how generative AI can relieve communication burdens while maintaining professionalism and etiquette Engaging: thoughtful and practical frameworks are offered for using these developments to support online engagement without sacrificing scholarly principles Mark Carrigan is a digital sociologist, author and Lecturer in Education at the University of Manchester.