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Genetic Engineering of Crop Plants for Food and Health Security: Volume 2
by Siddharth Tiwari Bhupendra KoulThis edited volume presents recent advancements in genetic transformation and genome editing, offering a comprehensive understanding of their applications for creating more sustainable crops. These innovations are revolutionizing crop development, enhancing yields, and mitigating environmental challenges.The demand for sustainable crop production, driven by a growing global population and mounting environmental challenges, has never been more pressing. Genetic transformation and genome editing techniques offer precise and targeted ways to enhance crop traits, increase yields, and reduce the need for chemical inputs. The book traces the evolution of these technologies, from the early days of genetic modification to the current era of CRISPR-based genome editing. It covers cutting-edge technologies, from CRISPR-Cas9 to advanced gene editing techniques, while discussing the current scenario and future prospects of GM crops developed either by transgenic or genome editing approaches. The book explores the ethical and regulatory aspects surrounding genetic transformation, providing a complete perspective on this evolving domain.It is an essential read for researchers, students, and professionals in the fields of agriculture, plant sciences, biotechnology, agronomy, as well as policymakers.
Genetic Engineering of Vegetable Crops (CABI Biotechnology Series)
by Pritam KaliaConventional plant breeding alone can no longer sustain the rising global demand for food. Genetic engineering technology makes it possible to develop new crop varieties with improved yield performance, specific quality attributes (external and internal in vegetable crops), resistance to diseases and insect pests, and environmental stresses. Genetic engineering technology for developing GM crops is complementary to genome editing and other breeding technologies. In addition to food requirements, transgenic crops have the possibility to carry edible vaccines and therapeutic proteins, to help combat human disease and malnutrition. This book reviews the importance and safety of transgenic vegetable crops and covers a wide variety of crops and different technologies. It includes: Genetic engineering in tomato, eggplant, peppers, amaranth, cauliflower, carrot, cucurbits, potato, tropical tubers and melons. Transgenic resistance to viral diseases. Embryogenic cell suspension culture. Genome editing and CRISPR/Cas9. Molecular techniques for biofortification. RNAi strategies for vegetable crop improvement. Designing futuristic vegetable crop varieties. This book is suitable for researchers in horticulture, plant science, and agricultural biotechnology as well as practitioners in vegetable breeding and seed production.
Genetic Enhancement in Major Food Legumes: Advances in Major Food Legumes
by Kul Bhushan Saxena Rachit K. Saxena Rajeev K. VarshneyThe protein molecule is the basic building block of every living entity. Its deficiency leads to restricted growth and development of individuals. Globally, such malnutrition is on the rise due to various reasons such as rapid population growth, stagnation of productivity, and ever-rising costs. Millions of people, especially in developing and under-developed countries, suffer from protein malnutrition and the only possible solution is to encourage farmers to grow high-protein food legume crops in their fields for domestic consumption. This, however, could be possible if farmers are provided with new cultivars with high yield, and resistance to major insects, diseases, and key abiotic stresses. The major food legume crops are chickpea, cowpea, common bean, groundnut, lentil, pigeonpea, and soybean. Predominantly, the legume crops are grown under a subsistence level and, therefore, in comparison to cereals and horticultural crops their productivity is low and highly variable. The crop breeders around the globe are engaged in breeding suitable cultivars for harsh and changing environments but success has been limited and not up to needs.With the recent development of new technologies in plant sciences, efforts are being made to help under-privileged farmers through breeding new cultivars which will produce more protein per unit of land area. In this book, the contributors analyze the constraints, review new technologies, and propose a future course of crop breeding programs in seven cold and warm season legume crops.
Genetic Improvement of Field Crops
by Gustavo A. SlaferOutlining successful breeding techniques to augment the yields of the world's major crops, this reference analyzes the physiological and genetic basis for past and potential future increases in crop yields.;Covering crops with wide differences in morphology, photosynthetic rates, and nitrogen metabolisms, Genetic Improvement of Field Crops: investigates the changes produced by breeders in the physiological attributes affecting wheat grain yield and nitrogen content during the last century; discusses those crop characteristics of oats that have already been altered or might be manipulated through breeding to further increase yield potential; describes several genetic factors responsible for both yield potential and stress resistance in barley; offers insights into the relationship between increases in the yield potential and stress tolerance of corn; examines the evolution of sunflower crop yields and yield stability and estimates the contribution of improved cultivars; evaluates the effects of breeding on tuber characteristics related to the crop growth and yield of the potato; elucidates the possibilities for simultaneous improvement of yield and fiber strength in cotton; and identifies the features to be considered in the development of high yielding varieties of rice for different agricultural systems.;Providing nearly 1600 key literature citations allowing further in-depth study of particular topics, Genetic Improvement of Field Crops is for plant physiologists and breeders, crop and agricultural scientists, agronomists, biochemists, geneticists, biotechnologists, microbiologists, and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.
Genetic Improvement of Rice for Salt Tolerance
by Rakesh Kumar Singh M. Prakash Raj Kumar Gautam S. L. Krishnamurthy S. ThirumeniThis edited book is a compilation of tangible research findings and actual experiences on various salt tolerant rice breeding programmes, that have been successfully practiced and continuing to do so by research centres in South East Asia, with major emphasis in India, Bangladesh and Philippines. Rice being one of the most important staple crops of the world, its production and productivity have to be kept on increasing so as to feed the burgeoning population. This is a very challenging task in the midst of shrinking resource base and arable lands in the face of climate change. Salt stress is the second major abiotic stress, next only to drought, which greatly affects rice production. To overcome this problem, development of improved salt tolerant rice cultivars coupled with appropriate package of practices, an ecologically sound and socially acceptable strategy should be developed which is well within the reach of marginal farmers. With rapid advances in molecular biology, mechanisms underlying the complexity of the trait are better understood now than before. Selection of appropriate parents, desired mapping populations, precise phenotyping are the key components to underpin the mapping and utilization of reliable QTLs. Understanding genetics of salt tolerance, identifying the robust molecular markers and targeted utilization of available molecular markers form the sound basis to develop the commercial products with more precision and speed. This book covers entire range of topics: starting from biophysical characterization of salt stressed areas in different rice ecologies, conventional and molecular breeding approaches for mapping salt tolerance and subsequent development of improved rice varieties for commercial cultivation and their societal impacts. This book is of interest to scientists, faculty, policy makers and administrators. It also serves as a resource guide to graduate students of agriculture particularly plant breeding, plant physiology, molecularbiology and soil science.
Genetic improvement of Small Millets
by Sweta Mishra Shailesh Kumar R C SrivastavaThis book brings out a comprehensive collection of information on small millets. The main focus of this book is to introduce the various types of long forgotten small millets to the readers, their genetics, botany and diversity, cultivation, breeding strategies, genomic resources available, how they can be incorporated into the existing cropping systems, their processing strategies and value addition to incorporate into daily diet of humans. It covers finger millet, foxtail millet, proso millet, barnyard millet, little millet, kodo millet, and browntop millet. Millets originated before 10000 BC and were consumed by humans across civilizations until the green revolution took place in India and other developing countries. After green revolution, due to the advent of high-yielding varieties, as the area, production, and market of wheat and rice increased, the acreage of millets gradually decreased. However, with increasing lifestyle diseases, humans have recognized the potential of small millets crop. It is now being considered as super food and smart food as they are nutri-packed and rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, zinc, and fiber, which is much higher than that available in wheat and rice. This book is of interest to the students, research scholars, national and international agricultural scientists, millet professionals, and food industry
Genetic Improvement of Solanaceous Crops Volume 2: Tomato
by M. K. RazdanPotato is the most significant non-cereal crop. Much attention has been paid to this commercially important crop. The aim of this volume is to capture the recent advances made in improving potatoes using traditional breeding methods as well as genetic engineering technology. The book provides a critical appraisal of the state-of-the-art finding on
Genetic Improvement of Tropical Crops
by Hugo Campos Peter D. S. CaligariThis book provides a fresh, updated perspective of the current status and perspectives in genetic improvement of a diverse array of tropical crops. The first part covers aspects which are relevant across crops, namely how to maximize the use of genetic information through modern bioinformatic approaches and how to use statistics as a tool to sustain increased genetic gains and breeding efficiency. The second part of the book provides an updated view of some seed-propagated crops, such as rice, maize and oil palm, as well as crops propagated through vegetative means such as sweet potato, cassava, banana and sugarcane. Each chapter addresses the main breeding objectives, markets served, current breeding approaches, biotechnology, genetic progress observed, and in addition a glimpse into the future for each of these selected and important tropical crops.
Genetic Manipulation in Plants for Mitigation of Climate Change
by Om Parkash Dhankher Rana Pratap Singh Pawan Kumar JaiwalThis book presents a detailed overview and critical evaluation of the state of the art and latest approaches in genetic manipulation studies on plants to mitigate the impact of climate change on growth and productivity. Each chapter has been written by experts in plant-stress biology and highlights the involvement of a variety of genes/pathways and their regulation in abiotic stress, recent advances in molecular breeding (identification of tightly liked markers, QTLs/genes), transgenesis (introduction of exogenous genes or changing the expression of endogenous stress- responsive genes) and genomics approaches that have made it easier to identify and isolate several key genes involved in abiotic stress such as drought, water lodging/flooding, extreme temperatures, salinity and heavy-metal toxicity. Food and nutritional security has emerged as a major global challenge due to expanding populations, and cultivated areas becoming less productive as a result of extreme climatic changes adversely affecting the quantity and quality of plants. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop crop varieties resilient to abiotic stress to ensure food security and combat increased input costs, low yields and the marginalization of land. The role of GM crops in poverty alleviation, nutrition and health in developing countries and their feasibility in times of climate change are also discussed. Recent advances in gene technologies have shown t he potential for faster, more targeted crop improvements by transferring genes across the sexual barriers. The book is a valuable resource for scientists, researchers, students, planners and industrialists working in the area of biotechnology, plant agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, plant physiology, molecular biology, plant sciences and environmental sciences.
Genetic Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection: Basics, Practice and Benefits
by N. Manikanda BoopathiThe first edition of this book, Genetic Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection: Basics, Practice and Benefits, was widely appreciated as the first of its kind on this topic and has been listed as a reference work in several agricultural universities’ curricula. A great deal has happened over the last five years, making it high time to incorporate recent developments in genetic mapping and report on novel strategies in marker assisted selection in crop plants as a second edition. This book addresses a range of topics, including: new marker types and their genotyping methods based on high-throughput technologies, advances in genomics and their role in new marker development, improvements in genetic mapping strategies and software updates, developments in phenomics and their applications in QTL mapping, and how to incorporate these developments and advances in marker assisted selection in crop plants. Similar to the first edition, each technique and method is explained using a step-by-step method, allowing the book to serve as a self-study guide for scholars whose work involves the genetic improvement of crop plants for any trait of interest, particularly for biotic and abiotic stress resistance.In addition, the book offers a valuable guide for undergraduate and graduate students at agricultural universities and institutes that are interested and/or involved in the genetic improvement of crop plants using modern tools. In addition, the bibliography includes a list of suggested works for pursuing further research on the topics covered.
Genetic Methods and Tools for Managing Crop Pests
by A. K. ChakravarthyThis contributed volume aims at bringing together all the genetic engineering tools for managing various types of crop pests. The main focus of this book is to explore the application of these tools in pest management. Major pest groups covered in this book are insects, mites and nematodes.The first section covers all major genetic tools and molecular approaches. The second section deals with genetic tools for of beneficial containing three chapters involving honey bees, silkworms and natural enemies. Next section deals with genetic interactions against pests in diverse geographical regions with special focus on Africa, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Sections four and five addresses diverse aspects as management of pests, genetic behavior, gene expression, plasticity, pathways and interactions and options for mitigation of pests.It serves as a useful resource for professionals in the fields of entomology, agronomy, horticulture, ecology, and environmental sciences, as well as to agricultural producers and plant biotechnologists.
Genetic Modification and Food Quality: A Down to Earth Analysis
by Robert Blair Joe M. RegensteinThe development of recombinant DNA methods has changed the face of the food industry over the last 50 years. Crops which have been genetically modified are being cultivated in more and more countries and this process is likely to accelerate as desirable traits are identified and transferred to appropriate organisms, and they are cleared by the regulatory authorities. However, the technique has its critics who claim that modification of the genome of the plant (or animal) in this way may pose unknown and unacceptable risks to the human consumer. Genetic Modification and Food Quality: A Down to Earth Analysis is the first comprehensive text on how GM production methods influence the quality of foods and feeds, based on a complete and unbiased assessment of the scientific findings. It presents a balanced analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of gene-modified food sources in the human diet. Chapters approach the topic with regard to different food types such as cereal grains, oilseed crops, vegetables, fish and animal products. Assessing the nutritive value as well as the health and safety of GMO foods, this book is a reference for anyone working in the food production industry and will also be of an interest to NGOs, trade associations and consumers who are looking for an objective, balanced study of this contentious issue.
Genetic Modification of Plants
by Christian Jung Frank KempkenConceived with the aim of sorting fact from fiction over genetically modified (GM) crops, this book brings together the knowledge of 30 specialists in the field of transgenic plants. It covers the generation and detection of these plants as well as the genetic traits conferred on transgenic plants. In addition, the book looks at a wide variety of crops, ornamental plants and tree species that are subject to genetic modifications, assessing the risks involved in genetic modification as well as the potential economic benefits of the technology in specific cases. The book's structure, with fully cross-referenced chapters, gives readers a quick access to specific topics, whether that is comprehensive data on particular species of ornamentals, or coverage of the socioeconomic implications of GM technology. With an increasing demand for bioenergy, and the necessary higher yields relying on wider genetic variation, this book supplies all the technical details required to move forward to a new era in agriculture.
Genetic Programming for Image Classification: An Automated Approach to Feature Learning (Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization #24)
by Mengjie Zhang Ying Bi Bing XueThis book offers several new GP approaches to feature learning for image classification. Image classification is an important task in computer vision and machine learning with a wide range of applications. Feature learning is a fundamental step in image classification, but it is difficult due to the high variations of images. Genetic Programming (GP) is an evolutionary computation technique that can automatically evolve computer programs to solve any given problem. This is an important research field of GP and image classification. No book has been published in this field. This book shows how different techniques, e.g., image operators, ensembles, and surrogate, are proposed and employed to improve the accuracy and/or computational efficiency of GP for image classification. The proposed methods are applied to many different image classification tasks, and the effectiveness and interpretability of the learned models will be demonstrated. This book is suitable as a graduate and postgraduate level textbook in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and evolutionary computation.
Genetic Programming for Production Scheduling: An Evolutionary Learning Approach (Machine Learning: Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications)
by Fangfang Zhang Su Nguyen Yi Mei Mengjie ZhangThis book introduces readers to an evolutionary learning approach, specifically genetic programming (GP), for production scheduling. The book is divided into six parts. In Part I, it provides an introduction to production scheduling, existing solution methods, and the GP approach to production scheduling. Characteristics of production environments, problem formulations, an abstract GP framework for production scheduling, and evaluation criteria are also presented. Part II shows various ways that GP can be employed to solve static production scheduling problems and their connections with conventional operation research methods. In turn, Part III shows how to design GP algorithms for dynamic production scheduling problems and describes advanced techniques for enhancing GP’s performance, including feature selection, surrogate modeling, and specialized genetic operators. In Part IV, the book addresses how to use heuristics to deal with multiple, potentially conflicting objectives in production scheduling problems, and presents an advanced multi-objective approach with cooperative coevolution techniques or multi-tree representations. Part V demonstrates how to use multitask learning techniques in the hyper-heuristics space for production scheduling. It also shows how surrogate techniques and assisted task selection strategies can benefit multitask learning with GP for learning heuristics in the context of production scheduling. Part VI rounds out the text with an outlook on the future.Given its scope, the book benefits scientists, engineers, researchers, practitioners, postgraduates, and undergraduates in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation, operations research, and industrial engineering.
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XIX (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
by Leonardo Trujillo Stephan M. Winkler Sara Silva Wolfgang BanzhafThis book brings together some of the most impactful researchers in the field of Genetic Programming (GP), each one working on unique and interesting intersections of theoretical development and practical applications of this evolutionary-based machine learning paradigm. Topics of particular interest for this year´s book include powerful modeling techniques through GP-based symbolic regression, novel selection mechanisms that help guide the evolutionary process, modular approaches to GP, and applications in cybersecurity, biomedicine and program synthesis, as well as papers by practitioner of GP that focus on usability and real-world results. In summary, readers will get a glimpse of the current state of the art in GP research.
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XVII (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
by Wolfgang Banzhaf Erik Goodman Leigh Sheneman Leonardo Trujillo Bill WorzelThese contributions, written by the foremost international researchers and practitioners of Genetic Programming (GP), explore the synergy between theoretical and empirical results on real-world problems, producing a comprehensive view of the state of the art in GP. In this year’s edition, the topics covered include many of the most important issues and research questions in the field, such as: opportune application domains for GP-based methods, game playing and co-evolutionary search, symbolic regression and efficient learning strategies, encodings and representations for GP, schema theorems, and new selection mechanisms.The volume includes several chapters on best practices and lessons learned from hands-on experience. Readers will discover large-scale, real-world applications of GP to a variety of problem domains via in-depth presentations of the latest and most significant results.
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XVIII (Genetic and Evolutionary Computation)
by Leonardo Trujillo Wolfgang Banzhaf Bill Worzel Stephan WinklerThis book, written by the foremost international researchers and practitioners of genetic programming (GP), explores the synergy between theoretical and empirical results on real-world problems, producing a comprehensive view of the state of the art in GP. In this year’s edition, the topics covered include many of the most important issues and research questions in the field, such as opportune application domains for GP-based methods, game playing and co-evolutionary search, symbolic regression and efficient learning strategies, encodings and representations for GP, schema theorems, and new selection mechanisms. The book includes several chapters on best practices and lessons learned from hands-on experience. Readers will discover large-scale, real-world applications of GP to a variety of problem domains via in-depth presentations of the latest and most significant results.
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Oilseed Crops, Volume 4 (Genetic Resources Chromosome Engineering & Crop Improvement)
by Paul C. H. LiSummarizing landmark research, Volume 4 of this essential seriesfurnishes information on the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding oilseed crop varieties. Written by leading international experts, this volume presents the most up-to-date information on employing genetic resources to increas
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Forage Crops, Vol 5
by Ram J. SinghIn recent decades, livestock producers have moved away from open grazing for a number of reasons, none having to do with the health of consumers. Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Forage Crops demonstrates how state-of-the-art technology can encourage the raising of livestock in open pastures where they can be fed gra
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Vegetable Crops, Volume 3
by Ram J. SinghSummarizing landmark research, Volume 3 of this essential series furnishes information on the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding vegetable crop varieties. Written by leading international experts, this volume offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on employing genetic resource
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Medicinal Plants, Volume 6
by Ram J. SinghMedicinal Plants, Volume 6 of the Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement series summarizes landmark research and describes medicinal plants as nature's pharmacy. HighlightsExamines the use of molecular technology for maintaining authenticity and quality of plant-based productsDetails reports on individual medicinal plants i
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Cereals, Volume 2
by Ram J. Singh Prem P. JauharSummarizing landmark research, Volume 2 of this essential series furnishes information on the availability of germplasm resources that breeders can exploit for producing high-yielding cereal crop varieties. Written by leading international experts, this volume offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on employing genetic resources t
Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Grain Legumes, Volume I
by Ram J. Singh Prem P. JauharThe first book in this new series discusses grain legumes, which rank only second to cereals in supplying calories and protein to the world's population. With each chapter written by an internationally renowned scientist, the book reviews the role of alien germplasm for the domestication of each major legume crop. Discussion for each crop covers or
Genetic Status of Atlantic Salmon in Maine: Interim Report from the Committee on Atlantic Salmon in Maine
by Committee on Atlantic Salmon in MaineA report on the Genetic Status of Atlantic Salmon in Maine