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Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods
by Manashi Bagchi Debasis Bagchi Anand SwaroopFunctional foods and nutraceuticals have received considerable interest in the past decade largely due to increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with food. Diet in human health is no longer a matter of simple nutrition: consumers are more proactive and increasingly interested in the health benefits of functional foods and their role in the prevention of illness and chronic conditions. This, combined with an aging population that focuses not only on longevity but also quality of life, has created a market for functional foods and nutraceuticals. A fully updated and revised second edition, Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods reflects the recent upsurge in "omics" technologies and features 48 chapters that cover topics including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, peptidomics, nutrigenomics and human health, transcriptomics, nutriethics and nanotechnology. This cutting-edge volume, written by a panel of experts from around the globe reviews the latest developments in the field with an emphasis on the application of these novel technologies to functional foods and nutraceuticals.
GenTech: An American Story of Technology, Change and Who We Really Are (1900-present) (1900-present)
by Dr. Rick ChromeyA social historian examines the use of technology in modern U.S. history and offers a different way to group American generations.The G.I. Generation. Silents. Baby Boomers. Gen Xers. Millenials. Generation Z. Every generation has its label and box. But the real question is: Why?Enter GenTech. It&’s a whole new way to look at American generations. Instead of the conventional fixed and linear dates for generational cohorts, Dr. Rick Chromey proposes a fresh understanding that&’s fluid and more of a loop, rooted to the technology each generation experiences in their &“coming of age&” years.Since 1900, there has been more technological change than in all of previous combined history. The airplane. The automobile. Radio. Television. Nuclear energy. Rockets. Internet. Cellphones. Robots. Furthermore, there&’s a massive cultural shifting unlike anything witnessed since the Dark Ages gave way to the Renaissance, Reformation, Enlightenment, Scientific, and Industrial Ages. Consequently, postmodern generations (born since 1960) have grown up in a new, cyber, wireless, and visual high-tech culture that&’s forever changed how we do business, learn, socialize, broadcast, entertain, and worship.It&’s technology that shapes us, gives every generation its personality, and seeds who we&’ll become tomorrow. GenTech opens a whole new perspective on how to view the world and understand why every generation matters.Praise for GenTech&“Whether you&’re a technology nerd or wizard, this intriguing book will help you connect the digital dots. You&’ll see how technology is profoundly shaping our culture—and you, like it or not. Plus, you&’ll discover how technology affects each generation differently, for better or worse.&”—Thom Schultz, co-author of Don&’t Just Teach…Reach!
Genug, für alle, für immer: Nachhaltigkeit ist einfach komplex
by Hartwig HaaseWie können wir Klimakrise und Ressourcenverknappung bewältigen? Wie muss ein Werkzeugkasten zur Reparatur der Menschheitsprobleme bestückt sein? Reicht das Werkzeug der Effizienz oder benötigen wir auf Grund der Dringlichkeit und der existenziellen Bedeutung einen ganzen Satz an Strategien, Methoden und Werkzeugen?Dieses Buch gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen und einen Überblick über unterschiedliche Konzepte der Nachhaltigkeit. Es zeigt die Bandbreite an Perspektiven auf, wie den bestehenden Herausforderungen begegnet werden kann. Dabei wirbt es für ein starkes Miteinander der Strategien und ermutigt jeden zum Handeln und zur Veränderung.
by Mathias LemmensGeomatics, the handling and processing of information and data about the Earth, is one geoscience discipline that has seen major changes in the last decade, as mapping and observation systems become ever more sensitive and sophisticated. This book is a unique and in-depth survey of the field, which has a central role to play in tackling a host of environmental issues faced by society. Covering all three strands of geomatics - applications, information technology and surveying - the chapters cover the history and background of the subject, the technology employed both to collect and disseminate data, and the varied applications to which geomatics can be put, including urban planning, assessment of biodiversity, disaster management and land administration. Relevant professionals, as well as students in a variety of disciplines such as geography and surveying, will find this book required reading. This rapidly developing field uses increasingly complex and accurate systems. Today, technology enables us to capture geo-data in full 3D as well as to disseminate it via the Web at the speed of light. We are able to continuously image the world from space at resolutions of up to 50 cm. Airborne LiDAR (laser surveying) sensors can be combined with digital camera technology to produce geometrically correct images of the Earth's surface, while integrating these with large-scale topographic maps and terrestrial as well as aerial images to produce 3D cityscapes that computer users can explore from their desktops.
Geo-Spatial Analysis of Forest Landscape for Wildlife Management (GIScience and Geo-environmental Modelling)
by Mrinmay Mandal Nilanjana Das ChatterjeeThis book presents research on landscape ecology and the relationship between humans and wildlife. It helps readers understand how ecological patterns and processes are interconnected. This research illustrates and proposes (practicable) management strategies toward long-term ecological restoration and mitigation of consequences of conflict. Increasing wildlife activities in localities and forest fringes are an alarming issue. Ecological processes like movement, colonization, extinction and conflict issues depend on the landscape and ecological activities, the movement for example of migratory elephants and their colonization not only affects society but the wildlife and biodiversity too. Strategic management measures can contribute to enriching the biodiversity, habitat quality as well as landscape, while minimizing human-wildlife conflicts. This book describes landscape ecological patterns and processes, habitat dominancy, habitat dependency, suitability, connectivity and corridor selection. To synthesize these patterns and processes, several ecological indices are used. Use of geo-spatial techniques improves future management strategies for similar circumstances, especially, related to forest regeneration and forest restoration. This book provides a concise overview to a wide range of readers including postgraduate students, researcher, academics, landscape planners, decision makers and even local populations. The techniques and management strategies described should help planners to improve forest management, by implementing quality enhancement programs such as plantation area selection and corridor selection.
Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence
by Hanning Yuan Jing Geng Fuling BianThe two volume proceedings of CCIS 698 and 699 constitutes revised selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, GRMSE 2016, held in Hong Kong, China, in November 2016. The total of 118 papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 311 submissions. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: smart city in resource management and sustainable ecosystem; spatial data acquisition through RS and GIS in resource management and sustainable ecosystem; ecological and environmental data processing and management; advanced geospatial model and analysis for understanding ecological and environmental processes; applications of geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem.
Geo-Spatial Knowledge and Intelligence
by Hanning Yuan Jing Geng Fuling BianThe two volume proceedings of CCIS 698 and 699 constitutes revised selected papers from the 4th International Conference on Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, GRMSE 2016, held in Hong Kong, China, in November 2016. The total of 118 papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 311 submissions. The contributions were organized in topical sections named: smart city in resource management and sustainable ecosystem; spatial data acquisition through RS and GIS in resource management and sustainable ecosystem; ecological and environmental data processing and management; advanced geospatial model and analysis for understanding ecological and environmental processes; applications of geo-informatics in resource management and sustainable ecosystem.
Geo-Sustainnovation for Resilient Society: Select Proceedings of CREST 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #446)
by Hemanta Hazarika Stuart Kenneth Haigh Babloo Chaudhary Masanori Murai Suman ManandharThis book presents select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Construction Resources for Environmentally Sustainable Technologies (CREST 2023), and focuses on sustainability, promotion of new ideas and innovations in design, construction and maintenance of geotechnical structures with the aim of contributing towards climate change adaptation and disaster resiliency to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It presents latest research, information, technological advancement, practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the field of geotechnical engineering for sustainable infrastructure towards climate change adaptation. This volume will be of interest to those in academia and industry alike.
by Christian Stolz Christopher E. MillerDas erste deutschsprachige Lehrbuch der Geoarchäologie bietet einen hervorragenden Einstieg in eine vielfältige Disziplin, die der Archäologie wie auch der Physischen Geographie und anderen Geowissenschaften zugewandt ist. Der Überblick über die breite methodische Vielfalt der Geoarchäologie macht dieses Buch zum verlässlichen Nachschlagewerk für Studierende, Forschende und Praktiker. Es gehört daher zum unverzichtbaren Handwerkszeug für alle, die sich mit umwelt- und kulturgeschichtlichen Fragen auseinandersetzen. Geoarchäologische Fragestellungen zählen zu den populärsten Themen innerhalb der beteiligten Fächer. Durch die Entschlüsselung von Geoarchiven mithilfe moderner Datierungs- und Analysemethoden und interdisziplinären Ansätzen gelingt es, frühere Kulturen innerhalb ihrer Umwelt zu verorten und vergangene Landschaften zu rekonstruieren. Gerade im Zeitalter des globalen Wandels erscheint es umso wichtiger, Zustände, Prozesse und Dynamiken der Vergangenheit zu verstehen, nicht zuletzt um daraus gewonnene Erkenntnisse auf zukünftige Entwicklungen anwenden zu können. Das Buch wurde von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern von über 30 verschiedenen Universitätsinstituten, Behörden und Forschungseinrichtungen erarbeitet. Die Herausgeber sind Sprecher des 2004 gegründeten Arbeitskreises Geoarchäologie. Ihre über 70 Mitautorinnen und Mitautoren gehören zu den kundigsten Fachleuten ihrer Themen im deutschsprachigen Raum und darüber hinaus.
Geobiotechnological Solutions to Anthropogenic Disturbances
by Mark Anglin HarrisThis book offers a problem-and-solution approach toenvironmental remediation in mining, including the environmentally sustainableutilization of waste materials from the mining industry. It largely comprisesarticles published in Springer journals, which have been thoroughly revised andexpanded. With supplementary data and illustrations, it discusses specificproblem areas in relevant Caribbean locations and provides an overview ofgeotechnical and microbial solutions to prevent post-mining deterioration inthis area.
Geocells: Advances and Applications (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)
by T. G. Sitharam Amarnath M. Hegde Sreevalsa KolathayarThis book is designed to serve as a comprehensive resource on cellular confinement systems or geocells, covering technologies and their applications in geotechnical engineering. The book discusses all aspects of geocells and related technologies, and covers the subjects from conceptual basics to recent advances. The chapters of this book are written by renowned international experts and its contents include detailed case studies from both academic and industry experts. This book is a one-stop reference work for academicians, students, and practicing engineers in the global geotechnical community.
Geochemical and Hydrological Reactivity of Heavy Metals in Soils
by H. Magdi Selim William L. KingeryThe hydrological and geochemical interactions between clay minerals and organic matter in soils directly influence the reaction, behavior, and mobility of heavy metals in soils. Geochemical and Hydrological Reactivity of Heavy Metals in Soils is one of few books that comprehensively illustrates this cause-and-effect relationship. It highlights anal
Geochemical Methods of Prospecting for Non-Metallic Minerals
by I. L Komov A. N. Lukashev A. V. KoplusGeochemical methods of prospecting for and evaluation of minerals are applied widely today at all stages of geological exploration. However, geochemical methods of prospecting for many classes of non-metallic minerals have not been elaborated. This book is a completely revised, updated and expanded edition of the publication by the same authors, wh
Geochemical Modeling of Groundwater, Vadose and Geothermal Systems (Multiphysics Modeling)
by Jochen Bundschuh Michael ZilberbrandGeochemical modeling is an important tool in environmental studies, and in the areas of subsurface and surface hydrology, pedology, water resources management, mining geology, geothermal resources, hydrocarbon geology, and related areas dealing with the exploration and extraction of natural resources. The book fills a gap in the literature through
Geochemical Processes, Weathering and Groundwater Recharge in Catchments
by O.M. Saether P. de CaritatGeochemical Processes, Weathering and Groundwater Recharge in Catchments is a specialist book concerned with the natural processes taking place where water interacts with minerals and organic matter at the earth’s surface, in soils or within aquifers. It focuses on the all important interface between the hydrological and geochemical cycles in terrestrial ecosystems, and is thus particularly relevant to understanding the environment. The book is intended primarily as a reference text for graduate students in Earth Sciences, Hydrology or Environmental Sciences, but will be a useful introduction to those studying Chemistry, Biology or Forestry Studies. Geochemical Processes, Weathering and Groundwater Recharge in Catchments presents an overview of the current status of knowledge of catchment studies, with an outline of the challenges of future research. .
Geochemical Techniques for Identifying Sources of Ground-Water Salinization
by Charles W. KreitlerGeochemical Techniques for Identifying Sources of Ground-Water Salinization offers a comprehensive look at the threat to the United States' freshwater resources due to salinization and outlines techniques that can be used to study the problem. The book reviews the seven major salt-water sources that commonly mix and deteriorate our fresh ground water (natural saline ground water, halite solution, sea-water intrusion, oil- and gas-field brines, agriculture effluents, saline seep, and road salting). Other topics covered are the characteristics of saltwater sources, geochemical parameters, and basic graphical and statistical methods that are frequently used in saltwater studies. The book also provides geographical charts showing the distribution of the major salt-water sources, illustrating which ones are potential sources in any given area in the United States.Geochemical Techniques for Identifying Sources of Ground-Water Salinization describes the individual geochemical parameters used in identifying salinization and the information on how and where to obtain them. This is an informative book for anyone interested in the present and future quality of our fresh-water supply.
Geochemistry: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 19
by Xie XuejinThis book is a collection of papers presented in the 30th International Geological Congress, held in Beijing, on geochemistry. The papers deal with topics on fluid-rock interaction, geochemical kinetics, geochemical mapping, environmental geochemistry, and exploration geochemistry.
Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution
by C.A.J. Appelo Dieke PostmaBuilding on the success of its 1993 predecessor, this second edition of Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution has been thoroughly re-written, updated and extended to provide a complete and authoritative account of modern hydrogeochemistry.Offering a quantitative approach to the study of groundwater quality and the interaction of water, minerals,
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Genesis of Gold Deposits
by I.Y. NekrasovThe behaviour of gold in sedimentary, magmatic and postmagmatic processes are studied and 40 gold-bearing minerals including ten which were recently discovered are described. The results are presented of new experimental studies on phase relations in gold-sulphide systems. The solubility & form of gold migration in high-temperature chloride, sulphide and arsenic solutions are determined. Based on the new data, the genesis of gold deposits is studied and a geochemical classification proposed. This book is designed for specialists in the field of gold chemistry, geochemistry and mineralogy and for field geologists surveying and prospecting for gold.
The Geochemistry of Stable Chlorine and Bromine Isotopes (Advances in Isotope Geochemistry)
by Hans EggenkampThis book provides detailed information on the history, analysis and applications of chlorine and bromine isotope geochemistry. This largely extended 2nd edition has incorporated most research published between 2014 and 2023, and contains also significantly more information on the earliest experimental data obtained during the early 20th century. This 2nd edition describes isotope studies done on terrestrial samples, and also incorporates the fascinating chlorine (and bromine) isotope ratio investigations obtained from extraterrestrial and astronomical studies, and thus it shows the full extent of the current status of knowledge of this subject.
Geocoding Health Data: The Use of Geographic Codes in Cancer Prevention and Control, Research and Practice
by Gerard Rushton Marc P. Armstrong Josephine Gittler Barry R. Greene Claire E. Pavlik Michele M. West Dale L. ZimmermanIn the past, disease pattern mapping depended on census tracts based on political units, such as states and counties. However, with the advent of geographic information systems (GIS), researchers can now achieve a new level of precision and flexibility in geographic locating. This emerging technology allows the mapping of many different kinds of ge
by Robert J. Abrahart Linda SeeA revision of Openshaw and Abrahart's seminal work, GeoComputation, Second Edition retains influences of its originators while also providing updated, state-of-the-art information on changes in the computational environment. In keeping with the field's development, this new edition takes a broader view and provides comprehensive coverage across the
Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences (Springer Geophysics)
by Jean-Philippe Montillet Machiel S. BosThis book provides an essential appraisal of the recent advances in technologies, mathematical models and computational software used by those working with geodetic data. It explains the latest methods in processing and analyzing geodetic time series data from various space missions (i.e. GNSS, GRACE) and other technologies (i.e. tide gauges), using the most recent mathematical models. The book provides practical examples of how to apply these models to estimate seal level rise as well as rapid and evolving land motion changes due to gravity (ice sheet loss) and earthquakes respectively. It also provides a necessary overview of geodetic software and where to obtain them.
by Peter M. Atkinson Giles M. Foody Stephen E. Darby Fulong WuWhile remote sensing gives a surface depiction of the world, its recent convergence with GIS enables richer depictions that can be used to simulate physical processes, identify trends, and make more accurate predictions. GeoDynamics is based on specialized lectures from an international field of experts, addressing remote sensing, spatially
Geoecological and Geopolitical Risks for the Oil and Gas Industry in the Arctic: Challenges and threats (Environmental Pollution #29)
by Vladimir N. Bashkin Olga Р. TrubitsinaThis book discusses issues of geoecological (GER) and geopolitical (GPR) risks due to hydrocarbon development of the Arctic. The authors explain the ethical and philosophical foundations of understanding environmental equity and justice in relation to the development of Arctic natural resources and consider various approaches to the moral aspects of making global management decisions in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety. Special attention is paid to analysis of modern geopolitical and geostrategic challenges to the development of the Arctic region. The monograph identifies the key geopolitical factors affecting the sustainable development of the Arctic and analyzes the similarities and differences in the geostrategic positions of the five Arctic states. The authors reveal the need to consider geopolitical challenges in the process of GER analysis for oil and gas development in the Arctic region. The book explores the intersection of the strategic interests for a number of states and describes Russia's inability to ensure environmental safety in the development of Arctic deposits. The book analyzes in detail each type of GER with an emphasis on their potential to lead to additional opportunities and threats, and assesses environmental rating as an indicator of the GER management process of Russian oil and gas companies operating in the Arctic. Although the main focus is on the Russian part of this region, many arguments and conclusions are quite applicable to the entire Arctic region. The consideration of geoecological and geopolitical aspects of the development of Arctic resources with the example of Russian oil and gas companies sheds light on the entire Arctic region, taking into account the interests of all other national and international companies involved in GER and GPR there.