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Showing 27,901 through 27,925 of 71,643 results

Geoecological Risk Management in Polar Areas (Environmental Pollution #28)

by Vladimir N. Bashkin Rauf V. Galiulin

This monograph is devoted to full-scale geoecological risk assessment in gas industry impacted polar areas and the relevant risk management options using innovative nature-like biogeochemical technologies. Readers will discover more about geoecological risks during gas production, transportation, storage and refining. Chapters discuss in detail the geodynamic dangers associated with the designing and building of main gas pipelines. The book has interdisciplinary appeal, and specialists and practitioners in environmental sciences, ecology, biogeochemistry and those within the energy sector who are interested in understanding ecosystems affected by anthropogenic impacts in severe climatic conditions will find it particularly engaging. Through this book, readers will learn more about recultivation of contaminated soils as well as health risk assessments of chemical substances associated with the gas industry.

Geoecology and Computers

by Sergey A. Yufin

This volume presents technical papers devoted to development and practical use of computer methods in geotechnical and geoenviromental engineering. It covers issues on space use and construction, soil and rock mechanics, and mining applications amongst other topics.

Geoenergy Modeling I

by Norbert Böttcher Norihiro Watanabe Uwe-Jens Görke Olaf Kolditz

This introduction to geothermal modeling deals with flow and heat transport processes in porous and fractured media related to geothermal energy applications. Following background coverage of geothermal resources and utilization in several countries, the basics of continuum mechanics for heat transport processes, as well as numerical methods for solving underlying governing equations are discussed. This examination forms the theoretical basis for five included step-by-step OpenGeoSys exercises, highlighting the most important computational areas within geothermal resource utilization, including heat diffusion, heat advection in porous and fractured media, and heat convection. The book concludes with an outlook on practical follow-up contributions investigating the numerical simulation of shallow and deep geothermal systems.

Geoenergy Modeling II

by Haibing Shao Philipp Hein Agnes Sachse Olaf Kolditz

This book is dedicated to the numerical modeling of shallow geothermal systems. The utilization of shallow geothermal energy involves the integration of multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers (BHE) with Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) systems to provide heating and cooling. The modeling practices explained in this book can improve the efficiency of these increasingly common systems. The book begins by explaining the basic theory of heat transport processes in man-made as well as natural media. . These techniques are then applied to the simulation of borehole heat exchangers and their interaction with the surrounding soil. The numerical and analytical models are verified against analytical solutions and measured data from a Thermal Response Test, and finally, a real test site is analyzed through the model and discussed with regard to BHE and GSHP system design and optimization.

Geoenergy Modeling III

by Norihiro Watanabe Guido Blöcher Mauro Cacace Sebastian Held Thomas Kohl

This book focuses on numerical modeling of deep hydrothermal and petrothermal systems in fractured georeservoirs for utilization in Geothermal Energy applications. The authors explain the particular challenges and approaches to modeling heat transport and high-throughput flow in multiply fractured porous rock formations. In order to help readers gain a system-level understanding of the necessary analysis, the authors include detailed examples of growing complexity as the techniques explained in the text are introduced. The coverage culminates with the fully-coupled analysis of real deep geothermal test-sites located in Germany and France.

Geoengineering: The Gamble

by Gernot Wagner

Stabilizing the world’s climates means cutting carbon dioxide pollution. There’s no way around it. But what if that’s not enough? What if it’s too difficult to accomplish in the time allotted or, worse, what if it’s so late in the game that even cutting carbon emissions to zero, tomorrow, wouldn’t do? Enter solar geoengineering. The principle is simple: attempt to cool Earth by reflecting more sunlight back into space. The primary mechanism, shooting particles into the upper atmosphere, implies more pollution, not less. If that doesn’t sound scary, it should. There are lots of risks, unknowns, and unknowables. In Geoengineering: The Gamble, climate economist Gernot Wagner provides a balanced take on the possible benefits and all-too-real risks, especially the so-called “moral hazard” that researching or even just discussing (solar) geoengineering would undermine the push to cut carbon emissions in the first place. Despite those risks, he argues, solar geoengineering may only be a matter of time. Not if, but when. As the founding executive director of Harvard’s Solar Geoengineering Research Program, Wagner explores scenarios of a geoengineered future, offering an inside-view of the research already under way and the actions the world must take to guide it in a productive direction.

Geoengineering our Climate?: Ethics, Politics, and Governance (The Earthscan Science in Society Series)

by Jason J. Blackstock Sean Low

If the detrimental impacts of human-induced climate change continue to mount, technologies for geoengineering our climate – i.e. deliberate modifying of the Earth's climate system at a large scale – are likely to receive ever greater attention from countries and societies worldwide. Geoengineering technologies could have profound ramifications for our societies, and yet agreeing on an international governance framework in which even serious research into these planetary-altering technologies can take place presents an immense international political challenge. In this important book, a diverse collection of internationally respected scientists, philosophers, legal scholars, policymakers, and civil society representatives examine and reflect upon the global geoengineering debate they have helped shape. Opening with essays examining the historic origins of contemporary geoengineering ideas, the book goes on to explore varying perspectives from across the first decade of this global discourse since 2006. These essays methodically cover: the practical and ethical dilemmas geoengineering poses; the evolving geoengineering research agenda; the challenges geoengineering technologies present to current international legal and political frameworks; and differing perceptions of geoengineering from around the world. The book concludes with a series of forward looking essays, some drawing lessons from precedents for governing other global issues, others proposing how geoengineering technologies might be governed if/as they begin to emerge from the lab into the real world. This book is an indispensable resource for scientists, activists, policymakers, and political figures aiming to engage in the emerging debate about geoengineering our climate.

Geoenvironmental Engineering: Principles and Applications

by Lakshmi Reddi Hilary I. Inyang

Applies science and engineering principles to the analysis, design, and implementation of technical schemes to characterize, treat, modify, and reuse/store waste and contaminated media. Includes site remediation.

Geoenvironmental Engineering: Proceedings of EGRWSE-23, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #508)

by Krishna R. Reddy Arvind Kumar Agnihotri Ajay Bansal

This book contains peer-reviewed and selected papers presented during the International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE) 2023, held at NIT Jalandhar. It discusses the recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in waste management and engineering, geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, infrastructure engineering and sustainable engineering. This book can serve as a useful resource for researchers, educators, policymakers, and professionals working in the field of civil engineering, chemical engineering, environmental sciences, and public policy.

Geoenvironmental Engineering: Contaminated Soils, Pollutant Fate, and Mitigation

by Raymond N. Yong

Geoenvironmental Engineering: Contaminated Soils, Pollutant Fate, and Mitigation focuses on why soils and sediments remain contaminated. The reader will understand why specific contaminants remain in soils and sediments, how much of a threat they pose to human health and the environment, and what steps to take for mitigation. Subjects covered include the basic properties of soils affecting accumulation of contaminants, long-term retention of contaminants and their fate, including the development of intermediate products. The author emphasizes the factors, interactions, and mechanisms important in the bonding and partitioning process.

Geoenvironmental Practices and Sustainability

by G. L. Sivakumar Babu Krishna R. Reddy Anirban De Manoj Datta

This volume is a compilation on issues related to sustainable practices in geo-environmental engineering, particularly as applying to developing nations such as India. While, the developed world has already developed some solutions such as landfills, developments in landfills, barriers and liners in the North America and waste-to-energy and waste incineration in Europe, developing countries like India are trying to figure out ways which suit the present condition without compromising the future needs and comforts. This volume presents case studies on the various problems and solutions adopted for different sites. Although a common approach for all the problems is not feasible or recommend, this collection aims to provide a compendium on the current efforts underway and to help achieve common ground for the practitioners and researchers involved. The works included here give insight to the possible development of resilient and sustainable structures (like offshore wind turbines) and energy geotechnics. The book covers topics such as liners and barrier systems, use of recycled and waste materials, waste management and hazard assessment, sustainable infrastructure, and sustainability and the environment. The contents of this book will be useful to researchers and professionals working in geo-environmental engineering. The book will also be useful to policy makers interested in understanding geotechnical concerns related to sustainable development.

Geoffrey Pyke's Cool Idea

by Louise Grippen

Why would Geoffrey Pyke propose a strange idea like building an aircraft carrier from a mixture of ice and wood pulp?


by Alan R. Carroll

Our energy use and its consequences (including climate change) motivate some of the most contentious and complex public debates of our time. Although these issues are often cast in terms of renewable versus non-renewable energy, in reality both depend on finite Earth resources. The evolution of the Earth itself therefore offers a uniquely illuminating perspective from which to evaluate alternative pathways toward energy and environmental sustainability. Geofuels: Energy and the Earth systematically develops this perspective using informal, nontechnical language laced with humor. It is well suited to a broad readership, ranging from beginning university students to lifelong learners who are interested in how the Earth's past will influence their own future. It also provides simplified explanations of controversial topics, such as energy return on energy investment, peak oil, and fracking. The focus throughout is on building a sound physical understanding of how natural resources constrain our use of energy.

Geogames and Geoplay

by Ola Ahlqvist Christoph Schlieder

This book brings together contributions from researchers, GIS professionals and game designers to provide a first overview of this highly interdisciplinary field. Its scope ranges from fundamentals about games and play, geographic information technologies, game design and culture, to current examples and forward looking analysis. Of interest to anyone interested in creating and using Geogames, this volume serves as a channel for sharing early experiences, discussing technological challenges and solutions, and outlines a future research agenda. Games and play are part of human life, and in many game activities, place, space and geography plays a central role in determining the rules and interactions that are characteristic of each game. Recent developments and widespread access to mobile information, communication, and geospatial technologies have spurred a flurry of developments, including many variations of gaming activities that are situated in, or otherwise connected to the real world.

Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)

by Harvey J. Miller Jiawei Han

The Definitive Volume on Cutting-Edge Exploratory Analysis of Massive Spatial and Spatiotemporal DatabasesSince the publication of the first edition of Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, new techniques for geographic data warehousing (GDW), spatial data mining, and geovisualization (GVis) have been developed. In addition, there has bee

Geographic Information

by Wade Bishop Tony H. Grubesic

The history and future of geographic information (GI) in the context of big data creates new avenues of concern over its organization, access and use. In this book the authors explore both the background and present challenges facing the preservation of GI, focusing on the roles of librarians, archivists, data scientists, and other information professionals in the creation of GI records for its organization, access, and use.

Geographic Information: Value, Pricing, Production, and Consumption

by null Roger A. Longhorn null Michael Blakemore

Bringing producer and consumer debates together, Geographic Information: Value, Pricing, Production, and Consumption provides a coherent perspective on what have become emotional and territorial issues of IPR protection and liberation. This book addresses a range of issues relating to GI, from its definition, purpose, and use to how GI affects indi

Geographic Information Management in Local Government

by Ian Gilfoyle Peter Thorpe

As early pioneers in the use of digital geographic data, many local governments in the UK were ahead of their counterparts in central government and the private sector in the application of GIS technology. To meet current challenges, local authorities must coordinate the latest technology with effective information management strategies, human and

Geographic Information Research: Bridging The Atlantic

by Massimo Craglia; Helen Couclelis

The contributors to this edited collection demonstrate that geographic information research is truly global in character, cutting across a wide range of disciplines and addressing conceptual, methodological, technical, ethical and political issues alike. Of the six themes, two are broadly concerned with data integration (geographic data infrastructures, GIS diffusion and implementation); two are more technical and conceptual in nature (generalisation, concepts and paradigms), and two reflect to a larger extent the application-driven nature of GIS technology (spatial analysis and multimedia). Each section is introduced by chapters highlighting the key research issues. Further chapters explore these issues in greater depth, and benefit from the international collaboration. Through the comparison of results included in this book, the prospects for advancing the field and addressing the challenges of GIS research are greatly improved.

Geographic Information Science

by Jennifer A. Miller David O’sullivan Nancy Wiegand

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, GIScience 2016, held in Montreal, QC, Canada, in September 2016. The 21 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 63 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as spatial algorithms; network analysis; spatial analysis; spatial methods; user-generated data and linked data; automated cartography and geovisualization.

Geographic Information Science & Systems

by Paul A. Longley Michael F. Goodchild David J. Maguire David W. Rhind

Effective use of today’s powerful GIS technology requires an understanding of the science of problem-solving that underpins it. Since the first edition published over a decade ago, this book has led the way, with its focus on the scientific principles that support GIS usage. It has also provided thorough, up-to-date coverage of GIS procedures, techniques and public policy applications. This unique combination of science, technology and practical problem solving has made this book a best-seller across a broad spectrum of disciplines. This fully updated 4th edition continues to deliver on these strengths.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management

by Brian Tomaszewski

Now in its second edition, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management has been completely updated to take account of new developments in the field. Using a hands-on approach grounded in relevant GIS and disaster management theory and practice, this textbook continues the tradition of the benchmark first edition, providing coverage of GIS fundamentals applied to disaster management. Real-life case studies demonstrate GIS concepts and their applicability to the full disaster management cycle. The learning-by-example approach helps readers see how GIS for disaster management operates at local, state, national, and international scales through government, the private sector, non‐governmental organizations, and volunteer groups. New in the second edition: a chapter on allied technologies that includes remote sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), indoor navigation, and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS); thirteen new technical exercises that supplement theoretical and practical chapter discussions and fully reinforce concepts learned; enhanced boxed text and other pedagogical features to give readers even more practical advice; examination of new forms of world‐wide disaster faced by society; discussion of new commercial and open-source GIS technology and techniques such as machine learning and the Internet of Things; new interviews with subject-matter and industry experts on GIS for disaster management in the US and abroad; new career advice on getting a first job in the industry. Learned yet accessible, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Disaster Management continues to be a valuable teaching tool for undergraduate and graduate instructors in the disaster management and GIS fields, as well as disaster management and humanitarian professionals. Please visit to view supplemental material such as slides and hands-on exercise video walkthroughs. This companion website offers valuable hands-on experience applying concepts to practice.

Geographic Information Systems in Oceanography and Fisheries

by Vasilis D. Valavanis

Over the last two decades there has been increasing recognition that problems in oceanography and fisheries sciences and related marine areas are nearly all manifest in the spatio-temporal domain. Geographical Information Systems (GIS), the natural framework for spatial data handling, are being recognized as powerful tools with useful applications

Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources Engineering

by Lynn E. Johnson

State-of-the-art GIS spatial data management and analysis tools are revolutionizing the field of water resource engineering. Familiarity with these technologies is now a prerequisite for success in engineers' and planners' efforts to create a reliable infrastructure.GIS in Water Resource Engineering presents a review of the concepts and application

Geographic Information Systems to Spatial Data Infrastructures: A Global Perspective

by Ian Masser

This book draws on author’s wealth of knowledge working on numerous projects across many countries. It provides a clear overview of the development of the SDI concept and SDI worldwide implementation and brings a logical chronological approach to the linkage of GIS technology with SDI enabling data. The theory and practice approach help understand that SDI development and implementation is very much a social process of learning by doing. The author masterfully selects main historical developments and updates them with an analytical perspective promoting informed and responsible use of geographic information and geospatial technologies for the benefit of society from local to global scales. Features Subject matter spans thirty years of the development of GIS and SDI. Brings a social science perspective into GIS and SDI debates that have been largely dominated by technical considerations. Based on a world-wide perspective as a result of the author's experience and research in the USA, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Peru, China, India, Korea, Malaysia, and Japan as well as most European countries. Draws upon professional and academic experience relating to pioneering UK and European GIS research initiatives. Includes updated historical material with an analytical perspective explaining what was done right, and what didn't work.

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