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Geographical Indication and Global Agri-Food: Development and Democratization (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)
by Alessandro Bonanno; Kae Sekine; Hart N. FeuerThis book addresses the relevance of geographical indication (GI) as a tool for local and socio-economic development and democratization of agri-food, with case studies from Asia, Europe and the Americas. A geographical indication is a sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. It provides not only a way for businesses to leverage the value of their geographically unique products, but also to inform and attract consumers. A highly contested topic, GI is praised as a tool for the revitalization of agricultural communities, while also criticized for being an instrument exploited by global corporate forces to promote their interests. There are concerns that the promotion of GI may hamper the establishment of democratic forms of development. The contributing authors address this topic by offering theoretically informed investigations of GI from around the world. The book includes case studies ranging from green tea in Japan, olive oil in Turkey and dried fish in Norway, to French wine and Mexican Mezcal. It also places GI in the broader context of the evolution and trends of agri-food under neoliberal globalization. The book will be of interest to researchers, policy makers and students in agri-food studies, sociology of food and agriculture, geography, agricultural and rural economics, environmental and intellectual property law, and social development.
Geographical Information System and Crime Mapping
by Monika Kannan Mehtab SinghGeographical Information System and Crime Mapping features a diverse array of Geographic Information System (GIS) applications in crime analysis, from general issues such as GIS as a communication process, interjurisdictional mapping and data sharing to specific applications in tracking serial killers and predicting violence-prone zones. It supports readers in developing and implementing crime mapping techniques. The distribution of crime is explained with reference to theories of human ecology, transport network, built environment, housing markets, and forms of urban management, including policing. Concepts are supported with relevant case studies and real-time crime data to illustrate concepts and applications of crime mapping. Aimed at senior undergraduate, graduate students, professionals in GIS, Crime Analysis, Spatial Analysis, Ergonomics and human factors, this book: Provides an update of GIS applications for crime mapping studies Highlights growing potential of GIS for crime mapping, monitoring, and reduction through developing and implementing crime mapping techniques Covers Operational Research, Spatial Regression model, Point Analysis and so forth Builds models helpful in police patrolling, surveillance and crime mapping from a technology perspective Includes a dedicated section on case studies including exercises and data samples
Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography
by Chris B. JonesA concise text presenting the fundamental concepts in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), emphasising an understanding of techniques in management, analysis and graphic display of spatial information.Divided into five parts - the first part reviews the development and application of GIS, followed by a summary of the characteristics and representation of geographical information. It concludes with an overview of the functions provided by typical GIS systems. Part Two introduces co-ordinate systems and map projections, describes methods for digitising map data and gives an overview of remote sensing. Part Three deals with data storage and database management, as well as specialised techniques for accessing spatial data. Spatial modelling and analytical techniques for decision making form the subject of Part Four, while the final part is concerned with graphical representation, emphasising issues of graphics technology, cartographic design and map generalisation.
Geographical Information Systems In Archaeology
by James Conolly Mark LakeGeographical Information Systems (GIS) is a rapidly developing archaeological method which is moving from the domain of the computer specialist into that of the broader archaeological community. This comprehensive manual on the use of GIS in archaeology explores the concept of GIS and illustrates how it can be adapted for practical use. Examining issues such as spatial databases, data acquisition, spatial analysis, and techniques of visualization, the book is an essential tool for both students and professional archaeologists.
Geographical Information Systems & Science
by Mike Goodchild Paul A. Longley David J. Maguire David W. RhindThe Third Edition of this bestselling textbook has been fully revised and updated to include the latest developments in the field and still retains its accessible format to appeal to a broad range of students. Now divided into five clear sections the book investigates the unique, complex and difficult problems that are posed by geographic information and together they build into a holistic understanding of the key principles of GIS. This is the most current, authoritative and comprehensive treatment of the field, that goes from fundamental principles to the big picture of: GIS and the New World Order security, health and well-being digital differentiation in GIS consumption the core organizing role of GIS in Geography the greening of GIS grand challenges of GIScience science and explanation
Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
by Cédric Grueau Jorge Gustavo RochaThisbook constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conferenceon Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, heldin Barcelona, Spain, in April 2015. The10 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 45submissions. The papers address new challenges in geo-spatial datasensing, observation, representation, processing, visualization, sharing andmanaging. They concern information and communications technology (ICT) as wellas management of information and knowledge-based systems.
Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (Communications in Computer and Information Science #936)
by Lemonia Ragia Robert Laurini Jorge Gustavo RochaThis book constitutes extended, revised and selected contributions from the Second International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM 2016, held in Rome, Italy, in April 2016. The 10 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 33 submissions. They contribute to the understanding of relevant trends of current research on the topic, including urban and regional planning; water information systems; geospatial information and technologies; spatio-temporal database management; decision support systems; energy information systems; GPS, and location detection.
Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
by Jorge Gustavo Rocha Robert Laurini Cédric GrueauThis book constitutes extended, revised and selected contributions from the Second International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM 2016, held in Rome, Italy, in April 2016. The 10 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 33 submissions. They contribute to the understanding of relevant trends of current research on the topic, including urban and regional planning; water information systems; geospatial information and technologies; spatio-temporal database management; decision support systems; energy information systems; GPS, and location detection.
Geographie für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Charles A. HeatwoleBei der Geografie geht es längst nicht nur darum, zu wissen, wo welches Land oder welcher Fluss zu finden ist. "Geografie für Dummies" erklärt Ihnen, wie das geografische Koordinatensystem aufgebaut ist, wie man damit Orte bestimmt und so Karten richtig deutet. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehen die Geofaktoren Boden, Wasser und Klima und deren Wechselwirkungen miteinander: Wie formen Vulkane, Erosion und Wetter die Erdoberfläche? Wie beeinflussen die Ozeane das Klima? Und wie ist es möglich, dass Wüste und Regenwald nur durch eine Bergkette voneinander getrennt sind? Aber auch der Einfluss des Menschen kommt nicht zu kurz, so wird auch die urbane, politische und wirtschaftliche Geografie erläutert. Egal, ob Sie wissen möchten, wie das Klima die Erde beeinflusst oder wo ein günstiger Standort für das nächste Eigenheim wäre, dieses Buch liefert Ihnen alle Antworten.
Geographies of Food: Global Visions of Healthy and Unhealthy Food (Springer Geography)
by Harrison Esam Awuh Samuel AgyekumThe book offers a multi-scale, epistemically diverse, and sense-making perspectives on the food system. The book argues that sustainable food system transformation is a complex proposition that can better thrive upon the inclusion of consumer perspectives. The book brings together scholarly works of critical scholars and practitioners who bring to bear the uniqueness of places, cultures, histories and interactions in the milieu of food.
The Geographies of Garbage Governance: Interventions, Interactions and Outcomes
by Anna R. DaviesPreviously perceived as a local, technical issue for governments, waste management is now also a global, socio-political process involving complex patterns of multi-level governance. Yet these geographical complexities have not previously been considered in any detail. This book examines the neglected geographies of waste management, in particular, the integral processes of trans-localization and politicization that are emerging in waste networks. Illustrated by in-depth case studies from New Zealand and Ireland, it critically analyzes the interaction between political scales of governing waste, from the local to the supra-national level. It also looks at the impact of wider systems of governance, civil society and the private sector on waste management policy and practices. In doing so, the book provides a better understanding of waste governance and recommendations for better management of the waste sector in the future.
The Geography and Remote Sensing Analysis of Sri Lanka
by Xianhu WeiThis book presents a survey, dynamic monitoring and comprehensive analysis of Sri Lanka’s land, vegetation, surface water, ocean and other environmental resources, as well as its economic, transportation, urban, agricultural and tourism development. It offers readers accurate, systematic and comprehensive information on Sri Lanka’s ecological setting and socio-economic development. It also sheds light on policies for the protection of the environment and biodiversity.
The Geography of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum): The "King" of Spices – Volume 1
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairThis book considers all aspects of black pepper from its growth, as a flowering vine, to how the dried fruit (peppercorn) is used as a spice and traded as a commodity. It is the economic mainstay of several India states and, principally, in Kerala State, with the Indian subcontinent being the largest black pepper producer. Indonesia has also emerged as a large producer of black pepper. Black pepper commands a leading position among the spices and has an immense commercial importance to world trade, finding its way onto the dining table of millions around the world, on the European and North American continents, and Japan. The use of black pepper ranges from a simple dietary component and flavour enhancer, to that of a spice with huge pharmacological benefits.
The Geography of Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum M.): The "Queen" of Spices – Volume 2
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairThis book catalogues the multi-scale impact of agronomy and economy on Cardamom, known as the “Queen” of spices. Cardamom is the second most important spice crop in the world, after Black pepper, known as the “King” of spices. Spices were the symbols of luxury and royalty, and cardamom was used in the manufacture of perfumes during the Greek and Roman times. It became one of the most important Oriental spices used in both Greek and Roman cuisine as well as its pharmacological applications. The book is divided into 15 chapters and concentrates on aspects of cardamom production and processing, the taxonomic aspects of cardamom, chemistry, pathology, entomology and is concluded with the future of cardamom. Special emphasis is given to the utility of “The Nutrient Buffer Power Concept”, a soil management technique in precise fertilizer management, especially with regard to Potassic fertilizers in cardamom production.
The Geography of Wine
by Percy H. DoughertyWine has been described as a window into places, cultures and times. Geographers have studied wine since the time of the early Greeks and Romans, when viticulturalists realized that the same grape grown in different geographic regions produced wine with differing olfactory and taste characteristics. This book, based on research presented to the Wine Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers, shows just how far the relationship has come since the time of Bacchus and Dionysus. Geographers have technical input into the wine industry, with exciting new research tackling subjects such as the impact of climate change on grape production, to the use of remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems for improving the quality of crops. This book explores the interdisciplinary connections and science behind world viticulture. Chapters cover a wide range of topics from the way in which landforms and soil affect wine production, to the climatic aberration of the Niagara wine industry, to the social and structural challenges in reshaping the South African wine industry after the fall of apartheid. The fundamentals are detailed too, with a comparative analysis of Bordeaux and Burgundy, and chapters on the geography of wine and the meaning of the term 'terroir'.
Geoinformatics and Data Analysis: Selected Proceedings of ICGDA 2022 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #143)
by Salah Bourennane Petr KubicekThis book contains the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA 2022), held in January 21–23, Paris, France. Geoinformatics helps to support basic scientific inquiry as well as address the complex social and environmental challenges. It becomes very important technology to decision-makers across a wide range of disciplines such as computer science, information technology, software engineering, biogeography, geography, conservation, architecture, spatial analysis and reinforcement learning. The papers included in this proceeding share the latest research results and practical application examples on the methodologies and algorithms in the area of geoinformatics and data analysis, including software and information engineering, environmental geography and geographic information system, which makes the book a valuable reference for researchers, engineers and university students who are working in the field.
Geoinformatics and Modelling of Landslide Susceptibility and Risk: An RS & GIS-based Model Building Approach in the Eastern Himalaya (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Sujit Mandal Subrata MondalThis book discusses various statistical models and their implications for developing landslide susceptibility and risk zonation maps. It also presents a range of statistical techniques, i.e. bivariate and multivariate statistical models and machine learning models, as well as multi-criteria evaluation, pseudo-quantitative and probabilistic approaches. As such, it provides methods and techniques for RS & GIS-based models in spatial distribution for all those engaged in the preparation and development of projects, research, training courses and postgraduate studies. Further, the book offers a valuable resource for students using RS & GIS techniques in their studies.
Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation
by Igor Ivan Itzhak Benenson Bin Jiang Jiří Horák James Haworth Tomáš InspektorThe aim of the book is to present and discuss new methods, issues and challenges involved in geoinformatics' contribution to making transportation more intelligent, efficient and human-friendly. It covers a wide range of topics related to transportation and geoinformatics. The themes are divided into four main sections: Transport modeling, Sensor data and services, Intelligent transport systems, and Transport planning and accessibility.
Geoinformatics for Marine and Coastal Management
by Darius Bartlett and Louis CelliersGeoinformatics for Marine and Coastal Management provides a timely and valuable assessment of the current state of the art geoinformatics tools and methods for the management of marine systems. This book focuses on the cutting-edge coverage of a wide spectrum of activities and topics such as GIS-based application of drainage basin analysis, contribution of ontology to marine management, geoinformatics in relation to fisheries management, hydrography, indigenous knowledge systems, and marine law enforcement. The authors present a comprehensive overview of the field of Geoinformatic Applications in Marine Management covering key issues and debates with specific case studies illustrating real-world applications of the GIS technology. This "box of tools" serves as a long-term resource for coastal zone managers, professionals, practitioners, and students alike on the management of oceans and the coastal fringe, promoting the approach of allowing sustainable and integrated use of oceans to maximize opportunities while keeping risks and hazards to a minimum.
Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences: Proceedings of GIS-IDEAS 2023 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #411)
by Dieu Tien Bui Anh Huy Hoang Thi Trinh Le Danh Tuyen Vu Venkatesh RaghavanThis volume gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of GIS and geo-spatial technologies, as presented by leading researchers and engineers at the International Conference on Geoinformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth & Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEA), held in Hanoi, Vietnam on November 7-9 2023. The contributions cover a diverse range of topics, including geoinformatics, geomatics, geospatial AI for natural hazards, Big Data and AI in sustainable natural resource management, GIS and remote sensing for natural disaster monitoring, GIS for spatial analysis, planning and management, GeoAI for building digital maps. Selected by means of a rigorous peer-review process, they will spur novel research directions and foster future multidisciplinary collaborations.
Geoinformatics for Sustainable Urban Development
by Sulochana Shekhar Deepak KumarThis book provides compelling new insights into how cities are attempting to address sustainability challenges via major applications of geospatial technology in an urban area. It elucidates the role of geospatial techniques such as GIS and GNSS, including remote sensing in urban management, and covers the theory and practice of urban sustainability transitions. It provides case studies and contextualised tools for the governance of urban transitions to present various applications of geospatial techniques in an urban environment. Features: Covers hands-on approaches on quantitative measures of urban analytics Focuses on sustainability issues in urban planning and development Includes pertinent global case studies for implementation of urban planning practices Reviews the inter-relationship between smart cities and sustainable development This book is aimed at graduate students, researchers, and professionals in GIS, urban sciences, and geography.
Geoinformatics in Applied Geomorphology
by Siddan Anbazhagan S. K. Subramanian Xiaojun YangWith recent innovations in the arena of remote sensing and geographic information systems, the use of geoinformatics in applied geomorphology is receiving more attention than ever. Geoinformatics in Applied Geomorphology examines how modern concepts, technologies, and methods in geoinformatics can be used to solve a wide variety of applied geomorph
Geoinformatics in Health Facility Analysis
by Praveen Kumar Rai Mahendra Singh NathawatThis book demonstrates how GIS techniques and statistical methods can be used to emphasise the characteristics of population and its related variables, vis-#65533;-vis care facilities and the status of vector borne diseases, as well as for malaria modeling. Concentrating on the Varanasi district of India, the main aim of the book is to determine and map the density areas of vector borne diseases using GIS techniques. The book explores how health GIS is an important sub-discipline of health science and medical geography, which is traditionally focused on the spatial aspects of disease ecology and health care facility analysis.
Geoinformatics in Theory and Practice: An Integrated Approach to Geoinformation Systems, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)
by Norbert de LangeThis textbook is intended to display a broad, methodological introduction to geoinformatics and geoinformation science. It deals with the recording, modeling, processing and analysis as well as presenting and distributing of geodata. As an integrated approach it is dedicated to the multidisciplinary application of methods and concepts of computer science to solve spatial tasks. First the reader receives an introduction to the approach and tasks of geoinformatics, basic concepts and general principles of information processing as well as essentials of computer science. Then this textbook focuses on the following topics: spatial reference systems, digital spatial data, interoperability of spatial data, visualization of spatial information, data organization and database systems, geoinformation systems, remote sensing and digital image processing.The result is a comprehensive manual for studies and practical applications in geoinformatics. It serves also as a basis to support and deepen methodological courses in geography, geology, geodesy and surveying as well as all environmental sciences. In this first English edition, the author has updated and significantly expanded the fourth German edition. New additions include the development of apps, graphical presentation on the web, geodata-bases and recent methods of classification. This book is based on the original German 4th edition Geoinformatik in Theorie und Praxis by Norbert de Lange, published by Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature in 2020 and still presents the only integrated perspective on geoinformatics and geoinformation science. This book was translated with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com) first and then significantly revised with regard to technical terms and special topics of geoinformatics.
Geoinformation: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, Second Edition
by Gottfried KonecnyWritten by a renowned expert, Geoinformation: Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geographic Information Systems, Second Edition gives you an overarching view of how remote sensing, photogrammetry, and geographic information systems work together in an interdisciplinary manner. The book presents the required basic background of the geoinformatics co