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Showing 27,951 through 27,975 of 71,628 results

Geolocation of RF Signals

by Ilir Progri

Geolocation of RF Signals--Principles and Simulations offers an overview of the best practices and innovative techniques in the art and science of geolocation over the last twenty years. It covers all research and development aspects including theoretical analysis, RF signals, geolocation techniques, key block diagrams, and practical principle simulation examples in the frequency band from 100 MHz to 18 GHz or even 60 GHz. Starting with RF signals, the book progressively examines various signal bands - such as VLF, LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, L, S, C, X, Ku, and, K and the corresponding geolocation requirements per band and per application - to achieve required performance objectives of up to 0º precision. Part II follows a step-by-step approach of RF geolocation techniques and concludes with notes on state-of-the-art geolocation designs as well as advanced features found in signal generator instruments. Drawing upon years of practical experience and using numerous examples and illustrative applications, Ilir Progri provides a comprehensive introduction to Geolocation of RF Signals, and includes hands-on real world labs and applications using MATLAB in the areas of: RF signals specifications, RF geolocation distributed wireless communications networks and RF geolocation. Geolocation of RF Signals--Principles and Simulations will be of interest to government agency program managers industry professionals and engineers, academic researchers, faculty and graduate students who are interested in or currently designing, developing and deploying innovative geolocation of RF Signal systems.

Geolocation Techniques

by Camillo Gentile Ronald Raulefs Nayef Alsindi Carole Teolis

Basics of Distributed and Cooperative Radio and Non-Radio Based Geolocation provides a detailed overview of geolocation technologies. The book covers the basic principles of geolocation, including ranging techniques to localization technologies, fingerprinting and localization in wireless sensor networks. This book also examines the latest algorithms and techniques such as Kalman Filtering, Gauss-Newton Filtering and Particle Filtering.

Geologic and Mine Modelling Using Techbase and Lynx

by Martin Smith

This text provides a process oriented discussion of the theory, methodology and philosophy of geologic and mine modelling using two commercial software packages: Techbase, a leader for mineral exploration and modelling bedded deposits; and Lynx, for modelling geology.

Geologic Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste

by Roland Pusch Raymond N Yong Masashi Nakano

Geologic Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste examines the fundamental knowledge and conditions to be considered and applied by planners and other professionals when establishing national repository concepts, and constructing repositories for the long-term isolation of highly radioactive waste from surrounding crystalline rock. It emphasizes the important roles of structural geology, hydrogeology, hydrochemistry, and construction techniques. It specifically examines the disposal of steel canisters with spent reactor fuel in mined repositories (MR) at medium-depth, and in very deep boreholes (VDH). While disposal in mined repositories has been widely tested, the option of placing high-level radioactive waste in deep boreholes has been considered in the US, UK, and elsewhere in Europe, but has not yet been tested on a broad scale. This book examines the possibility of safe disposal for very long periods, proposing that the high salt content and density of groundwater at large depths are such that potentially contaminated water would not rise high enough to affect the more shallow biosphere. Features: Presents the best practices for disposal of spent fuel from nuclear reactors. Assesses waste isolation capacities in short- and long-term perspectives, and the associated risks. Describes site selection principles and the economics of construction of different types of repositories. Includes an appendix which provides the latest international recommendations and guidelines concerning the disposal of highly radioactive waste.

Geologic Disposal of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste

by Roland Pusch Raymond N. Yong Masashi Nakano

This book will address concepts and techniques for preparation and disposal of low- (LLW) and intermediate-level (ILW) radioactive waste from the nuclear industry, the weapons industry, university labs, research institutes, and from the commercial industry. It will aid decision-makers in finding optimal technical/economical solutions, including how site investigations, design, construction, identification and selection of construction materials (clay and concrete), and monitoring can be made. It will also examine techniques for isolating soil and rock contaminated by leaking nuclear plants and from damaged nuclear reactors such as those at the Fukushima and Chernobyl nuclear plants.

Geologic Fundamentals of Geothermal Energy

by David R. Boden

Geothermal energy stands out because it can be used as a baseload resource. This book, unlike others, examines the geology related to geothermal applications. Geology dictates (a) how geothermal resources can be found, (b) the nature of the geothermal resource (such as liquid- or vapor-dominated) and (c) how the resource might be developed ultimately (such as flash or binary geothermal plants). The compilation and distillation of geological elements of geothermal systems into a single reference fills a notable gap.

Geologic Hazards: A Field Guide for Geotechnical Engineers

by Roy E. Hunt

Geologic hazards pose the greatest threat to human safety for any geotechnical undertaking, but it is ultimately the engineer's ability to recognize and cope with these hazards that will determine the safety of life and property. Armed with Geologic Hazards: A Field Guide for Geotechnical Engineers you will be able to properly recognize, understand

Geological and Soil Evidence: Forensic Applications

by Kenneth Pye

The forensic potential of geological and soil evidence has been recognized for more than a century, but recently these types of evidence are used much more widely as an investigative intelligence tool and as evidence in court. There is, however, still a poor understanding of the potential value and the limitations of geological and soil evidence am

Geological Aspects of Hazardous Waste Management

by Stephen M. Testa

Geologic Aspects of Hazardous Waste Management brings together technical, legislative, regulatory, and business aspects of hazardous waste issues as they pertain to preventing, assessing, containing, and remediating soil and groundwater contamination. The book emphasizes how subsurface geologic and hydrogeologic conditions affect the decision-making process, and it focuses on critical issues facing industry, government, and the public. The book is excellent for consultants, project managers, regulators, geologists, geophysicists, hydrologists, hydrogeologists, risk assessors, environmental engineers, chemists, toxicologists, and environmental lawyers.

Geological Background of Sandstone-Type Uranium Deposits in Ordos Basin, Northwest China (Springer Geology)

by Ruoshi Jin Ren’an Yu Peisen Miao

This book introduces the geological background of sandstone-type uranium deposits in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China. Through comparative study of a large number of practical data such as uranium, coal and oil boreholes, the research system takes sedimentary basin as a unit and fully utilizes geologicalprinciples and test analysis to study the basic geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing image characteristics of the basin, and to restores the favorable uranium-forming geological background brought by the change of the cognitive sedimentary environment conditions. It can be used as a reference for researchers, practitioners and as well as teachers and graduate students working in uranium deposit geology, sedimentary geology and related areas

Geological CO2 Storage Characterization

by Ronald C. Surdam

This book investigates geological CO2 storage and its role in greenhouse gas emissions reduction, enhanced oil recovery, and environmentally responsible use of fossil fuels. Written for energy/environmental regulators at every level of government (federal, state, etc. ), scientists/academics, representatives from the power and fossil energy sectors, NGOs, and other interested parties, this book uses the characterization of the Rock Springs Uplift site in Wyoming as an integrated case study to illustrate the application of geological CO2 storage science, principles, and theory in a real-world scenario.

Geological Disaster Monitoring Based on Sensor Networks (Springer Natural Hazards)

by Tariq S. Durrani Wei Wang Sheila M Forbes

This book presents the outcomes of the workshop sponsored by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China and the UK Newton Fund, British Council Researcher Links. The Workshop was held in Harbin, China, from 14 to 17 July 2017, and brought together some thirty young (postdoctoral) researchers from China and the UK specializing in geosciences, sensor signal networks and their applications to natural disaster recovery.The Workshop presentations covered the state of the art in the area of disaster recovery and blended wireless sensor systems that act as early warning systems to mitigate the consequences of disasters and function as post-disaster recovery vehicles.This book promotes knowledge transfer and helps readers explore and identify research opportunities by highlighting research outcomes in the internationally relevant area of disaster recovery and mitigation.

Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste: A Comparative Assessment

by Ferenc L. Toth

Fossil fuels will remain the backbone of the global energy economy for the foreseeable future. The contribution of nuclear energy to the global energy supply is also expected to increase. With the pressing need to mitigate climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the fossil energy industry is exploring the possibility of carbon dioxide disposal in geological media. Geological disposal has been studied for decades by the nuclear industry with a view to ensuring the safe containment of its wastes. Geological disposal of carbon dioxide and that of radioactive waste gives rise to many common concerns in domains ranging from geology to public acceptance. In this respect, comparative assessments reveal many similarities, ranging from the transformation of the geological environment and safety and monitoring concerns to regulatory, liability and public acceptance issues. However, there are profound differences on a broad range of issues as well, such as the quantities and hazardous features of the materials to be disposed of, the characteristics of the targeted geological media, the site engineering technologies involved and the timescales required for safe containment at the disposal location. There are ample opportunities to learn from comparisons and to derive insights that will assist policymakers responsible for national energy strategies and international climate policies.

Geological Engineering

by Luis Gonzalez de Vallejo

A thorough knowledge of geology is essential in the design and construction of infrastructures for transport, buildings and mining operations; while an understanding of geology is also crucial for those working in urban, territorial and environmental planning and in the prevention and mitigation of geohazards.Geological Engineering provides an inte

Geological Genetic Analysis and Application of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

by Huanqing Chen

This book presents the research on geological genetic analysis of oil and gas reservoirs. It expounds on the methods, problems, and prospects of geological genetic analyses of oil and gas reservoirs, considering structures, reservoirs, and oil–gas–water (OGW) systems. Then, it explains the application of geological genetic analysis of oil and gas reservoirs with examples of volcanic rocks in the Songliao Basin, glutenites in the northwestern Junggar Basin, and sandstones in the Liaohe Basin. It is a valuable reference for researchers, engineers, and graduate students engaged in oil/gas exploration both from industrial and academic sectors.

Geological Hazards: Their Assessment, Avoidance and Mitigation

by Fred G. Bell

Natural hazards cost the global economy over $50,000 million per year. Two thirds of this is spent on damage repair, the remainder represents the cost of predicting, preventing and mitigating against disasters. Man-made hazards such as groundwater pollution, subsidence and soil erosion add to this figure. Geological Hazards presents a state-of-the-art survey and examines methods of assessing, evaluating and combating hazards, both natural and man-made.

Geological History of the Baltic: Volume 1: Cyclical Processes

by Leszek J. Kaszubowski

The book presents the cyclicity and micro-cyclicity phenomena which occurred during climate changes and during marine transgressions and regressions. As calculated by the author on the basis of geological research, the climatic cycle of the Earth allows a better understanding of climate changes and associated geological processes in the last 20,000 years. In addition, the author discusses the structure of the sub-Quaternary bedrock and analyses complex geological structures of the Baltic Sea Quaternary deposits. Individual chapters address key aspects of: tectonic and geological analysis of the Baltic Sea basin detailed tectonic and geological analysis of the Polish Baltic Sea and Polish coastal zone global geotectonic cycles of the supercontinents cyclicity and micro-cyclicity arising in the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the Earth the climatic cycle of the Earth, presented for a better understanding of climate changes and associated geological processes in the last 20,000 years calculating the extent of the influence of climate change and tectonic movements on marine transgressions and regressions simulation and correlation of the 310-year climate cycle predicted future Earth climate cycles in the Northern Hemisphere The book will be useful for students and scientists of marine geology, oceanography, geography and environmental engineering. It will also be of practical utility for all specialists dealing with marine basins and coastal zones, including marine geologists, coastal geologists and geomorphologists, geographers, as well as engineering geologists, geotechnicians and civil engineers. The book is generally related to the discipline of marine geology, and deals directly with the Baltic Sea basin. However, the climate cycle of the Earth, which affects the course of marine transgressions and regressions, has a supra-regional dimension.

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining

by Roger Marjoribanks

This practical step-by-step guide describes the key geological field techniques needed by today's exploration geologists involved in the search for metallic deposits. The techniques described are fundamental to the collection, storage and presentation of geological data and their use to locate ore. This book explains the various tasks which the exploration geologist is asked to perform in the sequence in which they might be employed in an actual exploration project. Hints and tips are give. The steps are illustrated with numerous examples drawn from real projects on which the author has worked. The book emphasizes traditional skills and shows how they can be combined effectively with modern technological approaches.

Geological Objects and Structures in 3D: Observation, Interpretation and Building of 3D Models

by Dominique Frizon de Lamotte Pascale Leturmy Pauline Souloumiac Adrien Frizon de Lamotte

Geologists must be able to “read” a geological map. That means interpreting the vertical dimension through the 2D view represented on the map and at different scales. The main objective of this book is to help students during this difficult learning process. Based on an abundant iconography (field photos, maps, cross-sections) and on basics in mathematics and mechanics, the book dissects the geometry of emblematic geological structures and objects in order to build 3 D models, printable in 3D. The book is dedicated to structural geology with a particular emphasis on kinematics of faulting and folding and on salt tectonics (chapters III, IV and V). The origin of continental great unconformities and oceanic break-up unconformities is also discussed (chapter II). The audience of the book is broad and includes (under)graduate students in Earth Sciences, professors of Natural Sciences, and professional or amateur geologists.

Geological Resources and Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Holistic Approaches to Transparency and Sustainable Development in the Extractive Sector

by Jürgen Runge James Shikwati

This book looks at the distribution, occurrences, potential and prospects for good governance, transparency and sustainable development of geological resources in Sub-Saharan Africa. By bringing together numerous different point of views, it is carried out in a holistic, interdisciplinary and scientific way.The states of Sub-Saharan Africa are amon

Geological Storage of CO2

by Jan Martin Nordbotten Michael A. Celia

Despite the large research effort in both public and commercial companies, no textbook has yet been written on this subject. This book aims to provide an overview to the topic of Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS), while at the same time focusing on the dominant processes and the mathematical and numerical methods that need to be employed in order to analyze the relevant systems. The book clearly states the carbon problem and the role of CCS and carbon storage. Thereafter, it provides an introduction to single phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, including some of the most common mathematical analysis and an overview of numerical methods for the equations. A considerable part of the book discusses the appropriate scales of modeling, and how to formulate consistent governing equations at these scales. The book also illustrates real world data sets and how the ideas in the book can be exploited through combinations of analytical and numerical approaches.

Geological Storage of Highly Radioactive Waste

by Roland Pusch

The book describes and assesses current concepts for long-term disposal of highly radioactive waste. Different types of rock are discussed and assessed with respect to practical difficulties in the construction of a repository, and the efficiency of isolating radioactive waste. Safety matters are most important and are treated in the respective chapters and in a final, conclusive chapter. Cost issues and related quality matters are discussed for the case of constructing a virgin repository and repositories in the form of converted abandoned mines.

The Geological Unconscious: German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary

by null Jason Groves

Already in the nineteenth century, German-language writers were contending with the challenge of imagining and accounting for a planet whose volatility bore little resemblance to the images of the Earth then in circulation. The Geological Unconscious traces the withdrawal of the lithosphere as a reliable setting, unobtrusive backdrop, and stable point of reference for literature written well before the current climate breakdown.Through a series of careful readings of romantic, realist, and modernist works by Tieck, Goethe, Stifter, Benjamin, and Brecht, Groves elaborates a geological unconscious—unthought and sometimes actively repressed geological knowledge—in European literature and environmental thought. This inhuman horizon of reading and interpretation offers a new literary history of the Anthropocene in a period before it was named.These close readings show the entanglement of the human and the lithic in periods well before the geological turn of contemporary cultural studies. In those depictions of human-mineral encounters, the minerality of the human and the minerality of the imagination become apparent. In registering libidinal investments in the lithosphere that extend beyond Carboniferous deposits and beyond any carbon imaginary, The Geological Unconscious points toward alternative relations with, and less destructive mobilizations of, the geologic.

Geology: Basics for Engineers

by Aurele Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in his projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution.Through a problem-based-learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. The DVD that supplements the book contains solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. *The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers, was selected out of a total of 110 candidates.The jury praised the book as a “very well conceived teaching textbook” and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations.

Geology: Basics for Engineers, Second Edition

by Aurèle Parriaux

Geology – Basics for Engineers (second edition) presents the physical and chemical characteristics of the Earth, the nature and the properties of rocks and unconsolidated deposits/sediments, the action of water, how the Earth is transformed by various phenomena at different scales of time and space. The book shows the engineer how to take geological conditions into account in their projects, and how to exploit a wide range of natural resources in an intelligent way, reduce geological hazards, and manage subsurface pollution. This second edition has been fully revised and updated. Through a problem-based learning approach, this instructional text imparts knowledge and practical experience to engineering students (undergraduate and graduate level), as well as to experts in the fields of civil engineering, environmental engineering, earth sciences, architecture, land and urban planning. Free digital supplements to the book, found on the book page, contain solutions to the problems and animations that show additional facets of the living Earth. The original French edition of the book (2007) won the prestigious Roberval Prize, an international contest organized by the University of Technology of Compiegne in collaboration with the General Council of Oise, France. Geology, Basics for Engineers was selected out of a total of 110 candidates. The jury praised the book as a "very well conceived teaching textbook" and underscored its highly didactic nature, as well as the excellent quality of its illustrations.

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