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Showing 27,976 through 28,000 of 71,607 results

Geology of National Parks of Central/Southern Kenya and Northern Tanzania: Geotourism Of The Gregory Rift Valley, Active Volcanism And Regional Plateaus

by Roger N. Scoon

This book describes the interrelationship between the spectacular geology of an area of East Africa that includes a branch of the rift valley, as well as giant freestanding ice-capped mountains and extraordinarily toxic, alkaline lakes, and some of the greatest concentrations of wildlife on Earth. It suggests that geological processes that have shaped the iconic landforms, including active volcanoes, may also be responsible for the unusually diverse speciation which characterises the region. Moreover, it is not a coincidence that important palaeoanthropological discoveries have been unearthed in the region. National parks and conservation areas have tremendous potential for geotourism and the book assists both tour guides and visitors in this regard. In addition, the book may provide a better understanding to management of the importance of geology for sustaining wildlife.

Geology of North Africa

by Edward Tawadros

A reference volume on the geology of North Africa, this volume deals with Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. In great detail the geology, tectonic elements, the geology of the Pan-African Shield, the Phanerozoic geological evolution and most of the lithostratigrahpic units of the five countries are described. Moreover, the petroleum geolog

The Geology of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (Regional Geology Reviews)

by Zakaria Hamimi Abdel-Rahman Fowler Jean-Paul Liégeois Alan Collins Mohamed G. Abdelsalam Mohamed Abd EI-Wahed

­This richly illustrated book reviews the geology, tectonics and mineralization of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS) in 27 chapters. It starts with an examination of the ANS lithospheric scale features, explores Mesoproterozoic units and deals with the ANS oceanic stage. Arc volcanism and plutonism, post-collision basins and volcanics are discussed, as well as the younger granitoid magmatism and the deformation history of the ANS. The book provides information on ANS glacial stages and late magmatism. Chapters are devoted to review the transition between ANS and the reworked continent to its south. Finally, it discusses how ANS structures influenced the overall East African Rift System.

The Geology of the Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: A study of Archaean continental crust

by M.J. Bickle A. Martin E.G. Nisbet J.L. Orpen

A study on the Bellingwe Greenstone Belt, presenting the stratigraphy of the belt, its structure and tectonic setting, the sedimentology of what may be a rift basin, the geochemistry of the freshest Archaean komatiites yet found, and models of the evolution of the region.

Geology of Western Gondwana (2000 - 500 Ma): Pan-African-Brasiliano Aggregation of South America and Africa (translated by A.V.Carozzi, Univ.of Illinois, USA)

by Roland Trompette

In considering the geology of Western Gondwana, this text covers: the Pan-African-Brasiliano cratons; the Pan-African-Brasiliano fold belts; and amosaic of Pan-African-Brasiliano mini-cratons and mino-fold belts: Northeast Brazil and the Central-Western portion of Africa.

Geomagnetic Disturbances Impacts on Power Systems: Risk Analysis and Mitigation Strategies

by Olga Sokolova Nikolay Korovkin Masashi Hayakawa

Geomagnetic Disturbances Impacts on Power Systems: Risk Analysis & Mitigation Strategies provides a full risk assessment tool for assessing power systems confronted geomagnetic disturbances (GMDs) and specifies mitigation opportunities for various stakeholders.“This book deals comprehensively with the threat of solar storms on the world’s power systems. It provides a context to GMDs with respect to other natural hazards, and describes methods to evaluate a particular grid’s risk factors in a straightforward fashion. This is extremely useful to power grid operators, as they are not experts in the field of space weather, but they must be able to deal with its impacts. This is the critical message of this extremely valuable book.” – William A. Radasky, Ph.D., P.E., IEEE Life Fellow, Metatech Corporation, California USAAimed at risk engineers, policy-makers, technical experts and non-specialists such as power system operators, this book seeks to provide an insight into the GMD as a natural hazard and to perform the risk assessment of its potential impacts on the power systems as critical infrastructures. The reader gets familiar with how the Sun can endanger ground-based technological systems and the physics of solar activity manifestation on the Earth as Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs). The reaction of power systems to GMDs and mitigation strategies aiming at reducing and controlling the risks are then addressed. The GMD mitigation strategies, the power systems critical factors analysis, the high-risk zones identification and an estimation of economic loss, which is a valuable input for the (re)insurance sector, are also brought to the attention of the reader. Thereby, this book provides a full risk assessment tool for assessing power systems confronted with space weather risks. Key features:• Brings together interdisciplinary perspectives on the topic in one, cohesive book• Practical guideline on mitigation actions for diverse users and even non-specialists• Dealing comprehensively with the threat of geomagnetic disturbance on the worlds power systems• Introducing unique methods to evaluate a particular system risk factors in a straightforward fashion AuthorsOlga Sokolova, Ph.D., is a risk analyst and electrical engineer with expertise in the domain of critical infrastructure risk assessment to natural catastrophes. Nikolay Korovkin, Ph.D., is a full professor and head of Theoretic Electrical Engineering Department at Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU).Masashi Hayakawa, Ph.D., is an emeritus professor of the University of Electro-Communications, and also CEO of Hayakawa Institute of Seismo Electromagnetics, Co.Ltd.

Geomaterials Under the Microscope: A Colour Guide

by null Jeremy Ingham

The first comprehensive guide to the petrography of geomaterials, making the petrographers specialist knowledge available to practitioners, educators and students worldwide interested in modern and historic construction materials.

Geomathematically Oriented Potential Theory (Chapman & Hall/CRC Pure and Applied Mathematics)

by null Willi Freeden null Christian Gerhards

As the Earth`s surface deviates from its spherical shape by less than 0.4 percent of its radius and today's satellite missions collect their gravitational and magnetic data on nearly spherical orbits, sphere-oriented mathematical methods and tools play important roles in studying the Earth's gravitational and magnetic field. Geomathematically Orien

GeoMeasurements by Pulsing TDR Cables and Probes

by Kevin M O'Connor Charles H Dowding

GeoMeasurements by Pulsing TDR Cables and Probes examines Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) research and provides information on its use as a robust, reliable, and economical production tool.Common uses for TDR technology include telecommunications and power industries, but the text examines applications such as measurement of moisture of unsaturated soils; detection of fluids for leak and pollution; measurement of water levels for hydrological purposes; measurement of water pressures beneath dams; and deformation and stability monitoring of mines, slopes, and structures.Chapters discuss:basic physics of signal generation, transmission, and attenuation along the coaxial cableprobe designs and procedures for calibration as well as the variation in probe responses to changes in water content and soil mineralogyvariations in waveform characteristics associated with cable, deformation, cable calibration, and installation techniques for metallic cables in rockseveral cases demonstrating the use of TDR cables in soil as well as weathered and soft rocka rationale for the use of compliant cable in soilthe use of metallic cable (MTDR) and optical fiber (OTDR) to monitor response of structuressensor/transducer components, connections from the sensors to the TDR pulser/sampler, and system control methodsavailable software for transmission and analysis of TDR signatures The diverse interest and terminology within the TDR community tends to obscure commonalities and the universal physical principles underlying the technology. The authors seek to crystallize the basic principles among the seemingly divergent specialties using TDR technology in geomaterials. By examining varied experiences, GeoMeasurements by Pulsing TDR Cables and Probes provides a synergistic text necessary to unify the field.

Geomechanical Behaviors of Bimrocks

by Wang Yu

This book is intended as a reference book for advanced graduate students and research engineers in block-in-matrix rocks (bimrocks) or soil and rock mixtures (SRMs) or rock and soil aggregate (RSA). Bimrocks are complex formations characterized by competent rock inclusions floating in a weaker matrix. Typical types of bimrocks include a series of mixed geological or engineering masses such as mélanges, fault rocks, coarse pyroclastic rocks, breccias, sheared serpentines, and waste dump mixture. Bimrock is especially different from the general soil and rock material, and the detection of the damage and fracture is still wide open to innovative research. Globally, there is a widespread interest in investigating the geomechanical behaviors of bimrocks, such as deformation and strength characteristics, damage and fracture evolution, and stability prediction of bimrock construction. However, the meso-structural factors control the whole mechanical properties of bimrocks; the source of the macroscopic deformation phenomenon is the meso-structural changes. Therefore, evaluation of the mesoscopic physical and mechanical properties, together with advanced testing technique, is an attractive research topic in rock mechanics. As a result, comprehensive macroscopic and mesoscopic experimental investigations should be conducted to reveal the damage and fracturing mechanical behaviors of bimrocks. The readers of this work can gain new insights into the meso-structural changes of bimrocks subjected to different stress paths. This book is expected to improve the understanding of the mesoscopic damage and fracturing mechanisms of bimrocks, and can be helpful to predict the stability of rock structures where rock mass is subjected to complex loading conditions.

Geomechanical Modelling in Engineering Practice

by R. Dungar J.A. Studer

The key to successful solution of problems by the finite element method lies in the choice of appropriate numerical models & their associated parameters for geological media. 16 invited contributions on: Basic concepts; Numerical modelling of selected engineering problems; Specific numerical models & parameters evaluation.

Geomechanical Processes during Underground Mining: School of Underground Mining 2012

by Genadiy Pivnyak Volodymyr Bondarenko Iryna Kovalevs'Ka Mykhaylo Illiashov

This volume deals with economic aspects of mining companies development strategies, various mineral deposits development techniques, imitational modeling of mine workings with rock massif, methane extraction technologies during coal mining, geomechanical processes during plow mining, mining transport importance for mineral extraction, massif

Geomechanics 93 - Strata Mechanics/ Numerical Methods/Water Jet Cutting

by Zikmund Rakowski

Covers strata mechanics, numerical methods in geomechanics, water jet cutting and mechanical disintegration of rocks. The preface discusses the option of describing typical interdisciplinarity of geosciences, dealing with the processes induced by human activities in geospere, by the word geonics.

Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses: Selected Papers from the 2018 European Rock Mechanics Symposium

by Vladimir Litvinenko

Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses – Selected Papers contains selected contributions from EUROCK 2018, the 2018 International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM 2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 22—26 May 2018). Dedicated to recent advances and achievements in the fields of geomechanics and geotechnology, the book will be of interest to researchers and professionals involved in the various branches of rock mechanics and rock engineering. EUROCK 2018, organized by the Saint Petersburg Mining University, is a continuation of the successful series of ISRM symposia in Europe, which began in 1992 in Chester, UK.

Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses: Proceedings of the 2018 European Rock Mechanics Symposium

by Vladimir Litvinenko

Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses contains contributions presented at EUROCK 2018, the 2018 International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM 2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 22-26 May 2018). Dedicated to recent advances and achievements in the fields of geomechanics and geotechnology, the main topics of the book include: - Physical and mechanical properties of fractured rock (laboratory testing and rock properties, field measurements and site investigations)- Geophysics in rock mechanics- Rock mass strength and failure- Nonlinear problems in rock mechanics- Effect of joint water on the behavior of rock foundation- Numerical modeling and back analysis- Mineral resources development: methods and rock mechanics problems- Rock mechanics and underground construction in mining, hydropower industry and civil engineering- Rock mechanics in petroleum engineering- Geodynamics and monitoring of rock mass behavior- Risks and hazards- Geomechanics of technogenic deposits Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses will be of interest to researchers and professionals involved in the various branches of rock mechanics and rock engineering. EUROCK 2018, organized by the Saint Petersburg Mining University, is a continuation of the successful series of ISRM symposia in Europe, which began in 1992 in Chester, UK.

Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses, Volume 1: Proceedings of the 2018 European Rock Mechanics Symposium

by Vladimir Litvinenko

This book is Volume 1 of the EUROCK 2018 proceedings. Geomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses contains contributions presented at EUROCK 2018, the 2018 International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM 2018, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 22-26 May 2018). Dedicated to recent advances and achievements in the fields of geomechanics and geotechnology, the main topics of the book include:- Physical and mechanical properties of fractured rock (laboratory testing and rock properties, field measurements and site investigations)- Geophysics in rock mechanics- Rock mass strength and failure- Nonlinear problems in rock mechanics- Effect of joint water on the behavior of rock foundation- Numerical modeling and back analysis- Mineral resources development: methods and rock mechanics problems- Rock mechanics and underground construction in mining, hydropower industry and civil engineering- Rock mechanics in petroleum engineering- Geodynamics and monitoring of rock mass behavior- Risks and hazards- Geomechanics of technogenic depositsGeomechanics and Geodynamics of Rock Masses will be of interest to researchers and professionals involved in the various branches of rock mechanics and rock engineering. EUROCK 2018, organized by the Saint Petersburg Mining University, is a continuation of the successful series of ISRM symposia in Europe, which began in 1992 in Chester, UK.

Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro

by Mingjing Jiang; Fang Liu; Malcolm Bolton

Soils are composed of grains but they are generally treated as continua in the classical framework of geomechanics. Their macroscopic response under loading, such as their non-linearity, yielding and anisotropy, is controlled by their micro-structure, the characteristics of the grains and the disposition of contacts between them. There have been rapid advances in technology both to investigate the microscopic properties of soils, and to simulate their granular behaviour explicitly through Discrete Element Method (DEM). DEM was originally used to reproduce element tests, but it is now being advocated for boundary-value problems. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro includes 174 peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai 2010, Shanghai, China, 10-12 October 2010). The symposium provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and information on experiments, numerical models and engineering applications related to the discrete nature of geomaterials. The main goal was to explore further advances in the use of micro-geomechanical approaches, and by doing so to improve the understanding of macro-geomechanical phenomena by offering experiments, constitutive relations, numerical analyses and engineering applications associated with the discrete nature of geomaterials. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro will be of interest to academics and engineers involved in Soil Mechanics, Geomechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Geoengineering and Civil Engineering.

Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro

Soils are composed of grains but they are generally treated as continua in the classical framework of geomechanics. Their macroscopic response under loading, such as their non-linearity, yielding and anisotropy, is controlled by their micro-structure, the characteristics of the grains and the disposition of contacts between them. There have been rapid advances in technology both to investigate the microscopic properties of soils, and to simulate their granular behaviour explicitly through Discrete Element Method (DEM). DEM was originally used to reproduce element tests, but it is now being advocated for boundary-value problems. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro includes 174 peer-reviewed papers presented at the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro (IS-Shanghai 2010, Shanghai, China, 10-12 October 2010). The symposium provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and information on experiments, numerical models and engineering applications related to the discrete nature of geomaterials. The main goal was to explore further advances in the use of micro-geomechanical approaches, and by doing so to improve the understanding of macro-geomechanical phenomena by offering experiments, constitutive relations, numerical analyses and engineering applications associated with the discrete nature of geomaterials. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro will be of interest to academics and engineers involved in Soil Mechanics, Geomechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Geoengineering and Civil Engineering.

Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geomechanics and Geotechnics of Particulate Media, Ube, Japan, 12-14 September 2006

by Masayuki Hyodo Hidekazu Murata Yukio Nakata

Microscopic re-examination of geomaterials consisting of aggregates can shed light on macroscopic behaviour, including compressibility, anisotropy, yielding, creep, cyclic liquefaction and shear rupture. As a result of this process of examination, new methods of material characterization emerge, leading to a greater degree of accuracy in the specification of new constitutive models with physically-meaningful parameters. The impetus behind this development is an increasing awareness on sustainability, leading to the more efficient use of recycled materials for geotechnical applications. The characteristics of recycled materials, such as compressibility and self-hardening, may differ significantly from those of natural materials, and it is crucial that evaluation is made from a specifically particulate perspective.

Geomechanics and Water Engineering in Environmental Management

by R. N. Chowdhury

Divided into four parts, this work presents integrated studies and regional and case studies, and covers environmental constraints and effects, and the behaviour of earth masses.

Geomechanics in CO2 Storage Facilities

by Jean-Michel Pereira Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot

CO2 capture and geological storage is seen as the most effective technology to rapidly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Up until now and before proceeding to an industrial development of this technology, laboratory research has been conducted for several years and pilot projects have been launched. So far, these studies have mainly focused on transport and geochemical issues and few studies have been dedicated to the geomechanical issues in CO2 storage facilities. The purpose of this book is to give an overview of the multiphysics processes occurring in CO2 storage facilities, with particular attention given to coupled geomechanical problems.The book is divided into three parts. The first part is dedicated to transport processes and focuses on the efficiency of the storage complex and the evaluation of possible leakage paths. The second part deals with issues related to reservoir injectivity and the presence of fractures and occurrence of damage. The final part of the book concerns the serviceability and ageing of the geomaterials whose poromechanical properties may be altered by contact with the injected reactive fluid.

Geomechanics in Soil, Rock, and Environmental Engineering

by John Small

Utilizes both Computer- and Hand-Based Calculations… Modern practice in geomechanics is becoming increasingly reliant on computer-based software, much of which can be obtained through the Internet. In Geomechanics in Soil, Rock, and Environmental Engineering the application of these numerical techniques is examined not only for soil mechanics, but also for rock mechanics and environmental applications. … For Use in Complex Analysis It deals with the modern analysis of shallow foundations, deep foundations, retaining structures, and excavation and tunneling. In recent years, the environment has become more and more important, and so it also deals with municipal and mining waste and solutions for the disposal and containment of the waste. Many fresh solutions to problems are presented to enable more accurate and advanced designs to be carried out. A Practical Reference for Industry Professionals, This Illuminating Book: Offers a broad range of coverage in soil mechanics, rock mechanics, and environmental engineering Incorporates the author‘s more than 40 years of academic and practical design experience Describes the latest applications that have emerged in the last ten years Supplies references readily available online for futher research Geomechanics in Soil, Rock, and Environmental Engineering should appeal to students in their final undergraduate course in geomechanics or master’s students, and should also serve as a useful reference to practitioners in the field of geomechanics, reflecting the author’s background in both industry and academia.

Geomechanics of Marine Anchors

by Charles Aubeny

This book provides a comprehensive guide for the analysis and design of anchor systems used for mooring offshore floating structures. Much of the experience is based on applications toward the offshore oil and gas industry, but the substantial potential for offshore renewable energy systems is addressed. The major types of anchors are described with respect to their basic design concept, advantages and limitations, appropriate framework for analysis, and observed performance. This book addresses all aspects of anchor behaviour related to anchor design including the installation performance, load capacity, deformation, and structural integrity of the anchor itself. Coverage is also provided of appurtenant components of anchor systems, in particular of anchor line/chain mechanics in the soil and water columns. Much of the material presented represents relatively new developments, including several new anchors which have been developed within the last decade, so the book will provide a useful compendium of information is largely scattered in journals and conference proceedings. This book is intended for engineers engaged in offshore geotechnics and marine engineers involved in mooring system and floating structure design. While the analytical methods presented in this text have a strong theoretical basis, the emphasis is on simplified computational formats accessible to design engineers.

Geomembranes - Identification and Performance Testing

by A. Rollin J-M. Rigo

Geomembranes are increasingly being used in transportation, environmental and geotechnical applications to control gas and liquid movement. This book provides authoritative guidance on testing of geomembranes. It has been prepared by an international committee of experts under the auspices of RILEM, the International Union of Research and Testing L

Geometric Algebra Applications Vol. I: Computer Vision, Graphics and Neurocomputing

by Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano

The goal of the Volume I Geometric Algebra for Computer Vision, Graphics and Neural Computing is to present a unified mathematical treatment of diverse problems in the general domain of artificial intelligence and associated fields using Clifford, or geometric, algebra.Geometric algebra provides a rich and general mathematical framework for Geometric Cybernetics in order to develop solutions, concepts and computer algorithms without losing geometric insight of the problem in question. Current mathematical subjects can be treated in an unified manner without abandoning the mathematical system of geometric algebra for instance: multilinear algebra, projective and affine geometry, calculus on manifolds, Riemann geometry, the representation of Lie algebras and Lie groups using bivector algebras and conformal geometry. By treating a wide spectrum of problems in a common language, this Volume I offers both new insights and new solutions that should be useful to scientists, and engineers working in different areas related with the development and building of intelligent machines. Each chapter is written in accessible terms accompanied by numerous examples, figures and a complementary appendix on Clifford algebras, all to clarify the theory and the crucial aspects of the application of geometric algebra to problems in graphics engineering, image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning, neural computing and cognitive systems.

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