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Geometric Tolerancing Standard to Machine Design: A Design-for-Fit Approach

by Faryar Etesami

This book is for students enrolled in undergraduate mechanical engineering, or similar, programs. The material presented is based on nearly thirty years of class-tested lecture notes for courses on the applications of geometric tolerancing for designers. The book’s emphasis is on fit requirements for machine components, as fit assurance makes up the majority of challenging applications in tolerancing. For design engineers, knowing how to apply geometric tolerances has been a challenge even for engineers who have practiced geometric tolerancing for a long time. The syntax and meaning of geometric tolerancing statements can be learned easily and quickly, but knowing how to use them correctly is much more difficult. In the Design-for-Fit approach, the presentation starts with the geometric requirements for various kinds of fit and then presents the geometric tolerance statements necessary to achieve those fits.

Geometrical Charged-Particle Optics

by Harald Rose

This second edition is an extended version of the first edition of Geometrical Charged-Particle Optics. The updated reference monograph is intended as a guide for researchers and graduate students who are seeking a comprehensive treatment of the design of instruments and beam-guiding systems of charged particles and their propagation in electromagnetic fields. Wave aspects are included in this edition for explaining electron holography, the Aharanov-Bohm effect and the resolution of electron microscopes limited by diffraction. Several methods for calculating the electromagnetic field are presented and procedures are outlined for calculating the properties of systems with arbitrarily curved axis. Detailed methods are presented for designing and optimizing special components such as aberration correctors, spectrometers, energy filters monochromators, ion traps, electron mirrors and cathode lenses. In particular, the optics of rotationally symmetric lenses, quadrupoles, and systems composed of these elements are discussed extensively. Beam properties such as emittance, brightness, transmissivity and the formation of caustics are outlined. Relativistic motion and spin precession of the electron are treated in a covariant way by introducing the Lorentz-invariant universal time and by extending Hamilton's principle from three to four spatial dimensions where the laboratory time is considered as the fourth pseudo-spatial coordinate. Using this procedure and introducing the self action of the electron, its accompanying electromagnetic field and its radiation field are calculated for arbitrary motion. In addition, the Stern-Gerlach effect is revisited for atomic and free electrons.

Geometrical Methods for Power Network Analysis

by Neeraj Gupta Bhupendra Nath Tiwari Stefano Bellucci

This book is a short introduction to power system planning and operation using advanced geometrical methods. The approach is based on well-known insights and techniques developed in theoretical physics in the context of Riemannian manifolds. The proof of principle and robustness of this approach is examined in the context of the IEEE 5 bus system. This work addresses applied mathematicians, theoretical physicists and power engineers interested in novel mathematical approaches to power network theory.

Geometrical Objects

by Anthony Gerbino

This volume explores the mathematical character of architectural practice in diverse pre- and early modern contexts It takes an explicitly interdisciplinary approach, which unites scholarship in early modern architecture with recent work in the history of science, in particular, on the role of practice in the "scientific revolution" As a contribution to architectural history, the volume contextualizes design and construction in terms of contemporary mathematical knowledge, attendant forms of mathematical practice, and relevant social distinctions between the mathematical professions As a contribution to the history of science, the volume presents a series of micro-historical studies that highlight issues of process, materiality, and knowledge production in specific, situated, practical contexts Our approach sees the designer's studio, the stone-yard, the drawing floor, and construction site not merely as places where the architectural object takes shape, but where mathematical knowledge itself is deployed, exchanged, and amplified among various participants in the building process.

Geometrical Optics of Weakly Anisotropic Media

by AA Fuki

Until recently, there was no effective method for describing waves in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media. The method of quasi-isotropic approximation (QIA) of geometrical optics was developed to overcome this problem. The QIA approach bridges the gap between geometrical optics of isotropic media (Rytov method) and that of anisotropic media (Courant-Lax approach). thus providing a complete picture of the geometrical optics of inhomogeneous media. The book explores recent developments in QIA and describes the application of the theory to different branches of wave physics, from plasma physics. quantum physics and ionospheric radio wave propagation to acoustics, optics and astrophysics. The authors present some modifications and generalisations of QIA equations, and look at electromagnetic waves and optical and acoustic effects in weakly anisotropic media, as well as geometrical optics of 3D inhomogeneous media. The book closes with some quantum mechanical analogies. This is an up-to-the minute exposition of the latest developments in an important new area, written by authors of outstanding international reputation. A rich source of both theoretical methods and practical applications, this book covers a wide range of problems of general physical significance and will be of interest to those working in optics, acoustics, electrical engineering, radio engineering and wave propagation through plasma.

Geometrical Theory of Satellite Orbits and Gravity Field (Springer Theses)

by Drazen Svehla

This book on space geodesy presents pioneering geometrical approaches in the modelling of satellite orbits and gravity field of the Earth, based on the gravity field missions CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE in the LEO orbit. Geometrical approach is also extended to precise positioning in space using multi-GNSS constellations and space geodesy techniques in the realization of the terrestrial and celestial reference frame of the Earth. This book addresses major new developments that were taking place in space geodesy in the last decade, namely the availability of GPS receivers onboard LEO satellites, the multitude of the new GNSS satellite navigation systems, the huge improvement in the accuracy of satellite clocks and the revolution in the determination of the Earth's gravity field with dedicated satellite missions.

Geometry and Vision: First International Symposium, ISGV 2021, Auckland, New Zealand, January 28-29, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1386)

by Minh Nguyen Wei Qi Yan Harvey Ho

This book constitutes selected papers from the First International Symposium on Geometry and Vision, ISGV 2021, held in Auckland, New Zealand, in January 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held in partially virtual format. The 29 papers were thoroughly reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. They cover topics in areas of digital geometry, graphics, image and video technologies, computer vision, and multimedia technologies.

Geometry, Mechanics, and Control in Action for the Falling Cat (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2289)

by Toshihiro Iwai

The falling cat is an interesting theme to pursue, in which geometry, mechanics, and control are in action together. As is well known, cats can almost always land on their feet when tossed into the air in an upside-down attitude. If cats are not given a non-vanishing angular momentum at an initial instant, they cannot rotate during their motion, and the motion they can make in the air is vibration only. However, cats accomplish a half turn without rotation when landing on their feet. In order to solve this apparent mystery, one needs to thoroughly understand rotations and vibrations. The connection theory in differential geometry can provide rigorous definitions of rotation and vibration for many-body systems. Deformable bodies of cats are not easy to treat mechanically. A feasible way to approach the question of the falling cat is to start with many-body systems and then proceed to rigid bodies and, further, to jointed rigid bodies, which can approximate the body of a cat. In this book, the connection theory is applied first to a many-body system to show that vibrational motions of the many-body system can result in rotations without performing rotational motions and then to the cat model consisting of jointed rigid bodies. On the basis of this geometric setting, mechanics of many-body systems and of jointed rigid bodies must be set up. In order to take into account the fact that cats can deform their bodies, three torque inputs which may give a twist to the cat model are applied as control inputs under the condition of the vanishing angular momentum. Then, a control is designed according to the port-controlled Hamiltonian method for the model cat to perform a half turn and to halt the motion upon landing. The book also gives a brief review of control systems through simple examples to explain the role of control inputs.

Geometry of Crystals, Polycrystals, and Phase Transformations

by Harshad K. Bhadeshia

<p>Organized into a two-part structure aimed at readers of differing experience levels, Geometry of Crystals, Polycrystals, and Phase Transformations is accessible to both newcomers and advanced researchers within the field of crystallography. The first part of the text covers what any reader in the material sciences, physics, chemistry, earth sciences and natural sciences in general should know about crystallography. It is intentionally concise and covers sufficient material to form a firm foundation. <p>The second part is aimed at researchers and discusses phase transformations, deformations, and interface crystallography in depth. The phase transformations are limited to those dominated by crystallography. The entire book contains worked examples and uniquely deals not just with crystals but aggregates of crystals and solid-state transformations between crystals.</p>

Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers

by Stephen P. Radzevich

This updated and expanded edition presents a highly accurate specification for part surface machining. Precise specification reduces the cost of this widely used industrial operation as accurately specified and machined part surfaces do not need to undergo costly final finishing. Dr. Radzevich describes techniques in this volume based primarily on classical differential geometry of surfaces. He then transitions from differential geometry of surfaces to engineering geometry of surfaces, and examines how part surfaces are either machined themselves, or are produced by tools with surfaces that are precisely machined. The book goes on to explain specific methods, such as derivation of planar characteristic curves based on Plücker conoid constructed at a point of the part surface, and that analytical description of part surface is vital for surfaces machined using CNC technology, and especially so for multi-axes NC machines. Providing readers with a powerful tool for analytical description of part surfaces machined on conventional machine tools and numerically controlled machines, this book maximizes understanding on optimal treatment of part surfaces to meet the requirements of today’s high tech industry.

Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers

by Stephen P. Radzevich

Presents an in-depth analysis of geometry of part surfaces and provides the tools for solving complex engineering problems Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers is a comprehensive guide to applied geometry of surfaces with focus on practical applications in various areas of mechanical engineering. The book is divided into three parts on Part Surfaces, Geometry of Contact of Part Surfaces and Mapping of the Contacting Part Surfaces. Geometry of Surfaces: A Practical Guide for Mechanical Engineers combines differential geometry and gearing theory and presents new developments in the elementary theory of enveloping surfaces. Written by a leading expert of the field, this book also provides the reader with the tools for solving complex engineering problems in the field of mechanical engineering. Presents an in-depth analysis of geometry of part surfaces Provides tools for solving complex engineering problems in the field of mechanical engineering Combines differential geometry and gearing theory Highlights new developments in the elementary theory of enveloping surfaces Essential reading for researchers and practitioners in mechanical, automotive and aerospace engineering industries; CAD developers; and graduate students in Mechanical Engineering.

Geomining: Systems and Decision-Oriented Perspective (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #224)

by Azer Shukurov Oksana Vovk Artur Zaporozhets Natalia Zuievska

This book represents a comprehensive exploration of the intricate intersection between geology and mining through the lens of system-oriented perspectives. Geomining stands at the forefront of modern resource extraction, blending the principles of geology, engineering, transport, and environmental science to optimize the extraction of minerals and other valuable resources from the Earth's crust. It is a dynamic field that continually evolves in response to technological advancements, environmental concerns, and economic realities. In this book, we aim to capture the essence of geomining as a holistic system, emphasizing the interconnectedness of its various components and the importance of integrated approaches to resource management. The geomining is a complex of heavy industry sectors that includes the exploration of mineral deposits, the extraction of minerals from the Earth's subsurface, and the enrichment of valuable minerals. Among the main groups of the geomining industry, the following are distinguished—fuel extraction (coal, oil, shale, peat, natural gas extraction); ore mining (iron ore, manganese ore, extraction of non-ferrous ores, precious and rare metals, etc.); mining and chemical industry (extraction of potassium salts, rock salt, apatites, nephelines, bauxites, sulfur, phosphorites, etc.); extraction of mineral raw materials for the construction industry; extraction of mineral raw materials for refractory and ceramic industries; hydromeliorative activities. The concept of a system-oriented view on geomining recognizes that mining activities do not occur in isolation but are part of larger, interconnected systems that encompass geological, environmental, social, and economic dimensions. By adopting a systems perspective, we can better understand the complexities inherent in resource extraction and develop more sustainable and efficient mining practices. This book is divided into 3 parts, each focusing on different aspects of geomining from a systems perspective.

GeomInt—Discontinuities in Geosystems From Lab to Field Scale (SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences)

by Olaf Kolditz Keita Yoshioka Tuanny Cajuhi Ralf-Michael Günther Holger Steeb Frank Wuttke Thomas Nagel

This is an open access book. In view of growing conflicts over strategic georesources, the use of the geological subsurface in the sense of a regional resource is becoming increasingly important. In this context, georeservoirs are playing an important role for the energy transition not only as a source of energy but also as a storage facility and deep geological disposal for energy waste. The success of the energy transition also depends to a large extent on the efficient and safe use of underground resources.This book complements the previous basic book (GeomInt—Integrity of Host Rocks) with a series of application examples in different rock formations, clay, salt, and crystalline. The methodology developed in GeomInt is used, among others, in the Mont Terri underground research laboratory (Opalinus Clay), in the large borehole test in Springen (salt rock) and in the “Reiche Zeche” teaching and research mine (crystalline rock). In addition, new methodological developments are also taken up in experiments and models and embedded in workflows for geotechnical system analyses. The present book summarizes the results of the collaborative project “GeomInt2: Geomechanical integrity of host and barrier rocks - experiment, modeling and analysis of discontinuities” within the program: Geo Research for Sustainability (GEO: N) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention

by Irasema Alcántara-Ayala Andrew S. Goudie

Human activities have had a huge impact on the environment and landscape, through industrialisation and land-use change, leading to climate change, deforestation, desertification, land degradation, and air and water pollution. These impacts are strongly linked to the occurrence of geomorphological hazards, such as floods, landslides, snow avalanches, soil erosion, and others. Geomorphological work includes not only the understanding but the mapping and modelling of Earth's surface processes, many of which directly affect human societies. In addition, geomorphologists are becoming increasingly involved with the dimensions of societal problem solving, through vulnerability analysis, hazard and risk assessment and management. The work of geomorphologists is therefore of prime importance for disaster prevention. An international team of geomorphologists have contributed their expertise to this volume, making this a scientifically rigorous work for a wide audience of geomorphologists and other Earth scientists, including those involved in environmental science, hazard and risk assessment, management and policy.

Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics

by Kenneth Ford John Archibald Wheeler

The autobiography of one of the preeminent figures in twentieth-century physics. He studied with Niels Bohr, taught Richard Feynman, and boned up on relativity with his friend and colleague Albert Einstein. John Archibald Wheeler's fascinating life brings us face to face with the central characters and discoveries of modern physics. He was the first American to learn of the discovery of nuclear fission, later coined the term "black hole," led a renaissance in gravitation physics, and helped to build Princeton University into a mecca for physicists. From nuclear physics, to quantum theory, to relativity and gravitation, Wheeler's work has set the trajectory of research for half a century. His career has brought him into contact with the most brilliant minds of his field; Fermi, Bethe, Rabi, Teller, Oppenheimer, and Wigner are among those he called colleagues and friends. In this rich autobiography, Wheeler reveals in fascinating detail the excitement of each discovery, the character of each colleague, and the underlying passion for knowledge that drives him still.


by Joseph Alfred Zinck Graciela Metternicht Gerardo Bocco Héctor Francisco Del Valle

This book offers a proven approach for reliable mapping of soil-landscape relationships to derive information for policy, planning and management at scales ranging from local to regional. It presents the theoretical and conceptual framework of the geopedologic approach and a bulk of applied research showing its application and benefits for knowledge generation relevant to geohazard studies, land use conflict analysis, land use planning, land degradation assessment, and land suitability analysis. Soil is a vital resource for society at large and an important determinant of the economic status of nations. The intensification of natural disasters and the increased land use competition for food and energy have raised awareness of the relevant role the pedosphere plays in natural and anthropogenic environments. Recent papers and global initiatives show a renewed interest in soil research and its applications for improved planning and management of this fragile and finite resource.

Geopedology: An Integration Of Geomorphology And Pedology For Soil And Landscape Studies

by Joseph Alfred Zinck Graciela Metternicht Héctor Francisco del Valle Marcos Angelini

<p>This updated and revised second edition brings geopedology issues into the current context. This new edition extends the work on popular topics such as digital soil mapping, GIS and landscape mapping, and it also gives valuable insight with up-to-date theoretical discussions and new application with relevant case studies. This textbook offers a proven approach for reliable mapping of soil-landscape relationships to derive information for policy, planning and management at scales ranging from local to regional. Filled with didactic elements such as case studies, visual aids (maps, charts and figures), questions and answers, the book is of interest to geohazard studies, land use conflict analysis, land use planning, land degradation assessment, and land suitability analysis.<p> <p>Soil is a vital resource for society at large and an important determinant of the economic status of nations. The intensification of natural disasters and the increased land use competition for food and energy have raised awareness of the relevant role the pedosphere plays in natural and anthropogenic environments. Recent papers and global initiatives show a renewed interest in soil research and its applications for improved planning and management of this fragile and finite resource.<p>

Geopedology: An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and Landscape Studies

by Joseph Alfred Zinck Graciela Metternicht Héctor Francisco del Valle Marcos Angelini

This updated and revised second edition brings geopedology issues into the current context. This new edition extends the work on popular topics such as digital soil mapping, GIS and landscape mapping, and it also gives valuable insight with up-to-date theoretical discussions and new application with relevant case studies. This textbook offers a proven approach for reliable mapping of soil-landscape relationships to derive information for policy, planning and management at scales ranging from local to regional. Filled with didactic elements such as case studies, visual aids (maps, charts and figures), questions and answers, the book is of interest to geohazard studies, land use conflict analysis, land use planning, land degradation assessment, and land suitability analysis. Soil is a vital resource for society at large and an important determinant of the economic status of nations. The intensification of natural disasters and the increased land use competition for food and energy have raised awareness of the relevant role the pedosphere plays in natural and anthropogenic environments. Recent papers and global initiatives show a renewed interest in soil research and its applications for improved planning and management of this fragile and finite resource.

Geophysical & Astrophysical Convection (The Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics)

by Peter A. Fox Robert M. Kerr

Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection collects important papers from an international group of the world's foremost researchers in geophysical and astrophysical convection to present a concise overview of recent thinking in the field. Topics include: Atmospheric convection, solar and stellar convection, unsteady non-penetrative thermal convectio

Geopolitical Change and the Antarctic Treaty System: Historical Lessons, Current Challenges (Springer Polar Sciences)

by Shirley V. Scott Tim Stephens Jeffrey McGee

This book explores how geopolitical tensions have shaped the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) and offers insights into managing future challenges. The ATS, established with the 1959 Antarctic Treaty during the Cold War, has been a successful model of international governance, ensuring Antarctica's peaceful use and environmental protection. However, the ATS now faces new pressures, including an expanded membership of 57 states, increased economic activities such as tourism, fishing, and bio-prospecting, and the impacts of climate change. These factors are exacerbating geopolitical tensions that could challenge the stability of the ATS. The book examines key moments in the history of the ATS to understand how past tensions were managed and what lessons can be drawn for the future. The volume covers the creation of the CCAMLR marine conservation treaty in the late 1970s-1980s; the developing world's opposition to the ATS in United Nations debates during the 1980s-1990s; the shift from permitting Antarctic mining to establishing the Madrid Protocol on Environmental Protection in the early 1990s; the formation of the International Association of Antarctic Tourism Operators; the management of Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (IUU) fishing in the 2000s; and the proposals for marine protected areas under the CCAMLR Convention in recent years. Several contributions also draw on critical and regional perspectives to make sense of geopolitical pressures on Antarctic governance and how they might play out over the years and decades ahead. Through its attention both to critical turning points in the history of the ATS, and a broad range of conceptual approaches, the book provides an authoritative assessment of the ATS's capacity to address emerging geopolitical stresses and provides strategies for future governance. It is a timely resource for understanding the evolving dynamics in Antarctica and ensuring the region remains a zone of peace and scientific collaboration. This book is a companion volume to McGee, Edmiston and Haward, 2022, The Future of Antarctica: Scenarios form Classical Geopolitics, in the Springer Polar Sciences Series.

The Geopolitics of Hydrogen: Volume 1: European Strategies in Global Perspective (Studies in Energy, Resource and Environmental Economics)

by Rainer Quitzow Yana Zabanova

This open access book is a comprehensive exploration of European hydrogen policy, examining its development at both the EU level and in key Member States, while also considering the geopolitical implications of the emerging hydrogen landscape. The editors begin by framing Europe's position within the global hydrogen economy and present an analytical framework for assessing EU and Member State strategies within this context. The book delves into the evolution of EU hydrogen policy since the launch of its hydrogen strategy in 2020, shedding light on significant developments and how they have been influenced by events like Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It then proceeds with in-depth chapters dedicated to key EU Member States and Norway. Each country chapter examines domestic and international hydrogen policies, offering insights into important stakeholder interests, as well as the broader energy and foreign policy considerations shaping the evolving policy landscape. Special attention is given to the international dimension of these strategies, encompassing bilateral and multilateral engagements. In the final chapter, the editors analyze the diverse national strategies and their drivers and discuss their implications for the development of a European hydrogen economy and the role of the EU as a major global player in this market. By examining the variations across Member States, the book provides valuable insights into the factors influencing progress in the hydrogen sector, both in Europe and globally. This book is a resource for policymakers, researchers, and industry professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of European hydrogen policy and its geopolitical implications. It illuminates the complex dynamics between EU-level strategies and the approaches adopted by individual Member States, ultimately contributing to a broader comprehension of Europe's position within the global hydrogen arena.

The Geopolitics of Renewables (Lecture Notes in Energy #61)

by Daniel Scholten

Renewable energy represents a game changer for interstate energy relations. The abundant and intermittent nature of sources, possibilities for decentral generation and use of rare earth materials, and generally electric nature of distribution make renewable energy systems very different from those of fossil fuels. What do these geographic and technical characteristics imply for infrastructure topology and operations, business models, and energy markets? What are the consequences for strategic realities and policy considerations of producer, consumer, and transit countries and energy-related patterns of cooperation and conflict between them? Who are the likely winners and losers? The Geopolitics of Renewables is the first in-depth exploration of the implications for interstate energy relations of a transition towards renewable energy. Fifteen international scholars combine insights from several disciplines - international relations, geopolitics, energy security, renewable energy technology, economics, sustainability transitions, and energy policy - to establish a comprehensive overview and understanding of the emerging energy game. Focus is on contemporary developments and how they may shape the coming decades on three levels of analysis: #65533; The emerging global energy game; winners and losers #65533; Regional and bilateral energy relations of established and rising powers #65533; Infrastructure developments and governance responses The book is recommended for academics and policy makers. It offers a novel analytical framework that moves from geography and technology to economics and politics to investigate the geopolitical implications of renewable energy and provides practical illustrations and policy recommendations related to specific countries and regions such as the US, EU, China, India, OPEC, and Russia.

The Geopolitics of Space Exploration (Springer Praxis Books)

by Marcello Spagnulo

This is the tale of the modern Space Age, detailing all the risks, rewards and rivalries that have fueled space exploration over the decades. Jump into a world of ambitious entrepreneurs and determined spacefaring nations, of secret spy satellites and espionage, of all the cooperative and competing interests vying for dominance in ways little known to the public. Written by an Italian aeronautical engineer with over thirty years of experience in government and private industry, this English translation explains how and why the game has fundamentally evolved and where it is headed next. Exploring such topics as GPS and cyberspace, the economics of private and public industry and the political motivations of emerging spacefaring powerhouses like China, this book is an engaging foray into the ongoing battle for our terrestrial home through extraterrestrial means.

Geopolymer and Geopolymer Matrix Composites (Springer Series in Materials Science #311)

by Dechang Jia Peigang He Meirong Wang Shu Yan

This book investigates geopolymers and geopolymer-based composites, with a focus on their preparation, geopolymerization mechanisms, microstructures, mechanical properties, and fracture behaviors. Geopolymers are inorganic materials consisting of tetrahedral units (such as [SiO4] and [AlO4]) linked by shared oxygens and forming long-range, covalently bonded and amorphous frameworks. Geopolymers have the advantages of low-temperature preparation, low cost, high heat and corrosion resistance, and being environmentally friendly. Using the preparation methods for epoxy-based composite, they can easily be formed into complex shapes or structures. Intended for researchers investigating geopolymers and their matrix composite materials, this book is also a valuable resource for engineers from various fields, such as materials, mechanical, civil and structural engineering, as well as students interested in other kinds of inorganic materials or even cementitious materials in general.

Geopolymers: Properties and Applications

by Petrica Vizureanu Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah Rafiza Abdul Razak Dumitru Doru Burduhos-Nergis Liew Yun-Ming Andrei Victor Sandu

Geopolymers presents a complex and interdisciplinary study in the fields of physics, chemistry, materials science, and civil engineering on oxide materials based on mineral wastes, known as geopolymers. Considering the ideal requirements for developing eco-friendly materials for industrial applications, this book describes how to design and develop different types of geopolymers that use mineral wastes or natural aluminosilicates as raw materials. It contains advanced knowledge and information regarding geopolymer manufacturing, development, characterization, and applications in soil stabilization, civil engineering, or ceramics. This book is relevant for undergraduate and graduate students conducting fundamental and applied research in the fields of materials engineering, ceramics engineering, and water processing.

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