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Showing 28,126 through 28,150 of 71,601 results

Geotechnical Design and Practice: Selected Topics (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering)

by K. Ilamparuthi R. G. Robinson

This book presents articles covering a wide spectrum of topics in geotechnical engineering, including properties of soils, unsaturated soil mechanics, ground improvement, liquefaction and seismic studies, soil-structure interaction and stability analysis of man-made and natural slopes. The contributing authors are renowned researchers in their respective fields, which include soft ground improvement, seismic response of retaining structure using soil-structure Interaction (SSI) principles, and unsaturated soils. Based on keynote addresses and invited talks presented at the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2016, this book will prove a valuable resource for practicing engineers and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering.

Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping

by Ernesto Villaescusa

Presenting topics according to the conventional process used by most mining houses, this book covers the design and operation of sublevel open stoping. Summarizing state-of-the-art practices encountered during his 25+ years of experience, the author discusses increases in sublevel spacing, improvements in slot rising, and rock mass characterization, as well as methodologies to design open spans and pillars, rock reinforcement, and fill masses. He also addresses in situ stress concentration minimization, dilution control action plans, and techniques to back-analyze and optimize stope wall performance.

Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

by Steven L. Kramer Jonathan P. Stewart

This fully updated second edition provides an introduction to geotechnical earthquake engineering for first-year graduate students in geotechnical or earthquake engineering graduate programs with a level of detail that will also be useful for more advanced students as well as researchers and practitioners. It begins with an introduction to seismology and earthquake ground motions, then presents seismic hazard analysis and performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) principles. Dynamic soil properties pertinent to earthquake engineering applications are examined, both to facilitate understanding of soil response to seismic loads and to describe their practical measurement as part of site characterization. These topics are followed by site response and its analysis and soil–structure interaction. Ground failure in the form of soil liquefaction, cyclic softening, surface fault rupture, and seismically induced landslides are also addressed, and the book closes with a chapter on soil improvement and hazard mitigation. The first edition has been widely used around the world by geotechnical engineers as well as many seismologists and structural engineers. The main text of this book and the four appendices:• Cover fundamental concepts in applied seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural dynamics.• Contain numerous references for further reading, allowing for detailed exploration of background or more advanced material.• Present worked example problems that illustrate the application of key concepts emphasized in the text.• Include chapter summaries that emphasize the most important points.• Present concepts of performance-based earthquake engineering with an emphasis on uncertainty and the types of probabilistic analyses needed to implement PBEE in practice.• Present a broad, interdisciplinary narrative, drawing from the fields of seismology, geotechnical engineering, and structural engineering to facilitate holistic understanding of how geotechnical earthquake engineering is applied in seismic hazard and risk analyses and in seismic design.

Geotechnical Engineering

by Jean-Louis Briaud

Written by a leader on the subject, Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering is first introductory geotechnical engineering textbook to cover both saturated and unsaturated soil mechanics. Destined to become the next leading text in the field, this book presents a new approach to teaching the subject, based on fundamentals of unsaturated soils, and extending the description of applications of soil mechanics to a wide variety of topics. This groundbreaking work features a number of topics typically left out of undergraduate geotechnical courses.

Geotechnical Engineering

by Renato Lancellotta

Suitable for undergraduates in geotechnical engineering and for use by graduate students, this book explores not only the basics but also several advanced aspects of soil behaviour. Readers gain a good grasp of applied mechanics, testing and experimentation, and methods for observing real structures. Numerous worked examples are included, as is essential reading for students at the end of each chapter.Selected contents:1. Nature and composition of soils 2. Principles of continuum mechanics 3. Constitutive models 4. The porous medium 5. Mechanical behaviour of soils 6. Flow in porous media 7. In situ investigations 8. The collapse of soil structures 9. Performance and serviceability o

Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

by V.N.S. Murthy

A must have reference for any engineer involved with foundations, piers, and retaining walls, this remarkably comprehensive volume illustrates soil characteristic concepts with examples that detail a wealth of practical considerations, It covers the latest developments in the design of drilled pier foundations and mechanically stabilized earth reta

Geotechnical Engineering and Sustainable Construction: Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering

by Mahdi O. Karkush Deepankar Choudhury

This book contains selected articles from the Second International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Iraq (ICGE-Iraq) held in Akre/Duhok/Iraq from June 22 to 23, 2021, to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and problems of geotechnical engineering in projects. Also, the conference includes modern applications in structural engineering, materials of construction, construction management, planning and design of structures, and remote sensing and surveying engineering. The ICGE-Iraq organized by the Iraqi Scientific Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (ISSSMFE) in cooperation with Akre Technical Institute / Duhok Polytechnic University, College of Engineering /University of Baghdad, and Civil Engineering Department/University of Technology. The book covers a wide spectrum of themes in civil engineering, including but not limited to sustainability and environmental-friendly applications. The contributing authors are academic and researchers in their respective fields from several countries. This book will provide a valuable resource for practicing engineers and researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and construction and management of projects.

Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society

by Nuno Guerra

‘Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society’ includes the papers presented at the XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Lisbon, Portugal, August 26 to 30th, 2024). The papers aim to contribute to a better understanding of problems and solutions of geotechnical nature, as well as to a more adequate management of natural resources. Case studies are included to better disseminate the success and failure of Geotechnical Engineering practice. The peer-reviewed articles of these proceedings address the six main topics: New developments on structural design Geohazards Risk analysis and safety evaluation Current and new construction methods Environment, water, and energy Future city world vision With contributions from academic researchers and industry practitioners from Europe and abroad, this collection of conference articles features an interesting and wide-ranging combination of innovation, emerging technologies and case histories, and will be of interest to academics and professionals in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

Geotechnical Engineering Design

by Ming Xiao

An accessible, clear, concise, and contemporary course in geotechnical engineering design. covers the major in geotechnical engineering packed with self-test problems and projects with an on-line detailed solutions manual presents the state-of-the-art field practice covers both Eurocode 7 and ASTM standards (for the US)

Geotechnical Engineering for Mine Waste Storage Facilities

by Geoffrey E. Blight

The book is a comprehensive treatment of the application of geotechnical engineering to site selection, site exploration, design, operation and closure of mine waste storage facilities.The level and content are suitable as a technical source and reference for practising engineers engaged both in the design and operational management of mine waste s

Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites

by Emilio Bilotta, Alessandro Flora, Stefania Lirer & Carlo Viggiani

All the traces of historic heritage are a fundamental part of our environment and reward us in the form of cultural enrichment, with the ability to have a positive effect both on our lifestyle and economy. Therefore, the preservation of ancient monuments, historic towns and sites has increasingly drawn the attention of public opinion, governmental

Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites III: Invited Papers

by Renato Lancellotta

The conservation of monuments and historic sites is one of the most challenging problems facing modern civilization. It involves, in inextricable patterns, factors belonging to different fields (cultural, humanistic, social, technical, economical, administrative) and the requirements of safety and use appear to be (or often are) in conflict with the respect of the integrity of the monuments. The complexity of the topic is such that a shared framework of reference is still lacking among art historians, architects, structural and geotechnical engineers. The complexity of the subject is such that a shared frame of reference is still lacking among art historians, architects, architectural and geotechnical engineers. And while there are exemplary cases of an integral approach to each building element with its static and architectural function, as a material witness to the culture and construction techniques of the original historical period, there are still examples of uncritical reliance on modern technology leading to the substitution from earlier structures to new ones, preserving only the iconic look of the original monument. Geotechnical Engineering for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites III collects the contributions to the eponymous 3rd International ISSMGE TC301 Symposium (Naples, Italy, 22-24 June 2022). The papers cover a wide range of topics, which include: - Principles of conservation, maintenance strategies, case histories - The knowledge: investigations and monitoring - Seismic risk, site effects, soil structure interaction - Effects of urban development and tunnelling on built heritage - Preservation of diffuse heritage: soil instability, subsidence, environmental damages The present volume aims at geotechnical engineers and academics involved in the preservation of monuments and historic sites worldwide.

Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure: Proceedings Of The 12th European Conference On Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7-10 June 1999

by F.B.J.Barends J. Lindenberg H. J. Luger L. De Quelerij A. Verruijt

This volume provides an overview of the proceedings of the XIIth ECSME Conference 1999. It covers a wide variety of topics, from summaries of workshops and sessions, to the emergence of information technology and information retrieval and communication.

Geotechnical Engineering in Residual Soils

by Laurence D. Wesley

Wiley has long held a pre-eminent position as a publisher of books on geotechnical engineering, with a particular strength in soil behavior and soil mechanics, at both the academic and professional level. This reference will be the first book focused entirely on the unique engineering properties of residual soil. Given the predominance of residual soils in the under-developed parts of the United States and the Southern Hemisphere, and the increasing rate of new construction in these regions, the understanding of residual soils is expected to increase in importance in the coming years. This book will be written for the practicing geotechnical engineer working to any degree with residual soils. It will describe the unique properties of residual soil and provide innovative design techniques for building on it safely.The author will draw on his 30 years of practical experience as a practicing geotechnical engineer, imbuing the work with real world examples and practice problems influenced by his work in South America and Southeast Asia.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook

by null Roy E. Hunt

The Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook provides the tools necessary for fusing geological characterization and investigation with critical analysis for obtaining engineering design criteria. The second edition updates this pioneering reference for the 21st century, including developments that have occurred in the twen

Geotechnical Engineering of Dams

by Robin Fell Patrick MacGregor David Stapledon Graeme Bell Mark Foster

Geotechnical Engineering of Dams, 2nd edition provides a comprehensive text on the geotechnical and geological aspects of the investigations for and the design and construction of new dams and the review and assessment of existing dams. The main emphasis of this work is on embankment dams, but much of the text, particularly those parts related to g

Geotechnical Hazards

by Božica Marić

The contributions to this volume examine: geotechnical hazard acknowledging the deversity of local ground conditions and environmental factors which play a decisive role in designing engineering structures in Danubian countries.

Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls

by Hemanta Hazarika Motoki Kazama Wei F. Lee

This book is a collection of papers presented at the International Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards held July 12-15, 2014, in Kitakyushu, Japan. The workshop was the sixth in the series of Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshops on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfalls, held under the auspices of the Asian Technical Committee No. 3 on Geotechnology for Natural Hazards of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. It was co-organized by the Japanese Geotechnical Society and the Taiwanese Geotechnical Society. The contents of this book focus on geotechnical and natural hazard-related issues in Asia such as earthquakes, tsunami, rainfall-induced debris flows, slope failures, and landslides. The book contains the latest information and mitigation technology on earthquake- and rainfall-induced geotechnical natural hazards. By dissemination of the latest state-of-the-art research in the area, the information contained in this book will help researchers, designers, consultants, government officials, and academicians involved in the mitigation of natural hazards. The findings and other information provided here is expected to contribute toward the development of a new chapter in disaster prevention and mitigation of geotechnical structures.

Geotechnical Instrumentation and Applications

by Myint Win Bo Jeffrey Barrett

Geotechnical Instrumentation and Applications explains the geotechnical issues encountered in the implementation of construction projects dealing with ground, groundwater, and earth infrastructures, including land reclamations, dams, embankments, landfill construction, excavations, and tunnelling. The book describes the types of geotechnical instrumentation available in the market and walks readers through the geotechnical issues usually encountered in construction projects and observational methods applying geotechnical instruments, planning, and implementation of geotechnical instrumentation projects. Detailed coverage of the calibration and installation process of geotechnical instruments, the verification of measured data, and the recording and documentation of as-built drawings of geotechnical instruments installed are presented. Coverage also includes methods of measurement, recommended monitoring frequencies for manual monitoring and methods of data processing and presentation, as well as analyses and interpretations of monitored data for performance assessment. Factors affecting measured instrument data are also discussed with a few examples. Case studies are presented with field data collected during the implementation of large-scale ground improvements and ground engineering projects involving extensive geotechnical instrumentation works. The book will be an ideal text for upper-undergraduate and graduate geotechnical engineering, foundation engineering, and soil mechanics courses and a hands-on reference for practitioners who apply geotechnical instrumentation in the construction industry.

Geotechnical Instrumentation and Monitoring in Open Pit and Underground Mining

by T. Szwedzicki

As mining operations increase in scale and mines go progressively deeper, the geotechnical input into mine design is of importance. This book covers topics in geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, including coverage of groundwater, displacement and environmental monitoring.

Geotechnical Investigation Methods: A Field Guide for Geotechnical Engineers

by Roy E. Hunt

The investigation phase is the most important segment of any geotechnical study. Using the correct methods and properly interpreting the results are critical to a successful investigation. Comprising chapters from the second edition of the revered Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Handbook, Geotechnical Investigation Methods offers clear, conc

Geotechnical Lessons Learnt—Building and Transport Infrastructure Projects: Proceedings of the 2021 AGS Sydney Annual Symposium (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #325)

by Hadi Khabbaz Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn Ali Parsa

This book contains accepted papers submitted and peer-reviewed for the 25th Annual Symposium organised by the Sydney Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS). The objective is to bring together the key stakeholders of the Australian geological and geotechnical community. It showcases state-of-the-art practices, new research findings, and case histories that demonstrate geotechnical advances and challenges in building and transport infrastructure. It focuses on geotechnical aspects of smart solutions and improvements in geotechnical approaches for transport infrastructure projects, advances in tunnel design and construction, and geotechnical challenges in design and construction – case histories and lessons learnt. This volume will be a useful guide to those in academia and industry working in the fields of geotechnical engineering.

Geotechnical Lessons Learnt—Building and Transport Infrastructure Projects: Proceedings of the 2022 AGS Sydney Annual Symposium (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #541)

by Hadi Khabbaz Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn Ali Parsa-Pajouh

This book presents the select proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium organized by the Sydney Chapter of the Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS). The symposium brought together key stakeholders of the Australian geological and geotechnical community. This book showcases state-of-the-art practices, new research findings, and case histories that demonstrate reliability-based designs and assessments. The papers on reliability-based approaches cover various aspects of site investigations, interpretations, designs, specialized testing, and technologies. This book presents recent innovations, trends, and concerns, as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the field. This volume will be a useful guide to those in academia and industry working in the fields of geotechnical engineering.

Geotechnical Modelling

by David Muir Wood

<p>Modelling forms an implicit part of all engineering design but many engineers engage in modelling without consciously considering the nature, validity and consequences of the supporting assumptions. Derived from courses given to postgraduate and final year undergraduate MEng students, this book presents some of the models that form a part of the typical undergraduate geotechnical curriculum and describes some of the aspects of soil behaviour which contribute to the challenge of geotechnical modelling. <p>Assuming a familiarity with basic soil mechanics and traditional methods of geotechnical design, this book is a valuable tool for students of geotechnical and structural and civil engineering as well as also being useful to practising engineers involved in the specification of numerical or physical geotechnical modelling.</p>

Geotechnical Problem Solving

by John C. Lommler

Devised with a focus on problem solving, Geotechnical Problem Solving bridges the gap between geotechnical and soil mechanics material covered in university Civil Engineering courses and the advanced topics required for practicing Civil, Structural and Geotechnical engineers. By giving newly qualified engineers the information needed to apply their extensive theoretical knowledge, and informing more established practitioners of the latest developments, this book enables readers to consider how to confidently approach problems having thought through the various options available. Where various competing solutions are proposed, the author systematically leads through each option, weighing up the benefits and drawbacks of each, to ensure the reader can approach and solve real-world problems in a similar mannerThe scope of material covered includes a range of geotechnical topics, such as soil classification, soil stresses and strength and soil self-weight settlement. Shallow and deep foundations are analyzed, including special articles on laterally loaded piles, retaining structures including MSE and Tieback walls, slope and trench stability for natural, cut and fill slopes, geotechnical uncertainty, and geotechnical LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design).

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Showing 28,126 through 28,150 of 71,601 results