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Geotechnical Risk and Safety: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (IS-Gifu 2009) 11-12 June, 2009, Gifu, Japan - IS-Gifu2009
by Y. Honjo M. Suzuki T. Hara F. ZhangCommunication of risks within a transparent and accountable framework is essential in view of increasing mobility and the complexity of the modern society and the field of geotechnical engineering does not form an exception. As a result, modern risk assessment and management are required in all aspects of geotechnical issues, such as planning, desi
Geotechnical Risk in Rock Tunnels: Selected Papers from a Course on Geotechnical Risk in Rock Tunnels, Aveiro, Portugal, 16-17 April 2004
by A. Campos e Matos, L. Ribeiro e Sousa, J. Kleberger & P. Lopes PintoTunnels have a high degree of risk that needs to be assessed and managed. Underground works intersect and interact with natural materials, incorporating their characteristics as structural components of their own stability. For this reason geotechnical risk analyses are implemented at all phases of tunnel construction, from design through to post-c
Geotechnical Safety and Risk IV
by L. M. Zhang Y. Wang G. Wang D. Q. LiGeotechnical Safety and Risk IV contains the contributions presented at the 4th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (4th ISGSR, Hong Kong, 4-6 December 2013), which was organised under the auspices of the Geotechnical Safety Network (GEOSNet), TC304 on Engineering Practice of Risk Assessment and Management and TC205 on Safety an
Geotechnical Slope Analysis
by Robin Chowdhury Gautam Bhattacharya Phil FlentjeFreshly updated and extended version of Slope Analysis (Chowdhury, Elsevier, 1978). This reference book gives a complete overview of the developments in slope engineering in the last 30 years. Its multi-disciplinary, critical approach and the chapters devoted to seismic effects and probabilistic approaches and reliability analyses, reflect the distinctive style of the original. Subjects discussed are: the understanding of slope performance, mechanisms of instability, requirements for modeling and analysis, and new techniques for observation and modeling. Special attention is paid to the relation with the increasing frequency and consequences of natural and man-made hazards. Strategies and methods for assessing landslide susceptibility, hazard and risk are also explored. Moreover, the relevance of geotechnical analysis of slopes in the context of climate change scenarios is discussed. All theory is supported by numerous examples.''...A wonderful book on Slope Stability....recommended as a refernence book to those who are associated with the geotechnical engineering profession (undergraduates, post graduates and consulting engineers)...'' Prof. Devendra Narain Singh, Indian Inst. of Technology, Mumbai, India''I have yet to see a book that excels the range and depth of Geotechnical Slope Analysis... I have failed to find a topic which is not covered and that makes the book almost a single window outlet for the whole range of readership from students to experts and from theoreticians to practicing engineers...'' Prof. R.K. Bhandari, New Delhi, India
Geotechnical Slope Analysis
by Robin Chowdhury Gautam Bhattacharya Subhadeep MetyaThis second edition of Geotechnical Slope Analysis is an updated version of the original scholarly book. In this edition, concepts and applications have been thoroughly revised. In particular, the ‘Initial Stress Approach’ has been extended to 2D problems in a more rigorous manner. Additional solved numerical examples have been added in several chapters. More importantly, the meaning of the results is explored through interpretation. The influence of initial stresses, pore water pressures and seismic forces has been explored not only on performance indicators such as the ‘Factor of Safety’ but also on the location of critical slip surfaces. In addition to these factors, it is shown that the chosen method of analysis may also have a significant influence on the location of the critical slip surface. Student exercises have been included in some chapters with a view to encouraging further study and research, and reference is often made to case studies of particular importance. The best features of the book have been retained with continued emphasis on both deterministic and probabilistic approaches for quantifying slope performance. The traditional performance indicator such as ‘Factor of Safety’ can be complemented by the calculation of the ‘Reliability Index’ and the ‘Probability of Failure’. This book focuses on research studies concerning slope behaviour, the occurrence of landslides and the use of alternative methods of analysis and interpretation. The importance of uncertainties in slope performance and, more broadly, in geotechnical engineering is emphasised. This book will be valuable to undergraduate and senior students of civil, mining and geological engineering as well as to academic teachers and instructors and also to researchers, practising geotechnical engineers and consultants.
Geotechnical Stability in Surface Mining
by Raj. K. SinghalThis book presents the proceedings of the international symposium on geotechnical stability in surface mining in Calgary. The symposium deals with the full gamut of mine equipment development, selection and utilization.
Geotechnics and Earthquake Geotechnics Towards Global Sustainability
by Susumu IaiThis book is part of a bold, new initiative towards global sustainability and development that draws on the disciplines of geotechnical engineering and earthquake geotechnics. It contains contributions from fifteen of the world's leading experts who met in Kyoto in early 2010 to discuss a range of issues related to the ways geotechnics can help us face the challenges ahead, from the technical to the social, from geo-hazards to megacities, from global warming and coastal protection to the conservation of world heritage sites. We hope these contributions will stimulate the debate over the role geotechnics has to play in achieving a more sustainable future for the world. Audience This book will be of interest to advanced levels of researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of geotechnics and earthquake geotechnics for global sustainability: the greatest long term challenge of our time.
Geotechnics and Heritage: Case Histories
by Emilio Bilotta Alessandro Flora Stefania Lirer Carlo ViggianiConservation of monuments and historic sites is one of the most challenging problems facing modern civilization. It involves various cultural, humanistic, social, technical, economical and administrative factors, intertwining in inextricable patterns. The complexity of the topic is such that guidelines or recommendations for intervention techniques
Geotechnics and Heritage: Historic Towers
by Renato Lancellotta Alessandro Flora Carlo ViggianiConservation of monuments and historic sites is one of the most challenging problems facing modern civilization. It involves various cultural, humanistic, social, technical, economical and administrative factors, intertwining in inextricable patterns. The complexity of the topic is such that guidelines or recommendations for ntervention techniques and design approaches are difficult to set. <P><P>The Technical Committee on the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites (named TC19) was established by the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) in 1981, is supported by the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI), and was renamed TC301 in 2010. <P><P>This book assesses the role of historic towers as symbols of community identity and how to best preserve this special cultural heritage. Well-documented, exemplary case histories highlight concepts of preservation, integrity, cultural heritage, dynamic identification techniques and techniques for long-term monitoring of historic towers, as well as provide examples of appropriate intervention measures. <P><P>The book will be of interest to professionals and academics in the wider fields of civil engineering, architecture and cultural resources management, and particularly those involved in art history, history of architecture, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, archaeology, restoration and cultural heritage management.
Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events
by Susumu IaiGeotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events presents the keynote lectures (book, 264 pages) and keynote lectures and general papers (CD-ROM, 608 pages) presented at the Fourth International ISSMGEConference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation (4th GEDMAR, Kyoto, Japan, 16-18 September 2014). The contributions dis
Geotechnics for Developing Africa: Proceedings of the 12th regional conference for Africa on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Durban, South Africa, 25-27 October 1999
by G.R.Wardle; G.E.Blight; A.B.FourieThe proceedings represent a valuable reference on geotechnical problems peculiar to Africa and for engineering solutions to local problems. Topics covered are: Foundation engineering and lateral support; Methods of design and analysis; Monitoring, laboratory and field testing; Municipal, industrial and mining waste and environmental geotechnics; Soil improvement; Transportation geotechnics; Case studies.The proceedings are also an invaluable source of data on the properties of African soils, the properties of residual and tropical soils, as well as climate related problems.
Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies: Geonest (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering)
by S Sreedeep Arindam Dey A. Murali KrishnaThis contributed volume encompasses contributions by eminent researchers in the field of geotechnical engineering. The chapters of this book are based on the keynote and sub-theme lectures delivered at the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2017. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art research and practices in different domains of geotechnical engineering in the areas of soil dynamics, earth retaining structures, ground improvement, and geotechnical and geophysical investigations. It will serve as an ideal resource for academics, researchers, practicing professionals, and students alike.
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure: Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #28)
by Ravi Sundaram Jagdish Telangrao Shahu Vasant HavanagiThis book presents selected papers from the International Symposium on Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure (ISGTI 2018). The research papers cover geotechnical interventions for the diverse fields of policy formulation, design, implementation, operation and management of the different modes of travel, namely road, air, rail and waterways. This book will be of interest to academic and industry researchers working in transportation geotechnics, as also to practicing engineers, policy makers, and civil agencies.
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure: Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #29)
by Ravi Sundaram Jagdish Telangrao Shahu Vasant HavanagiThis book presents selected papers from the International Symposium on Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure (ISGTI 2018). The research papers cover geotechnical interventions for the diverse fields of policy formulation, design, implementation, operation and management of the different modes of travel, namely road, air, rail and waterways. This book will be of interest to academic and industry researchers working in transportation geotechnics, as also to practicing engineers, policy makers, and civil agencies.
Geotechnics in the African Environment, volume 1: Proceedings of 10th regional conference for Africa on soil mechananics foundation engineering & the 3rd international conference tropical & residual soils, Maseru, 23-27 September 1991, 2 volumes
by G.E.BLIGHT; A.B.FOURIE; I.LUKER; D.J.MOUTON; R.J.SCHEURENBERGProceedings of the 10th Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering and the 3rd International Conference on Tropical and Residual Soils, held in Maseru, Lesotho, September 1991, are contained in two volumes. The papers address geotechnical problems peculiar to Africa and engineering solutions for local problems, as well as data on the properties of African soils.
Geotechnics of Organic Soils and Peat
by Bujang B.K. Huat Arun Prasad Afshin Asadi Sina KazemianPeat and organic soils commonly occur as extremely soft, wet, unconsolidated surficial deposits that are an integral part of wetland systems. These types of soils can give rise to geotechnical problems in the area of sampling, settlement, stability, in situ testing, stabilisation and construction. There is therefore a tendency to either avoid build
Geotechnics of Roads: Advanced Analysis and Modeling
by Bernardo CaicedoAt first glance, roads seem like the simplest possible geotechnical structures. However, analysis of these structures runs up against complexities related to the intense stresses experienced by road surfaces, their intense interaction with climate, and the complicated behavior of the materials used in road construction. Modern mechanistic approaches to road design provide the tools capable of developing new technical solutions. However, use of these approaches requires deep understanding of the behavior of constituent materials and their interaction with water and heat which has recently been acquired thanks to advances in geotechnical engineering. The author comprehensively describes and explains these advances and their use in road engineering in the two-volume set Geotechnics of Roads, compiling information that had hitherto only been available in numerous research papers. Geotechnics of Roads: Advanced Analysis and Modeling develops 23 extended examples that cover most of the theoretical aspects presented in the book Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals. Moreover, for most examples, Volume 2 describes algorithms for solving complex problems and provides Matlab® scripts for their solution. Consequently, Volume 2 is a natural complement of the book Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals. This unique book will be of value to civil, structural and geotechnical engineers worldwide.
Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals
by Bernardo CaicedoAt first glance, roads seem like the simplest possible geotechnical structures. However, analysis of these structures runs up against complexities related to the intense stresses experienced by road surfaces, their intense interaction with climate, and the complicated behavior of the materials used in road construction. Modern mechanistic approaches to road design provide the tools capable of developing new technical solutions. However, use of these approaches requires deep understanding of the behavior of constituent materials and their interaction with water and heat which has recently been acquired thanks to advances in geotechnical engineering. The author comprehensively describes and explains these advances and their use in road engineering in the two-volume set Geotechnics of Roads, compiling information that had hitherto only been available in numerous research papers. Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals presents stresses and strains in road structures, water and heat migration within and between layers of road materials, and the effects of water on the strength and stiffness of those materials. It includes a deep analysis of soil compaction, one of the most important issues in road construction. Compaction accounts for only a small proportion of a construction budget but its effects on the long-term performance of a road are decisive. In addition, the book describes methodologies for nondestructive road evaluation including analysis of continuous compaction control, a powerful technique for real-time quality control of road structures. This unique book will be of value to civil, structural and geotechnical engineers worldwide.
Geotechnics of Soft Soils: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop held in Glasgow, Scotland, 3 - 5 September 2008
by Minna Karstunen Martino LeoniNatural soft soils are very complex materials. As construction activities increasingly take place in poor ground conditions, ground improvement is often required. However, design practices for ground improvement were for long at best crude and conservative, and at worst unsafe. Although new construction and field observation techniques have been de
Geotechnics of Venice and Its Lagoon
by Paolo SimoniniWithout any protective intervention, the historic city of Venice and its surrounding islands would suffer rapid deterioration due to the increased frequency of tidal flooding, as the gap between land surface and sea levels has reduced due to a coupled effect of climate change-induced sea-level rise and natural and anthropic subsidence. Geotechnics of Venice and Its Lagoon provides a clear and comprehensive illustration of the extensive geotechnical aspects of not only the various environmental problems such as land subsidence and wetland surface reduction, but also solutions such as the design of the tilting gate foundations against high tides and the restoration and improvement of the drainage system of the renowned Piazza San Marco, which have been necessary for the preservation of the extraordinary cultural heritage of Venice. Readers will gain a better understanding of the complex phenomena occurring in the sensitive Venice silts, whose hydro-mechanical behavior has required comprehensive laboratory and site investigations and modeling. The book provides: An authoritative analysis of one of the largest and most important geotechnical issues in the world A description of a detailed case study of an ongoing engineering solution The book will be useful for engineers worldwide, and is also an excellent reference for students.
Geotechnik: Bodenmechanik (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Gerd MöllerDas Buch vermittelt alle wichtigen Aspekte über den Aufbau und die Eigenschaften des Bodens, die bei der Planung und Berechnung sowie bei der Begutachtung von Schäden des Systems Bauwerk- Baugrund zu berücksichtigen sind. Schwerpunkte sind die Baugrunderkundung, die Ermittlung von Bodenkennwerten im Labor sowie die Behandlung von Setzungs- und Tragfähigkeitsnachweisen einschließlich des Erddrucks. Alle Darstellungen basieren auf dem aktuellen technischen Regelwerk. Zahlreiche Beispiele, die nachvollziehbar erläutert werden, sowie eine große Anzahl von Hinweisen auf den Umgang mit den zu beachtenden Normen und weiterführende Literatur erleichtern das Verständnis. Das Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Orientierungshilfe in der täglichen Planungs- und Gutachterpraxis und erleichtert den Umgang mit dem neuen Regelwerk.
Geotechnik: Grundbau (Bauingenieur-Praxis)
by Gerd MöllerThe book introduces in particular foundation methods and methods of securing level changes in terrain. The description of calculation and dimensioning with examples are a valuable orientation aid for those working in design and as technical experts.
Geotechnik für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)
by Bernd SchröderDie geotechnischen Aufgaben betreffen Baugrunduntersuchungen und rechnerische Nachweise. Die Norm unterscheidet drei Kategorien. Für jede Bauaufgabe müssen Schichtgrenzen, Einschlüsse und Kennwerte von Boden und Fels sowie die Grundwasserverhältnisse bekannt sein. Je nach Kategorie unterscheiden sich Art und Umfang der erforderlichen geotechnischen Untersuchungen. Geotechnische Kennwerte beschreiben schließlich die Baugrundeigenschaften einer Bodenschicht.
Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen - Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 4.6 Altbergbau
by Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Geotechnik E. V. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geolo V. Deutscher Markscheider-Verein E. V.Seit dem frühen Mittelalter werden in weiten Bereichen des mitteleuropäischen Raums Bodenschätze abgebaut. Dabei entstanden zahlreiche tages- und oberflächennahe Hohlräume, aber auch Halden, Kippen und Restlöcher. Die Standfestigkeit der untertägigen Grubenbaue sowie der Tagebaurestlöcher, Kippen und Halden im Locker- und Festgestein unterliegen in Abhängigkeit von der Zeit grundlegenden geomechanischen und hydrogeologischen Veränderungen. Bei Versagen der Standfestigkeit sind Tagesbrüche und Einsenkungen an der Tagesoberfläche, Böschungsrutschungen, Felsstürze und Steinschläge typische Schadensbilder, die lokal katastrophale Größenordnungen annehmen. Standorte des Altbergbaus können daher, je nach Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche, ein hohes Risikopotential für Menschen und Sachwerte aufweisen. Die systematische, fachgerechte Untersuchung und Bewertung der zahlreichen Altbergbaurelikte mit ihren Schadensbildern sowie die Bewertung der möglichen Risikopotentiale bilden die Grundlage für eine effiziente Sanierung. Diese Problemstellungen gewinnen durch die zunehmend intensivere Nutzung der Tagesoberfläche stetig an Bedeutung. Aber auch der gravierende Rückgang der Bergbautätigkeiten in Europa wirft verstärkt die Frage auf, welches Risikopotential für die Tagesoberfläche von in Stilllegung befindlichen oder noch stillzulegenden bergbaulichen Betrieben ausgeht bzw. ausgehen wird. Die Empfehlungen unterstützen Ingenieure, Fachunternehmen und Behörden bei der Planung, Durchführung und der Dokumentation von Untersuchungen, Bewertungen und Sanierungsmaßnahmen von untertägigen Anlagen, Tagebaurestlöchern, Halden und Kippen des Altbergbaus im Locker- und Festgesteinsbereich.
Geotextiles: Production, Properties and Performance
by Amit Rawal, Tahir Shah Subhash AnandThe monograph critically reviews most commonly used geotextile structures, their properties and performance characteristics. In general, both natural and synthetic fibres are used for the production of geotextiles, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type of fibre are discussed for various applications of geotextiles. The important functio