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Showing 28,151 through 28,175 of 71,601 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Geotechnical Problems and Solutions: A Practical Perspective 4209408 Buddhima Indraratna Ana Heitor Jayan S. Vinod 9781351037327 2020 Contains images
Geotechnical Risk and Safety: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (IS-Gifu 2009) 11-12 June, 2009, Gifu, Japan - IS-Gifu2009 6323963 Y. Honjo M. Suzuki T. Hara F. Zhang 9781135259501 2009 Contains images
Geotechnical Risk in Rock Tunnels: Selected Papers from a Course on Geotechnical Risk in Rock Tunnels, Aveiro, Portugal, 16-17 April 2004 3682030 A. Campos e Matos, L. Ribeiro e Sousa, J. Kleberger & P. Lopes Pinto 9781134147175 2003 Contains images
Geotechnical Safety and Risk IV 6401614 L. M. Zhang Y. Wang G. Wang D. Q. Li 9781317753254 2014 Contains images
Geotechnical Slope Analysis 5889953 Robin Chowdhury Gautam Bhattacharya Phil Flentje 9781135192099 2010 Contains images
Geotechnical Slope Analysis 5747671 Robin Chowdhury Gautam Bhattacharya Subhadeep Metya 9781136730771 2024 Contains images
Geotechnical Stability in Surface Mining 4547731 Raj. K. Singhal 9781000151510 1986 Contains images
Geotechnics and Earthquake Geotechnics Towards Global Sustainability 1428691 Susumu Iai 9789400704701 2010 Contains images
Geotechnics and Heritage: Case Histories 6410020 Emilio Bilotta Alessandro Flora Stefania Lirer Carlo Viggiani 9781134646548 2013 Contains images
Geotechnics and Heritage: Historic Towers 2508822 Renato Lancellotta Alessandro Flora Carlo Viggiani 9781315387444 2018 Contains images
Geotechnics for Catastrophic Flooding Events 6148936 Susumu Iai 9781317568698 2015 Contains images
Geotechnics for Developing Africa: Proceedings of the 12th regional conference for Africa on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, Durban, South Africa, 25-27 October 1999 4130034 G.R.Wardle; G.E.Blight; A.B.Fourie 9781000446647 1999 Contains images
Geotechnics for Natural and Engineered Sustainable Technologies: Geonest (Developments in Geotechnical Engineering) 2281249 S Sreedeep Arindam Dey A. Murali Krishna 9789811077210 2018 Contains images
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure: Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #28) 2593312 Ravi Sundaram Jagdish Telangrao Shahu Vasant Havanagi 9789811367014 2019 Contains images
Geotechnics for Transportation Infrastructure: Recent Developments, Upcoming Technologies and New Concepts, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #29) 2613503 Ravi Sundaram Jagdish Telangrao Shahu Vasant Havanagi 9789811367137 2019 Contains images
Geotechnics in the African Environment, volume 1: Proceedings of 10th regional conference for Africa on soil mechananics foundation engineering & the 3rd international conference tropical & residual soils, Maseru, 23-27 September 1991, 2 volumes 5761146 G.E.BLIGHT; A.B.FOURIE; I.LUKER; D.J.MOUTON; R.J.SCHEURENBERG 9781351445122 1991 Contains images
Geotechnics of Organic Soils and Peat 6323913 Bujang B.K. Huat Arun Prasad Afshin Asadi Sina Kazemian 9781136729652 2014 Contains images
Geotechnics of Roads: Advanced Analysis and Modeling 3894341 Bernardo Caicedo 9780429649486 2021 Contains images
Geotechnics of Roads: Fundamentals 5396517 Bernardo Caicedo 9780429649493 2019 Contains images
Geotechnics of Soft Soils: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop held in Glasgow, Scotland, 3 - 5 September 2008 6405954 Minna Karstunen Martino Leoni 9781134024742 2008 Contains images
Geotechnics of Venice and Its Lagoon 5442676 Paolo Simonini 9781000897319 2023 Contains images
Geotechnik: Bodenmechanik (Bauingenieur-Praxis) 4257880 Gerd Möller 9783433602850 2012 Contains images
Geotechnik: Grundbau (Bauingenieur-Praxis) 4257884 Gerd Möller 9783433602003 2012 Contains images
Geotechnik für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials) 2226423 Bernd Schröder 9783658084974 2014 Contains images
Geotechnisch-markscheiderische Untersuchung, Bewertung und Sanierung von altbergbaulichen Anlagen - Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 4.6 Altbergbau 3269675 Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Geotechnik E. V. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geolo V. Deutscher Markscheider-Verein E. V. 9783433610152 2020 Contains images

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