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Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase

by Thomas J. Goreau Ronal W. Larson Joanna Campe

A Practical, Get-Your-Hands-in-the-Soil ManualGlobal climate change, increasing pollution, and continued rapid population growth is wreaking havoc on the planet. Stabilizing the environment at safe levels requires a large-scale restoration of damaged ecosystems. Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and

Geothermal Energy: Utilization and Technology (Renewable Energies Ser.)

by Mary H. Dickson Mario Fanelli

Geothermal energy refers to the heat contained within the Earth that generates geological phenomena on a planetary scale. Today, this term is often associated with man's efforts to tap into this vast energy source. Geothermal Energy: utilization and technology is a detailed reference text, describing the various methods and technologies used to exploit the earth's heat. Beginning with an overview of geothermal energy and the state of the art, leading international experts in the field cover the main applications of geothermal energy, including: electricity generation space and district heating space cooling greenhouse heating aquaculture industrial applications The final third of the book focuses upon environmental impact and economic, financial and legal considerations, providing a comprehensive review of these topics. Each chapter is written by a different author, but to a set style, beginning with aims and objectives and ending with references, self-assessment questions and answers. Case studies are included throughout. Whilst written primarily for professionals and students interested in learning more about geothermal energy, the book also offers those new to the field and the general geothermal community an opportunity to understand and review the potential of this exciting alternative energy source. Published with UNESCO

Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition (Energy and the Environment)

by William E. Glassley

An In-Depth Introduction to Geothermal EnergyAddressing significant changes in the energy markets since the first edition, Geothermal Energy: Renewable Energy and the Environment, Second Edition expounds on the geothermal industry, exploring the expansion, growth, and development of geothermal systems. This text covers every area of geothermal ener

Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground

by Marc A. Rosen Seama Koohi-Fayegh

Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground Marc A. Rosen and Seama Koohi-Fayegh, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada Comprehensively covers geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in conjunction with heat pumps to provide sustainable heating and cooling The book describes geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in conjunction with heat pumps and related technologies to provide heating and cooling. Also discussed are methods to model and assess such systems, as well as means to determine potential environmental impacts of geothermal energy systems and their thermal interaction. The book presents the most up-to-date information in the area. It provides material on a range of topics, from thermodynamic concepts to more advanced discussions of the renewability and sustainability of geothermal energy systems. Numerous applications of such systems are also provided. Geothermal Energy: Sustainable Heating and Cooling Using the Ground takes a research orientated approach to provide coverage of the state of the art and emerging trends, and includes numerous illustrative examples and case studies. Theory and analysis are emphasized throughout, with detailed descriptions of models available for vertical and horizontal geothermal heat exchangers. Key features: Explains geothermal energy systems that utilize ground energy in conjunction with heat pumps to provide heating and cooling, as well as related technologies such as thermal energy storage. Describes and discusses methods to model and analyze geothermal energy systems, and to determine their potential environmental impacts and thermal interactions. Covers various applications of geothermal energy systems. Takes a research orientated approach to provide coverage of the state of the art and emerging trends. Includes numerous illustrative examples and case studies. The book is key for researchers and practitioners working in geothermal energy, as well as graduate and advanced undergraduate students in departments of mechanical, civil, chemical, energy, environmental, process and industrial engineering.

Geothermal Energy

by Ingrid Stober Kurt Bucher

The internal heat of the planet Earth represents an inexhaustible reservoir of thermal energy. This form of energy, known as geothermal energy has been utilized throughout human history in the form of hot water from hot springs. Modern utilization of geothermal energy includes direct use of the heat and its conversion to other forms of energy, mainly electricity. Geothermal energy is a form of renewable energy and its use is associated with very little or no CO2-emissions and its importance as an energy source has greatly increased as the effects of climate change become more prominent. Because of its inexhaustibility it is obvious that utilization of geothermal energy will become a cornerstone of future energy supplies. The exploration of geothermal resources has become an important topic of study as geology and earth science students prepare to meet the demands of a rapidly growing industry, which involves an increasing number professionals and public institutions participating in geothermal energy related projects. This book meets the demands of both groups of readers, students and professionals. Geothermal Energy and its utilization is systematically presented and contains the necessary technical information needed for developing and understanding geothermal energy projects. It presents basic knowledge on the Earth's thermal regime and its geothermal energy resources, the types of geothermal energy used as well as its future potential and the perspectives of the industry. Specific chapters of the book deal with borehole heat exchangers and with the direct use of groundwater and thermal water in hydrogeothermal systems. A central topic are Enhanced Geothermal Systems (hot-dry-rock systems), a key technology for energy supply in the near future. Pre-drilling site investigations, drilling technology, well logging and hydraulic test programs are important subjects related to the exploration phase of developing Geothermal Energy sites. The chemical composition of the natural waters used as a heat transport medium in geothermal systems can be used as an exploration tool, but chemistry is also important during operation of a geothermal power plant because of potential scale formation and corrosion of pipes and installations, which needs to be prevented. Graduate students and professionals will find in depth information on Geothermal Energy, its exploration and utilization.

Geothermal Energy: From Theoretical Models to Exploration and Development

by Ingrid Stober Kurt Bucher

The internal heat of the planet Earth represents an inexhaustible reservoir of thermal energy known as Geothermal Energy. The 2nd edition of the book covers the geologic and technical aspects of developing all forms of currently available systems using this "renewable" green energy. The book presents the distribution and transport of thermal energy in the Earth. Geothermal Energy is a base load energy available at all times independent of climate and weather. The text treats the efficiency of diverse shallow near surface installations and deep geothermal systems including hydrothermal and petrothermal techniques and power plants in volcanic high-enthalpy fields. The book also discusses environmental aspects of utilizing different forms of geothermal energy, including induced seismicity, noise pollution and gas release to the atmosphere. Chapters on hydraulic well tests, chemistry of deep hot water, scale formation and corrosion, development of geothermal probes, well drilling techniques and geophysical exploration complete the text. This book, for the first time, covers the full range of utilization of Geothermal Energy.

Geothermal Energy: Utilization, Technology and Financing

by Kriti Yadav Anirbid Sircar Apurwa Yadav

This book focuses on the usage of geothermal energy in countries with low-enthalpy reservoirs. It begins with the fundamentals of geothermal energy and classification of geothermal resources and their importance, including enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). Further, it discusses the creation, production, potential assessment, perspective analysis, life cycle, and environmental assessments of EGS. It describes applications in the field of geothermal energy with relevant case studies and introduces the application of machine learning techniques in the field of geothermal sectors. Features: Focuses on the development of low- to moderate-enthalpy geothermal resources Introduces machine learning tools and artificial intelligence as applied to geothermal energy Provides an understanding of geothermal energy resources and EGS Discusses the possibility of EGS using spallation and laser drilling Includes stimulation methods (thermal, hydraulic, chemical, and explosive) and case studies This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in geology, clean energy, geothermal energy, and thermal engineering.

Geothermal Energy and Society (Lecture Notes in Energy #67)

by Adele Manzella Agnes Allansdottir Anna Pellizzone

This book addresses the societal aspects of harnessing geothermal resources for different uses, such as power production, heating and cooling. It introduces a theoretical framework for a social scientific approach to the field, and presents a preliminary collection of empirical case studies on geothermal energy and society from across the world. By providing a conceptual and methodological framework to the study of geothermal energy and societies, it brings together information and analyses in the field that to date have been sparse and fragmented.The contributors explore the diverse aspects of the relationship between the harnessing of geothermal resources and the societies and local communities in which these developments take place. After introducing geothermal technologies, renewable energy concepts as well as their social and policy context and the regulative and environmental aspects of geothermal energy, the book analyzes and discusses twelve global case studies, and compares the social engagement tools applied with those used in other sectors. Of interest to researchers from a range of disciplines who wish to explore the issues surrounding energy and society, it is also a valuable resource for geothermal experts and postgraduate students wish to study the field in greater detail.

Geothermal Engineering

by Arnold Watson

This book explains the engineering required to bring geothermal resources into use. The book covers specifically engineering aspects that are unique to geothermal engineering, such as measurements in wells and their interpretation, transport of near-boiling water through long pipelines, turbines driven by fluids other than steam, and project economics. The explanations are reinforced by drawing comparisons with other energy industries.

Geothermal Heat Pump and Heat Engine Systems: Theory And Practice

by Andrew D. Chiasson

Geothermal Heat Pump & Heat Engine Systems: Theory and Practice Andrew D. Chiasson, University of Dayton, USA A unique approach to the study of geothermal energy systems This book takes a unique, holistic approach to the interdisciplinary study of geothermal energy systems, combining low, medium, and high temperature applications into a logical order. The emphasis is on the concept that all geothermal projects contain common elements of a "thermal energy reservoir" that must be properly designed and managed. The book is organized into four sections that examine geothermal systems: energy utilization from resource and site characterization; energy harnessing; energy conversion (heat pumps, direct uses, and heat engines); and energy distribution and uses. Examples are provided to highlight fundamental concepts, in addition to more complex system design and simulation. Key features: * Companion website containing software tools for application of fundamental principles and solutions to real-world problems. * Balance of theory, fundamental principles, and practical application. * Interdisciplinary treatment of the subject matter. Geothermal Heat Pump & Heat Engine Systems: Theory and Practice is a unique textbook for Energy Engineering and Mechanical Engineering students as well as practicing engineers who are involved with low-enthalpy geothermal energy systems.

Geothermal Heat Pump Systems (Green Energy and Technology)

by David Borge-Diez Enrique Rosales-Asensio

This book presents an overview of geothermal heating systems using ground source heat pumps in different countries. It evaluates the emissions and energy costs generated by the operation of low enthalpy geothermal systems, with heat pumps fed by different energy sources, and assesses, from an international point of view, those policies whose aim is a sustainable, low-carbon economy.The use of low-impact energy sources is gradually growing with the aim of reducing greenhouse gases emission and air pollution. The alternatives offered by geothermal systems are one of the key solutions for a future renewable development, enabling the electrification of heating systems and the use of biofuels.The book will be of interest to energy professionals and researchers.

Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Guide for Planning and Installing (Planning and Installing)

by Karl Ochsner

Geothermal Heat Pumps is the most comprehensive guide to the selection, design and installation of geothermal heat pumps available. This leading manual presents the most recent information and market developments in order to put any installer, engineer or architect in the position to design, select and install a domestic geothermal heat pump system. Internationally respected expert Karl Ochsner presents the reasons to use heat pumps, introduces basic theory and reviews the wide variety of available heat pump models.

Geothermal Systems and Energy Resources: Turkey and Greece (Sustainable Energy Developments)

by Alper Baba Jochen Bundschuh D. Chandrasekaram

In the region comprising Turkey and Greece, people have been using water from geothermal sources for bathing and washing of clothes since ancient times. This region falls within the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt and hence is a locus of active volcanism and tectonism and experiences frequent seismic events. This volcanic and tectonic activity has g

Geothermal Water Management (Sustainable Water Developments - Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency and Reuse #6)

by Jochen Bundschuh Barbara Tomaszewska

Availability of and adequate accessibility to freshwater and energy are two key technological and scientific problems of global significance. At the end of the 20th century, the deficit of water for human consumption and economic application forced us to focus on rational use of resources. Increasing the use of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency is a challenge for the 21st century. Geothermal energy is heat energy generated and stored in the Earth, accumulated in hydrothermal systems or in dry rocks within the Earth’s crust, in amounts which constitute the energy resources. The sustainable management of geothermal energy resources should be geared towards optimization of energy recovery, but also towards rational management of water resources since geothermal water serves both as energy carrier and also as valuable raw material. Geothermal waters, depending on their hydrogeothermal characteristics, the lithology of the rocks involved, the depth at which the resources occur and the sources of water supply, may be characterized by very diverse physicochemical parameters. This factor largely determines the technology to be used in their exploitation and the way the geothermal water can be used. This book is focused on the effective use of geothermal water and renewable energy for future needs in order to promote modern, sustainable and effective management of water resources. The research field includes crucial new areas of study: • an improvement in the management of freshwater resources through the use of residual geothermal water; • a review of the technologies available in the field of geothermal water treatment for its (re)use for energetic purposes and freshwater production, and • the development of balneotherapy. The book is aimed at professionals, academics and decision makers worldwide, water sector representatives and administrators, business enterprises specializing in renewable energy management and water treatment, working in the areas of geothermal energy usage, water resources, water supply and energy planning. This book has the potential to become a standard text used by educational institutions and research & development establishments involved in the geothermal water management.

Geothermal, Wind and Solar Energy Applications in Agriculture and Aquaculture (Sustainable Energy Developments)

by Jochen Bundschuh Guangnan Chen D. Chandrasekharam Janusz Piechocki

The agri-food chain consumes about one third of the world’s energy production with about 12% of it for crop production and nearly 80% for processing, distribution, retail, preparation and cooking. The agri-food chain also accounts for 80-90% of total global freshwater use where 70% alone is for irrigation. Additionally, on a global scale, freshwater production consumes nearly 15% of the entire energy production. It can therefore be argued that making agriculture and the agri-food supply chain independent from fossil fuel use has a huge potential to contribute to global food security and climate protection not only for the next decades but also for the coming century. Provision of secure, accessible and environmentally sustainable supplies of water, energy and food must thus be a priority. One of the major objectives of the world’s scientists, farmers, decisions makers and industrialists is to overcome the present dependence on fossil fuels in the agro-food sector. <P><P>This dependency increases the volatility of food prices and affects economic access to sustenance. This book provides a critical review of recent developments in solar, wind and geothermal energy applications in agriculture and the agro-food sector such as processing, distribution, retail, preparation and cooking.


by Vincenzo Pasquale Massimo Verdoya Paolo Chiozzi

After a brief review of global tectonics and the structure of the crust and upper mantle, the basic relations of conductive heat transport and the rock thermal properties are introduced as well as the various methods for measuring thermal conductivity and heat generation due to the decay of radioactive elements. The authors analyze geothermal flow and the thermal state of the lithosphere and deep interior and discuss the fundamental problems related to the formation, upwelling mechanisms, solidification and cooling of magmas. The text presents analytical methods that allow us to gain information on heat and groundwater flow from the analyses of temperature-depth data. It also provides ample data and examples to facilitate understanding of the different topics. This book is useful to researchers and graduate students interested in pure and applied geothermics.


by Vincenzo Pasquale Massimo Verdoya Paolo Chiozzi

This book, now in its second edition, offers a comprehensive and modern treatment on the background knowledge of heat transfer processes in the lithosphere. In the light of the success of the first edition, several chapters of the book have been revised and the book has been enriched with a new chapter on geothermal methods used for the inference of past climate changes. The book starts with a brief review of global tectonics and of the structure of the crust and upper mantle. Then the theory of heat conduction as well as the thermal properties and the methods for the determination of thermal conductivity and radiogenic heat are introduced. Subsequently the geothermal flow and the thermal state of the lithosphere and deep interior are analyzed. The formation, upwelling mechanisms, solidification and cooling of magmas, which can be a fundamental heat source in many geothermal systems, are reviewed. Analytical methods used for gaining information on heat and groundwater flow from the analyses of temperature depth data are also covered. Data and practical examples are supplied to facilitate the understanding of the different topics. The book is intended for Earth science graduate students and researchers.


by Ingrid Stober Kurt Bucher

Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der Geothermie werden die wichtigsten thermischen und hydraulischen Parameter in ihrer Bedeutung behandelt. Das nunmehr bereits in der 3., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über alle derzeit verfügbaren Nutzungssysteme der oberflächennahen und tiefen Geothermie und betrachtet diese bezüglich ihrer Effizienz und potentieller Umweltauswirkungen. Neu aufgenommen in die 3. Auflage wurden geothermische Nutzungen in Hochenthalpie-Gebieten mit Beispielen aus Island, USA und Neuseeland. Im Detail besprochen werden Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Erdwärmesonden, von hydrothermalen Anlagen, von EGS-Systemen und von Hochenthalpie-Nutzungen. Spezielle Kapitel sind der Hydraulik, d.h. der Durchführung und Auswertung hydraulischer Tests, der Hydrochemie, d.h. dem Themenbereich Lösung und Fällung, den geophysikalischen Untersuchungsmethoden an der Erdoberfläche und im Bohrloch sowie dem Abteufen und Ausbau von Tiefbohrungen gewidmet. Mit diesem Buch wird erstmalig die Geothermie in ihrer vollen Breite abgedeckt.


by Ingrid Stober Kurt Bucher

Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der Geothermie werden die wichtigsten thermischen und hydraulischen Parameter in ihrer Bedeutung behandelt. Das nunmehr bereits in der 2., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegende Buch gibt einen Überblick über alle derzeit verfügbaren Nutzungssysteme der oberflächennahen und tiefen Geothermie und betrachtet diese bezüglich ihrer Effizienz und potentieller Umweltauswirkungen. Im Detail besprochen werden Planung, Bau und Betrieb von Erdwärmesonden, von hydrothermalen Anlagen und von EGS-Systemen. Spezielle Kapitel sind der Hydraulik, d.h. der Durchführung und Auswertung hydraulischer Tests, und der Hydrochemie, d.h. dem Themenbereich Lösung und Fällung, gewidmet. Mit diesem Buch wird erstmalig die Geothermie in ihrer vollen Breite abgedeckt.

GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information

by Jamie B. Kruse Joep Crompvoets Francoise Pearlman

Quantifying the social and economic value that geospatial information contributes to modern society is a complex task. To construct reliable and consistent valuation measures requires an understanding of the sequence of processes that starts with data acquisition, and leads to decision-makers’ choices that impact society. GEOValue explores each step in this complex value chain from the viewpoint of domain experts spanning disciplines that range from the technical side of data acquisition and management to the social sciences that provide the framework to assess the benefit to society. The book is intended to provide foundational understanding of the techniques and complexities of each step in the process. As such it is intended to be assessable to a reader without prior training in data acquisition systems, information systems, or valuation methods. In addition, a number of case studies are provided that demonstrate the use of geospatial information as a critical input for evaluation of policy pertaining to a wide range of application areas, such as agricultural and environmental policy, natural catastrophes, e-government and transportation systems.

Geraghty & Miller's Groundwater Bibliography, Fifth Edition

by Frits van der Leeden

This bibliography reflects the tremendous growth of interest in groundwater, which has occurred in recent years, dealing with a particular aspect of the field of hydrogeology. It will be helpful to those searching for information on management and protection of the groundwater resource.

Geriatric Nutrition

by John E. Morley David R. Thomas

In a vicious cycle, poor nutritional health leads to acute and chronic disease, and disease states are catastrophic to nutritional health. The magnitude of nutritional depletion from any cause depends to a large extent on the nutritional reserves an individual has accumulated over time. In our increasingly older population, nutritional reserves are

Geriatric Rehabilitation: From Bedside to Curbside (Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series)

by K. Rao Poduri

Geriatric Rehabilitation addresses the fact that this is an age in which individuals have increasing longevity, better health care, education and expectations of health care which present new, increasing and even radical challenges to health care providers. The care of our older patients in rehabilitation settings demands the broad understanding of the key differences in strategies to care for older adults. The combined skills embraced in rehabilitation and geriatrics are presenting unprecedented opportunities for both fields to make substantive and even ground-breaking improvements in the lives of millions of older adults who entrust their lives to us. Rarely in one’s medical career are such opportunities so evident and achievable. Geriatric Rehabilitation edited by Dr. K. Rao Poduri, MD. FAAPMR draws on a distinguished group of authors who are the front-line providers of care to the older adults. This book presents the full spectrum of the unique care needs of older patients who need the combined skills of physical medicine and geriatrics. It provides an easily accessible means of acquiring and improving these new skills for all those involved in geriatric care.

Germ Hunter: A Story about Louis Pasteur

by Elaine Marie Alphin

Growing up in the 1830s, Louis Pasteur saw the horrifying effects of diseases like rabies and tuberculosis. Filled with curiosity and imagination, Pasteur began a lifelong search for answers to his many questions about diseases. Although many scientists disagreed with his unusual ideas, his discoveries made him famous. Through his dedication and insight, Pasteur saved millions of lives and laid the groundwork for future medical advancements.

German Rocketeers in the Heart of Dixie

by Dr Monique Laney

This thought-provoking study by historian Monique Laney focuses on the U. S. government-assisted integration of German rocket specialists and their families into a small southern community soon after World War II. In 1950, Wernher von Braun and his team of rocket experts relocated to Huntsville, Alabama, a town that would celebrate the team, despite their essential role in the recent Nazi war effort, for their contributions to the U. S. Army missile program and later to NASA's space program. Based on oral histories, provided by members of the African American and Jewish communities, and by the rocketeers' families, co-workers, friends, and neighbors, Laney's book demonstrates how the histories of German Nazism and Jim Crow in the American South intertwine in narratives about the past. This is a critical reassessment of a singular time that links the Cold War, the Space Race, and the Civil Rights era while addressing important issues of transnational science and technology, and asking Americans to consider their country's own history of racism when reflecting on the Nazi past.

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