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The GETMe Mesh Smoothing Framework: A Geometric Way to Quality Finite Element Meshes
by Dimitris Vartziotis Joachim WipperHigh quality meshes play a key role in many applications based on digital modeling and simulation. The finite element method is a paragon for such an approach and it is well known that quality meshes can significantly improve computational efficiency and solution accuracy of this method. Therefore, a lot of effort has been put in methods for improving mesh quality. These range from simple geometric approaches, like Laplacian smoothing, with a high computational efficiency but possible low resulting mesh quality, to global optimization-based methods, resulting in an excellent mesh quality at the cost of an increased computational and implementational complexity. <P><P>The geometric element transformation method (GETMe) aims to fill the gap between these two approaches. It is based on geometric mesh element transformations, which iteratively transform polygonal and polyhedral elements into their regular counterparts or into elements with a prescribed shape. GETMe combines a Laplacian smoothing-like computational efficiency with a global optimization-like effectiveness. The method is straightforward to implement and its variants can also be used to improve tangled and anisotropic meshes. <P><P>This book describes the mathematical theory of geometric element transformations as foundation for mesh smoothing. It gives a thorough introduction to GETMe-based mesh smoothing and its algorithms providing a framework to focus on effectively improving key mesh quality aspects. It addresses the improvement of planar, surface, volumetric, mixed, isotropic, and anisotropic meshes and addresses aspects of combining mesh smoothing with topological mesh modification. <P><P>The advantages of GETMe-based mesh smoothing are demonstrated by the example of various numerical tests. These include smoothing of real world meshes from engineering applications as well as smoothing of synthetic meshes for demonstrating key aspects of GETMe-based mesh improvement. Results are compared with those of other smoothing methods in terms of runtime behavior, mesh quality, and resulting finite element solution efficiency and accuracy. <P><P>Features: <li>Helps to improve finite element mesh quality by applying geometry-driven mesh smoothing approaches. <li>Supports the reader in understanding and implementing GETMe-based mesh smoothing. <li>Discusses aspects and properties of GETMe smoothing variants and thus provides guidance for choosing the appropriate mesh improvement algorithm. <li>Addresses smoothing of various mesh types: planar, surface, volumetric, isotropic, anisotropic, non-mixed, and mixed. <li>Provides and analyzes geometric element transformations for polygonal and polyhedral elements with regular and non-regular limits. <li>Includes a broad range of numerical examples and compares results with those of other smoothing methods.
Getriebekonzepte für Fahrzeuge: Übertragungskonzepte für Fahrzeugantriebe – heute und zukünftig (erfolgreich studieren)
by Werner KlementAuf Grundlage von Konzeptfahrzeugen werden die spezifischen Anforderungen an Getriebe je nach Antriebskonzept erarbeitet und die technischen Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Dabei werden zunächst grundlegende Aspekte wie der Leistungsfluss abgeleitet und anhand praktischer Beispiele verdeutlicht. Es werden Lösungen sowohl für Verbrennungsmotoren in PKW als auch für LKW beschrieben. Im Bereich der Ackerschlepper spielen stufenlose Getriebekonzepte eine bedeutende Rolle. Bei alternativen Fahrzeugantrieben werden die Möglichkeiten von Hybridlösungen sowie die Notwendigkeit einer geeigneten Übersetzung für elektrische Antriebe behandelt. Der Fokus liegt dabei stets auf der Fahrzeuganwendung und den daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an die Übertragungskomponenten bei gegebener Energiequelle. Getriebe sind keine eigenständigen Produkte, sondern fungieren als „Übersetzer“, die passgenau die Anforderungen des jeweiligen Fahrzeugs erfüllen müssen. Oft ergibt sich daraus eine ganzheitliche Lösung, die in Bezug auf Performance und Wirkungsgrad Standardanwendungen überlegen ist. Zahlreiche Beispiele verdeutlichen diese Symbiose und die damit einhergehende Verbesserung der Gesamtsysteme.
Getting Design Right: A Systems Approach
by Peter L. JacksonFilling a new need in engineering education, Getting Design Right: A Systems Approach integrates aspects from both design and systems engineering to provide a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and best practices in these areas. Through examples, it encourages students to create an initial product design and project plan.Classroom-te
Getting Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice
by International Monetary FundA report from the International Monetary Fund.
Getting Laid
by Barb WebbSustainable living boasts no boundaries. You don’t need massive amounts of acreage or even a fenced-in backyard. We may not be 100 percent sustainable in our lifestyle, but we can become better in-tune with our environment and conscientious of our actions. Like all aspects of life, it’s about balance, finding ways to live a greener, cleaner life within the parameters of your current lifestyle. Top blogger for country living, Rural Mom, shows us the (actually very easy) way to live a sustainable lifestyle without making ourselves crazy in the process. Why does even Jennifer Aniston raise chickens in the Hollywood Hills? Easy answer, it is extremely cool to raise you own hens. Eat the organic eggs and lie back on feather beds from your own brood. And what about you? Author Barb Webb believes there's a farm girl in all of us and she helps you find yours! What initially drew you to the idea of raising chickens, organic gardening and incorporating more sustainable living practices into your lifestyle? Are you interested in saving money, eating a more healthy diet, being on trend, going more "green,” or saving the planet one plant at a time? Whatever the reason, the good new is all of the above motivators are real, tangible end-results of sustainable living. SUSTAINABLE LIVING IS. . . a) reducing your carbon footprint b) eating organic and "living off the land” c) living in harmony with the earth d) using resources efficiently and investing in renewable resources e) creating a better future for the next generation f) protecting and nurturing our natural resources g) eliminating waste and recycling h) actively pursuing a balanced and simplistic lifestyle i) spending money and resources in a frugal way j) our economy, social structure and natural environment working in agreement for the betterment of the world Sustainable living has many definitions and interpretations that have developed over time. In its basic definition, the Merriam Webster Dictionary defines sustainable as "able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed,” and living as "full of life or vigor. ” In a nutshell - as sustainable living agents, we are ultimately defenders, maintainers and supporter of life! Our mission is of the utmost importance to ourselves, our environment and our future generations. Our mission is also easy. In fact, it takes less than five minutes to incorporate one sustainable living practice into your life right now but the effect of your action may have an ever-lasting positive impact for the world.
Getting Rid of Cybersickness: In Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Simulators
by Andras Kemeny Jean-Rémy Chardonnet Florent ColombetThis book provides a concise overview of VR systems and their cybersickness effects, giving a description of possible reasons and existing solutions to reduce or avoid them. Moreover, the book explores the impact that understanding how efficiently our brains are producing a coherent and rich representation of the perceived outside world would have on helping VR technics to be more efficient and friendly to use.Getting Rid of Cybersickness will help readers to understand the underlying technics and social stakes involved, from engineering design to autonomous vehicle motion sickness to video games, with the hope of providing an insight of VR sickness induced by the emerging immersive technologies. This book will therefore be of interest to academics, researchers and designers within the field of VR, as well as industrial users of VR and driving simulators.
Getting Rid of Graffiti: A practical guide to graffiti removal and anti-graffiti protection
by Maurice J. WhitfordThis book provides, for the first time, clear, authoritative guidance on removing graffiti and protecting surfaces from further attack.
Getting Science: The Teacher's Guide to Exciting and Painless Primary School Science
by Brian CleggScience is rightly a fundamental part of primary school education, but that doesn’t make it easy to teach - especially for teachers without a science background. This straight talking book from an experienced science writer and communicator looks at how to make the most of it and give primary school children a good grounding in the topic. Getting Science sets out to engage the sense of wonder. The science in this book is not for the children, but for the adults who have to explain it. Starting with a whirlwind tour of the great milestones of modern science, Getting Science goes on to take each of the main curriculum topics and give it a new twist. It provides the information needed to understand the key topics better and be able to put them across with enthusiasm and energy. This book will help teachers to get children excited by science, to understand science rather than just answer questions. Getting Science makes science fun, approachable and comprehensible to those who just don’t get it.
Getting Started in Quantum Optics (Undergraduate Texts in Physics)
by Ray LaPierreThis book, based on classroom-tested lecture notes, provides a self-contained one semester undergraduate course on quantum optics, accessible to students (and other readers) who have completed an introductory quantum mechanics course and are familiar with Dirac notation and the concept of entanglement. The book covers canonical quantization, the harmonic oscillator, vacuum fluctuations, Fock states, the single photon state, quantum optical treatment of the beam splitter and the interferometer, multimode quantized light, and coherent and incoherent states. Metrology is a particular area of emphasis, with the book culminating in a treatment of squeezed light and its use in the laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory (LIGO). The Heisenberg limit is described, along with NOON states and their application in super-sensitivity, super-resolution and quantum lithography. Applications of entanglement and coincidence measurements are described including ghost imaging, quantum illumination, absolute photodetector calibration, and interaction-free measurement. With quantum optics playing a central role in the so-called “second quantum revolution,” this book, equipped with plenty of exercises and worked examples, will leave students well prepared to enter graduate study or industry.
Getting Started with 3D Carving: Five Step-by-Step Projects to Launch You on Your Maker Journey
by Zach Kaplan3D printing has been the hot topic in the maker world for years now, but there's another type of desktop manufacturing that's become the go-to choice for anyone who needs durable results fast. Instead of slowly depositing layers of plastic, a 3D carver starts with a solid block of material and carves it away using a rotating metal bit. It's faster than 3D printing, offers a wider choice of materials, and creates durable, permanent parts that look great. This book covers the basics of designing and making things with a 3D carver, and gives you several projects you can build yourself including a guitar, clock, earrings, and even a skateboard.
Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution
by Liza Wallach Kloski Nick KloskiMake: Getting Started with 3D Printing is a practical, informative, and inspiring book that guides readers step-by-step through understanding how this new technology will empower them to take full advantage of all it has to offer. The book includes fundamental topics such as a short history of 3D printing, the best hardware and software choices for consumers, hands-on tutorial exercises the reader can practice for free at home, and how to apply 3D printing in the readers' life and profession. For every maker or would-be maker who is interested, or is confused, or who wants to get started in 3D printing today, this book offers methodical information that can be read, digested, and put into practice immediately!
Getting Started with 3D Printing
by Liza Wallach Kloski Nick KloskiThe book is written in a casual, conversational style. It is easily accessible to those who have no prior knowledge in 3D printing, yet the book's message is solidly practical, technically accurate, and consumer-relevant. The chapters include contemporary, real-life learning exercises and insights for how to buy, use and maintain 3D printers. It also covers free 3D modeling software, as well as 3D printing services for those who don't want to immediately invest in the purchase of a 3D printer. Particular focus is placed on free and paid resources, the various choices available in 3D printing, and tutorials and troubleshooting guides.
Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express: The Multipurpose Learning and Development Board with Built-In LEDs, Sensors, and Accelerometer
by Anne BarelaFrom Adafruit Industries, a leader in products to Makers, designers, students young and old, comes the Circuit Playground Express. Connect it to your PC, Mac or Linux computer, and you can be programming interactive projects in minutes. You have a choice of programming environments to choose from: Python, the Microsoft MakeCode graphical building block environment, C/C++ via the Arduino development environment and JavaScript. Whether you are learning interactive programming, have an Internet of Things project in mind, or are looking to design on-the-go wearable electronics, the versatile Circuit Playground Express is the device to start with. In Getting Started with the Adafruit Circuit Playground Express, you'll learn how to:Get up and running quickly with programmable boardsUnderstand the basics of coding in multiple programming languagesUse the built-in sensors for a variety of projectsMake colorful interactive displaysDesign programs for the Internet of Things (IoT)
Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA: Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics Platform
by Becky Stern Tyler CooperThis book introduces readers to building wearable electronics projects using Adafruit's tiny FLORA board: at 4.4 grams, and only 1.75 inches in diameter, and featuring Arduino compatibility, it's the most beginner-friendly way to create wearable projects. This book shows you how to plan your wearable circuits, sew with electronics, and write programs that run on the FLORA to control the electronics. The FLORA family includes an assortment of sensors, as well as RGB LEDs that let you add lighting to your wearable projects.
Getting Started with Adafruit Trinket: 15 Projects with the Low-Cost AVR ATtiny85 Board
by Mike BarelaArduino's ubiquity and simplicity has led to a gigantic surge in the use of microcontrollers to build programmable electronics project. Despite the low cost of Arduino, you're still committing about $30 worth of hardware every time you build a project that has an Arduino inside. This is where Adafruit's Trinket comes in. Arduino-compatible, one-third the price, and low-power, the Trinket lets you make inexpensive and powerful programmable electronic projects. Written by one of the authors of Adafruit's Trinket documentation, Getting Started with Trinket gets you up and running quickly with this board, and gives you some great projects to inspire your own creations.
Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform (Make: Projects)
by Massimo BanziThis valuable little book offers a thorough introduction to the open-source electronics prototyping platform that's taking the design and hobbyist world by storm. Getting Started with Arduino gives you lots of ideas for Arduino projects and helps you get going on them right away. From getting organized to putting the final touches on your prototype, all the information you need is right in the book. Inside, you'll learn about:Interaction design and physical computingThe Arduino hardware and software development environmentBasics of electricity and electronicsPrototyping on a solderless breadboardDrawing a schematic diagramAnd more. With inexpensive hardware and open-source software components that you can download free, getting started with Arduino is a snap. To use the introductory examples in this book, all you need is a USB Arduino, USB A-B cable, and an LED.Join the tens of thousands of hobbyists who have discovered this incredible (and educational) platform. Written by the co-founder of the Arduino project, with illustrations by Elisa Canducci, Getting Started with Arduino gets you in on the fun! This 128-page book is a greatly expanded follow-up to the author's original short PDF that's available on the Arduino website.
Getting Started With Arduino: The Open Source Electronics Prototyping Platform
by Massimo Banzi Michael ShilohArduino is the open source electronics prototyping platform that has taken the Maker Movement by storm. This thorough introduction, updated for the latest Arduino release, helps you start prototyping right away. From obtaining the required components to putting the final touches on your project, all the information you need is here!Getting started with Arduino is a snap. To use the introductory examples in this guide, all you need is an Arduino Uno or Leonardo, along with a USB cable and an LED. The easy-to-use, free Arduino development environment runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux.In Getting Started with Arduino, you'll learn about:Interaction design and physical computingThe Arduino board and its software environmentBasics of electricity and electronicsPrototyping on a solderless breadboardDrawing a schematic diagramTalking to a computer--and the cloud--from ArduinoBuilding a custom plant-watering system
Getting Started with BeagleBone: Linux-Powered Electronic Projects With Python and JavaScript
by Matt RichardsonMany people think of Linux as a computer operating system, running on users' desktops and powering servers. But Linux can also be found inside many consumer electronics devices. Whether they're the brains of a cell phone, cable box, or exercise bike, embedded Linux systems blur the distinction between computer and device. Many makers love microcontroller platforms such as Arduino, but as the complexity increases in their projects, they need more power for applications, such as computer vision. The BeagleBone is an embedded Linux board for makers. It's got built-in networking, many inputs and outputs, and a fast processor to handle demanding tasks. This book introduces you to both the original BeagleBone and the new BeagleBone Black and gets you started with projects that take advantage of the board's processing power and its ability to interface with the outside world.
Getting Started with CNC: Personal Digital Fabrication with Shapeoko and Other Computer-Controlled Routers
by Edward FordGetting Started with CNC is the definitive introduction to working with affordable desktop and benchtop CNCs, written by the creator of the popular open hardware CNC, the Shapeoko. Accessible 3D printing introduced the masses to computer-controlled additive fabrication. But the flip side of that is subtractive fabrication: instead of adding material to create a shape like a 3D printer does, a CNC starts with a solid piece of material and takes away from it. Although inexpensive 3D printers can make great things with plastic, a CNC can carve highly durable pieces out of a block of aluminum, wood, and other materials. This book covers the fundamentals of designing for--and working with--affordable ($500-$3000) CNCs.
Getting Started with Drones: Build and Customize Your Own Quadcopter
by Terry Kilby Belinda KilbyWant to make something that can fly? How about a flying robot? In this book, you'll learn how drones work, how to solve some of the engineering challenges a drone presents, and how to build your own--an autonomous quadcopter that you can build, customize, and fly. Your drone will be your eyes in the sky and in places where a human could never get to-much less fit!
Getting Started with Electronic Projects
by Bill PrettyThis book is aimed at hobbyists with basic knowledge of electronics circuits. Whether you are a novice electronics project builder, a ham radio enthusiast, or a BeagleBone tinkerer, you will love this book.
Getting Started with FPGAs: Digital Circuit Design, Verilog, and VHDL for Beginners
by null Russell MerrickSkip the complexity and learn to program FPGAs the easy way through this hands-on, beginner-friendly introduction to digital circuit design with Verilog and VHDL.Whether you have been toying with field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for years or are completely new to these reprogrammable devices, this book will teach you to think like an FPGA engineer and develop reliable designs with confidence.Through detailed code examples, patient explanations, and hands-on projects, Getting Started with FPGAs will actually get you started. Russell Merrick, creator of the popular blog Nandland.com, will guide you through the basics of digital logic, look-up tables, and flip-flops, as well as high-level concepts like state machines. You&’ll explore the fundamentals of the FPGA build process including simulation, synthesis, and place and route.You&’ll learn about key FPGA primitives, such as DSP blocks and PLLs, and examine how FPGAs handle math operations and I/O.Code examples are provided in both Verilog and VHDL, making the book a valuable resource no matter your language of choice. You&’ll discover how to:Implement common design building blocks like multiplexers, LFSRs, and FIFOsCross between clock domains without triggering metastable conditions or timing errorsAvoid common pitfalls when performing mathTransmit and receive data at lightning speeds using SerDesWrite testbench code to verify your designs are workingWith this accessible, hands-on guide, you&’ll be creating your own functional FPGA projects in no time. Getting started with FPGAs has never been easier.
Getting Started with Intel Edison: Sensors, Actuators, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi on the Tiny Atom-Powered Linux Module
by Stephanie MoyermanThe Intel Edison is a crowning achievement of Intel's adaptation of its technology into maker-friendly products. They've packed the dual-core power of the Atom CPU, combined it with a sideboard microcontroller brain, and added in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, and a generous amount of RAM (1GB) and flash storage (4GB). This book, written by Stephanie Moyerman, a research scientist with Intel's Smart Device Innovation Team, teaches you everything you need to know to get started making things with Edison, the compact and powerful Internet of Things platform. Projects and tutorials include: Controlling devices over BluetoothUsing Python and Arduino programming environments on EdisonTracking objects with a webcam and OpenCVResponding to voice commands and talking backUsing and configuring Linux on Edison
Getting Started with Intel Galileo: Electronic Projects with the Quark-Powered Arduino-Compatible Board
by Matt RichardsonGetting Started with the Intel Galileo gets you up and running with this new, x86-powered board that was developed in collaboration between Arduino and Intel. You'll learn how to set it up, connect it to your computer, and begin programming. You'll learn how to build electronics projects around the Galileo, and you'll explore the features and power that make it different from all the boards that came before.Developed in collaboration with the Intel Galileo team, and in consultation with members of the Arduino team, this is the definitive introduction to Intel's new board for makers.
Getting Started with LEGO® MINDSTORMS: Learn the Basics of Building and Programming Robots
by Barbara Bratzel Rob TorokA hands-on, beginner-friendly guide to building and programming robots with LEGO® MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor and LEGO® SPIKE Prime.You&’re the new owner of a LEGO® MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor or SPIKE Prime kit. Now what? This full-color, illustrated instructional guide teaches you the basics of robotics engineering, using examples relevant to both LEGO® sets. You&’ll be making remote-control vehicles, motorized grabbers, automatic ball launchers, and other exciting robots in no time!Rather than feature step-by-step instructions for building a handful of models, you&’ll find essential information and expert tips and tricks for designing, building, and programming your own robotic creations. The book features a comprehensive introduction to coding with Word Blocks, an intuitive visual programming language based on Scratch, and explores topics such as using motors and sensors, building sturdy structures, and troubleshooting problems when things go wrong. As you learn, loads of challenges and open-ended projects will inspire you to try out ideas. Your journey to becoming a confident robot designer begins here.