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GIS, Applied Computing and Data Science for Water Management: Selected Papers of the 4th International Conference GIRE3D Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)
by Noamen Rebai Aniss Moumen Mohamed El BouhaddiouiThis book contains a selection of the best articles presented at the 4th International Conference GIRE3D - Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones, November 23th-25th , Help at Laayoune - Morocco, co-organized by Moroccan Committee of the International Hydraulics Association (CM-AIH) and Hydraulic basin agency of Sakia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab (ABHSHOD). It discusses the role of computational and geospatial technologies for water resources sustainable management and is intended primarily for professional, researchers, teachers and postgraduate students in fields that can benefit from geoinformation—both within and outside the areas of geographic information science, modelling and optimization.
GIS Automated Delineation of Hospital Service Areas
by Fahui Wang Changzhen WangHospital service areas (HSAs) and hospital referral regions (HRRs) are considered more appropriate units than geopolitical units for analyzing the performance of health care markets and policy implementation. GIS Automated Delineation of Hospital Service Areas represents the state-of-the-art approach in delineating HSAs and HRRs by using GIS-automated processes. It provides the best practices for defining such areas scientifically, in a geographically accurate manner, and without a steep learning curve. This book is intended to mainly serve professionals in geography, urban and regional planning, public health, and related fields. It is also useful for scholars in the above fields who have research interests related to GIS and spatial analysis applications in health care. It can be used as a supplemental text for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in courses related to GIS and public health. Features: Introduces innovative state-of-the-art methods for delineation of HSAs (Dartmouth method, Huff model, network community detection methods) Provides best practices and one-stop solution for related data processing tasks (e.g., distance and travel time estimation, identifying the best-fitting distance decay function) Automates the methods in ArcGIS Pro toolkits Includes free ready-to-download GIS tools and sample data available on authors’ website Presents a methodology that is applicable to delineation of other service areas, catchment areas or functional regions for business analysis, planning, and public policy studies
GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series
by Eric Hardin Helena Mitasova Laura Tateosian Margery OvertonThis SpringerBrief presents the principles, methods, and workflows for processing and analyzing coastal LiDAR data time-series. Robust methods for computing high resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) are introduced as well as raster-based metrics for assessment of topographic change. An innovative approach to feature extraction and measurement of feature migration is followed by methods for estimating volume change and sand redistribution mapping. Simple methods for potential storm impacts and inundation pattern analysis are also covered, along with visualization techniques to support analysis of coastal terrain feature and surface dynamics. Hands-on examples in GRASS GIS and python scripts are provided for each type of analysis and visualization using public LiDAR data time-series. GIS-based Analysis of Coastal Lidar Time-Series is ideal for professors and researchers in GIS and earth sciences. Advanced-level students interested in computer applications and engineering will also find this brief a valuable resource.
GIS-Based Simulation and Analysis of Intra-Urban Commuting
by Yujie Hu Fahui WangCommuting, the daily link between residences and workplaces, sets up the complex interaction between the two most important land uses (residential and employment) in a city, and dictates the configuration of urban structure. In addition to prolonged time and stress for individual commuters on traffic, commuting comes with additional societal costs including elevated crash risks, worsening air quality, and louder traffic noise, etc. These issues are important to city planners, policy researchers, and decision makers. GIS-Based Simulation and Analysis of Intra-Urban Commuting, presents GIS-based simulation, optimization and statistical approaches to measure, map, analyze, and explain commuting patterns including commuting length and efficiency. Several GIS-automated easy-to-use tools will be available, along with sample data, for readers to download and apply to their own studies. This book recognizes that reporting errors from survey data and use of aggregated zonal data are two sources of bias in estimation of wasteful commuting, it studies the temporal trend of intraurban commuting pattern based on the most recent period newly-available 2006-2010, and it focuses on commuting, and especially wasteful commuting within US cities. It includes ready-to-download GIS-based simulation tools and sample data, and an explanation of optimization and statistical techniques of how to measure commuting, as well as presenting a methodology that can be applicable to other studies. This book is an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in geography, urban planning, public policy, transportation engineering, and other related disciplines.
GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences
by Atsuyuki OkabeStudies in the humanities and the social sciences can be enhanced through the use of geographic information systems (GIS). However, this computer-aided method of analysis is worthless unless researchers can devote the time necessary to learn what it is, what it can do, and how to use it.Resulting from a six-year project entitled Spatial Inf
GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design, Third Edition
by Gretchen N. PetersonSince the publication of the bestselling second edition 5 years ago, vast and new globally-relevant geographic datasets have become available to cartography practitioners, and with this has come the need for new ways to visualize them in maps as well as new challenges in ethically disseminating the visualizations. With new features and significant updates that address these changes, this edition remains faithful to the original vision that cartography instruction should be software agnostic. Discussing map design theory and technique rather than map design tools, this book focuses on digital cartography and its best practices. This third edition has completely new sections on how to deal with maps that go viral and the ethics therein; new presentation ideas; new features such as amenities, climate data, and hazards; the new Equal Earth projection; and vector tile design considerations. All chapters are thoroughly updated with new illustrations and new sections for datasets that didn’t exist when the second edition was published, as well as new techniques and trends in cartography. New in the third edition: A true textbook, written with a friendly style and excellent examples explaining everything from layout design to fonts and colors, to specific design considerations for individual feature types, to static and dynamic cartography issues. Thoroughly updated with new features such as points of interest, climate data, hazards, and buildings; new projections such as the Equal Earth projection and the Spilhaus projection; and vector tile design considerations such as label placement techniques and tricks for making world-class basemaps. Includes over 70 new map examples that display the latest techniques in cartography. Reflects on new developments in color palettes; visualization patterns; datums; and non-static output media such as animation, interaction, and large-format cinematic techniques that weren’t available for the second edition. Defines and illustrates new terms that have made their way into the profession over the last few years such as story maps, flow maps, Dorling cartograms, spec sheets, bivariate choropleths, firefly cartography, Tanaka contours, and value-by-alpha. In this third edition, author Gretchen Peterson takes a "don’t let the technology get in the way" approach to the presentation, focusing on the elements of good design, what makes a good map, and how to get there, rather than specific software tools. She provides a reference that you can thumb through time and again as you create your maps. Copiously illustrated, the third edition explores novel concepts that kick-start your pursuit of map-making excellence. The book doesn’t just teach you how to design and create good maps, it teaches you how to design and create superior maps.
GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design
by null Gretchen N. PetersonThe new edition of this well-established introductory cartography textbook is updated to respond to the demand for critical engagement with new technologies, the passion for inclusive design, and for preparing students to build competence in fundamental skills. Written in a friendly style, it is enjoyable to read and includes over 200 figures and maps, explaining everything from layout design to dynamic cartography issues. A new chapter discusses the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cartography, and a significant expansion to 3D cartography has been incorporated into existing chapters. A new chapter on accessibility provides a thorough understanding of universal design. Additional updates include placements and best practices for digital map elements, global labeling techniques including language support, hybrid map styling, multiscale map testing, and information on 4D mapping.New in the Fourth Edition: Exploration of geospatial AI and generative AI in cartography and how they can already make an impact on workflows. New material on vision, motor, and cognitive accessibility techniques in map design. Expanded discussion on 3D cartography. All chapters are updated with new data and important new developments in cartography, including the importance of accessible design to ensure inclusivity for all users. Updated study questions and exercises to enhance student engagement and comprehension. New discussions of techniques such as aquarium cutaways, integrated north arrows, joy plots, hybrid satellite maps, crafted hachuring, as well as updated information on resolution and file types. This book is written as a go-to guide for learning the art and science of mapmaking. It is for undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in GIS and cartography and studying fields such as geography, geophysics, environmental engineering, urban planning, and so on. It is also a valuable resource for professionals interested in learning techniques and technologies for creating maps and visualizing geospatial datasets.
GIS Diffusion: The Adoption And Use Of Geographical Information Systems In Local Government in Europe
by Ian Masser; Heather Campbell; Massimo CragliaThis third book in the GISDATA series focuses on the widespread use of geographical information systems GIS in European local government. The editors include a wide range of applications carried out by different professional groups, and offer the opportunity of studying the extent to which diffusion of innovations like GIS are sensitive to national issues such as cultural context, institutional setup and the availability of data.; The book answers key questions such as: what can be learnt from research on organizational behaviour in relation to technological innovation?; what are the classical features of the GIS diffusion process?; to what extent is the adoption and utilization of GIS facilitated - or impeded - by the organizational culture within which it takes place?; and what mechanisms can be applied to enhance the diffusion of GIS? The book covers aspects of diffusion in the following European countries: UK, France, Italy, Poland, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Portugal.
GIS, Environmental Modeling and Engineering
by null Allan BrimicombeSpatial dimensions need to be properly captured if modeling and engineering techniques are to be successfully applied in addressing environmental problems. The links between the geographical information systems (GIS) that capture this data, simulation modeling, and engineering offer tremendous possibilities for building versatile support systems fo
GIS Environmental Modelling and Engineering
by Allan BrimicombeThe significance of modeling in managing the environment is well recognized from scientific and engineering perspectives as well as in the political arena. Environmental concerns and issues of sustainability have permeated both public and private sectors, particularly the need to predict, assess and mitigate against adverse impacts that arise from
GIS for Coastal Zone Management
by Darius Bartlett Jennifer SmithIncreasingly used to analyze and manage marine and coastal zones, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) provide a powerful set of tools for integrating and processing spatial information. These technologies are increasingly used in the management and analysis of the coastal zone. Supplying the guidance necessary to use these tools, GIS for Coastal
GIS for Critical Infrastructure Protection
by Robert F. Austin David P. DiSera Talbot J. BrooksGIS for Critical Infrastructure Protection highlights the GIS-based technologies that can be used to support critical infrastructure protection and emergency management. The book bridges the gap between theory and practice using real-world applications, real-world case studies, and the authors' real-world experience. Geared toward infrastructure ow
GIS for Environmental Decision-Making (Innovations in GIS)
by Andrew Lovett Katy AppletonEnvironmental applications have long been a core use of GIS. However, the effectiveness of GIS-based methods depends on the decision-making frameworks and contexts within which they are employed. GIS for Environmental Decision-Making takes an interdisciplinary look at the capacities of GIS to integrate, analyze, and display data on which decisions
GIS for Group Decision Making: Towards A Participatory, Geographic Information Science
by Piotr Jankowski Timothy NyergesIn today's society, it is very common for decisions that influence us all to be made by a combination of interested parties, all with their own agenda. In this instance, how can we be sure that the decision is the correct one, not just decided by the group with the most political influence or most money? Such groups have now become fundamental deci
GIS for Sustainable Development
by Michele CampagnaGIS for Sustainable Development examines how GIS applications can improve collaboration in decision making among those involved in promoting sustainable development. This volume reviews leading GIScience, providing an overview of research topics and applications that enable GIS newcomers and professionals to apply GIScience methods to susta
GIS for Water Resource and Watershed Management
by John G. LyonThe use of GIS, and its application for solving environmental problems is growing rapidly. This powerful set of tools can be used to great effect in hydrological modeling, environment and habitat assessments, ecosystem studies, monitoring of wetlands and forested watersheds, urban studies, agricultural impact assessment and much more. GIS for Water
GIS Fundamentals
by Stephen WiseWith GIS technology increasingly available to a wider audience on devices from apps on smartphones to satnavs in cars, many people routinely use spatial data in a way which used to be the preserve of GIS specialists. However spatial data is stored and analyzed on a computer still tends to be described in academic texts and articles which require specialist knowledge or some training in computer science. Developed to introduce computer science literature to geography students, GIS Fundamentals, Second Edition provides an accessible examination of the underlying principles for anyone with no formal training in computer science. See What’s New in the Second Edition: Coverage of the use of spatial data on the Internet Chapters on databases and on searching large databases for spatial queries Improved coverage on route-finding Improved coverage of heuristic approaches to solving real-world spatial problems International standards for spatial data The book begins with a brief but detailed introduction to how computers work and how they are programmed, giving anyone with no previous computer science background a foundation to understand the remainder of the book. As with all parts of the book there are also suggestions for further sources of reading. The book then describes the ways in which vector and raster data can be stored and how algorithms are designed to perform fundamental operations such as detecting where lines intersect. From these simple beginnings the book moves into the more complex structures used for handling surfaces and networks and contains a detailed account of what it takes to determine the shortest route between two places on a network. The final sections of the book review problems, such as the "Travelling Salesman" problem, which are so complex that it is not known whether an optimum solution exists. Using clear, concise language, but without sacrificing technical rigour, the book gives readers an understanding of what it takes to produce systems which allow them to find out where to make their next purchase and how to drive to the right place to collect it.
GIS in Environmental Engineering: Core Concepts for Sustainable Development (Synthesis Lectures on Sustainable Development)
by Shaheemath Suhara K. K. A. K. HaghiThe book covers applications of Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing in the fields of hydrology, water resource management, land use, rainfall variability, and groundwater mapping, to help professionals in the field identify change in patterns and guide them in making decisions that promote sustainable development.
GIS in Hospital and Healthcare Emergency Management
by GISP, Ric SkinnerAlthough many books have been published on the application of GIS in emergency management and disaster response, this is the first one to bring together a comprehensive discussion of the critical role GIS plays in hospital and healthcare emergency management and disaster response. Illustrating a wide range of practical applications, GIS in Hospital
GIS in Law Enforcement: Implementation Issues and Case Studies (International Forensic Science And Investigation Ser.)
by Mark R. Leipnik Donald P. AlbertThis is the ideal book for GIS users in law enforcement who want to learn more about the technology or who wish to get started using GIS in their agency. Crime analysts, teachers, and students of criminal justice will also gain valuable insights into a suite of powerful technological tools ideally suited for crime mapping and analysis from this com
GIS In Organizations: How Effective Are GIS In Practice?
by Heather Campbell I. MasserIn placing these questions at the heart of their book, the authors set out to stimulate and contribute to the great debate: despite the enormous growth in the acquistion of GIS technology by business and government, little is known about the impact this leading- edge technology is having.Using case studies in a local government context, this book explores the performance of GIS in practice on the premise that any technology-led innovation will only "work" if the proper organizational and management support, infrastructure and culture exist. In doing so the authors draw on the experiences from organizational theory and management science in their quest to cast light on the processes influencing the implementation of technologies such as GIS.
GIS in Public Health Practice
by Ravi Maheswaran Massimo CragliaSignificant advances in the evaluation and use of geographic information have had a major effect on key elements of public health. Strides in mapping technology as well as the availability and accuracy of health information enable public health practitioners to link and analyze data in new ways at international, regional, and even street levels. Th
GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management (Open Access): A Global Perspective
by Martin Van Maarseveen Javier Martinez Johannes FlackeThe Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.tandfebooks.com/doi/view/10.1201/9781315146638, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license. <P><P> GIS is used today to better understand and solve urban problems. GIS in Sustainable Urban Planning and Management: A Global Perspective, explores and illustrates the capacity that geo-information and GIS have to inform practitioners and other participants in the processes of the planning and management of urban regions. The first part of the book addresses the concept of sustainable urban development, its different frameworks, the many ways of measuring sustainability, and its value in the urban policy arena. The second part discusses how urban planning can shape our cities, examines various spatial configurations of cities, the spread of activities, and the demands placed on different functions to achieve strategic objective. It further focuses on the recognition that urban dwellers are increasingly under threat from natural hazards and climate change. <P><P> Written by authors with expertise on the applications of geo-information in urban management, this book showcases the importance of GIS in better understanding current urban challenges and provides new insights on how to apply GIS in urban planning. It illustrates through real world cases the use of GIS in analyzing and evaluating the position of disadvantaged groups and areas in cities and provides clear examples of applied GIS in urban sustainability and urban resilience. <P><P> The idea of sustainable development is still very much central in the new development agenda of the United Nations, and in that sense, it is of particular importance for students from both the Global South and Global North. Professionals, researchers, and students alike will find this book to be an invaluable resource for understanding and solving problems relating to sustainable urban planning and management.
GIS Landslide
by Hiromitsu Yamagishi Netra Prakash BhandaryThis book presents landslide studies using the geographic information system (GIS), which includes not only the science of GIS and remote sensing, but also technical innovations, such as detailed light detection and ranging (LIDAR) profiles, among others. To date most of the research on landslides has been found in journals on geology, geotechnology, landslides, and GIS, and is limited to specific scientific aspects. The GIS Landslide Workshop has been established in order to communicate and solve the scientific as well as technical problems of this discipline, such as how to use GIS software and its functions. Because many landslide disasters take place in Japan, most of the scientists and researchers studying landslides are concentrated within Japan. There is also much GIS data on landslides captured and stored by Japanese organizations. For that reason, it is significant that this first book on the topic has been published in Japan. Included among the chapters are analyses of deep-seated landslides; hazard mapping; measuring and visualization of precipitation, floods, and glaciers using GIS; landslides induced by earthquakes; GIS analyses of drainage systems and floods; and landslides in relation to topography and geological structures. Filled with photographs and remote sensing analyses, the volume will be of great value to those in the fields of geography, geology, seismology, environment, remote sensing, atmospheric research, and meteorology, as well as to students of computer science and programming systems.
GIS, Organisations and People: A Socio-technical Approach
by James PetchGIS projects have previously been viewed primarily as technical exercises but it is now evident that the success of GIS projects depends as much upon organisational issues as upon technicalities. GIS projects have socio-organisational contexts which must be taken into account if such projects are to succeed. The book presents an overview of the "human" side of GIS, both individual and organisational.