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GIS Technology Applications in Environmental and Earth Sciences
by Bai TianThis book starts with an overview of GIS technology, what GIS technology is, what it can do, what software products are available, etc. Then, throughout the book, the author explains with many case studies, programs, maps, graphics, and 3D models how GIS and other related technologies can be used to automate mapping processes, collect, process, edit, store, manage, and share datasets, statistically analyze data, model, and visualize large datasets to understand patterns, trends, and relationships to make educated decisions. This book is an excellent resource for anyone who is interested in GIS and related technologies, geology, natural resource, and environmental science.
GIS to Support Cost-effective Decisions on Renewable Sources
by Claudia Diamantini Sauro Longhi Adriano Mancini Alberto GemelliThrough the results of a developed case study of information system for low temperature geothermal energy, GIS to Support Cost-effective Decisions on Renewable Sources addresses the issue of the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in evaluating cost-effectiveness of renewable resource exploitation on a regional scale. Focusing on the design of a Decision Support System, a process is presented aimed to transform geographic data into knowledge useful for analysis and decision-making on the economic exploitation of geothermal energy. This detailed description includes a literature review and technical issues related to data collection, data mining, decision analysis for the informative system developed for the case study. A multi-disciplinary approach to GIS design is presented which is also an innovative example of fusion of georeferenced data acquired from multiple sources including remote sensing, networks of sensors and socio-economic censuses. GIS to Support Cost-effective Decisions on Renewable Sources is a useful, practical reference for engineers, managers and researchers involved in the design of GIS, decision support systems, investment planning/strategy in renewable energy and ICT innovation in this field.
GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook (10. 3 Edition) (GIS Tutorials Series)
by Wilpen L. Gorr Kristen S. KurlandUpdated for ArcGIS Desktop 10, GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook provides effective GIS training in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step format. By combining ArcGIS tutorials with self-study exercises intended to gradually build upon basic skills, the GIS Tutorial 1 is fully adaptable to individual needs, as well as the classroom setting. The tutorial demonstrates a range of GIS functionality, from creating maps and collecting data to using geoprocessing tools and models as well as ArcGIS 3D Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extensions for further analysis. GIS Tutorial 1 includes a data CD for working through the exercises and fully functioning 180-day trial DVD of ArcGIS Desktop10 software, making it the smart choice for GIS beginners.
GIS Tutorial 1 For ArcGIS Pro: A Platform Workbook (GIS Tutorials Series)
by Wilpen Gorr Kristen KurlandGIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS(R) Pro: A Platform Workbook is an introductory text for learning ArcGIS Pro, the premier professional desktop GIS application. In-depth exercises that use ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and other ArcGIS apps feature the latest GIS technology to show readers how to make maps, how to create and analyze spatial data, and how to manage systems with GIS. <P><p>Incorporating proven teaching methods in detailed exercises, "Your Turn" sections, and expanded homework assignments, this book is suited to learning GIS in a classroom. Wilpen L. Gorr and Kristen S. Kurland have written the top-selling GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook, GIS Tutorial for Health, and GIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis.
GIS Tutorial For Crime Analysis (GIS Tutorials Series)
by Wilpen L. Gorr Kristen S. Kurland Zan M. DodsonGIS Tutorial for Crime Analysis, second edition, is a workbook for crime analysts and students of criminology. The book presents state-of-the-art methods that can be incorporated into any police department’s standard practices. This second edition builds upon the first edition by updating tutorials, adding a new chapter on building and evaluating predictive models using ModelBuilder and ArcGIS’s hot spot analysis tools, and adding a capstone project on hot spot modeling. In contrast to GIS workbooks that teach skills for one-time projects, this book has users build and use a crime mapping and analysis system to meet all spatial information needs of a police department. The book combines introductions to GIS and crime analysis methods and step-by-step tutorial exercises with independent assignments to teach key GIS skills, including data preparation and updating, map template building, map queries and analysis, automation of map production, and predictive modeling skills. The book also includes a 180-day trial version of ArcGIS Desktop software and tutorial data. Instructor resources are available upon request.
GIScience Teaching and Learning Perspectives (Advances in Geographic Information Science)
by Shivanand Balram James BoxallThis volume uniquely links educational theories and the practice of GIScience in higher education contexts to guide classroom practice, present effective practical implementations from peers, and provide resources and strategies for effective teaching methods. The book offers a comprehensive exploration of GIScience education, including current trends and future educational needs in GIScience, and will act as a resource to prepare learners for a world that demands more intensive investment in present-day education and technological literacy. Additionally, the indirect benefit of merging the fragmented literature on GIScience literacy will provide a basis to examine common techniques and enable a new wave of research more rooted in learning theories. In ten chapters, the book is designed to attract an audience from geographic information systems science, geomatics, spatial information science, cartography, information technology, and educational technology as focus disciplines.
GitHub For Dummies
by Sarah GuthalsGet more out of your coding with GitHub For today’s coders, GitHub is a must. The world’s largest software development platform, GitHub helps developers store, track, and collaborate on software projects. In this easy-to-follow Dummies guide, you’ll find insight into creating repositories, establishing projects, collaborating, incorporating open-source resources, and establishing yourself as a valued member of the GitHub community. With a working knowledge of GitHub, you’ll be a better, more employable programmer. The simple instructions and interactive examples in this book will get you there quickly. Get the instructions you need for using GitHub to collaborate on software projects Become more attractive to employers with knowledge and experience in the largest development platform Set up GitHub Desktop, create a repository, and launch your first project Use GitHub Skills courses to learn new tricks, for beginners to prosYou’ve learned how to write a little code—now learn how to share it with GitHub.
Giving Bodies Back to Data: Image Makers, Bricolage, and Reinvention in Magnetic Resonance Technology (Leonardo)
by Silvia CasiniAn examination of the bodily, situated aspects of data-visualization work, looking at visualization practices around the development of MRI technology.Our bodies are scanned, probed, imaged, sampled, and transformed into data by clinicians and technologists. In this book, Silvia Casini reveals the affective relations and materiality that turn data into image--and in so doing, gives bodies back to data. Opening the black box of MRI technology, Casini examines the bodily, situated aspects of visualization practices around the development of this technology. Reframing existing narratives of biomedical innovation, she emphasizes the important but often overlooked roles played by aesthetics, affectivity, and craft practice in medical visualization. Combining history, theory, laboratory ethnography, archival research, and collaborative art-science, Casini retrieves the multiple presences and agencies of bodies in data visualization, mapping the traces of scientists' body work and embodied imagination. She presents an in-depth ethnographic study of MRI development at the University of Aberdeen's biomedical physics laboratory, from the construction of the first whole-body scanner for clinical purposes through the evolution of the FFC-MRI. Going beyond her original focus on MRI, she analyzes a selection of neuroscience- or biomedicine-inspired interventions by artists in media ranging from sculpture to virtual reality. Finally, she presents a methodology for designing and carrying out small-scale art-science projects, describing a collaboration that she herself arranged, highlighting the relational and aesthetic-laden character of data that are the product of craftsmanship and affective labor at the laboratory bench.
Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality
by Meryl AlperMobile technologies are often hailed as a way to "give voice to the voiceless." Behind the praise, though, are beliefs about technology as a gateway to opportunity and voice as a metaphor for agency and self-representation. In Giving Voice, Meryl Alper explores these assumptions by looking closely at one such case -- the use of the Apple iPad and mobile app Proloquo2Go, which converts icons and text into synthetic speech, by children with disabilities (including autism and cerebral palsy) and their families. She finds that despite claims to empowerment, the hardware and software are still subject to disempowering structural inequalities. Views of technology as a great equalizer, she illustrates, rarely account for all the ways that culture, law, policy, and even technology itself can reinforce disparity, particularly for those with disabilities. Alper explores, among other things, alternative understandings of voice, the surprising sociotechnical importance of the iPad case, and convergences and divergences in the lives of parents across class. She shows that working-class and low-income parents understand the app and other communication technologies differently from upper- and middle-class parents, and that the institutional ecosystem reflects a bias toward those more privileged. Handing someone a talking tablet computer does not in itself give that person a voice. Alper finds that the ability to mobilize social, economic, and cultural capital shapes the extent to which individuals can not only speak but be heard.
Giving Voice: Mobile Communication, Disability, and Inequality (Digital Media and Learning)
by Meryl AlperHow communication technologies meant to empower people with speech disorders—to give voice to the voiceless—are still subject to disempowering structural inequalities. Mobile technologies are often hailed as a way to “give voice to the voiceless.” Behind the praise, though, are beliefs about technology as a gateway to opportunity and voice as a metaphor for agency and self-representation. In Giving Voice, Meryl Alper explores these assumptions by looking closely at one such case—the use of the Apple iPad and mobile app Proloquo2Go, which converts icons and text into synthetic speech, by children with disabilities (including autism and cerebral palsy) and their families. She finds that despite claims to empowerment, the hardware and software are still subject to disempowering structural inequalities. Views of technology as a great equalizer, she illustrates, rarely account for all the ways that culture, law, policy, and even technology itself can reinforce disparity, particularly for those with disabilities. Alper explores, among other things, alternative understandings of voice, the surprising sociotechnical importance of the iPad case, and convergences and divergences in the lives of parents across class. She shows that working-class and low-income parents understand the app and other communication technologies differently from upper- and middle-class parents, and that the institutional ecosystem reflects a bias toward those more privileged.Handing someone a talking tablet computer does not in itself give that person a voice. Alper finds that the ability to mobilize social, economic, and cultural capital shapes the extent to which individuals can not only speak but be heard.
Gizmos, Gadgets, and Guitars: The Story of Leo Fender
by Michael MahinThe picture book biography of ingenious American inventor Leo Fender, creator of the world’s most iconic Fender electric guitars. For readers who love Iggy Peck, Architect.Leo Fender loved to thinker and tinker and take things apart and put them back together again. When he lost an eye in a childhood accident, he refused to think of himself as broken. With a new pair of magnifying glasses, Leo got back to doing what he loved, fixing machines big and small—even broken instruments.His inventions—which included the Telecaster and the Stratocaster—would inspire the rock ’n’ roll generation and go on to amplify the talents of legendary guitarists Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Bonnie Raitt, among others. Fender’s brilliant engineering vision connected science and art forever.Christy Ottaviano Books
Glacial Environments
by Michael HambreyEnhanced by photographic illustrations of extraordinary quality, this text should provide students with a complete introduction to the scientific study of environments dominated by snow and ice. Emphasizing the range of erosional and depositional landforms, drawing on the older geological record, according due attention to the marine environment, and covering all relevant parts of the world - this book should find a wide readership among students of geography, geology and environmental science.; The author has published many research papers and has also been joint-author, co-author or co-editor of six book-length publications.; This book is intended for undergraduate students of glacial environments geomorphology, glaciology/hydrology in departments of geography, environmental sciences and geology.
Glacial Indicator Tracing
by RAIMO KUJANSUU and MATII SAARNISTOThe final report of the 1989 Finnish Work Group 9 of the INQUA on the Genesis and Lithology of Glacial Sediments entitled Glacigenic deposits as indicators of glacial movements and their use for indicator tracing in the search for ore deposits . Emphasizes the significance of extensive application o
The Glaciation of High Asia: From the Last Ice Age to the Present (Earth Sciences In The 21st Century Ser.)
by Matthias KuhleThis book summarizes four decades of glacial-geomorphological field research in Central and High Asia in an attempt to draw a significant link between Quaternary science research and paleoclimatology. Based on the latest geomorphological findings, this study offers a large-scale reconstruction of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) that in High Asia encompassed a total expanse of no less than three million km2, including the Central Tibetan plateau with 2.4 million km2. The author offers a complete reconstruction of the Late Glacial, Holocene, and Historical glacier advances as well as the successive Postglacial ablation stages extending to the present. Taken together, the findings presented here provide the first insights into a global-climatic impact of the Last Glacial Maximum in Central and High Asia with respect to the current interglacial stage. The comparative data analyses point to an inland glaciation at subtropical latitude covering an area larger than the Nordic inland glaciation in Greenland. These insights are facilitated by a methodological approach, unprecedented in modern Quaternary research, that combines high-quality panoramic photography with high-resolution satellite imagery. This combination of terrestrial and aerial perspectives enables scientists and readers alike to visualize the geomorphology of the landscape as a three-dimensional space. The author’s successful union of digital big data resources with classical geomorphological analysis offers an exciting new template for future research in Quaternary science and related fields.
Glaciovolcanism on Earth and Mars
by Smellie, John L. and Edwards, Benjamin R. John L. Smellie Benjamin R. EdwardsThe study of volcano-ice interactions, or 'glaciovolcanism', is a field experiencing exponential growth. This comprehensive volume presents a discussion of the distinctive processes and characteristics of glaciovolcanic eruptions, their products, and landforms, with reference to both terrestrial and Mars occurrences. Supported by abundant diagrams and photos from the authors' extensive collections, this book outlines where eruptions have occurred and will occur in the future on Earth, the resulting hazards that are unique to volcano-ice interactions, and how the deposits are used to unravel planetary palaeoclimatic histories. It has a practical focus on lithofacies, glaciovolcanic edifice morphometry and construction, and applications to palaeoenvironmental studies. Providing the first global summary of past and current work, this book also identifies those areas in need of further research, making this an ideal reference for academic researchers and postgraduate students, in the fields of volcanology, glaciology, planetary science and palaeoenvironmental studies.
Glancing Angle Deposition of Thin Films
by Matthew M. Hawkeye Michael J. Brett Michael T. TaschukThis book provides a highly practical treatment of Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD), a thin film fabrication technology optimized to produce precise nanostructures from a wide range of materials. GLAD provides an elegant method for fabricating arrays of nanoscale helices, chevrons, columns, and other porous thin film architectures using physical vapour deposition processes such as sputtering or evaporation. The book gathers existing procedures, methodologies, and experimental designs into a single, cohesive volume which will be useful both as a ready reference for those in the field and as a definitive guide for those entering it. It covers: Development and description of GLAD techniques for nanostructuring thin films Properties and characterization of nanohelices, nanoposts, and other porous films Design and engineering of optical GLAD films including fabrication and testing, and chiral films Post-deposition processing and integration to optimize film behaviour and structure Deposition systems and requirements for GLAD fabrication A patent survey, extensive relevant literature, and a survey of GLAD's wide range of material properties and diverse applications.
Glasbau 2012
by Silke Tasche Bernhard WellerDieses Buch ist die Fortführung der Sonderheftreihe "Konstruktiver Glasbau" der Zeitschrift Stahlbau, in der seit 2006 jährlich ein Themenheft sehr erfolgreich publiziert wurde. Der zunehmenden Bedeutung des konstruktiven Glasbaus wird mit diesem deutlich umfangreicheren Buch Rechnung getragen. Renommierte Autoren stellen in zahlreichen Fachaufsätzen wegweisende Glaskonstruktionen und innovative Fassadentechnik vor und erläutern die neue DIN 18008 bis hin zum prüffähigen Bemessungsbeispiel. Außerdem werden wichtige Ergebnisse der Forschung präsentiert und neueste Entwicklungen im Bereich energetische Sanierungen dargestellt.
Glasbau 2013
by Silke Tasche Bernhard WellerDas vorliegende Buch beschreibt in zahlreichen Beiträgen namhafter Autoren den aktuellen Stand der Technik im konstruktiven Glasbau. Die Planung und die Ausführung wegweisender Glasarchitektur werden ausführlich erläutert, die Bemessung und die Konstruktion tragender Glasbauteile praxisgerecht erklärt. Die Optimierung zukunftsfähiger Gebäudehüllen wird in gleicher Tiefe behandelt wie die energetische Sanierung denkmalgeschützter Fassaden. Nicht zuletzt vermitteln die jüngsten Ergebnisse anerkannter Forschungseinrichtungen einen zuverlässigen Einblick in die Leistungsfähigkeit des gesamten Glasbaus.
Glasbau 2014
by Bernhard WellerThe design and construction of progressive glass architecture is explained in detail, the design and detailing of load-bearing glass building elements is explained for practical application. The optimisation of futuristic building envelopes is dealt with in the same detail as the energetic refurbishment of listed facades. Not least, the latest results from respected research institutes offer a reliable overview of the potential of glass construction.
Glasbau 2015
by Bernhard Weller Silke TascheThis book is a collection of current and comprehensive papers about buildings and projects, design and construction as well as research and development in the field of structural glass construction.
by Roman TeschnerDas Buch stellt eine wichtige Datenquelle von physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der Fasergläser, Glasfasern und der für ihre Herstellung eingesetzten Glasrohstoffe und technologischen Prozessparameter dar. Es hilft dem Leser die Eigenschaften der Fasergläser und Glasfasern besser zu verstehen, um sie im Herstellungsprozess und in der Weiterverarbeitung optimal einzusetzen. Die Herstellprozesse der verschiedenen Glasfaserprodukte wurden in einer kompakten Form kurz und verständlich dargestellt. Das Buch kann sowohl den Glasfachleuten, den Compositsspezialisten, die in der Forschung und Entwicklung bzw. in der Produktion tätig sind, als auch Studierenden der Fachbereiche Glaschemie, Glastechnologie und Werkstoffwissenschaften sehr behilflich sein. Das Buch wurde von einem Praktiker geschrieben, der die Faserglasentwicklung und die Glasfaserproduktion sowie Faserziehprozesse über 20 Jahre aktiv begleitet und erforscht hat.
by Roman TeschnerDas Buch stellt eine wichtige Datenquelle von physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der Fasergläser, Glasfasern und der für ihre Herstellung eingesetzten Glasrohstoffe und technologischen Prozessparameter dar. Es hilft dem Leser die Eigenschaften der Fasergläser und Glasfasern besser zu verstehen, um sie im Herstellungsprozess und in der Weiterverarbeitung optimal einzusetzen. Die Herstellprozesse der verschiedenen Glasfaserprodukte wurden in einer kompakten Form kurz und verständlich dargestellt. Das Buch kann sowohl den Glasfachleuten, den Compositsspezialisten, die in der Forschung und Entwicklung bzw. in der Produktion tätig sind, als auch Studierenden der Fachbereiche Glaschemie, Glastechnologie und Werkstoffwissenschaften sehr behilflich sein. Das Buch wurde von einem Praktiker geschrieben, der die Faserglasentwicklung und die Glasfaserproduktion sowie Faserziehprozesse über 20 Jahre aktiv begleitet und erforscht hat.
by Roman TeschnerDas Buch stellt eine wichtige Datenquelle von physikalisch-chemischen Eigenschaften der Fasergläser, Glasfasern und der für ihre Herstellung eingesetzten Glasrohstoffe und technologischen Prozessparameter dar. Es hilft dem Leser die Eigenschaften der Fasergläser und Glasfasern besser zu verstehen, um sie im Herstellungsprozess und in der Weiterverarbeitung optimal einzusetzen. Die Herstellprozesse der verschiedenen Glasfaserprodukte wurden in einer kompakten Form kurz und verständlich dargestellt. Das Buch kann sowohl den Glasfachleuten, den Compositsspezialisten, die in der Forschung und Entwicklung bzw. in der Produktion tätig sind, als auch Studierenden der Fachbereiche Glaschemie, Glastechnologie und Werkstoffwissenschaften sehr behilflich sein. Das Buch wurde von einem Praktiker geschrieben, der die Faserglasentwicklung und die Glasfaserproduktion sowie Faserziehprozesse über 20 Jahre aktiv begleitet und erforscht hat. Dr. Teschner ist Autor von zahlreichen Patenten und Fachveröffentlichungen.
The Glass Cage: Automation And Us
by Nicholas CarrAt once a celebration of technology and a warning about its misuse, The Glass Cage will change the way you think about the tools you use every day. In The Glass Cage, best-selling author Nicholas Carr digs behind the headlines about factory robots and self-driving cars, wearable computers and digitized medicine, as he explores the hidden costs of granting software dominion over our work and our leisure. Even as they bring ease to our lives, these programs are stealing something essential from us. Drawing on psychological and neurological studies that underscore how tightly people's happiness and satisfaction are tied to performing hard work in the real world, Carr reveals something we already suspect: shifting our attention to computer screens can leave us disengaged and discontented. From nineteenth-century textile mills to the cockpits of modern jets, from the frozen hunting grounds of Inuit tribes to the sterile landscapes of GPS maps, The Glass Cage explores the impact of automation from a deeply human perspective, examining the personal as well as the economic consequences of our growing dependence on computers. With a characteristic blend of history and philosophy, poetry and science, Carr takes us on a journey from the work and early theory of Adam Smith and Alfred North Whitehead to the latest research into human attention, memory, and happiness, culminating in a moving meditation on how we can use technology to expand the human experience.
Glass-Ceramic Technology
by Wolfram Holand George BeallAn updated edition of the essential guide to the technology of glass-ceramic technology Glass-ceramic materials share many properties with both glass and more traditional crystalline ceramics. The revised third edition of Glass-Ceramic Technology offers a comprehensive and updated guide to the various types of glass-ceramic materials, the methods of development, and the myriad applications for glass-ceramics. Written in an easy-to-use format, the book includes an explanation of the new generation of glass-ceramics. The updated third edition explores glass-ceramics new materials and properties and reviews the expanding regions for applying these materials. The new edition contains current information on glass/glass-ceramic forming in general and explores specific systems, crystallization mechanisms and products such as: ion exchange strengthening of glass-ceramics, glass-ceramics for mobile phones, new glass-ceramics for energy, and new glass-ceramics for optical and architectural application. It also contains a new section on dental materials and twofold controlled crystallization.