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Glass Ceramic Technology, 2nd Edition
by Wolfram Holand George H. BeallGlass-ceramic materials share many properties with both glass and more traditional crystalline ceramics. This new edition examines the various types of glass-ceramic materials, the methods of their development, and their countless applications. With expanded sections on biomaterials and highly bioactive products (i.e., Bioglass and related glass ceramics), as well as the newest mechanisms for the development of dental ceramics and theories on the development of nano-scaled glass-ceramics, here is a must-have guide for ceramic and materials engineers, managers, and designers in the ceramic and glass industry.
The Glass City: Toledo And The Industry That Built It
by Barbara Floyd Barbara L. FloydThe headline, “Where Glass is King,” emblazoned Toledo newspapers in early 1888, before factories in the Ohio city had even produced their first piece of glass. After years of struggling to find an industrial base, Toledo had attracted Edward Drummond Libbey and his struggling New England Glass Company to the shores of the Maumee River, and many felt Toledo’s potential as “The Future Great City of the World” would at last be realized. The move was successful—though not on the level some boosters envisioned—and since 1888, Toledo glass factories have employed thousands of workers who created the city’s middle class and developed technical innovations that impacted the glass industry worldwide. But as has occurred in other cities dominated by single industries—from Detroit to Pittsburgh to Youngstown—changes to the industry it built have had a devastating impact on Toledo. Today, 45 percent of all glass is manufactured in China. Well-researched yet accessible, this new book explores how the economic, cultural, and social development of the Glass City intertwined with its namesake industry and examines Toledo’s efforts to reinvent itself amidst the Midwest’s declining manufacturing sector.
Glass Town Wars
by Celia ReesThe thrilling adventure story based on the writings of the Brontë children, by the bestselling author of Witch ChildWhen Tom is in a coma, his friend Milo decides that he can be a guinea pig for a new gaming device - a device that will take him to a troubled world where he meets the the warrior-like Augusta who is fighting to save her kingdom from takeover by her rival. With Tom at her side, she finds extra courage. Slowly but surely, Tom starts to leave his life in London behind as the two of them become ever more embroiled in a world of chaos and tension that encompasses the past, the present and the future.But life in London won't let Tom go so easily. His friends and family gather around him to try and bring him back - as does a girl from school he barely knows, who comes each day to his bedside to read to him from her favourite book, Wuthering Heights.In this wonderful speculative fiction Celia Rees has created a meta-fictional world that will delight readers. This epic story, with Rees's trademark strong female character and romance at its heart, is a compelling action-driven adventure with delightful twists and turns that thrill and surprise right up to the last page.
Glass Transition and Phase Transitions in Food and Biological Materials
by Jasim Ahmed Mohammad Shafiur Rahman Yrjo H. RoosGlass and State Transitions in Food and Biological Materials describes how glass transition has been applied to food micro-structure, food processing, product development, storage studies, packaging development and other areas. This book has been structured so that readers can initially grasp the basic principles and instrumentation, before moving through the various applications. In summary, the book will provide the “missing link” between food science and material science/polymer engineering. This will allow food scientists to better understand the concept and applications of thermal properties.
Glass Transition, Dynamics and Heterogeneity of Polymer Thin Films
by Toshiji KanayaMobility Gradient of Polystyrene in Films Supported on Solid Substrates, by Yoshihisa Fujii, Hiroshi Morita, Atsushi Takahara and Keiji Tanaka Probing Properties of Polymers in Thin Films Via Dewetting, by Günter Reiter Heterogeneous and Aging Dynamics in Single and Stacked Thin Polymer Films, by Koji Fukao, Takehide Terasawa, Kenji Nakamura, Daisuke Tahara Heterogeneous Dynamics of Polymer Thin Films as Studied by Neutron Scattering, by Rintaro Inoue and Toshiji Kanaya
Glasses: Eureka! The Biography of an Idea (Eureka! The Biography of an Idea)
by Lori Haskins HouranWithout glasses, everything can be a blur! Here is a "biography" of glasses, an essential invention that helps people see clearly.Ever since someone first noticed that a jar of water magnified what was behind it, people have worked to improve their vision. Glasses is a fun and informative look at an invention that makes a huge difference in our lives. This STEAM nonfiction title is part of the new Eureka! series, each book focusing on one groundbreaking, world-changing discovery that millions of people use every single day.
Glasses and Glass-Ceramics: Advanced Processing and Applications (Advanced Structured Materials #178)
by K. Annapurna Atiar Rahaman MollaThis book presents various useful processing techniques and applications of glasses and glass-ceramics. It covers various topics such as introduction to glass, its properties, thermodynamics of glass, heat transfer in glass melts, color in glass and advanced characterization techniques to analyze structure of glasses and glass-ceramics along with functional glasses and glass ceramics for advanced applications. This book will be a useful reference for students, researchers, scientists and technologists working in the field of materials science, especially glass.
Glasses and Glass Ceramics for Medical Applications
by Emad El-Meliegy Richard Van NoortGlass ceramics are a special group of materials in which a base glass can be crystallized under carefully controlled conditions, which in turn determine the properties of the material. These materials offer a wide range of physical and mechanical properties combining the distinctive characteristics of sintered ceramics and glasses. This book provides readers with an interest in medical ceramics with the ability to start making their own glasses and glass ceramics, together with an understanding of the various factors that control the final properties of these medical and dental materials. In addition, the authors describe various industrial problems with current, clinically-used medical glass ceramics and discuss appropriate scientific solutions. Glasses and Glass Ceramics for Medical Applications will appeal to a broad audience of biomaterials scientists, ceramists, and bioengineers, particularly those with an interest in orthopedic and dental applications, as well as scientists and engineers involved in the manufacture of glasses, glazes, enamels, and other glass coatings for the medical materials industry. The book will also be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students in materials engineering and dentistry, and is suitable for use in courses on medical and dental materials.
Glasses and the Glass Transition
by Ivan S. Gutzow Oleg V. Mazurin J¿rn W. Schmelzer Snejana V. Todorova Boris B. Petroff Alexander I. PrivenWritten by renowned researchers in the field, this up-to-date treatise fills the gap for a high-level work discussing current materials and processes. It covers all the steps involved, from vitrification, relaxation and viscosity, right up to the prediction of glass properties, paving the way for improved methods and applications. For solid state physicists and chemists, materials scientists, and those working in the ceramics industry. With a preface by L. David Pye and a foreword by Edgar D. Zanotto
Glassy, Amorphous and Nano-Crystalline Materials
by Jaroslav Šesták Jiří J. Mareš Pavel HubíkProvides a summary of non-equilibrium glassy and amorphous structures and their macro- and microscopic thermal properties. The book contains a carefully selected works of fourteen internationally recognized scientists involving the advances of the physics and chemistry of the glassy and amorphous states.
Glassy Metals
by Krassimir Russew Liljana StojanovaThe topics discussed in this book focus on fundamental problems concerning the structural relaxation of amorphous metallic alloys, above all the possibility of studying it on the basis of viscous flow behavior and its relation to rheological anomalies, such as bend stress relaxation, thermal expansion, specific heat, density changes, and crystallization. Most relaxation studies deal with the relaxation changes of a single definite material property, and not with a wider spectrum of physical properties integrated into a common framework. This book shows that it is possible to describe these property changes on the basis of a more comprehensive theoretical understanding of their mechanism.
Glassy Metals: Magnetic, Chemical and Structural Properties
by Ryusuke HasegawaCovers: structure of metallic glass alloys; theory of magnetism in noncrystalline solids; electronic structure of metallic glasses; magnetism in transition metal base amorphous alloys; application of metallic glasses in low-frequency magnetic devices; magnetic material properties and applications of metallic glasses in electronic devices; rare-earth transition metal base alloys; corrosion properties of amorphous alloys.
Glazed Panel Construction with Human-Robot Cooperation
by Seungyeol LeeThese days, construction companies are beginning to be concerned about a potential labor shortage by demographic changes and an aging construction work force. Also, an improvement in construction safety could not only reduce accidents but also decrease the cost of the construction, and is therefore one of the imperative goals of the construction industry. These challenges correspond to the potential for Automation and Robotics in Construction as one of solutions. Almost half of construction work is said to be material handling and materials used for construction are heavy and bulky for humans. To date, various types of robots have been developed for glazed panel construction. Through the case studies on construction, to which the robots were applied, however, we identified difficulties to be overcome. In this study, a human-robot cooperative system is deduced as one approach to surmount these difficulties; then, considerations on interactions among the operator, robot and environment are applied to design of the system controller. The human-robot cooperative system can cope with various and construction environments through real-time interaction with a human, robot and construction environment simultaneously. The physical power of a robot system helps a human to handle heavy construction materials with a relatively scaled-down load. Also, a human can feel and respond to the force reflected from robot end effecter acting with working environment. Through the experiments and mock-up tests with a prototype robot, we observe the characteristics of the power assist and the force reflection, the merits of the human-robot cooperation system. To apply human-robot cooperative system at real construction sites, Glazed Ceiling Panel Construction Robot is developed for the first time. This robot is distinguished from other glazed panel construction robots because of the methods of lifting the panel to high installation positions and installing the fragile and bulk panel with robot force control. After applying to real construction sites, evaluation on the productivity of the developed robot was done by comparing and analyzing with the existing installation methods.
Gleichstromschaltungen: Analyse und Berechnung mit vielen Beispielen
by Ismail KasikciDieses Buch behandelt ausführlich die Grundlagen und Berechnungsverfahren der Gleichstromtechnik. Der Gleichstrom hat unabhängig von der Zeit t konstante Größe und Richtung. Zunächst werden die Grundbegriffe und Grundgesetze der Gleichstromtechnik wie Ohm’sches Gesetz, Kirchhoffsche Gesetze, Leistung und Energie beschrieben. Anschließend werden grundlegende lineare Schaltungen, Netzumformungen, Überlagerungsverfahren, Schnittmethode oder Ersatzquellen beschrieben. Für Nichtlineare Schaltungen wird mit Kennlinienfeldern gearbeitet. Schließlich wird auch die allgemeine Netzwerkanalyse mit Maschenstrom- und Knotenpunkt-Potential-Verfahren in Matrizenschreibweise behandelt. Das Buch hat viele Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben mit ausführlicher Erklärung, um Lösungswege aufzuzeigen. Das Buch setzt mathematische Grundkenntnisse und die Grundlagen der linearen Gleichungssysteme voraus.
Gleitmodenregler für leistungselektronische Umrichter
by Axaykumar Mehta Brijesh NaikDieses Buch schlägt eine proportionale integrale Gleitfunktion vor, die keine endliche Erreichung ermöglicht und daher zu einer exponentiellen stationären Spannungsantwort führt. Um eine endliche Erreichung zu ermöglichen, präsentiert es auch die neue Integral Sliding Mode Control with Finite Time Reaching (ISMCFTR). Das Buch erweitert auch die Anwendung des vorgeschlagenen Reglers auf einen anderen Typ von leistungselektronischem Umrichter, den DC-DC-Boost-Umrichter, und schlägt auch die PI-typische Gleitfläche für den Zeta-Umrichter vor. Als wichtige Quelle für praktische Umsetzungen präsentiert es Simulationen und experimentelle Ergebnisse, um die Wirksamkeit des Umrichters zu demonstrieren.
Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change
by Dinah Zike Thandi Buthelezi Laurel Dingrando Nicholas Hainen Cheryl WistromThis textbook on Chemistry covers Introduction to Chemistry, Analyzing Data, Electrons in Atoms, Chemical Reactions, Gases, Mixtures and Solutions, Acids and Bases, Electrochemistry, Hydrocarbons, the Chemistry of Life, Nuclear Chemistry and many more...
Glencoe Mechanical Drawing: Board and CAD Techniques
by Glencoe McGraw-Hill StaffProject-based learning prepares students for professional certification with Glencoe Mechanical Drawing: Board and CAD Techniques! Endorsed by the American Design Drafting Association (ADDA), this text includes Prep for ADDA activities. Step-by-step applications, design problems, and drafting problems prepare students for professional excellence and certification. Project-based learning is supported with unit-based projects that integrate technical math and culminate in Build Your Portfolio activities. Help your students get ready for competitive events like the TSA and SkillsUSA with prep activities embedded throughout the content and end-of-chapter assessments. Rigorous academic content is supported, with a special emphasis on math, geometry, and science, with STEM activities. Point-of-use correlations ease possible academic credit application. Extra activities in the Student Edition and workbook help you meet Perkins mandates. The appendix features Math (including algebra and geometry), abbreviations and symbols, pipe symbols, and reference tables (ASME, ANSI, ISO).
Glencoe Science: Electricity and Magnetism
by McGraw-HillTopics covered in this book are electricity, magnetism, electronics and computers.
Glenview Naval Air Station (Images of America)
by Beverly Roberts DawsonIn 1923--just 20 years after the Wright brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk--a Naval Reserve aviation training program was established at Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Originally, sea planes and a few small land-based planes were used for primary flight instruction. With the development of heavier, faster military aircraft, the Great Lakes facility became inadequate. Under Rear Adm. John Downes, commandant of the 9th Naval District, the search for a suitable new location was undertaken. Curtiss-Reynolds-Wright Airfield was deemed ideal for relocation of the aviation training program. From humble beginnings as Naval Reserve Aviation Base Chicago, Naval Air Station Glenview (the official U.S. Navy designation) went on to play a vital and unique role during World War II. Until closure in 1995, the base was home to thousands of Navy and Marine Reserve pilots, aircrews, and support personnel--proudly known as weekend warriors."
Glial Cell Engineering in Neural Regeneration
by Li YaoThis book focuses on current applications of glial cells in neural regeneration, especially in spinal cord repair. It introduces the application of a few types of glial cells including oligodendrocyte, astrocyte, Schwann cells, and stem cell derived glial cells in neural regeneration. The latest glial cell research with biomaterials, gene modification, and electrical signals is also summarized. This is an ideal book for undergraduate and research students in tissue engineering, neurobiology, and regenerative medicine as well as researchers in the field.
Glide-Symmetric Z2 Magnetic Topological Crystalline Insulators (Springer Theses)
by Heejae KimThis book presents a comprehensive theory on glide-symmetric topological crystalline insulators. Beginning with developing a theory of topological phase transitions between a topological and trivial phase, it derives a formula for topological invariance in a glide-symmetric topological phase when inversion symmetry is added into a system. It also shows that the addition of inversion symmetry drastically simplifies the formula, providing insights into this topological phase, and proposes potential implementations. Lastly, based on the above results, the author establishes a way to design topological photonic crystals. Allowing readers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the glide-symmetric topological crystalline insulators, the book offers a way to produce such a topological phase in various physical systems, such as electronic and photonic systems, in the future.
A Glimpse Beyond 5G in Wireless Networks (Signals and Communication Technology)
by Mohammad Abdul MatinThis book gathers the latest research findings on emerging trends in 5G and beyond wireless systems. The authors present and assess different enabling technologies, capabilities, and anticipated communications and computing solutions for 5G and beyond. Topics discussed include new frequency bands, new multiple antenna systems, massive D2D connectivity, new network deployment, and more. These discussions help the readers to understand more advanced research materials for developing new ideas to make a contribution in this field for themselves. This book aims to serve as a virtual and effective bridge between academic research in theory and engineering development in practice. Students, professional, and practitioners who seek to learn the latest development in wireless technologies should find interest in this book.
The Glitch In Sleep (The\seems Ser.)
by John Hulme Michael WexlerWhen twelve-year-old Becker Drane is recruited by The Seems, a parallel universe that runs everything in The World, he must fix a disastrous glitch in the Department of Sleep that threatens the ability of everyone to ever fall asleep again.
Glitter Everywhere!: Where it Came From, Where It's Found & Where It's Going
by Chris BartonFans of How It&’s Made will love this fresh, irreverent look at the science and story behind glitter.If you love glitter, this book is for you. If you hate glitter, this book is also for you.Everyone seems to have an opinion about glitter. But how much do you know about the tiny, shiny confetti? What makes glitter glitter? Why does it stick to everything? Who invented it? How is it made? Is glitter bad for the environment?Chris Barton&’s informative wit and Chaaya Prabhat's vibrant art make Glitter Everywhere sparkle as it covers the good, the bad, and shiny of all things glitter.
Global Advances in Engineering Education (Industrial and Systems Engineering Series)
by Waldemar Karwowski J. P. Mohsen Mohamed Y. Ismail Hamid R. ParsaeiThe engineering profession is at a critical juncture that requires reforming engineering education. The supply of engineers is declining whereas the nature of the demand is changing. Formulating a response to these challenges demands the adoption of new and innovative tools and methods for promoting the expansion of the community while supporting these evolving requirements. Initiatives to entice and retain students are being employed to support growth objectives. Modern technologies are reshaping reform efforts. This book discusses the state of affairs in the field of engineering education and presents practical steps for addressing the challenges in order to march toward a brighter future. Features Covers the latest state of engineering education in the North America, Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and Far East Asia Discusses advances in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and community engagement Outlines applications of digital technologies to enhance learning Provides advances in remote and online instructions for engineering education Presents discussions on innovation, leadership, and ethics