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The Global Airline Industry
by Cynthia Barnhart Peter Belobaba Amedeo OdoniIn today's rapidly changing air transport environment, the aviation professionals require access to advanced and comprehensive knowledge, coupled with an in-depth understanding of the needs of the airline industry. Drawing on the editors? extensive experience with airline and air transport issues, The Global Airline Industry provides a definitive introduction to our air transportation system. Featuring contributors from 3 different continents, all affiliated to MIT?s Global Airline Industry Program, this book?s unique and holistic perspective is allied with detailed coverage of air transportation economics airline planning and operations industrial relations and human resource issues aviation safety and security aviation infrastructure and environmental impacts airline pricing and distribution. The Global Airline Industry is accompanied by a book companion website hosting databases with regular updates of airline & air transport related statistics and information as well as updates of the book material, housed at www. wiley. com/belobaba. It engenders a crucial understanding of the essential parameters within which the interfacing disciplines in the industry must operate that will benefit both students in air transportation/ aviation management degree programmes as well as professionals working in the industry.
Global Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics
by Albert C. Luo Jian-Qiao SunGlobal Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamics collects chapters on recent developments in global analysis of non-linear dynamical systems with a particular emphasis on cell mapping methods developed by Professor C.S. Hsu of the University of California, Berkeley. This collection of contributions prepared by a diverse group of internationally recognized researchers is intended to stimulate interests in global analysis of complex and high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems, whose global properties are largely unexplored at this time.
Global and Regional Approaches to Arms Control in the Middle East: A Critical Assessment from the Arab World
by Gamal M. SelimSince the end of the Cold War, the Middle East has been the focus of various projects for the establishment of arms control (including CBMs) regimes. Whereas some of these projects were initiated at the global level, others were discussed and debated at the regional level. This book analyses the global and regional dynamics of arms control in the Middle East in the post-Cold War era. It examines American and European arms control projects, the contexts in which they were presented, the reactions of major regional actors, and their impacts on arms control efforts in the region. It assesses Arab perceptions of the motivations for and constraints on establishing arms control regimes. It also explores the prospects of regional arms control in the context of the ongoing Arab Spring with its ramifications for Arab regional politics, and provides a new perspective on arms control in the Middle East. This volume enriches the ongoing discourse, which to date has been dominated by mainly Western perspectives.
Global Approaches to Site Contamination Law
by Elizabeth BrandonThe book describes the complex and variable laws addressing site contamination, reviewing existing international, regional and national law of relevance to site contamination. It also offers detailed case studies of national approaches to the issue, and goes on to explore avenues for promoting the development of comprehensive domestic laws on site contamination, with a focus on the role of international law and actors. A detailed discussion analyzes such variations as a binding international legal instrument, a non-binding instrument, and a model framework for site contamination management. The text includes recommendations regarding the key elements needed for regulating site contamination at the national level. The author also offers an appropriate and feasible timetable for international action to promote better national law and policy regarding contaminated sites.
The Global Arsenic Problem: Challenges for Safe Water Production (Arsenic in the environment)
by Nalan Kabay Jochen Bundschuh Bruce Hendry Marek Bryjak Kazuharu Yoshizuka Prosun Bhattacharya Suer AnacA prevalent and increasingly important issue, arsenic removal continues to be one of the most important areas of water treatment. Conventional treatment plants may employ several methods for removing arsenic from water. Commonly used processes include oxidation, sedimentation, coagulation and filtration, lime treatment, adsorption onto sorptiv
The Global Automotive Industry
by Peter Wells Paul NieuwenhuisThe automotive industry is still one of the world's largest manufacturing sectors, but it suffers from being very technology-focused as well as being relatively short-term focused. There is little emphasis within the industry and its consultancy and analyst supply network on the broader social and economic impacts of automobility and of the sector that provides it. The Global Automotive Industry addresses this need and is a first port of call for any academic, official or consultant wanting an overview of the state of the industry. An international team of specialist researchers, both from academia and business, review and analyse the key issues that make vehicle manufacturing still the world's premier manufacturing sector, closely tied in with the fortunes of both established and newly emerging economies. In doing so, it covers issues related to manufacturing, both established practices as well as new developments; issues relating to distribution, marketing and retail, vehicle technologies and regulatory trends; and, crucially, labour practices and the people who build cars. In all this it explains both how the current situation arose and also likely future trajectories both in terms of social and regulatory trends, as the technological, marketing and labour practice responses to those, leading in many cases to the development of new business models. Key features Provides a global overview of the automotive industry, covering its current state and considering future challenges Contains contributions from international specialists in the automotive sector Presents current research and sets this in an historical and broader industry context Covers threats to the industry, including globalization, economic and environmental sustainability The Global Automotive Industry is a must-have reference for researchers and practitioners in the automotive industry and is an excellent source of information for business schools, governments, and graduate and undergraduate students in automotive engineering.
Global Blue Economy: Analysis, Developments, and Challenges (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management)
by Nazrul Islam Steven M. BartellA global blue economy is an economic arena that depends on the benefits and values realized from the coastal and marine environments. This book explains the "sustainable blue economy" as a marine-based economy that provides social and economic benefits for current and future generations. It restores, protects, and maintains the diversity, productivity, and resilience of marine ecosystems, and is based on clean technologies, renewable energy, and circular material flows.
Global "Body Shopping": An Indian Labor System in the Information Technology Industry (In-Formation)
by Xiang BiaoHow can America's information technology (IT) industry predict serious labor shortages while at the same time laying off tens of thousands of employees annually? The answer is the industry's flexible labor management system--a flexibility widely regarded as the modus operandi of global capitalism today. Global "Body Shopping" explores how flexibility and uncertainty in the IT labor market are constructed and sustained through concrete human actions. Drawing on in-depth field research in southern India and in Australia, and folding an ethnography into a political economy examination, Xiang Biao offers a richly detailed analysis of the India-based global labor management practice known as "body shopping." In this practice, a group of consultants--body shops--in different countries works together to recruit IT workers. Body shops then farm out workers to clients as project-based labor; and upon a project's completion they either place the workers with a different client or "bench" them to await the next placement. Thus, labor is managed globally to serve volatile capital movement. Underpinning this practice are unequal socioeconomic relations on multiple levels. While wealth in the New Economy is created in an increasingly abstract manner, everyday realities--stock markets in New York, benched IT workers in Sydney, dowries in Hyderabad, and women and children in Indian villages--sustain this flexibility.
Global Carbon Dioxide Recycling: For Global Sustainable Development by Renewable Energy (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
by Koji HashimotoThis brief describes the current critical situation of global warming and shows its solution by renewable energy use. The author has long studied the development of new materials with chemical functions and is renowned as the first advocate of power-to-gas. He established the technology to convert renewable energy to synthesized natural gas, methane by electrolytic hydrogen generation using surplus electricity from renewable energy, and subsequent methanation of carbon dioxide by reaction with hydrogen.In the first part of this brief, data on global warming and energy consumption are shown and analyzed from the author’s keen point of view. The second part introduces the author’s research results on key materials for global carbon dioxide recycling and constructed pilot plants based on them. Finally, an evidence-based solution to maintain sustainable development by using only renewable energy is described as a future prospect.This book is useful not only for researchers and students studying chemical engineering, materials, or energy, but also for general citizens who are interested in the global environment.
by National Research Council of the National AcademiesMany developing countries are exploring whether biotechnology has a role in addressing national issues such as food security and environmental remediation, and are considering whether the putative benefits of the technology—for example, enabling greater agricultural productivity and stability in the food supply—outweigh concerns that the technology might pose a danger—to biodiversity, health, and local jobs. Some policy leaders worry that their governments are not prepared to take control of this evolving technology and that introducing it into society would be a risky act. Others have suggested that taking no action carries more risk, given the dire need to produce more food. This book reports on an international workshop held to address these issues. Global Challenges and Directions for Agricultural Biotechnology: Mapping the Course, organized by the National Research Council on October 24-25, 2004, in Washington, DC, focused on the potential applications of biotechnology and what developing countries might consider as they contemplate adopting biotechnology. Presenters at the workshop described applications of biotechnology that are already proving their utility in both developing and developed countries.
Global Challenges for Identity Policies
by Edgar A. WhitleyThe goals of this book are to provide a comprehensive review of identity policies as they are being implemented in various countries around the world, to consider the key arenas where identity policies are developed and to provide intellectual coherence for making sense of these various activities.
Global Challenges in Energy and Environment: Select Proceedings of ICEE 2018 (Lecture Notes on Multidisciplinary Industrial Engineering)
by V. Sivasubramanian S. SubramanianThis book comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Environment - Global Challenges (ICEE 2018). The book focuses on applications of green technologies in chemical and biochemical engineering, wastewater treatment, energy and environmental sustainability. It covers current environmental issues such as air pollution and control, solid waste management and wastewater treatment, and suggests potential solutions to tackle them. The contents of this book will be useful to students and researchers working in the field of energy and environmental engineering.
Global Change: Impacts on Water and food Security
by Asit K. Biswas Sarah Cline Claudia RinglerThis volume examines the various drivers of global change, including climate change, and the use of agricultural knowledge, science, and technology, as well as the outcomes of global change processes, including impacts on water quality and human well-being. Several authors examine potential policy and institutional solutions afforded by globalization to the challenges ahead, particularly the role of trade policy. Financing water development in a more globalized world and adapting to global warming are also examined.
Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones
by Gerald Schernewski Jacobus Hofstede Thomas NeumannClimate change and ongoing transformation processes in economy and agriculture will have strong and multiple impacts in the Baltic region. In particular coastal zones face increasing hazards, e.g. due to sea level rise or changes in riverine nutrient loads and eutrophication. These changes also offer a wide range of new opportunities in the Baltic Region. Adaptation measures are needed but require a thorough and spatially differentiated understanding of underlying ecological, economic and social processes. Sixteen contributions by authors from eight countries give a comprehensive overview of these changes, their consequences and practical challenges with focus on coastal zones. Besides risks, the chances and opportunities of changes for the region are addressed and adaptation examples and strategies are given. The practitioners' perspective and their demands are integrated in the various contributions.
Global Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality And Characteristics
by Photis Papademas Thomas BintsisGlobal Cheesemaking Technology: Cheese Quality and Characteristics reviews cheesemaking practices, and describes cheeses and the processes from which they are manufactured. In addition, the book examines new areas to stimulate further research in addition to the already established knowledge on the scientific principles on cheesemaking. Part I provides an account on the history of cheese, factors influencing the physicochemical properties, flavour development and sensory characteristics, microbial ecology and cheese safety, traceability and authentication of cheeses with protected labels, and traditional wooden equipment used for cheesemaking, while an overview of the cheesemaking process is also presented. Part II describes 100 global cheeses from 17 countries, divided into 13 categories. The cheeses described are well-known types produced in large quantities worldwide, together with some important locally produced, in order to stimulate scientific interest in these cheese varieties. Each category is presented in a separate chapter with relevant research on each cheese and extensive referencing to facilitate further reading.
Global Chemical Kinetics of Fossil Fuels
by Alan K. BurnhamThis book covers the origin and chemical structure of sedimentary organic matter, how that structure relates to appropriate chemical reaction models, how to obtain reaction data uncontaminated by heat and mass transfer, and how to convert that data into global kinetic models that extrapolate over wide temperature ranges. It also shows applications for in-situ and above-ground processing of oil shale, coal and other heavy fossil fuels. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to develop and apply reliable chemical kinetic models for natural petroleum formation and fossil fuel processing and is designed for course use in petroleum systems modelling. Problem sets, examples and case studies are included to aid in teaching and learning. It presents original work and contains an extensive reanalysis of data from the literature.
Global Claims in Construction
by Ali HaidarIn recent years, a number of global claims have failed because they were presented without any systematic analysis, justification or proper calculation of losses. Hence, Global Claims in Construction highlights these issues as well as the importance of understanding causation, factual necessity and the courts' attitude and approach to global claims. Global Claims in Construction addresses the principles of global claims and their calculation methodologies in detail through extensive references to literature, case law and a real world case study. It aims to be a valuable resource for professionals working in the construction industry, as well as students in construction and engineering.
The Global Classroom: How VIPKID Transformed Online Learning
by Lily JonesBehind the Scenes of a Revolution in EducationIn 2013, Cindy Mi, a high school dropout turned English teacher, founded VIPKid with an innovative vision for education: facilitating personalized, one-on-one sessions with students and tutors from around the world. Six years later, her brainchild boasts a $3 billion valuation and connects approximately 500,000 students with 60,000 teachers worldwide. Thisis the story of a revolution in education.The Global Classroom takes readers inside the startup&’s history, educational innovation, and unprecedented success. With a foreword from Mi, the book takes a deep dive into a new educational model and investigates how the company&’s platform has diversified to serve the needs of students from countries across the globe. Readers will hear from VIPKid&’s executives, teachers, students, and parents as they discuss the company&’s values, its tangible success, and its impact on their lives.The Global Classroom is an inside look at the model for education in the 21st century and beyond.
Global Climate Change and Cold Regions Ecosystems
by R. Lal J. M. Kimble B. A. StewartGlobal Climate Change and Cold Regions Ecosystems provides information on soil processes and the carbon cycle in cold ecoregions as well as the soil carbon pool and its fluxes in the soils of cold ecoregions. Filling a void in this area of soil science, this resource explains soil processes influencing C dynamics under natural and disturbed ecosyst
Global Climate Change and Environmental Policy: Agriculture Perspectives
by V. Venkatramanan Shachi Shah Ram PrasadGlobal climate change threatens human existence through its potential impact on agriculture and the environment. Agriculture is climate-sensitive, and climate variability and climate change have net negative impact on it. Additionally, the agricultural landscape is affected by monoculture and agro-biodiversity loss, soil fertility depletion and soil loss, competition from biofuel production, crop yield plateaus and invasive species. Nevertheless, the global agricultural production system has to meet the food demands from the growing human population, which is set to exceed 10 billion by 2050. This book discusses the impacts of climate change on agriculture, animal husbandry and rural livelihoods. Further, since agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors contribute about 10–12 gigatonnes of CO2-equivalent per year, it argues that agricultural policy must dovetail adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gases emissions. This calls for a reformative and disruptive agricultural strategy like climate-smart agriculture, which can operate at all spatio-temporal scales with few modifications. The book also redefines sustainable agriculture through the lens of climate-smart agriculture in the context of the sustainability of Earth's life- support system and inter- and intra-generational equity. The climate-smart agriculture approach is gaining currency thanks to its inherent positive potential, and its goal to establish an agricultural system which includes "climate-smart food systems", "climate-proof farms", and "climate-smart soils". Climate-smart agriculture provides a pathway to achieve sustainable development goals which focus on poverty reduction, food security, and environmental health.
Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems
by R. Lal, J.M. Kimble and B.A. StewartTropical ecosystems - the regions between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn - play an important role in global processes, economic issues, and political concerns. In their natural state, tropical ecosystems support a large quantity of above- and below-ground biomass, and constitute a major part of the terrestrial carbon pool. Conversion of the natural ecosystem to agriculture and forestry ecosystems disturbs this ecological balance. Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems presents data on carbon pool fluxes from case studies in 12 countries in tropical regions. The chapters cover:Characteristics of tropical ecosystemsSoil and biotic carbon poolsImpacts of land use and soil managementSlash-and-burn practicesCrop residue and fertility managementThis volume adds to the understanding of pedospheric processes in tropical ecosystems and how to better use soils as a sink for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. With Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems you will understand the link between soil productivity, environmental quality and the global carbon cycle, not only in these ecologically sensitive regions but worldwide.
Global Climate Change: Resilient and Smart Agriculture
by V. Venkatramanan Shachi Shah Ram PrasadThis book provides essential insights into methods and practices of ‘Climate-smart Agriculture,’ which is driven by the principles of climate resilience and smart resource use in agricultural production. Climate-smart agriculture is a key policy instrument for achieving poverty eradication and a hunger-free world, as well as mitigating the effects of climate change. This book discusses in detail climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices that can reduce the vulnerability of agricultural systems, improve the livelihoods of farmers and other stakeholders, and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from crop production and livestock husbandry. The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector produces roughly 10–12 gigatons of CO2-equivalent per year; therefore, sustainable practices for agriculture and related land use hold immense potential to mitigate climate change. The potential impacts of climate variability and climate change on agriculture are extensively documented and articulated, especially with regard to global and national environmental agendas that call for innovation, transformation and climate-resilient advances in agriculture. As the book demonstrates, climate-smart agriculture offers an excellent tool for boosting agricultural output to feed the growing global population; for reducing greenhouse gases emissions from agriculture and other land use; and for protecting agricultural production systems from the impending dangers of climate change.
Global Climate Change - The Technology Challenge
by Frank PrinciottaIn order to avoid the potentially catastrophic impacts of global warming, the current 3% CO2 global emission growth rate must be transformed to a 1 to 3% declining rate, as soon as possible. This will require a rapid and radical transformation of the world's energy production and end use systems. The current generation of energy technologies are not capable of achieving the level of mitigation required. Next generations of renewable, low carbon generation and end use technologies will be needed. This book quantifies the mitigation challenge. It then considers the status of key technologies needed to protect the planet from serious climate change impact. Current and emerging technologies are characterized for their mitigation potential, status of development and potential environmental impacts. Power generation, mobile sources, industrial and building sectors are evaluated in detail. The importance and unique challenges for rapidly developing countries, such as China and India are discussed. Current global research and development efforts for key technologies are discussed. It is concluded that it will be necessary to substantially upgrade and accelerate the current worldwide RDD&D effort on both emerging energy technologies and those enabling technologies needed to improve mitigation effectiveness and economics. It will also be necessary to carefully evaluate the potential environmental characteristics of next generation technologies to avoid unacceptable health and ecological impacts. Finally, given the monumental technological challenge associated with transforming the world's energy system, geoengineering options are evaluated, since if successfully deployed, they have the potential to allow more time for the necessary energy system transformation. 'This book on Climate Change not only gives a clear picture of the problem but suggests many of the pitfalls in solving it and recommends strongly, a research program to fill the gaps in our knowledge. It is a most useful reference book for all aspects of the problem.' William D. Ruckelshaus, Madrona Venture Group/Evergreen Venture
The Global Coal Market
by Thurber, Mark C. and Morse, Richard K. Mark C. Thurber Richard K. MorseCoal has been the world's fastest-growing energy source in absolute terms for over a decade. Coal also emits more CO2 than any other fossil fuel and contributes to serious air pollution problems in many regions of the world. If we hope to satisfy the demand for affordable energy in emerging economies while protecting the environment, we need to develop a keen understanding of the market that supplies coal. This book offers an in-depth analysis of the key producers and consumers that will most influence coal production, transport, and use in the future. By exploring how countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Australia and South Africa have developed their respective coal industries - and how these industries link together through the international coal trade - experts shed light on how the global coal market may evolve, and the economic and environmental implications. This book is the most comprehensive treatment of these topics to date and will appeal to a wide readership, including scholars and practitioners working on energy economics and policy.
Global Commercial Potential of Subterranean Crops: Agronomy and Value Addition
by Kodoth Prabhakaran NairTropical root and tuber crops form an important group of food crops for millions of people (about one-fifth of the world population), especially those living in the tropical and sub-tropical zones. Tuber crops are the third important food crops after cereals and grain legumes. The carbohydrates synthesized in the leaves and stored in the form of starch in the underground roots and tubers, which are not only for food, but also a raw material for several industries. Among the many tuber crops available, only a few have been domesticated and widely cultivated for edible and industrial purposes. This book addresses the principal issues connected with selected tuber and root crops, their origin, global distribution, cultivation details, and their global commercial potential, vis-à-vis the end products made out of them (value addition). Among the crops, sweet potato, cassava, yams, colocasia, west Indian arrowroot, asparagus, safed musli, Indian Bread root and gloria superba will be discussed.From various projections, it is evident that by the year 2050 the world population will face a serious food shortage, if current trends in cereals consumption is taken intoaccount. That is why root and tuber crops assume great importance. Contrary to the high-fertility soils, which are a requirement for principal cereals like rice and wheat, root and tuber crops can grow quite well in poor soils, under varying climatic conditions.