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Global Fire Safety Issues: Industries and Products

by Frca

This book is a compilation of papers presented at the 1999 Spring International Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana. The papers provide a detailed account of various flame retardants along with the developments in the field, primarily focusing on engineering plastics applications.

The Global Flow of Information: Legal, Social, and Cultural Perspectives (Ex Machina: Law, Technology, and Society #5)

by Ramesh Subramanian Eddan Kartz

The Internet has been integral to the globalization of a range of goods and production, from intellectual property and scientific research to political discourse and cultural symbols. Yet the ease with which it allows information to flow at a global level presents enormous regulatory challenges. Understanding if, when, and how the law should regulate online, international flows of information requires a firm grasp of past, present, and future patterns of information flow, and their political, economic, social, and cultural consequences.In The Global Flow of Information, specialists from law, economics, public policy, international studies, and other disciplines probe the issues that lie at the intersection of globalization, law, and technology, and pay particular attention to the wider contextual question of Internet regulation in a globalized world. While individual essays examine everything from the pharmaceutical industry to television to “information warfare” against suspected enemies of the state, all contributors address the fundamental question of whether or not the flow of information across national borders can be controlled, and what role the law should play in regulating global information flows.Contributors: Frederick M. Abbott, C. Edwin Baker, Jack M. Balkin, Dan L. Burk, Miguel Angel Centeno, Dorothy E. Denning, James Der Derian, Daniel W. Drezner, Jeremy M. Kaplan, Eddan Katz, Stanley N. Katz, Lawrence Liang, Eli Noam, John G. Palfrey, Jr., Victoria Reyes, and Ramesh Subramanian

Global Food Insecurity

by Sanni Yaya Mohamed Behnassi Sidney Draggan

Human-kind and ecological systems are currently facing one of the toughest challenges: how to feed more billions of people in the future within the perspective of climate change, energy shortages, economic crises and growing competition for the use of renewable and non renewable resources. This challenge is even more crucial given that we have not yet come close to achieving the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people living in extreme poverty and hunger. Scientists and relevant stakeholders are now voicing a clear message: that multiple challenges the world is facing require innovative, multifaceted, science-based, technological, economic and political approaches in theoretical thinking, decision making and action. With this background central to survival and well-being, the purpose of this volume is to formulate and promote relevant theoretical analysis and policy recommendations. The major perspective of this publication is that paradigm and policy shifts at all levels are needed urgently. This is based on the evidence that agriculture in the 21st century will be undergoing significant demands, arising largely from the need to increase the global food enterprise, while adjusting and contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Global Food Insecurity aims at providing structure to effect achievement of this critically needed roadmap.

Global Food Legislation

by Evelyn Kirchsteiger-Meier Tobias Baumgartner

Filling a distinct need in the globalized food economy, this introductory reference distils the key facts and regulations from the food laws of ten major countries across four continents. The result is a truly global survey of the world's most important food markets in terms of regulatory standards, principles and the authorities involved. The tried-and-tested concept behind the book originates from a regular summer school on food law for non-lawyers organized by the editors, and dispenses with formalized legal language such that the content may be used by food specialists without a law degree. By virtue of its systematic structure, the book allows different market conditions to be easily compared, and global trends in food legislation can be followed. Key facts for food producers active on the international market, who often lack the time and resources to refer to the primary laws and legal commentaries.

Global Food Security and Supply

by Wayne Martindale

With the global population projected to reach 9 billion by the year 2050, the need for nations to secure food supplies for their populations has never been more pressing. Finding better supply chain solutions is an essential part of achieving a secure and sustainable diet for a rapidly increasing population. We are now in a position, through methods including life cycle assessment (LCA), carbon footprinting and other tools, to accurately measure and assess our use – or misuse – of natural resources, including food. The impact of new technologies and management systems can therefore improve efficiencies and find new ways to reduce waste. Global Food Security and Supply provides robust, succinct information for people who want to understand how the global food system works. The book demonstrates the specific tools available for understanding how food supply works, addresses the challenges facing a secure and safe global food supply, and helps readers to appreciate how these challenges might be overcome. This book is a concise and accessible text that focuses on recent data and findings from a range of international collaborations and studies. The author provides both a snapshot of global food supply and security today, and a projection of where these issues may lead us in the future. This book will therefore be of particular interest to food policy leaders, commercial managers in the food industry, and researchers and students seeking a better understanding of a rapidly evolving topic.

Global Food Security and Wellness

by Gustavo V. Barbosa-Cánovas Gláucia María Pastore Kezban Candoğan Ilce G. Medina Meza Suzana Caetano da Silva Lannes Ken Buckle Rickey Y. Yada Amauri Rosenthal

This book is based on selected papers from keynote and symposium sessions given at the 16th International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) World Congress, held in Foz do Igua#65533;u, Brazil August, 2012. The theme of the Congress was the challenges faced by food science in both the developed and developing regions of the world. The symposia featured prominent world-renowned keynote and plenary speakers, young researchers, and the technical sessions covered the whole spectrum of basic and applied food science and technology, including consumer issues and education, diets and health, ethnic foods, and R&D. #8203;

Global Forest Carbon: Policy, Economics and Finance (The Earthscan Forest Library)

by Runsheng Yin

This book addresses the major policy, economic and financial issues encountered in global forest carbon.The global forest sector is expected to play a major role in achieving the Paris Agreement’s temperature targets. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore practical and promising solutions to the challenges facing carbon accounting and policy assessment as the global community undertakes forest sector actions—including the widely known REDD+ initiative. This book demonstrates how vital it is that we identify appropriate perspectives and formulate approaches to address these challenges in an integrated and effective manner. In doing so, it addresses many of the major issues, including the differential potentials for carbon sequestration within various forest ecosystems as well as for storage within a variety of harvested wood products, the joint production of timber and carbon, and the measurement and impact of forest carbon offsets and credits, results-based payments, and other nationally determined contributions centered differences as well. The book examines regional and country-level case studies from across the world and draws on the author's decades of experience working on forest policy and with the forest sector. Overall, this book highlights the technical and policy issues regarding forest sector carbon emission and removal to build useful perspectives, frameworks, and methods for addressing these issues successfully in the future. It advances the knowledge frontiers of global forest carbon policy, economics and finance as well as the ability to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and equity of forest climate solutions.This book is essential reading for professionals and policymakers working at the intersection of forest policy, carbon storage and climate change, as well as students and researchers in the fields of forestry, natural resource management, climate change and nature-based solutions.

Global Forest Governance and Climate Change: Interrogating Representation, Participation, And Decentralization (Palgrave Studies In Natural Resource Management Ser.)

by Emmanuel O. Nuesiri

This edited collection assesses governance in forestry programmes and projects, including REDD+ governance. It examines political representation, participation and decentralisation in forest governance, providing insight as to how forest governance arrangements can be responsive to the socio-economic interests of local people and communities who live adjacent to and depend on forests.Global Forest Governance and Climate Change argues that inclusive complementary representation of local communities is required for strong participatory processes and democratic decentralisation of forest governance. Responsiveness to local people’s socio-economic interests in forestry initiatives require paying attention to not just the hosting of participatory meetings and activities, but also to the full cast of appointed, self-authorized, and elected representative agents that stand, speak, and act for local people. This book will be of interest to students and academics across the fields of climate change governance, forestry, development studies, and political economy. It will also be a useful resource for policy makers and practitioners responsible for forestry and climate change initiatives.

Global Forest Monitoring from Earth Observation

by Frédéric Achard • Matthew C. Hansen

Covering recent developments in satellite observation data undertaken for monitoring forest areas from global to national levels, this book highlights operational tools and systems for monitoring forest ecosystems. It also tackles the technical issues surrounding the ability to produce accurate and consistent estimates of forest area changes, which are needed to report greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use changes. Written by leading global experts in the field, this book offers a launch point for future advances in satellite-based monitoring of global forest resources. It gives readers a deeper understanding of monitoring methods and shows how state-of-art technologies may soon provide key data for creating more balanced policies.

The Global Forest Sector: Changes, Practices, and Prospects

by Eric Hansen Rajat Panwar Richard Vlosky

Changes in production, demand, supply, and trade patterns; the impact of green building and bioenergy on industry practices and policy infrastructure; and new economies with production advantages and large consumption bases all present challenges and opportunities in the forest sector. With contributions from leading experts in academia and profess

The Global Game of Coal: Retreat, Resurgence and Eventual Retreat

by Gulshan Dietl

Coal occupies a large share in the global energy basket. This book explores the ‘coal game’ within the context of shifting energy geopolitics, the ‘resource war’, and the debates over climate change and energy security.Politics is a prime arena for game playing. Collaboration, competition, confrontation, and their combinations are ingredients in bilateral and multilateral dealings. The book deciphers the interactions within the coal world by resorting to the time-tested term ‘global game’. Joe Manchin in the United States, Vladimir Putin in Russia, Scott Morrison in Australia, and Gautam Adani in Australia and India have been accomplished players in the game of coal. The book looks at the coal assets and policies of major oal exporters and importers like the United States, Russia, India, Australia, and China and provides insights into the fierce contestations involved both in local and global politics and commerce over coal, climate, and security. The author discusses the role coal has played in the industrialisation of nations, prescriptions to the problem of coaluse, and varied scenarios portraying its future.The third volume in a trilogy on the use of fossil fuels, this book on coal will be of great interest to students and researchers of energy studies, international relations, environment and climate change, energy and geopolitics, security, and strategic studies. It will also be useful to policymakers, legislators, and environmentalists.

Global Health Challenges: Nutrition and Management

by Sarita Srivastava Anju Bisht Avula Laxmaiah Anitha Seetha

This book is an up-to-date reference on some of the major global health issues and the role of nutrition in their prevention and management. The book covers undernutrition, degenerative diseases, mental health disorders and COVID-19 and reviews feeding and eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and delineates the risk factors and management. The book addresses the gaps in tackling these health problems and proposes comprehensive models and frameworks to manage them.Key Features: Explores practical solutions and management of looming health issues in terms of diet and nutrition Reviews health threats like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and COVID-19 Includes a section on feeding and eating disorders and sustainable models to manage them Covers mental-health issues like depression and dementia Discusses conditions like undernutrition, hidden hunger, and cardiovascular diseases The book is meant for health professionals, nutritionists, and policymakers. It is also useful for post-graduates in public health and nutrition.

Global Health Security: Recognizing Vulnerabilities, Creating Opportunities (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

by Anthony J. Masys Ricardo Izurieta Miguel Reina Ortiz

With our highly connected and interdependent world, the growing threat of infectious diseases and public health crisis has shed light on the requirement for global efforts to manage and combat highly pathogenic infectious diseases and other public health crisis on an unprecedented level. Such disease threats transcend borders. Reducing global threats posed by infectious disease outbreaks – whether naturally caused or resulting from a deliberate or accidental release – requires efforts that cross the disaster management pillars: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. This book addresses the issues of global health security along 4 themes: Emerging Threats; Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery; Exploring the Technology Landscape for Solutions; Leadership and Partnership. The authors of this volume highlight many of the challenges that confront our global security environment today. These range from politically induced disasters, to food insecurity, to zoonosis and terrorism. More optimistically, the authors also present some advances in technology that can help us combat these threats. Understanding the challenges that confront us and the tools we have to overcome them will allow us to face our future with confidence.

A Global History of Warfare and Technology: From Slings to Robots

by Kaushik Roy

This book addresses the global history of technology, warfare and state formation from the Stone Age to the Information Age. Using a combination of top-down and bottom-up methodologies, it examines both interstate and intrastate conflicts with a focus on Eurasian technology and warfare. It shows how human agency and structural factors have intertwined, creating a complex web of technology and warfare. It also explores the interplay between technological and non-technological factors to chart the evolution of warfare from its origins to the present day, arguing that the interactions between civilian and military sectors have shaped the use of technology in warfare. Given its scope and depth, it is a valuable resource for researchers in fields such as world history, history of science and technology, history of warfare and imperialism and international relations.

Global Imbalances and Petrodollars

by Rabah Arezki Fuad Hasanov

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Global Innovation and Economic Value

by Vijay Kumar R. P. Sundarraj

This book attempts to capture innovation outcomes. The intent is on a holistic assessment of value creation by innovation -- the societal value that it delivers to humanity, the economic value that it has the potential to endow to nations, and the monetary value that it provides to innovating firms. With a range of anecdotal examples and empirical analysis, the book endeavours to answer the question: Have investments in innovation paid off? Big data and analytics underpin the development of the book material. The coverage is truly global, accentuating the economic value created by innovation in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors, the two largest bastions of innovation. In addition, it includes numerous examples of successful innovation in global companies while analyzing its economic/financial impact.

The Global Insurance Market and Change: Emerging Technologies, Risks and Legal Challenges (Lloyd's Insurance Law Library)

by Anthony A Tarr, Julie-Anne Tarr, Maurice Thompson and Dino Wilkinson

This book focuses on the global landscape in which insurance is transacted, and where it is evolving, driven from within by transformative technologies and externally by the necessity to address risks like climate change and health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the dynamic challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the industry in areas such as on-demand insurance, embedded insurance, parametric insurance, autonomous vehicles, the rise of fintech, the cyber risk landscape and through initiatives driven by distributed ledger technology or blockchain solutions. Moreover, it covers the major external challenges confronting the global insurance market, such as the growing insurance protection gap in relation to the affordability and insurability of natural catastrophes and climate change, and pandemics like COVID-19. This book examines innovations in insurance driven by the industry as well as externally imposed changes and dynamics impacting the industry. It describes these changes, the industry’s responses and the legal framework in which they occur. It canvasses additional regulatory and law reform initiatives that may be necessary to achieve an effective balance between the various competing interests. The book is the first to address these matters holistically with a particular focus upon insurance law, it will describe these changes and industry responses and the legal framework in which they occur. The Global Insurance Market will be directly relevant to legal professionals, insurers, insurtechs, fintechs, brokers, CEOs of insurance companies, risk managers, legal counsel, academics, researchers, the judiciary, and policy makers. It will also serve as a valuable resource for students of all levels.

Global Internet of Things and Edge Computing Summit: First Global Summit, GIECS 2024, Brussels, Belgium, September 24–25, 2024, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2328)

by Mirko Presser Antonio Skarmeta Srdjan Krco Aurora González Vidal

This Open Access book constitutes the proceedings from the First Global Internet of Things and Edge Computing Summit, GIECS 2024, held in September 24–25, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. The 12 full papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 21 submissions. These papers have been organized under the following topical sections: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Digital Twins; Data Management, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems; Edge Computing and Cross-Domain Systems.

Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems

by Daniela V. Dimitrova

Global Journalism: Understanding World Media Systems provides a current and comprehensive overview of the key issues in global journalism in the digital age and traces how media systems have evolved over time in different world regions. With topics ranging from global media freedom and journalistic cultures to foreign news reporting and public diplomacy, conceptual content is presented in accessible style and supplemented by timely case studies.

Global Land Cover Validation: Methodology, Tools, and Practices (ISPRS Book Series)

by Jun Chen Xiaohua Tong Huan Xie Lijun Chen Songnian Li

This book aims to summarize and report the major research achievements and validation results under the global land cover (GLC) initiative led by the Group Earth Observation (GEO). The first part of the book introduces the major tasks and challenges facing the validation of finer-resolution GLC maps and presents the concepts and overall framework of the GEO-led initiative. Chapters 2-5 provide systematic introductions to the major methodology of finer-resolution GLC map validation, including sampling design, reference data collection, sample labeling, and accuracy assessment. Chapter 6 introduces the online validation tools that have been developed, including their design, considerations, and functionalities. Chapter 7 presents the international validation practices and the results of validating GlobeLand30 at country, regional, and global scales. Future directions are also discussed in the Conclusion chapter.Features Presents complete coverage of land cover validation, from concepts, methodology, and col­ laborative tools to applications. Details algorithms, techniques, and methods for land cover validation, including sampling, judgment, and accuracy assessment. Reviews some of the software tools that can be used for GLC validation and discusses the issues related to the design, usability, efficiency, and limitations of these tools. Highlights case studies of validation at global, regional, and national scales, which can serve as great references for researchers. Provides an extensive bibliography covering the whole scope of land cover validation Global Land Cover Validation: Methodology, Tools, and Practices serves as a reference for those engaged in land cover validation, especially at a global scale, including students, professionals, researchers, and general practitioners. It is also an excellent resource for professionals involved in sustainable development monitoring, environmental change studies, natural resource management, disaster assessment and mitigation, and many other applications.

Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Products

by Shunlin Liang Xiaotong Zhang Zhiqiang Xiao Jie Cheng Qiang Liu Xiang Zhao

This book describes the algorithms, validation and preliminary analysis of the Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) products, a long-term, high-quality dataset that is now freely available worldwide to government organizations and agencies, scientific research institutions, students and members of the general public. The GLASS products include leaf area index, broadband albedo, broadband emissivity, downward shortwave radiation and photosynthetically active radiation. The first three GLASS products cover 1981 to 2012 with 1km and 5km spatial resolutions and 8-day temporal resolution, and the last two GLASS products span 2008 to 2010 with 3-hour temporal resolution and 5km spatial resolution. These GLASS products are unique. The first three are spatially continuous and cover the longest period of time among all current similar satellite products. The other two products are the highest spatial-resolution global radiation products from satellite observations that are currently available. These products can be downloaded from Beijing Normal University at http://glass-product. bnu. edu. cn/ and the University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility at http://www. glcf. umd. edu/ The GLASS products are the outcome of a key research project entitled "Generation & Applications of Global Products of Essential Land Variables", supported by funding from the High-Tech Research and Development Program of China and involving dozens of institutions and nearly one hundred scientists and researchers. Following an introduction, the book contains five chapters corresponding to these five GLASS products: background, algorithm, quality control and validation, preliminary analysis and applications. It discusses the long-term environmental changes detected from the GLASS products and other data sources at both global and local scales and also provides detailed analysis of regional hotspots where environmental changes are mainly associated with climate change, drought, land-atmosphere interactions, and human activities. The book is based primarily on a set of published journal papers about these five GLASS products and includes updated information. Since these products have now begun to be widely used, this book is an essential reference document. It is also a very helpful resource to anyone interested in satellite remote sensing and its applications.

The Global Life of Mines: Mining and Post-Mining in Comparative Perspective (Dislocations #37)

by Antonio Maria Pusceddu Filippo M. Zerilli

Resource extraction exists in diverse settings across the world and is carried out through different practices. The Global Life of Mines provides a comprehensive framework examining the spatial and temporal relationships between mining and postmining as interrelated and coexisting features within the global minescape. The book brings together scholars from various fields, such as anthropology, geography, sociology and political science, examining ethnographic case studies throughout the Americas (Bolivia, Brazil, Peru, USA), Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo) and Europe (Italy, Arctic Norway and Spain).

Global Logistics And Distribution Planning: Strategies for Management

by Donald Waters

The fully revised new edition of this well known and respected book is characterized by the more international perspective it has taken on through contributions from internationally known authors and a final section on international logistics which examines in turn strategies for West and East Europe, the Far East and North America.Logistics has a key strategic role to play in the long-term plans of major companies, and is recognized as a vital part of every organization. To a large extent this crucial new role is due to an expanded view of logistics, which now includes all the activities related to the supply chain from initial suppliers through to final customers.This book provides a wealth of useful ideas and practical information on all the current and future trends in logistics and distribution. Written by a host of contributors drawn from industry, constancy and education, this book provides new insights into the most significant aspects of logistics, including:developments in logisticssupply chain strategieslean logisticsefficient customer responselogistics in different countriespartnering and strategic alliancesre-engineering the logistics functionFrom logistics professionals, consultants, professors and students to managers from different backgrounds who want an appreciation of current trends in the subject, this book is essential reading.About the author: Donald Waters, a past member if the Institute of Logistics and currently a member of the Canadian Association of Logistics Management, has lectured weekly on logistics, operational research and management science, and has brought his academic career to fruition as Professor of Operations Management at the University Calgary, Canada. He is also the author of Operations Management in the Kogan Page Fast Track MBA Series. Features

Global Logistics Management (Industrial Engineering)

by Bahar Y. Kara İhsan Sabuncuoğlu Bopaya Bidanda

Global Logistics Management focuses on the evolution of logistics in the last two decades, and highlights recent developments from a worldwide perspective. The book details a wide range of application-oriented studies, from metropolitan bus routing problems to relief logistics, and introduces the state of the art on some classical applications. The

Global Manufacturing Management: From Excellent Plants Toward Network Optimization (Management for Professionals)

by Thomas Friedli Gisela Lanza Dominik Remling

Using site-specific optimization approaches in international manufacturing networks is increasingly proving insufficient. To solve this problem, several holistic and integrated alternatives have been developed to reflect a global perspective. This book presents advances in the St. Gallen Global Manufacturing Network Model and its application in numerous industry-, benchmarking- and research projects. The contents combine data-driven solutions with qualitative management frameworks for the strategic optimization of international manufacturing networks.In the first part, the book addresses the foundation of manufacturing network management and further describes the St. Gallen Operational Excellence approaches to manage plant performance. On this basis, the authors show how plant- and network-level performance can be enhanced via key improvement domains (e.g., strategy, configuration, coordination, performance management, digitalization). In turn, the second part demonstrates the application of the constructs in manufacturing companies from various industries. By combining research and practice, the book offers unique perspectives on the management of global production striving toward higher performance on manufacturing site and network level.

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