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Global Supply Chain: Using Systems Engineering Strategies to Respond to Disruptions (Systems Innovation Book Series)
by Adedeji B. BadiruGlobal Supply Chain: Using Systems Engineering Strategies to Repond to Disruptions uses a systems-based approach of the tools and techniques of industrial engineering applied to the global supply chain. The specific application addressed in this book is the supply chain, which has been disrupted due to COVID-19 and the closure of several plants in the chain. The book presents the basic tools of industrial engineering applicable to a dynamic supply chain system. It recognizes the nuances of human factors in any commerce and industry and covers the basic elements of a supply chain from a systems perspective. It highlights the global impacts of disruption caused by COVID-19 and leverages the Triple C Model of system communication, cooperation, and coordination. It also illustrates the applicability of the DEJI systems model for supply chain design, evaluation, justification, and integration. Supply chain modeling optimization examples are offered, and the introduction of a newly developed learning curve model, applied to the global supply chain, is presented. The contents of the book are applicable not only to the food supply chain but also to the supply of other commodities, including physical products, services, and desired end results. The book is written for engineers working in production, civil, mechanical, and other industries. It will be of interest to engineering managers, consultants as well as those involved with business management. University students and instructors will also find this book useful as a general reference.
Global Sustainability
by Md. Faruque HossainThis book focuses on holistic approaches to sustainability in all sectors of environment, energy, building, and infrastructure to achieve the best-balanced global environmental, energy, building, infrastructure, transportation, and water technologies (EBITWs). It presents a series of solutions based on innovative research and applications for building a sustainable Earth for future generations. Simply, the goal of this book is to define the context of instigation to think through the scientific theories and practical technical applications of sustainability for building a better planet. Naturally this book explains a series of mechanisms to develop a sustainable world by implementing mainly practicing the following areas of Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Housing and Building Technology, Sustainable Water, Infrastructure, and Transportation Technology, Sustainable Environment which are, very much interconnected to secure a global environmental equilibrium.
Global Sustainability: Trends, Challenges & Case Studies (World Sustainability Series)
by Shrikaant Kulkarni A. K. HaghiRelying upon extensive global and multidisciplinary research, this book analyzes the perils of market-driven scenarios and peeps into the possibilities responsible for the failure of traditional approaches. It helps in identifying the goals and approaches amenable to sustainable development reflecting upon an ecologically and inclusively sustainable global future. It enriches knowledge base of all research scholars and professionals as well as paves the way for bravely facing the challenges to the sustainability. The book also sheds light on the current and future trends in the domain of sustainability in terms of scenarios, strategies to be adopted, anticipated transitions in climate, and evolution and adoption of best sustainable practices for the common good.Academicians and researchers and professionals from across universities, research, governmental, and private organizations have made their invaluable contributions. The perspectives contributed are drawn from Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. They cover a spectrum of topics, covering the philosophy underlying sustainable development, organizations, ethics, belief systems, cultures, use of resources, energy, models, cost-benefit analysis, international trade, financial aid, forestry, wildlife, land rights, fisheries, and more. Irrespective of the reader's interest on sustainable development, this book embodies meaningful and productive intent and content. The chapters present well-known topics but with different perspectives, suggesting ways to enhance the present practices and proposing new avenues in furthering the work. The book is intended to cover a wide range of audiences, catering to the needs of a diverse readership. The value of this book is quantified in terms of new concepts and terminology it generates and works as a reference source.
Global Sustainability in Energy, Building, Infrastructure, Transportation, and Water Technology
by Md. Faruque HossainThis book focuses on holistic approaches to sustainability in all sectors of building, infrastructure, and energy to achieve a best-balanced global energy, building, infrastructure, transportation, and water technology (EBITW) system using a series of innovative research and implementation solutions. The goal of this book is to define the context for proactive consideration of scientific theories and practical technical applications of sustainable development, following main seven themes: Renewable Energy Technology, Advanced Building Design Technology, Innovative Infrastructure and Transportation Engineering, Clean Water and Sanitation, Sustainable Urban and Rural Development, Clean Environment, and Sustainable Planet; which are very much interconnected to secure the global equilibrium. The book is prepared for a wide audience including researchers, field engineers, and students.
Global Technology and Legal Theory: Transnational Constitutionalism, Google and the European Union (Routledge Research in International Commercial Law)
by Guilherme Cintra GuimarãesThe rise and spread of the Internet has accelerated the global flows of money, technology and information that are increasingly perceived as a challenge to the traditional regulatory powers of nation states and the effectiveness of their constitutions. The acceleration of these flows poses new legal and political problems to their regulation and control, as shown by recent conflicts between Google and the European Union (EU). <P><P> This book investigates the transnational constitutional dimension of recent conflicts between Google and the EU in the areas of competition, taxation and human rights. More than a simple case study, it explores how the new conflicts originating from the worldwide expansion of the Internet economy are being dealt with by the institutional mechanisms available at the European level. The analysis of these conflicts exposes the tensions and contradictions between, on the one hand, legal and political systems that are limited by territory, and, on the other hand, the inherently global functioning of the Internet. The EU’s promising initiatives to extend the protection of privacy in cyberspace set the stage for a broader dialogue on constitutional problems related to the enforcement of fundamental rights and the legitimate exercise of power that are common to different legal orders of world society. Nevertheless, the different ways of dealing with the competition and fiscal aspects of the conflicts with Google also indicate the same limits that are generally attributed to the very project of European integration, showing that the constitutionalization of the economy tends to outpace the constitutionalization of politics. <P><P> Providing a detailed account of the unfolding of these conflicts, and their wider consequences to the future of the Internet, this book will appeal to scholars working in EU law, international law and constitutional law, as well as those in the fields of political science and sociology.
The Global Technology Revolution
by James Schneider Richard Silberglitt Philip S. AntonBeyond the agricultural and industrial revolutions of the past, a globaltechnology revolution is currently changing the world. This book discussesthe broad, multidisciplinary, and synergistic trends in this revolution,including genomics, cloning, biomedical engineering, smart materials, agilemanufacturing, nanofabricated computation devices, and integratedmicrosystems. The revolution's effects on human health may be the most startling as breakthroughs improve both the quality and length of human life.Biotechnology will also enable us to identify, understand, manipulate,improve, and control living organisms (including ourselves). Informationtechnology is already revolutionizing our lives, especially in the developedworld, and is a major enabler of other trends. Materials technology willproduce products, components, and systems that are smaller, smarter,multi-functional, environmentally compatible, more survivable, andcustomizable. In addition, smart materials, agile manufacturing, andnanotechnology will change the way we produce devices and improve theircapabilities. The technology revolution will not be uniform in its effectacross the globe but will play out differently depending on its acceptance,investment, and a variety of issues such as bioethics, privacy, economicdisparity, cultural invasion, and social reactions. There will be no turningback, however, since some societies will avail themselves of the revolution,and globalization will thus change the environment in which each societylives.
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, Executive Summary
by Philip S. Anton Richard Silberglitt Anny Wong David R. HowellIn 2020, areas of particular importance for technology trends will include biotechnology, nanotechnology, materials technology, and information technology. The authors of this report assessed a sample of 29 countries across the spectrum of scientific advancement (low to high) with respect to their ability to acquire and implement 16 key technology applications (e.g., cheap solar energy, rural wireless communications, genetically modified crops).
The Global Technology Revolution 2020, In-Depth Analyses: Bio/Nano/Materials/Information Trends, Drivers, Barriers, and Social Implications
by Natalie Gassman David R. Howell Philip S. Anton Anny Wong Richard SilberglittIn 2020, areas of particular importance for technology trends will include biotechnology, nanotechnology, materials technology, and information technology. This report, the companion document to The Global Technology Revolution 2020, Executive Summary (Silberglitt et al., MG-475-NIC, 2006), assesses in detail a sample of 29 countries with respect to their ability to acquire and implement 16 key technology applications.
Global Tectonic Zones, Supercontinent Formation and Disposal: Proceedings of the 30th International Geological Congress, Volume 6
by Xiao Xuchang and Liu HefuThis book is a collection of papers presented in the 30th International Geological Congress, held in Beijing, on global tectonic zones supercontinent formation and disposal. The papers deal with topics on tectonic framework, and petrology and geochemistry variations of Asian regions.
Global Thinking and Local Action: Agriculture, Tropical Forest Loss and Conservation in Southeast Nigeria (Routledge Revivals)
by Uwem E. IteThis title was first published in 2001. Based on extensive local field research undertaken in and around the Cross River National Park in Nigeria, this book provides a socio-economic study of the tensions between agriculture and nature conservation. Taking a ’bottom-up’ approach and focussing on the farm household and the dynamics of forest farming at household level, it brings together a wealth of new information on the subject of tropical forestry, the causes and dynamics of tropical rain forest loss and the problematic relations between conservation authorities in National Parks and local people. Its conclusions raise important questions about practical ways forward in the development of such areas.
Global Urban Agriculture: Convergence Of Theory And Practice Between North And South
by Susan Algert ms Imogen Bellwood-Howard Fernando J. Bosco Sasha Broadstone Christian Brannstrom Jason A. Byrne James B. Campbell Joana Chan Brian W. Conz ms Lucy Diekmann Lauren Dryburgh Bryce B. DuBois Charles A. Francis Courtney M. Gallaher Leslie Gray Daniela A. Guitart Sophia E. Hagolani-Albov, Sarah J. Halvorson Michael W. Hamm Colleen Hammelman Kyle D. Hoagland Sarah S. Horowitz Pascale Joassart-Marcelli Sara Law Timothy F. LeDoux Juanjuan Liu Jonathan T. Lowell Nathan McClintock Leslie McLees Never Mujere Kristine T. Nemec Tammy E. Parece Catherine M Pickering Rebecca Sims-Castley Stephanie A. WhiteThere has been growing attention paid to urban agriculture worldwide because of its role in making cities more environmentaly sustainable while also contributing to enhanced food access and social justice. This edited volume brings together current research and case studies concerning urban agriculture from both the Global North and the Global South. Its objective is to help bridge the long-standing divide between discussion of urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South and to demonstrate that today there are greater areas of overlap than there are differences both theoretically and substantively, and that research in either area can help inform research in the other. The book covers the nature of urban agriculture and how it supports livelihoods, provides ecosystem services, and community development. It also considers urban agriculture and social capital, networks, and agro-biodiversity conservation. Concepts such as sustainability, resilience, adaptation and community, and the value of urban agriculture as a recreational resource are explored. It also examines, quite fundamentally, why people farm in the city and how urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities in both the Global North and the Global South. Key Features: · One of the first volumes to bring together evidence from urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South · Explores the contribution of urban agriculture to livelihoods, ecosystems and conservation · Numerous case studies examine a very diverse range of urban agriculture systems
Global Urban Agriculture
by Antoinette M.G.A. WinklerPrinsThere has been growing attention paid to urban agriculture worldwide because of its role in making cities more environmentaly sustainable while also contributing to enhanced food access and social justice. This edited volume brings together current research and case studies concerning urban agriculture from both the Global North and the Global South. Its objective is to help bridge the long-standing divide between discussion of urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South and to demonstrate that today there are greater areas of overlap than there are differences both theoretically and substantively, and that research in either area can help inform research in the other. The book covers the nature of urban agriculture and how it supports livelihoods, provides ecosystem services, and community development. It also considers urban agriculture and social capital, networks, and agro-biodiversity conservation. Concepts such as sustainability, resilience, adaptation and community, and the value of urban agriculture as a recreational resource are explored. It also examines, quite fundamentally, why people farm in the city and how urban agriculture can contribute to more sustainable cities in both the Global North and the Global South. Key Features: #65533; One of the first volumes to bring together evidence from urban agriculture in the Global North and the Global South #65533; Explores the contribution of urban agriculture to livelihoods, ecosystems and conservation #65533; Numerous case studies examine a very diverse range of urban agriculture systems
Global Urban Monitoring and Assessment through Earth Observation (Remote Sensing Applications Series #10)
by Qihao WengCities and towns are the original producers of many of the global environmental problems related to waste disposal, and air and water pollution. There is a rapidly growing need for technologies that will enable monitoring of the world's natural resources and urban assets, and managing exposure to natural and man-made risks. The Group on Earth Obser
Global View of Engineering Geology and the Environment
by Faquan Wu Shengwen QiGlobal View of Engineering Geology and the Environment contains selected papers from the International Symposium and 9th Asian Regional Conference of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment (IAEG, Beijing, China, 24-25 September 2013). The book focusses on six topics:- Crustal stability and dynamical geo-hazards;-
The Global Virtual University
by Lalita Rajasingham John TiffinThis book is about the shift from the modern university of the nation state to the global virtual university of the future. John Tiffin and Lalita Rajasingham launched the idea of virtual universities on the Internet with the publication of 'In Search of the Virtual Class: Education in an Information Society' in 1995. Since then, virtual universities have multiplied worldwide. However, the authors argue that globalisation and the Internet are still in their infancy, and universities have yet to face the challenges of global free trade in broadband telecommunications, artificial intelligence and HyperReality.Based on material gathered from research in the USA, Japan, Taiwan, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand, this book describes how a global university could function in the future and presents a paradigm from which it might be constructed.This unique, visionary text will be critical reading for academics, postgraduate students and for anyone involve din policymaking and planning within the university community and administration.
Global Warming
by Adnan Midilli T. Hikmet Karakoc Ibrahim Dincer Arif HepbasliGlobal Warming: Engineering Solutions goes beyond the discussion of what global warming is, and offers complete concrete solutions that can be used to help prevent global warming. Innovative engineering solutions are needed to reduce the effects of global warming. Discussed here are proposed engineering solutions for reducing global warming resulting from carbon dioxide pollution, poor energy and environment policies and emission pollution. Solutions discussed include but are not limited to: energy conversion technologies and their advantages, energy management and conservation, energy saving and energy security, renewable and sustainable energy technologies, emission reduction, sustainable development; pollution control and measures, policy development, global energy stability and sustainability.
Global Warming and the Built Environment
by D.K. Prasad R. SamuelsThe role of the built environment on global warming is seen to be of increasing relevance. In this book, contributors of international repute offer a wide perspectivet on the subject. This new paperback edition offers insights and techniques regarding design and management of buildings and urban settlement and discusses the issues of accountability and responsibility.
Global Waste Management
by Pradeep Kumar Brajesh KumarGlobal Waste Management raises awareness among readers about industrial application-based problems by encouraging self-evaluation and verification processes related to waste creation and its minimization. While other books discuss the “Do’s and Don’ts” of waste-related issues, our aim is to inspire readers to brainstorm solutions by providing appropriate data integrated with human values. This outstanding new volume highlights the relationship between human activities and their effects on ecology and the environment in the form of waste, including e-waste, industrial waste, radioactive waste (generated during medical treatment and diagnosis, the refining of radioactive materials, operations of nuclear power plants, and through weapons of mass destruction), and micro- and macro-plastic waste. Specifically targeting higher education levels—those teaching, studying, or conducting research on waste generated through various sources—this volume covers the outcomes of waste generation and its management. It draws on the experiences, practices, teachings, and leadership of academia, industry experts, process plant engineers, and researchers. This book is a collective effort to provide essential information on values and ethics, case studies, and the implementation of regulations from national and international governing bodies related to waste and the environment. It offers plausible solutions for the significant amounts of waste generated annually by the sectors mentioned.
Global Waste Management: Models for Tackling the International Waste Crisis
by Kamila PopeAmong other factors, rapid global population growth, our development model and patterns of production and consumption have increased waste generation worldwide to unsustainable rates. This rise has led to crises in many countries where waste management practices are no longer sound. Global Waste Management outlines the emerging global waste crisis considering the perspectives of developed and developing countries around the world and the international relationships between them. This book provides an ecological viewpoint as well as studying these problems from a legal and justice standpoint. Global Waste Management contextualises the problems faced when dealing with waste including the causes and origins. Focus is given to cross border waste transfer, as an ongoing and controversial practice, making waste management a global matter. This book scrutinizes existing international, European and Brazilian regulation on waste to highlight the complexity of the subject and the weaknesses of the law. Using a critical and socio-ecological approach, the book proposes an original model of governance to support a new system of global waste management that takes into account ecological sustainability and social justice to overcome the waste crisis. To create these models, a theoretical framework on socio-ecological justice is developed and combined with different discourses and theories described throughout the book. This is the essential guide to understanding the global waste crisis and the future of waste management.
Global Water Dynamics: Shallow and Deep Groundwater, Petroleum Hydrology, Hydrothermal Fluids, and Landscaping (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment)
by null Emanuel MazorAll that makes this planet special is largely attributable to liquid water. Water in one form or another is found all over our planet, even encountered at depths of thousands of meters within the rocky crust. With a history of around four billion years, water has been around since the early days of Earth. Its presence in large amounts is unique to
Globale Kommunikationsnetze: über Digitalisierung, elektromagnetische Wellen, Glasfasern und Internet (erfolgreich studieren)
by Volkmar BrücknerAufbauend auf gymnasialen Kenntnissen werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Glasfaser-Festnetz als Grundlage für schnelle Datenübertragung und mobilen Geräten wie Smartphones als Zugang zu Informationen immer und von überall geschildert. Dabei werden vorrangig Methoden der digitalen Informationsübertragung behandelt. Besonderer Wert wird anhand von Beispielen auf die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten gelegt, technische Probleme in eine „Ingenieurssprache“ zu übertragen. Zudem werden Probleme der Datensicherheit und deren mögliche Lösungen in der Zukunft an Beispielen erläutert.
Globale nukleare Entwicklungen: Einblicke eines ehemaligen IAEO- Nuklearwaffeninspektors
by Pantelis F. IkonomouDieses Buch wurde von einem ehemaligen Nuklearinspektor der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) und Experten für nukleare Sicherheit geschrieben und bietet einen umfassenden und authentischen Überblick über die aktuellen globalen Entwicklungen im Nuklearbereich. Der Autor gibt detaillierte Einblicke in aktuelle und vergangene Nuklearkrisen und legt die technischen Fähigkeiten, politischen Strategien und Motive der Besitzer von Atomwaffen offen. Durch die Analyse der Nuklearprogramme und -strategien verschiedener Länder, darunter die USA, Russland, China, Großbritannien und Frankreich, verdeutlicht dieses Buch die bestehende globale nukleare Bedrohung und die damit verbundenen Risiken für die Menschheit. Es beschreibt auch die derzeitigen Blockaden und zeigt mögliche Auswege auf. Aufgrund seines Umfangs wird das Buch Wissenschaftler und politische Entscheidungsträger ansprechen, die daran interessiert sind, neue Einblicke in sensible oder komplexe Nuklearprogramme verschiedener Länder zu gewinnen.
Globale Urbanisierung: Perspektive aus dem All
by Hannes Taubenböck Michael Wurm Thomas Esch Stefan DechAuf dem ganzen Erdball drängen die Menschen vom Land in die Städte. Den prognostizierten globalen Bevölkerungszuwachs werden komplett die Städte auffangen. Mit dieser gewaltigen Wanderungsbewegung gehen dramatische Veränderungen der globalen Siedlungslandschaft einher: Neue Millionenstädte entstehen aus dem Nichts, Slums wuchern in jede noch so kleine städtische Freifläche, Megacities fressen sich unaufhaltsam ins Hinterland. Vorstädte erstrecken sich ins Unendliche, Städte verschmelzen miteinander und urbane Zentren wachsen in den Himmel. Stadtlandschaften entstehen in neuen Dimensionen, Strukturen und Mustern. Megaregionen mit mehr als 100 Millionen Einwohnern definieren eine neue urbane Geographie. Die globale Stadt ist dauerhaft im Wandel, dynamischer als jemals zuvor. Erdbeobachtung aus dem All bietet einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Siedlungslandschaften unseres Planeten. Exemplarisch visualisiert das Cover leuchtende Straßenzüge bei Nacht und macht damit die pulsierenden Lebensadern einer Stadt sichtbar. Bisher hatte die Forschung im fernerkundlichen Bereich jedoch überwiegend methodische Entwicklungen im Fokus. Dieses Buch setzt die Ergebnisse der Erdbeobachtung gezielt ein, um raumwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Fragestellungen im Kontext globaler Urbanisierung zu erlangen. Dabei präsentieren die Autoren Studien zu Städten und Regionen auf allen fünf Kontinenten der Erde, zu großen und kleinen Städten, zu geplanten und ungeplanten, zu alten und neuen, zu armen und reichen, zu erfolgreichen oder gefährdeten. Es zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild globaler Urbanisierungsprozesse und ihrer räumlichen Auswirkungen. Die gebaute Stadt wird ebenso betrachtet und analysiert wie ihre Auswirkungen auf den sie umgebenden Raum und die Rückkopplung mit den in den Städten lebenden Menschen. Urbanisierung ist mehr als die Summe ihrer demographischen, funktionalen oder morphologischen Aspekte. Im Verbund mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen eröffnet die Fernerkundung neuartige Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse zu dieser komplexen Thematik.
Globale Vernetzung und technologieorientierte Gründungen in Industrie 4.0 (Intelligente Technische Systeme – Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it’s OWL)
by Günter KorderDieses Fachbuch beschreibt die Aktivitäten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und konzentriert sich hier auf die Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen Internationalisierung und Unternehmensgründungen, die einen entscheidenden Teil zur langfristigen und umfassenden Stärkung des Spitzenclusters und der Region OstWestfalenLippe beitragen. Es gibt somit eine Antwort darauf, wie eine geschaffene Entwicklungsdynamik über eine definierte Dauer hinaus Wirkung ausübt und in dem vorliegenden Fall die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer Region nachhaltig unterstützt. Die Perspektive der Autoren erlaubt einen praktischen Einblick in die Tätigkeiten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und erweitert somit das Verständnis von Experten und Fachkräften.
Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use
by E. Carina KeskitaloThis book describes the changing landscape of European forest ownership and explores the impact a new, often urban, generation of forest owners may have on the future of one of our most basic resources – forests. Forests have not played a major role in rural studies thus far, however they constitute an important part of many rural areas. Drawing on Swedish cases and comparison cases from various other areas of Europe, the authors present these ‘new forest owners’ as a pivotal factor in the changing relationships between urban and rural life. The chapters explore how forest production, the relationship to the environment, urban-rural relations and local communities have already changed as well as discussing what might be expected for the future. A result of work in the Swedish research programme PLURAL and related projects, such as the EU Cost Action FACESMAP, this volume will be of interest to scholars of forestry and rural studies, as well as to researchers in environmental, population and globalization studies more broadly.