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Globale nukleare Entwicklungen: Einblicke eines ehemaligen IAEO- Nuklearwaffeninspektors

by Pantelis F. Ikonomou

Dieses Buch wurde von einem ehemaligen Nuklearinspektor der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEO) und Experten für nukleare Sicherheit geschrieben und bietet einen umfassenden und authentischen Überblick über die aktuellen globalen Entwicklungen im Nuklearbereich. Der Autor gibt detaillierte Einblicke in aktuelle und vergangene Nuklearkrisen und legt die technischen Fähigkeiten, politischen Strategien und Motive der Besitzer von Atomwaffen offen. Durch die Analyse der Nuklearprogramme und -strategien verschiedener Länder, darunter die USA, Russland, China, Großbritannien und Frankreich, verdeutlicht dieses Buch die bestehende globale nukleare Bedrohung und die damit verbundenen Risiken für die Menschheit. Es beschreibt auch die derzeitigen Blockaden und zeigt mögliche Auswege auf. Aufgrund seines Umfangs wird das Buch Wissenschaftler und politische Entscheidungsträger ansprechen, die daran interessiert sind, neue Einblicke in sensible oder komplexe Nuklearprogramme verschiedener Länder zu gewinnen.

Globale Urbanisierung: Perspektive aus dem All

by Hannes Taubenböck Michael Wurm Thomas Esch Stefan Dech

Auf dem ganzen Erdball drängen die Menschen vom Land in die Städte. Den prognostizierten globalen Bevölkerungszuwachs werden komplett die Städte auffangen. Mit dieser gewaltigen Wanderungsbewegung gehen dramatische Veränderungen der globalen Siedlungslandschaft einher: Neue Millionenstädte entstehen aus dem Nichts, Slums wuchern in jede noch so kleine städtische Freifläche, Megacities fressen sich unaufhaltsam ins Hinterland. Vorstädte erstrecken sich ins Unendliche, Städte verschmelzen miteinander und urbane Zentren wachsen in den Himmel. Stadtlandschaften entstehen in neuen Dimensionen, Strukturen und Mustern. Megaregionen mit mehr als 100 Millionen Einwohnern definieren eine neue urbane Geographie. Die globale Stadt ist dauerhaft im Wandel, dynamischer als jemals zuvor. Erdbeobachtung aus dem All bietet einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Siedlungslandschaften unseres Planeten. Exemplarisch visualisiert das Cover leuchtende Straßenzüge bei Nacht und macht damit die pulsierenden Lebensadern einer Stadt sichtbar. Bisher hatte die Forschung im fernerkundlichen Bereich jedoch überwiegend methodische Entwicklungen im Fokus. Dieses Buch setzt die Ergebnisse der Erdbeobachtung gezielt ein, um raumwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu Fragestellungen im Kontext globaler Urbanisierung zu erlangen. Dabei präsentieren die Autoren Studien zu Städten und Regionen auf allen fünf Kontinenten der Erde, zu großen und kleinen Städten, zu geplanten und ungeplanten, zu alten und neuen, zu armen und reichen, zu erfolgreichen oder gefährdeten. Es zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild globaler Urbanisierungsprozesse und ihrer räumlichen Auswirkungen. Die gebaute Stadt wird ebenso betrachtet und analysiert wie ihre Auswirkungen auf den sie umgebenden Raum und die Rückkopplung mit den in den Städten lebenden Menschen. Urbanisierung ist mehr als die Summe ihrer demographischen, funktionalen oder morphologischen Aspekte. Im Verbund mit anderen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen eröffnet die Fernerkundung neuartige Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse zu dieser komplexen Thematik.

Globale Vernetzung und technologieorientierte Gründungen in Industrie 4.0 (Intelligente Technische Systeme – Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it’s OWL)

by Günter Korder

Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt die Aktivitäten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und konzentriert sich hier auf die Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen Internationalisierung und Unternehmensgründungen, die einen entscheidenden Teil zur langfristigen und umfassenden Stärkung des Spitzenclusters und der Region OstWestfalenLippe beitragen. Es gibt somit eine Antwort darauf, wie eine geschaffene Entwicklungsdynamik über eine definierte Dauer hinaus Wirkung ausübt und in dem vorliegenden Fall die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer Region nachhaltig unterstützt. Die Perspektive der Autoren erlaubt einen praktischen Einblick in die Tätigkeiten des Spitzenclusters it’s OWL und erweitert somit das Verständnis von Experten und Fachkräften.

Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use

by E. Carina Keskitalo

This book describes the changing landscape of European forest ownership and explores the impact a new, often urban, generation of forest owners may have on the future of one of our most basic resources – forests. Forests have not played a major role in rural studies thus far, however they constitute an important part of many rural areas. Drawing on Swedish cases and comparison cases from various other areas of Europe, the authors present these ‘new forest owners’ as a pivotal factor in the changing relationships between urban and rural life. The chapters explore how forest production, the relationship to the environment, urban-rural relations and local communities have already changed as well as discussing what might be expected for the future. A result of work in the Swedish research programme PLURAL and related projects, such as the EU Cost Action FACESMAP, this volume will be of interest to scholars of forestry and rural studies, as well as to researchers in environmental, population and globalization studies more broadly.

Globalisation and Seed Sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa (International Political Economy Series)

by Clare O'Grady Walshe

"It is my expectation that respect for the critical importance of seed sovereignty will in due course be recognised by member states of the United Nations to be as critical to global peace and security as the UN Charter demands in respect of State sovereign equality, justice, human rights and economic and social wellbeing for all peoples."—Denis J. Halliday, UN Assistant Secretary-General 1994-98 "A constructive contribution to our understanding of what is going wrong and what can go right in the complex area of seed sovereignty."—Dervla Murphy, renowned travel writer and adventurer"Keeping seed diversity alive is the secret ingredient, not just for the good, nutrient-dense food that every cook, gardener and farmer/producer needs, but for strengthening our resilience in the face of multiple environmental threats. This compelling and timely book helps us to understand what we are up against and how we can overcome it."— Darina Allen, internationally renowned cook, founder of Ballymaloe Cookery school and President of the East Cork Convivium of Slow FoodThis book studies the relationship between globalisation and seed sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa. It provides comparative case studies of the most recent Kenyan and Ethiopian seed laws, as well as a study of seed sovereignty 'on the ground' in a locality within Ethiopia. Based on extensive fieldwork, it identifies the interests and motivations of transnational seed corporations, global philanthropic organisations, state actors, and local farmers. It finds significant differences in the wording of seed laws and the exercise of seed sovereignty, applying theories of globalisation to help us better understand these varied outcomes. It shows that seed sovereignty has the potential to be shared between local, national, regional, and global authorities, but in different ways in different countries and localities. In the face of what might sometimes appear to be unstoppable global forces, these findings suggest that the exercise of seed sovereignty can be transformed even in a highly globalised world.

Globalisierung nach der Corona-Krise: oder wie eine resiliente Produktion gelingen kann – Ein Essay

by Hartmut Frey Engelbert Westkämper Dieter Beste

Unterbrochene Lieferketten, Schwierigkeiten im Nachschub einfachster medizinischer Schutzkleidung (z. B. Mundschutz) im Rahmen der Corona-Krise bieten Anlass die Globalisierung zu hinterfragen. Den gegenwärtigen Spielregeln der Globalisierung sind die Perspektiven einer digitalisierten Wirtschaftsordnung mit entsprechenden Geschäftsmodellen für die Zukunft gegenübergestellt. Es ist dargelegt, welche Prozesse und Verfahren diese Entwicklung unterstützen und es ist ein Ausblick gegeben, wie sich diese Entwicklung auch auf bildungs- und forschungspolitische Aspekte auswirken kann.

Globalization 2.0

by Raschid Ijioui Michael Ceyp Jochen Hagen Heike Emmerich

The recent near-collapse of the global financial sector and the resulting economic problems have caused a great deal of re-examining of the fundamental principles of globalization. This book showcases how leading managers perceive the current crises and the future of globalization. It offers trendsetting answers, solutions and a roadmap for the roadblocks facing future economic growth which are proposed by leading minds from world-leading companies such as CISCO Systems, British Telecom, Lufthansa Technik, Henkel, A.T. Kearney, Roland Berger, Arthur D. Little, Kienbaum, T-Systems, Mercedes-Benz technology, Landis and Gyr, Conergy.

Globalization and Conflict: National Security in a 'New' Strategic Era (Contemporary Security Studies)

by Robert G. Patman

This volume highlights the gap between the new security environment and the notion of state-centred national security favoured by Washington, showing how a Cold War phenomenon known as the national security state, in which defence and foreign policy interests essentially converge, remains largely intact. The conventional wisdom since the suicide attacks of 9/11 is that the world has been transformed and, according to President Bush, "September 11 changed the strategic thinking" of the US. This book challenges these assumptions. Indeed, the Bush administration’s National Security strategy of 2002 has reinvigorated and even extended the idea of national security. Paradoxically, the renewed emphasis on a distinctly state-centred approach to security, including the War on Terror, has unfolded during an era of deepening globalization. Drawing on the international expertise of fourteen specialists, the book examines four inter-related themes: the impact of globalization on the concept of security the strategic outlook of the world’s only superpower, the US the new conflicts that have come to characterize the post-Cold War era efforts to regulate the emerging patterns of conflict in the world. Globalization and Conflict will be essential reading for students of strategic studies, security studies and international relations.

Globalization and Cyberculture

by Kehbuma Langmia

This book argues for hybridity of Western and African cultures within cybercultural and subcultural forms of communication. Kehbuma Langmia argues that when both Western and African cultures merge together through new forms of digital communication, marginalized populations in Africa are able to embrace communication, which could help in the socio-cultural and political development of the continent. On the other hand, the book also engages Richard McPhail's Electronic Colonization Theory in order to demonstrate how developing areas such as Africa experience a new form of imperialistic subjugation because of electronic and digital communication. Globalization and Cyberculture illustrates how new forms of communication inculcate age-old traditional forms of communications into Africa's cyberculture while complicating notions of identity, dependency, and the digital divide gap.

Globalization Drives Strategic Product Switching

by Marialuz Moreno Badia Veerle Slootmaekers Ilke Van Beveren

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Globalization of Low-Carbon Technologies

by Venkatachalam Anbumozhi Kaliappa Kalirajan

This book explores the opportunities and barriers within the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) framework of the Paris Agreement for low-carbon technology diffusion. Further, it proposes appropriate and feasible mechanisms required at local, national and regional levels to achieve the INDC targets. The book employs both meta policy analysis and scenario building to examine, whether the diffusion of low-carbon energy future by 2030 is economically viable under the INDC framework and how international technology cooperation could accelerate investments on the scale required for achieving the INDC targets. Further, this book provides new perspectives on market and non-market mechanisms for the globalization of low-carbon technologies, within the framework conditions of the Paris Agreement, which will be of significant value to senior policy makers, multi-disciplinary academia, and investing comm unities.

Globalization Of Materials R&d: Time For A National Strategy

by National Research Council of the National Academies

Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) R&D is spreading globally at an accelerating rate. As a result, the relative U.S. position in a number of MSE subfields is in a state of flux. To understand better this trend and its implications for the U.S. economy and national security, the Department of Defense (DOD) asked the NRC to assess the status and impacts of the global spread of MSE R&D. This report presents a discussion of drivers affecting U.S. companies’ decisions about location of MSE R&D, an analysis of impacts on the U.S. economy and national security, and recommendations to ensure continued U.S. access to critical MSE R&D.

Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications

by Sudhir Dixit Tero Ojanpera Ramjee Prasad Richard Van Nee

Globalization of Mobile and Wireless Communications is a collection of cutting-edge research in mobile and wireless communications with impact on developments as far forward as 2020 and beyond. The book draws upon the insights and performed research work of leading experts in the field. Topics of discussion are related but not limited to spectrum-efficient radio interface technologies, enabling technologies for reconfigurability, wireless sensor networks, cognitive networks, coherent wireless transmission, algorithmic design, middleware for novel services and applications. The material has been edited to provide a vision for the future of mobile and wireless, towards a dynamic communication system that breaks down the barriers between communications means; and evolves and integrates business models and culture to match the technological evolution. In addition, strategies on how to overcome the technological challenges for achieving that vision are also outlined.

Globalization of Water Governance in South Asia

by Vishal Narain Chanda Gurung Goodrich Jayati Chourey Anjal Prakash

Globalization has significantly redefined the nature of governance in the water sector. Non-state actors—multilateral and transnational donor agencies and corporations, non-government organizations, markets, and civil society at large—are assuming a bigger role in public policy-making for water resource management. New discourses on neoliberalism, integrated water resource management (IWRM), public–private partnerships, privatization, and gender equity have come to influence water governance. Drawing upon detailed case studies from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Bhutan, this volume shows the implications of these new global paradigms for water allocation and management practices, institutions and governance structures in South Asia. It suggests that, despite claims to the contrary, they have done little to further human well-being, reduce gender disparity, or improve accountability and transparency in the system. Steering away from blueprint approaches, it argues for a more nuanced and contextual understanding of water management challenges, based on local knowledge and initiatives. This book will be useful to those interested in political economy and water governance, natural resource management, environmental studies, development studies, and public administration, as well as to water professionals, policy-makers and civil society activists.

Globalizing Automobilism: Exuberance and the Emergence of Layered Mobility, 1900–1980

by Gijs Mom

Why has “car society” proven so durable, even in the face of mounting environmental and economic crises? In this follow-up to his magisterial Atlantic Automobilism, Gijs Mom traces the global spread of the automobile in the postwar era and investigates why adopting more sustainable forms of mobility has proven so difficult. Drawing on archival research as well as wide-ranging forays into popular culture, Mom reveals here the roots of the exuberance, excess, and danger that define modern automotive culture.

Globalizing Oil

by Llewelyn Hughes

Oil is the world's most important commodity. It is also one of the most politicized, with national oil companies controlling most of the world's reserves. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Llewelyn Hughes shows that governments across the advanced industrial states responded to the politicization of oil in the 1970s by freeing prices, lowering barriers to trade, and privatizing national oil companies. How did this come about? And why do some governments continue to support domestic firms? In answering these questions, Hughes shows that the politicization of oil also led to a transformation in oil market governance by changing the balance of risk and opportunities facing firms. He also shows that their ability to benefit from this change was conditioned by previous attempts to shape the competitive landscape in their favor. Hughes' study has important implications not only for the politics of oil, but also for the study of economic liberalization.

GlobalSoilMap: Basis of the global spatial soil information system

by Dominique Arrouays

GlobalSoilMap: Basis of the global spatial soil information system contains contributions that were presented at the 1st GlobalSoilMap conference, held 7-9 October 2013 in Orl‘s, France. These contributions demonstrate the latest developments in the GlobalSoilMap project and digital soil mapping technology for which the ultimate aim is to produce a

GlobalSoilMap - Digital Soil Mapping from Country to Globe: Proceedings of the Global Soil Map 2017 Conference, July 4-6, 2017, Moscow, Russia

by Dominique Arrouays, Igor Savin, Johan Leenaars and Alex B. McBratney

GlobalSoilMap: Digital Soil Mapping from Country to Globe contains contributions that were presented at the 2nd GlobalSoilMap conference, held 4-6 July 2017 in Moscow, Russian Federation. These contributions demonstrate new developments in the GlobalSoilMap project and digital soil mapping technology in many parts of the world, with special focus on former USSR countries. GlobalSoilMap: Digital Soil Mapping from Country to Globe aims to stimulate capacity building and new incentives to develop full GlobalSoilMap products in all parts of the world.

The Globe Artichoke Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)

by Ezio Portis Alberto Acquadro Sergio Lanteri

This book presents the latest information on the genetics and genomics of the globe artichoke. It focuses on the latest findings, tools and strategies employed in genome sequencing, physical map development and QTL analyses, as well as genomic resources. The re-sequencing of four globe artichoke genotypes, representative of the core varietal types in cultivation, as well as the genotype of cultivated cardoon, has recently been completed. Here, the five genomes are reconstructed at the chromosome scale and annotated. Moreover, functional SNP analyses highlight numerous genetic variants, which represent key tools for dissecting the path from sequence variation to phenotype, as well as for designing effective diagnostic markers. The wealth of information provided here offers a valuable asset for scientists, plant breeders and students alike.

The Globotics Upheaval: Globalisation, Robotics and the Future of Work

by Richard Baldwin

'A manifesto for future-proofing our jobs and prosperity' THE SUNDAY TIMESWe stand on the edge of a new era that will bring change to our world on a par with the Industrial Revolution. Automation, artificial intelligence and robotics are changing our lives quickly - but digital disruption goes much further than we realize. Richard Baldwin, one of the world's leading globalization experts, argues that the inhuman speed of this transformation threatens to overwhelm our capacity to adapt. But while the changes are now inevitable, there are strategies that humanity can use to adapt to this new world, employing the indispensable skills that no machine can copy: creativity and independent thought. THE GLOBOTICS UPHEAVAL will help each of us prepare for the oncoming wave of the advanced robotic workforce.

The Globotics Upheaval: Globalisation, Robotics and the Future of Work

by Richard Baldwin

'A manifesto for future-proofing our jobs and prosperity' THE SUNDAY TIMESWe stand on the edge of a new era that will bring change to our world on a par with the Industrial Revolution. Automation, artificial intelligence and robotics are changing our lives quickly - but digital disruption goes much further than we realize. Richard Baldwin, one of the world's leading globalization experts, argues that the inhuman speed of this transformation threatens to overwhelm our capacity to adapt. But while the changes are now inevitable, there are strategies that humanity can use to adapt to this new world, employing the indispensable skills that no machine can copy: creativity and independent thought. THE GLOBOTICS UPHEAVAL will help each of us prepare for the oncoming wave of the advanced robotic workforce.

The Glorious Flight: Across the Channel with Louis Bleriot July 25, 1909

by Alice Provensen Martin Provensen

Winner of the Caldecott Medal, this stunningly illustrated book depicts Louis Bleriot's historic first cross-Channel flight.

Glossary of Agricultural Biotechnology

by null Gurbachan Singh Miglani null Parveen Chhuneja null Satbir Singh Gosal

The rapid progress in molecular genetic techniques and molecular biology has led to a great expansion in the range of biotechnology applications in agriculture. The field is supported by a large number of basic and applied sciences, and agricultural biotechnology has become a multidisciplinary field. A vast amount of technical terms is required to be grasped by students, teachers and research workers and this new Glossary of Agricultural Biotechnology covers all the scientific areas in this important field, including agricultural biotechnology, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, biostatistics, cell biology, computer science, CRISPR/Cas, cytogenetics, DNA nanotechnology, epigenetics, epigenomics, genetics, genome editing, genomics, intellectual property rights, molecular biology, molecular genetics, nanobiotechnology, plant breeding, plant pathology, plant physiology, remote sensing, therapeutics, and tissue culture. The book includes: · Common abbreviations in agricultural biotechnology · Brief descriptions and definitions of each term written in a user-friendly style · A comprehensive bibliography. This book is designed to be an easy-to-use reference for students, teachers, research workers, workers in biotechnology-related government agencies, and the biotechnology industry.

The Glossary of Property Terms

by Geoff Parsons

The Glossary of Property Terms has helped define the property industry since its first publication in 1989. This second edition remains the glossary for all in the landed professions and related endeavours. It has been expanded to include recent additions to the property vocabulary and existing terms have been revised and amended where necessary to reflect correct common useage. This highly practical guide contains some 3,200 terms and definitions as well as nearly 760 abbreviations. This fully updated edition reveals the meanings and nuances of many terms recently introduced into the vocabulary of property. In addition, terms which have a more historic significance have been retained, but amended as appropriate. A must have book for property professionals and students alike.

Glutamate-Related Biomarkers in Drug Development for Disorders of the Nervous System: Workshop Summary

by The National Academy of Sciences

Glutamate is the most pervasive neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Despite this fact, no validated biological markers, or biomarkers, currently exist for measuring glutamate pathology in CNS disorders or injuries. Glutamate dysfunction has been associated with an extensive range of nervous system diseases and disorders. Problems with how the neurotransmitter glutamate functions in the brain have been linked to a wide variety of disorders, including schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, substance abuse, and traumatic brain injury. These conditions are widespread, affecting a large portion of the United States population, and remain difficult to treat. Efforts to understand, treat, and prevent glutamate-related disorders can be aided by the identification of valid biomarkers. The Institute of Medicine's Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders held a workshop on June 21-22, 2010, to explore ways to accelerate the development, validation, and implementation of such biomarkers. Glutamate-Related Biomarkers in Drug Development for Disorders of the Nervous System: Workshop Summaryinvestigates promising current and emerging technologies, and outlines strategies to procure resources and tools to advance drug development for associated nervous system disorders. Moreover, this report highlights presentations by expert panelists, and the open panel discussions that occurred during the workshop.

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