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Glutamine: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Applications
by Dominique Meynial-DenisGlutamine: Biochemistry, Physiology, and Clinical Applications describes the different functions of glutamine (Gln) in animals and humans. Gln is both a nutrient and a signaling molecule, and its functions go beyond those of a simple metabolic fuel or protein precursor. This book has gathered together, in an unbiased and critical manner, all the available evidence and research on Gln including pathology (neurological diseases, intestinal diseases, critical illness, and cancer), physiology (successful aging), catabolic states, immunity, and exercise. Special attention is given to the potential benefit of Gln in states of insulin resistance and the role of Gln as a "conditionally essential" amino acid. The contributors are either pioneers or experts in the area of Gln from all around the globe, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, China, and the United States. This book is a valuable source of information for nutrition scientists, medical doctors, sports scientists, food scientists, dietitians, and anyone interested in nutrition. It is also a valuable resource for students in these fields and will be an important addition to university libraries.
Gluten-free Bread Technology
by Shabir Ahmad Mir Manzoor Ahmad Shah Afshan Mumtaz HamdaniMarket trend and the increasing diagnoses of celiac disease have encouraged extensive research into the development of gluten-free breads. Generally, the development of bread without gluten involves the use of diverse ingredients and additives aimed at imitating the viscoelastic properties of gluten and consequently obtaining quality bread products. However, developing gluten-free bread remains a technological challenge due to the key role of gluten in the breadmaking process.Gluten-Free Bread Technology provides an overview of all fundamental issues and key factors associated with gluten-free bread technology, with the emphasis on the most recent findings on the subject. The promising results of the reviewed studies indicate that the gluten-free breads developed possess similar or better sensory attributes than those of control formulations, and some are even comparable to their wheat gluten-based counterparts. Chapters of this book focus on the role of additives, dough handling, and the physical, structural, sensory and nutritional properties of the gluten-free bread. The science of gluten intolerance is explained as well. With all relevant literature gathered and summarized in one place, this text will be an essential resource for both food scientists and industry professionals pursuing gluten-free formulations.
Gluten Sensitivity: About Gluten-Associated Disorders and the Purpose of a Gluten-Free Diet (essentials)
by Cordula HarterGluten sensitivity is a multifactorial phenomenon. In the medical context, it is associated with symptoms that occur after the consumption of gluten-containing foods. However, not all cases of perceived gluten sensitivity are medically diagnosable. Only for celiac disease and wheat allergies clear diagnostic criteria exist. In most cases patients have non-Celiac Non-Wheat Allergy Wheat Sensitivity (NCWS). Gluten can rarely be detected as a causative agent in NCWS. Rather, other ingredients of wheat, such as ATI or FODMAP, or a disturbed intestinal microbiota may be considered as triggers for the disease. Cordula Harter puts it straight: gluten sensitivity is a fashion trend that is followed by many more people than there are diagnosed patients. The author shows that gluten-containing cereals are nutritionally high-quality foods that provide valuable nutrients and fiber. Elimination is rarely medically indicated and often benefits the food industry more than the consumer. This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Gluten-Sensitivität by Cordula Harter, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2019. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service DeepL.com). A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.
The Glycemic Index: Applications in Practice
by Elena PhilippouIn 1981, David Jenkins, Thomas Wolever, and colleagues introduced the concept of the glycemic index (GI) to differentiate carbohydrates based on the rate of blood glucose rise following their consumption. Although GI was first used in diet therapy for diabetes, research evidence has accumulated since then to thousands of publications from all over the world with applications for prevention and/or management of many diseases, as well as effects on physiological states and exercise. The Glycemic Index: Applications in Practice has gathered together, in an unbiased and critical way, all the evidence and research on GI, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome, pregnancy outcomes, sports performance, eye health, and cognitive functioning. It provides a detailed explanation on how to correctly measure a food’s GI, how the GI of food products can be altered, as well as the use and misuse of GI labelling around the globe. The contributors are either pioneers or experts in the area of GI from all around the globe, including Australia, Canada, Europe, and the United States. The book is a valuable source of information for healthcare professionals of various disciplines, nutritionists, dietitians, food scientists, medical doctors, sports scientists, psychologists, public health (nutrition) policy makers, and students in these fields, as well as an important addition to university libraries.
Glycochemical Synthesis: Strategies and Applications
by Shang Cheng Hung Medel Manuel L. ZuluetaThis book is a comprehensive and concise review on principles, strategies, and crucial advances in glycochemistry. It focuses on synthesis and practical applications and emphasizes state-of-the-art approaches to the assembly and design of sugars.• Provides detailed discussion on specific topics like oligosaccharide assembly and design of sugars, techniques in glycoconjugate preparation, multivalency, and carbohydrate-based drug design• Uses notable examples, like solution-based one-pot methods and automated methods for sugar assembly, to illustrate important concepts and advances in a rapidly emerging field• Discusses practical applications of carbohydrates, like medicine, therapeutics, drug and vaccine development
by Shin-Ichiro Nishimura Sabine Flitsch Bertram O. Fraser-Reid Biao Yu Joachim Thiem Kuniaki Tatsuta Yukishige Ito Hirosato Kondo Gregory L. CotéAs a reflection of the quantum leap that has been made in the study of glycostructures, the first edition of this book has been completely revised and updated. The editors give up-to-date information on glycostructures, their chemistry and chemical biology in the form of a completely comprehensive survey. Glycostructures play highly diverse and crucial roles in a myriad of organisms and important systems in biology, physiology, medicine, bioengineering and technology. Only in recent years have the tools been developed to partly understand the highly complex functions and the chemistry behind them. While many facts remain undiscovered, this MRW has been contributed to by a large number of the world's leading researchers in the field.
Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals
by Alain BeckGlyco-engineering is being developed as a method to control the composition of carbohydrates and to enhance the pharmacological properties of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other proteins. In Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide readers with production and characterization protocols of glycoproteins and glyco-engineered biopharmaceuticals with a focus on mAbs. The volume is divided in four complementary parts dealing with glyco-engineering of therapeutic proteins, glycoanalytics, glycoprotein complexes characterization, and PK/PD assays for therapeutic antibodies. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Glycosylation Engineering of Biopharmaceuticals: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for scientists striving to push forward the exciting field of engineered biopharmaceuticals.
Gm-C Filter Synthesis for Modern RF Systems (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #807)
by Vančo LitovskiThis book discusses synthesis of Gm-C filter for modern radio frequency systems. Analogue filters are an inevitable part of the chain of signal processing in modern radio and telecommunication systems. Among the technologies implemented for these purposes are the so-called Gm-C filters which are built of operational transconductance amplifiers and capacitors. This technology allows for integration of the filter into a CMOS system-on-chip so making it very attractive for application in low-power (battery operated) devices. The objective of this book is to achieve three goals: (1) to fully describe the circuit synthesis procedures for parallel, cascade, and a realization based on LC prototypes; (2) to make a thorough evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and to recommend the “preferable” one; and (3) to create an extensive table of element values of cascaded Gm-C filters realizing the best-known low-pass filter functions. The book will influence the design community to embrace this technology even for non-communication applications.
GM Food Systems and Their Economic Impact (CABI Biotechnology Series)
by Dr Tatjana Brankov Dr Koviljko LovreThe development of transgenic crops is revolutionary, but what does it mean for food production, prices and the environment? This is the first book to examine the economic evidence in a methodical way. It initially describes the historical evolution of biotechnology and defines key terms, before moving on to explore transgenic technology and food regime concepts. The book analyzes genetically modified organism (GMO) policy as part of overall agrarian policy, considering neoregulation in the USA, the EU, Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Serbia; as well as discussing agricultural performance, support and trade relations. The effect of transgenic food production on world food prices is also examined, along with food security at global and regional levels, and the links between GMOs and world hunger. The environmental implications of transgenic technology are considered through analysis of pesticide and fertilizer usage and efficiency, and pesticide consumption in GMO and non-GMO producing countries. Finally, the book considers the entry of transgenic ingredients into the food chain and lists the products affected. Key features: - Detailed analysis of economic data. - Comparison of international trends, including BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and Serbia. - Evaluation of environmental and food security implications. - Glossary of important terms. This book will be valuable for agricultural economists, including students at Masters and PhD level. It will also be of interest to agricultural engineers, food technologists, nutritionists, industry representatives, policy makers, policy advisers and analysts and NGOs.
GM Food Systems and Their Economic Impact (CABI Biotechnology Series)
by Dr Tatjana Brankov Dr Koviljko LovreThe development of transgenic crops is revolutionary, but what does it mean for food production, prices and the environment? This is the first book to examine the economic evidence in a methodical way. It initially describes the historical evolution of biotechnology and defines key terms, before moving on to explore transgenic technology and food regime concepts. The book analyzes genetically modified organism (GMO) policy as part of overall agrarian policy, considering neoregulation in the USA, the EU, Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and Serbia; as well as discussing agricultural performance, support and trade relations. The effect of transgenic food production on world food prices is also examined, along with food security at global and regional levels, and the links between GMOs and world hunger. The environmental implications of transgenic technology are considered through analysis of pesticide and fertilizer usage and efficiency, and pesticide consumption in GMO and non-GMO producing countries. Finally, the book considers the entry of transgenic ingredients into the food chain and lists the products affected. Key features: - Detailed analysis of economic data. - Comparison of international trends, including BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and Serbia. - Evaluation of environmental and food security implications. - Glossary of important terms. This book will be valuable for agricultural economists, including students at Masters and PhD level. It will also be of interest to agricultural engineers, food technologists, nutritionists, industry representatives, policy makers, policy advisers and analysts and NGOs.
The gm/ID Methodology, a sizing tool for low-voltage analog CMOS Circuits
by Paul JespersIC designers appraise currently MOS transistor geometries and currents to compromise objectives like gain-bandwidth, slew-rate, dynamic range, noise, non-linear distortion, etc. Making optimal choices is a difficult task. How to minimize for instance the power consumption of an operational amplifier without too much penalty regarding area while keeping the gain-bandwidth unaffected in the same time? Moderate inversion yields high gains, but the concomitant area increase adds parasitics that restrict bandwidth. Which methodology to use in order to come across the best compromise(s)? Is synthesis a mixture of design experience combined with cut and tries or is it a constrained multivariate optimization problem, or a mixture? Optimization algorithms are attractive from a system perspective of course, but what about low-voltage low-power circuits, requiring a more physical approach? The connections amid transistor physics and circuits are intricate and their interactions not always easy to describe in terms of existing software packages. The gm/ID synthesis methodology is adapted to CMOS analog circuits for the transconductance over drain current ratio combines most of the ingredients needed in order to determine transistors sizes and DC currents.
GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Manual (Motorbooks Workshop)
by Joseph PotakIn this illustrated guide, an LS-series expert takes you step-by-step through the process of installing GM’s high-power engines in any automobile.First underhood in the 1997 Corvette, GM’s LS engines have proven powerful, reliable, and amazingly fuel efficient. Since that time, more than a dozen variants have been produced, ranging from bulletproof, iron-block 4.8-liter workhorses to the supercharged 7.0-liter LS7. Among performance enthusiasts, these remarkable V-8 engines have become a favorite for engine swaps, owing to their fantastic power, compact design, and modification possibilities.In GM LS-Series Engines: The Complete Swap Manual, professional LS-series engine specialist and technician Joseph Potak details all the considerations involved in performing this swap into any vehicle. With clear instructions, color photos, diagrams, and specification tables, Potak guides you through:Mounting your new engineConfiguring the EFI systemDesigning fuel and exhaust systemsSourcing the correct accessories for your applicationTransmission, torque converters, and clutchesPerformance upgrades and power-addersTroubleshooting, should problems arise
GmbH-Handbuch für den Mittelstand
by Heinz-Peter VerspayDie GmbH ist mit mehr als einer Million Gesellschaften die häufigste Gesellschaftsform für Kapitalgesellschaften in Deutschland. Das große Interesse an ihr beruht auf dem Bedürfnis, die aus der Geschäftstätigkeit folgende Haftung der Gesellschafter auszuschließen. Für Verbindlichkeiten der GmbH haftet deren Gläubigern grundsätzlich nur das Gesellschaftsvermögen. Mit diesem Buch werden die Gründung der GmbH einschließlich der Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) und die mit dieser Rechtsform verbundenen Besonderheiten bei den bestehenden Gesellschaften für den Praktiker dargestellt. Das Buch informiert Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter einer GmbH über ihre Funktionen und ihre Rechte und Pflichten.Die Erstauflage dieses Buches war zum Inkrafttreten der großen GmbH-Reform Ende 2008 fertiggestellt worden. Die von den Fachleuten einhellig begrüßte Reform, mit der die Rechtsform der GmbH durch Deregulierung und Modernisierung attraktiver gemacht werden sollte, warein "großer Wurf". Die 3. Auflage kann sich angesichts der Vielzahl der seitdem ergangenen gerichtlichen Entscheidungen auf eine verfestigte Rechtsprechung stützen. Sie umfasst darüber hinaus die zwischenzeitlich erfolgten Änderungen und Erweiterungen der für die GmbH maßgeblichen Gesetzesbestimmungen. Das Buch setzt keine juristischen Vorkenntnisse voraus. Aufgrund der tiefen Gliederung und des ausführlichen Sachverzeichnisses eignet es sich hervorragend als Nachschlagewerk für den Praktiker.
GMO China: How Global Debates Transformed China's Agricultural Biotechnology Policies (Contemporary Asia in the World)
by Cong CaoIn China, as elsewhere, the debate over genetically modified organisms has become polarized into anti- and pro-GMO camps. Given the size of China’s population and market, much is at stake in conflicts over regulation for domestic as well as international actors. In this book, Cong Cao provides an even-handed analysis that illuminates the tensions that have shaped China’s policy toward agricultural biotechnology in a global perspective.Cao presents a comprehensive and systematic analysis of how China’s policy toward research and commercialization of genetically modified crops has shifted that explains how China’s changing GMO stances reflect its evolving position on the world stage. While China’s scientific community has set the agenda, it has encountered resistance rooted in concerns over food safety and consumers’ rights as well as issues of intellectual property rights and food sovereignty. Although Chinese leaders at first sought to take advantage of the biotech revolution by promoting GMO crop consumption, Cao demonstrates that policy has since become precautionary, as seen in new laws and regulations grounded in concerns over safety and the deferral of commercialization of GM rice. He presents China’s policies in light of changing global attitudes toward GM crops: As shifts in China have closely followed global trends, so has domestic activism. Drawing on government and scientific documents as well as interviews with scientists, officials, policy analysts, activists, and journalists, GMO China is an important book for China studies, science and technology studies, policy analysts, and professionals interested in the Chinese biotechnology market.
GMOs Decoded: A Skeptic's View of Genetically Modified Foods (Food, Health, and the Environment)
by Sheldon KrimskyThe debate over genetically modified organisms: health and safety concerns, environmental impact, and scientific opinions.Since they were introduced to the market in the late 1990s, GMOs (genetically modified organisms, including genetically modified crops), have been subject to a barrage of criticism. Agriculture has welcomed this new technology, but public opposition has been loud and scientific opinion mixed. In GMOs Decoded, Sheldon Krimsky examines the controversies over GMOs—health and safety concerns, environmental issues, the implications for world hunger, and the scientific consensus (or lack of one). He explores the viewpoints of a range of GMO skeptics, from public advocacy groups and nongovernmental organizations to scientists with differing views on risk and environmental impact.Krimsky explains the differences between traditional plant breeding and “molecular breeding” through genetic engineering (GE); describes early GMO products, including the infamous Flavr Savr tomato; and discusses herbicide-, disease-, and insect-resistant GE plants. He considers the different American and European approaches to risk assessment, dueling scientific interpretations of plant genetics, and the controversy over labeling GMO products. He analyzes a key 2016 report from the National Academies of Sciences on GMO health effects and considers the controversy over biofortified rice (Golden Rice)—which some saw as a humanitarian project and others as an exercise in public relations. Do GMO crops hold promise or peril? By offering an accessible review of the risks and benefits of GMO crops, and a guide to the controversies over them, Krimsky helps readers judge for themselves.
GMOs, Food Traceability and RegTech: Genetically Modified Food, Traceability Systems and Blockchain as a Regulatory Technology
by Andrea Stazi Riccardo JovineThe book deals with the regulation of GMOs within the context of multiple principles and interests, including food security, sustainable development, and biodiversity. The recognition of intellectual property rights, particularly with respect to geographical indications and patentability is also discussed. From a comparative perspective, the importance of traceability in the food industry, driven by major world powers' consumer and market protection policies, is highlighted. Finally the use of emerging technologies, such as blockchain, as a form of "regulatory technology" for more effective and sustainable management of traceability systems within the food supply chain, is explored as a workable and forward looking solution.
GMP-Qualifizierung und Validierung von Wirkstoffanlagen: Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis
by Ralf GengenbachUnter Validierung bzw. Qualifizierung versteht man die Beweisf hrung, dass Verfahren, Prozesse, Ausr stungsgegenst nde, Materialien, Arbeitsg nge oder Systeme tats chlich zu den erwarteten Ergebnissen f hren. Betroffen sind alle Unternehmen, die Rohstoffe, Halbfertig- oder Fertigprodukte f r medizinische Ger te, Pharmazeutika, Diagnostika, Lebensmittel herstellen. Ebenso sind Labore betroffen, die Dienstleistungen anbieten, deren Ergebnisse direkt in den Herstellungsprozess einflie en. Dieses Buch liefert "harte Fakten" hinsichtlich der Durchf hrung (How to do) von praxiserprobten Qualifizierungs- und Validierungsma nahmen - ein "Must have" f r Wirkstoff- und Arzneimittelhersteller sowie deren Zulieferer. Der deutsche Titel zur Validierung und Qualifizierung
GNSS for Rail Transportation: Challenges And Opportunities (PoliTO Springer Series)
by Letizia Lo Presti Salvatore SabinaThis book proposes a general methodology to introduce Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) integrity, starting from a rigorous mathematical description of the problem. It highlights the major issues that designers need to resolve during the development of GNSS-based systems requiring a certain level of confidence on the position estimates. Although it follows a general approach, the final chapters focus on the application of GNSS integrity to rail transportation, as an example. By describing the main requirements in the context of train position function, one of which is the safe function of any train control system, it shows the critical issues associated with the concept of safe position integrity. In particular, one case study clarifies the key differences between the avionic domain and the railway domain related to the application of GNSS technologies, and identifies a number of railway-signaling hazards linked with the use of such technology. Furthermore, it describes various railway-signaling techniques to mitigate such hazards to prepare readers for the future evolution of train control systems, also based on the GNSS technology. This unique book offers a valuable reference guide for engineers and researchers in the fields of satellite navigation and rail transportation.
GNSS Remote Sensing
by Shuanggen Jin Estel Cardellach Feiqin XieThe versatile and available GNSS signals can detect the Earth's surface environments as a new, highly precise, continuous, all-weather and near-real-time remote sensing tool. This book presents the theory and methods of GNSS remote sensing as well as its applications in the atmosphere, oceans, land and hydrology. Ground-based atmospheric sensing, space-borne atmospheric sensing, reflectometry, ocean remote sensing, hydrology sensing as well as cryosphere sensing with the GNSS will be discussed per chapter in the book.
Go for the Moon: A Rocket, a Boy, and the First Moon Landing
by Chris GallWritten and illustrated by Chris Gall, Go for the Moon! captures the fascinating detail and inspiring adventure of the moon landing. It is a captivating celebration of one of humankind's greatest technical achievements and most extraordinary feats of exploration.The Apollo 11 astronauts have prepared carefully for their attempt to be the first men to land on the moon. The young narrator of this book has prepared carefully, too: he explains the design of the spacecraft, the flight from the earth to the moon, and the drama of touching down--while shadowing the astronaut's voyage with one of his own.
Go, Otto, Go!: Ready-to-read Pre-level 1 (The\adventures Of Otto Ser.)
by David MilgrimOtto the robot builds a spaceship to take him home.
Go Play: A Ya Paranormal Urban Fantasy Thriller (The Last Lodge on Earth #2)
by Kailin Gow Kira G.Schitt's Creek Meets Stranger Things AND the Walking Dead... I moved with my mother from Hollywood, California to a small town in Texas. I thought my life was over, but... It was the move that would save our lives when the world suddenly turned crazy! **The Last Lodge on Earth Series s a YA Fantasy Action Adventure with a nod to Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, and the Walking Dead and is appropriate for age 14 and up!
The Go-To Guide for Engineering Curricula, Grades 9-12: Choosing and Using the Best Instructional Materials for Your Students
by Cary I. SneiderHow to engineer change in your high school science classroom With the Next Generation Science Standards, your students won’t just be scientists—they’ll be engineers. But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Seamlessly weave engineering and technology concepts into your high school math and science lessons with this collection of time-tested engineering curricula for science classrooms. Features include: A handy table that leads you straight to the chapters you need In-depth commentaries and illustrative examples A vivid picture of each curriculum, its learning goals, and how it addresses the NGSS More information on the integration of engineering and technology into high school science education
The Go-To Guide for Engineering Curricula, Grades 9-12: Choosing and Using the Best Instructional Materials for Your Students
by Cary I. SneiderHow to engineer change in your high school science classroom With the Next Generation Science Standards, your students won’t just be scientists—they’ll be engineers. But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Seamlessly weave engineering and technology concepts into your high school math and science lessons with this collection of time-tested engineering curricula for science classrooms. Features include: A handy table that leads you straight to the chapters you need In-depth commentaries and illustrative examples A vivid picture of each curriculum, its learning goals, and how it addresses the NGSS More information on the integration of engineering and technology into high school science education
Go! With Microsoft Office 365, Excel 2019 Comprehensive: Learn, Practice, Succeed
by Shelley Gaskin Alicia VargasSeamless digital instruction, practice, and assessment; For over 17 years, instructors have relied upon the GO! series to teach Microsoft Office successfully. The series uses a project-based approach that clusters learning objectives around projects, rather than software features, so students can practice solving real business problems. <p><p> Gaskin uses easy-to-follow Microsoft Procedural Syntax so students always know where to go on the ribbon; she combines this with a Teachable Moment approach that offers learners tips and instructions at the precise moment they’re needed. Updated to Office 365, this book adds tips for Mac users, revised instructional projects, and improved coverage of the what, why, and how of skills application.