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Showing 28,701 through 28,725 of 71,607 results

Google Leaks: A Whistleblower's Exposé of Big Tech Censorship

by Zach Vorhies Kent Heckenlively

A Story of Big Tech Censorship and Bias and the Fight to Save Our Country The madness of Big Tech and their attempt to mold our reality into a version compatible with their globalist view of the world has never been portrayed better than in this chilling account by Google whistleblower, Zach Vorhies. As a senior engineer at Google for many years, Zach was aware of their bias, but watched in horror as the 2016 election of Donald Trump seemed to drive them into dangerous territory. The American ideal of an honest, hard-fought battle of ideas—when the contest is over, shaking hands and working together to solve problems—was replaced by a different, darker ethic alien to this country's history. Working with New York Times bestselling author Kent Heckenlively (Plague of Corruption), Vorhies and Heckenlively weave a tale of a tech industry once beloved by its central figure for its innovation and original thinking, turned into a terrifying intellectual wasteland of brutality and censorship. For Zach, an intuitive counter-thinker, brought up on the dystopian futures of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and Ray Bradbury, it was clear that Google was attempting nothing less than a seamless rewriting of the operating code of reality in which many would not be allowed to participate. Using Google's own internal search engine, Zach discovered their six-part plan for complete information dominance and released 950 pages of these documents to the world in June 2019 with an appearance with James O'Keefe on Project Veritas, which quickly became one of their most popular stories. From the globalist enclaves of Silicon Valley in 2016 in the wake of the Trump victory to the November 3, 2020 election, Zach provides a "you are there" perspective on these events and where we may be headed as a country. Read this book if you care about the future of America.

Google Tools Meets Middle School (Corwin Teaching Essentials)

by Jason M. Borgen Michael J. Graham

Filled with actionable instruction ideas, this sparkling new edition includes must-have tools that enable all teachers to become masters of learning for 21st century students.

Google Tools Meets Middle School (Corwin Teaching Essentials)

by Jason M. Borgen Michael J. Graham

Filled with actionable instruction ideas, this sparkling new edition includes must-have tools that enable all teachers to become masters of learning for 21st century students.

Gordon Welchman: Bletchley Park's Architect Of Ultra Intelligence

by Joel Greenberg

A magnificent biography which finally provides recognition to one of Bletchley’s and Britain’s lost heroes Michael Smith. The Official Secrets Act and the passing of time have prevented the Bletchley Park story from being told by many of its key participants. Here at last is a book which allows some of them to speak for the first time. Gordon Welchman was one of the Park’s most important figures. Like Turing, his pioneering work was fundamental to the success of Bletchley Park and helped pave the way for the birth of the digital age. Yet, his story is largely unknown to many. His book, The Hut Six Story, was the first to reveal not only how they broke the codes, but how it was done on an industrial scale. Its publication created such a stir in GCHQ and the NSA that Welchman was forbidden to discuss the book or his wartime work with the media. In order to finally set the record straight, Bletchley Park historian and tour guide Joel Greenberg has drawn on Welchman’s personal papers and correspondence with wartime colleagues which lay undisturbed in his son’s loft for many years. Packed with fascinating new insights, including Welchman’s thoughts on key Bletchley figures and the development of the Bombe machine, this is essential reading for anyone interested in the clandestine activities at Bletchley Park. As seen in the Kent and Sussex Courier, Dover Express, Folkestone Herald, Sevenoaks Chronicle, M.K. Pulse Magazine, The Vine Magazine and Vale Life Magazine.

The Gorilla Game: Picking Winners in High Technology

by Paul Johnson Geoffrey A. Moore Tom Kippola

The Possibilities Are Staggering: Had you invested $10,000 in Cisco Systems back in early 1990, your investment would now be worth $3,650,000. Similarly, a $10,000 investment made in Microsoft in 1986 would be valued at more than $4,721,000 today. $10,000 invested in Yahoo! in 1996 would today be worth $317,000. How do you get in on those deals--especially if you're not a Silicon Valley insider? How do you buy the high-tech winners and avoid the losers? How do you find the Yahoo!s, Microsofts, and Ciscos of tomorrow? The answers are here, in this edition of the national bestseller The Gorilla Game. The book reveals the dynamics driving the market for high-tech stocks and out-lines the forces that catapult a select number of companies to "gorilla" status--dominating the markets they serve in the way that Yahoo! dominates internet portals, Microsoft dominates software operating systems, and Cisco dominates hardware for data networks. Follow the rules of The Gorilla Game and you will learn how to identify and invest in the "gorilla candidates" early on--while they are still fighting for dominance, and while their stocks are still cheap. When the dust clears and one company clearly attains leadership in its market, you'll reap the enormous returns that foresighted investors in high-tech companies deserve.

Goss's Roofing Ready Reckoner

by C. N. Mindham

Goss's Roofing Ready Reckoner provides cutting angle and lengths for traditional 'cut' roofs and design tables for timber sizing, based on BS5268 'Structural use of timber' and now including a comparison of timber sizes using Eurocode 5 'Design of Timber Structures'. Additional information is provided on wall plate and gable strapping, wind bracing, truss clips and other roofing metalwork, plus information on tools, equipment and health and safety matters. Detailed drawings for tiling, slating and other roof coverings are included, with fixing requirements revised to BS 5534:2014. Information on lead substitutes and roofing putties is also provided. Design of warm and cold roofs is fully covered, including ventilation and insulation requirements. The fifth edition also includes new chapters on engineered timber roofing components, solar panel fixing and outbuilding roofs.

Gotcha! (Science Solves It!)

by Jennifer Dussling

Solve kid-sized dilemmas and mysteries with the Science Solves It! series. These fun books for kids ages 5–8 blend clever stories with real-life science. Why did the dog turn green? Can you control a hiccup? Is that a UFO? Find the answers to these questions and more as kid characters dive into physical, life, and earth sciences. While telling ghost stories at camp, Peter secretly uses a magnet to make a trunk slam shut and a spoon move across a table. Books in this perfect STEM series will help kids think like scientists and get ahead in the classroom. Activities and experiments are included in every book! (Level Two: Science topic: Magnets)

Governance and Institution in the Indian Forest Sector: An Analytical Study

by Jyotish Prakash Basu

This book addresses quantitative assessment of forest governance and how local-level institutions work in governing efficient ways of forest resource management so that sustainable development of forest is ensured. The research is done at the micro-level as well as macro-level in India. The research presented here focuses on forest governance and institutions in the two forest divisions of West Bengal say South Bengal and North Bengal. The research covers 36 villages, 844 households, 10 Gram panchayat, 12 Beat offices, and 36 Forest protection Committees in West Bengal and also studies different local-level institutions like local communities/households; Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMC)/Forest Protection Committees (FPCs); Community Forest Management groups; Van Panchayats; Village Councils (schedule VI area) and Biodiversity Management Committees; Eco-development committees, NGOs and Self-Help Groups, and Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs). Chapters also address various issues like monitoring, enforcement, rule of law, transparency, accountability, participation, control of corruption, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, and sustainable livelihood in connection with the study of forest governance. This research is associated with different sectors like agricultural sector, forestry sector, informal sectors and rural development, etc., and involved multi-stakeholders. Particular attention is given on the policy-oriented research which is the cornerstone of SDG of 16. Developmental practitioners, government implementation agencies, researchers in environmental science and social science, and policymakers find this book appealing.

Governance and Sustainable Urban Transport in the Americas

by Jean Mercier Fanny Tremblay-Racicot Mario Carrier Fábio Duarte

This volume explores the governance patterns of three cities of the Americas, Seattle, Montreal, and Curitiba, which all present different but interesting cases in dealing with sustainable urban transport challenges. The authors study empirical data from these three cities to analyze how specific governmental and policy instruments (planning, consultation and market mechanisms for example) were implemented in each case. Through concepts coming from policy studies and sociology, for example, such as path dependency, institutional culture and transaction costs, the three cities are also looked at in a broader perspective in order to better understand how they deal differently with their common challenges.

Governance & Climate Justice: Global South & Developing Nations (Politics, Economics, And Inclusive Development Ser.)

by Julia Puaschunder

This book examines international climate change mitigation and adaptation regimes with the aim of proposing fair climate stability implementation strategies. Based on the current endeavors to finance climate change mitigation and adaptation around the world, the author introduces a 3-dimensional climate justice approach to share the benefits and burdens of climate change equitably within society, across the globe and over time.

Governance Ecosystems

by Julia Sagebien Nicole Marie Lindsay

As debates rage about the responsibilities of business and government in global extractives industries, there remains a significant lack of empirical research and theoretical analysis focused on the dynamics of resource extraction, governance and corporate social responsibility. This collection takes a broad, 'governance ecosystem' view to exploring the complex and cross-cutting relationships between key actors involved in and affected by mining governance in Latin America. Case studies include the Kimberley process over conflict diamonds, the PERCAN Initiative in Peru, the Carajas iron ore complex in the Brazilian Amazon, Apex and Empresa Huanuni in Bolivia, and the gold producers Newmont and Goldcorp. "

Governance for Justice and Environmental Sustainability: Lessons across Natural Resource Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa

by Rachel Wynberg Merle Sowman

Understanding the governance of complex social-ecological systems is vital in a world faced with rapid environmental change, conflicts over dwindling natural resources, stark disparities between rich and poor and the crises of sustainability. Improved understanding is also essential to promote governance approaches that are underpinned by justice and equity principles and that aim to reduce inequality and benefit the most marginalised sectors of society. This book is concerned with enhancing the understanding of governance in relation to social justice and environmental sustainability across a range of natural resource sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. By examining governance across various sectors, it reveals the main drivers that influence the nature of governance, the principles and norms that shape it, as well as the factors that constrain or enable achievement of justice and sustainability outcomes. The book also illuminates the complex relationships that exist between various governance actors at different scales, and the reality and challenge of plural legal systems in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. The book comprises 16 chapters, 12 of them case studies recounting experiences in the forest, wildlife, fisheries, conservation, mining and water sectors of diverse countries: Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Cameroon.Through insights from these studies, the book seeks to draw lessons from the praxis of natural resource governance in Sub-Saharan Africa and to contribute to debates on how governance can be strengthened and best configured to meet the needs of the poor, in a way that is both socially just and ecologically sustainable.

Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring An Integrative Framework Of Theories, Tools, And Competencies (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Joachim Monkelbaan

This book provides a detailed overview of governance for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopting a unique integrative approach, it examines the fragmentation of governance that is a critical barrier to achieving the SDGs. The main question addressed is: What are the crucial elements and the organizing logic of an integrative framework that is suitable for analysing governance for the SDGs and for implementing the transitions that we need towards a more sustainable world?This transdisciplinary book first proposes a combination of innovative governance theories that can improve the analysis and practice of sustainability governance. Secondly, it explores the interests of core actors in a number of case examples. And thirdly, it offers recommendations for improving the study and practice of sustainability governance.The findings presented form the basis for a new approach to governance towards objectives such as the SDGs: Integrative Sustainability Governance (ISG). The ensuing ISG framework includes indicator frames within the pillars of power, knowledge and norms. The book concludes that the transformation of crisis into sustainability transitions requires a deeper consideration of risk management that strengthens resilience; systems deliberation that complements democracy; and behavioral insights that elevate human awareness and collaboration. This handbook is a comprehensive and valuable companion for students, experts and practitioners with an interest in the SDGs.

Governance in the Extractive Industries: Power, Cultural Politics and Regulation (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development)

by Lori Leonard Siba N. Grovogui

Greater understanding of the forms and consequences of investment and disinvestment in the extractive industries is required as a result of capitalist expansion, recent declines in global commodity prices, and claims that extractive sector projects, especially in the global south, are poverty reduction projects. This book explores emergent forms of governance in mining and extractive industry projects around the world. Chapters examine efforts to govern extractive activities across multiple political scales, through intermediaries, instruments, technologies, discourses, and infrastructures. The contributions analyse how multiple micro-processes of rule reverberate through societies to shape the material conditions of everyday life but also politics, social relations, and subjectivities in extractive economies. Detailed case studies are included from Africa (Chad, Nigeria, Rwanda, and São Tomé and Príncipe), Latin America (Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru), and the UN Climate Conference.

Governance of a Transboundary River: The Rhône (Palgrave Studies in Water Governance: Policy and Practice)

by Christian Bréthaut Géraldine Pflieger

This book examines the issues at stake in transboundary water governance, it spotlights the Rhône River, a biophysical entity of enormous historical, political and economic importance. The Rhône has long been viewed essentially as a tool for energy production, heavily canalized and exploited by a series of dams and nuclear power plants – with the result that those who live along this great river have simply turned away. Basing their work on a detailed analysis of the history and the current management of the Rhône, the authors explore the challenges linked with transboundary river basin governance including relevant international water law, appropriation of river and river resources by Nation States. Finally, they discuss a diverse range of institutional architectures and outlines several solutions that might cope with the growing complexity of transboundary management of a major river. The book will be of interest to scholars in fields such as environment studies, water policy and Natural Resource Management, it also has relevance to water managers and entrepreneurs concerned with staying abreast of developments in water policy and governance.

Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation (Springer Polar Sciences)

by Aldo Chircop Floris Goerlandt Claudio Aporta Ronald Pelot

This open access book is a result of the Dalhousie-led research project Safe Navigation and Environment Protection, supported by a grant from the Ocean Frontier Institute’s the Canada First Research Excellent Fund (CFREF). The book focuses on Arctic shipping and investigates how ocean change and anthropogenic impacts affect our understanding of risk, policy, management and regulation for safe navigation, environment protection, conflict management between ocean uses, and protection of Indigenous peoples’ interests. A rapidly changing Arctic as a result of climate change and ice loss is rendering the North more accessible, providing new opportunities while producing impacts on the Arctic. The book explores ideas for enhanced governance of Arctic shipping through risk-based planning, marine spatial planning and scaling up shipping standards for safety, environment protection and public health.

The Governance of Digital Policies: Towards a New Competence in the European Union

by Mirela Mărcuţ

This book examines the efforts of the European Union, both past and ongoing, to harness the socio-economic potential of the internet in public policy-making. In order to achieve this, the author delves into the interactions between actors in the process of EU decision-making, using an outlook which focuses on how both multi-level and experimentalist governance can provide solutions for digital policy governance. The book also addresses the involvement of local and regional authorities in digital policy-making, both in how they endorse decisions made at the EU level, and in how they contribute directly to digital policy-making in their own localities.

The Governance of Energy in China

by Philip Andrews-Speed

The way in which energy is governed in China is driving its rising level of carbon dioxide emissions. This book analyses the nature of energy governance in China by combining ideas relating to transition management with institutionalist theories, which helps to identify factors which assist or constrain the country's path to a low-carbon economy.

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution

by Serge M. Garcia Jake Rice Anthony Charles

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation explores governance of the world’s oceans with a focus on the impacts of two inter-connected but historically separate streams of governance: one for fisheries, the other for biodiversity conservation. Chapters, most co-authored by leading experts from both streams, investigate the interaction of these governance streams from ecological, economic, social and legal perspectives, with emphasis on policies, institutions processes, and outcomes on scales from the global to the local community, and with coverage of a range of themes and regions of the world. The book opens with chapters setting the historical context for the two marine governance streams, and framing the book’s exploration of whether, as the streams increasingly interact, there will be merger or collision, convergence or co-evolution. The concluding chapter synthesizes the insights from throughout the book, relative to the questions posed in the opening chapters. It also draws conclusions about future needs and directions in the governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity, vital to the future of the world’s oceans. With cutting edge chapters written by many leading international experts in fisheries management and biodiversity conservation, and edited by three leading figures in this crucially important subject, Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation is an essential purchase for fisheries scientists, economists, resource managers and policymakers, and all those working in fields of biodiversity conservation, marine ecology, and coastal livelihoods. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where environmental and/or marine studies, conservation, ocean policy and law, biological and life sciences, and fisheries management are studied and taught, should have copies of this most important book.

Governance of Radioactive Waste, Special Waste and Carbon Storage: Literacy in Dealing with Long-term Controversial Sociotechnical Issues (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Thomas Flüeler

This book demonstrates that the long-term safety of nuclear waste repositories, special waste disposal and carbon storage (CCS) is highly challenging and monitoring may contribute to substantiate evidence, support decision making and legitimise the programme. Deep geological disposal is a long-term safety issue and, in parallel, requires long-term institutional involvement of the technoscientific community, waste producers, public administrators, NGOs and the public. What, where and when to monitor is determined by its goal setting: It may be operational, confirmatory (in the near field) or environmental (far field). Strategic monitoring as proposed here contributes to process, implementation or policy and institutional surveillance. It not only addresses the controversial long-lasting “problem” (of nuclear, other toxic or CO2 waste) but investigates some ways to approach for “solutions” or solution spaces – not just technical but also institutional, societal and personal. It includes the tailored transfer of knowledge, concept and system understanding, experience and documentation to specific audiences above. It is an integrative tool of targeted yet adaptive management and may be applicable to other long-term sociotechnical fields.

The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems: Towards New Organizational Structures for the Development of Shared, Automated, Electric and Integrated Mobility (The Urban Book Series)

by Matthias Finger Maxime Audouin

This book presents essential new governance structures to embrace and regulate smart mobility modes. Drawing on a range of case studies, it paves the way for new approaches to governing future transportation systems. Over the past decades, Information and Communication Technologies have enabled the development of new mobility solutions that have completely redefined traditional and well-established urban transportation systems. Urban transportation systems are evolving dramatically, from the development of shared mobility modes, to the advent of electric mobility, and from the automated mobility trend to the rapid spread of integrated transportation schemes. Given the disruptive nature of those new mobility solutions, new governance structures are needed. Through a series of case studies from around the world, this book highlights governance and regulatory processes having supported, or sometimes prevented, the development and implementation of smart mobility solutions (shared, automated, electric, integrated). The combination of chapters offers a comprehensive overview of the different research endeavours focusing on the governance of smart transportation systems and will help pave the way for this important subject, which is crucial for the future of cities.

Governance, Policy and Juxtaposition: A Maritime Perspective

by Michael Roe

This book considers governance and policy-making within the maritime sector, and focuses significantly on the dimensional context within which governance works. Recognising the importance of understanding governance and policy at times when the world is faced with social, political, and economic problems, it highlights the fact that both areas are equally significant in understanding today’s political economy. By focusing on the maritime sector, a pillar industry supporting international trade activities, the book offers a unique perspective to explain the difficulties of balancing policy-making with governance in order to provide solutions. It also examines the importance of developing a governance process that encourages and accommodates juxtaposition in a way that ensures that the effect of independent policy-making is understood upon the success or otherwise of policies across a range of contexts and problems.Given the in-depth nature of the text, it is of interest to academics, researchers and professionals in the field.

Governance, Social Organisation and Reform in Rural China

by Hongguang He

Xiaogang village, located in Anhui Province, was reputedly the first village in China to decollectivise in 1978, paving the way for agricultural reform and a new rural economy in China. This study explores how farmers in Xiaogang have engaged in various forms of cooperation in the decades since decollectivisation and the extent to which changing political and social contexts of the rural China are likely to impact upon the way in which farmers cooperate and collaborate with each other. In an attempt to understand the relationship between farmers and the state in a rapidly changing China, the text focuses upon governance and social organisation within the village and explores the extent to which farmers have autonomy in both their economic and political activities. While decollectivisation is often interpreted as the second 'liberation' of Chinese farmers, it is clear that new power structures have emerged to replace those of the collective and the commune. While many studies have explored this question in terms of a so-called binary opposition between the state and the community, they have tended to neglect the subtleties behind this opposition. Utilising Foucault's concept of 'governmentality', this study develops new ways of understanding micro-level power relations that enable and constrain certain forms of political and economic activity within the village.

Governing a Common Sea: Environmental Policies in the Baltic Sea Region

by Detlef Jahn Marko Joas Kristine Kern

�This is a very welcome volume, and it will reach a large audience and readership among those involved in these issues from a truly multidisciplinary perspective; in essence, a much needed book!� Erik Bonsdorff, professor of marine biology at �bo Akademi University, Finland �This timely volume provides a thorough account of how the highly advanced industrial societies seek to govern and manage the Baltic Sea. The way they proceed, and the degree to which they succeed, provide valuable lessons for riparian states seeking to avoid tragedies of their commons.� Lennart J. Lundqvist, professor of environmental policy and administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden How is a natural common pool resource such as a sea, which is shared by several countries, best governed? The potential for international conflict is immense, as each country may have different agendas with regard to issues such as exploitation and environmental protection. This book uses a case study of the Baltic Sea Region to examine this complex problem. The sea itself has been highly vulnerable to pollution and recently the bordering nations have begun to change their mode of cooperation to tackle this issue by establishing several new forums to manage the sea. Administrative and political structures developed in the region are reviewed and shown to provide a model that could be applied to other seas and natural resource systems elsewhere in the world.

Governing African Gold Mining

by Ainsley Elbra

This book takes a fresh approach to the puzzle of sub-Saharan Africa's resource curse. Moving beyond current scholarship's state-centric approach, it presents cutting-edge evidence gathered through interviews with mining company executives and industry representatives to demonstrate that firms are actively controlling the regulation of the gold mining sector. It shows how large mining firms with significant private authority in South Africa, Ghana and Tanzania are able to engender rules and regulations that are acknowledged by other actors, and in some cases even adopted by the state. In doing so, it establishes that firms are co-governing Africa's gold mining sector. By exploring the implications for resource-cursed states, this significant work argues that firm-led regulation can improve governance, but that many of these initiatives fail to address country/mine specific issues where there remains a role for the state in ensuring the benefits of mining flow to local communities. It will appeal to economists, political scientists, and policy-makers and practitioners working in the field of mining and extractives.

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