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Showing 28,726 through 28,750 of 71,628 results

The Governance of Energy in China

by Philip Andrews-Speed

The way in which energy is governed in China is driving its rising level of carbon dioxide emissions. This book analyses the nature of energy governance in China by combining ideas relating to transition management with institutionalist theories, which helps to identify factors which assist or constrain the country's path to a low-carbon economy.

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution

by Serge M. Garcia Jake Rice Anthony Charles

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation explores governance of the world’s oceans with a focus on the impacts of two inter-connected but historically separate streams of governance: one for fisheries, the other for biodiversity conservation. Chapters, most co-authored by leading experts from both streams, investigate the interaction of these governance streams from ecological, economic, social and legal perspectives, with emphasis on policies, institutions processes, and outcomes on scales from the global to the local community, and with coverage of a range of themes and regions of the world. The book opens with chapters setting the historical context for the two marine governance streams, and framing the book’s exploration of whether, as the streams increasingly interact, there will be merger or collision, convergence or co-evolution. The concluding chapter synthesizes the insights from throughout the book, relative to the questions posed in the opening chapters. It also draws conclusions about future needs and directions in the governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity, vital to the future of the world’s oceans. With cutting edge chapters written by many leading international experts in fisheries management and biodiversity conservation, and edited by three leading figures in this crucially important subject, Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation is an essential purchase for fisheries scientists, economists, resource managers and policymakers, and all those working in fields of biodiversity conservation, marine ecology, and coastal livelihoods. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where environmental and/or marine studies, conservation, ocean policy and law, biological and life sciences, and fisheries management are studied and taught, should have copies of this most important book.

Governance of Radioactive Waste, Special Waste and Carbon Storage: Literacy in Dealing with Long-term Controversial Sociotechnical Issues (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment)

by Thomas Flüeler

This book demonstrates that the long-term safety of nuclear waste repositories, special waste disposal and carbon storage (CCS) is highly challenging and monitoring may contribute to substantiate evidence, support decision making and legitimise the programme. Deep geological disposal is a long-term safety issue and, in parallel, requires long-term institutional involvement of the technoscientific community, waste producers, public administrators, NGOs and the public. What, where and when to monitor is determined by its goal setting: It may be operational, confirmatory (in the near field) or environmental (far field). Strategic monitoring as proposed here contributes to process, implementation or policy and institutional surveillance. It not only addresses the controversial long-lasting “problem” (of nuclear, other toxic or CO2 waste) but investigates some ways to approach for “solutions” or solution spaces – not just technical but also institutional, societal and personal. It includes the tailored transfer of knowledge, concept and system understanding, experience and documentation to specific audiences above. It is an integrative tool of targeted yet adaptive management and may be applicable to other long-term sociotechnical fields.

The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems: Towards New Organizational Structures for the Development of Shared, Automated, Electric and Integrated Mobility (The Urban Book Series)

by Matthias Finger Maxime Audouin

This book presents essential new governance structures to embrace and regulate smart mobility modes. Drawing on a range of case studies, it paves the way for new approaches to governing future transportation systems. Over the past decades, Information and Communication Technologies have enabled the development of new mobility solutions that have completely redefined traditional and well-established urban transportation systems. Urban transportation systems are evolving dramatically, from the development of shared mobility modes, to the advent of electric mobility, and from the automated mobility trend to the rapid spread of integrated transportation schemes. Given the disruptive nature of those new mobility solutions, new governance structures are needed. Through a series of case studies from around the world, this book highlights governance and regulatory processes having supported, or sometimes prevented, the development and implementation of smart mobility solutions (shared, automated, electric, integrated). The combination of chapters offers a comprehensive overview of the different research endeavours focusing on the governance of smart transportation systems and will help pave the way for this important subject, which is crucial for the future of cities.

Governance, Policy and Juxtaposition: A Maritime Perspective

by Michael Roe

This book considers governance and policy-making within the maritime sector, and focuses significantly on the dimensional context within which governance works. Recognising the importance of understanding governance and policy at times when the world is faced with social, political, and economic problems, it highlights the fact that both areas are equally significant in understanding today’s political economy. By focusing on the maritime sector, a pillar industry supporting international trade activities, the book offers a unique perspective to explain the difficulties of balancing policy-making with governance in order to provide solutions. It also examines the importance of developing a governance process that encourages and accommodates juxtaposition in a way that ensures that the effect of independent policy-making is understood upon the success or otherwise of policies across a range of contexts and problems.Given the in-depth nature of the text, it is of interest to academics, researchers and professionals in the field.

Governance, Social Organisation and Reform in Rural China

by Hongguang He

Xiaogang village, located in Anhui Province, was reputedly the first village in China to decollectivise in 1978, paving the way for agricultural reform and a new rural economy in China. This study explores how farmers in Xiaogang have engaged in various forms of cooperation in the decades since decollectivisation and the extent to which changing political and social contexts of the rural China are likely to impact upon the way in which farmers cooperate and collaborate with each other. In an attempt to understand the relationship between farmers and the state in a rapidly changing China, the text focuses upon governance and social organisation within the village and explores the extent to which farmers have autonomy in both their economic and political activities. While decollectivisation is often interpreted as the second 'liberation' of Chinese farmers, it is clear that new power structures have emerged to replace those of the collective and the commune. While many studies have explored this question in terms of a so-called binary opposition between the state and the community, they have tended to neglect the subtleties behind this opposition. Utilising Foucault's concept of 'governmentality', this study develops new ways of understanding micro-level power relations that enable and constrain certain forms of political and economic activity within the village.

Governing a Common Sea: Environmental Policies in the Baltic Sea Region

by Detlef Jahn Marko Joas Kristine Kern

�This is a very welcome volume, and it will reach a large audience and readership among those involved in these issues from a truly multidisciplinary perspective; in essence, a much needed book!� Erik Bonsdorff, professor of marine biology at �bo Akademi University, Finland �This timely volume provides a thorough account of how the highly advanced industrial societies seek to govern and manage the Baltic Sea. The way they proceed, and the degree to which they succeed, provide valuable lessons for riparian states seeking to avoid tragedies of their commons.� Lennart J. Lundqvist, professor of environmental policy and administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden How is a natural common pool resource such as a sea, which is shared by several countries, best governed? The potential for international conflict is immense, as each country may have different agendas with regard to issues such as exploitation and environmental protection. This book uses a case study of the Baltic Sea Region to examine this complex problem. The sea itself has been highly vulnerable to pollution and recently the bordering nations have begun to change their mode of cooperation to tackle this issue by establishing several new forums to manage the sea. Administrative and political structures developed in the region are reviewed and shown to provide a model that could be applied to other seas and natural resource systems elsewhere in the world.

Governing African Gold Mining

by Ainsley Elbra

This book takes a fresh approach to the puzzle of sub-Saharan Africa's resource curse. Moving beyond current scholarship's state-centric approach, it presents cutting-edge evidence gathered through interviews with mining company executives and industry representatives to demonstrate that firms are actively controlling the regulation of the gold mining sector. It shows how large mining firms with significant private authority in South Africa, Ghana and Tanzania are able to engender rules and regulations that are acknowledged by other actors, and in some cases even adopted by the state. In doing so, it establishes that firms are co-governing Africa's gold mining sector. By exploring the implications for resource-cursed states, this significant work argues that firm-led regulation can improve governance, but that many of these initiatives fail to address country/mine specific issues where there remains a role for the state in ensuring the benefits of mining flow to local communities. It will appeal to economists, political scientists, and policy-makers and practitioners working in the field of mining and extractives.

Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World (The Earthscan Forest Library)

by Laura A. German Alain Karsenty Anne-Marie Tiani

Many countries around the world are engaged in decentralization processes, and most African countries face serious problems with forest governance, from benefits sharing to illegality and sustainable forest management. This book summarizes experiences to date on the extent and nature of decentralization and its outcomes - most of which suggest an underperformance of governance reforms - and explores the viability of different governance instruments in the context of weak governance and expanding commercial pressures over forests. Findings are grouped into two thematic areas: decentralization, livelihoods and sustainable forest management; and international trade, finance and forest sector governance reforms. The authors examine diverse forces shaping the forest sector, including the theory and practice of decentralization, usurpation of authority, corruption and illegality, inequitable patterns of benefits capture and expansion of international trade in timber and carbon credits, and discuss related outcomes on livelihoods, forest condition and equity. The book builds on earlier volumes exploring different dimensions of decentralization and perspectives from other world regions, and distills dimensions of forest governance that are both unique to Africa and representative of broader global patterns. The authors ground their analysis in relevant theory while drawing out implications of their findings for policy and practice.

Governing Cotton

by Adam Sneyd

This book traces the historic relationships between cotton production, the international cotton trade and poverty south of the Sahara, and assesses various approaches to corporate social responsibility and nongovernmental policy advocacy in this area.

Governing Disasters

by Sandrine Revet Julien Langumier

Irreversible and exceptional events, disasters are nevertheless governed, usually in the context of specific, dedicated interventions by state authorities or NGOs, who aim to lead the affected population from a place of emergency to a new, post-disaster - but still undefined - position. How do the victims of disaster interact with the dispositifs of government and disaster? Based on extensive research - both ethnographic and historical - conducted over a long period of time in field locations as various as Hong-Kong, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, France, Argentina, and Italy, this volume offers an acute analysis of how actors at local, national, and international levels govern disasters. Chapter contributions show that the victims of disaster do not remain passive; rather, they react to and critique what this volume calls the 'government of disaster' and one of its central paradigms, the culture of risk, which leaves unaddressed key political issues.

Governing Global Production

by Jeffrey D. Wilson

Northeast Asian steel industries have developed global production networks, but by spanning multiple national spaces, these networks unite many national economies while belonging exclusively to none. Who, therefore, is in control? Jeffrey D. Wilson examines how states and firms coordinate their activities to govern global production.

Governing International Watercourses: River Basin Organizations and the Sustainable Governance of Internationally Shared Rivers and Lakes (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management)

by Susanne Schmeier

This book focuses on River Basin Organizations as the key institutions for managing internationally shared water resources. This includes a comparative analysis of all River Basin Organizations worldwide and three in-depth case studies from three different continents. The detailed case studies are the Senegal (West Africa), Mekong (South-east Asia) and Danube (Europe) rivers. The book contributes to the academic debate on how shared natural and environmental resources can be managed in a sustainable way and which institutional and legal mechanisms actually matter for doing so. It adopts the neo-institutionalist approach, according to which international environmental institutions do make a difference. The analysis not only confirms this argument for the specific case of shared water resources, but also refines existing hypotheses on the influence of different independent variables, namely the nature of the collective action problem, the constellation of actors and the institutional design of an international environmental institution. The work also contributes to the policy debate on how to better govern internationally shared natural resources and the environment. It provides policy makers with advice on which exogenous conditions to be aware of when managing water resources they share with co-riparians and which institutional design features and governance mechanisms to set up in order to increase effectiveness in management.

Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots

by Ronald Arkin

Expounding on the results of the author's work with the US Army Research Office, DARPA, the Office of Naval Research, and various defense industry contractors, Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots explores how to produce an "artificial conscience" in a new class of robots, humane-oids, which are robots that can potentially perform more et

Governing Military Technologies in the 21st Century: Ethics and Operations

by Richard Michael O’meara

Governing Military Technologies in the 21st Century is one of the first books to tackle the big five technological threats all in one place: nanotech, robotics, cyberwar, human enhancement, and, non-lethal weapons, weaving a historical, legal, and sociopolitical fabric into a discussion of their development, deployment, and, potential regulation.

Governing Risk in Gm Agriculture

by Michael Baram Mathilde Bourrier

This book addresses the issues and methods involved in governing risks posed by genetically modified (GM) agriculture. It examines the evolution of policies intended to ensure the safety of GM crops and food products in the United States and Europe and the regulatory approaches and other social controls employed to protect human health, the environment, conventional farming and foods, and the interests and rights of consumers. Discussion encompasses the cultural, political, and economic forces that shape the design and application of the methods of risk governance, as well as other contextual features such as the influence of multinational companies seeking acceptance of their GM ventures. This discussion also examines the influence of the dynamic public discourse fostered by progressive concepts of risk governance and the approaches taken to meet its demands for transparency, public participation, and appropriate consideration of public perceptions and values despite conflicting views of experts.

Governing Soil Conservation: Thirty Years of the New Decentralization (RFF Agriculture and Fisheries Set)

by Robert J. Morgan

This study reviews and evaluates the political and administrative aspects of the nationwide soil conservation effort in the United States. Originally published in 1966

Governing Sustainable Energies in China

by Geoffrey Chun-fung Chen

This book examines sustainable energy development in China, a non-liberal state, as a counterexample to conventional wisdom that effective policy outcomes are premised on the basis of decentralized governance. The use of sustainable energies as part of the solution for stabilising global warming has been promoted in industrialised countries for the past three decades. In the last ten years, China has expanded its renewable energy capacity with unprecedented speed and breadth. This phenomenon seems to contradict the principle of orthodox environmental governance, in which stakeholder participation is deemed a necessary condition for effective policy outcomes. Based upon policy documents, news report and interviews with 32 policy makers, business leaders, and NGO practitioners in selected subnational governments, this book examines the politics of sustainable energy in China. It engages debates over the relationships among democratic prioritisation, environmental protection, and economic empowerment, arguing that China's quasi-corporatist model in the sustainable energy field challenges Western scholars' dominant assumptions about ecopolitics.

Governing Sustainable Seafood (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Simon R. Bush Peter Oosterveer

Taking a social science approach, this book explores the governance of sustainable seafood, which is fundamental to food and nutrition security as well as being an important source of income and employment in many regions. Due to the importance of protein and other fishery and aquaculture by-products, many wild fisheries are coming under pressure, and this increasing demand has created a strong driver to expand aquaculture. As a result, the social and environmental sustainability of these production systems have come into question. The authors of the book explore the governance of sustainable seafood, taking into account the rise of social movements through environmental non-governmental organisations, the nature and perceived limits of government regulation within and beyond the state, and the promise of market-based approaches to governance such as ecolabelling. The book focuses on how concern over sustainable seafood has been translated into different current forms of governance. It then assesses what alternative governance approaches are starting to emerge that combine movements, states and markets for sustainable seafood production and consumption, and their effects. The book concludes with a vision for the future through key principles for evaluating the collective impact of governing sustainable seafood. This timely volume will be key reading for researchers interested in fisheries and aquaculture governance, as well as coastal and marine policies and sustainable food movements more broadly. It will also be of interest to practitioners and policymakers engaged in creating fishery policies and sustainable fishery development.

Governing the Air: The Dynamics of Science, Policy, and Citizen Interaction (Politics, Science, and the Environment)

by Rolf Lidskog Goran Sundqvist

Experts offer theoretical and empirical analyses that view the regulation of transboundary air pollution as a dynamic process.Governing the Air looks at the regulation of air pollution not as a static procedure of enactment and agreement but as a dynamic process that reflects the shifting interrelationships of science, policy, and citizens. Taking transboundary air pollution in Europe as its empirical focus, the book not only assesses the particular regulation strategies that have evolved to govern European air, but also offers theoretical insights into dynamics of social order, political negotiation, and scientific practices. These dynamics are of pivotal concern today, in light of emerging international governance problems related to climate change. The contributors, all prominent social scientists specializing in international environmental governance, review earlier findings, analyze the current situation, and discuss future directions for both empirical and theoretical work.The chapters discuss the institutional dimensions of international efforts to combat air pollution, examining the effectiveness of CLRTAP (Convention for Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution) and the political complexity of the European Union; offer a broad overview and detailed case studies of the roles of science, expertise, and learning; and examine the “missing link” in air pollution policies: citizen involvement.Changing political conditions, evolving scientific knowledge, and the need for citizen engagement offer significant challenges for air pollution policy making. By focusing on process rather than product, learning rather than knowledge, and strategies rather than interests, this book gives a nuanced view of how air pollution is made governable.

Governing the Air

by Rolf Lidskog Goran Sundqvist

Governing the Air looks at the regulation of air pollution not as a static procedure of enactment and agreement but as a dynamic process that reflects the shifting interrelationships of science, policy, and citizens. Taking transboundary air pollution in Europe as its empirical focus, the book not only assesses the particular regulation strategies that have evolved to govern European air, but also offers theoretical insights into dynamics of social order, political negotiation, and scientific practices. These dynamics are of pivotal concern today, in light of emerging international governance problems related to climate change. The contributors, all prominent social scientists specializing in international environmental governance, review earlier findings, analyze the current situation, and discuss future directions for both empirical and theoretical work. [cut last sentence in first para for catalog] The chapters discuss the institutional dimensions of international efforts to combat air pollution, examining the effectiveness of CLRTAP (Convention for Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution) and the political complexity of the European Union; offer a broad overview and detailed case studies of the roles of science, expertise, and learning; and examine the "missing link" in air pollution policies: citizen involvement. Changing political conditions, evolving scientific knowledge, and the need for citizen engagement offer significant challenges for air pollution policy making. By focusing on process rather than product, learning rather than knowledge, and strategies rather than interests, this book gives a nuanced view of how air pollution is made governable.

Governing the Anthropocene: Novel Ecosystems, Transformation and Environmental Policy (Palgrave Studies in Environmental Policy and Regulation)

by Sarah Clement

This book focuses on the present and future challenges of managing ecosystem transformation on a planet where human impacts are pervasive. In this new epoch, the Anthropocene, the already rapid rate of species loss is amplified by climate change and other stress factors, causing transformation of highly-valued landscapes. Many locations are already transforming into novel ecosystems, where new species, interactions, and ecological functions are creating landscapes unlike anything seen before. This has sparked contentious debate not just about science, but about decision-making, responsibility, fairness, and human capacity to intervene. Clement argues that the social and ecological reality of the Anthropocene requires modernised governance and policy to confront these new challenges and achieve ecological objectives. There is a real opportunity to enable society to cope with transformed ecosystems by changing governance, but this is notoriously difficult. Aimed at anyone involved in these conversations, be those researchers, practitioners, decision makers or students, this book brings together diffuse research exploring how to confront institutional change and ecological transformation in different contexts, and provides insight into how to translate governance concepts into productive pathways forward.

Governing the Future: Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence, Dataism (CRC Press Reference Books in Computer Science)

by Henning Glaser Pindar Wong

We are living in times of deep and disruptive change. Perhaps the most powerful vector of this change can be described by three related catchphrases: digitalization, artificial intelligence, and dataism. Drawing on considerable expertise from a wide range of scholars and practitioners, this interdisciplinary collection addresses the challenges, impacts, opportunities and regulation of this civilizational transformation from a variety of angles, including technology, philosophy, cultural studies, international law, sociology and economics. This book will be of special interest to scholars, students, analysts, policy planners, and decision-makers in think tanks, international organizations, and state agencies studying and dealing with the development and governance of disruptive technologies.

Governing the Provision of Ecosystem Services

by Roldan Muradian Laura Rival

Founded on the core notion that we have reached a turning point in the governance, and thus the conservation, of ecosystems and the environment, this edited volume features more than 20 original chapters, each informed by the paradigm shift in the sector over the last decade. Where once the emphasis was on strategies for conservation, enacted through instruments of control such as planning and 'polluter pays' legislation, more recent developments have shown a shift towards incentive-based arrangements aimed at those responsible for providing the environmental services enabled by such ecosystems. Encouraging shared responsibility for watershed management, developed in Costa Rica, is a prime example, and the various interests involved in its instauration in Java are one of the subjects examined here.

Governing the Tap: Special District Governance and the New Local Politics of Water (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)

by Megan Mullin

An analysis of the political consequences of special district governance in drinking water management that offers new insights into the influence of political structures on local policymaking.More than ever, Americans rely on independent special districts to provide public services. The special district—which can be as small as a low-budget mosquito abatement district or as vast as the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey—has become the most common form of local governance in the United States. In Governing the Tap, Megan Mullin examines the consequences of specialization and the fragmentation of policymaking authority through the lens of local drinking-water policy. Directly comparing specific conservation, land use, and contracting policies enacted by different forms of local government, Mullin investigates the capacity of special districts to engage in responsive and collaborative decision making that promotes sustainable use of water resources. She concludes that the effect of specialization is conditional on the structure of institutions and the severity of the policy problem, with specialization offering the most benefit on policy problems that are least severe. Mullin presents a political theory of specialized governance that is relevant to any of the variety of functions special districts perform. Governing the Tap offers not only the first study of how the new decentralized politics of water is taking shape in American communities, but also new and important findings about the influence of institutional structures on local policymaking.

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