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Showing 28,726 through 28,750 of 71,633 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Governance in the Extractive Industries: Power, Cultural Politics and Regulation (Routledge Studies of the Extractive Industries and Sustainable Development) 5509786 Lori Leonard Siba N. Grovogui 9781351850537 2017 Contains images
Governance of a Transboundary River: The Rhône (Palgrave Studies in Water Governance: Policy and Practice) 2966413 Christian Bréthaut Géraldine Pflieger 9783030195540 2020 Contains images
Governance of Arctic Shipping: Rethinking Risk, Human Impacts and Regulation (Springer Polar Sciences) 3602377 Aldo Chircop Floris Goerlandt Claudio Aporta Ronald Pelot 9783030449759 2020 Contains images
The Governance of Digital Policies: Towards a New Competence in the European Union 3398821 Mirela Mărcuţ 9783030380731 2020 Contains images
The Governance of Energy in China 1523576 Philip Andrews-Speed 9781137283993 2012 Contains images
Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution 3295983 Serge M. Garcia Jake Rice Anthony Charles 9781118392638 2014 Contains images
Governance of Radioactive Waste, Special Waste and Carbon Storage: Literacy in Dealing with Long-term Controversial Sociotechnical Issues (Springer Textbooks in Earth Sciences, Geography and Environment) 6011024 Thomas Flüeler 9783031039027 2023 Contains images
The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems: Towards New Organizational Structures for the Development of Shared, Automated, Electric and Integrated Mobility (The Urban Book Series) 2220794 Matthias Finger Maxime Audouin 9783319965260 2019 Contains images
Governance, Policy and Juxtaposition: A Maritime Perspective 3009625 Michael Roe 9783030318482 2020 Contains images
Governance, Social Organisation and Reform in Rural China 1527801 Hongguang He 9781137484703 2015 Contains images
Governing a Common Sea: Environmental Policies in the Baltic Sea Region 5283968 Detlef Jahn Marko Joas Kristine Kern 9781136564628 2008 Contains images
Governing African Gold Mining 1516334 Ainsley Elbra 9781137563545 2017 Contains images
Governing Africa's Forests in a Globalized World (The Earthscan Forest Library) 5684868 Laura A. German Alain Karsenty Anne-Marie Tiani 9781136545511 2009 Contains images
Governing Cotton 1520279 Adam Sneyd 9780230252783 2011
Governing Disasters 1527089 Sandrine Revet Julien Langumier 9781137435477 2015
Governing Global Production 1522215 Jeffrey D. Wilson 9781137023209 2013 Contains images
Governing International Watercourses: River Basin Organizations and the Sustainable Governance of Internationally Shared Rivers and Lakes (Earthscan Studies in Water Resource Management) 5337022 Susanne Schmeier 9781136252631 2013 Contains images
Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots 5913427 Ronald Arkin 9781040069912 2009 Contains images
Governing Military Technologies in the 21st Century: Ethics and Operations 1527336 Richard Michael O’meara 9781137449184 2014 Contains images
Governing Risk in Gm Agriculture 335141 Michael Baram Mathilde Bourrier 9780511994067 2011 Contains images
Governing Soil Conservation: Thirty Years of the New Decentralization (RFF Agriculture and Fisheries Set) 5684004 Robert J. Morgan 9781135983574 2011 Contains images
Governing Sustainable Energies in China 1357730 Geoffrey Chun-fung Chen 9783319309699 2016 Contains images
Governing Sustainable Seafood (Earthscan Food and Agriculture) 2511963 Simon R. Bush Peter Oosterveer 9781317702450 2018 Contains images
Governing the Air: The Dynamics of Science, Policy, and Citizen Interaction (Politics, Science, and the Environment) 3502246 Rolf Lidskog Goran Sundqvist 9780262297356 2011 Contains images
Governing the Air 440751 Rolf Lidskog Goran Sundqvist 9780262016506 1945 Contains images

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