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Showing 28,801 through 28,825 of 71,643 results

Granular Materials Under Shock and Blast Loading (Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering)

by Padmanabha Vivek T. G. Sitharam

This volume discusses the fundamental dynamic behaviour of granular materials, in particular cohesionless sand, when subjected to shock and blast wave loading. The contents of the book are mainly divided into three parts based on the type of loading imparted to the granular materials: Shock-wave loading (step pulse); Air-blast loading (Friedlander wave); Buried-blast loading. It provides a comprehensive review of the available testing methods, along with the necessary diagnostic measurements for material characterization, making it useful for researchers working in the area of blast protection and Impact engineering.

Granular Media

by Bruno Andreotti Yoël Forterre Olivier Pouliquen

Sand, rice, sugar, snow, cement . . . Although ubiquitous in our daily lives, granular media still challenge engineers and fascinate researchers. This book provides the state-of-the-art of the physics of granular media and recent advances in the field. The book presents the fundamental properties of granular materials: interactions between grains; solid, liquid and gaseous behaviours; coupling with a fluid; and sediment transport and formation of geological structures. Descriptions of the phenomena combine qualitative and formal arguments, coming from areas as diverse as elasticity, plasticity, statistical physics, fluid mechanics and geomorphology. Many examples of the astonishing behaviours of granular media are presented, including avalanches, segregation, dune song and quicksand. This book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in physics, applied mathematics and engineering.

Granular, Soft and Fuzzy Approaches for Intelligent Systems

by Janusz Kacprzyk Dimitar Filev Gleb Beliakov

This book offers a comprehensive report on the state-of-the art in the broadly-intended field of "intelligent systems". After introducing key theoretical issues, it describes a number of promising models for data and system analysis, decision making, and control. It discusses important theories, including possibility theory, the Dempster-Shafer theory, the theory of approximate reasoning, as well as computing with words, together with novel applications in various areas, such as information aggregation and fusion, linguistic data summarization, participatory learning, systems modeling, and many others. By presenting the methods in their application contexts, the book shows how granular computing, soft computing and fuzzy logic techniques can provide novel, efficient solutions to real-world problems. It is dedicated to Professor Ronald R. Yager for his great scientific and scholarly achievements, and for his long-lasting service to the fuzzy logic, and the artificial and computational intelligence communities. It has been motivated by the authors' appreciation of his original thinking and groundbreaking ideas, with a special thought to his valuable research on the computerized implementation of various aspects of human cognition for decision-making and problem-solving.

Granularities-Driven Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Decision Making (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing #433)

by Zeshui Xu Yuanhang Zheng

This book introduces a state-of-the-art extension of fuzzy sets that is hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels, and based on the fuzzy technique, several granularities-driven hesitant fuzzy linguistic decision-making methods are introduced to provide powerful tools to solve actual problems. Motivated from the idea of granular computing, the technique of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels is constructed, which not only brings flexibility and individuality for the linguistic model, but also provides a possibility to process a large amount of linguistic information in group decision-making efficiently and accurately. Thus, the researches on granularities-driven hesitant fuzzy linguistic decision making, can provide an effective way to solve practical decision-making problems based on complex linguistic information, and enrich the research system of decision-making and granular computing in theory and practice. In specific, this book introduces the construction of hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets with granularity levels, and methods of handling attribute dependence, attribute reduction, single-objective group decision-making, and bi-objective group decision-making. The above decision-making methods are applied to the evaluation of medical and health management, and the effectiveness and advantages of the methods are verified by simulation comparison and analysis. Therefore, this book has not only important theoretical significance, but also broad application prospects.

The Grape Entomology

by M. Mani C. Shivaraju Narendra S. Kulkarni

Intensive and extensive cultivation of grapes (Vitis vinifera L. ) leads to serious pest problem in vineyards in major grape growing areas of the world. Climatic conditions in India are favorable for high production of table and wine grapes, and thus also for incidence of variety of pests. These include the sucking insect pests namely thrips, hoppers, mealybugs etc. , and beetle pests like stem borer, stem girdler, flea beetles, chafer beetles, shot hole borer and several lepidopteron, mites, nematodes and vertebrate pests. Pests of grapes in other countries relevant to Indian conditions are also dealt herewith since they may get introduced in India in future. Up to date information on biology, damage, seasonal development, management practices of the pests are covered in this book. Some of the pest management practices followed in other countries are also given, which will be useful to Indian conditions. Pesticide residue is a serious problem both for export and internal market in grapes. Guideline for pesticide residue management in grapes is also given in this book. The authors have tried to accommodate almost all the important information generated on the grape pests up to 2012. A complete list of grape pests (except disease) occurring in different grape growing regions of the world is also covered in this book which will be ready reckoner for the grape workers. The authors sincerely hope that this book will provide useful information to many entomologists, students working on grapes and the grape growers in the country. It is a pleasure to thank all those people who gave help, suggestions and encouragement in the preparation of our book "The Grape Entomology".

The Grape Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)

by Dario Cantu M. Andrew Walker

This book describes the current state of international grape genomics, with a focus on the latest findings, tools and strategies employed in genome sequencing and analysis, and genetic mapping of important agronomic traits. It also discusses how these are having a direct impact on outcomes for grape breeders and the international grape research community. While V. vinifera is a model species, it is not always appreciated that its cultivation usually requires the use of other Vitis species as rootstocks. The book discusses genetic diversity within the Vitis genus, the available genetic resources for breeding, and the available genomic resources for other Vitis species.Grapes (Vitis vinifera spp. vinifera) have been a source of food and wine since their domestication from their wild progenitor (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) around 8,000 years ago, and they are now the world’s most valuable horticultural crop. In addition to being economically important, V. vinifera is also a model organism for the study of perennial fruit crops for two reasons: Firstly, its ability to be transformed and micropropagated via somatic embryogenesis, and secondly its relatively small genome size of 500 Mb. The economic importance of grapes made V. vinifera an obvious early candidate for genomic sequencing, and accordingly, two draft genomes were reported in 2007. Remarkably, these were the first genomes of any fruiting crop to be sequenced and only the fourth for flowering plants. Although riddled with gaps and potentially omitting large regions of repetitive sequences, the two genomes have provided valuable insights into grape genomes. Cited in over 2,000 articles, the genome has served as a reference in more than 3,000 genome-wide transcriptional analyses. Further, recent advances in DNA sequencing and bioinformatics are enabling the assembly of reference-grade genome references for more grape genotypes revealing the exceptional extent of structural variation in the species.

Grape Rootstocks and Related Species

by Alireza Rahemi Karl True Lund Jean C. Dodson Peterson

This book covers about 20 grape species that are vitally important in breeding programs and provide information on approximately 150 of the most familiar grape rootstocks in the world. Today, grape rootstocks play a fundamental role in resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and adaptation of grapevine to different environmental conditions, a factor that has opened commercial grape growing up to regions that might otherwise be overlooked. Grape rootstocks can be used for adaptation to a variety of soil conditions, including soil texture, depth, nutrient availability, pH, salinity, lime content, water availability (drought), and water drainage. Rootstocks can also be used to shift scion cultivar; the timing of various key phenological events and indirectly affects vineyard design. There are around 1500 grape rootstocks developed in the world, of which around 50 are commonly used as commercial rootstock. North American species account for around 30 species, and two-third of them have already been used for rootstock breeding at one time or another. However, the most commonly available rootstocks are derived from just three American species (V. berlandieri, V. rupestris, and V. riparia). Therefore, the most common grape rootstocks have a narrow genetic base, and efforts to extend the gene pools for breeding programs by using the other species are of ongoing importance to the industry and scientific community.

Grapes and Health

by John M. Pezzuto

This book offers a thorough review of the scientific research that links the consumption of grapes to better health. The book starts with a basic review of grape biology, including the key families of phytochemicals found in grapes, and where they are found. An overview of the rationale for and subsequent creation of a standardized grape powder for use in basic and clinical research provides insight and understanding regarding its widespread use in grape-specific research today. The remaining chapters each thoroughly examine a key area of health, demonstrating a significant scope of impact on well-being. The book examines the role of grapes in supporting heart health under multiple angles: general cardiovascular effects, as well as specific effects directly linked to atherosclerosis and hypertension. Other emerging and important areas of health are examined, ranging from grapes and cancer, where grape consumption has been shown to protect healthy colon tissue; grapes and inflammation, where grapes have been shown to block inflammatory activity in immune cells of fat tissue; to brain health, where a grape-enriched diet has been shown to protect against neuronal damage due to loss of oxygen in the brain, as well as against oxidative stress-related anxiety and resulting memory loss; to grapes and eye health where grape consumption has been shown to protect the retina from damage.

Grapes (Crop Production Science In Horticulture)

by G. L. Creasy L. L. Creasy

Fully updated with new content and full-color figures throughout, the second edition of this successful book reflects the impact of climate change and seasonal management, the expansion of production into new areas, and changing methods of grape production (including organic options). It includes information on wine grapes in addition to grapes for fresh consumption and raisin production. <P><P> Covering a broad range of topics from grapevine growth and fruit development to vineyard establishment, mechanization and postharvest processing, this book provides historical and current information about the grape industry and sets out the theory and science behind production practices. It is an invaluable resource for grape producers, horticulture and plant science students, as well as enthusiasts of the vine and its products.

Grapevine in a Changing Environment

by Hernani Geros Hipolito Medrano Gil Serge Delrot Maria Manuela Chaves

Grapes (Vitis spp.) are economically the most important fruit species in the world. Over the last decades many scientific advances have led to understand more deeply key physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of grape berry maturation. However, our knowledge on how grapevines respond to environmental stimuli and deal with biotic and abiotic stresses is still fragmented. Thus, this area of research is wide open for new scientific and technological advancements. Particularly, in the context of climate change, viticulture will have to adapt to higher temperatures, light intensity and atmospheric CO2 concentration, while water availability is expected to decrease in many viticultural regions, which poses new challenges to scientists and producers. With Grapevine in a Changing Environment, readers will benefit from a comprehensive and updated coverage on the intricate grapevine defense mechanisms against biotic and abiotic stress and on the new generation techniques that may be ultimately used to implement appropriate strategies aimed at the production and selection of more adapted genotypes. The book also provides valuable references in this research area and original data from several laboratories worldwide. Written by 63 international experts on grapevine ecophysiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, the book is a reference for a wide audience with different backgrounds, from plant physiologists, biochemists and graduate and post-graduate students, to viticulturists and enologists.

Grapevine Yellows Diseases and Their Phytoplasma Agents

by Marina Dermastia Assunta Bertaccini Fiona Constable Nataša Mehle

This work is to compile our current knowledge on GY phytoplasma biology at the genomic, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics level, as well as to summarize the approaches for their detection.Phytoplasma are the most poorly characterized plant pathogenic bacteria from the Mollicutes class. In recent years new biostatistics and bioinformatics approaches have improved our understanding of their biology and interactions with host grapevines and a great improvement has been made toward their molecular detection, both in laboratories and on-site. They have a broad range of plant hosts among the monocots and dicots, and diseases of many important crops are associated with these pathogens. At least ten taxonomically unrelated phytoplasmas, one of them a quarantine pest in Europe, have been associated with grapevine yellows diseases (GY), which have great economic impact on viticulture worldwide.

Graph-Based Modelling in Engineering

by Stanisław Zawiślak Jacek Rysiński

This book presents versatile, modern and creative applications of graph theory in mechanical engineering, robotics and computer networks. Topics related to mechanical engineering include e. g. machine and mechanism science, mechatronics, robotics, gearing and transmissions, design theory and production processes. The graphs treated are simple graphs, weighted and mixed graphs, bond graphs, Petri nets, logical trees etc. The authors represent several countries in Europe and America, and their contributions show how different, elegant, useful and fruitful the utilization of graphs in modelling of engineering systems can be.

Graph-Based Modelling in Science, Technology and Art (Mechanisms and Machine Science #107)

by Stanisław Zawiślak Jacek Rysiński

This book presents interdisciplinary, cutting-edge and creative applications of graph theory and modeling in science, technology, architecture and art. Topics are divided into three parts: the first one examines mechanical problems related to gears, planetary gears and engineering installations; the second one explores graph-based methods applied to medical analyses as well as biological and chemical modeling; and the third part includes various topics e.g. drama analysis, aiding of design activities and network visualisation. The authors represent several countries in Europe and America, and their contributions show how different, useful and fruitful the utilization of graphs in modelling of engineering systems can be. The book has been designed to serve readers interested in the subject of graph modelling and those with expertise in related areas, as well as members of the worldwide community of graph modelers.

Graph Database and Graph Computing for Power System Analysis (IEEE Press Series on Power and Energy Systems)

by Renchang Dai Guangyi Liu

Graph Database and Graph Computing for Power System Analysis Understand a new way to model power systems with this comprehensive and practical guide Graph databases have become one of the essential tools for managing large data systems. Their structure improves over traditional table-based relational databases in that it reconciles more closely to the inherent physics of a power system, enabling it to model the components and the network of a power system in an organic way. The authors’ pioneering research has demonstrated the effectiveness and the potential of graph data management and graph computing to transform power system analysis. Graph Database and Graph Computing for Power System Analysis presents a comprehensive and accessible introduction to this research and its emerging applications. Programs and applications conventionally modeled for traditional relational databases are reconceived here to incorporate graph computing. The result is a detailed guide which demonstrates the utility and flexibility of this cutting-edge technology. The book’s readers will also find: Design configurations for a graph-based program to solve linear equations, differential equations, optimization problems, and more Detailed demonstrations of graph-based topology analysis, state estimation, power flow analysis, security-constrained economic dispatch, automatic generation control, small-signal stability, transient stability, and other concepts, analysis, and applications An authorial team with decades of experience in software design and power systems analysis Graph Database and Graph Computing for Power System Analysis is essential for researchers and academics in power systems analysis and energy-related fields, as well as for advanced graduate students looking to understand this particular set of technologies.

Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 30th International Symposium, GD 2022, Tokyo, Japan, September 13–16, 2022, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13764)

by Patrizio Angelini Reinhard Hanxleden

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, GD 2022, held in Tokyo, Japan, during September 13-16, 2022. The 25 full papers, 7 short papers, presented together with 2 invited talks, one report on graph drawing contest, and one obituary in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The abstracts of 5 posters presented at the conference can be found in the back matter of the volume. The contributions were organized in topical sections as follows: properties of drawings of complete graphs; stress-based visualizations of graphs; planar and orthogonal drawings; drawings and properties of directed graphs; beyond planarity; dynamic graph visualization; linear layouts; and contact and visibility graph representations.

Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 31st International Symposium, GD 2023, Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, Italy, September 20–22, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14466)

by Michael A. Bekos Markus Chimani

This two-volume set LNCS 14465-14466 constitutes the proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, GD 2023, held in Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, Italy, in September 2023. The 31 full papers, 7 short papers, presented together with 2 invited talks, and one contest report, were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 100 submissions. The abstracts of 11 posters presented at the conference can be found in the back matter of the volume. The contributions were organized in topical sections as follows: beyond planarity; crossing numbers; linear layouts; geometric aspects; visualization challenges; graph representations; graph decompositions; topological aspects; parameterized complexity for drawings; planar graphs; frameworks; algorithmics.

Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 31st International Symposium, GD 2023, Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, Italy, September 20–22, 2023, Revised Selected Papers, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14465)

by Michael A. Bekos Markus Chimani

This two-volume set LNCS 14465-14466 constitutes the proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization, GD 2023, held in Isola delle Femmine, Palermo, Italy, in September 2023. The 31 full papers, 7 short papers, presented together with 2 invited talks, and one contest report, were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 100 submissions. The abstracts of 11 posters presented at the conference can be found in the back matter of the volume. The contributions were organized in topical sections as follows: beyond planarity; crossing numbers; linear layouts; geometric aspects; visualization challenges; graph representations; graph decompositions; topological aspects; parameterized complexity for drawings; planar graphs; frameworks; algorithmics.

Graph Learning and Network Science for Natural Language Processing (Computational Intelligence Techniques)

by Muskan Garg, Amit Kumar Gupta and Rajesh Prasad

Advances in graph-based natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval tasks have shown the importance of processing using the Graph of Words method. This book covers recent concrete information, from the basics to advanced level, about graph-based learning, such as neural network-based approaches, computational intelligence for learning parameters and feature reduction, and network science for graph-based NPL. It also contains information about language generation based on graphical theories and language models. Features: -Presents a comprehensive study of the interdisciplinary graphical approach to NLP -Covers recent computational intelligence techniques for graph-based neural network models -Discusses advances in random walk-based techniques, semantic webs, and lexical networks -Explores recent research into NLP for graph-based streaming data -Reviews advances in knowledge graph embedding and ontologies for NLP approaches This book is aimed at researchers and graduate students in computer science, natural language processing, and deep and machine learning.

Graph Neural Network Methods and Applications in Scene Understanding

by Weibin Liu Huaqing Hao Hui Wang Zhiyuan Zou Weiwei Xing

The book focuses on graph neural network methods and applications for scene understanding. Graph Neural Network is an important method for graph-structured data processing, which has strong capability of graph data learning and structural feature extraction. Scene understanding is one of the research focuses in computer vision and image processing, which realizes semantic segmentation and object recognition of image or video. In this book, the algorithm, system design and performance evaluation of scene understanding based on graph neural networks have been studied. First, the book elaborates the background and basic concepts of graph neural network and scene understanding, then introduces the operation mechanism and key methodological foundations of graph neural network. The book then comprehensively explores the implementation and architectural design of graph neural networks for scene understanding tasks, including scene parsing, human parsing, and video object segmentation. The aim of this book is to provide timely coverage of the latest advances and developments in graph neural networks and their applications to scene understanding, particularly for readers interested in research and technological innovation in machine learning, graph neural networks and computer vision. Features of the book include self-supervised feature fusion based graph convolutional network is designed for scene parsing, structure-property based graph representation learning is developed for human parsing, dynamic graph convolutional network based on multi-label learning is designed for human parsing, and graph construction and graph neural network with transformer are proposed for video object segmentation.

Graph Spectral Image Processing

by Gene Cheung Enrico Magli

Graph spectral image processing is the study of imaging data from a graph frequency perspective. Modern image sensors capture a wide range of visual data including high spatial resolution/high bit-depth 2D images and videos, hyperspectral images, light field images and 3D point clouds. The field of graph signal processing – extending traditional Fourier analysis tools such as transforms and wavelets to handle data on irregular graph kernels – provides new flexible computational tools to analyze and process these varied types of imaging data. Recent methods combine graph signal processing ideas with deep neural network architectures for enhanced performances, with robustness and smaller memory requirements.The book is divided into two parts. The first is centered on the fundamentals of graph signal processing theories, including graph filtering, graph learning and graph neural networks. The second part details several imaging applications using graph signal processing tools, including image and video compression, 3D image compression, image restoration, point cloud processing, image segmentation and image classification, as well as the use of graph neural networks for image processing.

Graph Theory Applications to Deregulated Power Systems (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Ricardo Moreno Chuquen Harold R. Chamorro

This book provides a detailed description of network science concepts applied to power systems and electricity markets, offering an appropriate blend of theoretical background and practical applications for operation and power system planning. It discusses an approach to understanding power systems from a network science perspective using the direct recognition of the interconnectivity provided by the transmission system. Further, it explores the network properties in detail and characterizes them as a tool for online and offline applications for power system operation. The book includes an in-depth explanation of electricity markets problems that can be addressed from a graph theory perspective. It is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of electric energy systems, operations research, management science and economics. Practitioners in the electric energy sector also benefit from the concepts and techniques presented here.

Graph Theory with Algorithms and its Applications

by Santanu Saha Ray

The book has many important features which make it suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students in various branches of engineering and general and applied sciences. The important topics interrelating Mathematics & Computer Science are also covered briefly. The book is useful to readers with a wide range of backgrounds including Mathematics, Computer Science/Computer Applications and Operational Research. While dealing with theorems and algorithms, emphasis is laid on constructions which consist of formal proofs, examples with applications. Uptill, there is scarcity of books in the open literature which cover all the things including most importantly various algorithms and applications with examples.

Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science

by Narsingh Deo

This outstanding introductory treatment of graph theory and its applications has had a long life in the instruction of advanced undergraduates and graduate students in all areas that require knowledge of this subject. The first nine chapters constitute an excellent overall introduction, requiring only some knowledge of set theory and matrix algebra. Topics include paths and circuits, trees and fundamental circuits, planar and dual graphs, vector and matrix representation of graphs, and related subjects.The remaining six chapters are more advanced, covering graph theory algorithms and computer programs, graphs in switching and coding theory, electrical network analysis by graph theory, graph theory in operations research, and more. Instructors may combine these chapters with the preceding material for courses in a variety of fields, including electrical engineering, computer science, operations research, and applied mathematics.

Graph Vision: Digital Architecture’s Skeletons

by Theodora Vardouli

How a protean mathematical object, the graph, ushered in new images, tools, and infrastructures for design and catalyzed a digital future for architecture.In Graph Vision, Theodora Vardouli offers a fresh history of architecture&’s early entanglements with modern mathematics and digital computing by focusing on a hidden protagonist: the graph. Fueled by iconoclastic sentiments and skepticism of geometric depiction, architects, she explains, turned to the skeletal underpinnings of their work, and with it the graph, as a site of representation, operation, and political possibility. Taking the reader on an enthralling journey through a polyvalent mathematical entity, Vardouli combines close readings of graphs&’ architectural manifestations as images, tools, and infrastructures for design with original archival work on research centers that spearheaded mathematical and computational approaches to architecture.Structured thematically, Graph Vision weaves together archival findings on influential research groups such as the Land Use Built Form Studies Center at the University of Cambridge, the Center for Environmental Structure at Berkeley, the Architecture Machine Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, among others, as well as important figures who led, or worked in proximity to, these groups, including Lionel March, Christopher Alexander, and Yona Friedman. Together, this material chronicles the emergence of both a new way of seeing and a new prospect for the discipline that prefigured its digital future—of a &“graph vision.&” Vardouli argues that this vision was one of vacillation toward visual appearance. Digital approaches to architecture, she ultimately reveals, were founded on a profound ambivalence toward the visual realm endemic to mid-twentieth century architectural and mathematical modernisms.

Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics

by Yuliang Li

Graphdiyne Discover the most cutting-edge developments in the study of graphdiyne from a pioneer of the field In Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics, accomplished chemist Dr. Yuliang Li delivers a practical and insightful compilation of theoretical and experimental developments in the study of graphdiyne. Of interest to both academics and industrial researchers in the fields of nanoscience, organic chemistry, carbon science, and renewable energies, the book systematically summarizes recent research into the exciting new material. Discover information about the properties of graphdiyne through theoretical simulations and experimental characterizations, as well as the development of graphdiyne with appropriate preparation technology. Learn to create new graphdiyne-based materials and better understand its intrinsic properties. Find out about synthetic methodologies, the controlled growth of aggregated state structures, and structural characterization. In addition to demonstrating the interdisciplinary potential and relevance of graphdiyne, the book also offers readers: A thorough introduction to basic structure and band gap engineering, including molecular and electronic structure, mechanical properties, and the layers structure of bulk graphdiyne Explorations of Graphdiyne synthesis and characterization, including films, nanotube arrays and nanowires, nanowalls, and nanosheets, as well as characterization methods Discussions of the functionalization of graphdiyne, including heteroatom doping, metal decoration, and absorption of guest molecules Rigorous treatments of Graphdiyne-based materials in catalytic applications, including photo- and electrocatalysts Perfect for organic chemists, electronics engineers, materials scientists, and physicists, Graphdiyne: Fundamentals and Applications in Renewable Energy and Electronics will also find its place on the bookshelves of surface and solid-state chemists, electrochemists, and catalytic chemists seeking a one-stop reference on this rising-star carbon material.

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