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Industrielle Pulverbeschichtung: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Praxiseinsatz (JOT-Fachbuch)

by Judith Pietschmann

Mit diesem Fachbuch liegt ein umfassendes Praxisnachschlagewerk auf dem Gebiet der Industriellen Pulverbeschichtung vor. Es bietet eine systematische und vollständige Beschreibung der Grundlagen, Anwendungen und Verfahren zur sicheren Beherrschung von Prozessen. In ausführlicher Form werden die Methoden zur Lackherstellung, Eigenschaften der Pulverlacktypen, Applikationstechnik und Mess- und Prüfmethoden anschaulich vorgestellt und behandelt. Die Vorbehandlung sowie das Trouble-Shooting bei Lackfehlern und deren Vermeidung bilden Schwerpunkte dieses Buches. Darüber hinaus werden die Umwelt- und Energieaspekte bei der Herstellung und Anwendung von Pulverlacken berücksichtigt.Die vorliegende Auflage wurde überarbeitet und aktualisiert und das Kapitel "Fehler in der Beschichtung" wurde neu gestaltet.

Industrielle Robotersysteme: Entscheiderwissen für die Planung und Umsetzung wirtschaftlicher Roboterlösungen

by Andreas Pott Thomas Dietz

Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des industriellen Robotereinsatzes und vermittelt Praxiswissen im Hinblick auf Planung, Umsetzung und Betrieb von Robotersystemen. Roboter haben sich als zuverlässige Werkzeuge in der Automatisierung bewährt. Sie sind in vielen Industriebereichen für die wirtschaftliche Produktion unentbehrlich. Die erweiterten Einsatzmöglichkeiten verursachen allerdings auch einen erheblichen Integrationsbedarf auf dem Weg vom »nackten« Roboter zu einer maßgeschneiderten Roboterlösung. Zur Auswahl der passenden Roboterlösung und zur effektiven Kommunikation mit Lieferanten und Kunden sind technisches Basiswissen, die Grundbegriffe der Robotik und ein umfassender Marktüberblick unverzichtbar. Die Autoren vermitteln praxisnah die notwendigen Grundlagen, um informierte Entscheidungen bei der Umsetzung von Robotersystemen zu treffen.

Industrielle Services strategisch optimieren: Service Excellence

by Michael Schawalder Herbert Röllin Volker Lenz

Dieses Buch beschreibt einen neu entwickelten ganzheitlichen Lösungsansatz für das Servicegeschäft in der Industrie, kombiniert mit dem Customer Relationship Management, kurz CRM. Anhand des neu entwickelten Ganzheitlichen Service Geschäftsmodells (GSG-Modell) wird dem Leser ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie das Servicegeschäft von Industrieunternehmen auf einen neuen Level gebracht wird - hin zum Service Excellence. Das Buch erklärt den Weg von den bisher meist transaktionalen Kundenbeziehungen hin zum professionellen Beziehungsmanagement und integriert das CRM ins Servicegeschäft. Aus den theoretischen Themenbereichen CRM und den Leistungssystemen wurde das praxisorientierte GSG-Modell entwickelt. Abschließend wird anhand von 5 Schritten die Umsetzung des Modells hin zum Service Excellence beschrieben.

Industrielles Luftfahrtmanagement

by Martin Hinsch

In dem Buch wird beschrieben, wie luftfahrttechnische Betriebe aufgebaut sind und wie sie arbeiten. Dabei agiert die (technische) Luftfahrtbranche in einem besonderen Umfeld, denn ihre Aktivitäten werden maßgeblich durch die Regularien der Luftaufsichtsbehörden bestimmt. Diese Besonderheiten, die spezifischen Zusammenhänge und Abläufe werden in dem Band sowohl von der Perspektive der Luftfahrtgesetzgebung her als auch aus dem Blickwinkel der betrieblichen Praxis thematisiert.

Industrielles Luftfahrtmanagement: Technik und Organisation luftfahrttechnischer Betriebe

by Martin Hinsch

Ein Buch über das industrielle Luftfahrtmanagement für Studierende und Praktiker Das Thema Luftfahrtindustrie hat in der letzten Zeit stark an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dennoch sucht dieses Buch über das industrielle Luftfahrtmanagement auf dem Markt weiterhin Seinesgleichen. Es richtet sich sowohl an Mitarbeiter der Luftfahrtbranche als auch an Studierende der Luftfahrttechnik. In seinem Buch thematisiert Martin Hinsch eine Vielfalt an Inhalten rund um das Thema Luftfahrt, zum Beispiel über die Arbeit von Behörden und Organisationen, entsprechende Regelungen und Gesetze, die Produktion und Instandhaltung von Luftfahrzeugen oder das Qualitätsmanagement in dieser Branche. Er berücksichtigt in der dritten Auflage außerdem die aktuellen Vorgaben des EASA-Regelwerks.

Industrielles Luftfahrtmanagement: Technik und Organisation luftfahrttechnischer Betriebe

by Martin Hinsch

Dieses Buch, das sich als Standardwerk in der Luftfahrtindustrie etabliert hat, beschreibt den Aufbau und die Aktivitäten luftfahrttechnischer Betriebe. Dies sind Unternehmen, welche Teile, Komponenten, Baugruppen und Triebwerke für Luftfahrzeuge oder die Luftfahrzeuge selbst entwickeln, herstellen oder instandhalten. Die technische Luftfahrtbranche weist erhebliche Spezifika auf, da deren Aktivitäten maßgeblich durch die Regularien der zuständigen Luftaufsichtsbehörden bestimmt werden. Somit nehmen die EU und die europäische Luftfahrtbehörde EASA erheblichen Einfluss auf Betriebsorganisation und Managementsystem, die Personalqualifizierung sowie die Leistungserbringung selbst. Diese Besonderheiten, Zusammenhänge und Abläufe werden im Buch sowohl aus Sicht des Luftrechts als auch aus dem Blickwinkel der betrieblichen Praxis thematisiert. In der 5. Auflage wurden die Vorgaben der EASA-Regelwerke aktualisiert und dabei insbesondere die Anforderungen zum Safety Management berücksichtigt. Neue Graphiken, Case-Studies und Praxis-Boxen verbessern die Praxisnähe.

The Industries of the Future

by Alec Ross

Leading innovation expert Alec Ross explains what's next for the world: the advances and stumbling blocks that will emerge in the next ten years, and how we can navigate them.While Alec Ross was working as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, he traveled to forty-one countries, exploring the latest advances coming out of every continent. From startup hubs in Kenya to R&D labs in South Korea, Ross has seen what the future holds. In The Industries of the Future, Ross shows us what changes are coming in the next ten years, highlighting the best opportunities for progress and explaining why countries thrive or sputter. He examines the specific fields that will most shape our economic future, including robotics, cybersecurity, the commercialization of genomics, the next step for big data, and the coming impact of digital technology on money and markets. In each of these realms, Ross addresses the toughest questions: How will we adapt to the changing nature of work? Is the prospect of cyberwar sparking the next arms race? How can the world's rising nations hope to match Silicon Valley in creating their own innovation hotspots? And what can today's parents do to prepare their children for tomorrow? Ross blends storytelling and economic analysis to give a vivid and informed perspective on how sweeping global trends are affecting the ways we live. Incorporating the insights of leaders ranging from tech moguls to defense experts, The Industries of the Future takes the intimidating, complex topics that many of us know to be important and boils them down into clear, plainspoken language. This is an essential book for understanding how the world works--now and tomorrow--and a must-read for businesspeople in every sector, from every country.

Industry 4.0: Paradoxes and Conflicts

by Jean-Claude André

Digital technology opens up extraordinary fields for applications that will deeply change the nature of jobs and trade, the very concept of work and the expectations of user–producers. The “masters of algorithms” have disrupted production and services, and this trend will continue for as long as electric energy and the elements of Industry 4.0 are in continued development. Beyond data control, a power struggle is working its way through the links in the value chain: intermediation, control of resources and command over human and physical networks, as well as partnerships, creativity and the political system. Industry 4.0: Paradoxes and Conflicts examines the need for a serious and technological review, as well as for research and training regarding citizenship and politics. This is a new situation in terms of relationships of competence and authority, which must be the subject of scientific as well as political reflections for the whole social body, which needs to be educated about choices. Throughout the book, the author poses the following question: instead of submitting to choices, would it not be better to exercise foresight?

Industry 4.0: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges (Emerging Trends in Mechatronics)

by Aydin Azizi Reza Vatankhah Barenji

This book presents Industry 4.0 enabler technologies and tools. It also highlights some of the existing empirical applications in the context of manufacturing. The book elucidates innovative thematic concepts of Industry 4.0 and its perspectives. It establishes routes to empirically utilize Industry 4.0 standards for manufacturing companies. The book can be used as a reference for professionals/engineers, researchers, and students.

Industry 4.0: Selected Papers from the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)

by Luis R. Izquierdo José Ignacio Santos Juan José Lavios Virginia Ahedo

This book is a compilation of some of the best papers presented at the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management in 2021. The Conference was promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización), organized by the University of Burgos, and it took place online on July 8 and 9, 2021.The book highlights some of the latest research advances and cutting-edge analyses of real-world case studies on industrial engineering and industrial management from a wide range of international contexts. It also identifies business applications and the latest findings and innovations in operations management and decision sciences.Industry 4.0: The Power of Data will help academic researchers and practitioners in industrial engineering and industrial management to keep abreast of state-of-the-art developments in these subjects.

Industry 4.0: Developments towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Kaushik Kumar Divya Zindani J. Paulo Davim

This book provides an overview of the burgeoning next generation of industry- Industry 4.0, which promises to increase flexibility in manufacturing in tandem with mass communication, improved productivity and better quality. This volume provides a comprehensive and holistic overview of intelligent manufacturing, process planning, assessment of product development opportunities, aspects of risk management, education and qualification requirements, socio-technical considerations and the sustainability of business models. This volume will be of interest to engineers, entrepreneurs, academics and students working in these fields.

Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Management and Engineering (Manufacturing Design and Technology)

by Carolina Machado J. Paulo Davim

Industry 4.0 is a challenge for today’s businesses. It’s a concept that encompasses the technological innovations of automation, control, and information technology, as it’s applied to manufacturing processes. It’s a new topic that recently emerged in academia and industry, with few books that target both management and engineering. This book will cover the new advances and the way to manage competitive organizations. The chapters will include terms of theory, evidence, and/or methodology, and significantly advance social scientific research. This book: Focuses on the latest and most recent research findings occurring on the topic of Industry 4.0 Presents the ways companies around the world are facing today's technological challenges Assists researchers and practitioners in selecting the correct options and strategies to manage competitive organizations Provides recent advances in international studies Encompasses the main technological innovations in the fields of automation, control, and information technology applied to the manufacturing processes Industry 4.0: Challenges, Trends, and Solutions in Manangment and Engineering is designed to increase the knowledge and effectiveness of all managers and engineers in all organizations and activity sectors Carolina Machado has been teaching in the Human Resources Management subjects since 1989 at University of Minho, Portugal. She has been an associate professor since 2004, with experience and research interest areas in the field of Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management in SMEs, Training and Development, Emotional Intelligence, Management Change, Knowledge Management, and Management/HRM in the Digital Age. She is head of the Department of Management and head of the Human Resources Management Work Group at University of Minho, as well as chief editor of the International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE). J. Paulo Davim is a professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He has more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering, with special emphasis in Machining & Tribology. He has also interest in Management, Engineering Education, and Higher Education for Sustainability. He has worked as evaluator of projects for ERC (European Research Council) and other international research agencies.

Industry 4.0: Industrial Revolution of the 21st Century (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #169)

by Elena G. Popkova Yulia V. Ragulina Aleksei V. Bogoviz

This book addresses a wide range of issues relating to the theoretical substantiation of the necessity of Industry 4.0, the development of the methodological tools for its analysis and evaluation, and practical solutions for effectively managing this process. It particularly focuses on solving the problem of optimizing the development of Industry 4.0 in the context of knowledge economy formation. The book presents the authors’ approach to studying the process of Industry 4.0 formation in connection with knowledge economy, and approach that allows the process to be studied in connection with the existing socio-economic and technological conditions. As a result, the conclusions and recommendations could be applied to modern economic systems and do not require any further elaboration. The presented research is based on modern economic theory scientific and methodological tools, including the tools of the theory of economic cycles, the theory of games, and the institutional economic theory. Raising awareness of the problem of Industry 4.0 formation, the book is of interest to a wide audience, including not only specialists and experts with a detailed knowledge of the topic, but also scholars, lecturers, and undergraduates of various fields of economics.

Industry 4.0: Concepts, Processes and Systems

by Ravi Kant and Hema Gurung

This book presents a comprehensive discussion of the recent advances in Industry 4.0, manufacturing processes, and intelligent techniques. It will serve as an ideal reference text for graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and production engineering. This text introduces Industry 4.0, its evolution, and essential pillars of Industry 4.0 including calibration, metrology, quality control, robotics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. It comprehensively covers important topics including the cold spray technique for additive manufacturing, tool condition monitoring, robotic manipulators, metrology, quality control, and the Internet of Things in Industry 4.0. The book: Discusses additive manufacturing and applications of lasers in advanced manufacturing Covers sensors, actuators, and calibration techniques for next-generation industries Emphasizes the recycling of materials for sustainable manufacturing Explores latest advances in the Internet of Things, robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in view of Industry 4.0 Provides a conceptual framework of Industry 4.0 with the help of applications and case studies The text is primarily written for graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of manufacturing engineering, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, and production engineering.

Industry 4.0 – Shaping The Future of The Digital World: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M 2019), 9–11 April 2019, Manchester, UK

by Paulo Jorge da Silva Bartolo

The City of Manchester, once the birthplace of the 1st Industrial Revolution, is today a pioneering hub of the 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), offering Industry 4.0 solutions in advanced materials, engineering, healthcare and social sciences. Indeed, the creation of some of the city’s greatest academic institutions was a direct outcome of the industrial revolution, so it was something of a homecoming that the Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M) Conference was hosted by The University of Manchester in 2019. The conference was jointly organised by The University of Manchester, The University of Lisbon and The Polytechnic of Leiria – the latter two bringing in a wealth of expertise in how Industry 4.0 manifests itself in the context of sustainably evolving, deeply-rooted cities. S2M-2019 instigated the development of 61 papers selected for publication in this book on areas of Smart Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing and Virtual Prototyping, Materials for Healthcare Applications and Circular Economy, Design Education, and Urban Spaces.

Industry 4.0, AI, and Data Science: Research Trends and Challenges (Demystifying Technologies for Computational Excellence)

by Vikram Bali

The aim of this book is to provide insight into Data Science and Artificial Learning Techniques based on Industry 4.0, conveys how Machine Learning & Data Science are becoming an essential part of industrial and academic research. Varying from healthcare to social networking and everywhere hybrid models for Data Science, Al, and Machine Learning are being used. The book describes different theoretical and practical aspects and highlights how new systems are being developed. Along with focusing on the research trends, challenges and future of AI in Data Science, the book explores the potential for integration of advanced AI algorithms, addresses the challenges of Data Science for Industry 4.0, covers different security issues, includes qualitative and quantitative research, and offers case studies with working models. This book also provides an overview of AI and Data Science algorithms for readers who do not have a strong mathematical background. Undergraduates, postgraduates, academicians, researchers, and industry professionals will benefit from this book and use it as a guide.

Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: Proceedings of I-4AM 2019 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Amaresh Chakrabarti Manish Arora

This book presents selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and includes deliberations from stakeholders in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 on the nature, needs, challenges, opportunities, problems, and solutions in these transformational areas. Special emphasis is placed on exploring avenues for creating a vision of, and enablers for, sustainable, affordable, and human-centric Industry 4.0. The book showcases cutting edge practice, research, and educational innovation in this crucial and rapidly evolving area. This book will be useful to researchers in academia and industry, and will also be useful to policymakers involved in creating ecosystems for implementation of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: Proceedings of I-4AM 2022 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Amaresh Chakrabarti Satyam Suwas Manish Arora

This book presents selected papers from the 2nd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and includes deliberations from stakeholders in manufacturing and Industry 4.0 on the nature, needs, challenges, opportunities, problems, and solutions in these transformational areas. Special emphasis is placed on exploring avenues for creating a vision of, and enablers for, sustainable, affordable, and human-centric Industry 4.0. The book showcases cutting edge practice, research, and educational innovation in this crucial and rapidly evolving area. This book will be useful to researchers in academia and industry, and will also be useful to policymakers involved in creating ecosystems for implementation of Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 and Climate Change (Science, Technology, and Management)

by Rajeev Agrawal J. Paulo Davim Maria L.R. Varela Monica Sharma

At present, both Industry 4.0 and industrial engineering management developments are reshaping the industrial sector worldwide. Industry 4.0 and sustainability are considered as the crucial emerging trends in industrial production systems. The resulting transformations are changing production modes from traditional to digital, intelligent, and decentralized. It is expected that Industry 4.0 will help drive sustainability in industries thanks to the implementation of advanced technology and a move towards social sustainability. This book reflects on the consequences of the transition to Industry 4.0 for climate change. The book presents a systemic overview of the current negative impacts of digitization on the environment and showcases a new outline of the energy domain and expected changes in environmental pollution levels under Industry 4.0. It also analyzes the ecological consequences of the growth and development of Industry 4.0 and considers Industry 4.0 as an alternative to fighting climate change, in the sense of shifting the global community’s attention from environmental protection to consolidation of the digital economy. This book will be of interest to academicians and practitioners in the fields of climate change and development of Industry 4.0, and it will contribute to national economic policies for fighting climate change and corporate strategies of sustainable development under Industry 4.0.

Industry 4.0 and Healthcare: Impact of Artificial Intelligence (Advanced Technologies and Societal Change)

by Ashish Mishra Jerry Chun-Wei Lin

This book presents different stages of Industrial Revolution in artificial intelligence and its impact on industry 4.0 and Healthcare. It contains chapters prepared for the industrial landscape which is being transformed to the fourth stage with the rise of autonomous robots, contemporary automation, cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, and the Internet of services for examining the circumstances of health care system for the future. It highlights the emerging trends in integration of different intelligent manufacturing systems and advanced information technologies. Additionally, understanding of the real-world issues using artificial intelligence and the solutions discussed in this book help the enormous numbers of techniques which can be applied for effective diagnosis and predicting diseases from health care data.

Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering)

by Dean Stroud Antonius Johannes Schröder Luca Antonazzo Clara Behrend Valentina Colla Aitor Goti Martin Weinel

This open access book gathers original contributions focused on the transition of the European steel industry to Industry 4.0. It not only investigates how Industry 4.0 can enhance productivity, cost-saving, and sustainability in the steel industry but also helps to comprehend its broad consequences on employment, education and training, human resources, economic resilience and decarbonisation. The content engages with the international debate on Industry 4.0 through the lens of the steel industry from a multidisciplinary perspective. It encourages a scientifically grounded critical approach and includes contributions from humanities and technical disciplines, with a focus on the social dimensions of the phenomenon. This book draws strength from up-to-date international research projects and adopts a strong industry-based perspective, providing a thorough description and analysis of the state of the art of the European steel industry. It also analyzes the trends, outcomes, opportunities, and criticalities arising with the transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The book is primarily based on the results of the European Steel Skills Agenda (ESSA) skills alliance project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and supported by the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP). This is an open access book.

Industry 4.0 Challenges in Smart Cities (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Dagmar Cagáňová Natália Horňáková

This book discusses the next level of innovative technologies influencing sectors in industry and their future in industrial, urban and sustainable development. The authors provide a platform for a discussion of a synergy of ideas within smart industrial innovations, approaching them from various points of view. These include industry and management 4.0, the expansion of new business models, smart technologies identifying global challenges, and other new trends and opportunities. New managerial ideas, innovations, and technologies for advances in mobility are highlighted together from a multidisciplinary perspective. This book is relevant to researchers, graduate students and those who are interested in Smart Cities.Discusses unique angles in the fields of Industrial ManagementLinks various global challenges in Industry 4.0, IoT, and Smart City applications by analysing results in practice

Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT: The Hype Around the World of Automation

by Wolfgang Babel

The book gives an overview about automation technology over the last 50 years, based on my own experiences. It is a good summery for automation since 1970 for all who want to know about the context of automation developments and their standards. It is a fundamental summery and enables the reader to get experience in the complex field of automation.In detail the question is arised, whether Industry 4.0, China 2025, IoT, AI are a revolution or more an evolution of timewise established availbale technologies in HW, SW and algorithms. Is the hype about Industry 4.0 justified or not?In that context a timelline since 1970 ist shown for AI, ANN, essential milestones in automation, e.g OSI-model, automation pyramid, standards for bus systems, main SW-languages, robots, AI, ANN, pattern recognittion, Ethernet, the 12 most important international field busses, their main features and characterisitcs, foundation of committees, harmonization and standardization efforts, OPC UA and cloud computing, field devices, PLCs, SCADA, MES, ERP and automation history. All that history is seen in the context of µ-controller, DSP (Digital signal processor), FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays), ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) , Chip on Board. It is include the HW-history, from Intel 8080 to octuple multicore processors. In the same way it is shown the history of field device out from laboratory into the field with all difficulties and benefits of that transition. The issues are summerized in a pyramid of complexity. Requirements for robustness and safety are shown for field devices. In the same way it is shown the development of mainframes, workstations and PC’s. SAP a leading ERP System is explained in mor detail. Specially it is figured out how SAP works and what has to be considered in working with such kind of system. The differences between MES- and ERP-systems are discussed, specially also for future combined SAP/MES systems. Explained are the problems of middlesized companies (SMEs) in dealing with Industry 4.0 and automation. Further examples are given and discussed for automized quality control in automotvie, PCB-handling, CIGS (Solar cell)-production. Also shown is the upgrade for older products and make them ready for automation standards. In detail the history oft he modern robotics is shown for the automotive industry. In summery also is figured out the Industry 5.0 which is just coming up more and more.

Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment: Methodologies, Technologies and Skills (Structural Integrity #20)

by Marzia Bolpagni Rui Gavina Diogo Ribeiro

This book discusses how the role of traditional construction professional is changing, providing a useful guide for practitioners who would like to upskill themselves. Lately, core concepts and methodologies for the Built Environment are presented providing definitions and applications on Building Information Modelling, Computational Design, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics and Visualization, Lean Construction, Advanced Project Management, Sustainability, Geographical Information Systems, Advanced Business Models, Disaster Management, Quality Management, Health and Safety and Legal prospective. The book also shows the latest technologies for the Built Environment including Digital Twins, Reality Capture, Extended Reality, Gamification, Computational Construction and Manufacturing, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Transaction and Cybersecurity. Trends in soft skills for the Built Environment are presented covering Digital Working, Communication, Self and Relationship Management skills and Critical thinking. The book is dedicated to professionals who would like to enhance their understanding and capabilities to operate in the Industry 4.0 for the Built Environment having a holistic and comprehensive overview.

Industry 4.0 in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions

by Ketan Kotecha, Satish Kumar, Arunkumar Bongale, and R. Suresh

Focusing on the broader areas of Industry 4.0 as it applies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), this book offers a smooth adoption of techniques and technologies and presents advances, challenges, and opportunities for implementation. It will also enhance the role of academia by training new engineers on Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. Industry 4.0 in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions presents concepts of predictive maintenance, digital factory, digital twin, additive manufacturing, and machining for sustainable development. It discusses the challenges faced by adopting Industry 4.0 including new security and privacy measures in the whole smart manufacturing setup while also explaining the impact of Industry 4.0 on Lean production systems. Implementation recommendations in the form of case studies, research studies, and the role academia can play are also provided. Practitioners, research scholars, academicians, and those studying or working in the Industry 4.0 sector will find this book of interest.

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