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Showing 29,726 through 29,750 of 62,342 results

The Information Trade: How Big Tech Conquers Countries, Challenges Our Rights, and Transforms Our World

by Alexis Wichowski

"A timely, compelling, and expertly researched passport to the tech companies that rule today's digital landscape."—Blake Harris, bestselling author of Console Wars and The History of the Future.In this provocative book about our new tech-based reality, political insider and tech expert Alexis Wichowski considers the unchecked rise of tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla—what she calls “net states”— and their unavoidable influence in our lives. Rivaling nation states in power and capital, today’s net states are reaching into our physical world, inserting digital services into our lived environments in ways both unseen and, at times, unknown to us. They are transforming the way the world works, putting our rights up for grabs, from personal privacy to national security. Combining original reporting and insights drawn from more than 100 interviews with technology and government insiders, including Microsoft president Brad Smith, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the former Federal Trade Commission chair under President Obama, and the managing director of Jigsaw—Google’s Department of Counter-terrorism against extremism and cyber-attacks—The Information Trade explores what happens we give up our personal freedom and individual autonomy in exchange for an easy, plugged-in existence, and shows what we can do to control our relationship with net states before they irreversibly change our future.

Informational Limits in Optical Polarimetry and Vectorial Imaging

by Matthew R. Foreman

Central to this thesis is the characterisation and exploitation of electromagnetic properties of light in imaging and measurement systems. To this end an information theoretic approach is used to formulate a hitherto lacking, quantitative definition of polarisation resolution, and to establish fundamental precision limits in electromagnetic systems. Furthermore rigorous modelling tools are developed for propagation of arbitrary electromagnetic fields, including for example stochastic fields exhibiting properties such as partial polarisation, through high numerical aperture optics. Finally these ideas are applied to the development, characterisation and optimisation of a number of topical optical systems: polarisation imaging; multiplexed optical data storage; and single molecule measurements. The work has implications for all optical imaging systems where polarisation of light is of concern.

Informationstechnologie für Ingenieure

by Torsten Gilz Martin Eigner Fabrice Mogo Nem Florian Gerhardt

Technische Produkte sind heute komplexe Systeme, die von mehreren Ingenieurdisziplinen gemeinsam entwickelt werden. Deshalb gehört die Informationstechnologie zum Ausbildungscurriculum von Ingenieuren. In dem Buch werden technische Anwendungssysteme für die Entwicklung (Computer Aided Design), die Berechnung und Simulation (Computer Aided Engineering), die Administration (Product Lifecycle Management) und die Visualisierung vorgestellt. Auch der mechatronische Produktentwicklungsprozess und die Softwareerstellung werden detailliert erläutert.

Informatorische Assistenzsysteme in der variantenreichen Montage: Theorie und Praxis

by Manfred Bornewasser Sven Hinrichsen

In diesem Buch werden die Herausforderungen bei der Einführung von informatorischen Assistenzsystemen in der Montage erörtert und umfangreiche Gestaltungsempfehlungen vermittelt.Die industrielle Montage ist in Deutschland nach wie vor von hoher volkswirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. In der Industrie existieren zehntausende Montagearbeitsplätze. Diese verändern sich. Infolge hoher Wettbewerbsintensität und Innovationsdynamik entstehen immer mehr Produktvarianten, die zu einer Zunahme der Komplexität der Montagearbeit beitragen. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, wie mit dieser gestiegenen Komplexität umzugehen und wie diese seitens der Beschäftigten zu bewältigen ist, ohne dass es zu Überbeanspruchungen und einem Verfehlen von Produktivitätszielen kommt. Während Montage bislang vornehmlich als energetische Arbeit begriffen wurde, rücken künftig die kognitiven Anteile der Montagearbeit in den Vordergrund. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt dem Komplexitäts- und Informationsmanagement eine entscheidende Rolle zu: Während früher Strategien des Vereinfachens, z. B. durch fortschreitende Arbeitsteilung, im Vordergrund standen, gewinnen heute Strategien des Beherrschens der Komplexität an Bedeutung. Im Zentrum dieses Paradigmenwechsels stehen informatorische Assistenz­systeme, die den Beschäftigten im Montageprozess mit Informationsangeboten unter­stützen und so die wachsende Komplexität sicher beherrschbar machen.

Informing Water Policies in South Asia

by Anjal Prakash Chanda Gurung Goodrich Sreoshi Singh

This book analyzes water policies in South Asia from the perspective of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). It seeks to address the problems of water scarcity, conflict and pollution resulting from the gross mismanagement and over-exploitation of this finite resource. Highlighting the need for IWRM in mitigating abuse and ensuring sustainable use, it discusses issues relating to groundwater management; inter-state water conflicts; peri-urban water use; local traditional water management practices; coordination between water users and uses; and water integration at the grassroots level. With case studies from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal, the innovative, painstaking and transnational researches presented in the volume deal with questions of equity, gender, sustainability, and democratic governance in water policy interventions. It will interest researchers and students of development studies, environmental studies, natural resource management, water governance, and public administration, as also water sector professionals, policymakers, civil society activists and governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

Infotech English for Computer Users

by Santiago Remacha Esteras

Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers. A focus on terminology is combined with vocabulary and grammar practice to give students the tools to use English in areas such as describing features and functions, applying for jobs and discussing the world of ICT. The Student's Book contains 30 topic-based units covering everything from computer essentials through to programming, web design, job-hunting, and future technologies.

Infrared Methodology and Technology

by Xavier P.V. Maldaque

Focuses on the growth and potential uses of infrared thermography as a nondestructive testing and monitoring technique. Part 1 of this monograph is an introduction to current infrared NDT theory and technology; Part 2 describes the wide range of infrared NDT and monitoring applications.

Infrared Observation of Earth's Atmosphere

by Hervé Herbin Philippe Dubuisson

This book is designed to provide the theoretical, but most of all, the practical bases needed for the achievement of atmospheric composition analyses from infrared remote sensing.

Infrared Radiative Cooling and Its Applications (Energy and Environment Research in China)

by Zhiyu Hu Erzhen Mu

This book systematically introduces the physical basis and theory of infrared radiation and the application of radiative cooling. It covers the geographical release of infrared radiation, infrared radiation material system, and preparation technology, infrared radiative cooling measurement and applications, the micro–nano-processing technology, the latest technology of radiative cooling and passive power generation, and the design of future application scenarios. The main content includes the current world energy application status and the development, research, and application status of radiative cooling technology, as well as the principle of radiative cooling technology, the research and application of different radiative cooling materials, the processing technology of radiative cooling devices, the development of radiative cooling technology, and other energy technologies. This book is used as reference for researchers and engineers who work in the fields of radiative cooling.

Infrared Receptors and the Trigeminal Sensory System: A Collection of Papers by S. Terashima, R.C. Goris et al.

by Ph. D. And Richard C. Goris Shin-Ich Terashima

Since the early 1950s, work has been undertaken on the infrared sensory organs of snakes by a handful of investigators around the world. Despite progress in uncovering the morphological, physiological and behavioral functions of these organs, study was discontinued by most of these workers. Not the least of the reasons was the fact that the infrared organs are possessed either by highly venomous snakes, the pit vipers, or by equally dangerous snakes because of their size, the pythons and boas.Only Drs Shin-ichi Terashima, MD, Ph.D. and Richard C. Goris, Ph.D. have continued to work actively on these sensory organs, their work spanning the 30 years from 1967 to the present. A first collection of their works, Infrared Sensory System, was published by the university of the Ryukyus in 1987. The present volume presents the papers by Terashima, Goris and their colleagues from 1987 to the present. Much new light is shed on the physiology and morphology of these organs, which can truly be said to be infrared 'eyes' whose input is integrated with that from the eyes. This volume will be of considerable interest to all those interested in infrared detection of any kind, whether in nature or in its multifarious industrial applications.

Infrared Spectroscopy of Minerals and Related Compounds (Springer Mineralogy)

by Nikita V. Chukanov Alexandr D. Chervonnyi

This book provides an overview of the application of IR spectroscopy in mineralogical investigations, as well as modern trends in the IR spectroscopy of minerals. It includes the most important methodological aspects; characteristic IR bands of different chemical groups and coordination polyhedra; application of IR spectroscopy to the investigation of the crystal chemistry of amphiboles, phyllosilicates, tourmalines etc.; neutral molecules entrapped by microporous minerals; and analysis of hydrogen in nominally anhydrous minerals. About 1600 IR spectra (illustrations as well as a list of wavenumbers) of minerals and some related compounds are accompanied by detailed descriptions of the standard samples used. Each spectrum provides information about the occurrence, appearance, associated minerals, its empirical formula, and unit-cell parameters. The book also provides insights into sample preparation and/or spectrum registration methods. It includes IR spectra of 1020 minerals that were not covered in the book “Infrared spectra of mineral species: Extended library” published in 2014 and written by one of the authors. On average, each page provides information on two minerals/compounds. Subsections correspond to different classes of compounds (silicates, phosphates, arsenates, oxides etc.). About 290 new spectra have been obtained, and the remaining 1310 spectra are taken from most reliable literature sources (published over the last 60 years) and are redrawn in a unified style.

Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Spindles for Space Observation 1

by Pierre-Richard Dahoo Azzedine Lakhlifi

This book is dedicated to the description and application of various different theoretical models to identify the near and mid-infrared spectra of symmetric and spherical top molecules in their gaseous form. Theoretical models based on the use of group theory are applied to rigid and non-rigid molecules, characterized by the phenomenon of tunneling and large amplitude motions. The calculation of vibration-rotation energy levels and the analysis of infrared transitions are applied to molecules of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4). The applications show how interactions at the molecular scale modify the near and mid-infrared spectra of isolated molecules, under the influence of the pressure of a nano-cage (the substitution site of a rare gas matrix, clathrate, fullerene or zeolite) or a surface, and allow us to identify the characteristics of the perturbing environment. This book provides valuable support for teachers and researchers but is also intended for engineering students, working research engineers and Master's and doctorate students.

Infrared Technology Fundamentals

by Monroe Schlessinger

This work provides a basic understanding of the physical background and engineering considerations required for the design of IR systems, examining all components and combining them into examples of current surveillance systems. This second edition presents: new coverage of state-of-the-art optical systems, including lightweight mirrors and adaptiv

Infrared Thermographic NDT-based Damage Detection and Analysis Method for Spacecraft

by Chun Yin Xuegang Huang Xutong Tan Junyang Liu

The book focuses on infrared thermographic NDT systems and approaches. Both principles and engineering practice are covered, with more emphasis on the engineering practice of spacecraft damage detection and analysis. This is achieved by providing an in-depth study of several major topics such as infrared feature extraction, damage reconstruction, reconstructed image fusion, reconstructed image stitching, reconstructed image segmentation, defect positioning, defect edge detection and quantitative calculation. A number of application cases are discussed in detail, including impact damage to single-layer and multi-layer protective configurations, simple impact damage, and complex multi-type impact damage. The comprehensive and systematic treatment of practical problems in infrared detection and spacecraft damage identification is one of the main features of this book, which is particularly suitable for those interested in learning practical solutions in infrared detection technology. This book can benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of aerospace design and manufacturing, spacecraft environmental engineering, and non-destructive testing technology, etc.

Infrared Thermography and Thermal Nondestructive Testing

by Vladimir Vavilov Douglas Burleigh

This is the first book summarizing the theoretical basics of thermal nondestructive testing (TNDT) by combining elements of heat conduction, infrared thermography, and industrial nondestructive testing. The text contains the physical models of TNDT, heat transfer in defective and sound structures, and thermal properties of materials. Also included are the optimization of TNDT procedures, defect characterization, data processing in TNDT, active and passive TNDT systems, as well as elements of statistical data treatment and decision making.This text contains in-depth descriptions of applications in infrared/thermal testing within aerospace, power production, building, as well as the conservation of artistic monuments The book is intended for the industrial specialists who are involved in technical diagnostics and nondestructive testing. It may also be useful for academic researchers, undergraduate, graduate and PhD university students.

Infrared Thermography for Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics

by Tommaso Astarita Giovanni Maria Carlomagno

Infrared thermography is a measurement technique that enables to obtain non intrusive measurements of surface temperatures. One of the interesting features of this technique is its ability to measure a full two dimensional map of the surface temperature and for this reason it has been widely used as a flow visualization technique. Since the temperature measurements can be extremely accurate it is possible, by using a heat flux sensor, also to measure convective heat transfer coefficient distributions on a surface making the technique de facto quantitative. This book, starting from the basic theory of infrared thermography and heat flux sensor guides, both the experienced researcher and the young student, in the correct application of this powerful technique to various practical problems. A significant number of examples and applications are also examined in detail.

Infrarot-Kameras: Grundlagen, Technologien und Systeme

by Arnulf Wallrabe Maurus Tacke Reinhard Ebert

In vielen Bereichen der kommerziellen Technik, und ganz besonders in der Wehrtechnik, gewinnt die Infrarot-Sensorik an Bedeutung. Für die Nachtsichttechnik kann man sich zwei verschiedene Prinzipien zunutze machen: 1. Bildverstärkergeräte, die darauf beruhen, dass häufig nachts eine geringe Resthelligkeit vorhanden ist; 2. Wärmebildgeräte nutzen dagegen die von jedem Körper naturgesetzlich im Infraroten ausgesendete Wärmestrahlung, die ohne jegliche Beleuchtung auskommt. Dieses Buch ist für alle geschrieben, die sich in das noch relativ junge Gebiet der Wärmebildtechnik einarbeiten, wobei es sowohl für Anwender von Wärmebildgeräten als auch für Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure, die sich über diese Technik informieren oder selbst auf diesem Gebiet arbeiten wollen, von Nutzen ist. Es folgen technische Realisierungen, Konzepte und Konstruktionen von Geräten. Nutzen daran hat auch der Offizier an nachtsichtfähigen Waffensystemen. Es ist zur Zeit das einzige deutschsprachige Buch zum Thema Höchstleistungs-Wärmebildgeräte.

Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies

by Alain Hauchecorne Alexis Le Pichon Elisabeth Blanc

The infrasound field, the science of low-frequency acoustic waves, has developed into a broad interdisciplinary field encompassing academic disciplines of physics and recent technical and scientific developments. In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), prohibiting atmospheric nuclear explosions worldwide. The infrasound network of the International Monitoring Network (IMS) of the CTBT-Organization has demonstrated its capability for detecting and locating infrasonic sources such as meteorites, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, auroras, mountain associated waves... Nearly 70% of the global network is now operational and regional cluster arrays are deployed around the globe. Systematic investigations into low-frequency acoustic signals have evidenced an unprecedented potential of the monitoring of infrasonic waves permanently generated by natural and man-made events. Furthermore, recent studies point out new insights on quantitative relationships between observables and atmospheric specifications, and therefore opening new fields into the mathematics of geophysical inverse problems for atmospheric remote sensing. This volume reviews the most important areas of infrasound, with emphasis on the latest researches and applications, e.g. instrumentation, engineering, signal processing, source monitoring, propagation modeling, atmospheric dynamics, global changes, remote sensing methods. Researchers and students will benefit from a comprehensive content of infrasound related topics, where both fundamental and applied topics are discussed by authors from international institutions, all experts in their fields.

Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies

by Alexis Le Pichon Elisabeth Blanc Alain Hauchecorne

Since the publication of the first volume “Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies” published in 2010, significant advances were achieved in the fields of engineering, propagation modelling, and atmospheric remote sensing methods. The global infrasound network, which consists of the International Monitoring Network (IMS) for nuclear test ban verification completed by an increasing number of regional cluster arrays deployed around the globe, has evidenced an unprecedented potential for detecting, locating and characterizing various natural and man-made sources. In recent years, infrasound has evolved into a broad interdisciplinary field encompassing academic disciplines of geophysics and innovative technical and scientific developments. The advances in innovative ground-based instruments, including infrasound inversions for continuous observations of the stratosphere and mesosphere, provide useful insights into the geophysical source phenomenology and atmospheric processes involved. Systematic investigations into low-frequency infrasound signals and the development of complementary observational platforms point out new insights into the dynamics of the middle atmosphere which play a significant role in both tropospheric weather and climate. This monitoring system also provides continuous relevant information about natural hazards with high societal benefits, like on-going volcanic eruptions, surface earthquakes, meteorites or severe weather. With this new edition, researchers and students benefit from a comprehensive content of both fundamental and applied inter-disciplinary topics.

Infrastructure and Built Environment for Sustainable and Resilient Societies: Proceedings of IBSR 2023 (Sustainable Civil Infrastructures)

by Arkopal Kishore Goswami Bharath Haridas Aithal Swati Maitra Ankhi Banerjee

This book presents the select proceedings of the Annual Conference on "Infrastructure and Built Environment: Towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies" (IBSR 2023). It covers the latest research and technologies in the area of smart and sustainable built environment for inclusive societies. Various topics covered in this volume are multimodal urban transport, spatial informatics in urban planning, urban morphology, sustainable transport infrastructure development and many more. This book will be useful for researchers and professionals working in the fields of urban mobility, affordable housing, road infrastructure, and spatial informatics.

Infrastructure and Environment

by Anna Krakowiak-Bal Magdalena Vaverkova

This book constitutes the 25th International Conference on Infrastructure and Environment (infraeco 2018) that focuses on rural problems connected with infrastructural equipment.In general, infrastructure issues are dedicated to urban areas while rural topics are linked to agriculture so this conference bridges these two aspects. It also explores ways to manage and separate conflicts between different and important needs of inhabitants, the environment, and other spatial users.The conference provides a forum for much needed cooperation between various scientific disciplines regarding these multidisciplinary problems and issues; hence, Infraeco 2018 draws together engineers, planners, consultants, land developers, and academics from across all disciplines of highway planning, design, operations, and engineering to presents effective practices and share current research results.

Infrastructure and Safety in a Collaborative World

by Evangelos Bekiaris Evangelia Gaitanidou Marion Wiethoff

The book investigates how, and which, forgiving road environments (FOR) and self-explaining road measures (SER) will contribute to increasing road safety and also increase network efficiency on the road. It presents both the general approach and the methodology for generating the possible FOR and SER measures. The book further discusses the prioritization and the testing methodologies, as well as the designing VMS methodology. The next parts of the book present a few important examples: lane departure warning systems; intelligent speed adaptation systems and perception enhancement studies; designs of European pictorial signs, e.g. for VMS but also examples of designs of European road wordings; and finally how personalization can take place of VMS signs and wordings for the individual driver. The last part shows the final evaluation of FOR and SER, and detailed Multiple Criterion Analysis and Cost Benefit Analyses are performed on a number of FOR and SER measures. This results in the development of a set of guidelines, conclusions and recommendations for the future.

Infrastructure as Business: The Role of Private Investment Capital

by James McKellar

Infrastructure as Business brings new emphasis and clarity to the importance of private investment capital in large-scale infrastructure projects, introducing investors, policymakers, and other stakeholders to a key element that is surprisingly absent from the discourse on public-private partnerships. Despite the importance of modernizing infrastructure across the globe, governments often face challenges in securing the necessary capital to meet future need, as well as developing policy to meet these goals. Explaining the structure of the private investment universe and flow of private capital in such projects, this book ambitiously aims to bridge this "infrastructure gap" by elucidating shared terminology, conceptual frameworks, and an alignment of goals and objectives between public and private sectors—essential to meet increasing environmental, social, and governmental requirements for infrastructure in coming years. Appropriate for graduate-level courses in real estate, public policy, and urban planning that focus on infrastructure, project finance, and procurement and delivery models such as PPPs. Provides a clear understanding of private investment and PPPs to the investment community as well as professionals in real estate, project finance, and related fields, who often learn mostly on-the-job and from colleagues. Equips government officials and policymakers with key terms and concepts needed to "sit across the table" with private financers and explore opportunities for private capital investment in early project stages. Outlines communication strategies for both public and private sectors, which will increasingly need to collaborate to address climate change, respond to new technologies, and develop efficient ways to deliver services. Written to engage academic, private investment, and public policy/governance audiences alike, Infrastructure as Business: The Role of Private Investment Capital invites discussion and opens doors to advancing new business models, with international applications, to offer increased value for private investors as well as more efficient, flexible funding for innovative infrastructure development in the future.

Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Applications

by Lina Bertling Tjernberg

Infrastructure Asset Management with Power System Applications is about infrastructure asset management, which can be expressed as the combination of management, financial, economic, and engineering, applied to physical assets with the objective of providing the required level of service in the most cost-effective manner. It includes management of the whole lifecycle of a physical asset from design, construction, commission, operation, maintenance, modification, decommissioning, and disposal. It covers budget issues and focuses on asset management of an infrastructure for energy—i.e., the electric power system. Features Offers a comprehensive reference book providing definitions, terminology, and basic theories as well as a comprehensive set of examples from a wide range of applications for the electric power system and its components. Spans a wide range of applications for the electric power system area, including real data and pictures. Contains results from recently published research and application studies. Includes a wide range of application examples for the electric power systems area from hydro, nuclear, and wind, plus shows future trends. Contributes to the overall goals of developing a sustainable energy system by providing methods and tools for a resource efficient use of physical assets in the electric power system area.

Infrastructure Delivery Systems: Governance and Implementation Issues (Management in the Built Environment)

by Bankole Osita Awuzie Peter McDermott

This book provides a framework for governing policy implementation by various stakeholders during the delivery of infrastructure projects. This framework relies on the tenets of the Viable Systems Model (VSM), a systems cybernetic model that enjoys a high level of acceptance in organizational analysis. The book presents a step-by-step guide for the multi-level governance of implementation during project delivery. Although the book focuses on the context of local content development policy and construction projects (infrastructure), it is presented in a manner that allows it to be adapted to other policies and sectors. The book includes a step-by-step methodology for assessing policy implementation in project or policy delivery systems. In addition, it shares insights into the probable challenges faced by the actors within the delivery system in achieving optimal implementation performance. Critical success factors are also highlighted, and illustrative diagrams of the framework are provided to facilitate understanding. The book is logically structured and presented in a straightforward manner. Also, the transposition of the VSM from a conventional organizational context to a multi-organizational context will appeal to readers with a background in systems thinking, monitoring or evaluation.

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